MH . She Dirbrasha ratrt. LOCAL NEWS gSTThe wife of Judge II. P. Bennett, of Colorado, died recently in Denver. miiii m m m QSTThey had extreuiely cold weather "down east' two weeks fto. Cj"A female Huffrnge organization Ims been effected in Oraiha. Q3Tlt only takes fivo days now to g1 from Plattsmouth to Slt Luke City. (5?"The Republican saya they wnnt a glare and nitten manufactory at Omaha. We hare one in Plnttyniouth. TTIce was formed on standing water. the thickness of one inch Inst Monday niht.- Ci?The lumber for the new capito! at Lincoln was chipped from Chicago lant Monday. a?"The Jacob Sns pnaed np TuascUv ..afternoon. She will pr bably bo the last boat of the season. ! express a splendid new as sortment of Drtsa Flannels at Clark Sc Plcmmer's. (TjjTThe boiler from Edgerton's Mill i undergoing repairs at the shop of John son & Price. 57"Tbe Press, at "Nebraska, Citv, i fattinz on city airs. They have .io use a patent mailing apparatus. fih. Spratlin, formerly a well known and repee'ed citizen of Rock Bluff, in this civnty, died at Council duffs on the 25th inst. fg"We wer in Omaha a fw diys nzo. Thov have built Bcvernl dw hoiioa lhf-re this season. The Pacific Railroad starts from Omaha. ttSee card of II. S. Jenning, of Lincoln in to d:iy's lit rai.d. The Jude has invested, in Lincoln - and proposes making that bis permanent home. Those of our citizens who may require the ser vices of an attorney at the Capital, will find Mr. Jenn;njra jut the man they want. CH""rhe people of Brownsville are moving heavily in Railroad matters They propose sen lin a delegation to Washington to lobby for a grant of land for a western rosd. The ounty com tuisstonera will submit a proposition for the county to take $350,000 of stock in the road. going to Lincoln recently we! were agreeably surprised to fi d such ex jellent roada. , In the vicinity of Weep Water Falls the people havo repaired every foot of road that needed it grad ing hill, bridiing goiters, filling up rut, and placing it in the. best possible condi tion. The people generilly of that lo- Cryira. Simpson's rouble class gave a concert at her residence last Saturd y evening. We learn from :those present th- the singing was excellent anu done honor to Mrs. Simpson' abilities as a teacher as weil as to the aptness of her pupils. . . . . . Ca A young niun named Fergu3n, who has relatives living in Glcnwood, Iowa, w;i9 arrested in Nebraska City last week on the charge of attempting to pass counterfeit money. Cpon examina tion, however, it was ascertained that he was innocent of the crime, and did not know the money he was offering was coun terfcit. essrs- Vollintine & Hain have opened a large 6tock of general mcrchan dise at Ashland. They .are energetic men, and nre bound to make themselves heard and felt in a business, ennacitv - I'liey have procured the printing of a large lot of posters at the Herald office. They are weil known to most of the old fettlers having, been in business on the plains for some time. f5They have been playing "Swinging around the circle" nt the Council Bluff Theatre. We thought Andy had the ex clusive right tn that play. C3r-Mr. Oaley County Clerk of Lan caster county, was in the eity last ween. He is laboring hard for the best interests of hia county ar.d city. m - C5rTho new block on Farnhara street, Omaha, is a mngnificient affair. It would do honor to any of the eastern cites. (7?We advise dealers to have a good ttock of fence wire on hand next sprinj. There i an inmcn(i amount of fr"li turned prairis "out d lor.' . m "Mr. Stndeiinann returncil from Lincoln a few dv sines. He is vrv much pleased vrith tho rropocts of the ;.y. (5?"We never passed a more