PLASTIC SLATE, roR IR O O IF. I 1ST Gr AND OTHER PURPOSES. Th? rrocejs ct rtcnn.treriinij Slate Stone from a d.sintcirrated state was PATENTED FEB. 21st. 1S65. II is a combination of Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the flatter porinit onilitirs of Reoloaical snd chemical affinity for the formei.) and is a de velopment of one of the simpi"" bat ucal trb!e tendencies ofnstu.-e. AS A HOOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS UNRIVALLED. Amf it sdnr's St'elf to every thapc and uli pi. Xon-conibuilihle, impervious, noii-cxpanMve and undes-.yin$r. Frost cs sot Crack nor rteat Dissolve it. Cia ocly R j.fln.j Material ever"di?covered that will resist the notion of the eUmenUa Ii uJ.ij the structure it prof rts. l! ins sts ceptibleof little if any wear from exposure and PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, Iris nmqualled as a cnatlnfr fr railroad' and film buuaings, Driuges, owiomi ti Ttci, aui, 1,'aU. ials for sals by ALFRED OSBORN3 Sole Licensee foj Nebraska, Douglas St. - - Omalia, Neb my 1 ly Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, CaaJera t Cold Dust. Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U. S. and other Stocks- DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and Epecial attention given to Collections PIiATTSMOUTH, N. T. p0 dwtf Apothecaries Hall. REED,WIIITIXGER & Co. No. 135 Main St., EEBRASKA CITY, . . NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDIiNES. Paints Oils, Putty : .Glas3 Patent Medicines of all kinds, tarticles. sta tionery, and everything kept in -.rst-class Drug Store, at Eastern priccu. Jtm We are prepared to fill aU'orders, and warrant oar goods to be fresh, apr. 10 'CO D- 15. Iflc.HECIIAIV. . Dea'er in Hardware, Cutlery 1ROJY, JW1ILS, STOVES 1YD TLXWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Agrnt for the Sale of the Celebrated MAG KB COOK &TOVES, ASD BR ASCII, CROOKS & CO .6 SA H o. SIGN OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Bflow the.Seymonr nouse, on opposite side. Nfc.BR.ASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct25 Win. II- Licinkc, rflERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. iert7 165 tf HARDING G0M POST OFFICE BCILDINO NEBRASKA CITY, - N. T 'JTHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS A5D STATIONERY Alra AfrnLs for alt the principal MA GAZIXES and NEW SPAPERS, :Foiwbich Sabscrlptions are received at Publisher Prices. WAGONS ! j.n. porter & co;-: Are agent in this city lor the sale of .thelcelebrated "South Bend Wagons," Made by Stmlebaker Bros. They hav on band a good assortment, which will be replenished as fast needed. They propose to tell at the very lowest dguiee. Plattsmoatb, March 26. tf FARM For SALE CHEAP. The welt known farm of S. II. Cnnimins, situate two miles west of riattt-moulh, on the Denver road, with tbe timber thereto, Is ftrale very cheap. Apply to J. C. CL'MMIN's. on the adjoining farm !; lots 7 and , blocks, in Piattamoctb. ng2t if GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE ijav mm kit 2 CHEAPER THAN E. A. WICGEXIIOBN E. A. WIGGBNHORN & CO., At the New York Ca4i Store, ofiVr tc Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HATS AND CAPS. UOOIS AND SHOES. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Wo niux i,l,iw iH nri-p nf a fiv .. fe.. V.. - , -- same low rates: The best Prints (Alerrimac & Cochecos) inc'uded, 15c per yard. Prints for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. 