She cbvasfca uraUl LOCAL NEWS' CIA IJS FOIl THE A 1.5). To a Club of 1 new subscribers to the HiRALD for aneyear, r'-olved on or before th lit of Janu ary, 1S68, all at thi same PostofiS:e, we will furnish the paper at fJ 00. Any one ieuJiu us a litt of IS new snbscribsrs an J f 30 In money, on or before the lit of January It, shall receive the HrRALU for one year for his t rouble. We will famish the IIeald and either Harper's Weekly, Monthly Mig mci or Baair to nsiM sub scriber for ti 00 ptr annum. Subscription price to riarper'a publ.catiou is 3 1 CO each. ("Gen. R. R. Livingston wiTlJecture before the Library Association next Mon day evening. Subject Geology." (TJu'le Crounse has been holdinrr court for Chief Justiao Mason, at Ne braska City, during the patt week. mm - ("SylTanus Cobb has written orer fifty miles of stmes for tb"e ledger, and is still p.t it. 'T?rIr. G. W. Peok. General Agwit for the Nebraska Comicinirraih, was in the city this week. f?5?Remembcr the leoturo next Mon day eveainz. It will commence at G 1 2 o'clock. m w m (T'Amison Jfc Dovey are packing pork nt the rate of 50 to 100 hogs per day. They pay from 6 to 7 cts. per pound. fThe National Republican Conven tion has been called to meet at Chicago on the 11th of May next. The people of Lincoln have n grand supper this evening for the pur poc of raisinz fund for the completion of a school house. r . Vr- It.,, 1 1, rtnnr.l.i r.f TfrtttH. i'.le expect work to be commenced on the Railroad opposite that city crly nprt 'pring. They have had a severe snow storm throughout the cast, blockading the Railroads and doing much damage to shipping. (Trlt is estimated that over ten thou- and tons of hay has been destroyed by prairie fires within the past two months ia the Tic;.ni?y of Ft. Marker m m m ""Deer are 6fiil to be quite plentiful in the vicinity of I!uo river. We saw one in Own lat week, killed on cedar creek near the Platte, which weighed one hundred and thirty-four pounds. Tlzasie Consider. You can buy Best domical Saleratus at seme price that is r'.nrged for other brands that are shirt wrijrhts and chetp good, hnce do not foil to nlwaya g?t be?t Chemical. Cs7"Sol. Miller tntcis somebody has broken n pane cf glass in the St. Joe Iterald and let a little light in. That pn rer has bean discovered lately supporting Republican measures. rrr-Tae public wiUbe pleased t.i learn that Miss M A. Dejpa'm and Mrs E. P. Kennedy have entered into a partnership in the Millinery anl Dres mr.Virg busi ness. Sea card. CThe anneal election of officers f cr Nebraska Chaptor No. 3, R. A. M., takes place on Tuesday evening next. We are requested to say that all members of the Chapter are desired to be present. gsTMark Gayson, the actor r.nd waik ist, has been walking away from St. Joe with an overcoat beljnging to another man, also without paying his hotel and printers tiils. Tbe Union gives him a little "puff"" without charge. ""We want every man who has an account against the Hf.rald office to have his bill realy on of January 1SG3; and those who aro indebted to the establishment will confer a favor by squaring the same t3 soon as possible. "Ths stockholders cf the Platte Ri ver BriJge Compuny met in this city last Tuesday and elected a board of Di rectors. If the stock of this company don't "pay" then vra are at a loss to know what will. - C -3 57"D not forget that the Brass fcivva a concert on Friday evening. They have been practicing for somo time, and ft rare treat may be expected. Go a..d hear them or you may always wioh you had. The concert will La given at the City Hall. No BETTER Proof lltQCiHiin. It La3 not yet been publicly denied that tbe Best Chemical Saleratus made by D. B. Da Land & Co., is all that its fri? n Is have .claimed that is a pure and vrbolisome r.rticlo This cannot be denied in face of the testimony of chemist and those best qualified to judge. It is. much bettor than Soda. - 7"Mr. Win.. Edgertoa has had his roUl machiqery all overhauled -and re paired, and started it for S ilt Creek Val ley last TueaJay. We understand it 13 to be located at tho mouth of the Cala han creek, near ShaSsrs' bridge. There is a good body of timbir there, and the . eurrounding country is settling up very rapidly. , -"CReT. G. C. B jtts delivered a most excelled lecture' before the Library As Hociatin last Monday-'evening, on the subject of "Nothing.'