Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 21, 1867, Image 2

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    She -SJcirarfro gcraM.
Last week we made the trip to Lin
Dola in tompany with Prof. Miller
Gen. Livirjjrston and Rev. Betts. We
went by way of eight mile Grove
Weeping Water Falls, and Stove
Creek. The distance by this route is
not to exceed forty-seven or forty-eight
miles, and the road can be thor.ened
in several places so that it will not be
more than forty-five miles. It is an
excellent road, level and solid, with
every stream and gully substantially
bridged. We made some observations
in regard to he country, improvements,
etc., as we passed along, and are more
than ever convinced thai Nebraska is
one of the finest countries that the sun
ever shone upon. When we take into
consideration the large amount ofsur
plus grain raised in Nebraska, and
then compare the small proportion of
land under cultivation with the hun
dreds of thousands of acres yet lying
idle, one cannot but think that Nebras
ka can supply the world with bread.
All along through the settled portions
of the country ws saw hu?e piles of
straw where threshers had been at
work, and monstrous bins of corn and
wheat. Hundreds of acres of pruiri
have been broken up this season, and
new houses dot the prairie in every di
rection. In the vicinity of Eight Mile
Grove we notice that the old settlers
are getting things fixed about them
very comfortable, with commodious and
comfortable dwellings, excellent frame
barns that remind one of the German
settlements in Pennsylvania or the
south-eastern part cf Ohio, and many
other things which denote a perma
nancy hardly to be expected in so tew
a country as Nebraska.
At Weeping Water Fulls, about
nine or ten miles from the Grove, we
were agreeably surprised to see so
many permanent and even elegant im
provements. The first thing that at
tracts the eye upon arriving at the Fall
is the large three story mill of Reed &
Clinton. This is, probably, the finest
mill in the State, and was built at a
cost of about 18,000. The whole
structure is of stone, cf which there is
an inexhaustable supply in that vicinity.
E. L. Reed, Esq., is the managing
partner, and under his supervision the
establishment has been doing a heavy
business for the past year or two.
They make a first class article of flour, 1
large quantities cf which are shipped
after supplying the surrounding coun
try. Mr. Reed also keeps an excel
lent store for the accommodation of the
people in that viciuiiy. Besides the
mill, there is ene of the finest atone
School houses in the State, a beautiful
stone church and rectory, and several
very nice frame dwellings. Along
the valley of the Weeping Water,
abve the Fal's, are seme very fine
farms, all of which present a thrifty
appearance. Among the best of these
may be classed that of Hon. J. E
Doom, which is nboit three miles west
of the mill.
About a half mile west of Mr. D's
place the road crosses to the south side
of Weeping Water, and passes over the
high prairie to Stove Creek, a distance
of about eight miles from Reed's mill,
here we found Mr. Russell, a native
cf Ohio, who provided for our party and
animals with true western hospitality.
Leaving Mr. Russel's, we found one
vast expanse of prairie ttrelthiog away
to the Nemaha on the south. Weeping
Water on the north, and Stephens'
creek on the west. The present road
follows the "divide" between the Ne
maha and the Weeping Water, and the
distance between Stove creek and Ste
phen's creek is about fifteen miles. It
is one of the best natural roads we ever"!
traveled over, being as lerel and hard
as a house floor the greater part of the
way The road can be shortened
about three miles between these two
points, with the expense of one small
bridge (for the erection of which our
County Commissioners made an appro
priation of $50 last Monday.)
Shortly after crossiug Stephen's
creek we came in eight of the Capital
City, which can be seen for several
miles from any point of compass. We
had not been there eince the selection
of the sight by the Commissioners; and
notwithstanding reports we were much
surprised at the rapidity of its growth.
Houses had sprung up in every direc
tion, and many more were in process of
erection. Carpenters, reasons, team
eters, laborers, all were busy; and the
general battle rnad-j one think that this
Several substantial stone buildings
have already been fini.-hed irsce we
were last there, and we found our
friend Capt. Djnivan had erected a
fine frame hotel, which was crowded
to its utmost capacity with men seeking
their fortunes at the new Capital City.