pleasant vening than in listeni ig to Br. Ro'. Morris, last Monday evenine, at Orn ilin. His iiiin l is already richly stored with Masonij knowledge, yet he is on his way Notice to Builders. NEBRASKA. -STATE CAPITOL Seated Pioposals for ihe execution of taa several desert t.oni of Artificer! Wort dkut in the of the new iiite llou.eof ,Nebrak4, to V roue at Li-Bcin, banra-te' cmioiy. N-bratk cald Frop-Mila will be recaived by lhauDertnteo.lent j t bis o!be nt Limiln. ..n or bef.ire iba II h day of Jn.tia;i V- 13i.8- at 1 eVliw t haii .1.1 ..l 1.. .,.., caii.y arc wonting to toeir interests, anil jet to ti.e nw"' f. ..,mmi-.-l..Ler 1 arcord- " - -, , I i:c9 trith an Act entitled an Act - r privi'ie for th no loan among them . does more for the iocti . of the -eat rr o vemment of ttr- mhi i general good than E. L. Reed, Esq. YtV" There are many natural advantages The plans ai d pe iQcuou mr be ieen m and " fter the lOih dv of N .ve.nbar, 1367, iu t e effije of nuuuk mo raiir, unu w fipcci yet 10 See I ne .uperinienieni hi 1.111011. not Only S densely, populated Country UreQim.-nt and l.ond at JWl than Die thereahnntA hut tn im . ihncin tn com -iC- price-, wnn nrrt c to b-s. p o. J bjr rhe tnereanouis, dus 10 see a tnrivmg town Cumrtli,.iooe.-.n.i c.n.iitiont f .r the fa ihfui i er at the Falls. The natnral ndvaetm'es of f '"nance of tbecontr.iC' ouorbelorethel-tday of ... 1 op-.-mo r laoo. nie piace, ana ine perseverance 01 the leading men will bring things out all right in time- : (f?"We have received and partially perused, a copy of "Letters from Europe, by John W. Forney,'! published by T. B t cierson uros.. 01 f nuaueipnia. inese letters are very instructive to Ain-ri can readers, being upon subjects which cannot fail to interest them. The we!l known ability of the writer is a sufficient guarantee of the character and truthful ness of what he sys So far ns we have reai them, thene letters give a more vir id description of European innnncrs, cus ATTENTION 1 CITIZENS I The ;miiii-.loDPra re.rve tl erirht to reject an sod all bidj, if In trieir judgment tb y are loo bigb. ' i : Architect aud Suariuteodcnt. t Itll of Octnl;r. B7 3 ! WAXTED A GKXTS $IjO tier roooih, eyrjrwliere. male I 1l nr.d fem, l ell the Oi.Vti.i K tiKStiE PA MIL Y KKWAQ MAl'HllftC. the Kre-te-t in vciition of Ihe ag-. Price $14. Kveiy M:icbinc warrnt-d in ee y-ars Aildrihs, M. kWIs A CO , fepl2 4tr P. O. Box 0li3 St. I.nuia. Mo. nVFI.I.I.;S nf all price Any pe-sons wiiliinp to purchase Farm-pro-ery, or Kt'Diaciicej in Iowa win nau Hi till tor sale at ml price, isy - DORRIAGIOK. ititT. Hrt KsTHTr Wa ar. jiut la receipt of ur FALL. AND WINTER" DRY GOODS, Clothing, Soots and Shoes, Hats and Caps; Hardware, Queensware, Iron, Nails, Groceries, &c. SCnUTTLER WAGONS constantly on hand. NOTICE. AdIcd BobUch. i, f c.uucil ijluffi. ia the State fkl IO. Will If . Il-!li' thmt Mllri.ll.. 1m MRli.ln torn 8, progression- governments and noted I of :iuniy of Ca and .iie or Nei..r.iska, di 1,00' ut,.:. ; .1 .v I liio i-ft:h liny o: tictobr, a r lfH7 fie ibeir i t-tii Ion uia.uricni j'uiuis iti-iu utij tiling we ever to Uistl ltt cuit of lhe 2(J JlK!i iMi Dia-riet of Tln rrio nf lh I Nebraska, wnb n and lor Ca-n oun'y, a.-ain-t the 1 uo pi .v,c ui vuo sit ( Ant,.ny Bi.hlscbei i. de'eDiLiot, a -.lias forth lht in noie. seen in the same space, book, in good substantial binding is $'2 0 f tbe "J,', l'-fe"danl U indebted in the e nd , , I the mm of TO 37 oo hi- ctihiii proinnory noi o o illoline Plows aud nil kitn! of AGRICIXTCR A Li LVPfiEUGKTS. R Wtiieh wa ira tailiog at the ieirajt cah pries . Please call aad ezamiae ocr aloek and for yourielTti. STAUDE & ANDERSON. An Old Souk get to a ffew Too 1337. -S3 Anil at Kotteh J'rm tt.eir hole oaata A nd Mir and Rat In fAt of (at, Ottiiy p oeaV Any One forwarding that amount to i . I ui .de, executed anl delivered by the aaiJ iltfen iuni B. Peterson & Br is, receive a copy post puiJ. by return mail TK!