-'- I,, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, NOV. 14, STATE (IF IYEDHA&KA. BY D. I3UTLER, GOVERNOR. A PBOCLAMATIOK. In accordance with a urae Lcaort J custcm the appropriateness rf which has been Jodjj and profoundly im presred upon the hearts of our Chris tian p?op'e.I do hereby appoint Thurs day the 28th day of November next, to be observed as a day of Thsnksgiving and praise to AhnigLty God by all ibe people of this Slate. And I most earnestly recommend, that all persona suspend their usual la bora and assemble in their accustomed places of public worship, and there en gage earnestly in exercises suitable to the cccas ion. Rendering to the Giver of all guoci .grateful acknowledgements for the manifold proofs of his protect ing care, His tender mercy and his loving kindness, vouchsafed to us du ring the current year, and uniting, wih good and honest hearts, in supplications at the Throne of Grace for a continu ance of His blessings. In testimony whereof I s. have hereunto set my hnnd w S and caused the rrreat :.eai of the State to be effixed this thirty first day of October, A. D 1S07. By the Governor, DAVID BUTLER. Thomas P. Kennaso, Sec of State. NOTICE. Books of subscription of Stock to the Platte River Bridge Company are opened at the office of Maxwell & Chapman. The amount of Capital Stock is fifty thousand dollars. Shares fifty dollars each. The first install ment required on each share is two dollars and fifty cents. We trust that tne citizens of Cass will avail them selves of the opportunity to take stock and have a voice in locating the bridge. L. 1TEST rt'EWS. The friends of Garibaldi state that he had only 4,000 men in the recent battle. The sons of Garibaldi are still at large, but concealed. Rome is regarded as liable to a rup ture at any moaienf A Inri-IUrt 1 . - J - Farmdale colliery near Glamorgan. Three hundred miners were at work; and at last accounts two hundred lives were lost. Lindsey, ihe co'ored agitator at Richmond, has been arrested and will be tried by the military. Colored citi zens have issued a card denying the sentiments uttered by him. There is talk of Davis' trial being again postponed. m Hi "THE PEOPLE." Much s said by Democratic journals about the rights of 'the people" of the Slates, especially those of the late re bellious States; Who are "the people" of these States? Do the cotton plan ters constitute all the people, or i it officers cf the late rebel army alone that are called "people."' Or are Democratic journals ready to include all citizens within their meaning of the term "people." We are in favor of "the people" having all the rights ai.d privileges to which they are in any manner entitled, but are epposed to one portion alone and that the rebellious portion having full control of affairs while the o'.hers the loyal blacks are 'utject to be again ground under the heel of oppression. If the people of a State or Territory desire to exer cise privileges which they are pleaied to term rights, they should nut forget to accord the same privileges or rights to all citizens. It certainly would not be claimed as justice to give greater privileges to those persons who have labored hard to destroy the Government than to those who helped to sustain it. The Cheyenne Leader says that a few days f-ince a party of Indians placed sods upon the track of the U. P. It. R. at a point between Pine Bluffs and Antelope station. Some men with a hand car coming up chose to take the chances of e-countering the sods rather than the red devils, who were near at hand, awaiting results. The car pass ed the obstructions without harm, and the red devils were foiled. Mr. Charles Dickens decided to leave England for the United States on the 9.b of November, in the steamship Cuba, occupying one of ihe officer's cabins. His ent, Mr. Dolby, had arranged to sail from England three weeks earlier. Mr. Dickens is in ex cellent health and spirits. Mr. Wilkie Collins will take charge of All the Year Round String Mr. Dickens' al-cnce. THE SCHOOL, LAXtlS. Ed. Herald: As the School Lands in our county ore advertised to be sold next January, I dsire to call attention to some features of the law authorizing the tale, that may work a hardship and perhaps may prevent