Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 24, 1867, Image 1

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    WfflkritAst Bill"
""Wwi mtmrrmm i ufj mm -Wrya rraM j
7 rm ?um attempts to haul down the jlmarican Plug, shoot him on the spo't."
VOL. 3.
AO. 29,.
w kly,
T"0Ece corner Maia street and Lcv.-c, second
ttoi V.
Terms: .$2.50 per annum.
Hates of Advertising
Cj square (space of ten line) oue insertion, tl .50
Ec.i snbse juer.t insertion - - l.'O
Prefer imal cards not exceeding six lines 10 00
Oir quartercijlamn oriels, per annum US 0
" six mouths 20 ( 0
' " three months J5
ahalf column twelve month Co.O')
" six months 83.00
three months 2i.oo
Ojeooluran twelve months - loo 00
six months 60.00
three months . - 35.00
all tranr-ient adverti-ements mast he paid for in
ti We are pnpared to do all kinds of Job Work
a short notice, and in a style that will give satis
Solioitor in Chancery.
Carpenter ad Joiner
Will do work in lifs line with n eatnest. an dUpatc,
apon short notice.
Dr. J. S. McADOW,
practice Physic, otteis his profe.-Monnl (.ervires
to hi oi patrons and public generally. Particular
attention paid to iliwas-s of th LYK. A cure miar
antt-ed in all curable cases. Charges moderate
oauie as one year apo. jti mC
Physician and TCC,
Tei'der his professional services to the citizens of
Cafls i-mpiy.
r Krsiilence in Frank Wliit's h n-e, corner nf
Oa'c .Sixth streets; Otlice on Main street, ppu
it Court House, Plattsmouth, Xel raska.
Platte VaSiey Mouse
Ed. B. MunriiY, Proprietor.
Corner of Jliiii and Fourth Streets,
K'lallsmocjtli, Ttvli.
TMj llci'j bavin b. en fitr -l . .i--l.. rt
rili d i'l.-r fimt tla Si acj. i:ii:itd jtioiif. lfca..l '
tlie d.iy or wecic. r. uj-"JS
Pe I rs in
And a general asortsaent of s- 13 ns'ial y kept in a
i;iKt-c!as country store.
Avoca, Cass Co., Nek.
.llaxivcll & Cliuimiasi,
Solicitors in Chancery.
Pile over Llack, Eutf ry i Cu's Crug Store.
And Solicitors in Chancery,
ma ix ST.,orrosiTE Tin: cockt-iiuch:
41TL0KD 3. CLAKKK, lL FOKE-1 rCUTfclt,
JaaJl wtf
MAIS Stbekt,
A prood assortment of Watches OI old Pens
Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fane; ioo 's Violins and Vi
olin Trimmings always on hand. All work com
Kitted to his care will be warranted.
April 10, let,5.
tate uj't Indian Affairs. Attornt-y tit Law
The above named (tentlemen have associated
themselves in business for the purpose of prosecnt
in and colleciics all claims apainst the General
Oovernment, or against any tribe of Indians, and
re prepared to (roecutP auch claims, either before
Congress, or anr of t he Departmei;t of Oovernment
or before the Court of Claims,
Ma. Irish will devote bis personal attention to
ti! business at Washington.
S3" Otlice at Nebraska Cfty, corner of Main and
Tift a streets.
Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domestic
St. Josepli, yiu.
oc25 ly
National Claim Agency.
Is prepared to present and prosecute claims before
Conres, Court of Claims and the Dept. Jmetits. Pa
tents, Pensionp, Bount e, and Bounty Lam! se
cured. fSCharjes moderate, and in proportion to
the aimutit of the claim. V. M. DORKINGTOX.
April 10, '65
Manufacturer of and dealer in
-Saddles and Harness,
Of every description, wholesale and retail, Vo. 130;
Main street, between Slh and 6:h streets. X-braska-
ace to eet chesp Lamps and I nrnr Chimne
is at d vBLACK BUTTERY V0.
From Th- Sevr To'k Tritttne.
If a President bad been chosen in
the Autumn of 1SG2. he would have
been a champion of National restora
tion by means of giving the whole
country up to the revolted Slaveholders
and bidding ihem work their will wiih
it; if one had been chosen in the Au
gust of 1S61, he would have been
pledged to peace on any terms with the
Confederate rebels. Had the builders
of the Chicago P'atform of that year
evinced the simplest common sense
had they briefly resolved that they
wanted Union and Peace, and didn't
care what became of the Nigger nay,
had they known enough to say nothing
at all Gen. McCIellan could have
barely been beaten, even with the dead
weight of Pendleton bung to his skirts.
