LOCAL NEWS- The "Ilerndon Houe," in Omaha ij to receive a new name. CtTThej are taking stef ? to organize a Literary Association at Council B!u3"i, JTRemeTibei that Clark & Plummet are se'liD cheaper than any other house 'iil tt:e co'anty. 1 w2. is paid that eniw has fallen to tho depth of eight inches at Julesburgh. CvTThe Parish Aid Society will meet at the Rectory this (Thursday) evening. CFTl e United States District Court, Jul-e Miller, of Iowa, rrei Jinx, com menced i's fall term at Omaha last Mon day. C3To find the best bargains in Dry (ioods, follow the crowd to Clark & i'lumraet's. v2 rSeveral - head of fat cittle have been stolen rfc?ntly in the vicinity of Pacific City, Iowa. CJTTho sceend term of the Western Iowa Colleiftto Institute, at Glentvood, v. YA open on the 13th inst. 3?"The best article of seasoned oak wood h selling in this city nt 50 per. , cord. C i Gen. Livinpstcn has piroliased the Louo formtrly owned by E. C and is having it enlarged. Lewis, I '. If you want a suit of clothes of the latest stylo you will End it at Clark & Plummer's. w2. , CFarmers are buy gathering corn. The crop is generally light for this coun try, but wou'd be a heavy crop in most States. Col. Smith, the manager of the re cent great editorial excursion over the P.iciSc Railroad, is writing a took giv ing a detailed account of the trip. . fj5?"A colored man nnmad Wm. Smith, was killed in Omaha last week by the Deputy U. S. Marshall. The oCcer was endeavoring to arrest him. CTST-Tho New York Cash Store has an immense stock of boots and shoes which are being sold at prices before the war less than the retail prices in any of the eastern cities. Call and see them. Capt. Murphy, f the Platte Val ley IIouae, in this city, has been "aston ishing the natives" about Omaha by or-ding up a specimen of the Sweet Po tatoes raised in this county. - s- - R. Clark, of the firm of Clark & Plummer, left for the cast a few days ago. He will be absent about six Weeks, and will purchase a winter's supply of goods for their store. 5A large quajtlty of lumber has been taken from this city to Lincoln dur ing the past month. The road between here and Lincoln has eoarcelv a hill, and monstrous loads can be hauled over it. jJ7Ladies, Clark & Plummer have re ceived a nice lot of traveling and work baskets. w2. CP"Tootle, Hanna & Clark are mak ing some changes in their banking office putting in a new counter, etc. The business of the bank is transacted in the tore during the repairs. . m C5f The New York Cash Store, corner oT Main and Second streets, has ore of the best selected stocks of goods ever brought to Nebraska, and the people have found it out, too. Mr. Wiggenhorn has gone east to replenish. 3TWeigh your Saleratus when you buy a paper. You will find D. B. De Land & Co's. Best Chemical full weight, and that others are not. Try all things and holJ fast to that which is best and true on weight and quality both. ' CSGen. Simpson, President "of the beard of Government Bailroad Commis sioners, has been relieved from further duty on the board and ordered to other service. He is succeeded by Gen. Bu ford. ("Secretary Kennard has our thanks for a copy of the laws, Joint Resolutions and Memorials cf thefirst second and third sessions of the State Legislature, together with the constitutions of the U. S. and the State of Nebraska. C"See the big advertisemint of Wm. Stadelmann. He is an energetic busi ness man, and understands that it is through the influence of printers ink that customers are found. Ho has an excell ent assortment of goods, nnd is selling them very low. . 