some from purchasing who desire to do so. Sec. 16 of the act reads as follow?; Payments for land sold under the .pro visions of this act shall be mads a fol lows; for prairie lands one tenth of the price, cash in hand, and for cher lanas, one half cash in hand, with a pruinis sory mte for the remainder, to mature on the first day. of January, bearii.g interest payable aunuai;y m advance, at ten per cent, per annum the first payment of interest being com pleted to the firs: of January next after the date of the note; such noie lo be secured by the endorsement of two freeholders of the County, and one ad di'.ional endorser for every five hundred dollars of the principal of the note, af ler the first fire hundred, the note to be accompanied by a comract which shall specify the times and terms of payment, and that no waste shall be committed upon the lands, and in case of non payment of interest or principal the land shall be surrendered, with the improvements thereon, to the State. That, Mr. Editor, certainly seems strong enough to secure, at least the State of Nebraska, against any possi ble los?, but it i3 the interest of the State, also, to protect her citizens in the enjoyment of their rights, and thus add to the general prosperity. It might be well io enquire for what purpose these notes thus secured by endorsers are given? Is it for the payment of the land, or merely as collateral security for the payment, or as a sort of indem nity against pov-ible loss. The lan 2uare of the Section is vague. Nei ther does it clearly appear from the law, whether a purchaser can pay in full for bis land at the time of purchasing the same, although Section 14 may admit of that construction. The law, on the whole is, probably, a good one, but needs amending in several particulars, and let me enquire if the necessity of further legislation on several impor tant matters does not require a session of the Legislature during the coming winter. Among other things the Le gislature ought to submit to the people at the next election, the propriety of calling a Constitutional Convention. We certainly need several changes in cur organic law. WHO C.tl SLD IT?. an argument against the Republican party, that we have an immense na tional debt; that the country has been deluged in blood; that heavy taxes are levied; that all kinds of goods are sold at double the prices tLat ruled before the war; and a hundred other things which are consequences of the war These are all charged upon the Re publican party by copperhead papers and what appears the most singular of all is that some people pretend to be lieve that the Republican party is actu ally responsible for every evil brought about by the war. Do people of this mind ever stop to consider how this war was brought about? Do they ever consider what the consequence would have been if the Government, under the control of the Republican piny. t:ad not fought for its own maintenance? Do they ever consider who began the war and why it was begun? The war was commenced and prosecuted by the Democratic party, and now they charge it as a great responsibility upon Re publicans that this Government should have contracted a debt in giving them a thrashing. The only way these things could have been avoided was not to carry on a war, but allow the Democratic party to rend the Govern ment in fragments and liy violent hands upon all property belonging to the Government. We doubt no. this is the course every man who is now charging these things upon the Repub lican party would have had the authori ties pursue. THE WAR OF IIACES. Our northern secessionists who evince so much anxiety to wr'ne up a war of races in the Southern States, might take a lesson in good sense from that fierce rebel, Wade Hampton, who, in a letter to the citicens of South Car olina, writes: We have recoguized the freedom of the blacks, and have placed this fact beyond oil probability of doubt, denial, or recall. Let us recognize in the same frank manner, and as full, their political rights. For myself, I confess that I am perfectly willing to see a Constitution adopted by our State con ferring the elective franchise on the negro, on precise'- the same term? as is exercised by the white man, guard ing against the abuse of this privilege by a flight educational and property qualification for all classes. fr2r''Why did Adam bite the apple?' asked a country school master of his pupils. 