Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 31, 1867, Image 3

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    She JUbviisfca Skvahl
Ci7"C!::ef Justi.;,? O. V. Mas n w;is in
tho city vo.-crlar.
Pr V . ,J. Vfrd oponirj; nn Ufhol
fc'.ry crttibliihmf-r.t opposite the Tost Ofiice
ri"St:i,ulLna:in hn just oponpj cno
of t!io l.irst Ftockd of clothing cvor
c-Ercd in this markft. fio and sec Liai.
........ .
CjTv rhe term of emit hns c'o-g 1, find
JaJj Like. l?ft lor Onalu ye?trrJiv
L27'l'f!'? wiil be a torai of c urt held
nt Lincoln City corninenehijr on th ; fourth
Mon'-.v ia D c-mb r n-At.
t .'JV3 ha 1 a brisk Nor' UVtT last
Tue ; h'.y r.x;; ra iJe 0:12 I; .-In
to hunt CTi-reo:it.
V There is to bo a n?-w daily pip er
B'.'trt-:: in Dea M ::n?s. Io'oii, called the
Crfl'l:? work ' f ;'r;;i':n;; S-cond street
id rt";r'"!rj fintiv, and will b-j com
pleted bc-f Ji'u cM we ithor.
rv' l i.i? Parish Aid Susiety will ia-:et
a, tii j rcMd'.nc of Mr.s. V. II. Anderson
this (liiurs l vj) cr;nln.
(-Tii.' li j ird oi'C 'i::ty Coin!:it ion
:3 will iijld a ti.C'tii.;; 11-st MmJav,
whon t'.io cc-wly clVct'-l ullc-rj will iiril
i f v un 1 coinmef.c' their dati.T.
r7A new II; icf al Ch:iro!i el.:'ic in
bein iroutr l at Lnwuviile It is s ii-i
ta be fl very n;it building, nnd or;o th'i?
nili bs an ort;aiii'rit tj tht citv.
7"lrsons id.-ow-d to oflie-: in the va-jio'i-"
fie inct-i in Jass c mnty will see a
r.otic- in the a Jvrtising coin n:;s of the
lltTvAl.t) to l!i"ir advai.!ag-.
r':J"Stau le & Ai.d-iiin are selling
large q i iutitic-s of goods to the farmers
of Ca- s and adjoining counties (!. an I
see their stock and examine their prices.
r'..?l he track of the C. B. tV St. Joe is comilit.:d nearly to tho State
lino ar l c::rs sire runnirg sis far down
n 3 c
r'.te Nebra-V a City.
The Anj-iri'.l states that ten mill
ions of brick have been mad; in Council
BiuT daring the past summer, and
nearly all u-ed in building,
r7A. Ind?y, 11 ., J rnprietor of the
I.ind-ay 1Ioub in N-d.raka City, was in
town l ist ni ilit. II; is a social gentle
man an 1 an oxc-l'.ent landlord.
frf V learn that Maj. Wheel. t has
prden d another new sleigh, similar to
t e ore broken by th Express company
lst winter. TIij Maj. ei.j ivs h good
'out';"" as well n- arv man in Nebraska.
"7?" The last of rliu volunteer regiments
of the war the 12.5th colored troops
m naw on its way from New Orleans to
Louisville to be muiterud oat of th.2 scr-
('17 A large number of cases have been
di-pose l of daiing this term of court
Judge Lake has tho faculty of hurrying
things .along, and gives the lawyers little
time to stuly mischief danrg court.
L"Jud;e Mison drives a p inking"
team. II thinks they can make one hun
dred miles in twelve hours and back the
name distance tho next day in twelve
hours. Docs any body dispute it?
(rVe learn from Rev. G C. Belts
that the basement of St. Lutce's Church
is to be finished o.Tfora Parish School
room, and that he will open School as
soon as the room is ready.
fJT'Col. Furnas has raised a stalk of
the Castor Bean this season which meas
ures 15 feet 3 inches in heighth, and 17
inches in circumference. Nebraska soil
will produce anything.
d?""eT. (iolliday, who was supposed
to have committed subside by drowning,
has turned up at Keokuk, Iowa. lie
does not appear to be so insane ns
ho was supposed ; if so thcr? is "method
in his madness.'"
r7"T' J steairor Nymph No 2, was
blown up two miles below B:ownvil!e last
Thurs I .y. There were several persons
injured bat no lives lost. She w 13 on
her way up.
QrTT.eVi-ving it would be in acc:.r
dance wi h the des'res of a 1 lrge pr-pr
tion of our readers, we have rubiiiicl
the pri::eiral part of the evidence in th
Kellogg case to day, to the t "on of
other ir.att-r.
rO-ir t 11. T. . k E-q ,
has' Tecejr::.! informal: n that 1 iter pa
tent ar- a'nut being isr-ued t ) l.iia for a
new i:-;T?:)i..':i i:i fit ve d impr rs, a ia d 1
t J
a -
"?'A !irr: in Car. .veoj, I own nrc g-i-.t
t'ie s b-i'sln -s pretty
stcc p.
'.re ssoing :i little
v . r
tising i'i :et c ilia 1 The S.-mi- O.c i-iioa-a',"
an 1 dl'ribu'e it gratuitously.
They will suepf-d in buinn".