Mr Sweet has the walls of his large
Hone building up to the second floor,
and Mr,
Dawsou'stwo Mory Mone re;
idence h nearly completed
Si We
entered the town we saw a man sur
veying a lot, and about four hours af
terward we chanced to pass ih it way
and found he had a house already up
and enclosed. We mention this as an
illustration of the spirit which pervades
the people there. The excavations for
the Capitol building have been made,
ana preparations were in progress for
laying the foundation. We had inten
ded mentioning specifically some of the
principal improvements of Lincoln city,
but as this article has already been
"strung out" much longer than we in
tended at the outset we will merely say
that about seventy new buildings have
been erected since the location was
made, and judging from appearances
we should think as many more would
be erected between thi lime and next
ring. There was great demand for
laborers, mechanics and building mate
rials, and we were assured by parties
there that many more buildings would
be put up this fall if the materials could
be had.
The copperhead press of the country
does not appear to think near so much
of Gen. Grant as they once did. They
do in truih think the same of him, end
all other Union soldiers as they did
during the war which is that he
should have been whipped bv the re
bels, and if Gen. Grant should be the
Republican nominee for President in
1S6S the same set of men who opposed
him during the war will be found in
opposition to him again. The JS'eics in
peaking of the probabilities of Grant's
nomination, says "least of all a milita
ry human being can run fast enough to
reach the White House in ihe year of
our Lord liC9." That is a very can-
id statement of the feelings of the
Democratic leaders. It is military
men of all others they are opposed to,
and especially those who fought the
rebtls hardest and most successfully
he greater the earnestnest of the
military man during the war, ihe more
intense is the hate which genuine cop
perheads have toward him Whether
the chances of a "military human be
ing" are "least of all" for the White
louse there is one thing apparent to
the most obtuse mind, and that is that
least of all" would the copperheads be
willing to have a successful and earn
est "military human being" in the
residential chair. Should such an
one be nominated by the Republican
paity, our Democratic friends can rest
ssured that be will be the next Presi
dent, however much sorrow it may
cause them. We will be more gener
ous than the JVews, and say that great
est of all would be the chances of a
military human being" on the Demo
cratic ticket, provided he had been a
ilitary man with a gray uniform.
Such an one would command the en-
lire strength of the copperhead patty,
and the ex rebels in the South would
not stay away from the polls, as many
of them did at the recent election for
delegates to the State Conventions.
f Gen. Grant should be nominated on
the Republican ticket and Mr. Robert
E. Lee upon the Democratic ticket, the
vote would be a pretty fair test of par
ty strength. A large number of nor
thern Democrats would, probably,
throw eff on Mr. Lee, but then they
really have no business in the copper
head party they do not believe the
eaders are really rebels; but what
the party would loose in this way they
would probably gain by the extra ex
ertions at the South.
On Jast Friday evening the Platta-
mouth Mercantile Library Association
met at the office of D. H. Wheeler;
and on motion, Hon. Gaylord J. Ctarke
was elected chairman and J. N. Hays
The Committee on
Constitution and
at the former
Constitution for
the association,
By-Laws, appointed
meeting, reported a
the government of
which was adopted.
On motion, Messrs. Sprague, Chap
man, Murphy, Erwin and Hays were
appointed a committee on By-Laws.
A resolution was adopted to hold an
election for officers on Friday evening,
22d inst.
On motion, tha meeting adjourned
ta meet at the office of D. H. Wheeler
on Friday evening, 22d inst., at 6 12
A di?patch from Fort Harker says
three men were murdered by Indians
last week near Fort Dodge. The In
dians are etipposed to be the Northern
was a veritable "city cn a
The people uf Liucoln City and Lan
caster county held a meeting some two
or three weeks ego to consider railroad
matters, and determine what they
would do towards encouraging the ear
ly commencement of some line of road
to that City. After dcussing the
prospects of the various roads and
talked of roads, they decided that the
Burlington and Missouri River Rail
road exiension was the most tangible,
and they accordingly passed a resolu
tion akii!g the County Commissioners
of Lancaster county to submit to a vote
of the people the proposition to issue
S'200,000 in bonds to be taken as stock
in said road. After having studied
ever this a few days, and realizing the
great importance and benefit of Rail
roads another meeting wag called for
last SaturJay, which we had the pleas
ure of attending, in company with Gen.
Livingston and Prof. Miller, of this
city. At this meeting the people of
the county concluded to offer a further
stimulus to the railroad enterprise by
asking the Commissioners to submit
the question of taking another SI 00.-
000 in stock in the first road that was
completed from the Missouri river to
their city. At this meeting a strong
effort was made by residents of Ne
braska city to get the proposition sub
mitted in favof of some road which
might be built from that place, and, we
are sorry to say, some of the speakers
from that city manifested a great deal
of ill feeling towards the B. & M. R.
