Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 14, 1867, Image 3

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    IS nil Ill inmMi
She Ubrasfcn, 2UvaldL
("Ladies, Clark & Plummer have re
ceived a nieo lot or traveling and work
baskets. w2.
L27Tho Parish Aid Society meets at
the residence of Mrs. K. Buttery to-night.
f 7"oaa.v Cakes were vidiblo in th? air
for a short time last Sunday, for the Crst
ti:B3 this fall.
r 7"Tha old Ilerr.d on IIous, at Omaha,
has been re christened tbo "Internation
al Hotel."
CrJ"Tho latest recipe for miking up a
New York journal is a pair of scissor
nu 1 a file of English paper.
CV"To find the best bargains in Dry
Good, fallow tha crawl to Clark &
riuiamT?3. w2-
fT" Board in Cheyenne ha beea rai
ed from twelve to fourteen dollars per
f-J Th" lender advises people not to
'Lreaii. ;uAt neoks in rtisLic to Chey
enne old fields,' as they aro pretty much
a. myth."
s?"A new brido has been built on
niventh street, south of Main. aVJ cjn
aiderr.ble grading done in the vicinity.
"Several farm houses and grain
stacks have been destroyed recently by
prairie fires in Nnviha cv.inty. The
losses are estimated at over $2,000.
C"A L. Spraue, Esq., has been ap
pointed by District Attorney Estahrook,
as Deputy Trosccutir Attorney for tLis
TJlRemeinber that CLirk k Plaromer
aro sellinj; cheaper than aov othor house
' in the count v. v2
(5?Lost, on last Saturday evening a
pair of ladies black kid gloves, nearly
new. The fin W will please leave iheni
atthe IIeraid office.
fvaTIn the caso of the State vs. Otway
G. Biker, at Omaha, the motion for a
new trial has been overruled by Judge
?"A disastrous fire occured in St.
jDsrph lad Thursday night, in which
wenty.five horses were b irned to death.
CJTIf you want a suit of clothes of the
latest style you will find it at Claik &.
riornnvr's. w2.
C5T Tho young folks had. a social
hop" at the Platte Valley Home lat
Friday evening. We learn from those
present that they had a fine time
fTT" We barn that about forty new
buildings have been erected, and are in
cour-e of erection, at Lincoln City since
the locttion of the Capital there.
fJTThe Judges at the recent fair in
St. J)seph d:d not di'play the itars and
triie3 over their stand, as is uual.
There is still some dislike to the "old
tl;g" in Missouri.
f'-The Adi-mUer makes mention of a
el 1 if CJrn in Nemaha county which, bv
sotijil measurement of both corn and
ground, yieMs f.ghty-two bushels to the
r-yOne of the great advantages whic'.
this country has for I arming is in the
fact that there are no roots to bother the
plowman and no stumrs ti take up the
epae. Every foot of ground counts
. .
("JT" Clark & PJummer are receiving
freih supplies of goods almost daily.
Thev are determined to Keep their stock
complete. w--
(TSCnpt. M-irshall has removed the
Post OfUce to the middle room in the
Court IIue, entrance from west side,
formerly occupied by the Clerk f the
Court and Sheriff.
CtWe call the attention of our read
ers'm he tate to tha communication in
another column healed "The School
Land." The fact set forth by the cor.
respondent are tleserving of c ireful con
X O -"
C.vTCol. Wilbur, of NT -w Yuk, brother-in-law
of Surveyor General Hitchcock,
is in town for a few days i n a visit. IIj
Ciprt ss -3 hicisc.f as highly pleased v.ith
our country, so far ns he his sen it.
A protracted stuv could not but strength
en his good opinion.
C"7"Our '-better ball" desires us to
return thinks to Mrs. D. II. Wheeler Tor
a nice lot of fresh Cranberries. They
camo from Michigan, and were only
about thirty houM from Chicago to this
3?"We learn from the 1'ress that (J -o.
Jenn-ns, Esq.. of Avoca in this county
La associated with" bim in business Mr.
Wa. Di:!. of Nebraska City. They are
nbout piittinr in a woolen factory on
Weeping Water, in all i;on to the M:12.
Mr. Jennings goes cast for the machinery
fJ7"A soc:al re-union cam? off at the
new residence of Mrs J. D. Simpson
last Monday evening. Ab ut twenty
couplas were prss?nt. Muic was brought
in lato in the evening and they ''tripped
the I'ght fantastic" until tho "wee sma'
(JA change has been made in the
proprietorship of the Brownvilla Adver
tiser, Mr J. S. Church having purchas
e l the one-half interest of Geo. W IIul.