;'x'A'V)!ij desiring to have fr!2;ht
sLlppjJ Lhrcugli from Chicago, .Sc. I.'m;;s
o sn- ( f tif eastern cities to I.'ntjoln,
th.2 c-.j it 1 of Nebraska, wii! fid'di
cheaper by way rl Plattm onih tii an r.r.y
other r ,'L.tev . c 0 :;panyis L . ing formed for trar.pT'irg all freights between
thorivtr or railrcid anJLiajilu, and
tliey ".'.! g.-, throtth oa tiaic nud in good
nrder. Tii-? idvantnge of this is they can
be contracted for clear through, wi. iout
b-'ifjg sul j-ct to cx ore itnnt chnrgs from
rir:r w :t.
r7Th? loyal Iri-l)nirn of Oranln liar
or-anizM a "Loyfil Iri-h Lnauo." Tbev
now rnirnbo. twenty five pood, sound.
!..y:il member?, and organize on tin ba
sis 01 granting to others nil too freedom
and liberty th-? they ak for thetnselre
and their cotintrvmon.
C"P':rsonn c uain from tho. east to
Llncaln City can conao by rail to Pacific
City, opp jsitc Phttsrnouth, whore they
can tnke) ths conch through to Linooln.
Coach'1:? loava the Platte Valley Ilinse,
every cth'-r tacrnln, arriving at Lincoln
City same- even's;;.
C57"A party of ten men have arrived
in Omaha who camn from within twenty
miles of Virginia City, Montana, in a
Miekin'iw boar. They started in the.
S : i n V. i w.itT. They traveled in their
Ktt'e mifc a. distance of about three
thou -and roil.--'.
(rJmThy have a new apparatus in
Omaha calle I the ''American Fire Extin
fruisbr' It is carried on a man's back,
and contains :;bout a bneket full of fluid.
It is provided with a short hose, and is
.said to be a Mip.mer thii for a small
(ire. Th? L'reat advantage of the thin,; is
the li'j-iid composition w hich is used.
CTQ'tito "n interestin; trotting rr.a'ch
came off 01 Monday evening between
Petit"., blac't bars? tir.d Shannon's prey
6!!ey. The fi!h-y has tho trot in her, bnt
is pot finite so well train 1 as the horse
- - -o- - -
Mnr.Ci'i ntj. Are yon willing to buy a
Certain iv.a.bT of pounds of Saleratus
; and only et so many papers containing;
: nly 14 or 15 ounces? Buy Best Ch"m
K-a! S.'.:;r:it;:s and yoa will get fall
veilit and best goods.
TIio Oiig'it to bcilic ltsf Jiide.
'vwer fifty in this vicinity have pur
ch ied your machines, afier a careful ex
amination of all others, three of whom
were Merchant Tailors, who ought to bo
the best Judgos, and two of whom had
previously used two-threaded machines."
I). B. Brooks & Bro., Salem, Mass., to
Willc ix & Cibbs S. M. Co.
Shoe Tips. The American Shoe Tip
Company have introduced, this season, a
new white metal tip. which bv wear has
the appearance of silver, and is decided
ly ornamental. A metal tip adopted to
first class shoes has long been needed.
This new tip meets this demand, and
must come into as general njeon the fin
er grades of children's shoes ns the cop
n"r tips have on the common grades.
r.ofl-tn Jntrrii'.
r"The business of the Land Office in
this dictrict shows that more land has
been taken by actual settlers within the
last quarter than any previous quarter
sine the office was established. This is
the best evidence of the prosperity of the
country that wo coul 1 possibly have.
It shows that our fertile prairies are be
ing settled, not that they are being tascn
by speculators.
"v?"Tho Xeirs says the shipment of
wheat from tat city this season will
reach I0O.O0O bushels. That is doing
well and speaks volumes for the agricul
tural interests of Otoe county, but is n
tri'le behind glorious old Cass. Ther
has been about 250.000 bushels already
shipped from this crty, and the figure
will show not less than 300,000 bushels
at the close of navigation.
r?"As some of our citizens have ex
pressed a desire to organize a Literary
Association, we would suggest th it a
meeting of all favorable to the enterprise
be held at the office of T. M. Marriuett,
at the Court House, on Friday evening,
at 7 o'c'.ock. It is hoped that all who
favor the movement will make it conven
ient to be present on that occassion; so
that it cn be seen how much the need
of such an organization ia felt. No one
can doubt that great benefit would be
derived by our citizens having access to
and using a good library, aad as indi
vi.Juals are not able to buy fucli books
li thev desire, by combining tho contri
butions of a'l a fine collection could soon
be made, an 1 to whioh additions can b-?
ma le fro n time to time. As a city, we
have long bcn behind some of our more
unpretending neighbors in the matter of
j ublic societies for intellectual iturrove
tuents, an 1 as a dall winter is in prospect
re h'i;c this movement to inaugurate a
now order of things b-Leartiiy en-
c enraged.
f27"It is a fact, though pro' ably un
known to raar.v ;f our c asTrn readers,
that ail that is actually required for a
man t m;ike himself a good home inN:
i ra ia is a goad team and enoa.h t live
oa Tor sis in-ir.tu. II car. take him a
hoai .- te.-.d, rut b::j on a ch-:r house,
a vl go right to w or
a t'.Tc'.ve ine-h plow :-.n 1 a pair of good
horns'. Ai.ywhere in the Salt Hic k
Valley he does not need a fer-C-, as '.be
herd:n.' svstcn U practiced -there, sod hi j
cron is as safe from tha d.-t re.lall ons cf
stock a though enclosed ly a j.;ood
board II ctn break up bis ground
o i;d raise a crop the saia-, that, with
the markets wot have Is re, will "jet'L!:.!
on bis r.-ct' right r.wny. Th crop. of
the fir.-t yesr, Tiiscd without a ! la r of
e.-p,::s" esc?T,t his o.v:. time and labor,
will yi' 11 him enough rroli: to Lai' J hia
a go-: ! h;u-e the rest winter. At the
cipirat'n.n o live yea rs ha gets a title to
his land by vlitue of having lived on it,
and lias him a comfortable home for his
family. Many of our wealthiest farmers
c omnienced a few year ag with nothing
bat a team and that was often nr very
inferior one. All it req aires is willing
hands and a determined mind to- give a
roan a epod home in Nebraska.
