Ehc Strbradfen Sicratd. LOCAL NEWS. "Go to Clark & riumraer'a for your Q'iecnware. m "Lar.caster county has given her Republican majority. 5TWm. Ileroltl, Esq., has gano east to purchase another heavy stock of goods. (JBUck, Buttery & Co., have been making improvements id their drug store. ("WUd geese are quite numerous, and our sportsmen are having a fine time. (T5rNew Goods at Clark & Plumtner'a at prices oT 'Gl. (rThey are having a lively campaign in Kansas on the question of female suffrage- kj"Tbo street commissioner has caus ed a new floor to be laid n See nd et. bridge. (J?"Clark & Plummer call attention to t'r. -i r l irge and caret u!ly assorted stock of IS-jw Goo Is. ("The steamer llensley is hereafter lo run betwsen Omaha and St. Joseph, insteid of Leavenworth and Omaha. CTS. Duke, Esq., lelt for the east On Tuesday. He has gone on a visit, and will be absent two or three weeks. C5?"Several fine brick buildings have been erected at Ashland this summer and the place has a general appearance of prosperity. . 3Mis9 De-pa:n, one door east of Schlaters Jewairy Store, has jut receiv ed her fall stock of Millinery which em braces :1 the latest eastern fashions. 5?"A gentleman from Saunders coun ty informs us that the entire Republican ticket in that county was elected by fif teen or twenty majority. Ther appears to be great d. fa culty in getting a jury in Douglas CJUJty for the B iker wine. Nearly every one brougtit up has formed an opinion. . m CTClark, Porter & Erwin have re moved thuir law o.Uce to th-j room 1 Uelv occupied by iho county Clerk and county Treasurer rhe Dem cratia guns in the eat this year ts accounted for on the princi pie that the drouth has caused the people tj drink more whiskey and less water. 'IlorEwivES Favorits'" Sue has the Best Chemical Salerntus proved itself. liring alwavs full weight, and the very best q-viiity. . P7".- Duke, Esq., Republic m nomi nee f jr Trs.nurer of C is county receiv ed a majority of one 07vr his opponent in t!i? f.inioin proeinct of Ro.-k R'uiTs. - - p"L,itdips, rail and examine thelarg at,rti;i?tit cf Jre3 roods ar,d trimmirg just r.ceived p.. Clark Sc. riu turner's. fJSee adtertiscmf.nt of Staule Sc. Anderson in this issue. Tiiey have as fine a Ftuck of g od as can be found in the west, and are proverbial for their low prices. (r?"The offices of tha county Treaur. er and county Clerk have been removed to the new fire-proof rooms where the fin-hives of the county will be Safe from fire. ("Grtat credit id due the men who nvased the county on the R. R. Bond question. They placed the question in its proper light before tha people, and the peiple endorsed it at the polls. (T"7" Sarpy is the only Democratic ounty on the river in Nebraska, and her rmjorities are growing small and beauti fully lefs each year. The State to-diy has a clear Republican majority of over two thousand. ("Remember that Dr. M. II. McClus key, Dentist, will be at Salt Creek Tues day Oct. 22nd , and will remain 3 davs only. Persons Desirous of having their teeth repaired or new one.s inserted can re accommodated by calling at Warbrit- ton's Drus Store. horse power saw mill has been in operation in the rear of Amison it Dovey's store for two or three days, cut ting in two that large pile of weod. It is quite an improvement over the old fashioned buck saw. 5TClark St Plummer have just open ed splendid stock of Ready Made Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods At reduced pries. C"Four or five teams have been kept at work for the past week grading on Secind St. A considerable amount of ar'h has been removed from the hillside to Second St., raising the street about two fett. "PWe learn that a fire ocaurred in Glenwood last Monday night, consuming two harness shops, one millinery estab liahment'and one saloon The buildings and contents were a total loss. We have not heard how the fire originated, nor what the loss is estimated at. Our in formant thought there was no insurance. CSFrom parties just in from Linoola we learn that building is going ahead