R. Co., and denounced it in unmeas
ured terms. This aroused Gen. Liv
ingston somewhat, and he soon con
vinced those present that the assailants
of this Company really knew nothing
about the company, their road or thir
proposed action. The Gen. is too well
posted in regard to the B. & M. R. R.
R. Co., and takes too much interest in
it to allow its malicious assailants to go
unrebuked and unenlightened in re
gard to it. Prof. Miller also defended
the company against the aspersions of
these individuals who appeared won
derfully "soured" against it for the sole
reason that the officers thereof had
promptly rejected all offers and propo
sitions to run their road by way of Ne
braska city. We said we were sorry.
The words hardly express the feelings
we had in listening to the remarks of
one or two Nebraska city men. They
were calculated lo engender feelings
which should be kept away. Not only
that, but they were calculated to injure
the people of Lancaster county, inas
much as whatever impairs confidence
in any road leading lo that city and
thereby throws obstacles in its way is
an injury to the people. The true pol
cy for iha pooplc ,yf i Lincoln and Lan
caster county is Wsracourage auy and
all roads, either in progress or pro
posed, which are likely to be built to
that city. This should also be the pol
icy cf every man and every locality that
desires to see the city and county suc
ceed. As the B. & M. R. R. ft. Ex
tension is, at present, the only road
which has a grant of lands south of the
Platte river in Nebraska, and is the
only one which is in a thape that aid
can be tendered it, it is not strange
that the people of Lancaster should, at
'.his lime, show a little more interest in
it than in roads which are only in pros
pective and have nothing tangible upon
which to work. When there is a
grant of lands obtained, a survey made,
lands selected, and an actual location
of the line made by some organized
and reliable company, from either Ne
braska" city, Brownville, or any other
point, then the people of Lancaster will
probably look upon said line of road as
.hey now look upon the B. & M. R. R.
R.,and then ihey will probably feel like
giving (as they should do) the same
encouragement to it that thv:y now de
sire to gi?e ihe B. & M. R. R. R.
The Herald's Havana special
gives later advices of ihe late tempest
at Porio-Rico. It was more severe
ihan the terrible gales which visited
the island previous. Thirty three
thousand houses are laid in ruins, and
three thousand severely damaged.
Some entire streets are demolished.
No. news from the interior. Every
living creature, man and animal, on
the island of Lortola perished.
Vera Cruz dates announce the ar
riral of Romero. All the members of
the court marshal which tried Santa
Anna, except Provicutorf, have been
imprisoned in Fortress San Juan for
the mil Jness cf the sentence. Juarez
hag commuted the sentences of the im
perialist Generals and Colonels, native
and foreign, a foar years' imprison
ment; the field and stafT officers to
three years; line officers to two years.
Other foreign adherents of the Empire
are sentenced to banishment.
Attorney General Stanberry de
nies the authorship of the opinion
against the legality of the meeting of
Congress in November, published in
rflwfnanftr nver Vila tnti!1 .n1 r. r r
, -r -uvj K"-
j ally attributf d tc him.
Special orders are issued to reliev
Sheriff Hays, of New Orleans, and
appoint Dr. Avery his successor. The
same order relieves It. P. Orr, clerk
of the second dis rict court.
An ordinance has" been passed ap
pronriatinc' nfv thousand dollars to
pay the officers and members of the
Alabama convention. Each receives
eight dollars daily and eight dollars for
every twenty miles of travel.
Returns from Florida show that
Convention has carried by a large ma
jority. Most of the delegates elected
are negroes.
It is reported that the Indian Com
missijnsrs are returning from Fort
Laramie without concluding a treaty
All ihe Indians are invited to meet in
council at Fort Kearney in June next,
Ihe limes special says many
Republican Congressmen wish to ad
journ until 'he session in December,
believing nothing can be done in the
eight days remaining of the November
A delegation of California Demo
crats are asking the control and
patronage of the State. The Prsi'
dent was in a bad humor and declined
to see them. They await a change in
his temper.
Cooper, the President private Sec
cetary, has been appointed Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury, vice Chand
i . J T r
ler, resignea. ins continuation is
considered doubtful.
The official vote of Georgia is
102,000 for the Convention an 1 4.000
against. Thirty-six thousaud whites
voted for the Convention.
