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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1867)
i LOCAL NEWS- "Wm. Ilerold has just returned with another large etoen of goods. ("The Odd Fellows had a grand time at Nebreka Citv last week. 5?"The Herald has now ah ut 2, COO constant readers. Advertisers will xaako a note of this. Cgrilon. John TufTe, Member of Con gress from Nebraska, is lying seriously 111 at his home in Omaha. 5?"We rearet to learn that our es teemed friend, lion. A. B. Fuller, has been seriously ill for tho past week. lie is recovering. a7"IIi8 Honor, Judge Lake, a.rivcd In the city Monday evening, since which time court has been in session. Q57"A party of Railroad engineers aro at work sounding the river in tho vicini ty of Omaha. "Judge Crounso is holding court for Jud go Lake in Douglas county, while the latter is holding a term here. Q27"IIon. Dan. Parmele killed a wild cat on his farm near Elkhorn a short time since. (3?"They have struck sulphur in the 'pit" on the Morton farm since tho elec tion. Q3?"If jou, want a good square meal, served in good style, go to the Platte Valley House. County Surveyor Fairfield has just completed the survey of a new road to Salt Creek. Q"Ve want ten cords ofgoad hard wood at the Herald office, on subscrip. tion or advertising. C3TCol. O. II. Irish of the Press, has -gone east. lie will purchase new mate rial for his office while absent. 3Some one in Nemaha county has raised a squash weighing 100 pounds. Cas3 is ahead et. CSAl the recent election for a county eat in Richardson county, Salem receiv ed 543 Totes, Arago 321 and Falls City 257. CMessrs. Stevenson and WardeU, of Nebraska City, have bcn in this city for Several days attending to business in the District Court. Q"Joseph Smith, son of the o:iginal Mormon prophet, has lately been hunt ing up tho lost sheep of the church in Otoe county. 5"J. XV. D imes, of tho News Depot, has our thanks for late St. Louis papers. They are always to be found on the counter. C3?" The Richardson County Fair, which was held at Salem on the 31, 4th -and 5th inst., was a fine success. Sev eral thousand person attended thj exh: bition. s7"Any person having for rent a email piece of land from ten t; fifty acres with a comfortable house on it, can End a good and permanent tenant by applying at the Herald oQce. tf. A change of venue has been taken in Otoe county in the case of the people of Nebraska vs. Wishwire, and the case will be tried in this county at the next term of oourt. 3?"Capt. J. XV. Pearman has been poking some rough facts before the peo ple in regard to J. S. Morton, Esq.; and judging from the bad temper displayed in the Newt we conclude tbey hurt some. - d"At a large Democratic meeting in Butler county, Ohio, Vallandigham was unanimously nominated for the U. S. Senate. He is undoubtedly the repre sentative man of the party in Ohio, no matter how much some Democrats in these parts deny it. m m ("The bear and bull fight which was advertised to come off in Omaha last Sat urday was a complete "fizzle." The bear refused to fight and the bull had it all his own way. The performance only lasted a few minutes. Ladies, if you would be known as good cooks, and would aveid the mortifi cation of having poor buscuits for tea when you have company use D. B. De Land Jb Co'a Best Chemical Saleratus, .and that only. CAs many people in this city are iateresteJ in knowing the whereabouts of the recent Democratic leader W. F. jCrawford we would say to them that he is at Cheyenne, and has his "shingle" out as follows : "W. F. Crowford, late .Judge of the Supreme Court of Wiscon sin." Q"Thc Messrs. Snell have completed their new two story brick store at Ash land, and they are going to have a regu lar old fashioned '"house warming" musio and dancing on next Thursday evening. The Herald establishment acknowledges the receipt of aa invita tion. "An affray oecurred in Omaha la3t Monday morniDjj between two neighbors, G.P.Collins