rapidly. Two buildinss have been com menced ssventy-five ty fifty feet each, aul a large number of smaller ones. Most of the buildings ommenced are to boofstont, of whioh there is an abun Jace, and that of the verj best q jality. dCustom made Boos & Shoes, war ranted to excel any offered in this mar. ket, at Clark & Plummet'-. CMr. S. I. Long, who resides on Four Mile Creek in this county, brought to the city last week a squash which beats any thing we have yet seen or beard of in Nebraska. It measured ix feet one way and over five the other, and weighed 118 pounds. It is of the varie ty known as the Mtramoth Squash. ("From the manner in which the News pitches into Lamaster, McConiga, Renner, Back and others of Otoe county, we conclude that those gentlemen done much towards the acheivement of the recent Republican victory in that county. They are all good workers, as the result shows. C"R. Spurlock has been the recipient of a vast amount of nbuse from the cop perhead papers of Nebraska during the past two years, in consequence of his having thrown out the vote of Rock Bluffs precinct. He has just been elected Clerk for another two years, and received the largest vote of any candidate on the ticket, and ran ahead of the ticket in Rock Bluffs precinct. C7?"The Packet company's steamer J. II. Laccy was sunk last week twenty railes above St. Joseph. She was on her wav down, and had on board a quantity of wheat shipped by Simpson, Mickelwait Sc Co., of this c'ty. This leaves only the Colorado and St. Joseph in the Packet line. CTlTDe Forest Porter left for the east yesterday. He goos to bis former home in New Yonr. for a short visit and for the purpose of taking part in the political campaign in progress there. Mr. Porter has r -.-tided in this eity about a year, and we doubt not he will be able t convince many of his eastern friends of the supe riority of t'lis country. f?"B.rne-, at the News dpot, has just received & new supply of Stationery, Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals of ail kinds. In changing proprietors the affairs of th news branch became somewhat deranged and 'papers did not come regular, but hereafter papers can be bad on time. C7"The largest 6tock of ladies and childrcns shoes in the city will be found at Clark & Plumma-'s. rTDr. McClusney. Dentist, will be at Ashland on the 22nd., and remain three days. We can recommend the Dr. as being a first-class workman. He has done a largi amount of work for resi dents of this city, and we have yet to hear of the first complaint of either his work or his price. CQuite a Radical Revival has been going on in Liberty precinct during the present year. Spurlock and Duke each received a majority of the votes in that preciuct on th 8th. It is the Erst time tht a Republican was ever known to car ry the presinct. i ST We learn that Gov. Butler is lying seriously ill with fever at his home in Pawnee eountv. 5?"The Episcopal Mite Socieiy meets this evening at tho residence of Mrs. E. II. Eaton. TThe editorial excursionists have returned from their trip over the Union Pacific Railroad. kiTProf. J. Mueller, of Council Bluffs, is in town for a few days. All persons wishing to consult him on Musical mat ters will leave ordeis at the Platte Valley House. He is agent for the sale of the celebrated Steck &. McCummon Pianos, and a!so attends to tuning and repairing ad kinds of Musical instrumrnts. j"T7e publish to-day an advertise ment from Mr. Morris, Architect and Su perintendent of the building of the Capital it Lincoln. We hope some of our builders will bid upon this work. We sn i no reason why they cannot do the work as cheap as any others. Q'tJ'C. E. Forgy, Esq., has just return ed from a trip down the river, where he h is been taking orders for his celebiated plows. Ho informs us that he has taken orders for over five hundred plows, be sides his immense trade in this c.ty and county. He will put in an engine and otherwise materially increase bis facili ties far manufacturing early next sea son. If we had more such men in this vicinity as Mr. Forgy, it would be a good thing for the country. Energy, perse verance and thoroush advertising is bound to win if you follow a legitimate and useful business. 