She 2Ubrn?&i 2uraldL LOCAL NEWS- 5TBt express a splendid fiew as sortment of Dress Flannels at Clark & Plumper's. tsSfllon. A. B. Fuller, was in the city Ust Monday. 6ST"A quarterly S. S. Concert will be he'd at the Evang. Lutb. Church in this city next Sabbath, at 1 1-2 p. m. JtrSDr. Livingston has removed to his new residence, south east corner of Oak and sixth streets. CSBarnej, at the Rook Store, is about receiving a large stock of Christ mas Toys, Don't forget to buy them for the little folks. freST'Prof. Miller leaves for New York in the coorse of a few days. He goes on business, and will be absent five or it weeks U23fThe card of "acknowledgment' from Mrs. Swanz should have appear tid last week. It was received in time, but was mislaid and neglected. . FIf there is any one who doubts that business and lots of it is being transacted in Plattsmouth, all he needs to do is to come and see for himself. J$STTii9 steamer Benton passed down last Frday. The ice was run ning thick, but we presume the craft made a safe harbor at St. Louis before she stopped. 2TJ. R. Clark, Esq., of the ban ivg house of Tootle, Ihuoa &. Clark, arrived at home Ial week. He is again behind the counter in lh bank, ready to transact business. CSfThe Plattsmouth Brass Band were out on a general Serenade last week. The editor of the Herald was favored with a call by them, and we are free to say that their music cannot be excelled by any band in the Stale. C--aTThe weather has been exceed ingly milJ for the past week, more like spring than the commencement of winter. Our beautiful fall weather in Nebraska is the wonder and admira tion of every new comer. E57We learn from Mr. Hesser that the recent warm weather has caused the grasshoppers eggs to commence hatching. We hope ilial they may all hatch out this fall. The young scoun drels would be likely to get frost-bitten before spring. "S5An interesting article about the N. Y. TriLbne wiil be found on the fourth page. The Tribune is as near lh? perfection of journalism as any in the world. No farmer, mechanic, tradesman or politician can afford to do without it. rIt is ihe interaion, if possible, to have a lecture before the library Asso ciation every week during the lecture eeaon. It is to be hoped that the peo ple of Plaitsmcuih will take an interest in these lectures. It is far belter that young people cf this city be taught to cultivate a taste for such things than that they bang about saloons and slcreB. jJVafMessrs. Ym. .B. Porter and M. Dodge, arrived at their homes in this city last week. They have been engaged most of the past snmmer in hauling wcod for government use at Ft. Phil. Kearney. Their teams were left at the foot cf the mountains for the winter. They have piled up about 4,000 cords of wcod at Phi!.. Kearnep enough to make a respecta ble fire. JKSWe have given most of our pace in this issue to the President's Mest-age. We do not think the docu ment is deservinq enough to crowd cut every thin; ele, but we are aware that people want to see it in order to judge for tht-mselves. We publish all the important part if any of it is im partant leaving out his references to reports from heads of Departments. - S5FThe City Band will give a con ceit on Friday evening, 20th inst. The proceeds will be devoted to paying their teacher and the purchase of a new Las? horn. The organization of this band was effected under many difficulties and they have labored hard to make every member thoroughly competent to perform his part. Let everybody turn out on the evening of ibe 20th and see how they have succeeded It is the duty of every citizen to encourage nnd support this organization. Jggg'-The lecture of Rev. J. J. Rob erts last Monday evening was well attended, giving a handsome return to the Library Aseoctation. The subject of the lec ure was "Personal Attain ments," and was handled in a manner which showed the speaker to have thought much upon it. Mr. Roberts took ihe positton that men and women are and will be what they make them selves; that men make circumstances, not cirunr'ance! muke mn. "Jac'eon Wagons at Clark & Pluuer'i. E"Messrs. Reed and Patterson arrived from Calorado last week. Mr. Reed has bhown us a specimen of Peat taken from a bed near Cache La Pou