?- Notwithstanding tbe eingularlty cf the' subject announced, we found the lecture was "something" worth listening to. . The lecture was elo quent, interesting-and 'Instructive, "and was calculated t elevate the mind above the mero nothings which ere sret wi'th every day. ' ' ; ;.. ::-f C5?"Remember the Festival and Fair, on Christmas Eve., to be given by the ladies of the Prebvter;an Church. A fine assortment of Toys and other Holi day Goods will be found on the tables. "t?"J. M. Ilinchman has purchased the interest of Dr. Donelan in tho Drug Store of Donebin & Ilinchman, and the business will hereafter be conducted by Mr. Ilinchman akne. Uis advertisement will appear next week. C5?"An excellent "bird dog" belong ing to John Shannon was killed by poison last Sunday. It is supposed he got hold of poison intended for some other dog, as there is no grounds for believi g that anybody wished to killhim. Snannon had been offered $'50 for the dog and refmed it. People should be a little more care ful how they throw poison "around loose.' gP"The Plattsmouth Mercantile Libra ry Association is now a fixed fact. It has a membership a of about fifty persons, and books are coming in as do nations at a lively rate. A good book case has been procured by the Committee, and everything shows that the institution is in a healthy and flourishing condition. Lectures arebeing bad regularly every Monday evening. JPtThe traveling public, will bear in mind that notwithstanding the "Paul Wilcox" has gone into winter quarters, there is a good ferry in operation at this place, where people can cross the river with as little trouble as at any other point. We make this statement btcause of the report that there was no ferry boat in operation here. QxTSce the prospectus cf Harper's publications in another column. Their Weekly and Magazine are too well known to require more than a mere mention to insure an increased circulation in this part of the world. Tho Weekly should be in every family, nnd no well regulated household can d without the Magazine. The Bazar is a new publication and bids fair to outstrip all competitors'as a Erst. cl.iss fashion book. For terras, etc., see advertising columns. mm m (TTThe Messrs. Porter & Dodge, of this city, have done work during the past year a foiiows: hauled from Plattsmouth to Ft. Phil. Kearney, 5 ,000 bushels of corn; cut and delivered at Ft. Plil. Kear ney, 4,000 cords of wood and 150,000 feet of logs, and graded one mile of the Pacific Railroad. They have now quit for the winter, but will be ready to commence with renewed energy in tbe sjrirg (5'It is important that the people of this c.ty have ome regularity of time far lectures and other evening entertainments. It is a lamentable fct that it takes from an hour to an hour and a half for a small audience to get together for any kind of a meeting. Let it be remember ed that lectures bfi)re the Library As sociation will commence r.t precisely hair past bix o?clockeao'i Monday evening, and we hope to hereafter see the seats all full at that Lour. ?There has been near 200,000 bu heli of wheat chirred from this city and Rock Bluffs during the pat season, be sides probably 50,C0) or 75.000 bushels which was taken from this county to Wyoming and Nebraska City for ship ment. What do you think of that? Two hundred and seventy-five thousand bu fhelsfof wheat besides oats nnd barley raised, tharshed and s'jld for shipment in Cars county; and there is wheat to sell yetbec-idoa all that is necessary for home use. - ... . . . 