Tha paper is hereafter to bo run by
CharcU and Cvlhnpp, cdirs aud propri-
(Farmers will End a laraje stock of
farming implements and goods suited to
their trade at Clark & Pluramer's. w2
C37"J. II Brown tendered his re-iigni-tion
as cierk of the District Court for the
21 Judicial District sorao time since.
D irintr the late term in this county his
resignation was accepted and Win. L.
Veils was appointed in his place. Wells
is deserving of the appointment and will
make an excellent clerk.
The roof of a new brick business
house in Council Bluffs fell in last week,
seriously injuring four or five persons
who were in tho building at the time.
Tho owners of the building were taking
in goods at tho time of tho accident,
whi.jii was caused by the brick supports
in the cellar giving away under the im
mense weight.
3" It any of our subscribers who have
reason to believe they are in arears
for tho Herald, have uny more green
backs about them than they particularly
need, we would be pleased to place some
thing to their credit. Don't wait for us
to send a bill that takes time, trouble,
paper and postage stamps on uncertain
ties. E3?Tha Presbyterian and Lutheran
Sabbath Schools Concert last week was
a complete suecass. The Court Houe
was crowded. The performance whs
conducted by Superintendant Wise, who
t ikes great interest in : 11 matters pc-r
ta:ning to th! Sabbath Schools. The
singing and acting of some of the Schol
ars would do honor to any ocoassion and
before any audience.
tSee the notice, in another column,
for a meeting, of Stockholders of the
Platte River Bridge Co. lias Platts
mouth any interest in the locitionand
erection of this bridge? The bridge will
be built, and will be located by directors
chosen by the stockholders. Books of
subscription are open at the office of Max
well & Ch ipni in. I? it necessary for us
to saymort-?
l3?"A nvni-ter of tha Gospel writes to
the Nebraska City AtifJ to correct some
statements sent to that paper by another
correspondent, and Morton sees eome
bad fpMling in the letter and publishes it
'just as it was written" or at least pur
ports to do so. Morton never fails to "h.i
a preacher," or any one else who favors
religion or morality. In the absence of
negative proif they are always counted
as antagonistic to the Democratic party.
(7"Jseph S. Browne, Esq , of the
wholesale Drug and Bjok house of Pen c
&. Loving, St. Joseph, called on us la.-t
week. Mr. Browne has been m king the
tour of the river counties in Iowa. Ne
braska and Kansas, soliciting orders for
their house. This establishment is the
largest of the kind west of thj Mississip
pi river and is doing an exteosive whole
s:ile business. Dealers in Nebraska wi.
find it advantageous to purchase of 1'eu
ck & Loving. Ord:rs will be filled as
promptly and bonesfy as thoueu you
were there to select the good.
3?"We publish tj-day a statement
made to the i'ress by Judge II. C. Wolph,
setting forth tho tact that corn can and
h is been, raised by him at a cost of only
nine ctnls per bushel Corn is now sell
ing at fiftj cents per bushel, and seldom
gfts below that figure. Most of our far
mers expect to fct-t seventy-five cents.
Do eastern people doubt that there is
tuone7 to be made by farming in NeSras
ka. Bear in mind that you can get your
land as a homestead, every foot ofwhich
is just as good us that cultivated by
Judge Wolph.
Messrs K. G. & J. E. Doom have
h-a-jil the business house owned and for
merly occupied by S. S. B.llings, and tie
understand thoy intend opening a large
stock of goods about the first of the new
year. The building is now undergoing
thorough repairs, and when completed
will be a first class business houe. Iti-.
to be 1st down to the grads of the street.
The Messrs. Doom are well known to the
people of Nebrska as thorough business
men, and their extensive acquaintance
with the of this and adj iin ng
counties will :.!-ure them a heavy trade
as soon as it it known they have epencd.
("Mr. W. U. Carder, publisher of
I'M Nebraska Cunt:a jfiu-cuUh, at Lincoln
City, w;.s iii tovn last week. lie informs
us that everything is now in readiness
and that the pap er will hereafter be issu
ed regularly every Saturday. Those of
our business ma who desire a portion
of thj trado of Lancaster and other west
ern counties will do well to advertise
their busiuess in the (Jommomceallh Mr.