Cly"o have been tubl by come of our
farmers who purchase large quantities cf
good?, that Clarke & Plummer are ell-
i: g cheaper than any other house in Ne
braka. The fact Is, this firm has start
ed nut with the determination to sell
goods to nil who are legitimate custom
ers, and they have pat down the prices
to the loA't'.st notch. Thev believe in the
plan of s'dlir.g large quantities of goods
and making only a. small per cent. I:
pays them better and is Letter for the
purchaser, than to only sell a 6mall
quantity at a larger profit.
On the 27th, inst., by lev C. A. Mill. r;
Mr. Benjamin F. Ranford, and Miss A.
J. Hill
in me , t i, inFt.. at tne i'in- ' . a. !v
House, by the same, Mr. Josu :: . '.d
smith, nnd M:ss Emma Shaw.
The Sabbath Schools in connection with
the Presbvterian and Lutheran Churches
of Plattsmouth will five a Musical En
tertainment, at the City Hall, on Tues
day Nov. oth, at 7 o'clock p. in., for thd
benefit of said Sehoohs. No efFort will
ho spared to make the Entertainment
worthy the patronage of the friends of
Sabbath Schools
157" Any person having for rent a
small piece of land from ten to fifty
acres with a comfortable house on it,
can find a good and permanent tenant by
npj lying at the office' tf.
Desiratle Property for Gale.
One dwelling noiioe, wita seven roams,
cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well
set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &c.
D. MAuQrhTT:;.
Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. lOi lu
CjT'Foa Sale One of Lamb's superior
knitting machines thej onl? kind
that widens and narrows. Enquire at
this chice.
The undersigned has bis superb SODA
FOUNTAIN in operation again in the
Post Office building, and tin lovers cf
this delicious beverage are invitej to
call and see him. A good assortment of
Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on
and. O. F. Johnson.
june lOd.l-w.
jSTrr", DP.. M - H. r.VCLUSKEY
'uifi? DENTIST'
via :.,
'j'.iy .
H iro 1; ! I,
-e wuli l.'r.
Fluttcncnth Locige ITc- 6, A. F. &
A. II.
fn'.'iilvf ..rii!!i!uc;tio::- lt and 3 J Mon J.iys o 'i-.:c!i
n. t. hcse, w. m.
V.'. IT. AN'kSU-'IX, ? c.
Eebraska Chapter 270.3,11 A- II.
I'eja'.ir pr.tive:i-!on C I nnd WeJi.i -J.iyj of
e n li in'.th, atO 1 2 o'c'.oel. p in.
U. H. WIIEELEt, il.P.
n. C L!V.r: J, ."!.
I. 0.0- Y.
1"! '-e S... 7, m t- eyerr "af'.r .v e-.Tiir
'ttle;C urt House Halt. 1 fi tliers o ti er Lode
re reup-. : f ::y I, Ui J to Tiiit tllln I.od;-e.
Hv ord .d p. I. IJ As, N.G.
M . Jlc K. W A IS IJ.-c. ?e -'v.
I. o. o. ?.
K-L'tiiio meet'.ni; eveiy F- i-!.iy evciiius Traveling
Tt tii;-! ir . rej.ei. : ,.i Hy i n v : -I .
v.-i. l. wnr.!.?, w.c. t.
V.'.M 11. JIATilH,
.-A ..!!. M. CHAPMAN, tod "e Iepi:tv.
i f-ix' v.!. ic i:Li; i.oii'ih, x, l.riitia-
TTio-iih, h"l Is rer'iitl- ineetiDs on t!ic third WcJn 6
d.iy t'vi r.i;:-s of troh irieirn.
i: o s. v. c:iai",ia:;, w d t.
Pro. 'V. L. Wn t., ".V 1 S
Si ter h,. J. jiI.iNTo jj: ny, W I) V T.
5'?-)'A'l (!" . t r I.OMC.K No. 8, Mt. 1 ieafant,
hi h'a reu.' i - ia' r-!iu?s evi v'av v-i in
Emi- K. a. KIKKPA i Kit iv, W. C. T.
ii. T. ncMcs. w. s.
Pi.. V. M. TtMULIN, I.od,'e Depntv.
And for sale at low C-nrei,
1 i H'L-t COFFKK, lo JV ST'TATt,
5 hhlJRV AITI.CS, !5 ','jlr 1)R Y I'F.A i '.CN
ftc , tc. Ais i, a laiu'e as-ortt::ei:t of
fine ijUKioei",
LA TII. SWXVT.KX. DOO?.s. vrixpnv,- SASJJ,
u ixoon' i:i.ros, o ..i.s. :i:. y:.
I LAST . MA's', II All:, COAL OIL, Ft-
?", !c h I. (o wrl-tclt tt? iivp.. i! :'if n of
lilac k - in i O; and oil,, rs l .pui i i ; y and prie . We
-ir- A t ! .i- f: OOO'.UN COAL : .AW. at ti 1-ir-t'n,a'
1 pr .p.i-e Ii fur::i..i all the Coal il.i
co'.mtry ;nts :;t p: iee to -ud. A ! -e a is ('. e stii k o!
