Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 10, 1867, Image 3

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iGi to Clar & Plumnasr'a for jour
QfStreizht fcf-l!lri2 snrrj' of the fin
est reiche pvt hronht to this market.
C"We b:'l a Itsrht frost one night
last wepii, not emulh to d -.-image.
CSNew (loorls at Clark Plummer's
at prices oT T.l.
C7Whrt ha hPn s.1!In2 on the
e'.reet at 1 ,50 to $1,00 bushel for th
past week.
f77"It is a-tnni-lunj to look at 1h
p"!s of goods just received by Black,
Buttprv & Co
pJThe Jospphi'e hranch of th
mon cVj ch is l.oM;ni on annual confer
ence in H-irriso-i citinfv, Iowa.
C?We lenrn Hint Hon. J. E Doom,
has -been quite ill for some time past
but i recoverir?.
( ;V:irk PliimmT cill uttpntion to
thir large and carel uily assorted stock of
New Goods.
!7?We ee a prowd of popn in and
about the Sw York Store all th time.
Thev must fini ooda and prioes to suit
CtRoI. MiiW, of the Kenans Chrif.
think ti mnt h exeppdinglv dn1! in
Omaha becone hp has not hoard of Li' tip
Mac. being kicked for more than a week
x?".Tiidce Ti"ke has ndionrnd the
term of court for this nuinty to M'indav
tli 21 t n.t., at, whieh time the jurors
are notiSrd to nrrtpar.
(T?TriP T...d;es of St. Ltikr's P-irih
A'd Roeietv will rivo a R.critin this
evening at the rpidencp of Dr. LivinT
eton. AH nro invitpd to attend
f?"Th S'enmpr H-'n Johnson snrk
lit wpek, on hpr down-vard trip. S!i
had on board a large quantity of wheat
from this plncn
rT7?See now ndvertiarmTt of Clark
Plurrmpr. Thry maintain thp rpputation j
of th- paMihmpnt I17 kfoping the lar.
est and TiPst stTk of po.-.ds in the wrt
T. O. Dovpv. of the firm of Ami
son & Dnrrv, nrrivrd nt honip Mon'lnv
evpning. hsving bpen rat pnrehain
goc ! for thptr larr:" hr.up in this city
f""v7"A balloon aen-.ion cam' ofT at
at Ofana la-t Saturday. Mr. Yard va
the aeronaut. 1 1 w-nt up about one
mi'p, and laoded about a mile wet of
the citv.
ftvlVp lnrn that Crawford hao 1-pi-n j r.-i:hr ile'iglir in a iitt'.o politicil euthu
mn V ing I'cmocrat "c ppechp up t h.-VU ' f i:.'iu c-r.c 1 r. v..r.
in which he stvs h was mobbed hr j
.i. of bis De-aocracy. Crawfcr-1 is a ZVCu-.u.u in-.d--. llio's & .ho?, war
p j " I rante ! to ex-' an offers J in this mar.
m- k-t, ut C'aik P.ii -n'-.'.pr's.
iThe ppn'p cimini from t!i" rat : - -v-
to V.,rnt,ka i!l do well to rimimli'r J f ?' Mrs. L B. J .Df, at her re.-idenee
tbnf more wheat has been shirpi from j up stairs, i:i the i I'iiuii'g fcrioerly occu-
I IfttmnMith tl'O prr-sptit rpum tlim
fill tlio otrifr totvp in N-rp.i.
rrur.ty r.'
c .mrVtr.1. Th f.Soor- will t-k r"- rrovt..j fashions. Particular attention
fcio of them onn Th- work rrn, d-n : ,j,vs cJothir MnJ a pr
1 11 iv -rv it .it.r.t,.!' - r ' '
ny .o-r.-. isiTiK kv sse.., u..u .a U
teat rjiiality.
yfl.i'V.on, "V. and -Ttmine thelarz
nJortmnt of f.ihion?l '!r'" jnoi?i
.ril trimmini jut receive! .it Clark
PIummer'3. z
Tz? They linil n priz ? firrht in 0fh"i
nr.e d-iy Inst T7ft'k fur .5;100 a eid, li
twctn an Omaha "bruiser" find n ,pTn
from Iowa. ''Bruiser" crime Oui first
fJFrom fiftppn to twenty families a
Week nre arriving tit thw rdfico from thn
eit, nnd nenrlv till 0 into th C"i:ntry
ond n'a'e new homo. Th" pnnnlntinn
of Cas nnd Saundprs co'inties wi!l in
crease netirly oni ha'.F during the year.
r5"Thpre wan no exfitpni-nt ftbout
tte poll last Tnpiiav. The prrcinct
pivrs i Rppiihlican irninr'tv, r.nil a'l 1
IotpIv and qnift. AVh-n t'le Democracy
were in th- ascndncy there were always
two or three drunken rows on election
Q'T'A. 15. Smith, civil engineer, nnd
eurvevor of F.inco'n Citv, has presned
n n photosrarh plat of the capital L'ity.