5?"Latet styles Hats and Caps to be found at Clark fc Plummer's. MARRIED. October 9th, 1SG7, at the reidence of the bride's father, in tbis city, by Rev. J. J. Roberts, Mr. David O. Shoofmax and Miss Emma J. Montgomery. All of this county. Cauuot be too highly spoken of. Mr. George Motley, of Frankfort Mills, Rochester, N. Y.,says: "Ihave used your machine for sometime in my family. Too much oannot be said in its favor. It is the only Sewing Machine I have found yet, that will make as strong a seam as is required for stitching Bolting cloths. the peculiar elasticity of the stitch allow iog the greatest strain on the seam, with out the least danger of ripping or break ing." Letter to Wilcox & Gibba S. M. Co., May 1, 1666. R. A. MASONS. All members of Ne. braska Chapter No. 3 are sommoDed to attend regular meeting of the Chapter on Wednesday evenine Oct. 23, at 6 1-2 o clock. Important business. D. II. Wheeler, II. P. Desirable Property for Sale. One dwelling noue, wiin seven roams, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &c. D. Marqcetti:. Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. mylG KEEP COOL ! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post Office building, and tho lovers of this delicious beverage are invited to call and see him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on and. O. F. Jouxso.v. june lOd&w. DR. M- H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST- Wl'l tin all work In his line on short notice. JEOtilce with Xr. Livingston. JulyS. PLATTSMOUTH MARX.fc.TS. Corrected by Simpson, Mickelwait&Co What Owing to the difficulty of ehipoing bnyerj Are not pnrchaaiog frely, aod prices are not a fl m as last we-jlc; we quote at 91 501 69 with down- wa d te nd-ncy. Corn No transactions In corn none ooming lu. PRODUCE Wheat $1 HOrtl 6" Poap lOiffil-) Mackerel, kilts, 2 30j.3mi Xnile 94J15 Hutter 25 Potatoes 1 to Corn in ear 4. (fjo--if, 1 25 " blielled Oats Crn iiim1 Flour 1 100 &s 5 Ml OROCER1ES Wholesale GROCERIES Retail CofTee CoBee .10 ?uKar T.-a Kice Coal Oil Tohacco A. an IoiJiJi) CO'ta'ia 14 if 15 70 T5l 65 Sugar TVa Kice Cyrupa Coal Oil Lr Oil Tobacco 175: lilt! 1 IX'I 2 Oil; Sails 75J2 HO) Flattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F. & A. HI. Roiriilarcommunicatiori lt an J 3J Monday t of each Tiomn, at o i o ciock, p. in. K. T. DUKE, W. M V. H. ANDERSON, Sec. Nebraska Chapter Ho- 3, R A. M. lVnuNr convocation 2d and 4th Wednesdays of e u n mourn, at o l i o clock p in I). H. WHEELER, n.P E. C. LEWIS, Sec I. 0-0. F. Pl itte Lodge, No. 7, meets every Saturday evening it tlieC'urt Hoiib Hall. Kfothers o other Lodges in' rcspHctiiiiiy n vittu to visit this Lodge. By order of p. P. OASS, S.O. M. McE-WAis.Ree.Sec'y. I. 0. G. T- Re?nlarmeetls every Friday evening. Traveling 1 imi'lar respeciiuiiy invited. WM. L. WELLS, W.C.T. W.M It. MATni, W. 8. fAM'LM. CHAPMAN, Lodce Pfputv, ry-KXCELSUR DE REE LOf)'?K, No. l.Plntls moiih, h'd'N rr-c'ila- mpetius on the third Wedn'-c day eveninss of each uionru. tiro S. V. CHAPMAN, W D T. Bro. W. L.Wm i..W U S Sifter E. J. iluNTU jukiit, W DVT. J3-5TAUO? 1 I II LOIGR No. 8. Mt. Pleasant, h- I'ls refill;!- metincs everv atiiriav evetung Bro- K. A. KIKKPATICICK, W. C- T. II. T. nCttHK.4. W. i. Bro F. M TIMBLI.V, Lodf,-e D' puty. EXOtU.OR l,.i,lKc. No 9, Ashland, holds regular rn.-etiiigM evi-i y Tuesday evrniutr. liro. A. MAKBLt, W. C. T. HrO. W B WiRBRITToN. W. . Bro. J. J. Wuonow, L.D. 3-FIUED!'HIl LODGK, R.,ck B uffs Uepular xueciiogs evtrry Tharfday evening JOS. PIEItT, W C T T B SMITH, W gcc. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. R-gnlar meetinns first Tnes lay of every month, at 7 p. m. Rev. GEO. C. B -TTS. K R. L: visosto.v. Clerk. ChairiQin. police to all whom it ltiay Conccrn. Notice I hereby Ki'n that the Cincinnati Home Iusurai ce Company having r- moved W.K (."r.wford, laie Ke-id. nt ASt ui at Pia'tmoiuh, Nelira-ka, for mi stimnagenv nt of th- ii business and enibezzlenietit r funds; all panics holding Pol cies of Insurance ol saiil Comiiany art leqmn d to ieprtsuch Policii- to W W KKWIN. H sidi nt At-nt at PlattHraoiith, within t n dataflow ihs date or such policies will he deied cancelled hy the saiil Company. KOB'T II. EI1I.E, Cctober 8d, 1807. 2w General Agent. Ijeal IVotice H. D. riathaway, ) v. V Attachment. Raymond. Miner A Co ) Take notice that nn the 10th diy of ?cptemher, 1 D 1S6T, J.-.iues O'N-i l, a Justice of the Peace in and lor Pittnionth Precinct, Caa County, Nelir iska, issued an ord--r of attachn e it for J7 i0 Hollars in t-e above entitl"d caus-t and thit und-r and hy vi' tie of said oid-r3 Accord oiw, 4 Violins, S Vio'in B. xs. 2 Ban 'os. 4 Violin Bows, 2 Finger Board? anil 6 ioHo .-crew were izi'd asjotir property. Trial ol said ran-e will e had on the 20tti day of Oct. ber, a D lcC7, at tuv o'cloik p. m II. D. HATHAWAY. By Maxwell A Chapman, Att'ysfor Plt'f 8 JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low figures, 10 kt COFFEE. 16 W SCGAK, 6 hbla DR Y AITLES, 5 hhla DR 1' J'EA CUES. H-c , Ac. Also, a large assortment of Pine Lumber, LATH. SirfXGLES. DOOUfi, WIS DOW SASH, WISOUW BLISVS. GLASS. UEMEXJ. PLAHTEX rARIi, JIAlI!, COAL OIL, Etc LEXINGTON COAL, 250 bushels, to which we invite the attention of Blacksmiths and others as to quality and price. We are Agents for the GOODlN COAL Lex ington, aud propose tt furnish all the Coal his country wants at pi ices to suit. Also a large stock of Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Raspoerry, Blackberry and Ginger Brandy. Call and see us. gIMPSOS, MICKELWAIT A CO. je6d3 wtf Irgal Notice Thomas Officer a' d 1 Charles A. White, Complainants ! vs f In Chancery. Franklin Culen. J In paisuaore and by virtue ot a decretal order to me directed from the office of the Clerk of the Dis trict Court of the 2d Judicial istrict of Nebraska, within and for Cass county, bi-aring date on the i'ilh day of November a o 1S62, being ti.e ai.journed October Term of id Cou't; I, te suu-criber, Mas er in Cbancerv of said Court, will offer f ir sale at pub lic vendue for ca-h, to the highest and bet front of the Court-House iu the ci:y of Plattsmouth, Cas- county, N. braska, on JIOXDA Y. the 2SfA day ictdher, A D 1SC7, at 1 o'clock of said day, the following described real estate t- wit: Tne northwest quarter of section twenty five (2-), In township no tw-ive (12), norm of range no twelve 12), east of th Oth p m. In Cass county. 'ebra-k; Toother with all and singular the improvements. hereditaments and appurtetiancea thereon or thereunto belonginp, to be sold as the rior-rty of the above name I defendant to satisfy said decree, the amonnt of which is the sum of iji7.22 and interest from the date of decree at the rate of ten per cent, per annum. t 'Rethtr with costs of suit and sale. Wit. F CA PIX. Master in Chancery. T M Marqnett, S 1. for Compl't. 26 4w rlaea to get cheap Lamps and Lamp Chi nine I. iBLA0r, BUTTERY V. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Grand and Pelit Jurors, who wero summoned to app- a- on 'he 21 dav of Sept' in ber A o ist7. (-aid Term of the District Con.t hav ing b en ailjoumed to the 21st day of October, A D 1H67.) they will be required ti appear at or bef re eleven o'clock of said day. Given nndcr my hand this 13th day of te;temter, a n 1C7. J. H. BROWS, Clerk. sei !9 3w By t,. Well. Deputy. F A T T? "R A n TT R " SCALES. tt2' "Zri.f or ALL Kt!r8- zZ&tri& Fairbanks, Greenleaf IX jU-, 226 2 18 Late St Chicago il irktt tit , St. LvuU CJBe careful to bny only the Geuuine. myy22 A- SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., Pi.attsmo utu. I am prepared to sc-ommr date the public sit Horses, Carriages and IJuggies, Also, a nioe Hearse, On short notice and rensonable terms. A Hack will r un to steamboat landing, and to all pai Is of the city when desired. mr29 J. W. SUANXON. WANTED 4 GENTS $1.50 per month, evervwhere. male V and fema'e, to el the OEXIIXE COM11..S SEXSE