'Cause he hadn't go' no knife," ban! it youngster XEGHO SUFFRAGE. How mbiiy, or what proportion of the Democractic voters of the United States do you suppose comprehends the real point at' is;ue in what is called "negro suffrage? As we understand the issue it is not whether the negro, because he is a negro, shall be allowed to vote; but it is whether a black skin is futficient to disqualify a person from voting. How many Democrats, so called, in Nebraska, dare to risk the assenio-, and leave themselves upon the record tjnis, that a black skin is sulHder.t to debar a man from the elec live fiati'l.i-f? How many of them will say that curly I"ir should be made a d.s.quliru'aMoi.? And just how dark must the skiu be, and just how many kinks must the hair have, to disqualify the possessor. It is not in accordance with he principles of free governmen' to make any such test as race or color a qualification for voting, and we do not believe there are a baker's dozen of intelligent Democrats in Nebraska who will disagree with us. It would be just as reasonable and just to say that every man with red hair ana a freckeled skin should not vote as to say that every man who had kinky hair and a black skin should be debarred that privilege. The man or pr.rty who would make such a test would debar al Irishmen, or Germans, or Englishmen, or any other clas3 of people from voting if they concluded such people were not going to support them or vote to sus tain the measures which they wanted. Intelligence to understand the nature of our government is the only test that can be applied to voters without viola ting the spirit of our free institutions-, except when individuals debar them selves by the commission of crime or otherwise. However much prejudice there may be in the minds of the American people against persons with black skins we should remember that through justice alone can a Republican form of government be maintained. It we adopt the principle that color saali be a tesi of citizenship or of quahfica tion for the franchise, just so soon do we establish the foundation for an aris tocratic government, and for the dis tranchieement' of any or all persons who do not happen to please those in po'j-er. We must abide by justice and right, let it affect individuals or parties of the present time as it will, else we sap the foundations, of our Republican Government and our Free Institutions And who is there that dares to stand by the assertion that it is right and just because his skin is darker or his hair of a d.fierent texture from his own. The Council Bluffs and St. Joseph railroad has been definitely located through Atchison ceuniy; that company, says the Atchison county Journal, hav ing adopted the old survey up he hot torn between the two rivers. Ties are being contracted for, and a large force is already at work in the northern part of the county preparing the road bed for the ties. The cars will be runninc as far sou'h as Hamburg Iowa, from the northern terminus, by the midd'e of November, and as far north of St. Jo seph as Forest Ciiy, in Holt county, by the first of January next. The compa ny are making an effort to have the road completed and in running order by the first of March, 1868. A voting machine is one of the inventions of the nineteenth cen'ury, and a patent has been npplied for at Washington. The machine invented is intended to facilitate the taking of the yeas a.id nays in public bodies By an arrangement of wires similar to that of the hotel annunciator, con necting the desks of the memqers of a deliberative body with ihe voting appa ratus, members are enabled to vote all at once, and, after a moment's time al lowed for a change of vote by any mem ber who may desire it, the result, that is, the individual vote of each memcer. together with the aggregates respec tively of the yeas and nays, is plainly shown on the dial plates. Simultane. ously with the summarized result, the name of each member voting is print ed. This machine is soon lo have a public trial in the chamber of the Washington Common