23c per yard. Denims and Stripy! ShirtMig, J5c per yard. Bleached and Brown Musliu at Eastern prices. Slock of White rgc wondcrjidly Were Agents for the Best PLOWS .lllfl SEED LOWERS In il,a IVnrl.l The nAR'iFM R on hand at our store. Cash paid for ftSRemember the old corner. W. ll Picture Gallery. f-v; v Pictures taken of all Kinds. AmtJrotypes, Photographs, Gem Pictures, &c A good assortment of Cases Frame? Albums, &c, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Franro?j TDtde to or er, of any size PENICK & Cash Wholesale Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. JNOS- 3 8c 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- XWe are tbe Northwestern Wholesale Agents and can furnish their medicines tn any quantities. J0H.1 R. CLARK Clark Sk Pluminer, (Successors to Tootle, Hanna & Co.,) DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, FltATTSJIOlJTII, NEBRASKA. Heap on hand a full stock of all kinds of AGrRl C TJLT UK Ala MPLEMETS. Agents for the sale of Jackson, Michigan, F- M. DORRINGTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGENT, PLA TTSMO U TIT, XED., i'r sunt attention paid to the nnrcbase and sal of R tl Estate, and payment cf Taxes, and all business pjitaining to a general Laud Agency. Titles inves tigated. Refers by permission to HVu.E. S. Dundy, Judge !M Judicial I)ist.. Falls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Uurbank, Paymaster V. . A.. Leavenworth, Kansas: Hon. J. tl. Burbank, late Ass .cjor Nebraska, Falls tlty, Neb ; Hon. T. SI. M 1 "inert;, P'attsmootb.Neb., Col. It. U. Livineston. Iae ...ebraska 1st Vet- Vols., Plattinoutb, Neb.; M.Jjr D. H. Wheeler, L. S. Indian A Cent, Pawnee Agency; Cha's Nettleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Yoik; H irvey. Deitrich & Brown. Washington. 1. C : Tra-r, srajuire fc Co., Chicago, l;ls.; K. O Fitcb. Kocnes'er, N. v.. Pror. llenty Arling laie, "'Hartford Univerity,"X. V. oc25 Capt. D. LABOO & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very cbo'ce Selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, second door eat of Seymour House. - Ntbra.ka City, Nebraska Are just receiving a new slock of Genuine Old ourbon, direct from I'bcrboo coaoty, Ky., Bittes, Ofg are, t. n,,ig w THE CHEAPEST. D. SCIINASSE. the public the Largest anJ Lest selected artii lta and sell all o:her Goods at the and Colored Blankets at Low 1 rices. TY f :1 KHtK KIUW. Wheat and Corn. Plaitsmoutb, Jaoaary 2. 1S8. L. THOHAS' SatbNdeMainEt, vm. Lovixt., LOVING, Dealers for Dr. , Jujce k Son,"and Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co. Jan'x3 ly ELirivMusa. Groceries, Queensware, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Sash, fce. Wagons. W in. S(;ul( Iiiiaun & Co , One door west of Donclans Drug-store, Dealers in Ready-made m Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, IR USA'S, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; aiso, a larpe lot of RUBBER CLOTIUXG. REVOLV ERS JIjYD JfOTIOJS'S. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and exanuueour stock before yon buy any where elsel ivl Tift IV . BlOltt'l II 1 VV L fiA Wm. STADELMANN & CO. THOMAS C. CEESSHAW, . FACBSR OF iSD UEALEB 13 Saddles . and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CUR III E Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, t$-c. Maini Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T - n.t. -fit at- ifssi! THE Chicago Republican Daily. Tii - Weekly anti Weekly Editions. picosrccTLs von isgs. The Repu'dtca-J." after a pri"d of nnexarnpTcl prosptritv, now eutor upon ih year ior viRiraudenfrgy wortl:v,fits Damo and M-t"iy-TUe namepivento this paper was chen In po.M fai h, and w tn the fu I at in ec.atioa oi '"""" ti wMch I's poiify will eve r remain ir..a. Tlie'-llepublicati, as the Wesfrn exponniii ... Ams.ica!! srsiem, recognii'-s the . financial coi ner-st-ae of our prcperiiy in i.c uu. trine f Protection to Home Industry, Embodied in that Republican p'atform, whose value to the countrv, in all iiin;,wai tealed by tbe lifi, services and martyrrtun of Abraham '',nt'"'n- 11 opposes the pernicifius policy of the Briih riet traders, h desire to make the United Mates as dependrtjt up-i Enplaml as India or Ireland. ITS COMMERCIAL DEPAKTMK.X 1 Is under the superintendence of one of the be.