Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 31, 1867, Image 2

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She ilritehii SScvatil
...OCT. 31, 18G7
Was commenced in the District Coon
in this county Judge Lake presiding
on lent Friday morning. The great
er part cf the day was consumed in cm
panelijg a jury ninety fix men being
summoned as jurors Left-re the pnnel
was complete. The evidence was be
gan about four o'clock in the afternoon,
and was finished at noon on Saturday.
Then began the summing up, r.nJ t! c
arguments in the case. The opening
speech on the part of the prosecution
was made by Hon. S. Maxwell, who
epoke for the space cf two hours in his
usual forcible and argumemive style.
He was followed by lion. Ciaylord J.
Clarke, ou the part of the defence, who
Epoke for an hour and a bait with that
vigor, eloquence and power which i
the exclusive province cf great mind.
It was the first time we ever had the
pleasure cf listening to Mr Clarke, and
we left the court room impressed with
the fact that there are few if any more
effective sneakers in the west. Hon.
T. M. Marquett closed the argument
for the -defence. Jle reviewed th
case i:i aW its bearings, a:;d closed witi
with one of those outuursts i f elo
quence so peculiar to hi mature when
aroused. The case was closod by
Prosecuting Attorney A. L. Sprngue,
who treated the case in a purely mat
ter cf fact way, and presented an op
parent unbroken chain of evidence.
The Court House was crowded with
spectators during the argument and in
fact during the entiro trial. The
Judge's charge was very emphatic, and
those who had heard the en'ire pro
ceedings of the trial were not disap
po'nted when the jury, after an absence
of half an bcur, returned a verdict ci
"Not Guilty," and the prisoner was-,
A party of infa who recently carat
down the river in Mackinaw boats
were attacked by Indians j'jst below
the mouth of Yellowstone. The Indi
ans represented themselves as frier. J-y
Crows, and tried tt get the boats to
land; Lul the passengers feared oti u:t
them, and kept along. Toward.' right
the Indians, who followed them down
the river, discharged a flic!. of arrow?
into the boa's, killing- one man, m:r: d
Emmetl C. Randall, who was from
Einersonvil'e, Ohio. The boats nude
a night run that night, and thn
escaped the Indians.
A St. Louia di-patch of the 2oth s.iy?
the treaty with the Kiowas and Coman
che? gives them G,000 square . mi. h-s
3.500,000 acres cf land between the
north fork cf Red river and 'he Rod
river. The tribes number -1.C00. Th:;
Indians are to receive a "suit of t ic-thing
annually, besides o her presents. They
agree to keep a lasting peace, capture
no more white women, attack no trains,'
and allow railroads to be buut. They
are allowed to hunt on '.ho eld reserva
tion south cf the Arkan-as river til! the
settlements drive away the buffalo.
Advices from Mexico to the 19. h
stats that the election of Juarez is con
firmed. Tejudo is elected President of
the Supreme Court. . .
A strong rro'.eit Las leeu bid be
fore the President against Seward's
course respecting the Feniai: prisoners
in Ireland. Hi? removal is urged.
Judge Benedict of the United States
; Circuit Court, ha? granted an injunction
restrainiog dentists from using hard
rubber in dentistry without permission
from the Goodyear Rubber Company.
. A New Orleans dispatch of the 23th
says the late storm on the Rio Grande
was the most destructive within the
" memory of man. Twenty six person?
were killed at Matamoras, rtnd 1,500
houses and huts blown down; ten were
killed at Brownsville, twelve at Brazos,
aad not a house left standing in Bag
dad; ninety inhabitants escaped on a
vessel and the balance perished.
Cable 'dispatches of "the 26th and
'27ih s'ale that fighting hed occurred
within half a mile of Rome. Garibaldi
' is at the head cf ten thousand troops,
and is being constantly re i.-tforced.
Rome dispatches claim that the Gar
''Tbaldians were beaten in an engage
ment et Vi'.erbo.
Florence dispatches clai-n that Gari
' ialdi Lis defeated the T.-pal forces
with heavy loss.
The Italian poep'e almost unani
inously proclaim their sympathy, and
held large meetings adopting addresses
to the king, favoring Rome us ihe cap
it al of Itrtly.
"; . - .
Tlio Evidence
In the case of the State of Nebraska
vs. llulbert L. Kellogg, on an indict
ment for the murder of Robert J. Pal
mer on the l9.h day of August, 167:
Jacob Yah'ery I reside in Platts
inouth. I was iti front o: Stadelmann's
store when Palmer was shut on the
19Ji of Augu.:. Iffcird Palmer make
loud remarks. He was in f ror,t of
Muthis' old B ktry on Mai:, t'.rct,
Cass county, Nebraska. I was facing
towards Tu'iner. He stepped up cn
the trough and aluok his ILt al same
one who was Standing near a team.
The other man reached to his pocket,
drew a revolver and shot Palmer.
Palmer stepped down and acted like
he was trying to draw a revolver. He
stepped around, and the other man shot
again. Palmer then started up street,
saying he was shot. The other man
.vent across the street. They appear
ed tj be watching each other. Palmer
had nothing in his hand. He was not
hi ftriking distance of the ether man
Don't Know what Palmer said; he talk
ed h'ud ai;d u -d s:::ie profane words.