-i V t will I en '1 inaiuiri;, uuriiiK u tc on uie .r n;ij 01 ' '- 1 ik-toh-r, l'jb? au.l culiinc lor th p tTmeiit offlO 37, s CuLRcri 2G, 1867. I one day alter dIc. n iiti interest at the rate of ten per c-i't. per auuum. ami pruyinir that the taid An te iv H .h's :bi'l miy he ailj jdd to th raid mm of money now claimed to due, with interest a afort.-aiu; and ih" ajil Autenv U iblrcheid ia re- quir' d to apjiear Hnd Hiirwr daid petition on or be 10 -c the .h ii.-iv cr rccemo-r, a it iMil. You are fu-ther tKtihed that an order of attach- to the II .17 T,.,n l the birth-place and throush J0U) amj b.g you to convey cradle of Masonry there to seek out all the companv -ou represent this ezpr. the veritable things tliat may be found pfrtainin-; to tha Order. lie will leave Amersca sometimn during the winter. Vktry Room, St. Lckk's Chlrch Plattsmoutu Neb , Nov D. II Wheeler, Esq., Agenl UarturJ I'ire Insurance Co., I nient hu bn i?urd m raid cause, and that your I'latlsmoulh. DEAR SIR . Permit US to tender VOU I ",,":h ,t,e Pntll 'Qare, and iota ten and eleven J I (lo nd 1 1), in Mock ooe (1), n.iotii. ranee one (1), r sincere tnanss tor tnc prompt ana least or me -uiiic squaie. ii in itock ui.c city, 1 r I ' , - . M... . W I,...),. . . . A l.An . t . .. I . . ..... highly credible manner in which our Sumca thereto. ' aiukpie & simion. i : n..r..i w: i i w. r . i imttn, an y lor I'lainnn ciitini u-tiusi, iiiu uiiimm a.ic ...ur- Onlered llial tho i...tire baonMiahed ance Co., for the damage by lire of the I our conaecutive weiks m tte webr-! iraid I J. II. KKOWN, Church. On the II th mst.. WilS ail lUted I oc31 4w Clerk l)iirict Court. 40BM . CLASH BLt ttVUUMSti 2"Jao'-eon ffajim at ClaxiC & Pj.rJtiiF.R's. """Pnj;e county, Iowa, has apprcprm. ted $1,000 towards i1fTrnyin,j the ex penses of a Railroad Survey to the Mis. ouri river. ("Charles Dickens has arrived in the United States We presume there will be a terr'.bie atrife between Oinnhi anJ Council B'uIT-t to determine which jlace shall hive him firet. tMt Donovan, of Lincoln, has sold his new hotel huildin?, and is now pre paring for the erection ' f another on a more extensive scale. lie sold to Mr. ScrOr,ins, of Wisconsin. fJT" Our friends in Lancaster and "Saanders counties will please remember that we have the best assortment of legal blanks to be found in Nebraska. Orders filled 03 short notice. J3TAs '3 Thanksgiving day, we re1 compelled to "cut short' on reading "matter. Our typos are fond of going to Cborflh and eating turkeys especially -the latter. Maj. Btlomlte thinks that Omaha can go ahead without the capitol, especi ally as the old building has not been re moved. We are glad the Maj has come to that nensible conclusion the balance of the state thought so some time ago. 5TWe learn that Mr. Richrd Clai 'borne, formerly a journeyman in the D-mcrat ofiioe of this city, is about to take hold of the B.dlevuo Times estab lishment. (The small bride just this side of Platte river is sa lly in need of repairs. The covering's composed of loose sticks, and it will be a wood.T if somebo y's team does not get crippled there unless it ia fixed. ff"A Luthernn t'hurch edifice, says the Advertiser, is being built in Ne mh countv. bv the German Luthe- Tans. There are in that vie rity thirty five families, with a membership of one hundred nnd twenty person. 