-.t com mercial reporters in the northwest and ;he nume already gained fur it as one of the bei-t commercial papers will t'e uiaintJineil, maKius iiaauviiu"-'. diily visitor to every business man. THE DAILY EDITIOX Of tbe Kopubiican contains the late-t news by te.e piapb, esprei-s and mail, np to an early hour in the morning; editorials cavefui'yand ably written on the difl'ereiit topics i.flhed iy, an I reports of the Chi -e&go and Eastern mark t., full and complete. Tne TUX-WEEKLY EDITIOS, Issued each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morn ing, contains the n-ws of two das, carefully re vued and arranged. TUE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN, A carefully compiled edition, laden wilb news R" iigious, political, agricultural, aud general- and in short, anything and everything that tends to make a live, interesting paoer. EVERT MAS OVGHT TO SUBSCRIBE FOR A SEWSl'APER, In this culigbtneJ age of tbe world's hittory we need i'ot u fc'e tl.e nic.-a ty for every man to sub rcribe for a newsi aper. Ti e results of the coming year wil i be uf unusu al ir terest to every citizen. We are app'oacbiug a political campaign i f great im portame. t.V' rjr nue "hould be well iuforme'l re spect jng iho t urret. I topics of the times and in m way can this iuforniation be obtained -ave by being constant rtadcrof a flrt cias netrojioiifcin zi'ws pap r Suoba paperj is the nipi:Mican. It will be found to be complete in eveiy department, and ofacuar" nrt'-r that will commeud ii to the po ular iuteret and supp..rt. .As its name indicates, it is LitamcMi ta me core, it is tne tiieini to tne wnoie Sur bwent aa l will con. in .e to advocate it wel fare and advance ni'iit. Pei nulls iuteieetod in the formation of clubs will !o well to bestow attention to the ollowir.g lew nies : TERMS OF Sl'BSCSrPTIOX 70 THE RE I-CBLICAS. Daily per annum, Club c; fine copies, one year. Club of ten copies, ne year, Tri. Weekly, per aunuru. Club of rive copies, one year, Club of U u copies, one year, Club of twenty copies, and one to getter up of clnb, Weekly, per anouru. Club of Are copies one year, Club of leu copies one year, Club of twenty copies, and one ta getter op of ciua, $12 00 55 00 loo 00 6 00 7 0o 60 10 100 f'O 2 00 s oo 16 00 30 00 Club of fifty, and cory if Tri Weekly getter up of Cub, Club of ojo hundred, and copy of Dary geUer up of club. to 00 to Uo 0) Those acting as our Agentsm ay retain 10 per cent cominiscien instead of the jia c py oft red, if thoy prefer. Mouey tent at our ri.-k must bi either P. O. order, ezpiress, draft or in regbtertd letter. Address Chicago Republican Comjany, Chic .g , 11. Unquestionably the best Sustained "Work cf the kind in the World IIARPESrS NEW MONTHLY MA6A2INE CrUienl Suticca fhe Press, The most popular uiontb'y in ti e ircrlJ. IXcw t- . i- . . i urn euwicr. We must rc.rei in terms of eulogy t. the high tone ana varien excellence ot llarwr's Masnainc a jonr nal with a monthly circulation of about 170,1.00 ci'iue; in wnose K s are io ie loiimi mint u I ifi choicest light and g-neral reading of ih- d.iy. W. i-peik of tins work as n evidence of tbe culture f the American People; and the pooii'anty it Ins c quned is meritej ticli number coma ns lul;y 141 pages of reading matter, appivpria'ely illust,a:ed wuli wood'CGis; and it romliim s iu ii-e!l the mcj moiiiuiy anil ine more pmiuSoptiicai quarterly blended with the best features