Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 24, 1867, Image 4
PLASTIC SLATE, FOR EOOFING AND OTHER PURPOSES. The procesi of roomt meting Slte Stone from a disintegrated tt' was PATENTED FEB. 21st, 156:3. It is a combination of Pulverized Slate and Viscous Ilatter, (the latter pomes -.iDS qualities of pe 'loirical eud chemical affinity for the forrnoi,) aud is a oe velopmciit of one of the Mm le but unal terable tendencies of nature AS A HOOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS CSB1VALLID. A mastic it adapt itself to every shape and slope JSon-combuslible, impervious, non-expansive and timle'avinrr. .Frost Does not Crack nor Heat Dissolve it. be only Roiling Material ever discovered that will resist tbe actiou or me element as iona the structure it protect. Being eas ceptibleof little if any wear from exposure aud PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, ft is un quailed as a coating fr railroad and fajm feUUUHlgrf, DrlJgCS, DOIMJUIHOI TOWlJi Material, for sale by ALFRED OSI30KN, Sole Licensee for Nebraska, Douglas St. - - Omaha, Neb inyl ly HEAIj BSTAT r. H. Wheeler & Oc , Real Estate Agen s- PLATTSMOUTH, N. T., Offer for sale the following Real Estate. Sec. T'p R i e 22 VI 11 FO 2: 11 11 60 : i-j m hi 82 V2 12 fP 1 11 It Ifl 1 II 11 -2 11 11 H! 10 10 14 Si 3 11 II BP 13 11 13 41 1-2 12 H Hi 4 10 13 ter4 1 13 i 12 12 12 Si 22 12 12 13 10 14 10 10 13 SO 10 10 1.1 3 C 3 11 11 SI 21 12 12 l0 23 11 12 ii 1 11 12 St ter 1 11 12 41 Fast half northeast quarter West half northwest quarter South half northeast quart' r N'jrrh half southeast quarter Northeast quarter Southwest quarter West half southeast quarter North half southeast quarter West half northeast quarter Northwest quarter nnrihwest qr West half southwest quarter Eaht half southeast quarter Southwest quarter southeast quarter 4 South bairuoithwest quarter Northwest quarter Kast half southwest quarter North half southeast quarter North half southwest q iarter West half northwest quarter Northeast unarter Undivided half southwest quarter East half north wot quarter northwest quarter northeast quart Lots in the city of Plattsmoul B 23 68 50 &3 I.' THOMPSON'S ADDITION. JEasthalf of blocks 1, 4. 7, ci aud 10. South haif of block 3. Lots 6 and 7 in block 5. West half section 32, township 11, ran?e II J acres nnder lence, 112 story frame house, pfx w and spring, and good running waier. Plenty of ti' ber for are-wood. Fiice 3,750. NEW JEWELRY STORE The subscriber having pnrchased the Red Ftoie on 1 1 street, lately occupied by Sarpy and ethers, woul respectfully inform the citizens of Platteinoutu and vicinity, that be has refitted tbe store and opened s Jurpe stock of AND FANCY ARTICLES Tor Ladies, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, atd is prepared t do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be happy to serve his uld and at mauy new customers as may give him patronage, assuring them of their woik well done, at nnrderate prices, and on short time. The tocit, embracing every variety ol goods usually kept at a first-class Jewelry Store, will be sold a low irices. and warranted of best workmanship and material, lie has also a small stvv.k of FAMILY GROCERIES, trhich will be replenished from time to tim and aold at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo cated in this city. 1 respectiully solicit a share of pa tronape, and cordially invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, as we would be p'. eased to serve you, a-d do not ak you to buy ur.ljts we e n make it for your interest to patronize as. dec27tf E. U. EATON". BOARD ASD LODGIKG, B O . T. COIiVIN, OAK STKKET, ... PJATTSM0CTU, Two blocks northwest of Brick chool-llouse. Private mom furnlsed if desired. Either day tioaij or with loilginjs at reasonable rates. Jan 3 d tf. rjlie place to get Perfumery af all kind? is at X . BLACK. BUTTERY Jt Co.'S. i '1 o to Illack, Battery U Co.'s fcr your L I Lubrtc andatcrs. MUSIC. Mrs. Kate StMPsO.t lnvlcg h- en solicited to eu large her class in Munic, both Vocl an 1 Insirumen t il, his concl'ided to d j o, anl will give I'-ssrms n tht I'iatio aud Organ to those desirous of t'coniirg perf'iriiiers on th 8am. Terms, etc.. given on ap plication! her residence on Miin street. ap4 8m -1-1 - i-t GToEAT .h urLana Gcheme. 