5"Bro. Rob. Morris, the well known Masonic author and ro;t, is about to visit Nebraska, lie wi'i give a recitation of Masonic poems in Omaha on Monday evening, lSth none but Master Mason admitted. We hope ho may give us a call at Plattsmouth. 3?" Clark &. Plummer arc receiving fresh supplies of goods almost daily. They arc determined to Keep their stock complete. w2. fcJTGrading has been going on lively j for the past week. It looks Use the city council had determined to do something for the general good. Some four or five different sets of hands and teams have been at work in as many different places and they have been making the dirt fly with a will. Main St., Second, Third, Sixth and Seventh have received the trirrpa! rirt cf the (JFarmers will find a large stock of farming implements and goods suited to their trade at Clark & Plummer's. vs2 C"Tho people of Omaha and Counc'.l Bloffs are sointwhat agitated ; over the losation of the Railroad bridee again They think the question U soon to be de cided. The indications at present are that the location will be made at Omaha city or a short distance above. ?"Mflj. Frank North. In command of the "Pawnee Scouts," attempted the punishment of one of bis men last week for insubordination, when about sixty of the command mutinied and left for the reservation, Mj. North has been in Omaha consulting the military authori ties in regard to the a.Tair. CFrom the Press it c learn that a Cre occurred in Nebraska City last week, which destroyed the dwelling bouses of D. I. McMechan and Mike Mentle. In the endeavor to save McMechan's hous the portico was torn loose and it fell up on Hon. John Graves, killing him instant ly. Mr Graves was one of the oldest residents of the ct unty, and was respect ed by all who knew him. - C7"As it will bs seen in another part of to day's paper, the initiatory steps to organize a Litera.y Association were ta ken last Friday evening. Let those who feel an interest in the matter be on hand to morrow (Friday) evening, at the office of Ilan. T. M. Marour-tt. Look over vnnr hooks nnd se'a if von hnrn Tint jfpw good volumes tnat you can donate to the Association, promised. .Several have already been s?W9 publish an advertisement this week of the origin and history of the "Books of the Bible," by Prof. Calvin E Stowe, D. D. Judging from the title of the work and the known ability of the amhdr, we doubt not this will prove one of the most interesting anl useful books in the language. We have sint for a co py, and will speak of it again after hav ing evamined it. (T?7"Some idea may bo had of the amount of business along the "old mud uy" when it ts known that there is an average of three boats running daily and that for two month past it has been Im possible to get a pound of freight aboard at St Joseph in conseq-ience of the great rush of through freight. Is thero not business enough to justify the building of a railroad ? Yes, two or three of them Ci?"A new advertisement of Gage & Davis' "Central Store," will be seen in to-dav's paper. Thev embarked in the Dry Goods, Grocery nnd Provision buai ness last summer and have built up a very nice little business. Thev are both well acquainted throughout the county, and many of our farmers will trade with them. They keep a good assortment, are always accommodating, and are deserv ing a good patronage from the people of the city and eountry. CUTThe card of Wm. J. Ford, Uphol sterer and paper hanger, appears to-day. This is a branch of business much needed in the city, and Mr. Ford should receive encouragement of a substantial charao ter He is an excellent workman, as any one can know that will test his raannfac tures. If you have a room to paper, go and get Ford to do it. It will be much cheaper than to spoil the paper yourself and then bo compelled to get an experi enced band t paper it afterwards. 