dre, which is said to be equal to any in the world. The bed from which the specimen was taken extends over about twenty-five acres, and is some three or four feel in depth. It will be remembered that Prof. Ilayden slated in his lecture here that be had discov ered several small beds of Peat in this vicinity, and we doubt not it will be found in considerable quantities. The specimen brought by Mr. Reed can I e seen at the Herald office. JSf Tootle, Hacna & Clark now have their banking house fitted up in first class style. They have put in a large vault, about ten feet square, wilh walls near three feet in thickness, which is shelved off for books and papers. They offer the free use of this to all their patrons who desire a place to keep valuable books and papers safe from fire. Inside the vault they have one of Herring's Burglar Proof safes, in which the treasure of the bank is kept. These Safes took the highest premium at the Paris Exposition, and defy all the devices of professional bur glars. A new counter and de:k have heen put in the office, nnd everything is in readinee3 for the transaction of business in a pleasant and safe manner. AS&'Aa an evidence of how well it pays to farm in Nebraska, we would cite unbelievers to the case of the gen tleman who purchased Mr. Pottenger's farm a short time ago. He has rented the farm far two years in succession, paying a ca&h rent, and during that time has cleared jnough money from the products of his labor,, after paying all expenses of the farm and supporting his family, to pay for the place. Just after harvest last year Mr. Pottenger offered him the farm end it i3 a good one for the wheat he raised on it that year. We could cite a dozen instances in this vicini'y where renters have cleared enough from one or two crops to buy .he farms they were renting. CSTbe C. P. R 11. has got the driver for driving the piles of the railroad bridge conetracted. And it will probably commence work to day. The driver is mounted cn railroad trucks, which stand on a track laid on the deck of one of the company's river barges. A part cf the machinery of the driver is a steam en gine for operating it. This engine is nous, ed over as a protection for itself from the storms and tho operators from the cM. The piles are large cedar log?, brought, we presume from the Black Hills. Republican. St. Lnke's Parish School. (JsTThe School-room of St. Lake's Church having been thoroughly fitted up, the Rector aided by competent assistants will (D. V.) open the 'Christmas Term' on tha First Monday is Jancary 1S68. It is important that the pupils bo present at tha commencement of the session. The School will continue throughout the year with vacations only at mid-cummer and on the principal Holy-days of the Church. G. Charles Bktts, w3. Rector. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church will .hold a Fair and; Festival, at City Hall, on Christmas Eve, for the benefit of tho Church. i2. MARRIED. In this city, on the 30th day of Nov., by Judge Wm. D. Gage, Mr. John Cacghey and Mrs. Mahala Cook. All of Cass county. LAUD FOE SALE. Three hundred and twenty acres, be ing the south half of section 17, town 12, range 9. It lies in the valley of Salt Creek, about 1-2 mile west of Shaffer's Bridge, three miles south-west of Ash land. School House and Post Ofnoe near at hand. For.terms, address or enquire of C. F. WILLIAMS, at the Telegraph office, Plattsmouth, Neb. delw5 3ForSale Of of Lamb's superior knitting machines the only kind made that widens and narrows. Enquire at this office. Desirable Property for Sale One dwelling uouee, wim seven roams, oellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &e. D. Marquette. Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. mylG CAnj person having for rent a small piece cf land from ten to fifty acres with a comfortable house on it, can find a good and permanent tenant by applying at the Herald office- tf. OR. M- H. M'CLUSKEY dfnttst; Wi t do all work in his tine on short notice. 3Ottice witb Dr. Livingston. July 6. Plattsmouth mills. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed in thor ough running order. Custom work done oa short noii-e. 100,000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted immediate!?, 'or which the highest mark price will angVStf Plattsmouth Lodge No 6, A. F. & A. M. Regnlareommuni cations 1st and 3d Mondays of each month, at 8 1 3 o'clock, p. m. E. T. DCKE, W. M. W. H. ANDERSON'. See. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R. A- M. ltegul jr convocations 2d and 4th Tuesdays of :h month, at 6 1-2 o'clock p m. D. H. WHEELER, H.P. O. C. BETTS.fUc. I. o.o. P. Platte Lodire, No. 7, meets every Saturday evening t die C.urt House Hall. Bfothers o oiber Lodges re respectfully invited to visit this Lodge. Hy order of P. P. GA3S, N.G. M. McEwaih, Ree.Sec'y. I. 0. G. T. Regular meetings every Friday evening. Traveling Tela plars reapectfu ! ly i n vi ted . WM. L. WELLS, W.C.T. WM- R. MATHIS, W. 8. 8AMLM. CHAPMAN', Lodge Deputy, tar EXCELSIOR DE .REE LODGE, No. 1. Platts mouth, hold rrg'ilar meetings on the third Wednes day evenings of each montn, Bro 8. if. CHAPMAN, W D T. Bro. W. L. Wilu, W 1 S Sister . J. jJustuomeRt, W D V T. J3T3TAR OF l.crt LODGE No. 8, Mt. Pleasant, holds regular meetings everv Saturday evening Bro- k. a. it i UK. Patrick, w. c. t. D. T. HUGHES. W. 8. " Bro. F. M. TIMBLIN, Lodge Deputy. St. Lake's Parish Vestry. Regular meetings firgt Tueslsy T every month, at 7 p. m.. at the office of D II Wheeler. Rev. GEO. C. BSTT3. D W WHBELEa, Cleric. Chairman. ESTRAY NOTICES TAKEN CP. by the subscriber, at his premises in Louisville Precinct, Cass County, Nebraska, on the 8th ly of November, 1867, two Calves, four or five months old each. Una is a heifer, and of a red color. The othe- is white. No marks or brands. JOHN AHL. LouUville, Nov. 14, 1867. de?12w5 TAKEN by Ihe subscriber, living in Mt. Pleasant precinct, one estray yearling heifer, cf a brown color, Tiarkd t,v crop from 'aili ear. Nov, 23d 167 decCw&l JOttN F. BUCK. TAKEN CP by the subscriber, at his premises, in Louisville reciac', ass county, Nebraska, on the 25th day of -Nov., Is67, "ne licht bay Mare colt sun posed to be about 3 years old. has a long white Strip in forenead; feet, tail anil mane are Mac. QUO. W. THORN DIKE. nov2Sw5 TAKEN UP by the subscriber at Lis prt mises in Louisville precinct. Cass county, Nebraska, on the 23d day of Nov. 1S67, one bay mare colt, supposed to be three years old; has cald faC4, no other marks. JOHN INHELDEK. bov2wS TIKEN CP by the undersigned at his residence in Eleht Mila Grove precinct. Cass county, Nebraska, on the IS'h day of Nov., 1367, one yearling steer, of whit? and red color, witn rcl bead and neck, and marked with a slit in right ear. GEO. S. RUBY. no2Sw5 TAKEX CP by the subscribe one mile north wot of Ht. f eaiant fcliool House, October 20:b 1367, one Pony Colt, supposed to be three y ars old. of a bay color, aud branded ' K on left shoulder. nov21w5 K-K. COUNTRYMAN TAKEN UP by the subrcriber, at his residence on Four Mile Creek, five miles south west of Piatts mouth, Cass county, Nebiaskt, November 13. A. I. 13C7. one three ear old tag. lelt ear cropped, ashy color, some while on back, and b -lly; also, two earllng stear. one whise or roat i-h color, red ears; the oiner red with white bead, aid somewhat un ased about the bead, both supposed to be branded with an X. UCSKi SNYDER. NovMw5 Demorest's Monthly Magazine- Universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Mag mi no cf America ; devoted to original stories, i.ociu. skeicue. archiiec nre and model cottsK's, buieiiold matters, rem of thought, personal and literary gosoip. (including special departments on f&shiun) Inetructions oo health, muic, amuse ments, ete by the best authors, and preruseiy il. la-trated with ost'y engravings (full eize) meful and reliable patterns, embroideries, and a constant succession of artittis novelties, witb other useful and entertaining I terature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, can alfo d to do without the Mode' Month y. Single copies, 2s (cents ; back numbers as specimen-. 10 cents; eitti.