5":'- 4 ..,.1 f ... n..l.i...t r"4Tviilir. E j -j : rirr-s- VINODCN, :a, ill. UR3.. ILLCOX&IBBS it r tit i tin mm Tlie Cbampiont4 M of 136 first pre miums in twotl tl5680118- "Its seam is2ftlstronger and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Jiulgta' Report of Uie Grand lYuil." Send for tte "Report," and Samples of work, containing' both Linda of stitches on tbs 6ame piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0BHELL & CO., Genl Agents, 138 Lako 8t . Cbleaf. p. p TODD, Local Asent, Piatt jmouth. Neb ot17 w y FOR SALE good two story brie store buildinp, 22,by Ofeet Wiltitood cell ir; forfurthei rmrti.-nlaro iictuiri- r.f th juueJCxn oakd or fiCHOfoi. Dxkbctom iot Block Lot . Block Lot 6 22 1-2 f-4 6 29 9 24 3 0 JM 8 33 H JO 67 10 90 0 123 1 12 4 6 81 8 The north half of 8 47 1 l .i tVZZ :- !i": . - - 4.-.- JC-S7 I Pictures taken Picture uauery.- . 0SatbNdeMainSt, ;it Ambrotypes, Photographs, Gem Pictures, &c. A good assortment of Cases Frftm?3 ilhnm L.. constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frame, made to or er, of any size YDt. R. FENICK, PENICK & ah Wholesale R(!0(g rffiO Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Class, Paints, Oils, Pure AVines and I.iquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- 3 Zl 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- -Ye are the Northwestern Wholefale Agents for Dr. D. Jay Del Son.'atid Dr. J. C. Ay-er A Co., and can furnish their Iu any quantities. janiS ly & Co , Or.e door wist of Donelans Drug-store, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS, CATS. Et'OTS. SHOES, TKUSKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS Tor the Plaius; also, a lare lot of R UDBER CL O TIUJTG, R E VOL Y ERS Jl.VD .YOTIOJTS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. ,nil xaiiiiue our stock before you buy any where elsel jyl 'CO Wm. BTAUKLMANN & CO. THOMAS C. CUES SHAW, FACREB or AND DEALER t!t Saddle 3 and Harness, 1R IDLES, COLLARS, CURR1E Cv7ibs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, t$-c. Main; Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! Wit!. IIEKAIiD Uas moved Into his now brick bnilding on the C -ner of Main street and Levee, wteie he is laily re seiving large additions to his already extensive stock of G R O C 3 H I 3 S AND 3Li JL Z2 CJ 0 El. J3- He offers the very bttet of bar?:us to c'ist-'in rs; and requests a call fr-m those who want anything iu his line tj test the alvaniag ia prices with thokt jf others. Uemember tho BRICK CORNER, nd give hija a call if you wish to buy cheap. nov2 CITY BAKERY AND CON FEGT IONE RY, P. STADELMAITN, BREAD, CAKES, PIE?, RISK, Etc, Of tho hest quality, can be obtained Rt all times. woul 1 invite esp.cil attention to the fact that I have fitted up an isicc i- at ICE CREAM SALOON In connettion it' the Tikcry, where yon can be accommodated at li tiuies. Wedding par'ies sui!ie 1 on short notice with any'.hiug in the line of Confectionery or l'astry Call aud se.