5Mr. Keere, late Steward on the Uolerado, has received a silver pitcher, goblets and tray, worth $300 from tho recent excursionist, as a, testimonial of their appreciation of his services to them while on the teamer. 5?Mr. Furner, of ttw. Bel.evue 'lime, was in the city last Tuenkay. He nays Plattsmouih is a much larger city than he had supposed it to be. Ms people are happily disappointed in the same way when they come and see us. C3A gentleman who resides in Lin coin, visited this city last week, and after staying here a diy he said he was agreea bly surprised tofiod that our people took o much interest in the success of Lin oln. Whv, bless you, there is no place j we tljiisk rBich 'x?pt onr own cjry. ! CAt the mentins of the Mercantile Library Association list Friday evening, donations of near fifty volumes were promised. Tnis is the rijrht spirit, and if kpt a'ivo wili soon give us one of the be-t Librarys in the west. K. member that there will be another met ting to morrow eveninz, at the ofBce of D. II. tVheler. We expect arrangement will then be made for the commencement of a regular course of lee ares. 3?"Saiiling facss nre the household liih'.s. C-tn a wlfu expect her ' smi'..i when she sets befora him roor bread ? Can a husband look for smiles from his wife if he oIT.'rs her inf-rior ma terial for making bread ? If you, sir, please jour wife got D. B. De Lind & Go's. B?t Ch?raisal S:tler:itu?. and shu wiil produce lie. id and biscuits that will please you that wiil please her, and th.-ro will bo light in the household smiles ali around. Use it insead of Soda PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FORGY, Manufacturer of all kind of Farming Implements, Such hs the ctllr;it'd Krxl ltr?kintc Piowa. MoulJ Itoar'l tir?;tk-r-, Sttrrina 11 Sia'e nnd Double Shocl-. Culiivtor ttod llairown. Repdiriog don i. a -ha t nol ice All wo-k warrant d. IXavinif IihJ m'ich exprrien e ia the liusines I yt OH SALE--Ajne Of Lamb S Superior I l aured lh;tt I can iftve geoe-al .ttUctitia. - r 5 I a t.i i i U' vy- c yin vnaaiiif i -c ncic, to company you represent this express ion of ourlii-rh appreciation of their hon orable conduct in the matter. Most truly yours, OK Jf.C. DCTTS, Rector, Oatlord J. Clark ii Clark & Plummer, Successors to Tootle, Hanna & Co..) DEALERS IN It. li Living-ton ) Wardens Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, faps, Doors, Groceries, Queensware, Boots, Shoes. Notions, Sash, tfec. knitting machines the only kind made that widens and narrows. Plnquire at this cfEce. Platt'inouth. Krb.,aj Bh. 1S7. KORUT. AND WOOL- CARDING. Ho! r r Salt Creek, whi r you can kill two !ir1a nlth oi.e tone. g;et youi ia n riund aod Wm-1 Cirle I a th a:ime tim-; the mncliiu'-ry f-r b h ia in t-rrvi outer. e ue etie raUul ilcbinc CirU, which wre rna tnoiiKO last year to etitWUh tlieir urruriiy nver tli- o.a k mil, an a1! who used tho cm tvstirr. The suprrinritt of Mr. b. Taris aa a I'.r.l... E. I..1I Lnnu . .1 1 ! . . . : . ...II . 1 Small pieCO Of land from ten t3 fifty I talued for the benefit of the public. Wiih theab-Te MlvHDtMuos are natter nure !ve tliHt we cu make it to the adra"tai?? of all who want worlr in our line to fimf this way. D. L'tAN. lropri'tor. niP S. TW Iji, 4 Utrdrr, Desirable Property for Sale One dwelling notice, wito eeven roams, celhir, barn, and 4 acres of ground well I set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &c. - U. XlARQCfctTe. Enquire of S.Duke, Apent. mylG (Ji7"Any person having for PliATTSHOUTII, NEBRASKA Step oa band a full atock of all kimlf of AGrHlciriiTUHAIj IMPLEMENTS. Jlgents for the sale of Jackson, Michigan, Wagons. rent acres with a con.fortablo house oh it, can find a good and permanent tenant by applying at the Herald oEce tf. DR. M- H. M'CLUSKtY DRNTKST Wi'l d all work in hl line on hort notice. JCJ-OUico with Dr. Living, ton. July fi. Plattsnouth Lodge No- 6, A- F- & A-M. Rif iil.