of the i.'ail.v join nal It has ureal power ia the dissemination of n l ve of pure literatnre. Xl'tubner s Guide to American Literatnic, London. We cm account for its success only by the sim pie Tact tnat it meets precisely the popular taste furnish ids a variety ofiihasinir und instruitive rcttdini lur all. ion's Ileiald, lie; ton. Subscriptions- 1 86 8. Tho puVishers f are tu rftctcd a svstem of mnil- Inir by which they can nipj.iy tbe .Ma'sine, Week ly, anil Diisa r promptly to those who pref'-r to re ceive their pertodicils directly from tbj OtSce cf Publication, Teims : p Harper's UaKaiine, one year - - - - fl CO An exiracory oreither the alacaxine.-M eek v. or Iiazsr w 11 be supplied irrati for every Cmb ol five subscribers at 4 each, in one remittance : or tix Copies for SJO. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. A complete set. now comp rising thiriy-five vol limes, lu neat cloth binding, will be sent bv ex press, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2 -J5 per voiume. siocie volumes tiy mall, postpaid. So. .ioiu caecs, lor bindlnir. oa cents, by mail, nost paid. Subscriptions sent fiom British North Ameii- cati frovincos must be accompanied with 4 cents additional, t3 prepay United States i.osirtir Address HAKPKIi i BltOTII : K3, Franklin Square, New York. .4 Repository of Fashion. Pleas ure aud Instriiclioii. HARPER'S RAZAR. The publishers wilt commence on November 1st. the issue of Harper's Bazar," a Weekly illus trated lamily Journal, devoted to Fashion and Home Literature. Th'ir aim is twofold : t surlily tbe existing need of a Weekly Fashion Newspaper, tint-class literary jour nal, which will be iudi.-pensabie tJ evciy house hold. Arrangements have be9n made, at ai immense cost, with the most celebrated Fashion Paper of fcurope. especially with he famous -Bazar" of Ber lin, which supplies the fashions to the leading jour nals ol Paris, to furni-h the same to tlieiu in ad vance, so that henceforth the fiitions will appear ia Harper's Bazar simultaneously with their pun iication in Paris aud l:r:innn uriv.-ititarvA niovpd by no other jaurnal In the couutiy. Thepatrons of Harper's Buzar will rtceive every fortnight large attera-plaUs, containing from forty to fifty full-sized patterns, of ladies', misses', and children's bonnets, cloaks, dirsns. underclothing, and other artieb's. acccmpanied with the n ces-ai y descriptions and directions, and occiion!y an ele gant colored fashion-plate of the six-' of Harper's Meekly. Harper's Bazar will cor.tain 16 folio paes of tbe size uf Harper's Weekly, printed on supei Hue cal endered paper, and will be published weekly. SUBSCRIPTIONS. IS 6 S. The publishers hive perf-.cted a system of mailing by which they can supply the Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar promptly to ihoe who pr'H-r to receive their periodi-als diietly from the olfi e of publica tion. Postmas'ers and o'hers desirous of Welting up Clubs will be supplied with a sliow ti.,1 oh ap plication. 1 he postage on Harper's Basir is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-oOice. Terms : Harper's Bazar, one year - - - f4 00 An extra copy or elth r th Mszazine, Weekly, or Bazir will be snp;ied gratis fur every C;ub or Five suoi-cribers at 4 each, in one rtmmaiue; or six Copii-s lor 'J0. lim k numbers can be supplied at any time. bubsci iptlons sent Biiiisli North Ameri can Provinces must be accompanied with 20 en is additional, to prepay United Suts postsge Address H ARPUt & . BiMM !IKS, Franklin Square, New i'ork. DflELLI.VGS at all price Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or Residences In town will And th em for sale al al prices. By IMRRlXGTON, BrT. HpaL EstAts AsiJtT. CLOSING VTl 830,000 