Council. If it sucreeds, it will be a death-kuell to the legislative dodge of killing time by call ing for the yeas and nays. When the intelligence of the re suit of the Pennsylvania and Ohio elec tions reached Montgomery, Alabama, the old Irish news agent there ran along the streets with the morning pa pers, crying out; "Good news for the rebels, good nws for the rebels the beat I have had since the time they de feated the Yankees, during the war!" Jerome lost twenty thousand dol lars on the race of Kentucky against time. John Hunter won five thousand dollars, and one hundred aud fifty thousand changed hands on Wall rtrcet. L.1XC01W CITY ITEMS. We clip the following items from the Commonwealth: Elder Young is building a stone residence near his present place. Mr. Briggs has the frame of a dwelling up, near the Steam Sawmill. Dr. D. M. Tingley is electing a two story stone house on lOih street, to be occupied as drug store. J R. Durm is just completing a stone building on O" St., opposite Sherwood's hardware establishment. Messrs. Bebee & Abbott, are pre paring to build on Q St., one Llock east of the Methodist church. Their mate rial is nearly all on the ground. . S. B. Galey. County Clerk, and S. B. Linderman, Deputy Clerk, have just completed a very neat stone struc ture on North side Market squnre. Sroat's new busines house on the corner of ()"' and llth Streets, has been purchased by Mr. Sherwood, who is fitting it up for the hardware busi ness. He will open ver' shortly. Judge Cadman having bought the walls tf the Seminary building facing Market Square, is converting it into a hotel. He expects to move in in a few days. We notice a very neat little cot tage house going up ou 9th street, be longing to Mr. Cook lately from Mas sachusetts. Our Methodist Episcopal friends will soon have their church completed on the corner of "Q" aud lOih Street. Rev. Mr. Hawks, the preacher in charge is superintending the work. Langdnu has secured the contract for budding the school h use, and is rlready at work. The structure wll be of sandstone. 23 by 30 feet It is being built on Mjck No. 27 opposite and south of University Square, facing south. It is to be ready for occupation by the 2-3th of this month. - Mr. Ward, a builder from Chica go, who proposes to compete for the contrac for the erection of th Capitol has been here inspecting the quarries. He left for Omaha two weeks ago. Mr. V. seems well saisnd with the character of the Limestone" and Sand stone of Lancas'er county. THE SUFFA"ciE"QUE9TIO. IX OHIO. While the mere partisan exults over he victoriesof the hour, heedless of the ultimate results which they portend, the thoughtful and patriotic lover of his country and of truth, ponders the lessons which they teach, and profits by the-r instructions. The vote of the people of Ohio on the suffrage ijutstion in Ohio, viewed tin s. is not so discouraging to the ad vocal es of in partial suffrage as its ene mies seem lo imagine. The Democrat says: "The vote given for the enfranchise iV"Jio"t ,"7" t:u ""i.!e in Ohio was iU.ybi, which, us the Lutiuncrcial well rt marks, is "a larger vcue than was ever given in any age or couiiiry, by one race, io make political equals of another." Nei her justice, human. ty, nor practical wi-dom, his at any time during the world's history availed to remove that spnt of cast whirh is the essence of a. I tyianny and the foe of all tree governments. Our ownpeo jIe come nearer accoinplirqing the task than any other, but ih-y have vet a deeply rooted prejudice to overcone. We call oursel"ts Republicans, hut in some Slates a majority of the people are still in favor of an aristocracy. We read the Declaration of Iudepr-iid enC'. and pretend to believe its teach ings, tut in some States a majority of the people still privately revolt against the impartial distribution of political power which is its essential idea. We ure moving in the riylr direction, and wi h every year men understand more fully that our government was never meant to rest and cannot safely rest upon the intelligence, virtue, and patri otism of any picked class of ciiizens, for that is nn aristocracy a 'government of the best" but ipon the wi'l of the people. Lvents, we believe, will rap idly hasten