They en lied the man Kellogg who shut;
I think the rrisonor is tho tame man.
Think it wati tin fir.-t s-hot that hit Pal
mer; he was up high. Bjth were
standing still. Think the f hot va? find
over backs of hort-es; was looking t
him when he shot; he fired i:i front the
second time. Pri oner stood further
west when second shot was fired; were
facing each other when first shot was
fired Palmer was going past the wag
on when the second shot was fired, and
was tideways to Kellogg. If the first
shot had missed Palmer the ball would
probably have hit the building five .'eet
up from the ground. TYp of trough
was about two feet above the level cf
ground. Kellogg was ttatulirg on the
ground when he fired." The ball hole
in biiildLig is about two feet above doer
sill. I was we?! and south from parties
when shots were, fired. They were
not more than eight feet apart when
the first shct was filed, and five cr six
feet further at second. Palmer appear
ed to be endeavoring to fire at Kellogg
when Kellogg fired the second time,
floie in door ranges too far west for
first shct; it ecu!.! not have been made
by the first slot have examined the
hole and range. Palmer was gi ing
wst vh?n the ?e:oi:d shct was fired,
and kept on after the shot was fired.
Kellogg went towards the center of the
street after the second shot. Palmer
came to Stadehnann's after he was .-hut;
I saw where he was shot, a little to the
rijdil ar,J above iho navel.
Cros Examined. The wagon and
hr.r; ea wl re between me and Pal.ner.
Kr!kgg v.ii m th-" same si.! 2 I was.
The team was h'-aded ncrth-en-t. I
cou'd see inoU cf Palmer's body; he
might have had a pi tol in his haul
a hen talking to Kelb-gg, but I think
not. I could see P!-.wr reach to his
pocket after he got down off the tr-nigh.
Am not positive ho put his horid into
his p K-kct, but it Iokf-J that way.
Think Palmer was trying to get arcund
the wagon to shoct Kellogg v. hen Kel
logg fired the socond time. I could
see th? pistol in Kcilogg's hand plain
when he shot firs t time.
Re-direct. Palmer stepped a few
paces north after first shot.
Jas. O'Neill. I was in Plaltsmctith
cm l-.i 19 h of August last; was sitti-ig
beside Hanna's old store at the time of
the ilioothig; was a little ea.-t a:.d width
of street south of parties about fc'J
feet distant. Shooting occurred about
neon. Saw Palmer stop up on the
platform or trough, and heard him talk
loud to Kellogg. First I of
hearing him say wns to the efTett that
Kellogg had a loaded p'stol, and that
he must leave the country. lie repeat
ed two or three times that Kcdlcgg
must leave the country, and was repeat
ing'it when Kellogg shot. Saw th.i
smoke rf :he pistol both li.nes when
Kellogg fired. Palmer had nothing in
hisj hand that I could see. Kellogg
stood close to ihe team. Palmer was
motioni: g with his hand's whe n the first
shot was fired; he then stepped back,
netth. quick, and then eait. First shot
was fired over the horses withers, near
the haruos. The ball would have
struck the building five or six feet from
the. ground if it Lad missed Palmer. It
would have struck the building east cf
the bakery door. The hcrses backed
after the first shot. I think tho second
shot struck the door. I: the second
shot tad struck deceased it would have
hit his legs or hips. Kellogg went to
wards Hanna's store, and appeared to
b watching Palmer. I saw deceased
at the hotel several times before he
died, which was four or five days after
the shooting. -1 took the statement of
the deceased ju-t the shooting.
Cross-Examined. I Dp iinl know
whtither deceasedhad a pistol in his
hand when Kellogg fired Grst. Kel
bogg eppt ared "cowed," and kept close
to liis horses. He looked excited as he
came to Hanna's. lie came across the
- - e--r--
street about tho same time that Palmer
went towards Stadd.i;an:iV. I luoked
for a fuss, because Palmar had just
told nie that he had tow-hided K'lkgg
a few days before.
Re-direct. Palmer told me that he
had whipped Kellogg, and that Kelh'gg
would be in that day and would proba
bly file an information, and he wanted
me to be tasy oa bim. He also told
me that Kellogg must leave the coun
try. C. II. Parmele. I was at Dr. Don
elan's Drug Store, Main street, Piatt;,
mouth, on the l'Jth of August, when
the shooting occurred. I was toirh
and a little west of the r arties. The
first I heard of the affray was some
loud words. I looked around and saw
the smoke fiom a revolver. The team
ran back. Kellogg stood near the
O 3
head cf the off horse; the team ran
back eight or ten feet after the first
shot was fired." Palmer started west
on the sidewalk; the wagon was be
tween him and prisoner; I thought he
started to go around the end cf wagon;
he turned east again .and came up near
heads of horses when the second shot
was fired by pri.oner; Palmer then ran
west on sidewalk and aai I he was slut;
he came acro-s to DoneLn's. The la?t
I sz-.v of Kellogg he was half way
across l Hanna's. Only hoard two
sho"t-; think Palmer did not shoot.