and Joseph Redmond, in that the statute of limitation does not which lUdtaond struck Collins on tho run againet said note until after a de head with a board and fractured hisjraand has been raade. Tho point was skull, causing the death of Collins in the ' held by the Court to be good. We be eourse of a few hours, Redmond imme- j lieve this is the first time this point diatelygtve himself up. Collir? common- ' has ever -been raised in our courts, eel the attack. ' Ja-Jmcai res..Iir:J fir VIS. for $-177. CaTA little toleny of nine families, all from the same neighborhood in Illinois, has recently located in the rich valley of the Platte about twelve miles above A?hland. A large emigration from the same locality is expected to join them early next spring. Ci7"We learn that turkeys are quite plentiful in the timber on the opposite s:dj of the river from town. A couple of our sportsmen went across last Monday morning, and brought down seven, and would havo got more only they were o very wild. They crawled some forty rods before they got a shot. There used to be deer about here, but Anderson .ind Da. vis killed the last one we have heard of being killed in tho county near the river. Richardson county polled 1,134 votes, and gavo a Demoeratic majority of 'J.jQ. The Register is published in that county .Yews. Otoe county polled 1,047 votes, and gave a Republican majority f 44. The Acres is published in that county. (3?"Tho advertisement of Prof. Muel ler of Council Bluffs, appears in the Her ald to day. We can recommend the Prof to our readers as a proper man to deal wth, and ore deserving the trade cf this part of the country. He vitits this city about onoo every montb, and orders left at the Platte Palley House will receive attention on his arrival, CTho citizens of Saunders county are moving in tho matter of a mail route from Ashland to Columbus. The route is already established, but for some rea son service has never been put upon it. It is a very important route, and we hope the Department will attend to letting the contract at an early day. Mail service through on that routa will do much to wards assieting to settle the couutry. m m "5?"Mr. Mueller sold last week one of those superior. Pianos to John F. Buck, Esq , of this county. It speaks well for the farming interests of Cass couaty to see so many of our farmers purchasing pianos, and otherwise preparing to live in comfort and case. Others desiring to purchasing pianos will find Mr Mueller thepropar man to deal with. The in struments he sells are warranted for live years. C7" Wc learn from Col. Patterson that Mr. Everett Metcalf, who resided in tho southern part of tho ounty, was kill last week by the accidental discharge of a gun. no placed the toe of his boot on tho hammer of the gun and was in the act of blowing into the muzzle to as certain if it was loaded, when his toe slipped from tho hammer and a full charge of shot penetrated tho brain through tho roof of his mouth, killing him instantly. s, - It t9 estimated by well posted bus iness men that there are now 800,000 tons of freight to be transported yearly from tha upper Missouri river to St. Louis, a-ide from that which wouUJgo to Chi j eago. Is Tilt this something towards in ducing a railroad a'ongthe west bank of tne river ? Tiic estimate is on the cbs? ' of freight which necessarily must goto St. Louis, whether wo have eastern roads or not. A saving on the trans portation of this freight puts the differ ence into tho pockets of the producers the farmers of Nebraska. Ci"A3 the long winter evwnings are near at hand, would it not be well for cur public spirited and inteiligant citi zens to take iteps for opening some sort of club or association for pleasure and improvement. Nj one doubts there is talent enough in our community for al jiost any kind of entarpriso desired, and we call on some of our go-ahead eitizens to bring it together and give us iome thinT to break tho monotony of dull win ter