The Montgomery reconstruction con
i . . .
vention has adopted a resolut.on to
change the names of the counties crea
ted by the last legislature and named
in honor of rebels. The committee re
ported an ordinance on the officers of
the executive department, which is to
consist of a Governor. Lieut. Govern
or, Auditor, and Secretary of the
Treasury. The Auditor is to bold of
fice four years; the others two yearn
all to be elected by the people. Here
tofore ouly the Governor has been
elected by the people.
The Fenian prisoners Halpin,
Warren and Castello. on being asked
if they had anything to say against
pronunciation of sentence, denied le
gality of the trial without a mixed jury,
and claimed American citizen:-hip.
The Treasury Department decides
that unless ho'ders of 7-:hirties present
them for conversion into twenties at
maturity, the option is lost, and in that
case m" afterwards Lc jjaia iu green
backs. The Herald's Washington special
says that Schofield has informed the
President that the negroes in his dis
trict are generally armed, and had the
whites at a great disadvantage. Prob
ably some measures wilt be taken to
prevent the dangerous use of arms by
the negroes, and their superiority in
arms organization.
The New York Tribuni remarks:
'Gen. Sherman announces the conclu
sion of a treaty between ihe Govern
ment and the Kiowa?, CamanChes,
Apaches, Cheyenues, and Arapahoes.
This includes every troublesome tribe
except the Kon traek-tahs, the In-gen-a-gents,
and the Frou-ieer-set Iahs
As these three, the most troublesome of
all, have not been consulted, the armis
tice is temporary. But even an armis
tice is better than Indian hunting."
The Herald's 5pec al from Rich
mond says that Hunnieut had an inter
view with Justice Chase and received
a severe castigaiion lor his extreme
radical utterances. Chase said he mis
represented the party and brought it
into discredit.
fiaTThe following correspondence is
apochrypally stated to have taken place
between the proprietor and the late
manager of the Herald :
"Herald Office Oct 20, 1867.
My Dear Son : Where are you in
these days? I fear you are too fond of
your yacht for the position I Lave as
signed you on my paper.
Jas. Gordon Dennett."
"Delmonico's. Ot. 23. 1S67,
Dear Father: I am otherwise and
more agreeably engaged than as man
ager of your paper. Please state in
your journal tl at this establishment
does not advertise in the New York
Jas Gordon Bennett, jr.,"
A Quandary. Her Majesty of
England has a most determined suitor,
in "His Majesty of Abysrnnia, Qnegro. )
The latter, with a view lo national
profit, ns well ns personal gratification,
popped the question to Victoria Regi
na She refused bluntly, and the
King no sooner heard of ibis than he
proceeded to extremities. He seized
the British CousuT and a number of
English gentlemen, and imprisoned
them, announcing his intention cf keep
ing them in durance vile until his lady
love relents. It is needless to add
ilia. Her Majesty is sadly bothered by
hr- rFri''aa'"MJ" v;f Ler admitcr.
The followng, which we clip from
the Glenwood Opinion, shows what
can and has been done by a young man
in this western country, and how it is
done. The only material difference
between western Iowa and Nebraska
consists in the fact that in Nebraska
you have a little better market for
grain and can get your land for noth
ing under the homestead law. There
are millions of acres of it here inviting
the plow, which only requires to be
"tickled with a hoe and it will laugh a
harvest!'' But let us see how ihe young
man did of which the Opinion speaks:
Two years ago there came lo this
county, from one of ihe Eastern States,
a young man whose name we are de
sired to suppress. He was not particu
larly burdened with this world's goods
his sole fortune consisting of one dol
lar and eighteen cents. He, however,
possessed whal is better; good health,
and a vigorous frame. He did not tar
ry long in our town, but struck out for
the farming dUtricts, where he was
assured that employment awaited him .
During that fall and winter he chopped
wood, did chores. did everything he
could to turn an honest penny. Iu the
spring (1S6G) hefouud that his sav
ings amounted to eighty five dollars.
He hired twenty-eight acres of land
adjoining the furm of the good people
with whom he had found a home,
ploughed it with a itam for whose use
he exchanged hand labor, and planted
it all in corn Throughout the summer
all the time not required by his owu
crop, ne industriously nileu by work
ing out. In the fall of that yeir he
harvesied fourteen hundred and nine
teen bushels of corn which he sold the
following February (1867) for fifty
five cents a bushel total $780,45.