Eye, Bourbon nnd Star Whisky.
e'lo'i ry. It .sp-tiry, I'uckb.r-y ard f;;.nger Urar.i'.y.
Call and see ns.
m.mpsov, ;re Kiii.wAix l co.
jet l!3 3 tf
ce to eo" l.rirep r.nd I -ooi Chi.rino
A 13
i:c rri:i: y ,c- co. '..
I.; he-ct.y Li'-or. that 1 jt -', i i, loo-k 2',, 34 f'li-hed
io !. tent I mi n lii-ii t' e t :xe .in mnt to
f -J C I -holll 1 I a ve been uJe r:i-. dnnloti ubtolt
.'.1, :oi.! .be Saiae ia her. Li;-ale ti'd (it HrrJ
Uigt.ibor. ."J L'I'KE lp-.s.iTer
r..rlf 3w " C--u:iiV,Xet.
V Vs. Folio..! i:,';s, Ne .v-rap'rs. ?T:'par.:t!es.
l'triou. oa!, and a 1 kinds of SUi : : c V, tt
?. I U II I H V S Ii O U K-S I O R K,
Post-of.l-e Ruildinir, Main ftro '. ttil'l
Taifoti ni 1 v ih sub-Til er t hi pteni-es in Vt.
r'.-i-.irt t.i.ii, a'' i;tt 3 lilies v v. -f he ..s.
p i is .n: ti-rn it-:, on thj 1 d iy ff i t tober, a v
l-i.?, tr.i Ve rr!".'- t."i-r, or- 'ff r r.nd tli- kll'd of bruWU Colo:, wt' it i ' Sp i Ii
i. ad. i: i.s T1.M..I.
EJy;";."5 at II price
Any r.'-Aiis ivi!iii to p!iic!;:ie r:lrni-property, i.r
it .-:de:;ce-i.j Iowa ::A'. lind ti.em for saue ut al
pries. I'y
ro;:r.iN'e.'l ON.
mr7. Ili-:AL K.-r.Mc Xgevt.
JAM ES O'NKIL i my Hir.inM i'.i 1 Ajren f. r the
coir ciion of ail arrnmiis d'l- t'.- iiudei int d for
in dtcil service?: his receii t will be vaHu for the
p-iviiient of aor inonie on ? ice not-i
An,-J-t 14, Js.'.T. . XI. li. i. ! IM,-j i OX, V. I.
- -ai 'ctrror o; ana ir-alerin
S?.d1!c ami Harness,
f eyry J-n'crif lion, who! -ale an J retail. Ko 13-1
Main street, b tiven j'.U ui-d 0th streets, N-briiski-Gity.
; " ! . i?13
Is licivVy flr-r. ( the G ,ini a;.! IV it Jurors, who
were U'"::i d 10 pp- "U 't o ' I ,!v of . ; t. lu-
l. r a ii ls(17. (-ai l Term -f ilu- li,iri -t Coa t luv
h ':i a.ij .ru n-il to On- ilxt (i.iy of Oc:ln-r, A I
In i.t!'y i;i ! r iiu.i I ti ntppar t or Lf re
4 lev. u o'clock if naid 'i.iy. etiv-n ucuer xuy licd
ti ls l.illi Uy cl te::eir,i)- r, a n l-'.,.
J. H. HlloWN, C'pik.
stlI0.1w FtV!.m-i v II.-, Lej.u-y.
GENTS Sl.W ir rii'.iitli. evrvwhorp. mnlc
i'V hiI feuiv. e.. ell Hi- CKXl JXK VlfUMJS
SKShlS fAMlLi .Sr.U.W ..A(lil.V:, Hie
e're:il--t 5uv.utien of tlio at?-. i'rire 4ls. livery
Macti.i; - n a: i ai:l''u i:i. c" ; cars AUtlrt s
Jl. l.vwi.s i 1 1 ,
se;12 Iw P. O. Hon ::o :1 St. Louirt, Mo.
Ienl Notice.
In the Dintrirt Cntrt 2' Ju.'icinl IHxtrict, within
an" for Cits County, Xibratku:
Charles 8. Wurt'nan, 1
vs V
Jjhn A!:ir.on. S
J .hn AJIm ai, of thi Territory of;iD,i,wi!l
tnk-; n :ii-e that e'l.a-'es S. V,.-tin in, of the county
tf e ass an 1 S't1 of Ncttr-i-ls i, iia un Inn lutli tl
ol Sv';loniler. l.l7. Til'' his .i-!:tl.)li i: th-- li?tr;tt
Ciurt f)f the - 1 J';l:-ia! Ilisiriet. with H.rol fjr Cass
couiav. Nebra-k, aiviiit ihe .-aM John Ahinsuu
I fs; il.itit. FPttio" tort'i lhat t!ie wti'l Joh i Al ioon
L'itTc a moriirair-- i' t?i s-!il ' h irle- S tt'oni i;oi on
lot 5. in sectio'i H, in t I'.vnsjiip PI. north ol rnn?
14, i;t-t of the Cili u ui, ciUt. iiuir.L' acrw, on:l th'
rorihe t ri'jartt'r f iorth-u5 q;i rti ror.-fctinii no.