nights. Every town of the size of Plattsmoath in the Stato has either a Literary Club, Thespian Society or Li brary Association, and our city should not be behind in theso good works. De vise some plan that will interest the young boys, and let them have some other place than saloons to spend tleir leisure time. We hope our citizens will consider this matter and be ready for active measures at an early day. All as sistance that ' can be rendered by the Herald will be cheerfully given. C??"Mr. Dobson, of Rosk Bluffs, has a quantity of the Black Tartary Oats, which will yield seventy-five bushels to the acre and weighs thirty-eight pounds to the bushel. He raised about 300 bu shels this season, which he offers to sell in small quantities to farmers for seed. Tbey were materially injured by grass hoppers last spring, but the yield was then over fifty bushels to the acre. Mr. Dobson sent to Ireland for the seed, and obtained only a email package, from which he now has, as above stated, some three hundred bushels. A specimen can be seen at this offiae. C57"In the case of John Fountain vs. Ths. J. Fountain, in the District Curt yesterday, wherein plaintiff claimed $300 with interest at six per cent, from Oct 12th, 1835 Maxwell & Chapman and T. M. Marquett for Plff. and Pottenger aiid Erwin for Defft the point was made andauthority produced by counsel for Plff. that a note payable on demand, with interest, is a continuing security, and ClTThe Episcopal Mite Society wil meet to night at tho residence of Mrs O. F. Johnson. ,3 A mistake occurred in the table of the abstract of votes published in the Herald of last week, whereby it appeared thv. Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick received on ly 31 votes in Ms. Fleasant preeinot aDd that his opponent, Mr. Winslow received 34. It should have been Kirkpatrick 51 and Winslow 19. SABBATH SCHOOL C0XCERT. The Sabbath Schools in connection with the Presbyterian and Lutheran Churehcs of Plattsmouth will give a Musical Ed tcrtainment, at the City Hall, on Tues day Nov. 5th, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the benefit of said Schools. No effort will bo spared to make the Entertainment worthy the patronage of the fries-'. Sabbath Schools. MARRIED. In this city, Ot.20th, 18G7, by Rev. J J. Roberts. Mr. Frank M. Lonsdale, late Lt. Excelsior Brigade, and Mrs. C. A Davis, all of this city. The printers were remembered. Oct. 16tb, 18G7, in this city, by Judge Marshall, Mr. Geo. E. Dcnaway and Miss SallIk J. Bates. Oct. 19th, 18G7, at the Court House, by the same, Mr. Samuel Brcce, and Miss Eliza Walter, all of Cass county. Oct. 11th, by Rev. XV. J. Cutter, Mr. George Sieii, of Plattsmouth, and Miss Elise Wendell, of Calhoun, Nebraska. Oct. 10, by tho same, Mr. Chri stain Scelcntz, of Rock Bluffs, and Miss Emma Roenan, of Iowa. A ''Sew Champion." We notice by reports of several Stato and County Fairs, that the now champi on, though not a new machine, is be- coming notorious by carrying off undue proporrions of "first premiums." This machine tho Wilcox & Gibbs appears especially valuable. for its simplicity and ease of action ; an important feature in an instrument designed for family use. where of course it must often be opera ted by unpracticed hands. It appears indeed incapable of getting out of order, and we can readily credit the declaration that some have been in use five years without ever getting out of complete working condition. Christian Advocate cj- Journal. Desirable Property for Sale. Ono dwelling houoe, witn seven roams, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &c. D. Marquette. Enquiro of S.Duke, Agent. iu.ylG "ForSale One of Lamb's superior knitting machines the only kind made that widens and narrows. Enquire at this cilice. KEEP COOL! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in tho Post Office building, and the lovers of this delicious beverage are invited to call and see him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on and. O. F. JonNSON. june lOdifcw, S DR. M- H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST W'l'l ilo Hll work io his line on short notice. g3"0Sce with Dr. Livingston. July G. Plattsmouth Lode No- 6, A. P. & A. XX. Regularcommunications 1st and 3d Mondays ofeach montb, at 6 1 2 o'clock, p. in. K. T. UHvK, W. M. W. H. ANDERSON", Sec. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, P.. A. II. Regular convocations 2d and 4th Wednesdays of ech month, at 6 1-2 o'tlock p m. V. 11. nuttLija, u. r. E. C. LEWIS, Sec. I. 0-0. F. Pl.-itte Lodce. No. 7, meets every Saturday evening at the dart- lioune Hall. Iifothers o other Lodges are respectfully invited to visit this Lodge. By order of P. P. GAS3, N. G. M. McEi-WAIS, Rec. Sec'y I. 0. O. T- Reirnlarmeetinas every Friday evening. Traveling Templars reepectfully invited. WM- R. MATHI. W. S. gAM'LM. CUAPMAS, Lodge Deputy, K57-EXCELS10R DE .REE LODGE. No. t, Platts mouth, holds regular meetings on the third Wednes day evenings of each month. Bro 9. 31. CHAPMAN, W D T. Bro. W. L. WLi.(i, W D S Sitcr E. J. JiIobtoomert, W I) V T. tj"3TAROr LOPI LODGE No. 8, Mt. Fleasant, holds regular meetinps ev-ry Saturday eveninK. Bro- K. A. KlKK.PATK.ICiC, W. C. T. H. T. HUGHE. W. 8. Bro. F. M. TIMBLIN, Lodije Deputy. 53- EXCELSIOR I.odue. No. 9, Ashland, holds regular meetings every Tuesday evening. Bro. A. MARBLE, W. C. T. Bro. W. B. WarbRitton, W. 3. Bro. J. J. Woodbow, L.D. 53-FRIESDSHIP LODGE, Rock B'uTs Regular meetings every Thursday evening. JOa. PIERT. W C T T B SMITH, W Bee. St. Luke's Parish. Vestry. R.-KUlar meetings first Tneslay of every month, .1 1 p. m. RtMT. GEO. C. BKTTS. R R. LivixgstOS, Clerk. Chairman. JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low figures, 10 s irs COFFEE. 16 l:?s SUGAR, 5 III DRY A 1TLES, 5 bh U V 1' IE A CUES, e , Ac. Also, a large a--ui :i:.ent of Pine Lumber, LATH, SHIXQLES, DOORS, WIXDOIV SASB, wixno ir iiLixDs, glass, vexext. 1'L.A.b I Cti JAKJO, ll-Aiti, U1L,, r-. LSSIIsTGTON COAL, 250 fcnshe's, to which we Invite the atteation of ElacKsmims aua uiners m 'initiiiy niiu pru-o. c are Aeenti for the GOODlN COAL BANK, at Lox : ..... n n.l imiiwiiti trt furnish h!1 the this lugiuj,.". 1 l - . country wants at pncea to suit, ai-w a lare stock of Rye, Bourbon and Star "WTiisky. Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Ginger Erar.dy. Call and see ns. bIMCSON, MICKELWAIT 4 CO. 7e6 i!3 vrtf r'ia-e to pit che : Limps and l.vp Chinme !skt 3 i-1 liUTTSliV dc cv. ,5j Is hereby Fivec to the Grand .itid Te!:t Juror, who wero summoned to app-ar on "he 2, Uav of SetWm ber. A D 1907, (said Term or the District Conrt hav in b' en adjourned to the iilst day of October, A 1H67,) they will be rqu;r-d to appear at or before elevrn o'clock of said day. (Jivta nnder iny han win i-iia aay ox eepiemoer, a d i-t, . - J. II. 15KUWX, Clerk. g!'pl9 3w By WiLLfA L. Wei.l, Deputy PAIRBANK'S 6TANDAKD SCALES, OF ALL K'vns Sja Fairbanks, Grcenlea: 226 A 28 Lake fit. Chicago. Sill 31 trkei lit , Ht. Ltmia JCfBe careful to buy only the Genuine. myy22 SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., Plattsmouth. I atn prepared to ecxmmodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice liearse, On Rhort notice and reasonable terms'. A Hack will run to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the city when desired. Br29 J. W. SHANNON WANTED A GENTS 8150 prr month, everywhere, male XV and female, to sell the flEXI'ISE COAfJfjy S&JftUi' t A JULY SEWISO MACHINE, the greatest invention of the age. Price Kverv jiflLuiuc ttarranu'ti turee years. Address, M. LEWIS A CO., bop!2 4w P. O. Box 8003 St. Louia, Mo Regal Notice. In the District Court, 2d Judicial Iistrict,within ant lor Lass Lountu. Xeora&Ku: Charles 8. Wortoian, 1 vs 5- John Allinson. I John Allinson, of the Territory of Montana, will take notice that Charles S. Wortman. of the county of Cass and State of Nebraska, did on the 10th day of September, 