that change of opiuion. When we see ";hat class," as Mr. Glover says, "who by their virtue and intelligence are competent to lead," rushing off almost unanimously in ten S'ates into rebellion as suaidal as it was causeless and wicked, while the other class, not aristocrats, not "the best so called, not deemed competent to lead by Mr. Glover and others, re mained faithful to a government which had never lifted a finger to aid them, or even to acknowleege them as citi zens, then we begin to realize the great truth that no class of men is so virtuous, so intelligent, so proof against all temptation, that it can safely be trusted with unrestrained power over other classes. That truih is the corner stone of free institutions. If it is faKe. free government u a failure, and aris tocraty is the divinely appomted gov ernment. If it is true, conservatism is a blunder, and the people can be trust ed more safely than any part of the people. It is perfectly true that this idea has not yet obtained complete mastery. Ohio votes for an aristocra cy. JJut when Napoleon conquered at borodino he said, "One more such victory would destroy mv army." If 216 9S4 votes are cast iu Ohio already tor mannood suffrage, how many more such victories can conservatism afford to win? The National Iniellig zncer has found out a terrible secret. It says: "From indications it would seem that the Radicals will insist upon con- iuing the session of the I ortieth Con"Tes3 until its lewal termination That is until the 4th of March, lsG9, iNearly all the Republican members who have lately visited tbo metropolis encur in t!i pinion." LAXCASTEU rOl'XTY ELEC TION. The following are the official re turns of the election in Lancaster County: PROBATE JUDGE. .' W. R. Fiela, Rep. 108 John Cadman, Ind. Rep. 115 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Silas Pratt. Dem. H7 Win. Ensminier, Rep. Ill COUNTY CLERK. S. B. Galey, Rep. HO John Helman. Dm. i)0 f UERIFF. M. A. MiPherson. Rep. 109 J 11. Hawk, Ind. Rep. 122 TREASURES. M. Langdon, Rep. 155 C. Carter, Ind. Rep. 76 SURVEYOR. E. Tulhs, Rep. 131 P. S. Schamp, Dem. 97 CORONER. E. Lange, Rep- 145 M. Larsh, Dem. So cons RA1SIXG. Editor Press: I find in your issue of November 2d, that Messrs. J. F.' President and J. W. Secretary of Camp Creek, Farmer's Club are very much exercised about my statement of having raided and cribbed corn at nine cents per bushel, and wish me to give them the figures at the various stages, and, be it remembered that was in 1562, and that I have not farmed but a very litile since until this year; hav ing rented almost entirely, until I was rented out and was obliged to try mv hand again on a small scale withsaiis tactory results; I did all the labor my self, i ired none, plowed and planted ten acres, cultivated and cribbed in the lime herein given: 4 days plowing. (2 1-2 acres per day) at $2.50 per day, S10 00 I day harrowing, 2. 50 I day working, 2,50 112 days planting with hand planter 3,00 8 days cultivating with double shovel plow. 16,00 I plowed it over four times, five acres per day 10 days cribbing at $2 or day, 20 00 Making in all, $54 00 My corn yielded 65 bushels per acre, making ''50 bushels, and at nine cents per bu-hel would be S5S.50, leaving 84.50 for cost of seed. wear, tear and tax which in my estimation was suffi ciei.t. II C. WOLPH. Nov 4. 1SG7. As nn illustration of the way in which the Democrats of New York swelled their majorities, the following facts, editorially made public by the Tribune on the day before ihe recent election, are worthy of notice: "We have just seen a lot oi so-called naturalization papers, which are such miuht almost detect them. There are three separate sijs natures purporting to ' be ihe name of James M. Sweeney, Clerk of the Superior Court, and the j mums are all written by different per sons, probably neither of them by Sweeney himself. In one iuMance tlu man t.a uralized confesses that h is only 19 y-arsoiti; another paper was handed lo a fellow in the street, and another was given out in a ruin shop. One of the men says be has not been fifteen months in the country. The lower part of the city, especially the Fourtli Ward, is flooded with runners, who have dozens of such papers, end who are on