-r mailed, free. Yearly, $.3, with a val uable prerrium ; two copies, $5 JW ; three copiea, J7 60 ; fire copies, 1 1 2, and splendid premiums for cinr-s, at 99 eacn, witn tne nm preii turns to cacn subcrio.!r. A new Wheel r 3c Wilton Sewing Machine fur 29 subscribers at S3 each. Address, tV. JENNINGS DEMORE3T, 473 Broadway, New York DemoreRt s Monthly and Young America to- gcthei, f 4, with the premiums lor each. A Complete Pictorial History of tno Times. The best, cheapas. and Moa: Successful I'amily Paper in the Union, IIAIIPEK'S WEEKLY, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical Aotices of Via Prt. The Model Newspaper of our emntry c mplete in a!l the departments of an American Family Paper "Harper s WeeslJ ha earned fur iiseif right to its title, ' x Jocbsai. of civilizatioh New York Evening Post. Our future historians will enrich themselves out of " Harper's Weekly" loujr after writers and printers. and publishers are turned to dust. .New York bvangelist. The best of its class in America. Boston Trav eller. "Harper's Weekty" may be unreservedly de clared the best newspaper in America. Ihe lade pendent. New York The aiticles upon public, questions which appear in Harper's Weekly" from week to wets furin a remarkable terits o: political essayi. Tbey are d.j. tiiKuited by clear aud pointed staummt, by (food common sense, by independence and breftuth of view. They are tne expression or mature cnltiva ion. hiKh principle and strong feeline, and take tl.eir place among the best newspaper writing of the c loriu American ueview, uosten, Mass. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1 6 H . The publishers have perfected a system of mail ing by which thev cn supply the Magax'ne," " Weekly," and " Bszar" promptly ta those who prefer their periodicals direct from the office of publication. Postmasters and others desirous of getting -jp Clubs will be sapplied wita a Show-Bill on application. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 2) cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post- ciace. Terms. " Harper's Weekly," one yer - - - $4 00 An extra copy of either the Magasine," Week lv." or Baxar" will be sopplied gratis for eyety Club of Five subscribers at eeh, in one remit tance, or six copies for '. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volume of Harper's Weetly" in neat cloth binding, will be tent by express, free of expense, for 7 each. A complete set, comprising ten volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate f 93 -o per volnme, freight at expense of purchaser, Volume XI. ready JaLuary 1st. 168. Subscriptions sent from British North Ameri can Provinces must be acrempanied with 20 cent additional, to prepay United stales postage. Address HARPER &. BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York. WJI. J. FOKD, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER-HANGER, &.C Main tlrettt - - Opposite Post OJice, Will keep on hand and make to order. Mattresses, -ivmrv m rames, wiaaow snsaes, wan raper, sc. t7 All kinds of Turning executed in good style nov 7 'T. m3 Notice to Builders, NEBRASKA. STATE CAPITOL Sealed Proposals for the execution of the several desert:, tions of Artificers Works necessary in the erection of the new State Hoifee of Nebraska, to be built at Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, f aid Proposals will be received by the Superintendent at bis office at Lincoln, on or before the 11th day of January, 1S6S, at 11 eV-lock. noon, and will be sub ject to the approval of the Commi-siocers in accord ance with an Act entitled an Act "To provide for the locatio i of the eat of G-orernment of the State of Nebraska, and for the e-ection of Public CuilJiags thereat, approved June 14th, 1S67." The plans and snecincalioDs may be seen on and after the 10th day of November, 1307, in ti e oCjce of Ute tuperinienaeni at Lincoln. All Proposals mut be accompanied by written agreements aud bonds at not less tban double the contraet price, with sureties to be approved by Ibe Commissioner, and conditioned for the faithful per formance of the contraet on or before the lit day of September. ISoS. 'J'ne Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids, if In their judgment they are too high. r rfUMA MUUKI9, Aiehlte'4 and Superintendent. 