Carder procured several small advertise
ments wnile in the city, and we doubt
not many more of our business men will
see the advantage of advertising in his
pap er.
C57"There is to be a meeting of the cit
izen of Lincoln City and Lancaster Co.
on Saturday the loih inst., to consider
Railroad matters, and discuss the propri
ety of issuing county bond to assist the
construction of boms road through that
county. This is as it should be. With
$150,000 or 200.0C0 in bonds from Lan
caster county, .$75,000 or $100,000 from
Saunders county, $l00,00) from the city
of Plattsmouth, and $200,000 (which has
already been decided upon by a vote of
the people) from Cass county, and we
consider it certain that the B. & M B. I!.
Co. will commence work at an early day.
(Tiflt is already aa established fact
that Clark &, Pljmrucr have the largest,
stock of men, women and children's
boots, bhocs and gaiters offered in this
market. , Call ai.d 2.
The Best is the Cheapest. This max
im w"s rje-VPr better illustrated than in
the'use of D. B. DeLand & Co'a Best
Chemical Salera'us. ; is the best in the
world, and the purchaser gets a fu 1
equita eit for the money paid, in a pu e
h'-althy article. To buy any other is a
wate of money.' To uo any other is
trifling with a great blessing healti.
Usit in place of So li.
t !t!ioiit a,
"I have long been an enthusiastic if
not an expert, tm)ng the Sewing Ma
chines. Besides my wifa is practically
familiar and experienced with the lead
ing machines. I have made critiaal ex
aminations and severe tests of twelve
different machines claimed to be "firt-t-
ciass," and I am entirely satisfi d th;it
the Wilcox & Gibbs is so far abave all
others in practicle worth that it is with
out a riv.l. The complication of deli
cate machinery, so common iu other ma
chines, seems to be whoiiv eliminated in
this; and I have no doubt that it wi 1
live to see other first class' machines
forgotten. Mrs. lleid says it is certainly
the best beyond Camparis n. The rotal
ing hook of the Wilcox fe Gibhs machine
is the beauty anl perfection of simplicity
itseif ; and 1 have nothing moro to ex
pect or ask." Letter ot Rev. II. A. Reid,
Beaver Dam, Wis., to the Wilcox & Gibbs
S. M. Co.
Desirable Property for Sale-
One dwelling tioue, Kim seven roams,
cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well
set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &c.'
I). Marquette.
Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. mylG
I Any person having tor rent a
small piece of land from tea ta fifty
acres with a con fortable house on it,
can find a good and permanent tenant by
ai plying at the Herald office- tf.
Wi'l do oil wo k in hi" line on short colic.
!tj"0;Be i!b Dr. taivnifrstoc.
J uly S.
flattsmoTith Lodge No- 6, A. F.
. A.M.
Reci l irrimi;iuiiic:tina l.-i and 3d Mondays of e !i
nonth, ai C 1 J u'tlock. p. m.
K. T. IJCKE, W. M.
W. (I. ASBER-O.V, S-c.
Nebraska Chapter No-3, R A.M.
lltCa'nr wivKiicns 2,1 and 4th Tut-d.iyj u(
ea h ia'Uth, at G 1 2 u'cl-k p in
E. ('. LFW5S,S-e
I. 0-0. F.
PI (! L'ldjr-. No. 7, rnt-ot-i evrrv ShIiii,)7 evening
t tliu ; urt i'oiiko llnll. Hf'ifheis o other Lolg"
. r.- r-i-rt ful iy ii Tiled to t: -it thin hi'rie.
I'.vor.lpruf P. P.OASJ,S.G.
M. McE-WAix.Roe.Si-r'y.
I. 0. 0. T.
Ilfifalarmif libn every IVi.Jay eveniug. Traveling
Ttmi'lar n'-'pt-ctiuHy ii;vit--.
WM. It. IVJiLI.S, W.U-T.
',VJI' R. MATni", Vf.S.
S.'.M-LM. CHAPMAN', LoJe )tmt.r.
r??-FXCE!H'K DE USE LOU'Jk, If... 1 l'l.iKs
fnoucli, i -. J .1 - ri''ila - mtenvg oa t tie third Weda.e
d iy cvcu;n;; jf ac!i mnntfi.