I; was phntojrraphed bv Dr. A. M Smith,
of Nehrnska City, and fh ws the reer
Tfttioris. streets nnd lots just .13 they arc
On the official pat.
"5" Wm. S. West, Fq., is on?rini
lienvv in Jucemenfs to buyers in the way
ef Inw pricps for nursery stock. He
kerps a g.ind supply of fruit trees nnd
hruhberv on hand, and fias arran;reinerts procurinc any kind deired, on short
E0tp. r.afroniyp home dealers
f7"The contract for radinj on Main
nd Secoml streets has be?n awarded to
Mr. Robert Smith, and work has already
teen commenced. The cut on the
Main street hill will be about 13 feet nt
the deepest place, and the fill below will
be adoat seven feet
CI" Thero is a strong rrejuJi?e
against articles of American manufac
ture, and justly, tto, in many cases, but
not so with I). B. De Laml & Co's. Best
Chemical Salerattis. This is the b 6t ar
t".c'e in existence for cookinjr purposes,
yet many families are using English So
da, when this Saleratus is much better,
and by using it you are patronizing home
nuetien. For sale everywhere.
57"Late-t ntyles Hats and Caps to be
found at Clark & Plammor'n.
CiTIIun. Jithn has f een nom
inated for county Judge of Lancaster
county on an independent ticket. Cad
man is a good man, but we don't take a
gret deal of stock in independent
Our to wruinn n, .I.imei Jordan,
arrived from the west a few diys sinc.
Hi stopper some time at th new city of
Chejen .e, and reports the town rapidly
increasing. He left us a copy of the
Chyeine Lender, a radical paper pub
lished by N. A. IJ.tkcr. It 13 a fair ej-ec-imen
of western enterprise.
In Doniphan county, Kansas, the
proposition to is.ue $-')(',OG0 iu bonds to
Hsit in constructing the Atchison and
Nebraska It til Ilo:id whs carried by th
handsome majority of 700, there being
only about 250 votes in the whole
county against it. They are ulive to
th':ir interests down there.
Ci7"We hope eur County .omniission
era will take immediate tepe to pluce the
road from here to Lincoln in the best
possible condition. It is now the best
road between Lincoln and the river, but
can probably e made better and shorter.
It is of the utmost importance that this
be done, and doni- ppeedi'y.
. m m
i"Trie largest toek of ladies and
children? phoes in th-j city will be found
Ciark &. I'lumrn"-.-'.
"During the can vas on the R. R.
Bond q'ietion last week it w as almost in
variably the caso t hai afier the speakers
were through, soma one or more would
come out and say that they had been op
p sed to the move but were ssitibuVd now
that it was to tha host interest of a'l to
go for the bonds. This but proves our
f inner assertion that tvejy man who un
dcrs'ood Hit; question thoroughly would
vote in favor of the bonus.
("John-W. IJ imps, Eq., has charge
;f tli- Book Stcro formerly owned by J.
N. Wirfp, ar.d is siiling (iff the lira;, stock
of Itooks an 1 stationery at cost, for the
purpose of re&blng the shelves and coun
ter with a new etiorc. 'ih-y have on
lmnd a large quantity of l ooks, arid those
desiring atiy of th.-ai will ilo well to ca.l
i7Ve do not reiuinbt-r to have ever
passed through a canvass with as little
political feeling innnifr?ted as the ene
ju't closed in this county. All parties
wer: atixiou', of co irse, to secure a 1 the
vote1! lh:'5 cotiid, but by cjiiuotj consent
t.obui.:il is-uoswerj touched iihtl? for
the tor; use of'. ai.c'ng thvlncil inter-'.-;s
of i'.i-i cuuiity. Wo are in for the
looil iiitere.-.ts the time, and vet v.e
j i-'il .y Muthis tk, iji.'n, lint juiS r(.'0i:vi 1
lii" lutu-t I'tiris i'. is1.. ions for Misses anJ
Roy, tha is now f.rfpnrcu to f:t end
iri-Tj an of i.rca 1a ti:o most nr.-
fect f;. wurr:tIlt( j. The .j eh(J 1)a,
now on hand nre Very pretty and appro
pri-it? at;d all are invited to call and ci
ami n 9.