the lookout for anybody who will take ihe risk of trying to reg is er and vote the Democratic ticket on the fraudulent documents " The Chicago Times thinks it im politic" to elect Vallandigham, whom it calls a "martyr to violated law," io the Senate at present. It says: "Mr. Vallandigham should himself see the situation as it is. His time is not yet. It will probably come. Let him wait unul he shall be called. Tne Democracy will let him know at the very first moment when it shall want him." The following is one of the school essays, written by one tf the "young sters" of Cairo, which was not publish ed in ihe Tubht: "About dogs dogs is usefuller as cats Mice is afeered of mad cats. They bite 'cm. Dogs fol lers boys and catches a hog by the ear. Hogs rarely bite. People eats hogs and not the Jews as they and all other animals as doesn't chaw the cud isn't clean one. Dogssum times gits hit with bootjacks for barkin of nites. Sleepy people git mad and throw 'em. Dogs is the lest ao'mal for man. Tha do more for man than ground hogs or Koons or even goats. Goats smell. The end." Who hath gladness? Who hath success? Who hath a growing busi ness? Who paytth his notes promptly? Who gaineth the confidence and pat ronage of men, and raiseth to affluence? He that advertised liberally, that through the journals of ihe day maketh himself acd his busir.-- known. He hath choen the part i wisdom, and his honor increaseth like the light of the morning. His shadow groweth. His complacency increaseih. His fame extendeih His happiness endureth, and he is honored and blessed of all men. Ex. CST'A Hartford author is engaged on a history of woman's progress from the earliest ages, to be entitled, ' From the Fig Leaf to the Crinoline. ' C5Foa Sale One of Lamb's superior knitting machines tho only kind made that widens and narrows. Euquiro at this office. PLATTSMCTJTH MARKETS. Corrected by Simp-on, Mickelwait &Co WhPit Xo rhrP In the lla-kt tittle olTuring n1rtre nila uliout ibe sm, Freights to St. L ui 90 cent per Sack Corn Sra:i:i lot? are t.ow coming In, and tmyen are paying quoted pricui. FKonrrK 1 5ap livm Wheat 1 30571 8C Ma kercl.tatts 2 50, 3 no Com in ear Jt'(i"i i I'll" iu u tlKMM' i 2r 5 On lintJer l'.'tatoe :0 Oats Corn ine-il Flour lOD B-s 1 10 GROCERIES Whnle-:ilc GROCERIES Retail Cotiee ,V Collte fiJwitfO Susar l.VVl ','0 Snt'iir lf.(?0, T. a CO' i 15 Hid Ift 70 75? 1 fiS "'-12 T.-a Tow ' So! It ire Kite t7rri 2i 0o;J Oil Syrups 1 S.'iTJ- W Toliacru Cortl Oil S' S..fip Lnr' Oil 2 00 Sails Tol'aeco 75 & i 00 J NOTICE Is hereby Riven that the partnership heretofore ex istine umU-r the name nd ttyle of 1 ewk-lmrr A Majneld, in ihe punhare rf grain, U InTiOy dis solved by mutual cont iit, J. s. Tewks'jury colit-ctiu al! the (ieots du" -all ttrui aud laying a!l ilio iu -ilet'lednes of aid urn . Piatttinutith, Xeb., Nov- H. 1SC7 JOHN TK'.VK'RrRY. DOV 14 w 3 A. C. J1AYF1KLD NOTICE I hereby civen that in accordance with tha rovi inn of wction 4 f the act irerioritiuR the Platte Hiver Bridga Company uporored February i3, IsO, there will be a meeting of the ctockholilara of aid coiui any at the office of .Maxwell & Chapuian, In the citr of Plat'smo itn , ou Tliinsilay, Uu'eiuber 12th, 1-.8T at 1 o'clock p in, for the pa- P'ie of eleciinc a boari of five director to manage the alfair of said company. SAMUKI. MAXWELL, Pre Platte Uirer bridge Co. Ptattsmouto, Nov 8. lSiil w4 Z EET W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CENTRAL STORE. Dry-Goods, Groceries, Provisions, BOOTS and SIIOS0S, Main Street, two doors above Fourth, W her' tha public may find THE BEST OF GOODS and prices as low as can be f und in the c ty. We return fhankg for fie liberal patronage we have received, and hupo to merit 1' continuance. Oct. 30. '07 G GK DAY13. AVJI. J. FOUD, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER-HANGER, &.C Main street, - Cfpofile Post OJJlce, Will keep on hand and m Ve to orrier, MattrK9., Picture Fr-ime", Window hlides. Wall Paper, Ac. C" All kind of lurn'u executed In goud style. nov 7 'C7. rn3 1"Mace to get cheap Lamps and Lamp Chtmne is at d fBLACK, JiUTTKli Y Jt CO. S BOOKS g STAT QNERY. BooVs. School Bor,k, Kewopnprn), Magazines, Periodicals, and all kindi of Sta ionery, at MURPHY'S BOOK-STORE, 'fv.