I'. o S. V CriAPMAV, W D T.
bro. W. L. Wn.r.5. v.' D S
r :-i .' Jus! . .ui'T'T, W II V T.
l.l-i i3 i d-Mil I
-.i" 1 I.t)l (;K N 8. lt F..-.rant,
Eru- K. A. K IltKi'ATKlt K, W C. T.
H. T. lit:'. W S.
Ui j K. "J TIMBLIX, Lod-e D puly.
TAEi'N U? t y th" li b cr.Lr. at hi r. s tlenc n
Fi.:ir Cre k, five :nil f.un h wet t t'Pi;i
iii"ii:li, (;. c-ui.ty. j i-k i, N .vt iu .r l'l A. I.
Isr-7 oa iliito vk- ..1.1 Sta let e.i i-rojip d a-tiT
cg'... f-'Ui'j w!i t. on Iw'.i -nd l-t"i : wn
ea 1 04 kt r- one i r r.-.a i li color, red ea ;
the .I'liv re. I wiiti waiiv be (1. a iX - iu w.i.n li -.
td a' oil.. I'.. hcJ, tnin tu;..' d to bh-ndtd
w iii n X UEJillY JSTPEi
TlKKX t'P by the RiiTmrr.l r ut Li lesidence iu
Eihi Mi v U i precinct. Q til 2 i d-iy i f Novem
ber i 607, cue y i liu Leifir cat., ul a luan color,
lio muT h or brands.
nov 7 5 LEWI fllBERS'JN.
TAKI'M VI' by the ml fr-riber, at his residence in
M'. Y- -n"l prfi-.e!, C'i a c ijni S' l.r-K, Uct-
h.-r '2-2 I 1;'7, one bright bay n a e. 6 . 7 years Id,
a). ta ! I au. I liifb. c llai' mirks on the top of he'
v.tH k. ::iid had an a halter wlicn laKn n
T.ikn up by t!:e ut. t ib.T at his pismire iu Mt.
P:-aut nr.'cinct, a-s l'o., Nt-b. abou' 3 iniits
re t of th'- ill Pli--4ant town-site, u the 2-l dit
of it t .ber. a D lC7, on- 3 year old SU'Wr , bl.irk
1 ite -ott..l, uht:v in fiont tia.l. Als... rn- yenr
I ir tc S'ee1, rf a red color, with tiB horns, and is
ma krd it li a rot ou the right hio.
Ooiebei 24 5w JOHN RENCEV
Taton up by thP i:l)cri' er at his r-rerai!"? in Mt.
Pii-aai.t r rincl, nbuat 3 ini! v- of ttiu Mt.
p.iin.. town ite, n the -1 1 diy of October. I v
107, two V-rl.u5 -.leer, oim cf a reu c..l..r and ih"
mlicr a kind of browu color, Willi hite xpo a . n 1IA5S T1JI.M.
October 54 fw
Taken np by the KMbicri'-er nt his promises In Ibe
north part ol Ll;h !-M ile Hr. ve pt.-cia't, Ul" ciu-ily,
N. !i , .q eii-tosv r 221 1S67, on- two-y, ;tr I lle'ter,
rd with line baci. J A M to CU.lB ThK K.
oil 5w
And fc rs.i! at low figures,
Jfc , ic. Also, a lar-e assortment of
Pine I u in ber,
LATH, SIIIX'if.ES. prions, wixdow sash,
2oJ Vush' Is, to wliicU ws invi:e the attention of
Hlac ksiuii lis and others as to .piality and price We
ar- Aceuls for th" GOODIN' COAL Lex
ington, and pr.posc t turnih all the Coal this
country wants at pi ices to ftuit. AlfC a Urge stock of
Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky.
Cherry, K ispberry. Blackberry aad Ginger Brandy.
Call and Bee us.
j.6d3 tf
Probate IVoticc
Notice U hereby iven that application has been
made to have V. J Hecker appointed Administrator
of theesta'eof John Kaks, jr., deceised Paid ap
plicatlou wi I be beard on the lt day of November,
lM.7, at 1 oV-.ock F m, at which tio-t r.l; persona In
terested cin appearand snow caiM; wuy said ap
pointment hould not be made, jf iiv th-y have.
J'-HN V.'. MaR.-IIALL,
. Oct. l, 1S07. 17 a Probate Jud'e.
II. fi. Worlliinsrlon
Attorney and Counselor
AT law.
Office in Ki'bi'h's Block, corn r of Douglas and 15th
airrets, Omaha, Nebrask i auclt
Etray Sale.