;", in t'Ovn.!ii 11 n .1 th cf raoj;- 11, east of the G;h
; in coutaitiii'sr ftv:itt, i eur.- tbe payment
of tho su n of S iO", with ini'n-i ;il 10 j t rceut. pi'r a--c.od.rii; l.i tl:'- fllus of a cer rim Ilrv re-t-rr
d l- in .d ino: OiairP. :nd jrain.f tli'it gai.J
Jof.n Altin-on r.iay par -aid cam now c!n ia it t . h.
lue, with intete-t at the r:it'- of t n oer Cel t t or
inii'iri fiosi th" 1k!i i it of Mny. lo, o- that sa d
j.rcTiusPs mav -ol-l to j,av t'o -aiu '. :mtl th' said
Jo'll A I i i Li . i . li i.oi :S:-1 that :. its H":uirt it to ;o
p 'a- and answer sai 1 pttiti -!l on or I'et'ore the iid
JMot!lay af;a- t :i !ilv . f O-tol-er 1S67.
11 at'iiiiiou' h, e;'l,nlhI liiih. Is",7
CH iKI.l.s s .(MlTvlAX.
so; 12 4 ,t l y M.ixwel! 4 Charui a, Att'y
Ice Cream Saloon.
Up Sf(r, one Jonr 7cvf i,f Sluck Jb Buttery's
Ji uy time.
Whiro we pet cp tlm veiy htf-t qaality of Crcrsin
and take oleisiiee in R.-rviti,' it l.y thn nish, or we
l:ave small freezers, and can supply church fairs,
fW;vl, parties w f.imiiics with any nuantity, on
short not ic
Also, heioir. wre have tho best assortment of all
kinds of Fancy ai'd Stick Candy, Fruits, Nuts. To
bacco, Cli. lice t ii' if", etc., fj he found in the citv.
j 2 J.n
Tl:en ut hv the st:T-JM il er at his pr-m ?ej in Ml.
I'ieitaut v'ei!:rf, i ss Co, S:-h. phont 3 miles
we-t of the jit. l'loh int to". n-sito, on the iiid day
of 0( t !.. r, a it 1 s07, on- 3 year old Steer , 1 lack und
f ite sji;jtteil, v h;e in fro:o head. Also, one year
hnir t 'eer, of a red color, with; horn, Knd is
t:ia ked i h a loss cn Ihe t i-,l;t hi.-.
Octouei 'J4.'iw JOHN RENKEN.
Probate Notice
otic" i fcorehr a. .plicKtl'-n l as bTa
in. de to h iv I. J lieeo-r aii oi tel Ailminist ator
f ; he e ' of J. hn i: ik i . ., d. : .ease 1 ai ! ap-
pltrnti.m "-'i 1 b he ird cn the 1. I day oi' November,
1 -V, ,,: 1 ' 'i'c 1: e m, at iv:iir i tirr e plmsiois i:i-
i i -t !c--i "! r;t't ! w ci i e wliv said an-
iuii:. e..t 1 uv.'. 1 n..t he !.::'! . if m:v ilo-v have.
j iiN o'. 21 u a'li.,
(W. 1.', lvil, 17i-.a I'r 1 a-e ,i j .!sc.
13. i. IVcrthitasrSon
Attorney and Counselor
Ofiee in TCa-h.Tl.'s t-"I " corn- r of Dou;!:;s ar.d loih
.;rert, Otn.aiia, Nel.r.i!:a. aui4
C. HEISllL, Proprietor.
Itittr eeattv t -en repaii ! a i I i.'s.-ed n t!:i
iii-h t .iNiiiiij order. Cu;t'.M v, nrit d;ie ou s.bort
t;..:i 'e.
Bushels ofWheni
W.oi'e l imxed i i-!y, fjr v. iii .-h th hil.e-a -artiet
pric-.' vr.ii re aid. iiuir' tf
Filotsce to Suildors.
.'i'r 1 I'lpsr1.! -i for l.e t Cl.tlot of t'oi ;(vei;:i
'r-eri t:en f 'no.!.. n.--'.:t y in t':--f
''. :U of tin-to .- .-ti.'.o I'.-'-.-u t.f Nel'..-k i, to -,e
! e.d: .it t rcoln. L iti a co-Miy !.ra:;.t. .-.'.id
i'.-op is I. l.e r. c-.nv.i I i i! tup- rmtcadetit .it
1. o'.nee at ,!!.' !'i,"'i or !..,. i!. . 1 h ,ny
J...-' Hi ' y, b' S, r,; l.'iii-'k, i;.i,-'i, r.rd wi 1 lie sol
j i t t ' I e ..p;-;ov.l f t e ' n-i- - in: ers it acc r..
.iriv wi.h a:i A' t i Mi' d n A t -l'o - vo e f.,r th-.
I i i of i he n: . I '-J . .Troo ". 1' 1 1 ... m it.. ,-,(
N I. ;i-ii:i,ani fir:';.- ' '-i : i ' 1'u'j :c i'.u.I ii:
ilo r at. i prov-d T,,ue 14h, !s.,7.'
The t.l.iis a: d t;e ,f:c t:ot. i::iy cn and
ft-r lot- loth day of N ei-, I'i'JT, It; : e elfl-e ol
til ' superintendent a: l.i: c -.n.
Mi Vf.if- ais iii'i t I ; a co:::;- o,i d '. y writ.a n
itiT. cmeias and hotids :tt i of les-i lirnhl the
c o tr.c: price, with -ur- fic to h ' :'- pnv d l y the
Coinmi.-sioners, a:i 1 c-.n .itio.-.j 1 ! r t'.e t.ttthfol J er, ..f thecootrc oa or tcf j: e ihe I t d.iy if
p-' int.- r isns.