-me. jel3 F. II. DORRIITGTOK", RcAL ESTATE AGENT, PLA TTSMO V TIT, AL'Z,'., :r -npt attention paid to the purchase and sal r.f R al restate, and p:iyn entof Taxes, and all buines p -itaining to a geaeral Laud Agency. Titles inves tigated. Refers ty permission to K n. E. S. Dundy. Judge 2d Judicial Dist., Falls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major Edw'd BurbarS, Paymaster C. . A.. Leavenworth, Kansas; lion. J. II. Rurhar.k, la'J A-t Esor Neluaska, Falls ( ity. Neb ; iion. T. M. M ui.'t Plattsm uth. Neb., Col. K. K. Liv ing-ton, la e C . ehrsska 1st Vet. Vols., Platt.iuouth, Neb.; M.;. 3.11. Wheel r, U. fl. Indian Agent, Pawnee Ai?ncy; C'ha's Neltleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Yoik; Harvey, Deitrich & Brown. WashinuLm, D. C ; Tray, ila.-u'ire & Co., Chicago, Ills.; U. U li'eh. K., hejter, N. Y.. Prof. Henry Arling 'ale, ''Harr.rd University," N. V. oc25 Capt. D. LAKCO & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in Wineo and Liquors, Also a very cho'ce selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, socond door eat of S.ymour Ilouse, Nebraska City, Nebraska Are Just receiving a new stock of Genuine Old Bonrt'tm, direct from I'outbon county, Ky.. Bitters, nt C'irs, tte, mylS w V. L. THOMAS' of all Kinds. WM. LOVIXC LOVING, eaer IB SI 9 W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. GliY BOOT AND SHOE LEATIIEESTOllE. We arc sellir.g Bmits, lioes ana Leather, ar store on Main street, one door west of uie le Valley I'ouse, CH EAPER thanths CHEAPEST We are manufacturing work from the very best of stock, a d will accommodate ail who may give us a call. Repairing done at all Jimcs GAGE & DAVIS. Aug. 20, '66 d&wtf WOOJIVOUTII & CO, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders 5:Paperdealers, SALYT JOSEPH, JUO., oc25 6'u ti. WHEELER, E. C. LEWIS I. U. TYIiceler & Co., Real Estate Agents. Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTH, A'. T. C Elections promptly attended to, and proceeds re mitted at current rites of Kxchange. Taxes paid in Wes vm Iowa and Nebr.isKa lor non-residents. Titles to la id iuvesii.iti d. -V.mey loaned on Keai Kstate Kecur.ties. Land Wanants located. CLAIM AGErJTS. A ents for collection of claims against Governmen for Sold ers, their widows and minor heirs. Agent for .he purchase and sale of Lands and City proper ty, c.i ing of Tenements. REFERENCES: Hon. S. II. Klbert, Denver City. C. T. Messrs. Kountze Bros., Omaha, Neb. " S'cCann & Metcalf, Nebraska City. " O. F. Fillcy. St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Dlo Lewis, Borton, Massachusetts. H W Ditmars. Chicago, Illinois. II M ."Jaill, Cincinnati. Ohio. Tootle A llanna, Plattsmotith . Nebraska. L li I'.ich, Three Rivera. Michigan. Iloa F Fellows, l;loomtleld, Wisconsin. Hon T Al M;.rquett, Flattsmouth, Nebraska. L lewis. Attorney at Law, Buffalo, New York, tarter, Hussey & Curl, Des Moines, Iowa. i 3 diwtf 33res3-lvlaker. MRS. L. B. JONES, Wonld resjwcttully inform the ladies of PlatUmontb that she is now prejared to iIj CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING if required. Ladies snd Chililrens' Dresses, Cloaks, Basques, etc. MACHINE bTITCUIXO done also. Al' work will be executed with neatness, aud will receive prompt attention. She will eudeavor to give satihfiieticn, and therefore solicits t:ie patronage of the ladies of this place and vicinity. 93Resideuco in the building formerly occupied by ilathis t Sou's Bakery, Main street. Mrs. Jones is now organizing a ciub fir Dcmorest's Mirror of Fashions; cH and subscribe. uovJ'i Heal Estate J Q-ENT, OFFICE IS MASOMC BLOCK I'LA TTSMO I TU, XEERASKA. G3 " 131. Lot C in block 47, good residence, w:dl and out buildings. Lot li in block 62. a Food two-story residence, brick baem-nt, well, barn and other outbuildings. A rare chance for a good it vestment. Lot 11 in block 173, huildine with two rooms and cellar. Good chance for a small capital. Lot 10 in block 27, good robidence, with all the necesstry outbuildings. We-t half of section S-, town 12, range 