Notice is ber. by thai I will .ejerfor sale, at
the residence of Johu Gilninur, in vit Pleiiharit pri;
cir.ct. e'aa C'-onty, Neb'aska -n the lS h day of
November 1.-C7, one red n'.cer, white st'ipe acr s
thj shoniders, both ye 1. in 1, 8 years oil; said
ster havinr; been take'i "p and advrniseil a-codinc
to law j.y Joi n ii:in'ir. and appraised at iM, by
Jauics McDonald and Peier S'all.
Qr. 1 1 tr. , 'C7. I" Juftice of 'h Tf r.
Notice to Builders.
Fa'ed Pioposala for the execution of the nevernl
ctcrl tions of Artiflcr Works Decennary iu the
rp'rtiuo of tho new ttate Home of .Nebraska, to b
built at LidcoIq. Lan -at' cmnty Nebraska baid
Prop:U be received by tlie Superintendent at
tin otliie iit. Lincoln, on or b. f .re ihe II h day of
Janaaiy, l.H, at 1 eVlick, nooa, r.d will be s'.b
ject to I Ot- approval of tlie I'ommisMoLer in accord
ancf nnh an Act t otaled au Act 'To pr-.irJe for the
bcatio of the tat of Government of the Mite of
N b arka, aud f.r the e ertion of Public Baiiiings
ihr at. iipprov-d June 14:h, i9(i7."
The pl.tns a? d ?i'r-itl-- .tines mv he seen cn and
. !:rr tin-- loiii il.-.y of N ve.ntair, l3-j7, In t: e c!!i;e of
ih'- .-uperiuiendant at Lincoln.
All l'ropo.-ls ni't Lo a :com;rinl d by written
aar e nents ajd b.mdi at riot ls t!:an double the
c-.ntrKC: price, with to be a;.p.ovi-d by ihe
Coiiniii'.-'.oQer-, and cotMltur.ed f. r tli" fauhrul per
f nuance of the contract on or before the lt d iy of
S--p,!ii- r 1S,S.
The C-.tnnii ioni'ra ronrve the rieht to r.ject any
ai;d all bi.ii, if iu ttieir jud'ineot tb v are ioo hih.
John jioieRi-,
Architect and Superintendent.
1 1th of October. 3 n
Sheriffs Sale
Samu ?l Q Pamon
Joseph E Johnson
Harriet Johnson an I I
Charles H. Blake J
No ice is he "by piren (hat by virta"
oT an execn'ion iu the above entitled cause, ined
mt or and under the seal ot the t'lnrk of tne Oi-ti :ct
'oiirt of tli j it Jnd;c:al li-tricl wi t it in :,ud for
liooslas ctuuiy. Nebr-iska, and to uie directed, f
will. tfrf. I .r s ile nt puhiic auction, to the hihi .'-t
,ihI ber-t bi lder at the f.or. t do t of the ourt-Uouse,
intheciij of Pltimouih, Nebraska. on
A Tl'JIOA r, the Idtl tiny of Jt'.ccmUr, A It 1SC7,
b-t-een the hours o. one and two o'clock p in of
aid dav. all riifht, title and intrre-t of the above
named defendant, Jo-rph K Johnson, llarr I John
son and Char-as II. Blake, in and to tho f llowinff
.lescilied etne to-wit: Lot no i-n (10) iu block
do fif y thro.-(53 1. I t no toor (4J in block no one
huodred an'.' seventy one (111), lot no eleven (ll) in
i.lo. k no tiinetv tao 'fl), aud lot no one (l) in block
oflft-i.ix '56), ia ihe city of plaiUuiouth, Ca.-s
couiny. Neh:aska.
fr.ven under iu li'inJ this 14 h day of October, A
o lst)7. A 11. T - LOIt, -he'ilT
of (lass county, N.-nraska.
By G W. Fairfield. Pepmy. oc!7 4w
GENTS $1)0 r' T month,
everywhere, rrrn'.e
an.l female, to sell the OKXCISK COJfJfJS
greatest invention of the .io. Price 1S. Every
Machine Tiarruafd three year Arilres.
M. LEWIS i. CO.,
sei-12 iff P. O. Box c003 St. Louis, Mo.
DHGLLIXGH ut all price
Ary perpous wishing to purchase Farm-property, or
ll : deuces in to a w.ll rind th em for saie at al
prices, i'y
mr7. Kfal EstAtb Acbkt.