'i'Ue I'iftCJ wins .flacliine"
Mr. A. UaotJus, M. I) , cf Rochester,
in his li tter of May 7, 106. eays of the
S-.vir.;r Marina which has ben in use
in his family for four years: ''It m ikes
ti rntaarkiibly strong a tni, whic'.i never
rips when properly sewed. It h-is never
'ten out of order; nor have we broken a
need!?. It is dm-Ioss in its operation;
d is? '.ts work thoroughly, nnd satisfacto
rily; and '3 alwavs ready for use. I can
c vi.-cientiou-dy reconi.nend it to those rc
q't'fin n Perfect Sewing Machine.'
That machine, it is hardly necessary tu
aiJ, is the Wilcox & (Jibbs
C,"J" Plattranut h is the best wheat
market in the State, nnd thero is more
wheat shipped from hre than all the otrur
towns in Nebraska. Wheat soi l on the
street this inortdnj at .$1,70 per bushel
D-ii's any town in Nebraska pay a better
CxT'M-ij. Wheeler has rented the oface
now occurled by the county Clerk an.l
county Treasurer, and will take poses
sion of it in the course of a few days
The county oflices will be removed to the
Gre-pr'iof rooms, one t or to the east.
CTTarker it l'artnele are running
their tri-weekly line nf stties to Salt
Creek, nnd are prepared to run daily if the
travel requires it. The Democracy will
take notice.
CJTOolonel Forney's European Letters
are now in press, and will soon bo issu
ed in a 12tno volume of about five hun
dred paze, bv T. B. Po erson & Broth
crs, of Philadelphi i. The correspondence
skives the au.hors impression of various
ountrics which he visited during an
European tour of several months, with
observations upon society, politics,
amusements, manufactures, educational
and re.isious institutions in Enlnd,
France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium
and Holland. Tne variety of these let
ters may bo jud e 1 from the fact that
they were written from London, Liver
pool.JOxford, Windsor, Halifax, Strat
f rd upon-Avon, Chester, Paris, Berne,
Lake Leman, Baden Baden, Heidelberg:,
Weisbaden, On the Rhine, Coldentz,
Brussels, Antwerp and the Ilxguo.
(ri?"Nebra-ka City only giveB a tr flo
over 100 Democratic mnjority this fall.
The ncrprer must have departed from the
band of Morton, or else Price's nrmy is
again congregating in the brush of Mis
souri. We learn that Council Bluffs was
the scne of a disgraceful row on elec
tion day, w. ich was kept up a large part
of the day. The county went Demo
cratic. CIt is reported that a majority of
the Republican ticket is elected in Otoe
3?"CIark & P'urnmer have just open
ed a splendid stock of Ready Made
Clothing and Gents' Furnishiog Goods
at reduced pricps.
rj5TCapt. E. B. Murphy has put patent
springs on every bedstead in the Platte
Valley, rind has sent east for a complete
lot of bedding for evpry bed about th
establishment. lie will have everything
about him in the right shape or else dis
card it entire!?.
At Weeping Water, Sept. ?oth. by Rev.
F. Allev, Mr. J. II. M. Beardsley and
Miss Charlotte E. Klepser, both of
Weeping Water, Cass county.
In this city, October 4th, 1SG7, Joe
Herbert, youngest son of J II. and Mar
garet A. Bcttkrv, aged 13 months.
U"For Sale One of Lamb's superior
knittirg machines the", only kind made
that widens and narrows. I-Dquiro at
this I'fSee.
Desirable Property for Sale.
One dwelling nnu-t, wun seven roams,
cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well
set with fruit trees, shruhbpry, &c.
Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. m16
The un lprpigned has his superb SODA
FOUNTAIN in operation ngain in the
Post OCeo bui'dmg, and tho lovers of
tins delicious beverage are invited t
call and sre him. A good assortment of
Green and Dried Fruit will be kppt on
and. O. F. Jounson.
jum-! lfhbfcw.
Wi'l rt.i nil uok in 1 i line on short nolie--?.
rf"yt3ce with Dr. LiViBtjs'.orj.
J ny
Plattsnioutb. Lodg-e No- G, A- F. :
f.'-vil irmiinin'Mcatimi.- 1-t ami .1.1 M"U'!:iJ"s ( f "ac!i
i.o-K, :it b 1 i; o c.o' i:. J. in
E. T. Ifl.T, V. M.
v it. andc" ins. i
. c.