1 1th of O'teber, 1W. 3 7i Probate Notice. Ko!l:e Is hereby given that J. D. Rrown. admin istrator of the estate of Geo. I.. Gile .n dee'd. ha tbl day made application to make Coal settlement of his administration of said ettaie. The Court will hear said settlement on the zO:b day of December 1367, at which time all persons interested can ap pear. G.ven under my band this S7th dy of November 1967. W. D. ( AGE Probate Judge. der5w3 DH'EjLLiIXGS ut all price' Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or Residences in town will find th em for sale at al prices. By DORRtNGTON, mrT Kkal Eutats Agent. PLOWS! PLOWS! a E. FORGY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming Implements, Such as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mould Board Breaker-, Stirrine Plows, Single and Doable Shovel, Cultivator and Harrows. Repairing dono on short notice All work warranted. Having had much experien-e in the business, I feel assured that I can give general satisfaction. Please rive me a call btlore purchasing elsewhere. B 0. r. FORGY. Plattsmouth. Neb., May 6th, 1S67. Floiirlns - AND WOOL- CARD.ZUC. Hoi for Salt Creek, where you can kill two birds with one stone, get your Ora:n (iround and Wool Cnrdel at the same time; the machinery for both is in perfect order. We ue the Patent Machine Cards, which were run enough last year to establish their superiority over the old kind, as a'l who used the . can testify. The euperioritv of Mr. S. Twiss as a Carder is well known, and his services are still i e -tained for the benefit of tbe public. Wilh the above advantages we flatter ournelves that we can make it to the advantage of all who want work in our line to come this way. D. It AN . Proprietor. n.ylft 8. TWISS, Carder. NEW JEWELRY STORE The subscriber having purchased the Red Stoie on 2d street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizens of Plattsmouth and vicluity, that he has refitted the store and opened a large slock cf 3" JEJ 'SW 3E3 X. AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, ai-d is prepared to do all Kinds or WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be happy to serve his old and as many new customer! a may give him patronage, assuring them of tbeir woik well done, at moderate prices, and on short time, the stock, embracirg every variety I good usually kf pi at a firpt-clas Jewelry Su-re, will be sold a low prices, and warranted of best worktuausHp and material. He has a: so a small slock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to time, and sold at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo cated in this citv. I respectiuil v svlicit a share of pa tronage, and cor Jially invite all to call and exam ne tbe stock on band, as we would be p'.eaoed to serve yon, and do not ask yon 10 buy uslsss we cn make it for vour interest to patronize m. dec27tf E. n. Eaton. BOARD A0 LODGING, B Q. W. COIsVIN, OAK STREET, --- PIATTSMOUTO, Two blocks nortowett of BrKK Chooi-uouse. Private room furnised if desired. Either day boaid or witb lodgings kt reasonable rates, jan 6 d tf. Bit $ HARDING Si G0f POST OfFICK BCILDINQ NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WHOLEPALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AWD STATIONERY Alro Agents for all tbe principal MAGAZINES andXEVSPAPERS, Forlwhich Subscriptions are received atPubsber 4 i ixro - FAIBBANK'S fcTAKDlBD SCALES, OF ALL KIKD8- Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co-. 226 A 228 Late St. Chicago. 2119 Market St , St. Louis gj"Be careful to buy only the Genuine. myy22 RE AL EST AT JD. H. Wheeler & Co , Real Estate Agen s, .PLATTSMOUTH, N. T., JL Offer for tale tha following Real Estate. Sec. T'p B 2 1 :e. East half northeast quarter 13 11 80 West half northwest quarter 23 12 11 60 South half n'T'heast quarter 33 jo, j.j go V arrh half southeast quarter ,')'J 12 VI 60 Northeast quarter IS 11 13 160 Southwest quarter ai 11 11 1C West half southeast quarter 82 II 11 60 North haf southeast quarter 16 10 14 SO West half noitheat quarter 3 11 II 80 Northweot quartrr northwest qr 18 12 13 41 WH half southwest quarter 12 12 13 East half souihft quarter 4 10 18 St Southwest quarter southeast quarter 4 10 13 4 South half northwest quarter 13 12 12 9 1 Northwest quarter 22 12 12 East bait outhwi-st quarter 13 10 14 North half southeast quarter 10 10 13 8 0 North half fouih west quarter 10 10 13 SI West half northwest quarter 8 1 11 St Northeast quarter 21 12 13 168 Undivided hair southwest quarter 28 11 12 16 East half northwest quarter 1 11 12 St Northwest quarter northeast quarter 1 11 12 4t Lots in the city of Plattsmout . Lot Block Lot Block Lot Bl ;fc 6 22 12 M 6 23 8 26 9 28 o J8 0 38 8 33 S 56 10 97 10 90 e) 62 9 128 1 13 4 12 4 ! S 88 og The north half of 3 4? THOMPSON'S ADDITION. East half of blocks 1, 4. 