Aclanj RohNch' i.l, of I ouccil Bluffs, in the State
of lowa.'n -I! t it-r. ..lice that Marphee & t-impson,
of ihe County i f ('u. and plate of Nebrnska, dnl.oa
ihrt -4t li duy ol OwL.b. r, a v let." B e their petition
n tb" District Court of t!i- ad Judicial Dislrict or
Nebia-ka. wiihoi and tor Cass county, at'ain-i the
-aid Ar.t-i.y l.ehin bpi ', !e rtidaut, aeitin? forth that
the fc.n i fe!ovil ,i.t is iintt- li d to the said plaintiff in
'l.e Miia of 70 37 on 11- e-rtnin pronnory i.ole,
M-de, executed a.o' de.tvercd by tb s;iid det'eti-iant
o ti e m ii plaint. (T. b- Mriii' d ite on the J-t diy of
;. tob-r, lsh7 aud cal'ini; tor th pu mem of i'O 37,
ne day alier d .te. with interest at the rale ol ten
per cct. pr auuuni. aud prayinie lhat Ihe ald An
teov riehs-hie.l nn.v be adj'idited to py th aid
um of iii uev now claimed to be due. with i: tere.-t
as at'orr-ai'i; and the snid Atitenj 1 ,1,1-ct.eid i re
qutr. d t apiar ami an-w r aid petition on or be-
o the h Oav of 1 cunii -r, A U 1-t.f.
Y..u ar fu ther uotiliej au order of atlach
uent has b.en isu- d in mid cause, and that your
property aitaiieil im a 1J county, town. L. l one.
wo. four ami t n (1. 2. 4 and 10,1 tu Mock two (S),
south of t. e PuMic .-iuare, and iota ten and eie.e
10 and 1 1 1. in Mock on (I), autn. ranee one (1),
.ai ol the Piitilic iqua.e. all in K"Ck 111 Us city.
l a?coiiuty .Llrask.i; liiop hr-eu aitaciie-i ia pur
,UHOce thereto. JIUKPillK 4c MMPiON.
W. K. Chapin. Alt y for Plaintiff.
Onl red that the toreoin notice be published
our cun.c u'ive we- ks iu tte Nebraska Herald.
.1. 11. BKOWX,
oc31 4v.- Clerk District Court.
C. E. F O R G V ,
MjDufa.-tt rtr of all kiu l-of
Farming: Iiiiiiirts.enis,
ru. h hs tlie rrlcu.Af il To.i ll.eXiij(r rluBe, KualJ
lloai d llrek. r , t tu r ns l'b. ws, ;;nirV ami Ionoie
li cl-, C'llnvator iinJ l!amvg. ilepainng oue
n -h.ii i nonce All icoi k variant' d.
ltivine hed much ex;eiieii'e in the hi:ine5s, I
fel assured that I can eive jreneral n it sf.ict.on.
Please give me a c.ill bioru puicbabius elsewhere.
C. . fOKGY.
Plati-mouth. Nth., May fi'.h, 1.C7.
Ho! f.r Cre' k, wh' r? yor; can ki!l t-Hr!a
wit'i ot e stone, jret v.tu- i-a:n tir, un.l ar.d Wod
.'artle 1 a th same Imi: ; :i;e n. i.e.. i n . i f r bo'his
in rf-ct or.ler We n e fr.c Patent ilacbirie Cards,
;ih'ch wile ri.ncrnu'li lasr ycrto cst.-tliiitn their
superioiity over Ihe old kind, as ad who ns?d tho
can tesiiry. Ihe superb riti of Mr. S. Twiss as a
'arder is Well known, and his services are Mill ie
talced for the bel ellt i t the public. With the i:bnv
advantages we flatter curse Ives that we can make it
t-J the adva taice of ail who want work in nur line
to e me this .way. D. L'KAN. Proprietor.
duI'i S. TlVl, ilirrfrT,
Prices Heduced!
lias ju-t receicvd a largo assortment of
boots and shoes,
dry goods,
hats and caps,
groceries and
LIQUORS, of all descriptions
And a general assortment of
Al' kinds of
Taken iu exchanee for Go.ds. Cash paid for
FC11S, IUl?.i, WUEA T, cfc.
p26 C. (r HFROLD.
Tbe well known firm o' S. Il.Cnmmins sltnate
two miles wet of putt month, on the l;;nver road,
witn the timber tl e'tt". Is fur bale verr cheap.