Cross Ex. It was about the time the
firt shot was fired that I first saw Pal
nv;r; saw a putI in his hand after he
got on the sidewalk; might have had u
pistol iu his hand when the first :hot
was fired. Horses were between me
and deceased; could see most of hi
body; think he was on the watering
trcuh. Did not hear Ktlloug say
anything; could not understand what
Padmer iaid before ihe sho'. was fired.
PrisotK-r did not go across the sireet
fast; he had started, cs I thought,
across the street, but came ba.k when
Palmer came towards the wagon. Kel
logg sh-.t under the horses heads the
-co. :,d lime. lie stood near ihe hordes
shoulders; ihc-y stood at the pump w hen
the first shot was fired; and about as
far west as the Bakery doora when the
second sho: was fired. There is a bul
let hole through the Bakery door. The
range of the bullet hole in the door is
ueaiiy in rang-a with where pristner
steed when he fired the first shot. He
stood further west when he firtd the
second time.
Re-direct. The horses heads were
nt l no watering trough west cf ihe
pump when the first shct was firtd; the
hind end of the wagon was alo it tight
or ton feet from the sidewalk. It was
after the second shot that Puh.R-r s'id
he wis dtot; he had gone abou. fi't.c-n
feel when he said it.
II. F. Price. Was cn Mam stroe',
t'lattsmr.uth, oa the 19. h of Augu .';
heard the Jlrt ahot but did not see it.
Stepped out and saw Kellogg apparent
ly p'jllinir the oil horse back, and roatU
around unJer the Lor.-es heads and fire.
Palmer wtr.l towards Dnehm's. Kel
logg went ov,r to Hanna's, stood up by
the door-cheek and raised up his re
volver and cocked it.
R G. Doom. Was in riattsmouth
on the 19th of August, at Simpson Sc
Michel .rail's store, saw Palmer stand
ing on the watering trough. Kellogg
was there wi.ti hii team; prisoner was
on the same side with Palmer. He
started r.nd went around the wagon;
deceased was talking and had his hands
in motion. Saw the smoke cf pri.-on-er's
pistol, ho was then ou tho south
east side of the wager; deceased was
on the trough, he got down after the
firt shot. Pa'mer went towards Ami
s m's and then went to St .dehnann's.
I saw the smoke from both shots. 1
Went to SiaJtlmann's and saw whore
deceased Was shct. "At the. time de
ceased had his hands up making mo
tions I did not see anything in his.
hands. Saw deceased have a revolver
at seme time, but do not know when it
was. Kellogg appeared perfectly cool
at the time of the shooting. Could not
see pri.oner as distinctly as deceased.
Cross-Ex. I mean by Kellogg bo
ing cool that he did not talk, t-w Pal
m r in at Simp-ou &. Mickt Iwaii's store
just before the affray; he started out
of the store and went down street; as
he started out I heard him say "Kel
logg." John Black. I was called upon to
see Pal.ner after he was shot; found
him in Stadclmanu's, wounded with
gun-shot wound. I tended on him, in
compiny wi'h Dr. Livingston, until his
death, and helped to make a po6l mor
eiJi examination. The ball which
wounded him went into .the bowels
above and to. the right of the ravel.
Palmer died on the 21th of August
from the effects of ihat woun.i.
Cros-Ex. The' ball -had passed
nearly straight through, ranging slight
ly downward.
Wm. Stadehnann. I was in front of
my store, in Piattsmouth, on the 19th
of August. Heard some loud talk and
heard Palmer saying "God damn" lo
seme one; iaw Kellogsr draw a revolv- j
er and shoot. Palmer was on the wta
tering trough; could see his body down
as low as the waist. After the first
shot was fired deceased ran up toe
street and got his revolver out; he ran
back and Kellogg fired again. Deceas
ed then ran up the street and said he
was shot; did not see anything in his
hand while he was on the trough.
Kellogg went across to Hanna's store
fttr the shooting; taw him cock his
revolver after he went over to Hanna's.
I took deceased irflo my store.
Cross-Ex. Palmer might have had
a small pistol in his hand while at the
pump, but I do not think lie had; his
pistol was a small one. Did not see his
left hand. Palmer and Kellogg were
25 or 30 feet apart when the last shot
was fired. I saw blood on deceased's
.-hirt before he said he- was shot. When
he came into my store he said it was
the fir--', shot that hit him. lie said so
three or four times.
Sufficient evidence was here submit
ted to the Court (with which the j iry
had nothing to do) to show that the
statement of Palmer was made while
he believed himself about to be sum
moned before the Bar of God, and the
following was admitted as evidence in
the case :
Statement of Robert J. Palmer, made
before Jas. O'Neill, a Justice cf the
Peace, in and for Cass county, Ne
braska, in reference to his being
shot by II. L. Kellogg, tu the 19ih
day of August, 1&G7:
1 told him that I was going to have
my wh-atthrcsttd day after to-morrow;
he said, "I will kill you if you fool
with me." I said, "I do not intend to
hurt you; but you cr I will have to
leave this country, as 1 understand you
are carrying a deadly weapon for me."
He then pulled out. his terolver and
shot me.
Question Did you make any threats
or motions towards him.