'1 he Cotiimi-sion r. t tvi' t' c rliit t r j :: r.nv
ar.d aii bids, if in tl.'cir jiid..Tiierit th y are loo hi.Ii.
John .M'.ntu ,
A-chitec: atJ s i ieiir.t -nj -rt.
1 Ph of Oc:i.b.r, liC7. 3 u
JShfriir's Sale
J'i-Ci'!i K .I hr.s .n
II .ii r i J-..h':oTi an 1
Chailes U. lliake
No ic" is lie cby given that by virfua
of ,ta e"CU ion in the ehililed canse, issn.d
o- t or ni, (I und-r tiie :,! ot the t ' 1 .s , U of the Ii?triet
Court oi tin 'J I J Di-tnct niihin and for
l''...:ui;i C: Aj'y, I.chri-t: it ufd to me direeied, I
wiil . !i.M t ir i '!rt ::t pr.oiic aucp'o::. to tbe hithi-st
a'nl hi.-t l-i'l.'ei ntthe f oi.t io -r of the on: t-iloue,
ia the city it V 1 itisiiioir h, N bra-k.i. ou
.! TC'RPA 1', the lC'.'t ilnj ff X'-vrmWr, A I 1?C7.
I.. t -eei n the h .nr-! o. oi.e and it.i o'cl.if k p irt of
aid d.-iy. ail ri-ht, title a d iuf e-t of ihj above
saint 1 d f--ii.t:i'i: J i-i'pii K J-.hiisoti, Marr t John-
atm Ch&ritg il. lliiiko, in ac.l to the f Honing
.I. S'V it.ed eta:e to-i i: : Lot no tiu (10) iu bl.i k
n.i !i;;y t!.: ' ) 1-X. oo lour fly in 1 ioek u- ore
huiolred ar.d s- veuty ore (ITil, lot no eleven 1 1 1 in
Ido, k rri i:.r t ,- t o" (9.' t, an ! lot no one (1) in buck
io lif -s v 'PC), iu the city of f, Cass
conii'y. N i lo .t.-k.i.
Hiven iiu.ier m lurd this 11 h div of October, A
n lsOT. " A. U. T I.oll, 'he itr
of Cdss county, N. braskt.
Er G. W. FAITtrir.LU. Id ; my. "oel" -lar
Thomi Oiiicer a' d "1
Charles A. Wtite, e'oiiip:aici.t.ts I
t f In Chancery.
Fr.i::i:iin Cu'i u J
In ptjtsutu e and by Irt'le rf i ilcr t.t! crdei to
noj .'ir.ctr'i from fTi -e of th-i t'leik o tiie lis
t.i. t Comt . f the -1 Ju.iii ; ;l i-.irict of Nebraska,
wit bin :i.l f r Css coatity. l ari.-i i dato on the iotli
d .y of November a i l'Cw, l-eii.i; t e :n.j mrucd
ii l.iier Tei ui i sd vVti' t; I, tne -uo-cril'cr, la er
in Cbanrcrv of si i Co" rt. ill (.Iter for ? re at pnb
I c Vft.iti e r c.i h, t , u.e bi-jiiest and be t Id
Iron'. l tio C ran.-li i re iu tue city of i'lltstiiouth,
Cj; c. u'.tv, :;.tii .eki, on
.VOX PA Y t?,t iilh 'Jay nf OcMer, A P 14(7,
;.t 1 o'e.ock . f -..i 1 d .y, Ut fo'lo.v:u' de. ciihe 1 io)l
sum t wit: i i.e norrhv. r?r rnnr'rr of feCii.n
tire:tv five ;-jVl, in t .r.ti i.iii i o t lie (12', n.iit'i of
' H'i:e u. t'.i .v ill'1, ea.-l i.f ihr Irlii p in, io t'ns.
county, N' ti i-ki; i'i'.- thi'-with ntl and siu.dar
i i. - i'nj.r ov :.-..'r.t.,!. : ii i i.mie is .i nd a:.p..rteiianre3
tin :i"":i ro- fhtic::t be:oord- to be add as ihe
p.ot tty of :'u .i;-v l l.oe i l.l'.'u bui to i!ti-fy
.H occiee. the alii nut of wh ck is .befuui cf
i"..7..J mi '. int .'es; ir. n: t'ie d tic of decret nt
tiierj'-of tea ji t c .nt. p "r ir.:i n. t-.jj.r'a, r " nil
c-ls ui .-uit li i - ''.e. I'.'.l. f. t JIAF1X,
IIjsI-t ia Cl.ui.ecry.
T : Mtr-rielf, ? I- t-tr Com- l't. S!6 1-7
To J. '.tin St n' :
V ' ;u-e le r ' y n oiifl'd tht Thtm.'s K. P.radley
and Ji.lm A. T : Ii' It did on the e' ld dav of :.''... tuber,
1-i'iT. tiie th-ir rc-'C'o" In th-l)isrict Com t of the
d Jed c al l.-tri.'t f the t its id -ehra ;k. vithin
:ik1 lor the f ." fl'i', m eild stif? nrain-t von,
the o:jec. ar.d p: ay-T of v Lxii is to otu ,iii a decree
to-re!. -;:.! ej t.i ii in- ;(; execute 1 by you to
thf sid Th wai K Mi-iJteJ- and J l.n A. Tc.-b tl,
d ue I ". ' ii.. . y i'.H'i, 1';T. l-y "ho h yon cot. vexed
io Uieni tlit- witM '- ''' al eMate, itnata
in t'.ociiaety . f C is-', iu I tit Stit.v of i'clr.ika. In
wit The north li:lf 3U 1 the soiithwel (purer ..f
th -outhw. s: t in -1 r oi sect on no. ti n t v-f .nr ("4 ),
in towr.suip no mrssly (l of anpe no t l.tifen ( 1 ,),
to .-ecuro li,- p-.ii'..t.t of J e-rt.iiu prorr.r-'ry note
of the s.- iie da e. ex-cnu-il ly you to thu-a.d Til. tu
K Itra ii.y io 1 J .in A T..rb.-it, for three hitu.l.e.!