To this he added other savings of two
hundred and ten dollars, giving hitn n
total cash capital of nearly a thousand
dollars He bought one hundred and
twenty acres of improved land at five
Ar liars per acre End went to work on
his own farm with his own horses and
implements. This summer he harvest
ed a large crop of small grain which he
is now selling at SI, 40 per bushel. A
fine field of corn is partially harvested,
and will Without doubt yield handsome
returns. Any one pasting by his farm
this autumn will observe that he has a
house of comfortable proportions and
if they get a glimpse of the interior ar
rangeinants, they may fut iher observe
that he has taken a handsome daughter
of Mills county to be master of his
leart and home.
This Is not ah isolated case. Plen
ty of such are to be found if inquiry be
instituted. Why. then, do young men
hang around the crowded thoroughfares
of the ea?t? Competence awaits them
in the fei tile field.- of the west. In
owa fortunes are waiting to be gather
ed by industrious hands. Young men
of energy, come ihis way!
"But in calling a convention lo re
store the S'.ate, who s-hall restore and
re-establi&h ii? Shall the man woo.
gave his influence and his means to
destroy ihe Uovernment? Shall he!
who brought this misery upon the State
e permitted to control its detinie?
f this be so, then all this precious blood
of our brave soldiers and officers so
freely poured out will have been wan
tonly spilled. All the victories won by
our noble armies will go for naught.
and ail ihe battle fields which have
been sown with dead heroes during the
rebellion will have been made memo
rab'e in ruin.'
The foregoing is from the speech of
Andrew Johnson, at Nashville, on
June 7th, 1S64, his nomination
for Vice President. Now, while the
rebel States are being reorganized on
much more generous plan than he
suggests, it will to gocd to compare
whal he then said was right with the
position he now occupies. The traitor
talked like a true man then, and act
ike a rebel now. In that same speech
he affirmed ihat "traitors must take
back seats ia the work of restoration,
that he had "ceased to be a citizen"
and had "forfeited his right to vote."
Now, the perfidious demagogue is ag
onized because the loyal are made citi
zens and allowed lo vote, while only a
small number of the traitors are exclu
ded! If Johnson ever reads that
peech, what a scoundrel he must
think himself. Burlington Uauk Eye
At:r:i:iTix rnr iTiT4Tifiv
ine eiiect ot ifee recent elections in
firing the Southern heart is just what
might have been expected. The slight
pretense of loyalty has been thrown
off. The Rebel colors which were
laid at our feet at Appomattox Court
House are again flaunting defiance.
The pian era no longer profess them
selves the "besi friends" of the color
ed people, and no longer conceal their
purpose to trample the freedmen down
u to the dust, from which it took four
years of war lo raise them. The Ri h
moud Enquirer, in a brandy-and-ihun-der
leader on "The Northern Elec
tions," threatens us with war, proscrip
tion, and a repetition cf the massacres
of New Orlean "Northern senti
uient," it declares, "will sustain us in
resisting to the last extremity that viie
scheme of Congressional Reconstrun
lion which aims at the supremacy of
the negro. That most infamous con
spiracy to degrade and dishonor the
white rate we must now resist to the
last gasp, utterly regardless of the ma
lignant effoi ts of a moribund effete
Congress to precipitate the debasement
and ruin of the white race." There is
no power, exclaims this scribbling Bo
anerges, in Cooeress, in Radicalism,
or the devil, to make us submit to negro
suffrage. The Republicans now are
robbers, cut throats, hounds, fiends,
pigs. Puritans,- and Assyrians. And
after pelting us with all these epithets,
the Enquirer gives utterance to the fol-
"To that unclean gang of human
reptiles to the mongrel renegades,
the truculent blatk brutes, and outlawed
white reprobates ihe foul Franken
6teins of the serret negro leagues, who
are to defile thecapitol of the State tn
the 3J of December, we bid alike open
and contemptuous defiance.
The swinish 'delegates' who have
been sent up by 800 negro leagues to
disfranchise, tax, and confiscate the
white men of Virginia will, by attempt
ing in the face of the recent olections
to commii these crimes, render their
access to the Penitentiary more easy
than to the places of power in this old
Now, if there i. any disturbance in
Richmond on the 3d of December, we
suppose the Rebels will say, as they
said at New Orleans, that ihe negroes
d:d it alone. Tribune.