Answer No, sir. My revolver was
in my pocket whet: he shot me. I make
this statement having been told by my
physicians lhat I cannot live long, and
the same is true, as 1 expect to answer
at the Bar of Gcd.
R. J. Palmer.
I do hereby certify that the abovo
statement of 11 Ion J. Palmer wis
made and signed before me on this 19:h
day of August, A. D. 1SG7.
Jamls O'NriLL, J. P
G. II. Black. I was at ihe store of
Black & Buttery at the time of the
shooting, a little west of south from
where the shooting occurred. I was
sitting inside the store when the affray
commenced, but Lr-.'t up ;u. ! went to th"
door. I in J a fair view except what
the obstructed. I Lean! lend
talk from Palmer. Heart! him say
God damn your soul, you will I p.vfi
to leave this: country or I will. Wo
cannot both stay here.'' He w as t n
the platform. After saying this he
.-tarti d a. ound the pump. Kellogg wu
on the opposite siie of the team, faeiog
west cf norili, with his Lml in his coat
pocket. lie raised his hand up even
with his body and fired under the hors
es neck; or near there. Deceused put
his pistol over the horses necks and en
deavored to fire at defendant. Some
one fired a second shot; don't know
which it was. Deceased went op n-ar
the tailor's shop, and said "I am shot."
He then started af ross the street to
wards Donehn's, and then defendant
started across. I saw Palmer's pistol
almost immediately after the first shot.
He had to go over the w atering trough
or around the ptunp to get to K-llogg.
The horses were at the west end of the
trough. The barrel of the pistol was
elevated when first shot was fired. I j
could not see Palmer's hands for the j
hordes. He was gOsticu'ating.
Cross-Examined. I was silting
down when I heard the first noise. It
was but a few seconds; after I went to
the door that the first shot was fired.
Platform extends about 2 1-2 feet west
cf the pump. Palmer was either on
platform or pavement when I first saw
him. Trough is on south side of the
pump. The team was angling across
the street. Horses heads were nrar
west end of the trough. Prisoner
stood south of off, near its head,
when he fired first shot, not over six
feet from deceased, with left hand hold
of horses.
Ke-'direct. I was a little nearer to
the shooting than where O'Neill testi
fies he was.
W. Mickelwait. I was in Platts
niouth on the 19 h of August when the
shotting occurred." Deceased was in
our store for about an hour before the
affray occurred, He left there about
12 nVlitrk- nnd T wpnf nut about the
same time, he ' did. He was luying j itli detetitlant. lie ot o-ne time went
goods. I did not notice that he was in ' '5iree miles out of his way to pre- i
any m re hurry'' than usual when hevent going past 'Palmer' house. On'
went otit'of the'siore. I d- not knowTSotKiay before the shooting prisoner ;
which way he went.
Lewis Walters. I nm acquainted
with prisoner. Keilogg went away to
Iova; the morning he started Palmer
came to my hotrse, where prisoner was
boarding, and told him he must leave
the country before eight o'clock or the
blood of one or the o'her must be spill
ed. After prisoner came back he went
around Primer's bru?e instead cf going
Cross-Ex. Kellogg went to Iowa
about the first of Angus-; am not posi
tire as to day.
Mrs. E. J. Wallers. I heard the
evidence of Lewis Walters; was pres
ent ot the conversation; Kellogg refus
ed io go out with Palmer; prisoner was
boarding at our house; we were not i p
when deceased came; while prisoner
was boarding at our house and at Fow
ler's he went around Palmer's. De
ceased came again and wanted Kellogg
lo go out and have a talk with him;
prisoner refused. Deceased told me
he would way-lay the road for prison
er; this was after the horsa-whip ping.
Kellogg is a quiet, peaceable man, so
far as I know.
Cross-Ex. I have been acquainted
with Kellogg since last April. Deceas
ed did net say what he wanted to talk
to prisoner about.
Chas. Fowler. I know tf Talmer
making threats against the lifecf pris
oner; when we were cntting wheat on
Kc-l!ngg'? place, for deceased, in July
or August, he was talking to one of the
hands, he said Kell gg must net come
on that place again, or one of them
must be killed; srsid he did not want
prisoner to come on. So far as I Vnow
prisoner's reputation is good.
Ca cline Palmer. I am acquainted
with prisoner; am the daughter of de
ceased ; deceased : aid he w ould kill
prisoner when he got his eye on him.
Fa her loaded a pistol and put it iu his
pocket; said he would way-lay prisoner.
I told prisoner that father would kill
him if he did not look out; this was
right away after the horse-whipping.
Cross Ex. Told Kellogg of the
threats as I was going to school; it was
after the hoi se-whipping.
The testimony of several witnesses
in regard to the range cf the ball that
passed through the door of the bakery
is here cini.ted, it be ing unimportant in
the case.
1'. M. D rrington. Heard deceased
in II; ;;"s saloon, in As.-pUst, say pris
oner cr hiiv.self must leave the country.
He said lie could take j risen r's heart's
Hood with good grate. Afterwards
said he had horse-w Lippt d prisoner,
and would do it again if he did not
Lave the country.
