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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1867)
f 6 y "Jf any man attempts to haul down the Jlmcrican Flag, shoot liim on the spot. 5 VOL. 3. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 18G7. AO. 30. THE HERALD 15 PUBLISHED W e:e kly, BY II. D- HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. tT"0fSce corner JIaia street an J Levee, second tory. Terms: $2.50 per annum. Hates of A deer Using Oae'iuar (space often linos) oue insertion, f.icn ub.e jnent insertion - - Prefer imal cards not exceeding six lines pae-quarter column orless, per imnnra ' six months ' thre months iehaif eolu1" a twelve months " " ei x month! " three months lecolumn twelve months 1 .r,o l. 0 10 (II) as. bi 2U.t'0 13 o C".l 8".i'( 'JV.W lull III) GO.i0 SO. 00 si x moutns - three mouth Alltrmsient aderti-e:ncnta mast le paid adranc Jtm- We are pr pared to do all kind cf Job oa f li.irt notice, and in a (style that w i.l give faction. for in Work satin- WILLITT rOTTENGER- ATTOltNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTII - - NEBRASKA. T. M IflAIMUJETT. ATTORNEY AT LAW Ann Solicitor in Chancery. PLATTSMOUTII, - - NKHR.1SKA c n. KING Carpenter and Joiner CONTRACTOR and Bo T DER, Will do work in h x Hue with n eatness an di-pat flp.'n short notic-. Dr. J- S. Me A. DOW, nAXlSH ItKTI'KSKD TO ROCK BLUFFS T' Physic. .ir-t his prole-Monal TTi to hi id p;itrt a.l public R-nerahy. 1'arMuUr tt.-riiiori pniil t do-ease- of th EYK. A cureir';ar Hiiteed in nI! cii'ahle cases. Charges moderate am'- as oue yeai .. . J' 12 II. Ti LIVINGSTON, M. D. Physician and fcJurgeon, Te 'ders his prop snioual services to thi citizens of Croi:tv. ; r"l!,iili-rn in Frank White's h tue, corner of t'a'.i an : .Sixth -iron; OiLe on Vain fleet, C)o site Ojurt House, i'l.ittsraxuth, el rska. Platte Valley House Ed. B. Mubpiit, Proprietor. Corner of .Miin and Fourth Streets, IIttbiiiit li, X1 This ITou-e having b--en re fitt ! and newly for Blsbed ' fft r flist class acooUiUn.d jiioii. Hoard -y the day or week. " W BURNS & CO. Pe 1 rs In Dlt Y O OI1S, SIO C r.KI ES A'iRIClLTLRAL IMI'LEHES IS, And a asrtm--nt of if.'ols usual y kept in a ti I st i-la-s country oii'fr. ArocA, Ca Co., - - au2l Neb. S. MAXWELL. 8AM. M. CHAPMAN Maxwell & Chapman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND Solicitors in Chancery. PLATTS-WiCTU, - y ED R ASK A Ofiic acr lilack. Buttery CVe Store. rl CLARKE, PORTER & ERWIN, ATTOKAEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, VAlS ST. .OPPOSITE THE COURT 1Ol'SE PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. aTLOBD t. CLAHKK, r.E FOtB-T POKTka. va w. FKris. REAL ESTATE A:ESCY.-. Jini wtf josEPn scnLATEI1, WATCySIAKER and JEWELER, MAI.1 STBEKT, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA A r.od a-.ortm.-nt of Watches Clo - Gold Pen J-WelrT. silver War-. Fane t.oo ' Violins and -oiia Trimming always on hand. AUwurk com lifted to hia care wiil he warranted. April ID, Mi5. O. II. lP.Ilt, CALHorS a CROXTOS, Ltt!e Supt Indian Afiin. J AUvrneya at Law IRISH, CALHOUN & CROXTON- The above naml pentlmen have associated themselves in business for the purpose of proseout-ia-x and collecting all claims a'-aint the Oeneraj Goveru-nent, or aain.-t any tribe of Indian, and are prepared to prosecute aach claims, either before Counre-s,or air of the Departments of Governuieni or before the Court of ClaimH, Ma. Irish will derot his pergonal at'.entlcn to trie V-UMnes at Washington. . JC?" OtTico at Nebraska City, corner of Main and FUiU streets. . ABLEB, . FEIXKMAK. S. ADLER & CO , KECTIFIEBS A.VD DISTILLERS. Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. XO. It, EAST SIDE MARKET SQL'ARE, St. Josepli Mo. C23 ly National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON, D- C F. M- DORRINGTON, SUB AGENT: PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, T nrenared to present and rrosecnte claims before Congress, Conrt of Claims and the Department. Pa tents. Pensions, Boant:e., and Bounty Lands se. cared. tjsCbarflres moderate, and in proportion to theam vint of the claim, a. -ii- wwujuiv;.'. April 10, 65 J. N. WIS Ei General Lifet Accident, Fire, Inland and Transit INSURANCE AGENT Will take risk at reasonable ratos in the most reliable co nj'anies in the United States. (3"ujCce at the hook store, Tia sir cnth, Nebras , tuaySlltf Prices Heduced! C2. C3r, Heroid lias just received a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, of all description?, And a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Al' kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in exchange for Goid. Ca-h paid for runs, hides, wiea t, &c. apSG C. G. UEKOLD. Co!