1867, file his petition in the Uibtr'ct Court of the 2d Judicial District, with and fur Cass county, Nebraska, against the said John Allinson, fondant, sotting lorth that the vaid John APinson :ave a mortgage to the said Charles S. Wortman on lot o, in section 3-J, in township 12, north of ranse 14, east of tbe 6th p m. containinir 2s acres, and the northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section no. 5, in township 11, north of range 14, east of the 6th p m. coatainitiir forty acies. to secure the payment of the sum of S3H0, with Interest at 19 per cent, per annum, according to tho terms of a certain note re- rerr a to in said mortsaee. and praymr that said John Allinson may uav said suia now claimed to be due, with interest at the rat of ten per cent, per annum from the 15th day of May, ISCC, or that said premises may he sold to pay the same, and the said John Allinson is notified that he U required to ap pear and answer said petition on or before tbe 8d Monday after Hie 3d day of October, 1S67. Plattsmouth, September lth. (tl. CH RLKS S. WORTMAN, sep!2 4w By Maxwell i- Chapman, AU'ya. LADIES' Ice Cream Saloon. I'p Stairs, one door west of Black Jb Buttery'a Drug blors. Where we set np the very best quality of Cream and take pleasuce in serving it by the dish, or we have small fre-zcra, and can supply church fairs, festivals, parties 01 families with any quantity, oil hort notice. Also, below, we have tho best assortment of all kin Is of Fancy and Stick Candy, Fruits, Nuts, To bacco, Choice CiKars, etc.. to be fuuud in the city. Jy2 3m II. J. 8TItKIQilT. J. N. WISE, General Lift! Accident, Fire, Inland and 1 ransit INSUHANOS AGENT Will take riks at reasonable rat'-sia the most reliable cj upanies in the United States. ir503ce at the book store, Pla ferr outh, Nebras , iuay2Hif 'Aim For CilCAl. The well known frm of S?. II. Cummins, situate Wf miles west of Plattsmouth, on the Denver road, with the ti!::lKr th"et., i-s f r sal-; verv cheap. App:y to J C. CUMMIN'S, on the adjoining farm. AUu, lots 7 and S, block 1 1, iu l'laUoiaouth. aafr-1 if PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FOltOY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming I suplcEncnt, uch as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mould Board Breaker.--, Stirrius Flows, bingle and Double hovels, Cultivators and Harrows. Repairing done n short notice All work warranted. Having had much exri'rieme iu the business. I feel assured that I can K've general satisfaction. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Plattsmouth. Neb., May 6th, IS67. Wm- EI. LcsBikc, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. iec27 1S65 tf IMON OBERXOLT1C ifO. WED03I6KY Obcriioltc &. Wcdosiasfcy, Brick 1 Stonemasons, ASD PLASTERERS, All work in ttu'ir line done to the best satisfaction, and aa cheap as ty anybody else. Address, Plattxnumth, Scb., P. O. box 545. (aug7 TAKE OTICi3. Bountij Increased. Pensions due Sol' " dier.i and their heirs. F. M DorrinRton has this day received from the Department, the Law in full with new blanks for the coileciiuQ of additional Bounties and increased Pen sions, and i s ready to prosecute all such claims as may be entrusted to his care. Call and examine. First claimed is first served. F. M. DCRRINGT S. Plattsmouth, Aug. 10. ISO1. nWEILiIACJS at all price Anv persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or Residences in town will And the 111 for sale at al prices. Ey DOP.RINGTON, mrT. Real Estati Aobnj; IVOTICE. JAMES O'NEIL is my authorized Agent for the collection of all accounts due the undersigned for medical services: bis receipt will be valid for the payment of any monies on said urcnnnts. August 14, 1S07. R. R. LIVINGSTON, M.D IVOTICE Is hereby Kiven that lot 2, in block 26, as published In Delinquent List, on which the taxes amount to I2.GO. should have been advertised as lot 2, in block 56. and the same is hereby advertised fur sale accord ing to law. S DUKE, Treasurer seplJ 3w Cass county, Nob. II- - iVorthiiafoEi Attorney and Counselor AT LAWi Office in Karbach's Block, corner of Douglas and 15:h streets, Omaha, Nebraska. augl4 AND WOOL- CARDING. Ho! ftir Salt Creek, where yon can kill two birds with one stone, eet your Grain Ground and Wool Warded at the same time, tbe machinery fr bo'.li is in perfect order. We cso the Patent Machine Cards, which were ran rnoiiL'a last year to e-tat'litU their superiority over the old kici, as all who osed the can testifv. The superiority of Mr. b. 1 wiss as a rnrdt-r I? Well known, and K'..