3It is already an established fact, that Clark &, Plummer have the largest stock of men, women and children's boots, shoes and gaiters offered in this market. Call and see w2. (The County Commissioners met last Monday, but owing to tho fact that the District Attorney is required to ex amine and pass upon the legality of the bonds of tho various county officers, the officers elect do not take their places un til another meeting of the board, which will be held on the l8th inst. The bonds have heretofore been examined by the county prosecutor ; but that office hav ing been abolished, tho bonds now have to go to Omaha and bo examined by Dis trict Attorney Estabrook. i7"The Glenwood Opinion which is fixat rate authority asserts that "a man can, as has bet-n done in this State dur ing the past year, buy a raw piece of ! prairie and in one year can raise enough off of it to pay for the land and fence it and pay all necessary expenses besides." Now, if a man can do that where he has to pay for his land, what think you would be the result on land equally as good, with a better market, where the land can be had as a homestead, as it can in Nebraska? 27Persons losing stock of any kind cannot find it any easier and cheaper than by investing $2,50 lor a copy of the Herald one year, and then keeping a sharp watch of the "Estray Notices." And people taking up stock will confer a favor upon the owners thereof by having it advertised, according to law, immedi ately ; and it may 6ave them much trouble and annoyance, era! estrnys advertised There are sev in this issue. One of the largest stock raisers in the county told us laat year that be never looked farther than the IIckald for miss ing cattle, and that he found it much the cheapest way af finding tham. DIED. Saturday, November 2d, Edgar L., son of Geo. L. and Mary E. Setbot.t. Aged I -c.ir, 1 moclii and 12 J7. Mne years In a hosiery factory For nine years past I have been con nected in the capacity of overseer of the knitting an i stitching department hosiery manufacturing? and I am free to state that, of the different kind3 of sew ing machines, I have found none as well adapted for general use in making up hosiery goods as the Wilcox & Gibbs Fifty per cent, more work can be done on it than any other machine in a given time; while the cost for repairs is at least five times less. Letter of -J. P. Delahunty, Overseer at Adams Hosiery Mills, L'ohoes, N. Y., Dec 13th, 1865. s?"Aoy person having for rent small piece of land from ten to fifty acres with n comfortable house on it, can find a good and permanent tenant by applying nt the Herald office- tf. Desirable Property for Sale. " One dwelling uouse, who seven rrn", cellar, barn, ar.d 4 acres of ground v., set with fruit trees, shrubbery, tc. D. Marquette. Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. myl6 C!"For Sale One of Lamb's superior knitting machines tae only kind made that widens and narrows. Enquire at this cluce. KEEP COOL! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post Ofiice building, nnd the lovers of this delicious beverage are invited to Call and see him. A good assortmant of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on and. , 0. F. Johnson. june 10d.Lv.'.' tR. M- H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST' Will do nil work In Ms line on short cotj'ce. 3"0!ilce witli Dr. Idvingston. JulyS. Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F. & A. 3a. INiridarconimnnleationf l.