JCfJ. M. Dixon, formerly df ihe
Iowa State Register, has gone hope
lessly blind. He appeals to the press
of that State for a little further assist
auco to enable him to complete for the
press a book upon which he is engag
ed. We make the following extracts
from his rppeal published in ihe-Ileg
itler. Speaking of the day when a re
newed and violent attack of h's former
affliction destroyed his remaining eye
he says:
"If, cn the morning of thai day, a
message trom that world wnicn lies
beyond the rt-giou and shadow of death
had come to me, snymgt 'This day thy
soul shall be required of thee," I could
have born the shock with comparative
resignation; bui the consciousness ihat
in the midst of my years, at tony years
of age. when men are almost univer
sally in the maturity of their faculties
and i.i the meridian of their useful
ness. I was shut out evermore from the
s.un!ighi of heaven, was loo terrible tor
Never, if I should live until thai
period when the dead of all climes and
all ages thall be startled from their
long sleep by the voice of ihe Arch
Angel and ihe trump of God, would a
thrill of greater woe or of more com
prehensive despair pass shudderingly
through my heart than when I knew
that all hope was gone, ahd that the
"ever during dark," of which Milton
spoke in his plaintive and sublime
Apostrophe to Eight, was round and
about me like ihe walls of a prison
from which the occupant shall go out
no more forever. A great mountain
such as that which was plucked from
its foundations by immortal hands when
there was wr in Heaven for the dom
inance of treason and for the enthrone
ment of Lucifer, seemed to have (alien
on me, paralyzing my being, suspend
ing my very breath, and shutting oui
at one fatal sweep of tremendous ca- j
lamity all the visible lights and glories
of the universe. There is
Mill in what remains of bdh my eyes
an unconquereu innauiinntion wnicii
gives a throfcbihg pain to my temple.
and shoots back into the chambers of
he brain, almost threaiening rne with
insanity. I am engagd in
preparing tor ine press a bouk wtnch
hall be entitled "The Valley and ihe
Shadow, or the Experiences of a Blind
Man.' and after its issu
ance from the press, 1 will travel ex
tensively, making sales as I go."
A special to the Tribune says
Senator Sherman intends to introduce
a bill converting the maturing debt into
it .
a loner, consolidated Joan, not less man
thirty years, at six per cent., with one
per cent, tax equivalent to a five per
cent. loan.
Corrected by Simpson, MickelwaitSc Co
Wheat Very little ccmirg lo.
ing $1,30 to (1,83, per buahol.
Corn Price a unchanged.
M il'ei a ra pay
Wheat tl 301 85 Mackei el,k itta, 2 60 3 nil
Corn iu ear 4Vi$o Nile 815
' ahelled 6oi'io Butter 40
Oats 8f Kiift 2o
Corn meet I 22 Potatoea 1 is
Flour 100 Sis ft 00
GROCERIES Ketail Coffee 27 80
Coffee 3S'(iJiO SuKar 1620
Sugar 15Q20 Ta 1 ZWM 13
T-a 5(i Rice HI5
Rice I7fiin Coal nil 70
Pyropa 1 Sfiflii 25 Tobacco T5?J1 65
Coal Oil SO f:p 9iiU
Lari Oil S 00 Sain Stll
Tobacco 15'H2 (Xi
IN2ew Brick Store.
J. H. SNELL and W. P- SNELL,
Flavin now remove ! to Main street Into our new
Brick building, where we are now receiving and
opening a pood variety of cheap and teasouable
good, suited to thp trade and wants ol tne people,
we beg leave to return to our .i tends and pairous
ourkinceie thanks for the liberal patronage we
have received from them in the last year. Our stock
embraces in part .
J. U. & W. P. 6XELL.
Wot lSih, 1667 m
Is hereby given that the partnetablp heretofore ex
isting under tbe name and style of Tewksiiurr 4
Ma field, in the purchase rf grain, U hereby dia
solved by mutual air.t. J. &. Tewks'jL'ry c"IVctiL-
all the deuta due ail tlrm and paying all iha in
debtedness of i a id lirrr .
Piatlamouih, b., Nor. II, 1S5T.
nor 14 w 3 A. C. AIAYFIKLU
Is hereby given that in accordance with tha -rovis-
ioiw or section til Ihe act incorporating the Platte
hiver Bridge Company approved February i3, lsS7,
there wiil be a meeting of the stockholder, of
comi any at the office of Maxwell & Chapman, in the
citv of 1'latUmo it'i , on Thuradav. D.nnbrr lQth.
Ift67. at 1 o cloek p m, for tbe purpc.e of electing a
board of five directora ta max ace tba affairs of said
,. , . Pre Vint. r.Jva.- i -.'.'g '.-.