-c Bui'din,, J'uin Mr-"'. 24 Probate police. Natlee Is hereby piven tha'. A. W. Heich Ouarjl an for the minor heirs of Cele-M A b-llow' late O" t'as county. Neb,-k., fa,-.. Us Mis d-y un d. r d his rvxiguauon as ijuaid.-n, an I ui.pll. 4 10 the ' Otnt to mak-h final u tletoent with the estate of K.id heirs Said a.111. m.-nt w.ll he heard on THI'RSDaT the 21l day of NOVkMBkK, A. 1SC7. at 1 o'clock., p 111 , at an.i. h time all p'pm'odi in trested can apt ear an I object thereto If any thy have. Wiiue.. tny hand, tVTi 3th d iy of November J. . MARSHALL, nov. 7 3 Piobata J'n'je. Probate IVotire. Xot;oe is her. by fcivn thxt Mnrihe Midkiff has Mrs .Iny made Hl'pt c itr n to the Probate Court 4? I'.-m county to b uppointnd A hn'clji r.tor of th est.ite of J.tmet A. Al.ilkirr, l. te 1 I Ca county, d c'-axeJ. The Court will hear t-.iid application c'n Friday, Xovmbrr lid, 1867, ut 1 o'clock p m ,'st alili-li time II persons lnt.r ted cm appear and kI"w cause why taid appoibt uivi t hhould not be made if any they have. Glvtn under my haiid tlu 1-t ilsy of Novembsr, 1867. J. W. MARSHALL. nor 7 w3 Probata Judgs. SIieriH's Sale. William J. Hyat:, 1 v. f Daui-1 Dy. t Notice 'i herf-by plven that bv virtue of aft exe cution in th above entitled rails1, Issued out of an.', under ihe feal of the Clerk of the District Court of tlir-J.lJuil.ci.il District within and for Cass county Ni branka. and to me directed , I will offer for S4I0 at public auction, to the highlit and best bi Id- r, f, the front door of the Coin 1 House i. the tity :i P'Httsuioit'.'j Nebranka, ou Monday, the 18tft day of Sotefnher, 18C7, between the Lours of 10 and 12 o'cloc k 4. M. of -aid lav. ail rig' t'e nd i'turet of lb - above oauici defeiiaut. Uani -I ly, u audio tin following .le c ibed personal propeilv, . o wit.' One sorrel mar?, one Mirrel hor 0, one telt ol iloubie harness aud od wa'4on, t.iki ii as the prnprrty of lauiel!ye Given under my baud, this 2.1 lav ol November, A. V. Isti7 A. H. Ta If LOU. Sheriff f ( ass couoiy N'eb. Hy (J W. r'AlnriHi.D, Deputy. T. M. Matqui.t, Alt'y lor pl'il. qov7w2J Miciiff M Sale. John Mutz, 1 vs. V C. II. Walker. J Notice is hereby given that hy virtue cf an execution in the above entitled cause, boned out of ami nnder the eal of the Clerk of tl, Di-trici Court of the lid Judicial District within and I r Cass county Nebraska, and to ma directed, I will iter for sile at public auti.io to the highest and best bidder, at Ihe ,rmt door of t ie Court House in the city of Plattninouth, Nebratka, on Monday, the 18 'h day if Xui f mber, 1867, between the hours of II) and 1 1 o'clock a. in of said day. all right, tliie and iuteret oft hi- above named nYleiidant, C. H. Walker iu and to the following d n-rib.dpt-rs .nal 1 ropi rty, to wit: Three large sa ka of w Ad and one aiuall sack ut wool, taken as the properly of C II Walker, or so much, thereof aa will satisfy the plaintiff's claim for $149 fy) and t;j S3 coats, and all accruing co ts. Uive:i under my hand th's 6M1 d iy of Vovember, A. D. 1C7. 4 B. TA V L0K Sheriff of Cas County Neb. By O IV. fsIariKLU Depaty. T. SI. Manjnett, Att'y for pl 7. nov7w Plattsmouth Mi lie. C. IIi:i:5 UL, Proprietor. Have r. cen tly b en repaired and placed in thor ough running order. Custom work done on short ooti.-e. r 100,000 Rushe! of Wheat Wau'e! inn.ediiiii.ly, for which Ihe highest market price will he paid. aug'24tf tfOTICE To Siiool District Officers within tha County vf Cass, and Mife ofJ"e.braska: Pursu int to the p-ovisimi' of Ihe Hevised Schm I.r, a.s 1! ut "I Se--ii.n of the lay i.-1. it ire of N ' bi i-ka. (eiihij. l 'An Art f j- Hie Kevisxm of t e brliool L.iW,") i her-bv 11 01 if ti Hial I have, in ut-co' d ine.- witn the proVi im.s ul.d re.juir IIHUU 1 ;i'I Act, nil 11O. 1 t'.u Sci.njl IJisti let iu c. iiniy, as f..rr.- . vi: lu:tln ulh city No. 1 ; Pra't--mou'h p - cciuct No's 2. Sand 1, as hitherto kn-in; Mock IJ LIT. city N' .5. forme lv No. 1; li. ck H ' u rf" prec uct N.- d, 7, 8 aud 9. formerly 'J, 4 iin-l ; l.iierty pre -iiK-t "u'i M, 11, 12 and Pt. Torn erly 1. r.d !. Ml. P.easaut pieciuct No's 1 1 15 and IU, foirutrly 1 , -.