FAMILY SkWISG AACHIXE, the greatest invention of the as . Price H. Every Machine warranted thiee years Audit's, M. Lewis a co , t.epl2 4w P. O. Box 003 St. Louis, Mo. aLcal Notice. In the Dintrict Court 1l Ju licial Mstrlct,toithin an for t 'i County, Xtbraolca: Charles s. Wortuian, ) vs y John Allinson. t John Allms.n, of the Territory of Montana, will take notiro that Charles 3. Wortman, of the county of Cass and St tfe of Nebraska, did on the 10th day of September, 1S67. file his petition In th" District Court of the 2d Judicial District, with asid for Cass county, Nebraska, aa-nst the said John Alliuson, d fondant, setting lorth that the said Joh . Al inson vave a morlifape to tli' Ban! Charles S Wortman on lot 5, in section in township 12. north of ranee 14, east of the 6th p in, containing 2i acres, and the northeast quarter of northeast qu .rter of section to. 5, in township 11. north of range 14, east or the 6th pm containing fo ty acies, to secure the payment of the sum of JWt, with interest at 10 per cent, per annum, accord nt to the teims of a certain note re ferr d to In said morttcape, and pravius; thit said John Aliinon may pav .-aid sum now cla ni d to be due, with inteie-t at the rate tit ten per cent per unum from th" l.ith d-iy of May. Is66, or that said premises may be -old to pay the -am", aod the said Jobn Alliuson is notified that he Is required to ap pea and answer said petition on or before the 3d Mouda. after the .1.1 dav of Octoher 1S67. Plattsmouth, septembei lotb. 167 Cll IRI.K S AORTvlAN. sei 12 4w By Msxwel! fr Chapman, Att'ys LADIES' Ice Cream Saloon. Vp Stair, one door tomt of Black dt Buttery' Orvg Store. Where we set up th very bet quality of Cream and take plesuce in serving it by the dish, or we have small Ire xers, and can siij.uly church fairs, fe-tiva Is, parties 01 families with auy quantity , on short notice. Also, below, we have the best assortment of all kinds of Fancy and Stick Candy, Fruits, Nuts, To baoeo. Choice Cigars, etc., to be found in the city. jy otn . 11. J. STKEIUHT. J. N. WISE, General Life, Accident. Fire, Inland and Transit INSURANCE AGENT Will take ri?k at reasonable rates In the most reliable Co i-anies in the . t ited states. tj-umce at tbe book store, 1'ia err outh, Ncbras , niay21dlf FAKM For SALE CHEAP. The wnll Iui' wti farm of S. 11. Cummins, situate two miles west of riafl mouth, on the Denver road, with the ti'.-:ber the-, t , is for saie verv cheap. App.y to J t . CL .UM I N. ou the adjoining farm. Also, lots 7 and block 14. in I'lattsuiouth. auK'1 f PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O 11 G Y , Manafa:turer of all kinds of Far ill in? Implements, u"b as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mould Hoard Bre.iker-, Stirnni! Plows. Siuk'le and Kouble ihovel-. Cultivator and Harrows. Itepuirit.e done n short notice All wo-k warranted. llHvinchad much exprien e in the business. I feel assured t can ifive general s itisf action. Please give nie a call btfore purcbasing elsewhere. U. . . fUKUl, Plattsmouth. Neb., May 8th, 1967. lVm. II. Liciiike, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouth: Nebraska. iec7 1SC5 tf IMON OCrC.tOLTE ACQ. WEDOMSKT Obernoltc & WedoniNhy, Brick Stonemasons, A XI) I' LA S TElt ER S, All work in their line done to the best satisfaction. and as cheap as hy anybody else Address, rtoltmoutU, Stb., P. O. box 545. (augT TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions dut Sot' diers aid their heirs. F. M Dorrinif ton hss this day received from the Deuartnient. the Law In full with new blanks for the collection or additional Bounties and Increased Pen- sions. and is ready to prosecute all such claims as may be entrusted to his care. Cal and examine. list claimed Is first served. F. M. D0REINGT X . Plattsmouth, Aug. 10, I86rJ. I)1VCLLI(S at all price Any pe-sons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or Residences in town will find them for sale at al prices. By nirT. Rfal Estati Agkkh. lOTICE. JAMES O'KEIL is my authorized Agent for the