- Forney's LETTERS FROM EUROPE Letters from Europe, BY JOHN W. FORNEY, Esq. Editor of the "Philadelphia Press" and " Washington Chronicle," and Secre tary of the Senate of the United Slates. Fines the commencement of the publication of Colonnl Forney's letters from Europe in Th rre, the publisher of that paper have been in the receipt of innumerable inquiries from those who v-ished to know if the correspondence would not appear in bjokform. In accordance with their requests, we will now state that the-e letters, carelully revised and re- ritt n, with im-.ortant additions, are now in prea and will hoit'.y b'-iven to the world in a larg dnod cimo volume of 5i 0 pages, by the publica tion honse of T. 11. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, who are -piri::jr no expense to make of it a book which bhail comi inn every fea'ure Jf typographical exceil--nce chara' teristic of the best publications of this firm. It will contain an excellent fteel portrai of the author, er.raved in the flnest style of .he art, Ij me of the bi-t artists in the conntry.and it will be in every res ect a work acceptable to the numer ous friends of Colonel Koriiey. It w ill be i-ublirhtd in oneUrff duodecimo volume of over 5u0 i ag''Sl bound in cloih. Price, il. Booksellers, news agnts.canvas'ers.and allothers are solicited to ord'-r at once whatever they may want of the above work, s that their orders can be filled from the first edition. Address all cash or. eia, wholesale and retail to the Publishers cf it, T. B. PETERSON A BKOTIIMtS, 806 Cbebtkut Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Copies of the above bock will be seut to any one in advance of the day of publication, to any place,post ajre paid, on receipt of retail price. WANTED Aests and CAHvassitRs in every county, town and village in the Cniied Stat' s and Cau id i-S to engage in g ttiug subset ibers to the above work. ocilo PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O R G Y , Manufacturer of all kind of l- it r in i t: n Asiiiii.iiit?j Sufh aa the celebrated Rod l:re;ikin(r Plows, Monb! Hnaid llwk-r-, Stirrini! Single and Double Suovel-, Cultivator, aud Harrows. Repairing done u short t.t'iiee All work wari .int"u. II:ivuik h.ol much experieti-re iu the business. I -el ;iMi!rit that I can K!ve preaeral s'ltinfactiou. Please giv uie a cali b lo-e purchasing el-ewlierf. I'lHtt-m .uth. Neb , rf ay fith, 1367. TAKE NOTICE. Increased. Pensions due Sol- dien aid their neirs. F. M Di.'rinirton h-s thi day received from tie r..,.,.r Ti.m rb- Law in full with new blanks for t) e collection 01 ad liuonal Botitit ies and increased Pen sioi.H. and I a ready to pro.-ecute all such claims as maw he eiitrnt-d to bis care. ai. ana examine. FiiHtclauued is Oral served. r . M. UOKKISUI P! t!, Ang. 10. IsOi. AND WOOL- CARDIIMG. Ho! f"r Salt Cre k, wh re you can kill two bitds witn one s'one. get your ura n i.rounu ann vooi I'tnlo I at the nauie tim. ; tne macinuery i.-r mrji i in -jerfeet order. We n-e tue Patent JIachi.n" Cauls, which were rvn enough last year to estal li.h their Huperiority oer the old kind, as all who used the can testify. The supenoritv ol sir. s. 1 tkiss as a Carder is well kuov n, aim nis service are mhi re tained for the b. iietit of the pubiic. Wilh the above advantages we flatter ourselves that we can make it to the advar tace of all who want work in our lino to come this way. D . DEAN, Propria tor. Q,ylr) a- 1 ll 133. turucr. F AIRBANK'S STANDARD SCALES, OF ILL KINDS riL Fairbanks, Greeuleaf & Co-, 22G k 238 Late St. Chicago. Jo3 Market St , St. Louis SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. XIaixSt.. - - Plattsmooth. t .m nrenared ta acximmodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, On short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the city wnen aesircu. mr29 J. W. SHANNON FARM For SAL.E CHEAP. The well known farm of S. H. Cummins, situate two miles west of Plattsmoutb, on the Denver road, witn tDe timber thereto. Is Tor sale werw cnep. Apply to J. C. CUMMINS, on the adjoining farm Also, lots 7 and 8, block 14, in Plattstnouth. aag-Jl if Wm. II. JLcmkc, MERCHANT TAILOR ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. iec27 1SC3 tf ORCHARD GRASS FOR PAS TURE. As our prairie grasses are eaten out by stock farmers naturally seek other grasses to supply the place. Experi ments have been made with various results with blue grass, timothy and clover, but so far as we know the or chard grass has never been introduced in this vicinity. From the peculiar character of the grass we think it well adapted to our climate and soil. We recommend a careful perusal of the followicg extract from an able article on ibis gra33 which we clip from the Prairie Farmer: "This is one of the most valuable and widely known of all the pasture grasses. It is common to every country in Europe, to the north of Africa, and to Asia, as well as to America. Its culture was introduced into England from Virginia, where it had been cul tivated some years previously, in 17C-1. It forms one of the most common grass es of English natural pastures, on rich. deep, moist soils. It became soon after its introduction into England, an object of special agricu'tural interest smcr.g cattle feeders, having been found to be exceedingly palatable to stock of all kinds. Its rapidity of growth, the lux uriance of its aftermath, and its power of enduring the cropping of cattle, commend it high!' to the fanuer'd care especially as a pasture grass. 