-t and 3J Mondays of each tiOMin, at u i ts o clock, p. m. r. T. DCKE.'SV. M W. II. ASDKS-iON.Sec. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R. A- M. l:i-enl.r convocations 2J and 4th Wcdnttdaya of ii n mourn, at 6 l a o'clock p m. D. H. WHEELER, H.I ! !.(!. LEWIS, Bee. I. 0. 0. F. 1'1-itt LoJff, No. 7, meet? cTery Saturn's jr rrenlrg kt cue u.iurt-lluiiae Mall, lirctliers o otr.er Lodges ire rropecl rnlly ItTiteuto Visit thin Lodge. By.irderof P. P. GA33, X. O. M. McE-wai, Rec. 3c'y. I. 0. G. T. Ri-(ro1arniettnR eyery Friday eyeniDg. Traveling Templar respectfully invite.1. WM. K. WELLS, W.C.T. WM- K. MATni", W. S. - SAM'I. M. 0 H ATM AN, Lojje Hfputr, trfy-KXCKLSIOR DS RE!5 LODQK, No. 1. Platts- mnath, holds r"?iilar meetings ou ibe third ednfi' day evtaiug'- of t.ch month. l!ro S. V. CIIAPMAX, W D T. Bro. W. L. Wti.n, W D S Sister E. J. JtfoITiioiBr4 W.D V T. I-J-STAR OK 1 -On 1.01)0 FT Xo. 8, Sit. Flea'ant, hd Is reul- metinps everv SHtcr.lay eventon Bro- B. A. KIEkPA THICK, W C. T. IT. T. HUUIIKS. W. S. Bro F. M. TIMBLIN, todj- Deputy. ESTRAY NOTICES Tl!rC!V T'Phv th KtiKft.-ril-.Ar at M iMMon. tn VAtrht Mi l. flnir. urecinrt f.n tli 9 I Hnv nf N'av.m. ber 1 Soi, one yearling iK-if'-r carf, of a roan color. no renr; or ornDiis. nov 7 it 5 LEWIS CIBERSOX. Tltril I'T V v V. n n,K..;Snr . t;a . n . ! . 1., .... in Sit. l'l-xtit pre-ii.ct, Cv5 c unty Nebraska, Octo ber '221 lb", "tie lirulit l ay mm e, 6 or 7 years M, about 15 hand, hih, cellar mirks on the top of tier tc'K. nnu n i.l uti a uaiier nen laaen ap. nuy 7 tr 3 DAVID O. SIIOOP.M AV Takea np y the snhrtilxr at hi premise' in Jit. Ple.ifHut pr-eincf, Cass Co., Nth. about 3 mi!es re-t of The Ml. Pleasant town-site, on the S2d day of Otto'KT, ADlo7, oiie U-yearold Steer, black and vMt spotted, white in Iioi.l head. Also, one year ling Steer, of a re I color, with i-tas; burns, and is mailed with a ross on tlie riirt-.t hi:. Octobei lilOw JOHN RENiEN. T.wen np by th r.l orilier at his premises in Mt. Pleasart ;-rtcini t, about $ miles wsl vf tho Mt. Pleasant totrit--it, on the 22-1 day of October, A D 1?G7. two YearlnK steers, one of a rea o.lor and the other a kind uf btvwu ci.lor, -cviih wM:e spo a t o head. 11A.3 Tl MM. October 24 !w Taken np by the itcriher at his preinisajn the north p-irt of Eight-Mile fin,ys pteciuet, Cass county. Neb., on Octoh r 22d, I $07, one lwo-ear old lleiler, r d with line back. JAMES 'cltADTREB. or31 5 JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low fl'irea. Id Is COFFEE, li AU SCGAli, 5 Iblt DRY APPLES, 5 Ml DRY PEACHES, SfC , kc. Also, a large assortment of Pine Lumber, LA Til. SniXILEX )00i?., TT7AY)(9ir SASH, wixnow r.is, class, cexex. PLASTEJi I'AIUS, 11 All!, COAL OIL, Etc LBXIITGTON COAL, 250 bufliels, t. whicb we In-, i'e the ntteation of Islarksmith and otbers ns to quality and price, w e are Acents for the OOOKlN COAL BANK, at Lex ington, and propose to furnish all the Cvil this country wants at prices to suit. Also a large stock of Bye, Bourbon and Star "Whisky. Cherry, Easpberry, Blackberry and Ginger Brandy. Call and nee ns. fclMPSOV, MICKELWAIT CO. je6.13 wtf lare to get cheap L:imps and Lamp t'kimne . is at d m B LA VIC, BUTTE 11 Y tfi CO. S BOOKS I STAT ONER Y. rtoi'V. Pehool Books, Newspnprrs, Magazines, Periodicals, and all kinds of Sia'i juery, at MUBPHVS LOOK-STORE, Poat-offlce Building, Mala tre?l. oc34 Probate IV'otice Notice is hereby riven that application has been made to have I. J. liecker appointed Administrator of the estate of John Rakes, jr.. deceased Said ap. rdiestion wi'l heard oir the 1st day f Noyeinber. 