-irromnmnicatioi lt and 3d Mondays of each nomii, at (J 1 Si o'clock, p. tu. E. T. DUKE, W. SI. XT. H. AXDEaON. SrC. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, B, A-M. V.r--ul T ci nval'on 2.1 and 4th Tutsdxys of an h laxnih. at G 1 2 o'tlork p m D. II. VVUESLER, H.P. G. :. BETTS. fee I. 0. 0- F. 11 itte Lodjre. No. 7, meet evorr Saturrtnj ernioj .t theC -urt Hon" Hall, lir.-tli r. n other Lodges n- rr.-prt;tfiilly ir vited to Titit this Lodge. tly order or V- P. GAS?, If. O. SI. SIcE.WAiN.Itec. 3ec'y. I. 0. G. T- Ri-gularmeetiaisn every Friday ereuing Tiaveling Teinlai k recnecifully invited. W.M. L. WELLS, W.C-T. WM- R. HATTII'), W. . fAJTLM. CHAPMAN', Lodse Dfputy. 3KX0ELiIOR DE REE LOIWh, No. 1. Plait mouth, hd.l-i rejriila.- ineting on the third Wednes day eveuiugs of each moiim. It o S. V C1IAPMAK, W D T. Bro. W. L. WrM... W D S Siiter E. J. .-lona MEltr, W D V T. C"Marshall Murpiiy brought one Wm. Ciindler to his senses rather suddenly last Friday evening. Said chaadler was rather noisy on the street, and the mar shall remonstrated wiih hi.n. Chandler fi'L-iinn; soinewnat "elevated," pulled off his c .it t Cht the ma'Khar ; but before lie fair'y Crimprehended the "situation' he was on the way to the 4'lock.up,'' where he passed tho night. He was brought before R-corder Dorrington Sat nrday morning and induced to pay a small Euni ioto the city Treasury. "Those who dance must pay the fiddler." ?"Ve acknowledge the receipt, from J. V. Barnes, at Murphy's Book Store, of one of those excellent pocket Diary's for 1803, containing a counting honse calender, a complete nlmanao, a table of postage rates and tho time occupied in the. transmission of znaila between princi pal points, money order regulations, an abstrnct of stamp duties, a complete mi nature d iy-boofc, ledger, cask book and memoranda in fact everything re quired in the transaction of business. They have a few uioro of the same sort and a complete stock of everything in the stationery line. Go and enquire for anything tou want in their line, and Barnes will take pleasure in showing it. C3"A serious runaway occurred last Friday. The large bay team belonging u the Messrs. Lazenby, got frightened nt the rattling of a chain attached to h Mtnalt dog, ran over another team belong ing to Mr. Jacob Vallery, severely bruis ed Mr. Vallery 's little hoy who wns riding in the wngon, and mashed things up gen era'ly, One of toe runaway horses broke hi leg and the owners bad to shoot him, and the other stove a large sized hoi. in to his chest by comiog in contact with Val ry's wagon box. Moral small "dorgs" with chain at tachments should not be allowed to run nt large. s?".s there appears to be some little misunderstanding among the people about who is county Superintendent, we would say that B. Spurlock, county Clerk is the acting' Superintendent. At the time of the eleetlon some doubt existed as to whether there was authority for electing a Superintendent, and it was thought best to place a candidate in nomination. Since that time it has been ascertained that there was no authority for such election, hence the election of Mr. Kirkpatrick is of no effect, and the county Clerk is acting Superintendent ut til such time as legal provisions are . - , , m : nori n pari oi rar-1 -iiw v. w pfccciM ci'iuij , made for tbO election Of bOnr person tO ! Nrv, . n Octotx-r 221, I W, one two-year old Heller, ! . 1 i a a. f 1 XT U nrni' I pea- wun line - jwm i . Prices deduced! C2. C3r. Herold. Has Jut received a l.