WORTH OF GOODS! now closing V We are FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Printed Delaines, all wooll Delaines, Cashmeres, French Jleri- noes, and a full stock of Hl , 1 , nil l. tnrlc alert Rlftnched Cottons, A' IclUUCl, Mil s " 1 11 i j e Denims, Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, and all kinds of Cotton Goods at exceedingly LOW PKICES. r..n Tto cfnnl- nf."'"iihias- Hoods. &C A full stock of Ladies' Shoes, all qualities. Men's and Women s Buffalo Overseoes; also Boots fc Shoes, Hats & Caps. A nice stock of Cloth ing. Groceries of every description (Cfffo invite the citizens of this and stock. A3 we wish to close ouc our siock, we - STAUDE & J. D. SIMPSON, W. MICKELWA1T, Simpson, Mickehvait Ar Co., Wholesale x3i Receiving, Forwardingnd Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, . SASr, P1XEAXD COTTO.XWOOD LUMBER, PICK ETC, ETC. 1807. )S6L AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENSWARE, 1 1 A 1 1 D V ABE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, grant FLOUR, BACON, Thankful for past Patronage, we iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock Platttsmouth, April 10,'lSG . tf Hardware STOW re r-" E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and ill StoVfcs, Tin; Sheet AND STAMPED WAnE . S.TOiJJiJL 1? LOWS Of all kinds and sizes, which we warrant tbe best in tbe market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agetts ia this County forth sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call- we will not be undersold Block. PLATT8MOUTH. out our entire stock of Brown Cottons, adjoining counties to call arid examine our ANDERSON.' EDVTD BUTRT. and Retail Dealers in WIXD O Ur- BLISDS, G LA SS, SIII.XGLES, LATH, ETC. ALL KINDS. Freighter or Emi wants. CORN, OATS, &C. hope by strict attention to bus Retail Dealers in s AGRICULTDRilL IMPIjEHEXIS, Iron, Briiss, Japaneii Main St next door east of Masonic NEBRASKA URLINGTON ANL'MISSOULI RIVER RAILROAD. I8GG EASTWARD 18(,6 Chort aud Quick Routs to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In conrec':on witli the Dry Moines V;ir ja Oliicaiio, iJjrl :-.;:oa and ynincy ItailroSsis. Three trin Icavi! Ot'.umwa daily am mrAri D.'s Jliues Valley tr;nii. BUT YOCR TICKETS VIA 0TTTJMWA and BURLINGTON, tor sAT.n at 0MAHAri'ATTSMOUTIi' COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CUT. DES MOINES. KXOXVILLE, ALBIA, MO X ROH, PELLA, OSK'ALOOSA, EDDYVILLR. OTTUMWA, Baggage checked from Oilumwftj Chienrro and the Eas.!. 19 Pasenzers have choice of all the f?ret line' Ir4 inp North, KmH and South, and will find tickets te . ill principal points Ka-I by all ioute at I lie Ottumws. icket office of thin company. rasseazri will find this route Quick, Fife sat.' ?urein its connection.. C K. I'KIUl?i Sr.perinteri lent. L. CARPER, General Freight and iMs-ener Aen rpilE SHORT ALL RAH. : 1 EAST Ta Chicarjo, Dttrtit. Til r t W.ljthrilt tint '.titcinntitt, LouwtlU nitinor. Wuthinrjlon, I'l.ilaJel:Ao, Sew Voii:, l: .tun, Isvi. the old, reliable Central Kunte lbs Hannibal & St. Jo. R, R. Em .VyJ.yy,-J tTdke the II A ST. River Packets from J.1. II. R. iue of Ulieai4 PLATTSMOUTII To St. Josep'i, where coiin-'ct ions are msde with Two Daily Ezprcss Train On tho H A ?t. Joe. It. K , rj-i thr.mfrli from S lal Joseph t jQuincy wiiiou: chance of cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi h Chirafn. Ilu:lititt, n A Quiuiy, and Toleia. Wt j.-liA tU-sttru l:iirod for ail tuints Itil Xj. tii Per Gt. Lcuia Close connection m:ide ut ifACO.V wkh NORTH MISSOUUI It It. for St l.i ii t, uti.l ..t Hanuib-il with Hiiily Miss. Uiv'r Packet lor.-t. .oui, an,) stall-rooms free, KavliiK i-irry evi mi.Bon arriVHl r.f trains from the e.