13, togeth er with rid acres of timber- One hundred acres un der cultivation. Eight miies from l"iattsmouth,near 1'lutle river. An improved farm of eighty acres, good home, well, tte, with five acres o good timber, ' Eighty acres of land, partly Improved, two an ad half miles from the city. 160 acres of partly improved land, with 40 acres erf young timM'r, situated 4 miles south of town. Euxned Gut, BUT HOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Shryock is again a? the old stand prepared to wait upou his former customers, and the public generally. If yoi: want anything n shaj of Farni ture or Chairs, give him a call. 3rd street near Main.Plattsmoutb, N. T. ioayI7,dif. Miss A. II. DESPAIN, lUiiuiifr anil if rcssmalier. OPPOSITE Til E POST-OFFICE, Has just received a lartr- ft-k of Jt'EW GOODS.' of the late-t fashions. New (oo'lg received every montu. c-a.ll ami see tueui. mystr nos. tle, r. k. hAdjii j. r.clark i Tootle, Hanna h Clark, BANKERS, Dealers Li Gold Dust. Cold and Silver Coin, ExcSianc, U- and other Stocks- DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. ap9 dtfwtf speotns THE NEBRASKA C ( f T T T !Y TTTnTT T-1 A X ' I ' LT ' JJ'J.VX.KJ1M VV iJXiXIXJJL. The undersigned having made arrangements for estaoli-hing a Republican paper at Lincoln, the Cap ital of the itate, have the honor to announce to the public that the materials for a first -class publishing and job office have been ordered and will be ready lor business In a short time- Toe "COMMONWEALTH" will labor for the early and rapid devclopement of the resources of our inte ior counties and the State generally, by the influx of hurdy immigrants, and for the iiame'lia'e construe tion of the iron highaars of commerce, to make a mullet for the first gra n growing tection of the Union. As an exponent of Fepvblicanism it will sustain the policy adopted by the CoDression:,! ma jority, in obedience to the mandates of the men who carried the fljg from the "Rive- to the Sea." But while faithful to the principles of the Republican party, we shall freely consider and di cuss the great ques'ioas of the d..y as they preseut themselves, in all candor and with buch ability as we m; y possess Siibi.crt'j'tion price per minimi in ailcancc The"Commonieea2ih" will be i. sued at the earll est practicable day. C. II. GERE & CO. E. WI-IITING Wholesale dtalcr in Boots 5 Shoes, A N.D 28. "crisis NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, - MISSOURI, Is constant'y in receipt of all the various styles from the manufacturers. Cash paid fur Hides i eits, etc. Hov7dwly S HARDING a GO, TOST OFFICE BUILDING NF.BRASKA.CiTY, N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agents for all the prinoipal MA GA ZISES and A'E WSPA PER S, For which Subscriptions are received atPublisbir Prices. Apothecaries Hall. REED,TCE3ITII&ER & Co No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - - Dealers in DRUGS & MEDKKES, Paints Oils, Putty . Glass Patent Medicines of all kind''. tnrtieles. Kts tiooery, and everything kept in rst-clas Drug aiore, at uasieiu prices. jjr We are prepared to fill all orders, and warrant ourjjoous to oe ire-n. ar. 10 tio Dealer in uardwaro, Cutlery JRO.Y, JVA1LS, STOVES JIjYD TLYIV.1RE, AGRICULTURAL ILIFLEilENTS A'so, Agent for the Sale of the Celebrated 3fA G F.E COOK isTVVES, A Kit BR ASCI, t ROOKS k CO'S SA n s. SIGH OP THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Delow the Seymour House, on opposite side, NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct25 Boot & Tuoe Store ! J. THROCKKORTON & SON, at their old ttand, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - ... N. T. We keep constantly on hand a la-ge assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. Repairing done at soh rt no tice. SFA11 Work Warranted. J TUEOCKM0RTON. A. rilROCKMORTO.'