-.rgi? arortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, GHOCEIUKS AND LIQUORS, of all descriptions Aud a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AI' kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in exchause for Cotd'. Oath paid for F CHS. U1DES, WUEA T, d e ai'i-26 " C. . H KKOLD. ESTRAY NOTICES TAKES CP by t-e aiiburriber, at h. pryjini'sos In L'-unville 1 cioct, nsa county, Nebraska, on Ihe 25'h d-ty of Sov , 1S67. "ne lisht bay Mure sup posed t ' be about 3 years old h i" a loni; while Strip lu feet, tail and mine are black. UE J..W. TUOttSDIEE. uov2Sw5 TAKEX CP hy he s bscriber at his pr tuisea in Lmiiil- P Kiu-t Ta-a eouiiiy. Neb.a-ka, on the ei I day of Kov . Ib67. one by rnare Colt, suppoed to be three years old, has bald face. i oth'T marks. JOHN 1NIIKLOEK. no2?5 T IKES CP by the underf i-ned at his reoiilence in Eight Mil Oroe prrcinrt Cas.i o ni lr. Neliraski, On the 15 ib dy or Nor., 1667, ' veai li- f a'eer, of whit-- and red colur, wiih red bead nod tie-k. and marked with a slit in ritfht car. UEJ. tf. RL'BV. noT.Swa TAKf S CP by the subcribee, one mile north nrtillll. I leasani f-h ol Iloiire, OcU.bir 20;h 1S67, ona ! J C'dr. sii'uad to be ihiee y aa old, of bay rt-ior, and branded -lt" on left cht.ul'l-r no21w5 K-K. COL.MKYM AX TAKES CP by the subcribr, at his readeneeon Four Mile Cre. k, five mil foo h wet or Pla ts mouth, C county. Xeia-ki, Xicn'r 13 A. I. l-87 una tbre .tear old Ma, let ea crupp'd. a-hy color. m)iue wh te on bjck i-nd biily: aia, ' wo ea'linK stears, one white or roa i h color, red ears; ihe other red wiih white he .d. a d mm. what ili--aa-ed limit the hekd, both suP'a d tn be Willi s X. UEJiUV tNYOtlt NorH6 TAKEN UP by the mibscr.ber at bis lesidnce in Eight Mi Crove precinct, on the tl dny of Norem ber I bOT, ooe y- ailiu heifir calf, of a roan color, no mxr-tH or brand. no7wS LEWH filBEnSOS. TAKEN CP by the subscriber, at hM rr-M.lesce In 1I. Pi a-aot pie-ii.ct, C c unty N' ln-ka, Octo b r22l l5t7, 01 e bright bay n a e. 6 r 7yearld, about 15 and- Iiii-b, c dlar rairkx on the top of her lie. k. nml had on a halter when taken D. no7wi HAVID O. SHOOTMAN. Taken np by the sub tiber nt bin premise in Mt. Plea.ant pr-cincf. '. Co.,- Neb. about 8 miles we-t of the Ml l' t.iwn-fite, on the Hid day of October, a B ISC7. obi- 3 yearold Steer, black and ite spotted, while in fiont bead. Also, onr year linK Sleet, of a red color, with Map horns, and is ma- ked m iih a roes on the right hi t. Oclobei 21 5w JOHN RENKEN Taaert np by the aiibscrrfer at hi premises in Mt. Pleanant ?r'Cinet, about 8 mile w.-si of the ill. P'ennant t-wn- ite, on the 2"i l dy of Ort-ber. a D JSG7, tw.i Yesrl'ne Meers, on of a red clur and Ihe other s kind of brown Color, wiih white spo a on ad. UAS3 TIMU. O.noberSl fw Taken up by tbe i-u'i-'crilier at his premises lo the north part ofEltt.t-XIil Br, pUcluit, Vtr cotmty. fid th offics. PIANOS' PIANOS, MELO PEONS. j. iucm,i:es, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er in the ce!ebratd Sleek & McCammon Pianos, and o: her Musical Instruments- E3"A" lostrumenta warranted Ave years. octal ly Energetic Men aud IiaUies ic anted to can vas fr the ORIGIN AND HISTORY or THE BOOKS of the BIBLE, By PmJ. CaUin E. Slowe, D. D. Show. i c what the Bib!