-services are still le tained for the benefit of the pnvie. Wi;h the rh.yv advantages we dttor ourse ive that we c:.n make it to the adva-'Mire of ull v. ! n want work la ' ur line to come this w Ry. i I-AN. i'roprittor- Diyi I T'A'.zi. OJrdcr. j ATTENTION W are Just la receipt of our FALL. AND WINTER ' gf DRY GOODS, Clothing, Soots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, dueensware, Iron, Nails, Groceries, ifce. SCntTTTIiISIt "WAGONS constantly on hand. M W o u o Moline Plows and all kinds of AGRICULTURAL jg Which wo are selling at the lowest cash price. Please call and examine our stock and e for yourselves. STAUDE & J0RI A. CLARK Clark 8l Plummer, (Successors to Toctle, Hanna fc Co.,) DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Keep on hand a full stock of all kinds of AG-ItlCULTUSAL IMPLEMENTS. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! The Cheapest and Best. 13. A. WIGGBNHORN & CO., Hive Just received a large and splendid etock of New and Fashlonablo Goods, consisting ot YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES. READY MADE CLOTHING, "Lowest Cash Prices! Having purchased thora for cash In Now York and sell Goods as low as any house S"Remembcr the Old CORXER MAIN AND SECOND (or Levee) STREETS. JCJ-Our motto Is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September 26th, 1S67. E. A. WIGGEHHORN PROSPECTUS OF THE NEBRASKA STATE JOURNAL." The undersigned proposes to establish a Weekly Newspaper at Lincoln City, the Capital of the State of Nebraska, to be called "The Nebraska r-tate Jour nal," the first issue of which will be about the 1st of October, IS07. The whole outfit for the Office will be entirely new, and will embrace a good Job Office, as well as the News Department. Havi ig had much experience in Journalism, and being one or the first settlers in Nebraska; consequently beintr well acquainted with the wants of the people, aud the resources of the State, we flatter ourself thai we can give general satisfaction in the enterprise. . The ''Journal" will advocate Republican princi ples, but will be conducted on an independent scale, and'will be cnurteoui to all parties and f ects. KetarnlDg our thanks to our old friends and pa trons, we trut they will assist us in this new enter; pri.e. TERMS $2.00 per annum in advance. JACOB DAWSON. Probate Notice Notice is hereby given that all claims aeainst the estate of K. J. Palmer, Uec'd, must be on file m this office on or before the Wilt day of STARCH, A D 1S63, at which time said claims will be determined upon. Given u .der my hand thts 13th diy of September, ADlr67 JOHN W. MARSHALL. sepl9 6w Probate Jud'e. Legal Notice II. D. Hathaway, ) vs. V Attachment. Raymond, Miner & Co 1 Take notice that on the 10th day of September, A D 16", J.mies O'Sehl, a Justice of the Pe:ce in bp.i1 for Flattnaoutn PreciEct, Cass County, Nebraska, issued an order of for 427 50 Dollars in t..