5"W.u there ever such another eoun tro a3 Nebraska? Here wo nro on the lC'.h of December (the date of this item) with as lino weather could wish to see in May, andfarmcrs busy pdowing for next year crop. "People back oast often wonder how their friends who come went got rich in so short a time as they do. Is th?ro any mystery about it; when yea can plow thalf the winter and thtn raise such immecse crops as wo do here, and sell them for the very highest prico. There will be a greater proportion -of wealthy farmers in Nebraska in five ycirs Jrom now than in any other State in tho Union. ... . C The JS'jVf dreir relates ii Iamentai b'c circumstance wherein a' young man was ndlieted, through inheritance or ortherwiie, with a very bad internal dis ease. During the afternoon he indulged freely in bad whisaay, and ia thecvenir.g ho broke cut ail oyer with fooliehness.f. There was a similar case in this city last week, but tha breaking out was princi pally about the mouth. ' While in this condition the sufferer was found by Mar shall Murphy, who through humanity 'at tempted to subdue tbe disease '. Uis first prescription was "one night in tho city look-up " This has afforded temporary relief, but it is feared the disease U can stitsticnal. 14' " ." "i?Bierse d in the m-mofy of all true housewives will ever ba the inventor of .the Sawing Machine. lie is a universal benefactor, who has made-easy, plea ant, rnd an hundred fold profitable, one of the most important duties of - Woman .j to sow. The choice of machine, in this day ?-df.-' new patent nd multiplied improvements, is however, a question of gTeat importance and to many very d'f ficult of settlement. Every patent has its excellence but for a real-; genuine family machine a time saver, threaJ saver, labor saver the women of our house say, after n.aaing trial of one or two other dTHerent liods,' .'GiTe ris the Willcox "Gibbs"-T7.f Cconnmhr. . St. Luke's Cliurcli, Services on Christmun Day. Morning Choral Ssrvice and noly Communion at C a. m. Litany and Ser mon at 11 a. m". Sunday School Festi val in the evening. Geo. C. Bins, Rector. "p"We euggest to the city authorities, or the cojnty commissioners, or some body else, that it would not piobably, be out of place to employ somu one to in form farmers, when thoy are ready to leave town, what direction th7 will have t go to find the road out. The western roads are changed so ofie.i that there is no certainty that farmers can get out in the evening the same way they came to town in the morning. t?There will be a public installation of the officers elect of Plottsmouth Lodge No 6, A. F. &, A. M., on tbe 27th inst (S. John's Day) at Z o'clock, p. m. It is also expected that the officers for the ensuing year of Nebraska Chapter No, 3. R. A. M., will be installed at the same time- We learn that the Grand Orator of the State will be present and deliver an Oration. A Festival and Supper will be had on the evening of the eaiue day to which none will be admitted except Masons, their wives sister sand daughters C5?"At a regular meeting of Platts mouth Lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M., held on Mot day evening last, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing year: W M R R Livingston. Sen W Jacob Vallery. Jr XV John Shannon. Treas W II Anderson. Sec G C lietts. S-n D II D H ithaway. Jr D A B Smith. Chaplain W D Gage. Tyler C E Forgy. The instalation will take place on St. John's Day. P We have received from thepublibh era, Zsigler, McCurdy it Co., Qf Ciccin uatti, a copy of Prof. Calvin E. Stowe's new book on the "Origin iind History of the Books of the Bible." It is sold only by subscription. See advertisement in another column. It is a work much needed by ;everyone,5and especially by ministers of the gospel, Sunday School teachers nnd heads of families. It treats of both the canonical and apocryphal book, nnd traces them back, link by link, to their origin. It is written in common eenso style, easily understood by anyone. We should judge that an agent would do well in canva;Mng for it rc llie fourth quarterly in -clings for thj Omaha District of the M E Church, will bo held, Providenca permit ting, at the following places and times, t-wit. Klkhorn Mission, at iron Bluffs, Dec 11 and 15. De Soto Mission, at Do Soto, Dec. 21 and 22- Decature Mission, nt Arizona, Dec 23 anl 20. Bel'evue Circuit, ai Bcllevue. Jan. i aai 5. ' .... .. Pla'.trnouth Station, at Plattruouth, Jan. 11 and 12. Rock Bluff Mission, nt Rock Bluff, Jan. 18 