Tt . Til . .
iaai 1'iauorm cost mm more votes m
this State than composed Lincoln's
majority; we presume it was the same
in Connecticut, and elsewhere. We
consider that Lincoln's election was se
cured by Sherman's capture of Atlanta
and Sheridan's victories in the Valley
of Virginia ; but McClellan's over
whelminrr discomfiture was engineered
ty Vallandigham & Co. at Chicago.
The Republicans owe their victories
of 1866 primarily to Mayor Munroe
and his subordinate Thugs in New
Orleans; but Andrew Johnson k Co,
greatly intensified them by their ha
rangues while "swihging 'round the
circle" semewhat later. Eliminate
those two elements from tti6 CHDY3S3,
and we could not have called out the
full vote that gave us Pennsylvania,
New Jersey and New York. There
may have been no more Republicans
in tuber State after than before those
performances; but a good many more
of thtin found their way to the polls
than would have done but for Messrs.
Monroe and Johnson.
Tiie II -publican party need net de
pend fur its victories on the persistem
misbehavior of its tnrmies. li is strong
enough to rule l y its own merits, inde
p?ndti.t!y of their follies and crimes.
Iiut to thia er.d, it must 1. Complete
prcmpily tha Reconstruction f the
Southern States on a ba?is of blended
ju.-tice ar.d magnanimity. 2. Systemat
ically educate and enlighten the Peo
pie. The necessity and urgency of
closing up the work of Reconstruction
on the broad at:d safe basio of Univer
sal Amnesty with Impartial Suffrage
is now so clar that we will not dwell
upon it. Events are more cogent thnn
arguments. We will speak to day only
to the second point.
If there were neither a newspaper
nor a common schcol in the country,
the Democratic party would be far
stronger than it is. Neither elemen
tary instruction nor knowledge of trans
piring events is needed to teach the es
sential articles of the Democratic
creed: ' 'Lcre rum and hate niggers."
The less one learns and knows, the
more certain he is to vote the "reg'lar
ticket from A to Izzard."
But Republicanism rests on a radi
cally different tasis, and is sustained
by wholly diverse considerations. It
lives by Intelligence ; it dies in the
murky, stifling atmosphere of Igno
rance. Canvass almost nny township
in the land, and distinguish those who
take from those who fail to take a
newspaper, and you will find that two
thirds of those who take vote Republi
can, while three-fourths of those who
read nothing but achaEcepaper picked
up for a few moments in a bar-room
vote the Democratic ticket, and will
not be persuaded to touch any other.
If every man in the country could
read, and did habitually read two good
journals, one of each party, we should
have no more doubt of electing a Re
publican President next year than of
the rising of the sun. Bui every voter
who does not read is a peril; and the
multiplicity of such voters subjects the
results of our elections too much to the
control of accident. Fortune will not
always fivor us as she did in 1S64 and
1S6G. We can be sure of victories
only by deserving them. And the duty
now imperatively pressing upon us is to
take care that every vot?r who can
read, and will read it, or who has some
one in his family who can and will
read it to him, is seasonably supplied
with a good Republican journal for the
whole year 1SG3.
We are not going to succeed so easi
ly as many have fondly calculated, and
we rejoice that we are not. If we let
the contest go at hap hazard, and do
not seasonably provide for and deserve
success, we may be beaten. But if we
Begin now, and, by concerted, system
atic effort, put a good Republican news
paper into the hands of every voter
who will read it, we cannot be beaten
Flooding the country with printed
matter on the eve of an Election is
desperate resort better than nothing,
and that is all. No reliance can be
placed on it; lit.Ie good ordinarily comes
of it. But begin now, and systemati
caliy insure that every man that has a
vote shall have a newspaper if he will
take it, and all is scfe. Republicans
resolve to see to it at once!
A Brief Love-Story. John Paul,
the brilliant and versatile correspon
dent of the Springfield Republican, ob
jects to the introduction of the numen
clatore of the prize ring into jourualism
ancv. he says, a "love scene written
up as follows :"
'Twas night, and the aromatic Ara
bella and the fiiiginous Fitzfocdle, in
accordance with a previous arrange
ment play or pay being the word
were seated in the garden. Both
were in excellent condition and showed
the benefit of good training.