- I- nl; what it U, aud how to u-e it; tricine Ihe hi-iory of each -oo np to its origin with the in.pir-tl author?, and conilet-ly aifeweriug all L lldel ravi'a Hud o. j. ctio:s In (tie M-riptnrvS It 1- an ordinary library uf Bib ieal His ttr.v In a ulncle volume, brii'f, c ear, aocnritie, con clusive and highly miercttlo i A in-t-'e' pieco of Cfiiitno aenre. It is n-trdi-d in every family where the Bible U red, a well a by m lbat! School tearher, s'udent and cle vniaii. and beinx tbe ouly book on the aubject ever pub l-hed or old in ihia country, amenta can eaily eti tbe advantage of exiiva-odiig f"r iM wo k. enlrc iculnacon ta.nini; notices anil indor.enit-nti trcim leading min Vt rs of all deuoniin t'om Addre ZFIOLKR. McCCKlfT k CO , nov7m4l N- -lU "live tr-ft. St. Iiiiis. Mo. Probate Iolicc. Net ice ia her, by piTro tha A. W Ifexrh. Guard i an tor 'lit minor heir of i.'eleta A ttrllow, Ixte o t'ass rouuiy. Kebra-ka. deceHerl, has this dy ten d' r d his resignation as raid uait an, and npii d to the omt to make his final se tiement with Ihe estate of aid heirs. !aid a. It.t inent will be heard on THURSDAY the 21-t day of NO VKMBf K. A. U. 1S67, at I o'cl.-ck p iu , at woich lime all perrons in iciemed can appear an t object theieto if any tbey have. Witness my hand, this 5th dy of November 18e7 i. W. MARSHALL, oov. 7 It 3 Probate Judge. Probate Notice. Notice is ben by if. ven llMt Matthew Midkiffhas Ibis day made appi c.iti n to the Probata Court tf Cas county to bi poitiie.l Adniiuisirtor of Ihe estate ol J.imes A. Mnlkiff, Ute I CaFu comity, de ceased. The Court will hear said application ou Friday, Xoe mbrr 2l.f, 1S57, at 1 o'clock p m , at whWh time M rerson interes. ted cu ..piM-ar and show . aiise why raid appoint-ur-i t hou:l not be inii'le it ai y tbey hase. Gtvta vudcr my band thu I-t lav of November, 1S67. J. W. M.aKSuaLL. Uuv 7 w3 Pr.ilMite Juoj. II. . . Wortl.instton Attorney and Counselor A. V law, OEcc In Karbieb'a Blur,cor3.r of ron; and 15tb siret. Oaufct, 'rbrk'ka. mfii NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! The Cheapest and Best. E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO., nave Jast received a large and splcndU stock of Sew and Fashionable Goods, consisting 0f YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOO I S AND SHOES. READY MADE CLOTHING, '9 HARDWARE. WOODEN WARE, QUEENSWARE. Which ihey will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices! Having purchased them for cash In New York and nos-on. We assure the r uMic we can and will sell Goods as low as any houee west of St. Louis or Chicago. gRemeniber the Old Corner, now called tho Nogw TSTorli. c&i&laL Store, CORKER MA1X AND SECOND (or Levee) STREETS. rOnr mott Is "QUICK SALES AXD SMALL PROFITS." TijAttsmoutii, NmRASt a, September 26:h, 1S67. E. A. WICCIKHOBS S. "CH.ASSZ. PROSTECTUS OF THE TvrTT'TlT? A GTT A ST1 A rI' h JOUBNAIi." The under iirned proposes to e?tiblit-h a Weekly NewBoaD'-r at Lincoln City, the Capital ot tbe Slate of Hcbrasks, to Ie c-llel '"Tne eblaKk Mate Jour nal." the Brvt iesue cf which will be about the 1st of October. 107 The whole outfit for the Once Will be entirely new. nd will embrace gO id Job Office, h wt-1' us the News Ilel ur.lMent. Ilavi ig tin. I much experience in Journ tlism, and eing one or the fjrt aettle's in ebraKka; cons- quen ly beio wrll aciiutiutcd with the watiti of the people, aud In? resoiirct-s rl tlie State, we flatlet ouiftlf that we can give general iiiisfciioii in the eoterpibte. Tbe "Joii ual " will advocate Kepnblicto prlnci. pies, out nil! be cuducted on an independent tcale, un will be courteoni to all parties and fects. Retnrning our thauka to our old friends ana pa trous, we trurt iht-y will sgsibt u in this new enter puse TERMS Sz.GO per annum tn advance. JACOB HAWSOJJ. Probate IVotice Notice is hereby eiven that all claims asralnst th estate of R. J. Palmar, uee'd, mnst be on file in th.s office cn or befor.' the 2(lfi tltiu vf yiAItCH, A D at which time -a"l claim, wi.l l aet-ruiined upon. Oi-enu der my han-i th:- lSih l-y of ei te tuber. D ll-67. JUUlt W. -w AIIS1IALL, aeplU Cw Frcbat? Jndge. IVOTICE. J A M 33 O'NEIL is my authorize I Agent for the coll- eii.Mi of all account due the underrignrd for ninliuiwinfe; his receii t will be valid for the payment or any monies on said .