and 19. Center Valley Circuit, no place given, Jan. 18 and 19. Mt. Pleasant Circuit, at Mt. Pleasant. Jan. 25 and 20. Fremont Mission at Fremont, Feb. 1 and 2. Columbus Mission, at Columbuf, Feb 8 and 9. Wood river Mission, at Wood River. Feb. 15 nnd 16. Omaha Station, at Omaha, Feb. 25 and 2u. Da Wit'e, no time or place. Services will.commsnce on the first Jay in each place, at 2 o'clock P. M., after which the; quarterly conference will be conventd. A prompt and full attendance of the members is earnestly desired. T. B. Lemon, P E. , LOOK AT YOUR TEETH": If you want a good job of Dentistry done, call at Dr. MtCluskey'e office, Main St. Plattfmcuth, Neb. St. Luke's Iarisli School. Cs"The School-room of St. "Luke's Church having been" thoroughly fitted up, (he Rectc:i aided by competent assistants will (D. V.) open the Christmas Tekm' on tha First Monday in January 1868. It is important that the pupils be present at the commencement of the session. The School will continue throughout the year with vacations only at mid-summer and on the principal Holy days of the Church.'- '. '. G. Charles Betts, w3 . Rector. "' CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. - The- Ladies of tbe Presbyterian Church will hojdr'a Fair an J; Festival, at City Hall, on Christmas Eve, for the benefit of tbe Church. w2. : 'j ': : " '.laud fou saiiE. , Three hundred and twenty acres, be ing the south half of section 17, town 12, range 9; It lies in the vallev of Salt Creek, about 1-2 mile west of Shafler'i Bridge, three : pilfs onth-west ot Ash land. School House and Post Office near at handoiTf, ; 'ti ' ' . ' i For terms, address or enquire of C. F. lWILLIAMS, at tfie Telegraph office, Plattsmouth, Neb. declv5 ' -Desirable Property for Sale. One dwelling nou.-e, witn seven roams, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees,-skrubbory, &c. i .": t : "i D. SJarqcette. "Ennufrc of S.Dukc Agnt. niy! C3?"ForSai.e One of Lamb's superior knitting machines the only kind macle that widens and narrows. Ennuire nt this office. fjxny person having far tent small piece of laDd from ten to fiftv acres with a con.f ortable house on it can find a good nnd permanent tenant by applying nt tbe IIlrai.d ofEce- tf. DR. M- H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST. WiO b 11 wO'k in his line on ihort notice. rfOifl:j with Dr. Livingston. July. . Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A- F. & A Id.. ReiilarcommunicatioriF H and 3d Mondaj-i ofeach rrto'itu, at d i z o'ciock, p. m. E. T. DCKE.W. M W. II. ANDERSON, Sec. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R A. M. Kvf a'.r convocations 2d and 4th Tuesdays nrh luoutli, at 6 12 o'clock p in. D. H. WHEELER, II. P. O. C. BKTTS. Pee I. 0.0- F. I'l.itte Lodjte, No. 7, meets ewvrw Saturday evening at tlj C.mrt- House Hall. It fathers o otner Loogfe rn rctpHctfnl ly invited to visit this Lodge. Byorderof P.P. OAS?, N.G II. NcCwais, Rcc.Swc'y I. O. G. T- , ReFolarroeetiaxs every Friday evening. Traveling Temlars respcciiully invited. WM. L. WELLS, W.C. T WM' Tl. M ATHI', W. 8. PAM'L M. CHAPMAN, Lndze Dfputy. YSff EXCELSIOR DE REBl.OOnK, No. I.TIalts rcoulh, holiH rejuiai- meeiingt on tha third Wednei May cvtniags of each roontrt. Bro S. y CHAPMAN, W D T. Bro. W. L. Wkll. W D S Siller E. J. JdoaTt jMRT, W DVT. 53-3TAROF J. On LODGE No. 8, Mt. Fleaaant hol li rejiula' meeliijt; evrv S itnrday eveniDZ Bn- K. A fc-IKKPATKICK, W C. T. II. T. HECHES. W. 8. Bio T. M. TIMBLIN, Lods'e Deputy. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. RegHlar meetiac (iret Tnesiay of every month a! 7 p. ni , at the omco oi H it vneier. Rev. GEO. C. HKTT9. D VT Vufklkr, Clerk. Chilrman ESTKAY NOTICES TAKfrT VP by -tliO a'ilrcribr. f.ur miles west of I'l Umu ii:th. on ths 24lh niy of November, 1567, one white !:eifer. with red ear, with brand on left t.ip reenit'liiiR the le'tr l," MipMj.-et to he two year- old la May. T aOo. 1 lloM AS aectw. TAKEN L'P by the jubscrber, rii m'lt of rbituinou'li, on the Sth rt.iy of Dcremher, 1b67, one veirlinr hoifer, a hr.v.vii'h ron CJlor, a oran.i reselmblius tl:e letter " h" on lfthi.