7, 8 and 10. South lia.f of block 3. Lots 6 and 7 in block 5. West half section 82, township II, ranie 14. 1 acres under lence, 112 ttory frame bouse, good w -and spring, and good running wafer, silenty of tn -ber far dre-wood. Ptice (3,750. WILLITT POTTENGER ATTORNEY AT LAW, rLATT.MCUTII - - NEBRASKA. IT.'vnEs'r.CR, C. LEWIS I.- II. Wliceler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag?ts, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. Collections promptly attended to, and rroceed re mitted at carrent rates of Exchange. Taxes paid in Wes era Iowa and Sebrasxalor lion-residents. Titles to la jd investigated. Aloney loaned on Keal Estate ecur.ties. Land Warrants located. CLAIM AGENTS-' Agents for collection of claims asainst Govern men for Soldiers, their idow and minoihei'S. Agent for .be purchase and sale of Lands and City proper ty, easing of Tenements. REFERENCES: Bon. 8. II. Elbert, Denver City. C. T. Messrs Konntze Bros., Oniahu, Neb. " Mcann fc Mvtcalf, Jlebraska City. ' G. K. Fliley. bt. Lcnis, Missouri. Dr. Dlo Lewis. Boston, Massachusetts. H W Ditmars. Chicago, Illinois. H M Magill, Cincinnati. Ohio. Tooile k ri.iniia, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. L It Rich, Three Rivers, Michigan. Hon V Kellows, ntoomfleld, Wicousin. Hon T M Mirquett, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. L Lewis, Attorney at Law, Buffalo, New York. Carter, Husaey & Curl, Ues Moines, Iowa. i 8 diwtf F. IH. DORRIGTOr, Heal Estate 3KElSrTa OFFICE IX MASONIC BLOCK PLATTSMOVTH, NEBRASKA. Lot 6 in block 47, good residence, well and out buildings. Lot Kin block 62. a good two-etory residence, brick ba-ieniunt, well, barn and other outbuildings. A rare chance for a good 1 vestment. Lot 11 in block 173, building with two rooms and cellar. Good cbance for a small capital. Lot 10 in block 27, good residence, with all the necessity outbuildings. West half of aejtlOn 83, town 12, range 13, togeth er with 38 acres of timber- One hundred acres un der cultivation. Eight miles from Plattsjnoutu,near I'latte river. An Improved faimof eighty acres, good hoa:f, well, etc., with 6ve acres o good timber. Eighty acres of land, partly Improved, two an ad, half milf8 from the city. 160 acres of partly improved land, with 40 acres ca young timber, situated 4 miles south of town. WOOLWORTII & CO j BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealers, SAUST JOSEPH, MO., oc2S 6m Dress-Maker. MRS- L. B. JONES, Would respectfully inform the ladies of Plattsmouth that she is now prepared to do CUTTING. FITTING and MAKING if required. Ladies snd Childrens' Dresses, Cloaks, Basques, etc. MACSS bTITCMb'ti done also. Al1 work WW be executed with neatness, and will receive prompt attention. She will endeavor to give satisfaction, and therefore solicits the patronage of the ladies of this place and vk-iniiy. Residence in the building formerly occupied by Mathis a Son's Bakery. Main street. Mrs Jones is now organizing a club for Demosest's Miiror of Fashions; call and subscribe. nov28 Burned Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Shryock i again af the old stand prepared to wait a poo his former customers, and the public cencrally. If you want anything n shape of Farni tare or chairs, Elve him a call. 3rd street near Main.Plaltsraoutb, N.T. tnayI7,dtf. Miss A. II. DESPAIN", milliner and Dressmaker. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, Has just received a large stock of NEW GOODS! of tbe latett fashions. Sew Goods rece:ved every month. Call and see them. inyBtf Energetic Men and Ladies wanted to can vast for the ORIGIN AND HISTORY or TUB BOOKS of the BIBLE, By Prof. Cahin E. Stowe, D. D. Showing what the Bible is not; wbat it is, and how to ose it; tracing the history of each hook up to its origin with the inspired authors, and completely answering all In fldel cavils and objections to the Scriptare. It i an ordinary library of Bib ical His tory in a single volume, brief, c.ear, accurate, con clusive and highly tntererting. A m'er-piece of common sense. It is needed in every family where the llible is read, as well as by eveiy Sabbath School teacher, student and clergyman, and being the only book on the subject ever published or told in this country, agents can easily see the advantage of canvassing for this work, (rend for circulais con taining notices and indorsements frora!eading min isters of all denominations. Address ZKIGLER, McCURDY A CO , nor?tn4 No. 513 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Prices .Reduced! Has just received a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, of all description.", And a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ,Ai' kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for FVBS, U1DES, WHEAT, die. sep26 C. a. HEROLD. PIANOS PIANOS, MELODEONS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Deafer in the celebrated Stock A BicCammon Pianos, and other Musical Instruments. S3" all Instruments warranted five years. J oct21 ly Probate Iotice. Net ice is hereby given that A. W. Beach. Guard! an for the minor heirs of Celesta A. Bellows, late o Caas county, Xebraska, deceased, has this day ten dered his resignation as said Guardian, and applied totbecouitto make his final se tlement with the estate of said heirs. Said s ttl men t will be heard on THCRSDAY the 81t day of NOVKMBKK, A. D. 1&67, at 1 o'clock p. m , at woich time all persons interested can appear and object thereto if any they have. Witness my hand, this 5th day of November 1867 1. W. MARSHALL, nov. 7 w3 Probate Judge. H.G. Worlhinsloii Attorney and Counselor AT LAW, OfSee In El-bach's Block, rornrref Douglas and 13tb T.r. Obh, Nehr (kut, u;lt CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT I O N JE 11 Y, P. STADELMATTN, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, RUSK, Etc , Of the best natality, can be obtained at all " t would invite especial attention to the fact that I have fitted up an excelk'nt ICE CREAM SALOON In conneetlon with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all I iirrea. Wedding parsie Mpulied on short notice wilh anything in the line of Confectionery or Pastry. Call and see m-s. Jel8 PROSPECTUS OF THE "NEBRASKA STATE JOURNAL." The under tgned proposes to establish a Weekly Newspaper at Lincoln City, the Capital of the State of Nebraska, to be called "The Nebraska State Jour nal." the first issue cf which will be about the 1st of October. 1SC7. The whole outfit for the Office will be entirely new, and will embrace good Job Office, as well as the News Department. Havi ig had much experience in Journalism, and being one of the first settlers in Nebraska; consequently being well acquainted with the wants of the people, aud tha resources cf the State, wc (latter ourseir 'bat we can give general satisfaction in the enterprise. The "Journal" will advocate Republican princi ples, but will be conducted on an independent scale, aud will be courteoui to all parties and teas. Returning our thanks to our old friends and pa trons, we triut hey will assist us in this new enter piise. TERMS $2 CO per annum In advance. JACOB HAWS0N. Probate Notice Notice is hereby eiven that all claims aeainst the estate of K. J. Palmr, dee'd, must be on file in this office on or before the 20fA day of MARCH, A D 1S6P, at which time said claims will be determined upon. Given under my hand thN lSth day of September. AD 11-67. JOHN W. MARSHALL, sop 13 6w Probate Judge. NOTICE. JAMES O'NEIL is my authorised Agent for the collection of all accounts doc the undersigned for medical services; bis receipt will be valid lor tne nuriacnt of any monies on said accounts. August 14, 1567. B, K, LIVINGSTON, M.D. G B. McCALIiUM, y Manufacturer of and dealer in Saddles and Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130X Main street, between 5lh and 6th streets, Nebraska. City. I1 FALL TRADE 1867. PRATT & FOX, Importers and Manufacturers' Agents of HARDWARE I CUTLERY, Large stocks of American Screw Co. Screws, Ames' Shovels and Spades, Douglass' Manufacturing Co. Kdge Tools, American Table Cutlery, Xa!'.cl i'iC--et Cutlery. Agents for HERRING'S SAFES, Forsyth's Scales and Trucks Orders fllle 1 at Factory Prices. Orders solicited. . PRATT & FOX Cor. Main and Washington Ave., sepsam 6T.LOC1S, MO. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! Xn. HERALD Has moved Into his new brick btllding en the t -nerof Main street and Levee, wheie he is iaily re ceiving large additions to his already extensive stock of GROCERIES AND IQO He offers the very best of bargains to customers, and requests a call from those who want aaything in his line to test tbe advantages in prices with those f others. Remember the BRICK CORNER and give hlj a call If you wish to buy cheap. nov2 SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., - - Plattsmouth. I am prepared to accommodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, Ob short aotice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the city when desired. mr2 J. W. EBAKN09. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CENTRAL STORE. Dry-Coods, Groceries, Provisions, BOOTS and SIIO ES Main Street, Iwo doors above Fourth, Where the public may find THE BEST OF GOODS and prices as low as can be f.-und in tbe e fy. We return fhanks for the liberal patronage we have received, sod hor-; to turU its continuance. rv. 3. 'er nsct rjri. An Old Sohc Set to a View Tom csr 1867. 53 Attrring opprtt Ant it ani MoucK frvm their kolf And Miand itasw In of i at. "18 years established in S. T.Clty. "Only infallible remedies knows. " "Free from Toisoiis." "Not dangerous tothe Uocin Family'." Hats come out of their holes to die" Costar's Bat, Roach &c, Exterm Is a paste used fer Rati. Slice, llocclit. Black and Etd Ant, tc. Costar's Bed -Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wash u A to rteMroy.'Snd also as a preventive for Bed Bug, dec. Costar's Electric Powder foi Insects I for ITutht. Jfomjuituet. tUai, Bed-Bug, Intact on PlanU, PotcU, Animal, . JS&- ! 1 Bcwaas ! ! ! of all worthless Imitations. Sir that "Costjir's" name is on each B Bottle and Flatk be ore you bay. Address Henry It. Coslar, 44 Broadway, New Tsrk. sT Sold in PlatUmovth, Xebratka, by Illae Buttery A. Co., and O . J one so a, aaa wit i and Retailers eveiwwbeasw COSTAR'S CKLZBKATVD BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cuts, Burns, Bi nites, Wound, Boils, Caccsrs, Broken Breasts ore Nipoles, Weeding, Blind and Painful Piles. Scrofulous, rjitrid aud 1 1 i-c nditlonsa Sores, Ulcer, tjlandular Bv.'llir.i,", Kuptions, Cuta neous Aif'-ctionsf Kini'worm, ' tih. Corns, Buoioas, Chilblains, oto; Chapped Hands, Lips, itc; Bites ef SpM r. Insects, Anunsls, tfe. w3.Boxes, 2.i cnls, 50 cuts and $1 sizes, gold by all DruugUts eveiy where. And by HfcNKT K. COSTA It, Dep-t 4S4 BressV way. N. Y. 3And by O. F. Johnson, aad Slswk. BaMsvsy ft Co., Plattsmooth, Nubraika COSTAR'S Corn Solvent. For Corns, Bunions, Varts.Xc. Boars 25 cents, B0 cents and $1 sites. jaET"Sold by nil llrugg st everywhere nd by HEN BY K. C0STAR, Oepot 4.4 Broad way, N. Y. wAnd by Black, Buttery 1 Co aad 0. P. ion, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OW Bitter Sweet fe Orange Blossoms. rOR BEAUTIFYING THE C0MPLEXI0K. Used to soften ar.d beautify the Skin, rcBieva Freckle', Pimples, Eruptions, ae. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. Bottles tl. JtJ"3old by all Drnggits everywhere. And by IIENKV h. CoiTAU, Depot 4S4 Brea. way. N Y. (XfAadbyO F. John-su and Black, Battery ft Co. , I'laltrmouth, Ncbra ka.' COSTAR'3 FECTORAV" Cough Remedy. For Coughs. Colds, Uoarsehegs.-Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, IcSueosa, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affectiots sod all Diseases of tbe throat and Lungs. Boxes 25 cents. 60 cenU and tl sises Oold by all Draughts every where. And by UENBY R COS TAR, 454 Broad ay. N.Y. . aJ-And by Black. Buttery Ca and O. . Jaask. son, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. COSTAR'S' CELEBRATED" BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER FILL. For Nerrnns and Sick Headache, Contirrness, Indi gestion, typep.ia, Billipusness, Coat-ti patios. Diar rhea, Colics, Chills Fevers an J general Uerng ment Of Ihe Diiresiive Organs. Boxes 25 cents, 50 cnts and tl iiet- 58old by all Dmggint evn-ywhrre. And by U fcNKT K COSTAB, Depot 4S1 Broad way, N Y. ir-'Aodbr". V. Johnslt n-' Cleek. Tutferr 4