Arabella was a little too much in the
flesh, perhaps, but Fitzfoodle didn't
carry an ounce of spare weight, and
stepped smilingly into tne ring, look
ing confident of winning.
The moon in the far heavens lay
smiling and serene like a bottle holder,
while the stars looked down with their
ni spectacular organ, seemingly
ready to act as referees.
A clock in the neiehbouing kitchen
Crtllid lime.
Little was lost in preliminary spar
ring; side by side sa: the amative am
etuers. grasping each oiherx' mawlt-ys.
In.loeJ iv . u.. - i.v.:f-i . calling
back memories cf tha halcyon day
when the Cahoss Chicken had a mill
with tlie Skantatelod Sockdellager.
A counter or two, and Fiufocd'a
neailv r t his fin around Arabella's
ribs, h'3 riht still grasping her smali
and delicate bunch of fives.
"Is your money mine ?'' aiked Fitz
toodla in tender accents.
No reply was heard ; it was evident
that the side-winder had knocked the
breath out of Arabella.
But the demoralization was but mo
mentary '-I don't see it," she said,
getting her left fin out of chancery.
This was one cn Fitzfcodle's nob.
Ha went down on his knees lo avoid
further punishment. At this there
were cries of '-fowl,'' "fowl," in a res
taurant near by, and the victory was
claimed for Arabella.
But Fitzfoodle refused to give it up,
and both retired to their corners.
Arabella came up, looking game to
the backbone ; Fitzfoodle notwith
standing his late punishment, still smil
ing and confident.
"My parents are wealthy," he mur
mured, and again got his left duke in
on Arabella's ribs, and fibbing away
until there was danger of a row out
sids the ropes.
"The figures ?" she gasped.
"A peach orchard in New Jersey."
he returned, and with that put one in
on her potato trap, which she returned
with interest on his kisser. There was
a lively round of sounding exchanges,
and it was plain that from that forth
Fitzfoodle had the fight bis own way.
Finding it useless to hold out any
longer, Arabella threw up the sponge.
closed her lovely peepers, and reposed
her lovely knowledge box peacefully
uprn Fitlfoodle's manly breadbasket,
utterly regardless of the fact that a huge
musquito had tapped her bugle, and
was drawing the claret at a fearful rate.
TThe London corresponder.:" a
New York paper says of Maw.une
Jenny Lind Goldschmidt:
Jenny Lind left many friends and
admirers in America, who will be sorry
to hear that her latest appearance in
public hat been a failure. That the
freshness of her voice should be gone
was inevitable, but it seems to be agreed
that ita splendor and strength are also
gore. In plain' truth, it is now little
better than a beautiful wreck, which
the frequent ardor of the still aspiring
artist only makes the more apparent."
The Xext alioual ISepublican
It is announced from Washington
that the National Executive Commit
tee of the Repullican party have defin-
ately decided in favor of holding the
next National Republican Convention
in the city of Chicago. No decision
has been reached in regard to the time
of holding the Convention, amd the
settlement of this question will proba
bly be postponed for some months. In
selecting as the place of holding the
National Convent?) of 1S6S the city
where the first Republican President
was nominated as well as the last un
successful Democratic candidate, the
Committee have paid a just compliment
to the State which gave Abraham Lin
coln to the nation, and to the North
west which rallied with such enthusi
asm to the defense of the Government
when it was assailed by traitors. The
selection is at once a recognition of the
hospiale spirit which has ever char
acterized the citizens of Chicago in their
reception of immense masses of people
gathered together in their mid;.t, and
of the power of the Northwest in the
Union, and an omen of future victory.
The last two National Republican
Conventions those of 1S60 and 1864
consisted of delegates from the States
represented in the proportion of two to
each Representativos and Senators in
Congress. If the same apportionment
should be adopted in calling the Con
vention of 1S6S as will undoubtedly
be the case its composition as to mem
bers from the different States will be
as follews :
Sc Hampshire
li I Indiana
10 ll'
10 I Wisconsin
24 j M innesola
S I Iowa
1-i J Missouri
New Yori 60
Xc Je-sey 14
Per n.-ylvauii 5-
Di lawai-e 6
May. and 14
U'e-t Viririuia 10
Ohio 42
Jl.cliian 14
1, ;L a.
Ylrjrin'a to I Alal ania
1 1
11 I
N .nil Carolina IS I V.ssiss ppi
bi.uili Carolina V2 I Louisiana
e I'eia IS I Texas
Florida a I Arkansas
Total, 10 f'atts.