d-dl vrs. v-iyal lj l tn t;is at . r d ;e, wit h interest
fom d :'e at t!i" 'at.- of 10 c nt. per an' ut. .- i.-l
f.r a nil? of -aid oi rt' mod premi-e i-j sa-i?'"y the d'l fti s ti l io to
You .r- lm tt.i r notiSod lhat jren ate reoI ed .
a-i-v er -i.l . t r.:f:n on or K"or f .o lltu day cf
November, I slit. JIiNon MiA-n.ufn,
Atty' fr Plui.''iils.
5pte:n'.tr 23'.!, ls'7, 4
W. Just la receipt of car FALL AND WINTEIV '
ISoots and Shoes,
Huts and Caps,
Hard ware,
Iron, Nails,
Groceries, efce.
SCHUTTIiSIl WAGONS constantly on hand.
,aolijc Plows mad all kiml of AfiRIcrtTlTRAI. ft
Which we are fe'licg at th; lowest caMi price. Tlease call and examine ocr sleek and See
for joarSilvcs.
O I a r Iz 8c Plummer,
(Successors to Tootle, Ilanna &. Co..)
Dry Goods,
I Hardware,
Hals, Saps,
Ki-ep en Iiand a full stock of nil kinds cf
The Cheapens and Best.
riavej !t rec dyed a lrce and fplendid Et"ck of Ketv an. Fa;hi Gocc's, cor.'istlLg of
Lowest Oasli Prices!
Having purchased them fir cash in Ne-v York and Bos'on. We assure the rnblie wa can and wiil
fell Goods " low us any bonse vest of A, Louis or CUicag'i.
3c"Rctririr.ber the Old
Plattsmoctii, NtnuASKA, September 2G;h, 1SG7.
The under ipucd p-o..,.s-h to estil iish a Vreek!y
Nwfap'T at Lincoln Cry. the C:pic of tbe !tat
of l.i i, to l e c r.Ie 1 'T' e .1o j.-k i Mate Jour
nal." tlie fi st hum if which trill bv about tbcl iof
tTtcbill'. lsi,7
Th -v i. uirtt for tbe OflRee wiit l e cr.tirely rev.-,
-.lid ivi.l el lOirt. vr r d J ill OltlCe, s 1' H ill.'
I. ; i.i r.t. tl ivi iir bad inueb Pxpolience in
J.r.H n i i-siii, riel 'e'.n.- o'ie cf til- H.-t settl i in
vphi'.ss'i: e,n. ''j'jeir iv vioinir' weil ac.;ii , in t . d ririi
:hj man ot ttie p. note, and th.- u -soiirc.-i r t t!:e
st.itp, we c ourseif ilt it we can give p-ntm!
sa. i-leclli.n iu I'le cliieipiise.
Ihe ".Ion ual ' will ii.ivoc.tte Itepu'oiicin I ."inci
ples, cot vt. i i 1 be c u ijcl.' 1 . u au iu i- pctidon - sv 'i
..n'e.ill be cutrier n 1 1 all jmiti -s and :c".-.
I!etUi't:iajt ci.r tii in', s to ottr old frb n Is ::". l !-''
tr. ns, t.o Unit hy win as it us in thi new cater
TER'l? ?2 01 per annum in ndynnce.
Pro5ate IVotice
Not'.re is her. br piven that all claim acriir.'f tl ;
st it- of It. J. l'uiui. r, d. c'd, nstiit le on 1.' in tl:
oPice on cr bef.-r? the
2' th i. ii of JfAFi.'!, A D JsC-i,
at which lime said claim wi.l be cutsrmltie.l nron.
(it -en u der i.iy hud ' tb-.s ljih tl ." of . trlu'v:.
A V 1-07. JOHN W. Ji Alt.-U A!.i..
foldi liiv l'i'ubi'.o jadu'e.
afr?rnS Police
B. D Ifsthiw .y,
vs. VAtticV merit.
Kjymond, Aiivr 3c Co
THke noliee tlml m t!.o lilth ijsy of HeplemV r
A n lsiT. J iiu s O'N 'i.l, u Jesii ... ,,( d o iVaeo in
rtiol lor I'l-tti-ff oih Precinct, Cas Ci u: ty,,
is-ue.l an or.!' r jf attaeha e it f. r J 0 Uciia- s in
t rt above io.lii .1 can i :, ..nd tint ort.p r a:i-l bv vir
tit" cT 'iid o!i!"r:5 Accord- on, 4 V'uiiis, 9 Vio'in
Iloxt-s, bauios, 4 Vioiin IJ ws, a t'iiov r boards nnd
0 X ioi;i .kcitit s w t n i7'l as velir ;r..e,.rly Trijl
01 a.iol cauj.e wiil be bad ou lb j ililli. diy t 'Jcti ber,
A D 1507, at cne o'clock p. ni.
r.. D. IIATilAWAY.