Cioss Ex. Palmer Euid prisoner
h id created ditturi-auce in his family; his wife had It ft L:m, and pri.-oner
was the cau.-e That Kellogg had
bet. Icon up his family, ar.d he had horse
whipped him fi.r it. That he believed
there was crim:n.i! intercourse between
prisoner and his wift; that they were
too intimate. Palmer appeared deter
mined that Kellogg should leave the
Geo. Amick. I am acq-tainled with
defendant. Heard decea-ed say, while
prisoner was ever the river, that lie cr
Kellogg had to die; that he had gone to
Wallers' to shoot him, but could not
get him cut. Asked me to tell Kellogg
he had nothing r.gainst him, so that he
would not be shy and he could ge t a
chance for revenge. I never told any
one of this w hih? deceased was living.
Cross-Ex These threats w ere made
in August. No one else present.
Palmer said his wife had attempted to
muroer him, and he thought Kellogg
had helped to by the plan.
lie-direct. Deceased said he did
not thmk there was any criminal inti
macy between Kellogg and his wife,
but his wife had fallen in love with
v (i :-, :fr n:,r,i.!.vi,..r,r0
Palmer was sl ot I was at his house,
and he told me he had horse whipped
Kellogg, and that he would do it again.
He said Kellojg had tu leave the coun
try cr he would kill him.
Here the testimony of several wit
nesses is omitted, as they were called
only to prove the general reputation cf
the prisoner as a pacceful, law-abiding
man. They all testified that his gen
eral reputatien was good J
John Fowler. I am acquainted with
defendant. He knew of threats made
by Palmer. Kellogg was boarding at
my house, and was afraid te go out to
the field la fix his fenc. He said he
was afraid Palmer wouln kill him. He
avoided Palmer's ko-.ise" for fear of j
Palmer. I came with him to to wn the I
day of the shooting. He said he was !
nfraid to com) fllone. Palmer stutted i
for town directly after we did. and we I
waited and let him get ahead.
Geo. Dunaway. I am acquainted
'ashed ine to laok for his horses ' (tboul .
Palmer's premise?, as he did
to ? near there.
not want ;
John Fowler re-called. Prisoner
had made arrangements about a week
before the shooting to go over the ri er
to make hay.
Mrs. Wallers re called. The chil
dren of Palmer told me io te'l Keilogj
to keep out of their lather's way or he
would kid him. I told Kellegg. They
told 'me three or four times.
Wm. Pig-got'.. I heard Palmer say
he had went lo Walters' to tclldefand
ant tu leave the country or his heart's
blood would pay the debt.
Wm. Co! v in, jr. I heard deceased
say lhat Nebraska was not largo enough
fcr both him and prisoner, and lhat
prisoner must leave the country or die.
This was a short time before- the shoot
ing I trvnk the Sunday before.
Cross Ex Palmer sa:d prisoner
had ruined him and his family, and he
would have revenge.
Gee. D.inaway re-called. 1 think
it was three or four days before the
shooting that the horse-whipping oc
curred. AXOTEZEZC.
We find the following heavy "Dem
ocratic argument"' in a lale number of
tho Omaha Herald. It is the kind
that is i xo cte.l to influence and con
vince the men that read thit jot rnnl :
"We notice by the leh-arams
Miij. General Radical R.-jtwell ami
'Penitential v cf Hell' Thad Stevens."'
, Special dispatch"? sr.y "hat the prop
osition to hold a continuous session of
Congress during John-on's term of of
fice is favorably received.
fev2TSaid Gn. Sitkels in a recent
speech in Alabama : "Whatever the
rebels suffer from the reconstruction
acts, follows as the unavoidable conse
quences of their crime and their folly.
The incendiary, who fires his own
dwelling that he may destroy his
neighbor's, must not assail the firemen
who put out the flames because ihey
flood his house with water."
This is a terse statement of the ques
tion upon which the copperheads are
trying so earnestly to agitate the peo
ple. ISAn exchange asks: "And if the
Democracy of Ohio have the right, be
ing in the major-tj. to exclude colored
men from the ballot-box, why may not
the colored men in South Carolina, un
der similar circumstances, exe'ude
white men." This is a very pertinent
question fur the "mawter nice" to tudy
Fr2rThere 's a town cf -100 inhabit
a i. is in Ohio, every one of whom vol: d
the Democratic ticket. A few years
smce a colporteur learned by observa
tion and inquiry that but one in thirty
of the people could read, and only one
in fifty-five possessed r. bible.
The movements around Rome are
beginning to portend the approaeh of
great events. Popular tumults, and
even insurrectionary uprising, around
any ether city might mean l.ttle; but
thee occurrences in the vicinity of the
Eternal City, have the profoundest sig
nificance. No other word has such a
comprehensive meaning as "Rome."
In religion, in politics, in diplomacy, in
civilization, and, it is said, in prophecy,
it is the centre of clustering intereMs
that belong io the whole world. Even
in its ruins, th old city poses.-es an im
portance' not inlViior to that which it
posessed when it wris the abode of the
Ca?sars. A shock at Rome cr?a'.s; an
instant tremor at Paris, at Vienna, at
Madrid, at all ihe capitols of Europe,
and a responsive sensation in the remo
test corners of the earth; for whether
Ro ne a the court of the Pope shall
Mand or fall, is a question that half the
governmenta of the globe, and millions
of persons feel the quickest interest in.