. Oct 25 'C6 f j. d. smrsoy, H'. MICK EL Simpson, Mickelwait & Co., Wholesale Sat Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. PLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA. De-lers2,in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WlDOY-I3LLDS, GLASS, PINE AXD COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH PICKETS, BLACK, BUTTERY &, CO., Wholesale and Drills, Medicines and Giis, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for ETedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and pltysiciano Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians9 Prescriptions Careally Filled by Dr. IJlacti riaitsrnouili, May 1st, 1SG5, tf 1867. )S I, A MIS ON, DOYEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE I5NS WARE, IIAIiDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, 3Ieckanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOOR, BACON, CORN, OATS, Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. PlattUmouth, April 10, ISrt . tf 2-1 a r cl w a r g , E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia QABDW4RG AGRICDLTDRAL BlPLEHEiMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STATvlPED WARE STEEL, P L O "W" S Of all kinds and sizes, which we warrant the be; t in the market. 3"oio wonis. 2 Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this County for the sale Stewart's Celebrated or Wood jCook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Block. PLATTSMOUTH. ED Wl BUTTERY. WAIT, and Retail k?& ti. t i5". 1 ETC., ETC. Retail Dealers in Iron, Brass, Japaned of Combination Coal Main St., next door east of Masonic J3 URLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. 11 M ISG( EASTWAHD 18GG Short nnd Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection with the DeS Moines Vallev and Chicago, Hmlmgtou and y:.iney luilroad. Three train leave OMumwa daily an arrival of Des Moiues Valley trains. BUY YOUR TICKETS VIA OTTUKWA and BURLINGTON run S A LE AT IM.A'ITKMOI ITIT. OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE, ALHIA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALO0SA, EDDYVILLH, OTTUMWA, Baggage checked from Otturnwa irv Chicago and the East. Fasenfrerft have choice of all the frreat lines ienJ lnt North, Kat and oulh, and will find tickets ta til principal points Ka.t l v all routes at the Uttum a ticket otliie of Ihi rompn'iy. I'HJ-cners will fiuJ thin route Quick, Fife au !ure in it connections. C. K. PERKINS, Superintendent. L. CARPER, General Treiglit aud Pa.renKer Age jORTII MISSOURI RAILROAP TO St. LOUIS AMD ALL POINTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS, Connects with the Ilantiihal St Joeph It It Macon City, 11 tulles of St. Jonepli and finr The. Only All Rtiil Il' ttt'fniH Aluhixun ,tutl 1 oey.t to S'f Lnui, .MiikiPp direct and reii.iMe c tineition- with Fa iu oiiw Rxsu'cs Tralnn. I.ehvir'sr t I.ouU at -1 o'eli ck in the af'eruoou, ri : i; 1. umil'Ii to all L i. t- rn citie without a us ito'i'i'a (le.iy. I i-itu-t-ri p.'iii' to'K'.ljJthi, ., ic Ynri; !,; i ui:. W.lfh Intf nn-buru. y; '..-, '.., . an iv Knlant Tularin anl i'.toit. Via the above I ia" htve Ies chai.tri s of Cars Ilalic Quicker Timo Thnti by anv other route. Vnftunfr (Jolnjf f iMiiiit- in Centra! and S.oit' er-r Ohio, Central ai) Southern lull . Southern Illiuii.-, a ad all poii.l n Ketit-tcky t.' uke v. r .l hours jun ter tline tha .an be io ide any i th- r route. Thr. uch Ticket-i cm j isrcharcd at nil Ka'dro iJ fit ll. t lli'V in the wel. He it understood . th" t ttie fre to nil point" r -t I the same via the N'o tli ili-eui l P..nlrud an I M. I.oiiiiiah by way nf Chic ago ut any tdher r uto. 00 via t-t Louis Itout .