- ai uve entitled causo, and that under ami by vir tneof said ordr 3 Accordeons, 4 Violins, Vio'.in Boxes, 2 Banjos, 4 Violin Bows. 2 Finger Board? and C v niiiu Scr w were s ized a onr property. Trial of K eEit-T will he had cn the 2'jtL lay of Ooti Ler, a E lr 07, at ci.e o'clock p. in. H. . HATHAWAY. By Kixwei: 4 Ciapmaa. A'fysfjr PH'f Z 1 CITIZENS 0 a 0 H H 0 0 9 mPLEJIEIKTS. H ANDERSON. XLI PLUMMEH. Groceries, Ciueensware, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Sash, cfec. '3 HARDWARE. WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, Which they will Eell at the Boston. We assure the pablio we can and will west of St. Louia or Chicago. Corner, now called th X. SCHNASSE. PALL THAD3 1867. PRATT & FOX, Importers and Manufacturers' Agents of HARDWARE CUTLERY, Large stocks of American Screw Co. Screws, Ames Shovels and Spades, Douglass' Manufacturing Co. Edge Tools, American Table Cutlery, English Pock et Cutlery. Agents for HERRING'S SAFES, Forsyth's Scales and Trucks Orders filled at Factory Pdc-a. Orders solicited. PHATT & POX. Cor. Main and Washington Ave.. Fe,-5 3 m ST. LOUIS, MO. joawaat 1'at-ntMe.ic BLACK, ire11 at 1 f ri- e. i-o te HUTTEAY dtCO.-S An Old Song Set to a Sfew Tun 3" 1367. -S3 At fpring apprmnchf A it anil Boaches 7rt thir hole emm j Aii'i .Viee ana Hat s; its of cat, auy kij about . Gai "If years established in N. T.City." "Only infallible remedies known." "free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the numan Family.' "Kats Come out of their holes to die. ' Costar's Rat, Roach. &c, Exterm'r Is a paste used fur Kate, Mic, Roaolip, Elack and Rel Ants, c. Co8tar's Bed-Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wa?h u d to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-Buga, do. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects la for STotha, 3Tijuitvt8, flea, Red-Bugi, Iiuscct on I'UuiU, t'oirln, Anitiiulg, dto. 3! ! t Beware ! ! ! of all worthless Imitation!. JtJ" See that "CosTiR's name is on each Box, Bottle and Flafk be'ore you buy. Address Henry IS. Costar, 484 Broadway, New York. Sold In Plattxmovth, Xtbranka, by B.ack. Buttery & ., and O F. Johcsou, ana all Druggist and Retailers everywhere. COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cuts, Burns, Biul:s, Woands, Boils, Cancers, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipnles, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles, Scrofuloue, Putrid and ill-c nditloned Sores, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cuta neous Affections, Ringworm, i tch. Corns, Bimioss, Chilblains, &o; Chapjied Hands, Lips, Uc; Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, c. 43Boxes, 2.1 cents, 60 cnts and $1 sizes; Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And by HENRY K. COSTAR, Dept 484 Broad way, N. Y. tt3Aud by O. P. Johnson, and BIek, Buttery fc Co., Plattsmouth, Nebrask. COSTAR'S tTMVERfAt Corn Solvent. For Corns, Bunions, IVarts, 4c. P.oycs '15 cents, f.0 cents and bie. 3T"Sold by nil Druggists every where. And by HEXliY R. COSTAK, Depot 4il Broad way, N. Y. S-And by I?la, Buttery 4 Co. aud O. F. Jean ton, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OF Bitter Sweet ii Orange Blossoms, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Used to soften and beautify tbe Skin, remove Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, c. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. Bottles $1. JtjSold by a" Drncgists everywhere And by 11 ENRY ii. CoSl' Alt, Depot 464 Broad, way, H Y. tAnd by O. F. Johnsen and Black, Buttery 4 Co., Plattsmouth, Nebra ka. COSTAR'S rECTORAT, Cough Hemedy. For Congbs, Colds, Hoarsehess, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affections and all Diseases ef tbe Throat and Lungs. Boxes 25 cents 50 cents and $1 sizes ft$Sold by all Drnggists everywhere. And by HENRY K. COSTAR, Depnt 4S4 Broad way, N. Y. A-And by Black, Buttery A Ce and O. F. Jehu- eon, Plattsmouth, Kebraskk. COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL. For Nervous and Sick Headache, Cr.stivmess, Indi gestion, i yrepta, BiUiousness, CoaMira'iiiu. Iiar rhea, C'.ii.-, Chills Fevers and general deratfemeiit of the Dieestive Organs. Boxes 2 cents, 50 cents ani tl ize3 ; ASi.lil brail Drt'ggista everywhere. ' And by KENHY K COTTAR, Depot 4'1 Proad way, N V. And by F. J- hrs tad S.-k, I '.:"erv Co , Piiiti'ajcath, eraiia . ' J its t i i I. f i fii ! i ,1! . i I (i .1! ! i it: 1