-; also, one y-ariin) tet r, spotted red and whife. TAKEN CP by the subscriber, in is"t Mile Grove Precin t. one ty h'tre colt, supposed ta be tiro yonrt.!d last spring; four bile fee' , n t.tlur marks. d-cl9o 11. il. l.iirit.Li' TAKRN UP by the fiihtc-iber. in Klght Mile Ptecini.-t, on the 10th of Dee., IS'", one white toer, black ni-ck. white tpnx in f;me, bl.kck on Irirs, crop and ntub-rbit off rlcht ear; nuppnsed to be two years old last FPiitir. A Ho, on- l.iark Meer, crp ana vnlhw- fork off left ear, supposed to be nni vir old ladfi-prinr. Jtjuai ituiii. decl9wi TAKI.N UP. by lb etilwcriber, at hi premi-s in Luij-vi! lu Precinci, Cut CVmuiy. N -braka,ou the iil ill? uf November. Calve. four or five iiiotuhK d etch. Ou; is a heift-'r, od of a lei color. I he other U wal e. ro uiarn or iranu. JUUA A tl I, . LouLvi!:?, Nov. 14, ISoT. decl2w5" TAKEN U hy the fuhseribrr. livitiif lu Mt P.ejMint prerinct. one e-trar j-j.irlic' tieiPT, if a brnwn c"l r, 1ai kcl bv crop lrjin eaeh ea? . Nv,2il IrOT l'l.cCv3 JOitN P. fcUCK TAKEN TP !iv t'ie s..b40ri'jer, at his prrfini--, in Louisvili': 1 1 ""cicct, ass county, JketTaska, on the d .v cf N.iv.. 1S07. -n Iissht Lay ul:tie clt sup Ijjcfj to be abiut 3 ai oid . Ii.ih lou tthite Strip rov2Sw5 TAKEN CP by the s .tscriber at his pr mises iu Louifviile p eemct. Cas county, on tie 3,1 d ly of Ao . latil, one my mars con, supposes 10 pj thre-s years old: has bald face, no other maiks. JOHN INHEuDU:. rJOvi6w3 T IKEN" UP bv the nnd;rsii;nc'.I at his n-M.ljnce in r.iiht Mil Grove prei-inn. Cass county, N euraaka. en the lft'h dy of Nov., 1S67, ot.e yearlit g eteer, of whit-and red color, wttn rci ue;iu ana oecis. ana marked with asiitia right ear. GEU. S. RL'BT. ncvi3r5 TAKES CP l,r the sub: criber. one mile north trcl rf Mt. r!ent School House. October i!mh G7. one Pot-y Coll. tirpoed to be thtee y.ars old, of a bay n lor, and branded "it." 011 lett snoni ier. not 21 wo" " K J.. twtJiniJii.i Probate Notice Notice Is her- by eiven that J. D. Rrowu, admin is'ratnr ol (lie estate of Geo. I.. Gideon dee'd. lias this day m-tde application to make final settlement of his admi- istration of said estate. The Conrt will hear said settlement oo the 20th day of December Jo7, at which tiiii; ail persons intjresteil can ap pear. G .ven under my band tbts tt dy 01 November 1867. W. D. GAP b Probate Judge. dec5w.3 PLOWS! PLOWS! ; C. E . F ORGY, - Slannfaiturer of all kinds of Far mi Big Implement. Such a the Celthrati d Kid Breaking Plows, Mould Board Urek-r-, tirriuc Plows, binla and Double Shovel-, Ci.U)Vtor and Harrows. Kepairiug done n nb)rt notice All work warranted. Having had much experiefi'e in the business, I feel assured that I can give general satisfaction. Please give roe a call before purchasing elsewhere. Platternooth. Neb. .May 6th, 1Q67. :-: - - AND WOOL- OARD3MC. liol for Salt Creek, where you can kill two birds witliolM) st on-, get your lira' 11 Ground ami Wool Carde I a: the same time; the macbiuery for bilh is in nerfect order. We use the Patent Machine Card?, which were run eooUK last year to establish their aporiority owrtheoid kind, as all who used the : can ttrtiiy. the eu perioral of Mr. b. 1 wise as a ilarder is Well kuowu, and his servic'M are still le tained for the beiietlt of thepubiiu.- With the above ndvantaiye we Hatter or5o Ives that we can make it to the advaotaia of all who want work in our line to come this way. .. D. DEAN. Proprietor- , 111 v 1 1 3. i tvis. carder. Sale of School JLands Postponed. To those wbnrn il may eoneorn : Notfce Is here by g ven, that in couveqneiice of recent iustractir Dt received from th State Land Commissioner,- to the effect that, as the Department at Washington has not al yet confirmed tbe title- to sections 16 and S6 tn the ttatc, neither btw euadrmed the title I J other ands seleoetl ia liu of tMctioiu 16 and 63 which had been soM ; the sale woul.f nec.