1)7, at 1 o'clock r si, at whic'i time !! petsons in terested ctn appearand attusr ca : -'e why said ap pointment tbould not be mud", if any they hare. JOIl.'i V. MA It.silALI,, Oct. li, 1SC7. 17 w3 lTobate Judgo. SI- G. Worlliinstoii Attorney and Counselor AT LAW, Office In Ka'bach' Bhxk, corner of Douglas nnd 15tb streets, Omaha, Nebraska. au14 Estrav Sale. Xo!ice Is hereby sriyen that I will offer for fale. at tie residence of John Giimour, in St Pleasant pre cir.ct. Cass crunty, Kebnuka, on the 13th day of November lSi7, on red steer, white st'ipe across the ahonlders, both eyes blind, 8 years old; said steer bavins been takei vp and adverti.-cd according to law l.y JuliD Gilmonr, and appraised it T JU, i J James SlcDona'.J and Peter Stall. "I'.LIA,I KJ?t. Vt.l't'.-. I "' ci ihef'"s. Wotice to Builders. NEBRASKA. STATE CAPITOL - Sealed Piepnsals for the execution ..f the several descri'-lions of Artidcers Works necessary in the erectioo of the new Slate Hon-e of Nebraska, to e built at Lincoln, Lanca?tar county, Nebraska. Said Trop 'sals will be received by the Superintendent at his office at Lincoln, on or before tba ll h day of Jmu.iry, 1 a lw! cVIoct, noon, ai d will be sub ject to tho approval of tfce I Vmtnif-iocers in accord ance with an Ac entitled an Act -'To provide for the lccatio'i tf the real f Government of the Mate of Si b-atka, an l fjr ih e ection of Public Buil lings then at. approved June 14tji, Is07." The plans and fpt ili-uitoi;s msy be seen cn and sfter the l:h day of N iveinlHir, 1S57, iu I'.e rffloe of the raperintendent at LincolD. All Proposal miit be aecompui I'd by wrHfen agrreraituts and hondi at not h'fS than double the contract price. With surctica to be approved, by the Cou:uji?stoDers and conJMioae'I f t the faithful per formance of the contract on or before the 1st day of September. 1'jS. The Commissioners reserve the right to rtject any aud all tijj, if in their judgment they are loo high. JOHN XOURltl, Architect and Superintendent. 1 1th of October, 1?C7. 3 n S lit ri.Ts Sale : Samuel O Damci "I Joseph E Johnson V Harriet Johnson and j - - Charles H. Blaka J Notice is beieby given that by virtue of an eyecn'Ion in the above entitled canse, issued out of and uiid-r the s.'al of the Clerk or tne Di-trict Court of th 21 Jitdicial District within :.nl for Kdiila ctunty, IJtbr-ika, and to nie directed, I will ntler tor sHie at public auction, to the highest and bent bidder; at the front do-r of the ourt-Uoue, In the city of PlaltMnontb, Ntbracka,on SA TCRDA 1', the 16iA d,iy of Ateinher, A V 167. between" the ionfs o. one and two "o'clock p m of said day, all right, title and interest of lb a above mual tlefendiXils, Jo-epli t Johnson, Harriet John son and Chancs H . Uliike, in and to the fallowing descnl el real elate to-wit: Lot no ten (10) in black no fifty-three (53). l"t ne four (4) in block o one hundred and seventy. ore (171), lot no eleven (11) in block no ninety. two (02), and lot no one (1) in block ooHftj-H X T)6), In the city of Platlsmouth, Casa comity. Nebraska, Given under m hacd this 14 h day of October, A D lS07f ' A. B. TAl LUIt, theulT of Cass counly, Nebraska. By G. W. FainriKi.D, Deputy. oclT 4 WANTED .4 GENTS (1.j0 per month, everywhere, male 1Y an.l female, to sell the OEKLISE COMUJN SE.VSE FAMILY SUMSO MACHlA'f, the grectest Invention of the ag-: Price fl8. Kvery Machine warranted three years. Address, M. LEWIS it CO., 5ejl2 4w 1'. O. Box 003 St. Louis, Mo. TLLI.