Important and La&t
W'tcn-a lh mw law provide! Ihot I ,t' o
pointCollectols f rtl.e .ar,,e ,., o.l.irC J.
lir.el laby Or-t tby,tlK ,,,(lnil ir,p llT
I now off Tifantv 'ay to tnose who c0 thcii
felvM to h Uiiiinqiieot. to make pirnf ftex
wliirh I eba'l at ortce appoint Co! c!o. 'lhu
peraoua bo 3o not aTuil t' f mflves ,,( jj,., rnj.J .
will Mve, of count, to pay tin txirn ut;,i., wf
collecting. npy 21 j) K D'.'K K, 1 i-n.
Chancery .Sale,
Jact,b VaWcry, 1
In CLancery.
A. It. WfccMar. J
In purmanci and t tliiuaci
a decretal order to me direa e l fium the i'lU. of t' a
Clerk cf the District Court of t),e 2J Judicial V'.t.
inn or nebraaka. it Inn am) for ( ii rotinrjr. U ar
ine date ca the '29th day ol October Iso7, beiiitf tha
adjourned St ptembcr term of said court, 1, ib- uU
aciiber Master In Cbaoccry of sal I Court, wllliff.,r
fur tale at public teudiir, for cxli, lo tl.a hlifl nt
and best bid'ler, in front of tt e Court ll.-vu'e ia tie
city of rixutniatub, Chu county N t.rasia, on
at ona (I) o'clock of taid djy, tbe fallowing Jrscrltt'1
real utate, to-wit.-
Lot number eiftht In block number i IkUocb
IK, lo PlHttxnom h city C'a counry Nebraska, a
designated upon tbe plat of a!d ritv, . iib
all and Mugular tbe bercdii atiieul and al piir'enn
cea tbereon or tliereuutu brlonpiuif. To be aold a
tbe property of the aboe i. aired defendant to atit
fT uid lire en, Ihe amount o I wbirh If Hie nuni of
$8tf7,50 and Inlerent from tliedateof taut iVeiee al
lb" rale often percent, per annum, i ga bcr vita
conts of kuit and aale.
Hot 21, isc; w5 W.V F. CllAriS,
Ma-tcr In C'naucary.
T. M Marquett, Sol. far Cemp't.
Chancery Sale.
Ctiarlea 8. Wormian
John AllinaoD.
; Cha:ice-y.
In pursuance and by vtrt'ie f decretal order (
me directed fri.m ihe i'ffi of the Clark of the I) -tricl
Court of the 2 1 JudjrUI Ul-irirt of Kebmka
within and for Ca-i rouniy, bearing dale on the
24th day of Dc.ober ! feC7. it U-lujf the ad lourn"d Sep-
tcmner ifitn ,riain court, I, the iiiii-cribe -, Mamer
In ChaLcery f r suid Court, will c BVr for a;
public venilii", f o rah, to the bifrbext and best
bidder. In front of th Ci u t IIiun in tba city of
1'laiiMTinuib. Can. county Nubrka. on
SA TURD A r the 201U day cf IEE3f' ER, 1117.
at 11 o'clock of aid da, the following described real
Lot fire (5) In fe'tion number thirty. two (8?) lo
town hip number tw l Ve (12), n.r!h of range num
ber fourteen (M) eat ! the 6i I. .M . in Can
county ot'ranka, aiid cont forty arren. to-
fretber wllh all and'ringnlar the iinprovemenia, her
editament and appnrlenanc a thereon or lhi-reunto
belonging. To be aold a the prot-t-rty of the defen
dant above named, to pati'fy -aid dc ee, tbeamoaot
of which it 'he mini of till 75 uuu Inieieat at the,
rate of t-n per cent f om the dat- of aald decrM.
toi ether with c la of amt a. d aale.
November Utu a D laCT
WM F. CnAPIlf.
Master lu Chauc-ry.
Maxwell k Chapman, Sol' for Coiup. o..ilwJ
iioo rsami siioi:s,
Main Street, two doors above Fourth,
N her the pnbllc may fin 1
and prices aa low at tan be f und In the c ty.
We return fhr.nka for the !!ber .1 patronage wa
hare received, and In pe to merit IU continuance.
Oct. 30. '6T O GK a DAVli.
Main s'.rctt, - - ('rpoi!e Fml (tiTiCt,
W II! kep on hnnd and mike to order, Ma'lreMf,
Picttiie fr im, Window a1jj, Wi l'nr, A
f 7 All kludi of Turn 'oft eaccuted la goii style .
nov 7 'G7. tat
Plattsmouth IYTiUg.