'As it blooms earlier than Timothy, and about the time of red clover, i makes an admirable mixture with that plant to cut in the blos?om and cure fur hay. As a pasture grass it should le" fed close, both to prevtnt its forming hick tufts, and to prevent its running. to seed, when it loses a large prtportion of its nutritive matter, and Leccmes ard and wiry. All kinds of stock eat -it greedily when green. -Judge Baell said of it, -I should prefer it lo aiincst" every o:her grass. iind cows are very fond of it. Eise- here he says, 'The American Cocks foot, or Orchard Gras is one cf the most abiding grasses- we have. It is probably tetter adapted than any othet rass, to sow with cluver and other seeds for permanent pasture, or for h iy. as it is fit to cut wi'.h clover, End grows remarkubly quick whe n cropped by cut tie Five or six dayo grow.h m sum ler sutnees to give a good bite. I ood properties consist in its early and rapid growth, and its resistance tf drouth; but all agree that it should b clossly cropped. Sheep will pass over every other grass to feed upon it. If suffered to grow long without being rn pped. it becomes coarse and harsh. Colonel Powell, a laie eminent farmer of Pennsylvania, after growing it ten years, declares that it produces more pas'urage than any other grass he has seen in America. On being fed very close, it has produced good pasture, af- er remaining five days at rest. It is suited lo all arable soils. Two bu.-hels uf seed are requisite for an acre when sown alone, or half this quantity when sown with clover. The seed is very light, weighing no: more than twelve or fourteen pounds to the bushel. It should be cut early for hay.' 'Mr. Sanders, a well known practi cal farmer and cattle-breeder of Ken tucky, ays of it: 'My observation and experience have induced ma to rely mainly on orchard grass and red clover; indeed, I now sow no other sort of grass seed. These grasses, mixed, make the best hay of all the grasses for this climate (Kentucky). It is nu tritious, and well adapted as food for stock. Orchard grass is ready for grazing in the spring ten cr twelve days sooner than any other that affords a full bite. When grazed down and the stock turned off, it will be ready for re-grazing in less than half the time required for Kentucky Hue grass. It stands a severe drouth better than any other grass, keeping green and growing when other sorts are dried up. In summer it will grow more in a day than blue grass will in a week. Or chard grass is naturally disposed to form and grow in tussocks. The best preventive is a good preparation of the ground, and a sufficiency of seed uni formly sown.' "Orchard grass i3 Ies3 exhausting to the soil than rye grass or Timothy. It will endure considerable shade. In a porous subsoil its fibrous roots extend to a great depth. Its habit cf growth unfits it for a lawn grass. . Its seed weighs twelve pounds to the bushel, and, to sow alone, about twenty-four pounds to the acre are required to make sure of a good crop. It should not be sown alone, except for the sake of raising the seed. It is worthy of a much more extended cultivation among us." TEURIQL;i. EARNEST. If men and women were a3 earnest in seeking the Great Physician of sculs as they are in obtaining the service? of a doctor in sickness, few people would ro unsaved. In the second series of "Spare Hours," Dr. John Brown tells of the terrible earnestness of one of his patients, to get him to the sick bed of a grandson: I shall never forget a proof I my self got twenty years ago, how serious a thing it is to be a doctor, and how terribly in earnest people are when they want him. It was when cholera first came here in 1S32. I was in England, at Chatham, which you all know is a great "place for ships and sailors. This fell disease comes on generally in the night ; as the Bible says, "it walks in the dark ness," and many a morning was I aroused at two o'clock to go and see its sudden victims, for then is its hour and power. "One morning a Sailor came to say I must go three miles down the river to a village where it had broken out in great fury. Off 1 set. We rode in silence down the dark river, passing the huge