Add Colorado (probably)
(i rand Total
This is upon the assumption that the
work cf reconstruction in the States
rectn'.ly in rebellion w;ll be completed
by the time the Convention is called,
and that they will participate in the
proceedings which will doubtless be
the case. The coming Convention will
have additional interest from the fact
that it will be the first National Repub
lican Convention attended by delegates
from all the States m the Ui.ion.
c utiful Alscgorj-.
The following beautiful allegory is
translated from in; German:
Tophrcnius, a wise teacher, would
not suffer even his grown up sons and
daughters to associate with those whose
conduct was not pure and upright
"Dear f ather," said the gentle Eula-
lia to hira one day, when he forbade
ter in company with her brother to
vi.-it the volatile Lucinda, "you must
think us very childish if vou imagine
we could be exposed to danger by it "
The father took in silence a dead coal
from the hearth, and reached it to his
daughter, "It will not burn you, my
child, take it."
Eulalia did so, and behold! her deli
cate white hand was soiled and black
ened, and, as it chanced, her white
dress also.
"We cannot be too careful in hand
ing coals," said Eulalia, in vexation.
"Yes, truly,'' said her father, "you
see, my child, that coals, even if they
don't burn, blacken. So it is with the
company of the vicious."
5FHenry Ward Beecher, in his
discourse on Sunday, said that "soma
men will not shave on Sunday, and yet
they spend all the week in shaving
their fellow men; and many folks think
it very wicked to b'ack their boots on
Sunday morning, yet they do not hesi
tate to black their neighbor'? reputation
on week days."
What is Democracy? The Irish
JVeirssays: "We ask again the plain
question, what is the Democratic party,
that the Irish people seem to cling to
it as their only salvation here and here
after ?' In c ur bumble judgement, the
main object of that party is to make po
litical tools of the Iriih people."
Fnm TJn Xeio York Tribune.
Late in the Summer of 1S62, Mr
Lincoln was persuaded, after long urg
ing and hesitation, to isue his edict of
Emancipation. Tho country, it was
said, was not prepared for it that is,
the slow coaches we; e not. And, when
the elections that soon followed showed
Democratic gains almost everywhere
from East to West the "Conserva
tives" shouted that Abolition and Rad
icalism had received their death blow.
"Look at Maine, Massachusetts, Mich
igan, Wisconsin!" they exclaimed
"iheir Republican majorities reduced
more than half; see Pennsylvania car
ried by the Democrats, und a U. S.
Senator gained, in spite of Lincoln's
large majority; see Ohio, swept clean
by 5,000 majority for the Democrats,
who carry fourteen Representatives in
Congress a clear gain of seven; see
Indiana, Illinois likewise carried both
branches of the Legislature, two-thirds
of the Representatives in Congress,
and a Democratic U. S. Senator gained
in each; see New Jersey, which gave
Lincoln four of her seven electors, now
swept by the Democrats by over four
teen thousand majority, giving another
Senator, with four of the five Repre
sentatives in Congress; look at New
York, where Lincoln had fifty thous
and majority, and the Union ticket last
year a hundred thousand, now electing
Seymour Governor by ten thousand,
and seventeen to fourteen Representa
tives in Congress do you not see the
handwriting on the wall ? Isn't it high
time to give up nigger worship, and
attend to saving the Union?"
These taunts were bitter, but the
exultation that impelled them was tran
sient. Though Fredericksburg, and
Galveston, and the first repulse at
Chancellorsville. were still before us,
the National cause was not lost, for it
was the cruise of Freedom and Humaii-
y. Much less is it lot now, though
the Talse hearts which thiught the de
feat of Wadsworih, and tha loss of
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Illi
nois, lessons that only the blind could
fail to read and heed, till remain to
renew thair croaking?, and have anoth
er, though lesser, opportunity.