C. HEISKL, Pioprietor.
Have r cently b-en repaired and pia- ed in tter
ouKh running order. work done on
noil re.
100,000 Rtishe.M of Wheat
Wanted imi.edintely, for whiti the highest neik
price wtll be piid. aug3 tf
To alt it may concern :
1, H bpurlock. Clerk, III anl fj Cats
cooaty, S'ate of Nebraska, do, by virtue of the au
thority in me Tested by the prov niouf of jin Art en
titled ''An Act to provide for the Kfffistiy of Sehool
Land, their Fale, Ac ,' putara at the 3d S-muu of
tbe LcKinlHtu-e f the Mate of Mebinki, t.eretf
give notice that orj
TUESDJ1Y, the lh day of January,
A. D. 1SGS.
At 10 o'clock A at, at front door of tbe Conrt-llonae,
In tbe city of Plaitmcuib, .V hraka, I will ofT-i f r
ale a'l tbe School l,aril whbiu the County, kunwu
Sections 16 and 80. and land etUetcd In li-u ef
the r-ectinns.
I.anda in the aouth-we.t corner ef ihe County wi:l
be nfj. red first, commencing In Kane n,u (y), ai.d
continuing rennlnriy through p:tld Knnireand Knnsrae
ton (10). elrven (II), t vlve (U), thirteen (i:) four
teen (14); which sule w II bn coudi"U:d In sttlct ao
co'.daoce with the p and rtviirviafcnta f
said Act.
Jo w'tns whereof I hereunto ret iny hsnd and
official s-al at my office in Piatl-moutb city,
on this 31st day of Oct.-her, a r IS67.
B bPUKLoCK. Clerk,
ocSI llw Ca s County, Nebraska
J. N. wne. Admini-tia: r
of the estate of IVl'T A rarpy.duceasrd,
The Heire and others.
Be It remembTed that on the 3'-th day of litnb.r.
A D 19 7, the Application and Pi-ilt'on o. J X. Wise,
AdmlBl-tr-i'or r.f the Entate or Petr A. Sarpy, de
ceased, for a li-r n-e to II the hal E-tate be oiiging
to th- aald stut , ia - eon 'o be heard Of fore H s
Hnnnr fitoie It Lake, and thu C'.nrt oeing fully
advised in ihe prcmis. s.
It is h'-rehy ordered tbat a't prrvms ir.ter'S'ed la
the Estate of Peter A. S;irpy, d 'fml"!!, apneir r-e-fore
me on tbe 23 1 d-iv of l--e!n'-r, a i ISC7, at f
o'clock a M of id day, at the oirc- of tbd Cie. k of
the l)itrict Court in the citj of PU"rmouih. Cass
County, Nebraska, to thr.w c.mse by a i'.c-un
hould not be pranted to the A-lininUtrntor upt'iy'ng
therefor to ell ho much of the lUa! Estate of tbe de
ceased as sball be necesHry to p.iy sucl, debts.
At.d it is herc-hy furtln-r o-d red that n copy of
th" atove ord-r be uuhli'hed In the Nebrj'.ka Her
ald, a weekly newspaper published In thn ally tf
P:attmouth, for four eucee io w'. k, thi last -b
sertion being conip'eto at iea,t fourtnt ti'dsys bsfwra
fie 3d d:,y if Dec-itUr, IHtl .
by the Court.'
ocSI 4 GKORUE B. LiKK, Judge.
And for sale allow f!B'i:res,
10 COFFEE, 18 bill SUGAR,
5 IbU VRY A mES, C bblt OR Y PEA CUSH,
ti , &9. Ale?, a larg e assortment cf
Pine Lumber,
J'LASTS.'t PAhli, 11 A Hi, COAL OIL, El
2.'0 bushels. t- which we invi-e the aquation of
blacksroiibs and nit er, as t' ulity and prlc--. Wa
ar- A Kenti ;'or t.'ic (iuO'l V CO tl. I-'XK, v Lei pr.ipne t furnirti ail tte CohI this
country wants at pilocs to suit. Also a Utpt stock af
Eye, Bourbon and Star Whisky.
Cherry, K uphcrry, Eiackbt-r: G'.rgcr Biacjy.
Cail and tie us.
Je6d3 wtf
St. Luke'a Parisbi Yeetry.
RegnUr meetings Cist Tucs.'ky of every mon'-:,
'- P- p.? - i. ZC. C. Mr.TTL.
ft V U-;.:T-r r: -.--a OilraiiV