We already seo commotions in Catho
lic populations consequent on the Gari
taldian menace? against Home is equaly
a movemi nt again-t the Church in Italy.
It i- diffetslt to see how ih-3 trouble can
be settled itself, and it is evident, too,
that if ihe Garibaldians rc-acki Rome,
the question will have reach d a point
ivhere it will be i!s ow n master.
fFA ra't?ui.iri who had dr?.nk n
hale loo freely fell fruin the r.-ift n ti'l
was dro'.vninjr, when hisLrctiier eie-.l
him Ly the hair; tut the et.irent was
vt-rv strontr. ihh trctlu-r's s!rt-r;i;h
be it; 12; rsearly exhausted, te.waa ahe-nt j
to re!ir;qui-h his ho!J,wl:tn ihe 'Jrov.L'-
injer oue raided hisheud nbove the watr-r j
and said: "Unison Sam. hariir on, 1 il
treat, I swear I will T His words were
stimulating and the other nt length bav.
ed hitu.
f The English Parliament enacted
in"-1770, that '-whoevtr shall impose
upon, seduce and tr,-:ry into inatrnno
ny any of his Majesty's male f'.djec'S
tv scents, pairiis, cosmetic wafchf, arti
ficial tee:h, false hir, Spain"-! wool
iron stave, h.-op?, hih heeled the.-,
or-bJtered hip, sltould be prcseei te I
for wisthcrafc, and that the marriage
should be cull nnl void."
Justvny Sale.
N. ti - is h-'i eLy yrv a that I will offer ft,r sale, at
tl.-- lo-itletiof John (.iimour, in Mt l'!e;,ant pre
cl jtt. Cit- c-t nty, Neiirayku, on ihe 1 It day of
Sovrinl or l.Si 7, one red n'..-cr, Mie atMpe ner
the Kh-mMera, both eye blind, rtr o.l .;!:
rtrcT ti ivin," b.-in tikn i t p :,uj ilv..V:i-i.l a. or J.-.R
law 1.7 Ji.1,1. Gliioortr, -. nd an;rni'.d nt ".), by
Jauics iiclionalJ aud I'eter Siaii.
Oct. 11th, V7. 1T! of tb Pear.
Corrected by Simpson, Mickelwait &. Co-
WIrMt Mirkct dull, and prk- j rule ilutit tlie
fatii' ; litt'o ro:nii)(f in.
t'orii Nochangi-; very lil'l cr-rirtg.
Wli.'at tl 4 j I ! 'j l:t.'kcrtl,kitt iifi'Oami
Ci'in in P:r -i'l,.- i. 'I X;,ii(. 9.1T,
" L',"j"'', liittfcr ';('
(liis S.V 1 e-f s
t''fn m. 1 1 .'."' "t 1 CO
Flour V 100 ,s .' tl
I oit.),"!i.!f.H.-,io
(iT'.'KTEIE? K- t til J'.'t tue s.:i
fVrtV.' i. SiuMr l '.('i-.'it
(.Mr i.-..oi r..i i rit,, ... is
r a 7.V ft Ii f.-f 1 I I;,
Ki-'o I" . -J Onil oil " 7,)
syiiipt 1 'Ji.'j j I . .!.!,( - 75"i 1 CO
'o,.I Oil S e f!..;i i lo, i j
l.-.r ' O.l 2 Cm. .N.u:j ft',,',, II
7.';l(V.) 7"o io,
$cir aiU'cvfocmcntsi.
To & Ji."jI Di-lriit Qijlrirs within ihe
CoKitfy of Cess, no,l State of ' JYibrasku:
IMtrMt'i: I lo IV' pfnyi.t: of ili K-'vUcii 1 1 Jok f
t r, a. e. t .'I I se ion t f 1 1.,- I.i 'i.-l.iOi i- l
Li .iU, (t.otioo.1 ' A ii At !"r il.o i;.viS'ihi nf t,n
s h oi I, ,v,") I lo r l y notify joi tint I hiv. In
j,i o;d.ticf Wit'i III"- ..,vi i .l.s r-' 1 1 1 ;:i-nt i (
s .hi At-:, i.uiiIm-i-iI i!.- Suti kh It. i Kt in '.
-ui'ty, ;i- !.. j..v. . v.:
laitrm ti'i city No. 1 ;
r:!i;t-tu.-;illi l:c-iutt No 2, 3 C3.1 1, aj tiittit-.-t,;
Kork B u.T. .-tiy N. . f. f..rt.i- ly No. I;
K' IS tot't irt?t! uci Nu'sd, 7, 8 Biul 'J forttiT'T 2,
3, 4 -.til l ; ;
l.ii.tty .r.-.-iui-t Xu'j M, 11, I aioi la, r nnci lr
1, -i. 0 .-.t.-I 1;
Mt. I'lcis.iiit prootnrt No's ! 4 1.1 u:,J JO, firm'Tly
1, -J Ht.,1
Av.,-1 i.i.v.Tct .V-s 17. IS l'J tifi.l S'J. fouiMTtjr 1,
2, :l a:- I I; v- in.-' N e- 'Jl, '.'J. 2i au't tJ4,
r i: tot- : y 1. ;i I 4;
"' '-V t. j : ovu Nti' J"), h tol formorly 1,
2 -ttio ii;
Ore ii-i'i- ir clu.-t Xn' '2.1 ai tl 30, formerly I,
2 M;
I.cit'.i- iii" jire'.-isi-' 3t, 32 a d1 I, formorly I.