App'y to J C. CCMMTVS. on the aJjoinlnir farm.
Also, lot 7 and J, block 14, in PUtismoutU.
auii Jl if
PfA N OS 7 11 AN OS,
Pea'er la the celebrated Sleek 4 McCaranion Pianos,
and other Musical Instruments
J3-li Instruments warranted five years. .2 ly
Energetic Men and Ladies wanted to can
vass tor the
By Prof CaLtin L. Stuu e, D. D. '
Show ft what the Bible i- not; what it is, and how
to u-e it; tricinc the history of each . oo up to its
origin with the in-p.r- d authors, and completely
aiii-wcriot: ail I Ode! cavils and oljectio to the
scriptures It i a . ordinary librar of liib ical His
t'T.v ill asiniie ToruTiie, hrief, c ear, accurate, con
clusive and highly tu'ererunc A nio'ei p oce of
common sense. It is n eded in ev.-ry family here
the Iiible read, as weil by evety hatbath
cl-.ool teacher, student and clergyman, and heine
the only book on the subject ever pub.i-hed or aold
ia thin cuunty, age. its cn easily tee the advantage
of canvassi'is f -r this woik. eDfflrc rculars con
taining notices and indorsements troia leadinc min
isters of all den jmin .tun. Address
nov7tn-IJ No. (i!iv Sticei. .. Lo";. M".
Wi are ju.t In receipt of .ur FALL AND WINTER' '
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Queens ware,
Iron, Nails,
Groceries, tfce.
SCIIUTTI.ER WAGONS constantly on hand.
S .Tloline Plow and nil kiiiflM of AG R I C UIT VI A It Q
Which we are fellirg at the lowest cash price Please call and xamin onr stock and sea
for yourselves.
ark 8l Plummer,
(Successors to Tootle, llanna Sc Co. ,)
Dry Goods,
I lard ware,
Hats, Caps,
Keep on hand a, full stock of a'l kinds of
i?2ie Cheapest and Best.
Uaveji.-t receive J a Iaraa aaj pfendU itock of Kew au.l Pa-hi ,n'olo Gutdj, consisting of
Ijowest Cash Prices!
Il.ivinff purchased them f rcasliin New York and Bon'on. We assure the public we can and will
fell Goods as low as any house west cf 5t. Louis ur Chicago.
fSFRempmber the Old Corner, now called the
BToet "Y'orls. Cassia. Store,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September 26'.h, 1S07.
The under Ipned proposes to estiMish a Weekly
Newsoap'T at Liiicin :i'y. the Capital of the Siata
of . hi a.k, to he culled "Trie Nebraska Mate Jour
nal. the fi-st issue if which will he ubout tie 1st of
ct ber. liliX
The wto.le outfit for the Office will be entirely new,
ind will eral.race d Job Ofllce, wl1 us the
Veil Dli ariine nt. Ilari ig had much experience in
JouriMiinm, ami oeinu one of th.- flri-t erttlers in
Neimmkii; coi queQ ly i.ein wrll acqutiutrd with
the want" of the people, aud the resources f f tho
taie, wo niie. ouieii m.ii we cou fcive fceuvrai
eatifiiCTion in the enterprise.
The "Jon-nar' will advocate Republics rrinci.
pies, out will be conducted on an iml. pendent scale,
an ' will Le Courteous to all partied and sorts.
Returning our thanks to our old frii nds and pa
troiix, we trust 'hty will assist ia thU new euter
TERMS $2 00 rer annum in advance.
Probate Notice
Notice Is hereby Riven that all claims acinst the
estate or R. J. Palmer, dee'd, must be on file in this
office on or before the
20A cbiy of MARCH, A D 1SSS,
at which time said claims wi.l be defrmiued npon.
Oi en n .dcr my tan l tht lSih dny of September,
aepltf 6w Probate Judge.
JAME? O'KKIL is my authorlre-1 Agent for the
coll-ctionof all arcnunts due the iinderi?nrd for
nodical service; hU receipt will be valid for the
payment of any monies on said arciunts-
AugUft 14, 1C7. K. K. L1VISOSTOX, M D.
Mannf cturer of and dealr in
-ILlS.iildles and Elarncss,
Of every description, wholeeale and retail. No 130
Mjin stn tt, between 3th ani 6th streets, N-hrs-ka-Citv.
Queens ware,
Boots, Shoes,
Sash, fec.