collection of all acmunrs due the undersigned for medical services; his receipt will he valid for the payment of any monies on said sec- nnts. AUgUst 14, 13D. K. A. L.I IXjS 1U.I, M.U. IVOTICE Is hereby Riven that lot 2. in block 26. as published In liel nqoent I i-t, on which the taxes amount to 12.60. -hould have been adv. rtised as lot 2. in block fit), and .be same is hereby advertised for sale accord ing to law. 8 Dl'alE, Ireasurer sepia aw t,ass county,. en. II. G- Wortliinsrton Attorney and Counselor AT LAW. Office in Karbach'a Block, corner of Douglas and IStfc streets, Omaha, Nebraska. aup!4 AND WOOL- CARDING. Hof for Salt Cre k. where you can kill two birds with ore stone, get your Gra n Ground and Wool Carded a the same tiro-; the machinery for both is in terfect order. We use tne Patent Machine Cards, which were tun enough last year to establish their superiority over the old kinil, as al whonsed the can testify. The Fnperioritv of Mr. S. 'I wiss as a Carder is well know n, anu nis services are still te tained for tbe benefit of the public. With the above advantages we flatter ourse Ives that we can make it to the aJva" ta?e of all who want work in onr line to come tbis way. D. DEAN. Proprietor. niyn a. TWisa, varar ATTENTION W. are Just In receipt of onr FALL AND WINTER tock of DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, ftueensware, Iron, Nails, Groceries, fcc. SCHTJTTLER WAGONS constantly on hand. co o u o h S3 Tlolinc Plows and .til kinds or AGRICITIjTITRAI. mPI.ETIEIVTS. Which we Are selling at the lowest cash price Please call and examine onr stock nd e for yourselves. STAUDE & ANDERSON. JOH R CLARK Clark & Plummer, Successors to Tootle, Hanna & Co.,) DEALERS IN Dry Goods, llardvare; Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, PLATTSHOIJTH, NEBRASKA. Keep on hand a fnll itock of all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! The Cheapest and Best. E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO., Have jast rceelved A largo and splendid stock of Kw and Fashionable Goods, consisting of YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. BOO IS AND SHOES. READY MADE CLOTHING, Lowest Cash Prices ! Ilavla; purchased them for cash In New Tork and Bos'on. We assure the pnblie we can and will (ell Goods as low as any bouse west of Si. Louis or Chicago. CSF'Remember the Old Corner, now called the Tsrox7- YorU. CORNER MAIN AND SECOND (or teiee) STREETS. J-Our motto la "QUICK SALES AXD SMALL PROFITS." Plattsmoctii, Nebraska, September 26tb, 1S67. E. A. WIGGENHORS D. SCHNA6SE. PROSPECTUS OF THE INTTHPITJ A TT A ST A 'I' W. J 1 lis fa.naimx pr ji JOURNAL." The nnder ierjed proposes to establish a Weekly Newspapi r at Lino. in Ciiy, the Capital ot the State of .Nebraska, to he called "The Nebraska State Jour nal." the first issuo of which will be about the 1st of October. IStiT The whole outQt for the Office will be entirely new, ind will embrace poid Job Office, as well as the ews Department. Ilavi ik had much experience in Journalism, and 'eion one of the Brst settlers in Nebraska; eonsequen-ly neiurf well acquainted with the wanti of the people, aud the resources f the State, we flatlet ourself that we can give general sati. faction in the enterpiise. The "Journal'' will advocate Republican princi pies, but will be Conducted on an independent scale, and will be Courteous to all parties and sects. Returning- our thanks to our old friends and pa trons, we trust ibey will assist us in this new enter ptise TERMS $2 00 per annum In advance. JACOB DAWSON. NOTICE All persons are hereby cautioned acainst purchasing- a certain Promissory Xote for $15O,0O, with in terest at ten per e"-nt per annum. Blven by the undersigned on the fifteenth of March, ISO", p-iyahle to Abiatiiar Tvson or order on or before the first day of December 167; t he consideration thereof having failed. e will not pay said note at maturity. ' A. C. VAX He-PS. Wra.H. H. VAN KPPS. VTeepinK-Water Precinct, Cats Count , Nebraska, September lth, 1367. sep-2d 4h Plattsmouth Is. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. Have rreently been repaired and p'aced in thor ough running order. Custom work done on short noti.-e. 100,000 Dushels of Wheat Wanted immediately, for which the highest market price will be paid. an tf 1 CITIZENS ! 0 0 p 0 0 tLt PLCMMEH. Groceries, dueensware, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Sash, ifce. HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, Which they will sell at the CzxzbIjl store, PALL TRADE 1867. PRATT & FOX, Importers and Manufacturers' Agents HARDWARE CUTLERY, Large stocks of American Screw Co. Screws, Ames' fchovels and Spades, Donglass' Manu.acturin); Co. Edge Tools, American Table Cutlery, English t'ock et Cutlery. Agents for HERRING'S SAFES. Forsyth's Scales and Trucks Orders fille I at Factory Prices. Orders aolicited. PRATT & FOX, Cor. Main aud V a?hitipton Ave., ep3 8m 1 SX.LOC1S. MO I f loawant Patent Medicines at old prices go te mUAL A, ML J 1 ILM X TOf7. An Old Sous Set Co a IVew Tub K2T 1867. Ampring oppreache A nf and MoH-het ans AWr hole Cm4 4 And itice and Rat lit fte of cat. Gaily ikip about. MS years established In N. T. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not danperous to the Unman Family. "Hats Come out of their holes to die." Costar's Rat, Reach &c, Extermr Is a paste used far Eat. Alice, Roach, Black and Red Ante, etc. Costar's Bed-Bug Exttrminator Is a liquid or wash uarri to destroy, anj also as a preventive for Hed-Buga, dco. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects I for Moth. 3fquitM. tUnt, Bed Bug; Insect on t'tante, J-oirlx, Animal, ot A S-! ! ! Biwarb ! ! ! of all worthless imitation. X3T fce that 'Costr,8' name ia on each Box, Bottle and Flatk be ore you buy. Address Henry It. Costar, 4P4 Broadway, New Tork. MYf Sold in Plattsmouth, Xebraeka, by Black. Buttery & Co., and O V. Johnson, and all Druggtai aud Betailers sverywbers. COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cuts, Barns, Biulres, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, R ok'-n Breasts, sore Nipnles, lileediiifr. Blind and Painful Piles. Scrorulous, Putrid and lll-c ndiilonad Sores, Ulcers (ilandular Swellings K-np Sn, Cuta neous Atfections, Kiniworm, tcb. Corns, Bunioas, Chilblains. &o; Chapped Hands, Lips, Ac; Bites of Spiders. Insects, Animals, Ac- Boxes, cents, 60 c-nts and $1 sizes: Sold bv all Druggists eveiywhere. And by HENRY K. COSTAR, Dept 484. Broad, way. N. Y. BAnd by O. P. Johnson, and Blaek, BulUry k, Co , Plattsmouth, Nebraska. COSTAR'S ONIVERSAI. Corn Solvent. For Corns. Bunions. Warts. e. -Ttnxrs 25 cents, SO cents and tl sist. rSd1 bv all Druirifists every where. And hy 11EXRY K. COSTAU, Depot 4S4 Broad wav, N. Y. srAnd by Black, Buttery & Co. and O. P. Joha toii, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OP Bitter Sweet & Orange Blossoms, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Tsed to soften ar.d beautify the Skin, rtniora Freckles, Pimples, Kmptions, c. Ladies are now tiding it in preference to all others. Itott es 1. JC3Sold by all Drupgiats every whe'ex And by HENRY h. COSTAR, Depot 4S4 Broad war, Y. t5PAnd by O F. Johns.n and Black, Battery J Co.,rUUsmouth, Nebraska. COSTAR'S PECTORAL Cough Hemedy. For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat. Cronn. Whooping Cougt., Icflu' Dla, Asthma, Coo-urtlDtion, Brnnehial Affectioi s and all Diseases sf the Throat and Lungs. Boxes 25 cents. 60 cents and tl sites jaL-So'd by all Drnegists every thee. And by HtXHI R. COSTAK. Denot 4SA Broad. ay, N Y. 4tsrAnd by Black, Buttery Co aod O. W. J bo son, Platumoutb, Nebraska. COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL. For Nervous and Sick Headache, Cestlvesess, Indl gestien, dyspepsia, Billiousness, Cosistipation, Diar rhea, Colics, Chills Fevers and general derangement of the Dieestive Organs. Boxes 2o cents, on cents ans i slits tt9Sold bv all Druggiu everywhere. And by H KNRT R. COSTAR, Depot 4$A Broad way, N Y. -j' And by O. T. Johnson and Blaek, Battery sV Co., PlarrsmonrtJ, Nebraska. r)M aW