2 HT3.1 3;'., llt-ri'l r rt't-iuct No. 31, f .imrly 1.
p i t Ci.'t-k i ri'tim t Xo'j o,i uuil U'j, fortufTly 1
1 he i- vortil District will llu-tefo.e tfmi'ue the
.it.ovf ittiiiiltoriiiT. mttI lit'- i ,k ..'ft i V ltr tors ia
o.K'h lii-' i i' t ii 1 iiiHke a onp, r recnril f the N tim
kret tlnir lostrkt, and .it tin- etirlixol umtlioahio
tiiotuciit furnish tut' h cirri-ct pl.a oT the oiin'-.
Mi'ia :d tlit-ie I y 1 i -ir i.-t tlmt hate not an yet
lu l.l an i- i ction an. I t'lirte'l Hi. ir t llitvis tind. i Hir
provii-iou- of I lie Itevi.-.l Sv'hm.1 I. a', they will
P'oi-i i-a itinnoj iatt-ly to ilo tin, f ; rt 'iviiid tioii ,f
the tiinf auil plai-e of holilin' tahl fl flion in rut h a
t-a n:i..-r as that tho elt-t'toi s iti Mi'-h IliHtrict or Dia
truM lihall lie duly ni.t lo-l of mid ph t liin.
(livii unoer inv tin . .1 . at toy tillo in therityof
l'laOtftnouth, this 8Nt (lav of Oct ihr, a n lst.7.
II. Ml'l lthOfK. ta-rk,iid
Tx-. Bicio Suy't l'ulil.c t !iool-, t'a Co , Ntb.
orSl Sv
To all County arid Vrccinvt Officers
Elected as such al the (irurral Elec
tion laid October &M, lS(i7:
Yon ar lierhy nutifk-d that hy railing al my
ofai-e in l'Kttstiioiith, you will rH--ive y.-u r t Vrtiti
caten of Ue.-tioil. 1 kivo thii notice tli.t pernoliH
who re maitinif to receiv their certillr.i al tlitir
n-Boh ufi'j, hy li.ail, siiei ial ine-enr, nr uthorwup,
n.-il wail no lonp. r, hot C"ine and receive y.u r cer
lilh .-it. H and in nfy. 1 prenitm. ttifra ,i Imt lima
ei. ct.'il to an otlice in the t'ounty that (I. not knovr
it. Ihe CT ti A c i tot aie nvx l, joil will
tj'talify a the la w c jut- rnplut.s. H.'-pe.-tfullr.
Ii. Sfl'KI OI K,
r.r31 3w t'r.unty Clerk.
ro all wiiom it tiny 'rn :
1, H b.iir'ork. L':.k. in (in I fi.- I'm
rous'v, S iito of Nt hra-k i, d i, l.y vlrtu ,f lh a I
111 .i iiy in me vc!. d hy tho pr.iv hioim of mt Act t:i
tillc I '.. ti Act t.i jinn id ..r the C.-it y of School
l.umN, tin ir Sa.'e, te ." ..ei at the 3d S.iou .f
the l.f.;-l..tiir,. (,r tho State of ehrj.ku, horctr
'i r.tii'H tliMt on
TUESDAY, the 1-1 day of January,
A. I). ISfiS,
At 10 o'( t itt a M, at fiont door of the Co'ir-Hou-j,
in ti e :'y of Pua-mt n h, N' I' .tn. I will nil r l.,r
h t h 1 Sctioi.l l. jrolf w nhi': ttio C.tir,ty, t.nuwo
;t t '.inn.s 1 li auil "ti. and Iutid( fc"l.ctcd ill ii u of
til -.e ret liuns.
I.HU'l in the touth-we-t coiur of ;he Coiltitv wl:l
to-f-ll re-l lirl, r'.iiniieot inL. In ItMittro n,ii. ('), ai.l
cotitinumB r. tuli rly thn.iiKh .id ISant-eand ll.,nir.n
'' (1I), !. v.-:i (11), t elve 1 1.'). 1 1, i r Ire ii (i:i) f,nr
t rn (I4i; wli cli Mile w II t, - etindtieUtl in t i ict a
fin d i n- e wii it the u i.-ioni, a:d r, qiiir. l' nt of
bui.l At'l.
Iii w.t-i. ttht'.-ctif I li..-io;nt t hit l. ind and
in'.rUlHi-al at my illi-.- in Plait in ,u tU city,
on Li 1 -I day f Oct .her, A n t S7 .
II M'l III.itl K, C:tV,
cc"l llw Ca C'l-tinly, Neliraska.