(;s nt all price Any persons wishing to purcha.se I'arm-property, or R-sldeiices in town aril! find th em for tale at al pricca. by EORRINGTON'. uir7. Hfal Estate Agent. IOTICE. Antcny P. lilfchi-id, cf Council Bluffs, In the State of Iowa, will tike notice that Muiphee & Simj.son, of the County of Cas and Slate of Nebraska, did, on th 2tih flay of October, A r. leG7. fl:e their I Union in the Di.-ttict Couit of the 2d Jui!iial District of Nebraska, within at.d for Cass county, ipa!n-t the said Ant ny L 1) I.-cl-ei l, Je 'eutlnut, seaini: forth that tl e Sai l di-fendatit is indelted to the said plaintiff in the sum of $ 70 37 on his certain promissory note, rode, exectitrd and delivered by tii' said defendant ! the ;a:d l Uiat:lf, tx arinir date on the 1st day of V'tob-r, ls67. and c.illinR for th: parment of $70 87, one day alier date. i;h ir.tertst at the rate of ten per cett. per annum, and prayinir that the said An tenv Buhls jl.iid miy be adjudged to pny th-laid tain nf money now ulaimed to I'e due, with interest as afore?s,n!; and the said Anteny Bobltcheid is re quird to appear and answer said petition on or be fore the 9"h dav of D cemb-r, a l 1sij7. Ifoa are fait her kntifled that an order of attach ment has been is-md in said cause, and that your propetty situated in s lid co'itity, to wit; Lot one, tvo, four and ten (1, 2. 4 and !(,) In block two (3), sotith of trie TuHic S'iU.ire, arid lots ten nnd eleven (10 and 1 1), in thick one (1), s..nth. rang one (1), east of the Public Sniiaio, all in Kock 111. .ffs city. t'a?s county, Nebraska, hsrn been attached in pur suance thereto. jiaitFiiifc: suh'sun. W. V. Chapin, Att'y for Plaintiff. Ordered that the foreo irtf nut!co be published 'ottr cenfecutive weiks in tit Ntbra-ka H. raid. J. II. litiOWN, oc"l 4'V L'ierk District Coutt. ' PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. FORGY, iljnufa:turcr cf all kinds of Farming. Iniplciiiefifs, Such as the celebrated Rod Brc-.lttrjr Plows, Mould Hoard Brek'T, Ktirrina Plows, mik and Double Shoel, Cultivator- aud Harrows. TtepuirinK done on sliott notice All o: k warrant' d. Having had much exue rien -e iu the business, 1 f . assured that I can ifive general satisfaction. Please frive me a cl! btfo, e pui vba.iini; elsewhere. C. . i'OUUX. Plait-mouth. Nth., Miy (Jth, lSfi7. AND WOOL- OARDIS.C. IIo! for Salt Crek. wh re yon can kill two birds with ore stone, ret your Gra n Oround and Wool Carded a the snuie lini.: the machinery ft r bo '.h is in n rfoct order. We ne t',e Ptent Machine Cards, which were run enonph last year to eftatlish their superiority over the old kind, as all w ho used the i csn testify. The superioritt of .Mr. S. Twiss as a Carrier is well knowu, and his services are still 10 tained for the benettt of the public. With the above advantages we flatter oui.-e Ives that we can make it to the ad vaitaire of all who want work in our line to eome this way. D. DEAN, Proprietor. myn tj. TVYIS. Carder. Prices Be&uced! o. O. Herold. Has just received a larg assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING. DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, uf all description?, And a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Ap kinds cf COTJNT11Y PRODUCE Taken in exchange for Coeds. Cash paid for FI RS, HIDES, WilEA T, f c. B-p2S C. G. HEROLD. " SHANNON'S " Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., Tlattsmoutu. I am prepared to accommodate (he public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, On short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run to steamboat landics, end to ail parts of the city when desired. mr29 J. W. SHANNON. FAR.1I For 8 A 112 CHEAP. The well known farm of S. H. Cummins, situate two miles west of Plan-month, on the Denver road, with the timber theieto. Is for sale very cheap. Apply to J C. CUMMINS, on the adjoining farm. Also, lots 7 and S, block 14, in PlaMsmcnth. aUE"!l tf PIANOS' PIANOS, Organs, MEL O PEONS. COlCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Dea'er la the celebrated Fleck McCammon Fianot, and o:ber Musical Instruments. ft.'