-. I.' a ao ii pti'i;c;kon', Pre.idetrt ai.d (jen'l Su.i't. St I.oni , W J II. II . W II K r LV. It, Ginl Ticket Aieot. St l.rtm. W. W KlIMNdKIt, Geu'I Fl ig'lt Asetit Hi LmiiJ, 1'. H. EAItl.KV, A Kent, hi I K I. M Iil.N.N, O. u'l W. teru Aeirt,St Joseph, lit T HE SHORT ALL RAIL LINli EAST To Chit-nan, Ihlrmf, Totnln, St ... l.tifityitt. Jii'liitvttiiH, Clm-iii mil i, ,'iii e,7' Ktlxh ri If", I'rrin, M, m j,f.i s, l n' niitl.itH, H"-, inif, J;,-!m.:i,! . j:m,'.i l.i. i,i,jnni ' x. ; it. hut y, Eoltimitrr. II 'ml in 'mi, I'.'.i.'urh y '.i.i, Mem Yuri-. B-. lon, .t, Is vl the old, reliable Central Koine tho Hannibal & St. Jo. 11. II J3?Tiike the II & ST. JO'll. 71. ine of Mi.suuit River I'aclrets from PLATTSMOUTH To St. Josep'i, where connections are nnrde with Two Daily Ezprcsa Trains Ou the II ft St Joe. It. K., run throuvh from Salal Jo.-eph 1 1 Qu'n y without change of cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi.h Chirjiiro. linrlinrton Quia'.v, and Toledo, Wal'a-h 4 Kuilioade for all points aast. North and south. For Gt. Louis Close connection mailt at' MACON with NOP.TII MISSOURI It. K. for St I.ou.s, and at Hauuihal with Daily Miss. Itivir Packet for St. Loo is, np-als a ml -taterooms free, leaving every evening on arrival if trains frora lhe west, and arriving in St. Louis n'xt morning in feaon for b rsiriess, and to connect with Chicago, Alton A St. Louis, Terre Haute, AIpoi 4 M l.o ds, and Ohio A Misxhtdppl Kailroads.for all pulntf Ear', North and South. NHW SLEEPINU CARS Run on Night Trains. " I!uy your through ticket via Hannibal it Ft .To K. It. at their ticket ntliceit in Omaha, Councrl BIulTs PHttsmouth. Nebraska City, fct. JoM-ph, ar.d on each Packet in the line, and enioy the con sciousness of having taken the short, cheap atel quick r ute ea-f C. W. MEAD, (in rinp't. P. It. fiROAT O.-n'l Ticket Air.rit. II. II. COCKTKIQHT. Oon'l Kr't At. EIaii:iiLal & St. Joe 11. II jil Packet Line. One of the Company Steamers leaves daily fr a every point on the Miss- uri River above M. J e h, ind ariives at M. Josrph in time to connect with lies expre-h train on t) e ilat oJbal A t. Jo-eph Ha,i'e I fer llatitiibal, at wh.rh place connee'i'iii is niade li.s same eTeii'ng with oue i t the Ke- ki.k Packets, which irrivis in time to connect with next in ir: li ir.iir t out of St. I.i.uis for Cincinnati, Iudiarmpolis, ville, Terre Haute, V ihiu t in City, Lvtm. Philade l is, New Y ok, Huston, ar.d to a!! et..r Eastern, Norili' rn atid rsoiitliern Cities. The a'ov uiiiitinned riiiiwo! rlcEa'.t I'nckets are couc ib l ly all travcieis to be t),e I est ..ri th We-terr, waters. THUortiil TI( Kl.'lM For Fnle to Ft. Louis, and all Ki-tern, Northern sr.i Southern citie via the al'Ove lines at Denver City, ' ni ha, Council lllulis, platismouth, Nebraska t'it and at all other prineip.,1 t cket utH'-a i i tlm west. 4-Mcals and State-rooms free! R. FDKIt. Sup't It. I:. P. L , M Joseph . II. i. r ili(JC.-0., H. e'y K. It V. U, 6t. J '', h. J. D. SIMl'SON, Aeut, ap25 I'lattsmotith, NebrickA. FURNITURE, COFFINS AND Cabinet - Work ! PI- BOECK erilatKed bis f-hop nd Sab s-ror ms wou ') re.-iieciful!y r luitoi tbe people in this viiinity tl.J he can f uroisb thetn w.tii the verv Lest furniture. Chairs, or other Cabinet-work, at the mo t ra." li able rate.. I shall keep roustantly on band a larys assorHuent of EnsUm M'orit, and aui also (irepard to manufacture anj lhian- iu my line on snort netic.v. A largo assortment of Keac y uiade Ccllius k' pt al all times. Ca1! and examine my etock and prices. jell) dii-w tf it. isuicb. WAGONS ! J It. PORTEIt & CO Are sgjnts in this city lor the sale of .theVeItbfBfel South 13 cud Wagons," If ide by Ktudebaker Bros They have on band a am 1 assortment, which will be replenished as fat s aeeded. They propose to il at the vcty !(. linrcs- NEBRASKA Platfinoum, aiarcu