J. N. Wip. Adniini-tiat ir t
of the estate of I'. ;.-r A f arpy.decea.oed, f
The Heir i ,-in ! olheri. J
He it renu-uib. retl that on the t'ltU day of Ortn' er,
A 1. IS 1, the ati..o and iviiiiun o. J N. Wi,
A Imiiii-tr ilor of th -Etatw of IVti r A. Sarpy, de-
0 a-eil, for a lit;' ue In si II the Ileal K..tate hoiniiiii(f
to the Knid ( xtiit .-, ( a -e on 'o he heard b.-fopi Ili
Ii- nor (ieorce II Lake, and the Cuurt being fully
.idvivd In the prt mis. h,
It is hi rehy orjtiii'd tliat a'l persons Hiter'-ateJ lift
the K.-tnte of I'.t. r A. n.-irpy, th "an"d, njo eur tie
ftno rue ou the 2;hl il.iy of l)e -c in'er, a I H;7, at !
o'clock A M of naid day, at the ollic of thti Clei k of
the li-triet Coort in the ci'y of lU'i.nioiiih, Ciim
Cntinty, N.-l.ra-k:i, to sh"W rane wliy a llc. ii
h onltl in t l,e j;raiile'l to the A lmini-trat ir a pi, lying
1 li'-rt f ir t i , II so runt h of the It. al KMate of the de-t-en.d
lot iiail he liet-fary it, p,y HUfh dehtt.
Ai d it is hrrcl y further oiji-r.d th-it a cpr of
th - a juvf ord r ho tiuh!i-he. Hi ill" Nehr.i-ka Her
ald, a w fkly tiewnp.iper pnhlished in llierlty of
I'latfrnoulh, fir four sitccoti-ive week., the lat in
s. . t .on Leirig r itnp', te t le i.t fourteen d..y b'f ire
the 2 !d d y of liwemkr, HC7.
l.y liie Court.'
ouil 4w 0!-:o:if;n p.. LAIC K. Jade.
KMlray Ilicc.
Taken tip hy th mihtieriher et hU pmnla-.-a In tl
nott h put of l.ljrl '-Mile Un e pt. tiiii t, C c uititv,
Nt h , on i.x t.ii, r 22 1, lf-87, one two-year oi l He li'r,
Ml. Willi 1 1 li - h.o.K. JAMES CHABI'KKK.
(eel 6w
Anfeny ntli!.rlied, of Conrr il Blnff-., In the Plstfl
or lown, will t ike notice that .Murphee i t,:iii.mB,
of the County of ri nri'l rnv of S tt rnik t, di t,o
the 2i:h (li.y of (. Il,er, A f 1-liT file their -tltitm
in Hi.- ni-tiu-t Coait . f the Jii,i, i, liir!ct
Nehrn.k:i, wii h n iml mr 'iih rountv, naiti't tn
t:iil Anieiiy ht.hlt.f-liei'1. .leVn.1 int. ..i", imr tnh tl
the n lid d. Ier-d ,nt is in.lel ted to th.- ,..! n-..i.,.i.c (.
tl' Mini cf i To .'J7 on hi c ri.tin pi omi.(.orv note
tn;.df, ex.-riit.-d nn.l delivered hy th- mi! J lel'-'n-las r,
lo tie sad i hi in till', ht-.-irin,. .1 it on tho j t day c
Or: iii r, J-,57. and ca Iii tie : r th j, itmtit of i7, :n,
one ihiy rilter t: ite. n i'h n.'.-r, - m the rate rf li
; . .- r nr. per .-it.nutn. mid p' u !ne the unld A o
.... fl- h -f hi--1 may he to p th-nniii
mi' i or iiiooey now clnimed t., be dr..., svi l.teit
ns af '-'- nn.fh- ihl A',t -ny Ih l.t-dieid U ru
tiird t" p;ie-ir and Hti-wcr t.n.d p-tii'on mi tir
o .. Ire'.l.ii .k v nt ! .thib r, iDl It.
Y'na--n ::. i-.1 tU i: .ti o: 1 r or attae'r- Vc':1! ictut'l in mild au.n, autl thnt yo;f
pr;.-c ty fiiu.i:.-il ib irl ctciri-, to Wit; I.ut on.-i
iw,i. futtr :in I t ii (1. 2. 4 find ID,) in l l.jck two -.'ij
n-iiiih :( tve rullie t nuiir,; ani lots I n nil I oleve.a
- in ., t .i ' l ' ; t . ..... 1 1 1 ......j, . m
.--. -"-t.., i ii.,-- tl,(
eii't of the puld-rj .J.iiate, all in Ruck l;I..Hi city.
i a- co iiity, .ct raika, i,av heu attached in par
umirc th. r to. MUHi'llSK (c fclill'SON.
W. 1'. t Lji:it, A-.t'y fur l'l.i; il ill'.
Di. J. rul liiut ihe forego. :i;n, ii;-e l, .I'.llftt.e.J
iDur tn..-:( tyj.'Ks iu 1. 1 -ol.ia'.k.i H laid.
J. 11. ISll'lWN,
ocRl -l.v ". . . . I.'lirk, tisrict Contt.
r '
J. .Tl I J fi 1 4 fa 11 It ,
Itei'ei- iu the Steck t Mr C ntiuii riarc
an ! o hi-r Mu-icjI loeirunjea' . . .
5tJil In. tr i"tent wir ant.l .1t irti
octli ly
..r ttpflt r