-'.r !- TSrian'cd 't -1r o".71 v ATTENTION V are just in r;ee!pt of .ar FAT;I, AND WINTliR' ' - ; DRY GOODS, Clothing, ' Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, : Hardware, 1 :v " dueenswarc, -'' ..... . . . . ' Iron, Nails, Groceries, &c. w CO o u o 8 SCHUTTLElt WAGONS Constantly on hand. jUoIine IMows and all kiiuls or AfMCl rIX IS Ali I.TIPI.EIIEINTS. Which w are selling at the lowest ca.h price. Please call and nenjine our stock and c for yourselves. ST AUDE & JOM II CLARS Clark 8c Plummer, (Successors to Tootle, Hanna & Co.,) DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, PliATTS MOUTH, Kcap en hand a full stock of all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! The Cheapest and Best. E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO., IIaveJu.t received a large and splendid stock YANKEE NOTIONS, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. READY MADE CLOTHING, Lowest Cash Prices! flaring purchased them for cash In New Tnrk and Boston. We assure the poblie w eaB an3 will bell Goods as low as any house weft of St. Louis or Chicago. 2?Remember the Old Corcer, now called the txt-77- TSaTois. csosL store, CORKER MAIS AND SECOND (or Ivce) STREETS. tJ-Ovr motto is "CTCA SALES AXD SMALT. PROFITS." Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September 26-.h, 1S67. E. A. WICGESUORIf PROSPECTUS OF THE " NEBRASKA STATE JOURNAL. The under Ipued proposes to estblish a Weekly Newspaper at Lincoln City, the Capital of the State of Nebraska, to be called "The Nebraska State Jour nal." the first issue of which will be about the 1st of October. IS0T The whole outfit for the Office will be entirely nerri and will embrace - (jocd Job Office, an well as the News Department. Hasi ig bad much experience in Journalism, and being out of the first settlers in Nebraska; consequently being wrll acquainted with the wand of the people, and the resources ot tba State, we flatter ourelf thai we can give general satisfaction in the enterptise. The "Jonrnal" will arlvocate Eepublicin princi ples, hut will be conduced on an independent scale, and will be cuurteont to all parties and sects. Returning our thanks to our old friends and pa trons, we txuet 'hry will asaist us in this new enter prise. TERMS 42. CO per annum in advance. JACOB PAWSON. Probate Notice Notice is hereby given that all claims against the estate of R. J. Palmar, dee'd, mi Bt be on file in thia office on or before the imh drry of MARCH, A D 1S63, at which time said claims will be determined upon. Oit-en u ;der any hand tbr 15'h dsy ofSptsmber, D 11-6T. JOHN Vf. MARSHALL, scpl9 6w Piobute Judge. IVOTICE. JAMES O'XKIL is my authorized Agent for the collection of all accounts das ths nndertigmd for medical services; his receipt wiil be valid for the payment of any monies on said accounts. Anu?tl4, 1S87. R. H. LIVING 5T0S", M.D. G K. McCAIiLUM, Manuf ctnrer of and ! dealer in Saddles and Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail, ?Tf 13rt J r:ir. jl.- ! ! CITIZENS ! 