Which they will sell at the
Importers and Manufacturers Agents of
Large stocks of Ainerion Screw Co. Screws. Ames'
fchove! and Spades, Douglasi.' Mauu.aeturing Co.
lge Tools, American Table Cutp rv, English i'ock
et Cutlery.
Forsyth's Scales and Trucks
Orders fillel at Factory Piic?3.
Orders solicited.
Cor. Main uud ahit:rrti"i Ave.,
scp5 8m ST. LOI!!8, Vt
Lf oaw2 at Tatent Medicines at old prices go to
Au Old Song Set to JTeW Tttot
A spring approach
A nt and Kom het
From their hol( Cm4 t
And Mice and Rait
In tjiit? nf cats,
daily niio lilevt.
"18 years established in 3. T. City."
"Only Infallible remedies known. "
"Free from Poisons."
"Sot dangerous to the Human Family.
"Rats come out of their holes to die."
Coatar's Rat, Roach &c, ExtermV
Is a paste u-ed far Rafu, Mia, RoaettH,
Ii'lack und Red Ants, dec.
Costar's Bed-Bug Extcrcsinator
Is a liquid or wash uh. d to destroy, ad
also as a preventive for Red- Buqk, dko.
Costar's ElectTlc Powder for
I for Moth. JlfoiKuitiif, Fl'on, Red-Bvgtt
Inaecta on I'lanln, FmcU, Animala, io.
T" ! I Biwirr ! ! ! of all worthless Imitation.
SJ se that '-Costir'h" name is on each Boat,
Uotile and Flask be ore you buy.
Henry IC. Cos tar,
4a4 Broadway, New Tork.
its' Sold In Plattimouth, Xebrasta, by Mack.
Buttery it Co., and O f Johnson, saw all OratU
aud Retailers every whr.
For Cuts, Burns, B ul- e, Wounds, Boils, Canesrs,
It i.k' ii liroasts. Sore Nipnles, Bleeding, Blind and
Painful Piles Scrofulous, Putrid and lll-c Dditionsd
Sores, Ulrors, Ulanduiar sjwoilings, Kruptions, Cuta
neons Alf' Ctiona, Ringworm, tcb. Corns, Bo nioas.
Chilblains. 6u; Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac; Bites si
Spid -rs. luKects, Animals, Ac.
SRoxe. 'i cms, 50 cents and $1 aizaa.
Sold bv all Druegists everywhere.
And by Ht.VKY K. COSTAU, Dept 484 Broat
wny. N. V.
3And by O. F. Johnson, and Biask, Buttsry ft
Co., Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Corn Solvent.
For Corns, Rnnions, Wart", Ac.
-Roxrs 23 cents, 60 Cents and SI sizes.
SoLl bv nil Druggists every where.
nd by HENRY It. COSTAH, Depot 44 Eroad
nav, K. Y.
is-And by Black, Bu'try St Co sad O. F. Jska-
son, Plaitamouth, Nebraska.
Bitter Sweet & Orange
rsd to sofieu ar A beautify tbe Skin, rtmors
Freckles, Pimplps, Eruptions. c
Ladies are now using it in preference to all others.
JTj"3old by all Druegisra every where-
And by IIENIIY li. CosrAR, Dcrot 484 Broad
way. N Y
J-AndbyO F. Johnssn and Black, Buttsry A
Co.,!mouth, Kebra ka.
Cough Semedy.
For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseheii, Sore Thrr-at, Croup,
Wh' cpiDS CougL. Irllueuza,, Corjummioli,
Bronr hial Affectio. s snd all Disease of the Throat
and Lungs.
Boxob 23 cents. 50 cents and $1 s.'zes
5o'd by all Drucgitts every heie.
And by HENRY B COSTAK, Depot 4S4 Broad
way. N Y.
-And by Black, Buttery t, Cs and O. F. Jskn-
Eon, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
For Nervous and Sick Heada':!i, Cestivtoess, Indl
gejiion, ypep?ia, Billiousness, Constipation, I)iar
i !.'-, C:!e, Chills Fevers and general derangement
of the Iitlve Organs.
Boxs A', cmts, 50 rcn's and H ueti
BSold bv all Druggists everywhere.
ALd by II t.vRV K COsTAU, Depot 4.4I Broad
way, N Y.
And by O. F. Johnson uud Black, Eurtery Jr
Co . p: itt'nicutli, Nebraska. rarlVfai