- a n 1 1 : Avoca pieciuct No's 17, H 19 and 2'l fonneriv 1 2, -i and 4; v.c-pliie Water pr s-inct "o's 21, 22, 23 and 24. forme- iy 1, 2, 8 aud 4; Kigh -V He tj rove No's iJ3, 23 and 27, formerly 1, 2 .ii.. 3; Ore ipolis precinct No's 23. 29 a d :S0, formerly I, n.l 8; Louisville p-ecinct No's Z' 32 and SU, fjrmiil I. 2 .nd 3; froutti Bend precinct No 31, f.e merlv I. tail Creek re iuct No'.- 35 aud 'jj . formerly ! and 2 The several Dlsfrh l will lhprrf.ee t'"kt'i lli above uuuilieriuc. and the respective Dne;t 'rs in each Dieirict ill make a poper record of the Num ber ol tlr ir District, und ..t ihe earliei-l practicable moment lurnish me a ccu n-ct plat of tl ; nm Mum d iheie lc ;;ry I'iKtrk s that have, not as yet held ail e ectibn and elected th-ir tfTu-.Tj nudei the provisions of the lieviced fcchool Law, they will pi oceed in lined lately to do an, first giving notice of the time and place of holding said .eciiou in uih a rra nil. r as that the elec'ors in sueh District or Dis tricts shall he duly r.ntifled of . .Id election. G iven an-ler my bar d. at my office tu ibe eitv of Plattsmouth, liii" 31st day .f October, 1 D ls'iT 11. 8PI RLOCK, Clrk, and Ex -officio Pup't Publ.c schools, Casa Co , Neb. oi31 Uv NOTICE To all County and Precinct Officers Fitted as svci at the General JJeC' lion held October 86, 1SG7: Tou ar. hereby no ile.l that by callinR at my ofSce In P'attsn eitti, T"U will rec'-lve ywir Certitl c. l of Kl -i on. 1 five this notice Iliat person who ie wait jr to rece ve their CtrtitlcatLS at their r Mlences by mail, special nie-seng'-r, or o'hei wise, n "ed wail no longer, but cine and receive you r cei liflcat -i and qualify. I pre-nme there .s tml a man el cted to an office in the County that does not know it. I he certificates aie li-med, ynu will therefore qualify as the la vt outemplat a. Ae-pectfully, B. SPLR'.OChT, ts?31 3w Couniy Clerk- LAND. To all whom it may o.nc to : 1, B hj.ui ock. Clerk, in and fa.- Cass couaty, S tp of Nebraska, do, hy virtue of the au tboi iiy in me vesU-d by the prov sioos of an Act en tiiled 'An Act to povide for the Keirist y of School Lands, their hale, Ac ," passed at the 3d Sessioa uf the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, hereby give no ice that on TUESDAY the Ulh day of January, A. D. 1S68, At 10 o'cloek a M, at f ont door of the Court-Ffoose, in he i ty of Piatt nn mb, V brassa, I will olfer tor s le all the Scho l Lands within the County, known hs re lions lij and 80. and lands b 'lccLed in lieu of tie e sections. Lands in the sninh-we t corner of the County will te ou" re 1 first, common' iitr In Itanife ume (3), aud continuii r KUl illy throi'ub -ifd Ranee and Kansas ten 111), el. ven (I I ), twelve My thin. -511 (13) four-t-en (14); w hich sale w 'I l) coudi '-led in strict ac cmdioce wi h the p ovU-ionn atjd ren uircusents o! said Act. In wdnea whereof I hereunto set my band and oflirial seal at my oftlce in P'att.moutQ city, on this 31 -t day of October, a d 167. 11. K1TKLOCK, Clerk, oc31 1 1 w Ca.-s County, Nebraska. PETITION FOR SALE OF EAINUS, J. N. Wise, Admini-tiator '1 of the estate of 1. ti r A fcarpy.deceasrj, ( v r The Heirs and others. j Be it remetnb red that on the 30th day of October, A D 18 7, the Application and Petition o. J N. Wi-e, Admini-trator i f the E-r .te of Peter A. Sarpy, de-ccart-d, for a lic-n-e to sell the Heal E te b-loiiclna; to l'. said t t..t , ea e on 10 be beard before His Hoii r f5( orpe II Lake, and (lie Court eiiia' folly udvt.ed in the prrrrs's. It Is hereby oid-r, 1 that a'l persons interested in the Ks- .te 1 1'. r A. Sarpy, deceased, appear be fore nie on ihe - -' I 'i-v of De emer, a D If tjT, at 9 o'cloek A M of f J.id day, at the othc- of the Clerk of the Dis'rict Court in the ci'y of Plat momh. Can' County, Nebraska, to slinv? caune ahy a license fhotihl not be piaiited tu the Adinini-trator upplyinj ther.'.r to .ifo much of the Real Estate of the de ceased nn shall be necessary 10 piy suoh debts. Ai.d it la hereby further ordered that a copy of th" ahove ord"r be published in the Nebrnsl.i Her ald, a weekly newFpaper published in the city of Platt-mouth, for four succes ive weeks, the laot B setion l.eiiifr couipirf! at least fourteen d.iyc b' fors the 2id day of December, 1S07. Pv the Court: e'.;i 4'v .kci:i.;e B HKE 'Si-