JuJje Sharsvvood is elected to the
Suproma Court of Pennsylvania, as we
feared he would be; and we believe
this the extent of the Democratic tri
umph in that State. Many Republicans
would vote for him on personal grounds;
yet a good County ticket in Philadelphia
would have defeated his election. But
it w.-s supposed that any thing would
be elected that could get cn the Repub
lican ticket; so nominations were made
that the people would not support; while
the Democrats, having littls hope of
success, nominated three soldiers who
had a good War record, for the best
offices, and so gained thousands of
votes. We trust the lesson will not be
lost on those who control nominations
in our State. We can tell them that
the Legislative jobbers and Railroad
robbers who ar3 "fixing things" in sev
eral districts to nominate themselves to
our next Legislature may buy ever so
many delegates, but cannot buy the
people, iur. jacoo faharp, tor exam
ple, will waste his racney if he uses it
lo achieve a Republican nomination,
We shall of course have the old cry
renewed "See how Ohio has voted
down Equal Manhood Suffrage had
not we better drop the Nigger, and take
care of ourselves?" The answer is
ready: Ohio oq Tuesday gave more
votes, and a larger proportion of her
Republican strength, for Manhood Suf
irajre, than any otner state has ever
given more by many thousands than
she would ever have given till now.
Say that one Republican in every twen
ty went straight over to the enemy on
this question, and one weak brother
voted the Republican ticket but failed
to vote for Manhood Suffrage, what of
it? New York, twenty-one years ago,
gave but 55,406 votes for Equal Rights;
in i860 she more than doubled this,
giving it 197,503; and still it was heav
ily beaten, though Lincoln carried the
State at that election by 50,000 major
ity. The next time it will have at least
300,000; and, if beaten by a handful,
its enemies will scream and fire guns
for their glorious victory. So it will
be in other State?; while the vital prin
ciple cf genuine Democracy marches
on through seeming defeats to its inev
itable and conclusive triumph. I
There are still some persons iu the
Republican caiiip whose hearts are
with the adverse host, and who, we
trst, will n w be tempted t3 let their
tod ies follow. At all events, through
wxiatever trials or us constancy, it
consistency, the great party of which
they would fain Lear the bag so long
as there may be anything likely to go
into it, will move right on to the ardu
ous but inevitable achievement of Equal
Rights for all citizens; and those who
are not ready to suffer in that cause
cannot leave its ranks too soon. "Sol
diers!" said Garibaldi to the forlorn
hope of Italian liberty in 1S39, "I offer
you privation, hardship.hunger.wounds,
death will you follow me?" Such is
the spirit in which Humanity and Jus
tice claim their votaries; such are the
appeals, such the crises, which separate
the gold from the dross. When the
Republican party has no further preju
dices to vanquish, no further wrongs to
redress, we hope it may die and be
buried; not linger on, maintaining a
mockery of existence on the good ideas
of the past, the bad whisky of the
present, like the Sham Democracy
Whenever all -its better aspirations
shall have been actualized, its dissolu
tion cannot and should not be
Josh Cleans out his Pigeonhole of Cor-
Iowa Don't press the matter tew
much. The only way to heal a gal ov
the 'wonts' iz to get her wonted, and
then stampede things briskly-
Eharpley The best thing I know ov
for tight boots iz small feet.
Albany I kant tell you what the
usual life insurance rate iz. Perhaps
Andy Johnson kaii tell you; he has
lately bin reinsured, his pulicy having
about rcn out.
JIikc It ain't necessary that c, pray
er tew be good should be very long or
very loud. I have used one like this
fur the last 4 years and it suits rac:
'O, Lord ! visit mi heart fust, mi head
next and rni pecketbeok last.
JIason 'Man wants but littla here
below,' may have been true when first
written but ever sense the war he wants
awl he can lay hi3 claws on
Byron i read yure pome carefully ;
it wont anser. It iz tew much longer
than it iz wid?. poetry iz a good deal
like a clothes line, apt to spread length
ways if at r.11. Most every body sum
tiro o during their lives haz the poetry
ailment, jisl az they hev the teeth cut,
but one teeth cutting satisfies every
body but the phools.
Abigail Bonnets continue to be
worn yet; the present etila iz about
the size ov a ko!d buckwheat kake :
feathers are not so mutrrh worn this
spring, on akkour.t ov the grate supple
ov bob-taled rtaeters in the kuntry.
w t
Liizzy ice gentleman yu inquire
iz a bachelor in full communion by pre
fession; hiz habits for honesta iz good;
he pays cash for hiz whiskey and bill
Farmer I kant tell ya how mutch
oats it iz best to put on an aker, but
thin!: at a ruff guess, 15 or 20 bushels
would be a grate plenty. I never had
but 7 years chance at farming, but if mi
memory served me right (and I never
caught her in a lie) rye must be a
good crop to raise, for old rye sells now
quick for 6 or 7 dollars a gallon.