I'r lisiw-l! 4 Chapman, Att' Plt'f 3
Boots, Shoes,
Sash, tfec.
VLich they will sell at the
Corner, now called the
PALI. 1S67.
I-nportcrs acJ Stannfactur-": s' Aent3 cf
axnuiiiirtc L-liiLiriy,
Lae stocks of Amrlc.n So-ew Co. Perowi A- s'
-hove s.U S,-a:-.-.;!....s' Manu.a. t .ri: V Co
et .1 Cut! ' Ea--' 1
Forsyih' Scales at.j Trucks
i- u... t r.iclory P.ieea,
Orders soticitel.
Cor. i'lam atid a.-hu.-fxt in Avp.,
p 3" LS.LvVis, s;o
: nt Me i.c'i s-i-at uirt prices t- to :
BLACK, BVTith y &io:fi
f joafi:
yC' Siis-oj-'-W-je
An Old Sous Stt o a IVcvr Tuutf
2S67. -sa
n'sati'i HiHtrhes
from t.'trir hole ctvitt
Aii't Mire and Kt!(
In s.itf "f i ut".
Gailg tkip atiotd.
"H yer pstdldishcd in X. T. City."
'only iafaliilde reui-dies known."
"Krce from Poisons."
Not dangerous to the Human Famiiy.
"ilaii come out of their holes to die."
Ccstar's Rat, Roach &c, Extermr
Is a piisti' u cd f r Rati, AliC4, foach.t,
Eltck and ftt Ants, t-c.
Costars Bed-Bug Exterminator
Is a liiinid or wash n?td to deslroy, and
also as a preventive for Ltd-Bug, f-(j.
Costar's Electiic Powder for
I - for Ji.'M, Mn-ijriitcis, flint, Bfil-Bugi,
Insects on I taut-, lirl., Aninttl,o.
SM ! ! Bswahf ! ! ! of all woi ihle- imitation.
5"t-'e that "t'osr-n's" name ia ou each Enw,
Bot lie and Flask be ere you Ltiy.
Elenry I. Costar,
4S4 Ilroad way, Ktw Tork.
P.ld la r hit turn outh, Xebraglra, bf Wack.
Buttery & Co., and U F. Johnson, and all Drujgltu
and Ketailers erywU'r.
For Cuts, r.ttrns, Ii. ui-e", V.'onnd?, Coils, Cateert,
II. i ken 11. c.w-, : .. re, lllecdii'B, Uiind and
Painful I'iies . Sci oi ulnu-. Putrid aud Ill-c nditionud
Sores, Ul'er :. Ilia:; da tar S.v. Uini;s, K: uptions, Cuta
iiio.ih Aii' Ctione. Kim; worm, tch. Corns, liunioba,
Chiihiaiur.. &o; Ch..ppt-d Lips, 4tc; Ei;ea of
Spid r.. Insect, An-.:.;.!?, d'C.
S 5l!oxc. " c r.ts, iu cuts and $1 tizei.
r:.!d t v all I! ruev,'its evei vvrhere.
And by HtXltr Ii. COSTAll, Uep-t 84 Brca
wsy. S. Y.
li,Au by " F. Johnson, and B'k, BuUar fc
Co., i'i.l'.nio .'cbra.-L..
Corn Solvent.
For C-xrns, M'arts, Ac.
-Ties. -s 2d cen's, CO centu and &l
rt?S,.l.! bv all lr;i' -ists evei-ywhere.
UHi by HENRY II. COSTAK, Depot til Eroad
wav, N". Y.
-A!!d by Black, liutt ry i Co aud 0- F. JaK
.00, l'iatij.i.oUih, Ivebraka.
Bitter Sweet & Orange
I'sed to soften ar.d beautify the Skin, renioT
Freckles, Pin. pics, hi options, c.
Ladles are now umi'g it in prefereuce to all other.
jT?old 1 v all Truejri.trt everywhere,
Aud by il EN 11 Y It.COil AH, Depot 43
iv.iv, Y.
i" n l bv O F. Johnson and Biack, Pall
Co , Pla'Uiuouth, Nobra ka.
Oougli Hemedy
Ir rtrh. Col Is, Hrarspficcs.S.we Threat, Croup,
Wi. . :.mi v'mut , Ir.lluenn, Asthma, Cou-uiPPtion,
lir n l.tai Affectioi.s i.nd all Ditcup at tbe Threat
an 1 Luii--4.
!l-x.S3 cents flO cents n d $1 sizes
M-M hy li I'i ucits . very hfl e.
Ai d hv ntXbY It COSiAH, Utp.t 454 Brcad-
a y , K . -
A'j-Aiol by I.lack, Butury aCe and O. f. Jkn-
-. ji , k'uumiomb, iebraoka.
For Nervo- and Stc-k F'ed.v! e, i ' mi v upss. InJ.
tr'.saon, . .; ;.. -p-!i, ji!:i,aii, Itorfstipation. biar
t iiPa, Cei s, tret-era and vjeneial deraosrmeLt
Oi' the iliesliv O.-b-aoM.
I lioxr-i. c ins, ."io cea's and f 1 t-ize.
I O-.ts.-id bv nil Dri-c-i-ts ev-iyhre.
I And by li IXHf K COoTA it. Depot 4s4 Broad-
way, : Y .
And by O. F. Joha'oa and f laek. But'ery
Co., riiti'iuouth, .traiifa. a-'9 Pnt
v. '.