-t-e.-nn L. AUgU-l l-i, 150V. tl. it. IAU3IU.1, 11. V. O R. McCALIiUM, - Manuf ctnrerofand dealer in S.idIle and Harness, Of every description, w bolea'e aad retail. No. lSnt Mais street, b eso Sh anJ h e'.Teets, Nebraska cry. 1 FALL TRADE 1867. PRATT & FOX, Importer and Manufacturers' Agents of HARDWARE I CUTLERY, Large stock or American Screw Co. Screws, Ames' bhovels and Spade, Douglas" Slanu.acturing Co. Kdge Tools, American Table Cutlery, English dock et Cutlery. Agents for HERRING'S SAFES, Forsyth's Scales and Trucks Order fillet at Factory Tiice. "18 years etblisbed In H. T. City." Only infallible remedies known." "ere- from 1'oisons " "Not dauneroiis tothe Hnman Family." "UaU come out of their hole to die." Costar's Rat, Roach &c, Exterm'r I a rait ued fur Rat. Hit:, JtoatA Llack and lied Ant, tc. Costar's Bed-Bug EitTmlnatoi Is a liquid or wasl- um d to dtfoy, and also as a preventive for Htd Eugi, Jto. Costars Electric Powder for Insects I- fur Mitl.. MoxquitutM, tira. Be.d Bugi, Insects on I'lants, i'uwt-t, Animal, tto. ! I Bkwark ! ! of all worthless imitatieav J.Js. e that CoTB't" name ia on each Bern, Botile and i'lask be ore yen tcy. Address Henry R. Coslar, . 454 Broadway, Nw Tork. 7 PoM In PUittmout, Xebraita, by Tiltet, Battery & Co., and O r . JotmH. U tU I ad UataxlSft iTsrvlitrt, OOHTAR'8 CltlBBATBO BUCKTHORN SALVE, For Cuts, Burns, BiuIfcs, Wonnrl, Boils, CanesrS, B oki'n B.eats9ore Nipnles, Hleeiling, Ultnd and Painf il Piles. Scrofulou.', Putrid aud lli-c ndillonsd Sores, Ulcer-., j laud mar b welling!, Cup; ;n., Cuta neoiis Aff 'Ctione, KioKWorm, tcb, Corna, Boaioa. Chilblains &.; Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac; Biles mt Spith-rs. Insert, Anima s, Vc . " Hoxe, 2.i cents, S'i cuts and $1 sizes. Sold by all Dtui-gitds eveiywhere. And by HtKT R. CoSTAii, Dept 44 Brca wav. N. Y. rsAnJ by O. r. Johnson, aT Sit, Btkbaty L Co., f lattsmouth, Sabruk. VjriTxawAav Corn Solvent, For Corns, Bunions, Warts, la. Boxes 25 cents, 60 cents and tl ni;s. f3fSol I bv all KruKi? st eve-ywher. m1 by UENRT R. COSTAU, Depot 484 Brest war, N . T. -And bv Black, Buttery & Co. and 0. F. iM- ipn, Plattsuoutb, Nsbi ask. COSTAR'S FBEPARATIOZT OF Bitter Sweet & Orange Blossoms. TOR UFAUTIFYIKG TIIE C0MPLEXI01T. I'si-d lo soften aid b'autify the Skin, naists Freckles, I'imples. Kruptiun, c. Ladies are now usiD- it in preference to all other. Kott es $1. '(1 by all Dru?jrits everywhe1- And by IIEKUY li. Co.- I A It, Depot 44 Bread" wav, N Y. rffAndbyO F. Jobnsca uj Black. Balterr Co.,Plattsmoutb, Ntbra ku Orders solicited. PRATT & FOX, Cor. Main hud Washicgton Ave. mps rr icTTip. vo COSTAR'3 rCT0HAt Cough Eemedy. F'-r Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Crcop, Wh'-orrinil CourL, ll fluenza. Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial AfTcctioi a and all Diseases of the Throat and Lunrs. Boxes 25 cent 50 cent nnd f 1 sizes Ii.?o!d by all (t n)-'Kits f vrrywhe'e. And by HtNKY R. COSTA K, Depot 4S4 Broad stay. NY. 9-And by Black. But;ery A C and O. V. jka-' ton, Plattsmoath, Kebraak. COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER FILL. For Nervous and Sick UeadaO e, Cr.slivi oe., Inifi prs'ion, ..y - rp. la, Hilliousnes, Constipation. Diar-. the. Co'i-.s, Chills Fevers and genet ai derangement of the Di !e.tiv Organs. Boxei. -ii cems. Ci rents aaa i iki 3-'sold bvall Dnifgii'ts evrywhre. And by II LNBT K COoTAK, Depot 414 Broad way, n r. And by O. F. Johnson B!ak, Enttery