J5fA Paris correspondent writes
of the approaching fashions in hair
" I have endeavored to find out what
colored hair and eyebrows will be worn
this year. The artists in hair have
met and agreed that dark brown eye
brows are to accompany golden tresses,
and golden eyebrows black hair.
Brown or chestnut locks and curls are
not to be tolerated. It is not quite set
tied if the chignon is to be maintained;
it is believed not, if a more expensive
and complicated decoration can be in
vented. The complexion is to be dead
pearl pale, the lips very light pink, and
the mouth to be worn slightly open."
fA Pittsburgh paper tells how
thieves met a gentleman walking ths
streets late at night with a box under
his arm and undertook to show him the
hotel. They relieved him of the box
and ran off with it. The gentleman
was a naturalist, and his box contained
four rattlesnakes. Fancy the thieves'
emotion when investigating their prise!
fulfil takes three editors to run a
Nt-w Orleans paper cne to get ki'led
in the duels, one tod'e of yellow fever,
and one to write obituaries.
QtPeaches aro so plenty in some
parts cf Michigan that thousands of
bushels will rot under the trees. They
ar to be had in endless quantities at
from 25 to 50 cents a bushel.
JCSThe new opera house in Paris
will contain twenty large statues, forty
busts and four groups of statuary, and
will be adorned with 500 marble mon
olite columns.
J&fTke fashion reports from Paris
announce that large hoops aro again to
be in vogue, and short dresses be again
worn only by young girls. This is bad
news especially the latter part of it.
-o m r ,
JgfAn eld lady annouced in court
at Atlanta ' that she "had no counsel,
that "God was her lawyer." "My
dear madam," ieplied the Judge, "he
does not practice in this court."
J&5FA country editor, describing
the bonnets now in fashion says ;
"They have a downward slant, that re
minds one of a vicious cow with
board across her eyes."
'"'England has imported twice as
much wheat this year as last, and three
times as in 1SG5. But eight per cent,
went from the United States, though
the amount this year was nearly five
times as much as in 1S66.
JSSThe following, from a paper
published near the settingJs, is very
severe on the east. "Johnny," said a
little thres year old sister to an elder
brother of six, "Jihnny, why can't we
see the 6un go back where it rises?"
"Why, sis, you little goossy, because it
would be ashamed to be seen going
down east."
ECAt a t-ial m a divorce case, a
witness, receruly, ia England, made
tae following lepiyr Mr. Sergeant
Tindal "He lre?led her very knidly
din he nots" Atkinson "Oil, ya, he
kis-cd her several times!" Mr. Ser
peuzil Tindal "And how did she treat
him?" Atkinson "Weil, she retali
ated." fTh? Chicago Times
the recent election in the light of Cop
perhead triumphs, exclaims: "It is 'he
judgement cf the country upon negro
supremacy at the South. Let ue thank
God." This, is the sume bheet that
clamored co lustily for hnpsrtial suf
frage aud nesvo supremacy at the
South a shcrt time ago !
.COGcr.era! Sheridan had an
enthusinstic reception in Albany. In
his speech he said : "To my old com
rades I may say that fcr the last few
years we have been making history,
and I hope that history will ba good
history, and that they will not have re
corded in it that rebellion is honor
able." went into the store cf a merchant, and
asked if he wished to purchase a couple
of chickens, at the came time throwing
a couplo of live ones on the counter.
"Why, yes," he replied ; "but will they
lay there ?" meaning would they re
main on the counter a few moments.
"Lay there !" archly retorted the rus.
tic beauty ; "No sir ! they wont lay
nowhere. Them's roosters !"
ESTThe PomeroyJ(Ohio) Telegraph
. 1 1- I ' . 1 . L
says: "loe lacu or euuoriai in wis
weeks Telegraph can be accounted for
by the fact that , we delayed writing
until after the returns began lo come
in, from the hope that we might gain
inspiration therefrom ; but somehow
they have most disgustingly failed to
accomplish that object. The fact ia
that we don't inspire worth a cent."
A Mild Pcrgative. Recently we
heard a good story of an occurrence
which took place in Newburyport Mass.
A servant girl in thai town went to Dr.
Spofford for advice, declaring her ail
ments to be pain in the bowels. The
doctor gave her a cathartic, and request
ed her t call again in a few days,
which she did. He asked her if she
had taken the medicine, to which she
replied in the affirmative. He then
asked: "Did anything pass you after
taking it?" "Yes sir," the said "a
horse and wagon and a drove of pigs "
The doctor collapsed remarking: "I
think you must be better."
, 1
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