-ai ily have to bedeferied until such continuation is made. I there fore hereby give notice of the indefinite postpone ment of ta d sale of lands and of the withdrawal f rorr publication the notice of said sale. . I a witness whereof I hereunto set my haad and official fieal at my r.fNVe in Putt: mouth oa this 9th (Jay tf December, AD. 1665. ' B.EPCELOCK. ' Clerk Ca-'s County, Nebia.ka. Decrraber 12, 19v7. w5 . . sewing ILHmachine Tie Champioi.ri I lof 138 first pre ruinrna in twoM Mseasons. . "Its seam IsVjJ-Jstronger and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." Judge Report of U14 Urarut JYial." Send for the ' Report" and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on tbe same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0ENE1L & CO., Gen'l Agentt, : ... 138 Lake St , Chicago. ji.i.-v,i v.' A ;e:i , p .... , N-b ii.nnEKLsn, a. c. lb wis D. 13. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Pirs and Life Ins, Ajj'ts, PLATTSMOUTH. X. T. Collections promplly atten.iod to, cod rroceels re mitted at carrent rates of Kxchance. Taxes paid in H'tifB Iowa and Aebnisaa lor tiou-residents, litles to la -d invt:t.d. Money loaned ou Heal state sccur.tieJ. Liiid Warrants locutei?. CLAIM AGENTS. Agents for collection of claims acai:..t Govern men .Sobliera, their ridows aud lumui hei'S. A sect t jT .he purchase acd bale of Land: and City preset ty, eaMng of Tenements. IlKFEltEXCES: lion. B. II. Elbeit, L) -uver City. C. T. Mesr8. Kountze Bros. , Omaha, Neb. " JlcOann &. Metcalf, Nebraska City. G. F. Filley, St. Lcuis, Missouri. Dr. Plo Lewis, ltonlou, Massnchusetta. II W liitmars, Chicago, Illinois, li M Maftill, Cincinnati, nhio. Too.te A ilanna, Plattsraonih. Xehraska. I. R Itich, Three Jtivern. Michigan. H-n F Fellows, Uloomtlel I, Wiconsia. Hun T M Mrqutitl, Piatlsuiou'h, Nebraska. I. Iwis, Attorney at l.w, Btitl.ilo, New Tork. c'arter, Hujsey & Curl, Des .Moines, luwa. at 3 diwtf WOOLWORTII &CO, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealers, SA1JVT JOSEPH, JUO., oc23 Cm Burned Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. VT. Shryock Is-aKain at th: old stand prepared to wait upon his former customers, and' thj public If' aerally, If you want anything n shaiie of Farni ture or Chairs, Kiv him a call. 3rd street near Main, Plattsmouth, N. T. maylT.dtf. Prices Heduced! lias juat received a largo assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, cf all description?, And a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Al' licd-l of COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for FCJ1S, HIDES, WJISA T, die. 8126 C. . HKP.OLD. PIANOS. PIANOS, MELODEONS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, rea'er iu the celebrated Steck fc McCamtnon Pianos, nj httr A4uioal latraB4Btt. JLj.11 InstrumeBts warranted live years. f octJl ly IS. (. Worlhiiston Attorney and Counselor AT LAWi Office in Karh.fh's Block, corner of Do: :g!as and 15th streets, Omaha, tsebra.ka. aus-14 F AIEB ANK'S bTASDJBD SCALE OV AIL KIKCS' Fairbanks, Greeuleaf & Co-. 22C A 29 Luke St. Chicago. 2"9 Jfirl et Af , if. Louis 53-Be careful to huy only the Genuine. myy22 Notice to Builders, NEBRASKA. STATE CAPITOL Fea'ed Pioposals for the execution of the several descriptions of Artificers Works, necessary in the rectioa l the new t-iate Horue of Nebraska, to te bntlt at Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, caid Proposals will be r-ceived by the Superintendent at his office at Lincoln, on or before the 11th day of Januaiy, lsoa, at ii e'l-lock, noon, and will be sub ject to the approval of the Coinmif sioners in accord ance with an Act entitled an Act 'To provide for the iH-atio'i of the Seat of Government of the State of lib'arku, aud fr the e-ection of Public BuilJiuirs tnonat, atiproved June nth, lab?." The plans and srwetllcatmns may be seen tn and after tho Kith day of November, ,lb67. In the office of ine uperiaienlem at Lincoln. All Proposals must be accompanied by written agreements and bonda at cot less than double the contract price, with sureties to ba approved by the Commissioners, and eonditionen for the f.tithful per- rnianc of ine contract on or before the 1st day of jy'pieuiovr, ir. The Cnnmipioii',rj reserve the riant to reject any and all bids, if iu tl'.elr judgment they are loo high. JOIl.t MOKKI, Arrhitect and Superintendent, lltfi cf October, 1S67. 