hulks, and hearing the rest less couc's turning in the'r beds in their chains. The men rowed with !1I their.might ; they had too many dy v." or dead at home to have the heart to speak to me. We got near the placp; it was very dark, but I -saw a crowd of men and women- on the shore at the landing place. .Tieywere uli shouting for the I decter; the shrill cries of the women and the deep voice of the men coining across the water tj me. U e were near tha shore when I saw a big old man, hi hat off, his hair grey, hiahead bald; he said nothing but turning them all cfT wilh his ar:n, he plunged into the sea ar.d before I knew where I wd-, he had me in li aniiS I was helpless as an infant. lie waded out with me, carrying me high up in hi left er:n, at.d wi'.h his right leveling every man or woman who stood iu his way. It was Big Joe, carrying me to see his grandson, little Joe; and he bore rn off to the poor convulsed boy, and dared me to lea'. e him till he was bet ter, lie did get better, but Big Joe was dead that night. lie had the dis ease on him when he carried me away from the boat, but his heart was set upon his boy. I can never forget that .night and how important a thing it was lo be able to relieve the suffering, and how much old Joe was in earnest about havinjr the doctor." A RE.WARKARLE TLAEiE. The Jacksonvil'e (Oregon) Sentinel of a late date says : Several of our citizens returned last week from a visit to the sunken lake, situated in the Cascade Mountains, about seventy-five miles north-east of Jacksonville. This lake rivals the fa mous valley of Sinbad the Sailor. It is thought to average two thousand feet down to the water all around. The wal!s are almost perpendicular, Turning down into the water, and leav ing no beach. The depth of the water i3 unknown, and its surface is smooth and unruffled, and it lies so far below the surface of the mountain that the air current does not effect it. Its length is estimated at twelve miles, and ii.s breadth at ten. No living man ever has and probably never will reach the water's edge. It lies silent still and mysterious in the bosom of the "ever lasting hill," like a huge well, scooped out by the hands of the giant genii of the mountain in unknown ages gone by, and around it the primeval forests watch and ward are keeping. The visiting party fired several times in the water at an angle of forty-five degrees and were able to denote several seconds of time from the report of the gun un til the ball struck the water. Such seems incredible but it vouched for by some of our most trustworthy citizens The lake is certainly a most remarka ble curiosity. GOV. HAYES. Gen. R. B. Hayes, Governor-elect of Ohio, made a speech in Cincinnati lately, when his election had been es tablished beyond doubt, from which we quota the following paragraph, as admirably illustrative of the general Republican sentiment: "One word as to the issues : The Union party have been in favor of maintaining inviolate the faith of the nation. They will continue to stand on that plank to the end. Cheers. They believe that the national credit was an important part of the national power, in its last struggle, and the good name of the nation is, under all cir cumstances, to be maintained. Again, it is probable, from the complexion of the Legislature, that a three-fifth vote cannot be obtained to submit again the colored suffiage issue for many years to come, and therefore oannct be in any canvass before the people for a long time. In the meantime we shall have the experience of other States in this matter. But on this ycu n ay rely, that the Union Republican party will be in the future, as it has been in the past, the party cf progress, the party in favor of human freedom, the party in favor of equal human rights, the party in favor of giving to all the gov erned an equal voice iu the government, and although it is defeated this year, we remember that in 1S62, in the very pinch of the war, we were beaten in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other States, by majorizes far larger than any given against us this year. And we remem ber, also, that in 1563, our majorities were without parallel in the political history of this country. What happen j ed then I am sure is to happen now, and next vear, the great year cf the Presidential elec ion, will see us again united, with 5,000 majority in Hamilton j county, and 50,000 in the State of Ohio!" TO YOUNG MEN. Horace Greeley deals out wisdom to young men in the following style: "I dwell on this point, for I would deter others from entering that place of tor ment. Half the young men in the country, with many old enough to know better, would "go into business" that is, into debt to morrow, if they could. Most poor men are so ignorant as to envy the merchant