-t, ai i iviiic iu M. I.nis n it, moiui g in season lor b sn.i-.s, and to connect with Chieugn, Altou A St. I.oiiii, Tcrre H ri e. Alton A St. I.oui:-, :ili tjiiin A .M i,r-i: mj j i Kaili i.adi-,f,r ell puio a hati, Norlli and cjoLtil. ACH SLEL Run oil Nilu Tiaiai. I'l.XG CARS - Kuy your llnoiih tii ki ts via Uannilisl BC .lo K. R nl tl.eir t cku' i s iu Otn.i a. Comic:! BluOs I'l iit-moutli. Nebrisl.a (itv, 1 1. .1 ,-e;.b, :n d on each Packet in t.u- l.ui-, and i n oy ll.eii.n' fciiiu i.eij of baviKU tik :i ih - nl.oii . ....,.,. quick r. ute eaf f. w. MKtl). fieu Silp't. P. V. iIIM T (i-n l 'I icU,,t AkciH. i:. ii. c.jt uri-.i'jii r. (j, ,,-, Ki'i ah. ElaiSEH'fct! c tit Joe n. n a Pav-kd Line. One of the Cnipinv Xe-ifrviH lenvrs ib.i!y f . eveiypoiuioiiitieMisi-i.ini stiver above M Jon-b( .ind ai 'ives ;,t M. Jos- Ii in t me t- c .une':t ttli iii exp els tiain on tl.c liauiiilml A -t. Jo-ph llnilioHil fur lluini.bitl, at h.cli i h -1- -'mi. -rr ion i? iimile the same tvciiniK w ith one ol the Ke .k;.l; I'.i k lii, I, uri ives in tiini- t-i connect v ith rievt inori intf trnius out of St. I.i uis for C'liiciiiiinii, 1 ciii-iiiiipiiii-, f.oni. villi-, Terie Haute, Wn-lmi, ton C ty, B.i timore. Philiide'pbin, New York, liostoti, ai d lo all other Kastern, Nonhi-rn and Soutlicrn Citn.-s. The aiovj mentioned linesol (lem.l I'.-ukcts ute conci de I bjf all travelers to be th best mi the we-.,-rn Water, TIIKuL'tlll Ut Khls For sale to Pt. Loui. und all l.rfsie'ii, Nortiiern sod Southern cities via the al'ove lines nl Ucnvi-r City, Jin ba. Council l!t'li'. I'liit-pinouili, Nebraska t'.ly and st all other principal t cket i Cir. s I i the west. -Meals Hid Sl,ite-iooius f.e' ! R. WOHlt, fctip't 11 I.'. P. I, , St Js. ph . Ii. Q. JrTKGC'O.V, Seo'y K. II P. l..,.-'t J.iidi J. D. SIMPSON, Agruit, I'25 I'lattsmoiith, Nebraska. 18(18. 1808. North Missouri RAILROAD LINE, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOm Dai v Train. t I h. 1 1 .0 n. .1 t, u. r 1. n , , - -.. . r.lw.J.mclia Kulroail from the west muke clo-e connection t slacon Cilv wilh the iibore ii ,,,ri,,ii . Louis and Conr.e -tiuir ilirei t;v wilh ll afternoon trains out of St. Lou's for NW liOUK. Piiii.aIiei Pllir. i;ostoh, V athix;to.ii Citt. Baltimohc, IJaitn bi:r(jn, PlTTsBUHOH, C '1.1 MB Us, VTOK, UlNriSSlTTf, I.DiA!iaPoiM, Ciiicaoo. Loiisviu.s, Xashvillt, And all'Points East North or South- Th. onlydi ect and lettitimaie route from the West to St. Louis & the East. Time to the Eastern cities as Q UlCKas can be made 0t any route, with LESS CUJl.YGES. Tiskels vln the above line ran l n.r.h... . .v.. Hauiilbal & St, Joseph ticket cUkes m the West. 'are is the same as by any other route. IlARTllV IHTF; Ir...,,l,.n! JOU.V P. LAInn, General d'J.nnnteiid-ul. - 11, II. VVHKKI.KK. ". n Ticket As"nt. J05EPH GAMHI.K, (irn. Freicht Ajr-nt P- If . KAKLV, Ani. Ut. Joseph. I M. DUNNiU'""" Westera Agent, jan, 23. y FURNITURE, CXLietirs, O O AT TP I 2ST S AND Cabinet - Work ! II. I30KCIC Having erilaiffud his fhon ind 5al s-rv,m wo.-u repectluliy ri-iuin.J tl people in thi vicinity tbat he can furnish tliem Hi tbe very bust ruiuiture, Chairs, or o: her (J.ihii rt-oi t . at tbe most inn,,. able rales. I shull ke. p ron-tar,tly on hand a larre a-oriiieol of KuitU.rn (I urk, and am also prepared 10 n-aou'actu-e aiivthiuir in Inv line on sl.r.n ..i .. A larire s'rinietit of KeSi v-uiado CoBin. k. nt - 1! times. C.-itJ and examino my stock ami one. JelOdAwtf H. bOECK. Buined Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. fhryock isatfain the old ftind i,mril to wait upou hi former cn ii.rn.-r. ...i ..,,1.1,. gen- rally. If you want any thing n shape of r ami t.ur? of ' balra, tiive him m call. 3rd street near in,Piaftmu'b, N. T. tnsvI7 i'r.