3m 3ST E "W JEWELEY STOUE The Mih.rriber having pitrcbased the Red. Stoe cn 8d atreer, lately occupied by farry and others, would respectfully inform the citUcns of l'latisinoulu and iclnity, tliat be-hs ranr the store and ooeaeJ a large slock of A5D FANCY' ARTICLES : r ; Por Ladies. Gents, Children, and the rest of man-i kind, and is prepared to do all kinde of i f .WATCH, CLOCK. AND JEWELS Y REPAIRING: j In the best manuer, and would be happy to serve his old and as many new customers as may give bim their patronage, assuring them 0 their woik well one, at moderate prices, and on snort lime, ine stock, embracing every variety tf poo ls usually kf pt at a Hurt-class. Jewelry;. Store, will he aold a low prices, and warranted of best workmautlp.aud material. He has a'so a small stock of A 5I lL .V, . G R O CLI E S which will be rnpleuished. froia time to time, and aold at the lowest figures. Havioe permanently cat.'d in this city, I vespectiuiiy solicit a share of pa tronace, and cariiily invite all to call and examine the stoclr on baud, as we tvould be p!eased"to serve ynn, and do not ask you to bty unless we c.B mako t for your interest to patronize n-, ... deoiTtf i-... , , E. B.tkTOS. PplRD.'sAWO LODGING ;" -b o. w. colvinj - OAK STREET,- " - ' J wo blocks northwest oi Brick PIATTSMOLTU, . ohooi-House. Private rooms furnised .'If desired, Either diy boaij or Wa4h ltdirgf at rcisuoablc rale. ia6'!tf. CITY BAKERY AND CON FKCT ION E RY, F. STADEIillANN, BREAD, CAGES,. PIEP, ItCSK, , Of tha best QtsalitT. can be cbtained at all tlireJ. would invite especial attention to the fact th.t I have acted up an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON Tn connection with the Ba.err. where you can be iA.mmiit!itil mX 11 1 1 limes. WeJdinir parties tuoiilied on thirt notice with auythinK' a the line of Confectionery or Pastry. Call aud see m4. iels TROSrECTUS OF THE "NEERASKA STATE JOURNAL." The under-igued proposes to estiMish a Weeily Newspaper at Lincoln City, the Capital ot the State f s. i..t. to he called -The Nebiank.i t-tste Jour nal, " the firt lesue tjf which will b about the 1st of Octobar, l50i The whole oulfll the OEce will he entirely Dew, aud will embrace L'ood Job Ottlce, as well as the News Department, llavi ig had much experience in JourtiHlixra, and being one of the first aettlets in Nebraska; consequently being well ar;iu tinted with tbe wants of the people, aud the resources of the Slate, we flatter ourfelf that we cau give general satisfaction in the enterpiie. The "Journal" will advocate KepuhliCiU princi. plea, but will be conducted on an iuiepeadeat scale, aud will be courteous to all parlies and sects. Returning our thanks to our oid fiiends and pa trons, we trust they will assist us iu thi. bew enter prise. TEBM5 $2-00 per annum in advance. JACOB DAWSON. Probate IVotice Notice Is hereby given that all claims against tbe estate of K. J. Palmer, dee'd, must be on file in this effice on or before the ZOtliitoyr 3TAiCff, A D lS6t, at which time said claims wl.l be determined upon. Given under my hand thts ISth dy of Sej-teruber. AD18C7. JOHN W. MARSHALL, sepia tiw Probate Judge. NOTICE. JAMES O'NEIL is my anthorixel Agent for the collection of all accounts due the undersigned for medical services; his receipt will "be valid for the payment of any monies on said accounts. August 14, 1SC7. li. K. LIVINGSTON, M.P. O K. McCALLUM, Slanaf .cturer of and dealer in Saddles and Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130Jtf Matn street, bitween 5'.h and 61b streots, Nebraska City. J13 FAIiI. TRADE 1867. PRATT & FOX, Importers and Manufacturcra Agents cf HARDWARE I CUTLERY, Large stocks r f American Screw Co. Screws, Ames' Shovels and Spades, Douglass' Mann.acturini; Co. Ldge Tools, American Table Cutlery, Buz'.izt rt et Cutlery. Agents for HERRING'S SAFES Forsyth's Scales and Trucks Orders fille l at Factory Pi Ices. Orders solicited. PRATT & FOX. Cor. Main and Wathiugton Ave., sep5 8u ET. LOUIS, WO. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! WM. IIt:!tAI,S Has moved into his n-w brick b iildlng on the -nerof Main street and Levee, whete he is lailv re ceiving large additions to his already extensive stock of GrROCBRIBS AND He bffers Ills very best of bargains to euslomers, and requests a call Inm those who want anything iu his line tj test the adrautazes in prices with those a f others. Reurcmber the . : . BRICK CORNER nd irtve blai a call If yon wish to bay cheap. nova - . -, . . , ... . . SHANNON'S c- Feed, Sale and Livery Ma in St." : Plattsmouth. I am preparett tnraexramokSte tbe public H Horses, Carriages and. Buggies, Also, a Dice Hearse, On short cblice and reasonable terms.- A TIaCk will rnn to steamboat landirr, aud to all' parts of tbe city when desired. Eir-i9 . - J, W. SHANNON. W. D. OA (IE. W. K. DAVIS. CENTit al mm. Dry-Coods, ? Groceries,, , 5 PrnvSciAnr "...BOOTS audMOisN, : Main Sited, lv:o doors above Fourth, S her (he public may pnd - - -i Tk:BE8T.:0G00l)St and prices as Jow as can be fnnnd'l'n Ite e ty. t Wa return (banks for the literal patron? we b reeeircd, and hp to njerit Itint'tlnuior'S.. .-. .".-. 'l 0 01: ; : ' Ail Oitl Song Set to n IVevr Tune 1867. AnUand RonckM J-'imn their hi-!e cmt And HUear.U Hut Jn tl He of iat. "18 yesra eUablished in S. T.Clty." "Only infallible remedies known." "Fre from Poisons." "Not dancerons to tlie Human Family. " "Kats come out of their holes to die." Costar's Rat, Roach &c, Extcrm'r Is a paile used for Rati, Jt'c, lioachet, ' Hack and litd Ante, c. Costar's Bed-Bug Exterminator Is a liqrtid or wash usi d to tleslroy. and also as a preventive for, bc. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects I for Stotlit, MoKnitufS, t'lean, lied Hug , Insectn on J'lantu, vtrlj, Animate, tto. ! 1 Dew ARB ! ! I of all worthless Imitatli. 53jie thai CoSTaHV name ia on each Ue, Bottle and Flask be'oie you buy. Addrejs He ei i y It. Cos tar, 4S4 Broadway, New York. 3- Fold in Plattsmouth, Sebrasla, by T'l&clt Buttery h. Co., and O i'. Johuson, aud ail lrtfr'V aud Lotailers svery wh--r. OOHTAlt'9 CELEB RATES BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cuts, Barns, Biuhes, Wounds, Boils, C&lcpts, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipnles, lileediiiR, Blind nl Painful Piles, Herolulous. Putrid and ll!-c ndttion Sores, Uieers, Oiaudular Sweliiofrs, r'.rnptions, Cuta neous Attt'ctions, Kintrworm. tcb. Corns, liuuloba, CI.iltuaiuH, to; Chapped Ilands, Lips, ic; Bites W sliuers, insect!. Annuals, arc. ltoxes, . cents, & cents and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And by II EN E J" II. COSTAK, Dept 4S4 ItroaA. Way, N. Y. tgAnd by O. F. Jobnson, and Bltsk. Daf ,mr tt- Co., Plattsmouth, Nabraska COSTAR'S C5ITEA& Corn Solvent. For Corns, Bunions, Warts'. c. Bofs 25 cents, 60 cents and SI sift, .ypxld by all 1rnctr-'5ts evey ivh'-re. And by HENRY K. COSTA It, Depot Hi Bread vi av, N. Y. "And by Black, Buft-Ty k Co ani O. T. JW f ou, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. COSTAR'S utrpABATiox or Bitter Sweet & Orange Blossoms, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COM T LEX IOW . ITsed to soften and beautify tk Skin, remote Freckles, Pjmples, Crnptions Ladles are now csirglt tri" 1' JCj'Sold by all Drv - . all clhers And by JtbKKX .u way, N Y. ' 837-Andby O.F.J. Co., Plattsmouth, K4. Brsa- J.! OA? (JO STAR'S T ECTOR A L Cough Hemti PorCounhf, C!dy Hoarh8,fMre Thnoai WhoopinK CougL, Ir.Cucnzi, Asthma, CouHUi. Bronchial Affect tot and all Diseases ef. tbe and Lungs. r t . Bcixcs 25 cents. 50 cents and tl aiit - 3Sld by all DruKKits everywhere. Aud by HfcNKY R. COSTA K. Vvpvt Hi Broa ! -way, K. Y. : ' ' ; r 4 ' rAnd by Black, Batcvrr C. and O. F. Joka son, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ti COSTAR'S, CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL. For Nervous and Sick Headache, Cativt nets, Ir.di p-iMioi. .ysperla, llilliousiiess, Oontiption, Diar rhea, Colics, Chills fevers and general deracfc'f men t of the Di-j'-stive Organs. ilexes 25 c uts, 60 ' aa I uea C3"?oid bvull I'ri'ngi-r everywhere. Audhvlit.NBY K. COcTAK, Depot iSi Broad way, N Y. .- a . --.' . ' ... .1 , it y . .T ,h n n ei ' rT:.c. , Tu-Vr K C- P. .-.i.ou.l.. t'.msa. tij I Vim' A v ' : ' .....