or manufacturer, whose life is an incessant strurrsle witL pecuniary difiicuiiies, who is driven to constant "thinning," and who, from to month, barely evades the in solvency which sooner or later over takes most men in business, so that it has been computed that but one man in twenty of them achieve a pecuniary success. For. my own part and I speak from sad experience I would rather be a convict in the State prison, a slave in a rice-swamp, than to pass through life under the harrow of debt. Let co young man misjudge himself unfortunate, or truly poor, so long as he has '.he full use of his limbs and faculties, and is substantially free from debt. Hunger, cold, rags, hard work, contempt, suspicion, unjust reproach are disagreeable ; but debt is infinitely worse than them all. And, if it had pleased God to spare either or all of my sons to be the support and solace of my declining years, the lesson which I should have most earnestly sought to impress upon them is "Never'run into debt! Avoid pecuniary obligation as you would pestilence or famine. If you have but fifty cents, and can get no more for a week, buy a peck of corn, parch it and live on it, rather than owe any man a dollar!" Of course, I know that some men must do business that involves risk and must often give notes and other obligations, and I do not con sider him really in debt who can lay his hands directly on the means of pay ing, at some little sacrifice, nil he owes; I speak of real debt that which in volves risk or sacrifice on the one side, obligation and dependence on the other and I say, from all such, let every youth humbly pray God to preserve him evermore ! " gsSThe following mysterious puz zle has nearly "turned the brain" of a score of adepts who have tried in vain to solve it. 0 BaD, The explanation is "a little dark e (darkey) in bed wroDg end to with nothing over it." "STRATEGy, Ml ROY." An exchange tells a novel love story: A young couple planned an elopement; the girl descended from her room upon the traditional ladder, but nt the gate they were met by the father of the girl and the minister, by whom the couple were escorted to the parlor; where, to their surprise, they found all iheir rel atives collected for the marriage cere monies, which took place at once. It was a neat paternal freak. Not near as neat as that of a fond parent we know of. He heard his daughter and her fellow plan an elopement. The next day the old man waited on the young one and addressed him thu3 : "You're a fine, brave youth, and I don't object to you for a son-in-law. Here's a hundred dollars to aid in the elopement. May you live happily in the same house, and may no accident occur to throw the least shadow on the sunshine of your life. All I requet t is that you elope with my daughter she's a mighty nice girl, but somehow her mother and I could never travel smoothly with her, we don't know her good points elope with her to such a distance that she won't return to her loving father and mother any more. Good-bye, sonny, and may you be hap py." Th'ire was an elopement that evening, of one. The young man went unaccompanied. He thought every thing couldn't be right when the father was so anxious to get rid of the girl. The father Ijcks on this as a neat ti; of strategy for one who had never been on McClellan's staff. IT HO RI LES. Fashion rules the world ; and a most tyrannical mistress she is com pelling people to submit to the most in convenient things imaginable, for her sake. She pinches cur feet with tight shoes, or chokes us with a tight neckerchief, or squeezes the breath out of our body by tight lacing. She makes people sit up at night when they ought to be in bed ; and keeps them in bed in the morning, when they ought to be up and doing. She makes it vulgar to wait on one's self, and genteel to live idle and use less. She makes people visit when they had rather stay at home, eat when they are not hungry, and drink when they are not thirsty. She invades our pleasure and inter rupts our business. She compels people to dress gaily, whether upon their own property or that of others, whether agreeable to ihe Word of God, or the dictates of pride. She ruins health, and produces sick ness ; destroys life, and occasions pre mature deaths. She makas fools of parents, invalids of children, and servants of all. She is a tormentor of conscience, a despoiler cf morality ; and an enemy of religion; and no one can be her companion and enjoy either. She is a despot of the highest grade, full of intrigue and cunning, and yet husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters and servant?, black and white, have voluntarially become her obedient subjects and slaves, and vie with one another to see who shall be most obsequious. tyS5Catherine Beecher, a Beecher who, besides