0 Q ii ANDERSON, MLl mMH. Groceries, Cluee ns ware, Boots, Shoes. Notions, Sash, cfec. NEBRASKA- of New aud Kahl nablo Goods, ccntiftlng of HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, Which they will sell at ihe I. SCU.f AS3E. PALL TRADE 1867. PRATT & FOX, Importers and Manufastnrer' Agents of HARDWARE s CUTLERY, Large stocks of American Serew Co. Screws, Aims' Shovels and Spades, Douglass' Manu.arturing Co. Kdge Tools, American Table Cutlery, Englith dock et Cutlery. Agents for HERRING'S SAFES, Forsyth's Scales and Truck Ordera Cllel at Factory Prices. Orders aalicited. PRATT & FOX. Cor. Main and Washington Ave. serSStn 57. LOT715, 110. V 3 nawant Fai'n t JJcrtjclccs at old pKcos rc It HLArtr. BVTtf.K Y fA.'K An Old Sobg Set tb b Xctr Tftn ZT 18G7. - Api"3 iirf-ranrh .irit'tllld KoucKfi Vem Vfr hole! cw An Mice ami hat ii-iU of rati. Uoi'y itip a'. oxj. ' "IP years e. Uldisbed In 5. T.Cliy " "Only infallible remedies I cown. " "Kroe from ,oU0IJS.', 'Xbt danKt rous to the Human Family." "Hats Come out of their holes to die." "" . Costar's Rat, Roach &c't Exterrn Is a paste ned tr RaU. Mict, Eoacht, Mack and J.'M Ant, ofc. Costar's Bed-Bng Extrmlnatff Is a lirpid or wash ust d to destroy, and !so as a preventive for Bed-Bug, te. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects I for Motfin, Memjiiitoei, FUat, Fed Bvgt Insects on Flantt, Fotcln, Animals, to. ! ! Bawias ! ! ! of all worthless Imitation. JCf"fe thai .CostsB's" name is ou each Sox, bottle anil Flat it be ore you buy. - - Addra . . Henry R. Costal; 4c Broadway, Kw fork. Sold in Platlmnouth. Xrbrnslet, by His. , Buttery h. C , and U W. Johnson, a&a All D-aggU and Retailers everywh're. - - COHTAR'S CCLESRATD BUCKTHORN SAL7E. For Cuts, Bntns, tliulie", Wojnds, Bolls, Caceert. Bioken Breasts, Sore Nipnles, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles, Scrofulou", Putrid and ili-c nditlon4 Sores, Ulcers, lilaodular Swellings, Eruptions, Cuta neous Affections, Kingworm, tcb. Corns, Bunioas, Chilblains, fco; Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac; Bltei el Spiders, Insects, Animals, wc. tfBoxes, 2A cents, 60 cents and $1 size. Sold by all Drusrglsts everywhere. And by HKNRY K. C03TAK, Dept 414 Broal way. S.Y. w!I.Aad by O. F. Johnson, and Blsek, B'Jttary as Co., ftattsmuuih. Nebraska. COSTAR'S PJirZRSAa. Corn Solvent. Kor Horn!. TVin:.-...-. t - -Boxrs 23 cents, t.O cents and 1 rQ.lj .. -ii Ii... t. ..v.K.a and by HENRY K. COSTAR, Depot 4i4 Bresfl viav, X. Y. iarAnd by Black, Bu'tnry & Co an l 0. T. aaar- tco, Plattsmouth, Kebra?ka. COfeTAR'54 rHEPARATIOM O Bitter Sweet & Orange Blossoms, FOR. BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Tsed to soften ar.d beautify the Skin, rtmeve Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, c. Ladies are now using it in preference to all other. Bottles tl jT3"Sold by all Drutrgists everywhere. And byllEKUY B. CoSTAR, Depet 484 Bread way, SJ Y. f?AodbyO V. Johnsen and Black, Butterf af Co., Plattsmouth, Nobra ka. COSTAll'S FECTORAL Cough Remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Uoarsehess, Sore Throat, Cronp, Whooping Cougb, Influenza. Asthma. CoDKumDtioft. Bronchial Affectioi and all Diseases ef the Threat and Lungs. Eoxcs 25 centi 50 eenta and SI size . 3.Sold by all DruFKisis rveryahere. And by UXBY K. COSTAR. Depot 4S4 Broad - vtay, ST. Y. - . . TADd by Black, Buttery 4 Ce anil O. t. Jsha- son, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER FILL. For Nervous and Si k Hsadjcde, Costi vr nosi. Inoi ge.s:ion, Ly.pepia, Billiousne-s, Constipation. Diar rhea, ColK'a, Cbiils Fevers and genet a; derangimen Of the Dinestivv Organs. - Boxes 25 cents, O '"eu: au 1 Mzes SiSold brail Drnpgista everyah.re. Aud by ritNRT K COsTAI!, Depot 4S1 Brcsd """. N Y. -' Ani b;-" v. V- .Tbo-.n rn ; F.I;.e', Kuvr." &' ' . rii!'r,ei.:h, Vchratka. s s -''"" iu', 1 1 r,iirmr i mmstm