being a Beecher, has written a cook book and some other things, has come out an Episcopalian. In an explanatory letter she charges all her brothers with having abandoned the fine old orthodox tenet of infant damnation, and takes this shy at Henry Ward in particular: "Then our young er brother, both as minister and editor, has rejected the theory of infant de pravity, and the whole system based on it." KS?"A company has been formed in France, with a capital of 3,000,000 francs, to search for three Spanish galleons which were sunk by the Eng lish fleet at the commencement of the last century. The galleons in question were returning from Mexico, and had on board about 500,000.000 piastres. They are still at the bottom of the sea, and several attempts to get at the treasure have failed. Powerful ma chinery is being constructed at Bordeaux. THU Sl'TV AT limXIGIIl. Hon. J. II. Campbell, United States minister at Norway, with a party of American gentlemen, went far enough North to see ihe sun at midnight. It is GO degrees north latitude, as they as cend a cliff one thousand feet high above the Arctic sea. The scene is thus graphically described: It was late, but still sunlight. The Arctic ocean stretched away in silent vastness at our feet and the sound of its waves scarcely reached our air look outj'away in the north the huge old eun swung low along the horizon, like the slow beat of the pendulum in the tall clock in our grandfather's parlor cor ner. We all stood silent looking at our watches. When both hands came together at twelve, midnight, the full routd orb hung triumphantly above the wave the bridge of gold running due north spanned the waters between us and him. There he shone in eilent majesty, which knew no setting. We involuntarily took off our hats; no word was said Combine, if you can, the most brilliant sunset and sunrise you ever saw, and its beauties will pae before the gorgeous coloring which now lit up ocean, heaven and mountain. In half an hour the sun had swung up perceptibly on its beat, the colors changed to those of morning, a fresh breeze rippled over ihe flood, one songster after another piped up iu the grove behind us we had slid into another day. Jf"There was once one very illit erate gentleman one Peter Patterson appointed as Justice of the Peace. The first day his clerk handed him a duplicate writ. "Well what shall I do with it i" was his querry, "Noth ing but sign your initials," was the re ply. "My nishuls what are they?" 'Why, two P's," replied the clerk, impatiently. Cold perspiration stood on the forehead of the unhappy magia irate, and he seized a pen, and, with desperation upon his face, wrote, "700 peze." CSrJame3 Guthrie, when Secrela ry of the Treasury, one day sent a let ter to a friend in Baltimore. The next morning its recipient appeared in the Department and handed back the missive. ' Mr. Guthrie," said he, "I can't make out ona word of your letter but the signature, so I have brought il ftr you to translate." The Secretary knitted his brows, and puzzled over it for some nrnutes. At last he gave it up. "Hang me if I can read it eitherl I have forget n its exact contents, but I know what I wanted to see you about. Sit down and I will tell you." i5"Mr. Weber, one of the savans jf Zurich, Switzerland, recently ex amined the stomachs cf a number tf moles caught in different localities, but failed to discover therein the slightest vestige of plants or roots; whereas they were filled by the remains of earth worms. He shut up several of these animals in a box containing earth and sod, with growing grass and a smaller case of grub or earth-worms. In nine days two of the moles devoured 341 white worms, 193 earth worms, 26 caterpillars and a dead mouse. Fed with a mixed diet of raw meat and vegetables, the moles ate the meat and left the plants, and when vegetables exclusively were dealt out to them, both died of starvation in twenty-four hours. Admiration. to comprehend and demonstrate that a thing is rot beau tiful, is an ordinary pleasure and un grateful task ; hut to discern a beauti ful thing, to be penetrated with ita beauty, lo make it evident, and make others participale in our sentiment, is an exquisite joy a generous task. Ad miration is, for him who feels it, at once a happiness and an honor. Il is happiness to feel deeply what is beau tiful ; it is an honor to know how to recognize it Admiration is a sign cf an elevated reason served by a noble heart. It is above a small criticism, that is skeptical and powerless, but it is the soul of a larger criticism that is productive. It is, thus to f-peak, the divine part of taste. Cousin. Jr5? A foreign journal announces that the railway from Paris to Stras burg has now three-story cars, for firat, second and third class passengers. - -- -v 4