Ucbrzzsz Chapter To- 3. H A- ll.
e ii 1: ii-i a.t 0 1 2 u'c'"' k ; in
1. II. WiltLEi:, II. r.
I. 0 0- F.
I'! t: L'l'. N". 7, n t evi rv ?al".ry e-enii,5
it ll.-f L.rt ioup ' ti:iil. p fi'tb'-i o ,'li;er LoiiiJ-
1 r.- r p 'Ci in I :y v. .''. to v. .-it ti:i v
1' V ri .'or f
iv r. uas.s rr.
li. HcK. WAIN, Tier. :
I. 0. G. T.
Iti'uul.'ir meet! US' ereiy V-May evening. Traveling
Tetui tars reree:f::!lv Irtvte I.
WM. L. I'.ELLS, W.C.T.
WM P. ?.f ail'.s, rv. i.
fAll'L M. CHATM IV, Ldse Pfpuly,
f-FXCEt.-Ii'R DE HER LOll'iK, So. 1 PUtU
mi t'h, b--l -i rec't'n meetings on the thiid Wednei
day evtuiB'i of niornn.
I: o S. v CHAPMAN, W D T.
B.-o. v, t. wnxs. w n s
tei-ter E. J. ,.I;isii 'jimr, W P V T.
I'V-srATtOF - LOIiPt K No 8. Mt Kleant.
b'-l-is reiulr- metinri everv Siitnr.lM v evnina
Brie K. A. K IhkPA'l'RIt K, W. C. T.
n. T. nrtviKs. w s
Bro F. M TIM3LIN, LoJ-;e Deputy.
XTT EXCFl.i'lt I.n;le Xn 9.,
r-t:' iiieeliiigs evet y 1 ue.-ii.y ever ine.
:io A. MAltUi.E.W. C. T. W B WlBBBlTT'iS.W. .
Bro. J. J. Wooi'KOW, T..D.
5rr5-FRIEr.-HU' I.odGF. Rick B i.C Itcpular
mccliuii.t every ihuraduy evenic
Jl'S. PI EE If. W C T
T U Siliril, W fee
St. Luke's Parish Vestry.
P. -gul tr meet.u's Erst Tu'.- lay of every month.
t 1 p. 111 Kev. OLC). (J. It I is.
Ii ll. Livisor,TOS. CI- rk. Chairman.
Notice to nil whom it may
yrt'cf i- berft v even "Imt 'be Cinc'nna'i Home
lusurit ce Company h.iwnif n mnved W F i;tiBMO,
i,u e :c-id nt AUeui at PlaMm nitti, Sei.n-k i. Inr
... 1.111-1.. 1.11 nt uf ill i' bii5iiies4 iibd eml'ezzleniei't
..r luiid"; a'l patie Pol cie of tii-11'atii.e of
tid I'liiaimty ieiiiinu to iep..ri a urn r.ini-ii-
r W il'.'MX. K fill-xt fceut 11 1 Pi itti-month.
Within ti n dii 8 fro'u in s nate i.r "in h p.-iicf s will
be t-iemei cti-edd i y llie aii mpati.
Cclobcr 3d, 15C7. 2w General Atfent.
IjCnl IVotice
H. D. ITathjwy, 1
vs V Attrcbmcnt.
Kayui.ind. A Co 1
1 Hke noiii e tl l I'D the if th dy of Feplemher,
A D liul, J line O'Ni l 1, a Janice ut the Pence ill
n,l u.r f.-tt-nionth Piecinct. t:n-s C' imtv.ei"rgi.a.
.,ur an oid' r ol attach 1 e t f.-r JT ."U nnllarn in
t .! MttAve elltirl'Vl runs'', lld til it l:"d'T alld lV VI
toe ..f ni l oid 1 3 Ace. rd om. 4 Vi .liu. S Vio in
R. X'K. 2 bun us 4 Violin 15 ih '2 Fiugtr lt"ard- and
1; rereWt wei 'ized aiiur property T'i
o: s . ii riin-r will l-e lmd . n the 2Gti, diy ot Oct ter,
A V ltd, at mr o'cKHk p. ui
By SUttwel: t Cbapni-in, Att'yifor l'l.'f 3
And for ale at low figures,
6 W DRY A ri'LES, 5 U Is 1 '. V PEA CUES,
H-c , ta. Alto, a large aso. tuient of
Pine Lumber,
2."i3 fcnsh-Ia. t. which we invite the altenion of
Blacknn: hs and ot fce'ii to ij'iality and price. V e
are A cent for the IjOO OlX COAL L-x-iaiztnn.aB'l
prop.i-e t furni.h all the Coal 'Iik
country wants at piice to suit. Al.-o a large bt-ck .
Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky
Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry asd Ginger Brandy
Call and ace
je6 i!3 wtf
.T'Uce to sat cbesp Larnpf and Lamp Cbimne
i u t i iDides: svttsm r c r s
I herewy clren to thr Gi nod nt t'e'it Jurors, xrhn
ver. eu inn -n d to I " on -Im 21 da of Kent-m
hrr A D Sij7. (-i'i Terra of Vie l)ii;rii Cnu t hi
n r b e i 'ij iii n, d to Hie Sis d:;y of Oc:oer. A I)
ljbT.) they wnl b r'quiifd tn appear at fT b f re
i-levi d 'clock of eHid itHy. Giv-o nudcr my haod
this 13th dy of BepiemLer, A l 1-67.
J. II . HiOWK, Clerk.
sc:19 3w By WiLLIAJf I.. Wkll-, Lei uty.
r'Tp&Q Fairbanks, Greerleaf
226 8 ;s Ijite Ut CI. ic.aqn
2'. J X- .v ,Ht. Louis
J3"Bi careful to bay only the ficum. mys 22
Feed, Sale and Livery
Main Sr., Plattsmoctii-
I im prtpared to acxciir.odile tho public wtt
Horses, Carriages and Buggies,
Al;o, a niee Hearse,
On nhort nnttre xrid rexsonab'e tnrnif. A Hack will
uo to Mean bnat iaiiiiiLg, iud to a.l pd.lsolthe
city when deired.
Iiir2: J. W. EUAN SOS.
1 GENTS $1.50 (!r lacinth, everywhere, male
r.d ftniHV. t.. ell lh- GESCIXE CO.WJ..X
rettei invention i'f the UK -. Price ils. Every
Machiau warranted years Aiidn vF,
Fepl2 4w P. O. Box 003 St. Louin, Mo.
IesI Notice.
In the Dintriit Court id Judicial fHxtriet,V)ithin
ttu - for t 'as County, Sehranka:
CUarlei S. Wuri-Jian, J
vi S
Jobn Allinsnn. '
Jnhu All us -n, of tliB Territory of 5Iontana,will
tktf nIn-o tlint Uha le S. W.iriniuD, or county
of Cans an I tuif nf .Nvbiask.i, did un the luili day
ut Scp'embe-. 1S0T. flle Ms ieiiiin io th- l-l.-trsLt
Ciiurt of th 2 I Judicial Uiktrict. w th nd f r Cass
county Nebra-k aifa Dt ihe faid John Ai:iUi-on.
d repliant, feitin? lurth ibat the taid Jofi . Ai ini-un
L'ave a nioriijaije to tli 6nl;e S W'orlnmn on
l it 5, in tectiu'i in towi i-liip 1'2 north of Taupe
14, ea-it of the 6tli p in, cnnUining 2S ncre-i. Bnd ih"
orthe is' quarter uf northeas qn Horof HtCion r.
5, in tuwr..hi 11 north or range 14, eat of the 6ih
I Ul containing fn ly aries, 10 cure the payment
uf I hi un of S-iiiO, with interest at 10 perceut. per
annum, accutd ntf to ihi- t' 1 ms of a cer aia note re
ikrr ii to inlaid inortuite. and pravi!- tht said
J Im Allir. on may p,i aid hum now ila m d tn b
luf, with inteieM at the rate i.l ten per cent per
inruiin ftom th" l-5ih d y of May 1S6', o lh:t baul
1 - rein ses nin ) h1) to pay the um and tbo tiaid
Jv'-ii Ai!iun is notified tlml l.e U lequned to :p-p-a-
and answer -Mid pet ti. n n or f-efore the 3J
.Moinln ai'tee iheJJ I d.iv f (jrtorier 13G7.
l'ijl'&muuih, ce tenib- lOih JsC7
f:l l!I.Ks S rftiRTnAS.
sei 12 4xv l;y Muxwcl! ! Cl apiu.m, Att'ys
Ice Cream Saloon.
I'p Stair, one Junr wyt nf Cluck Buttery's
lrug a1 are.
Where we jret up ttio vc y tio-t qnnlity of Cream
and take plewure in erviuj it ly 1 h -1'ish, or we
ave Kina.l lie. at is, aud citi Kiitiily chuu li fnirs,
f-tivaU, nt ties 01 fii::ilics with any 4 i.ictity, on
tttiort iiiitice.
Al, I'Hiuw, we have the tet orimTit of a!l
kin. if Kanrv illl Sli'k, Kr' itn, Nu's, 1 u
lno. o. C hides C it;ar, etc., 1 u b'- found in the ci'v.
jv-2 3m II J. SIKtlOllT.
Ci neral Lij'.', AcciJenl, l'irc, Inland ar.d
1 1 a;i:U
S-. -T5 A f T.T rjt
V.'ll tike risk nt re-nona'.de r lt'-f '.n the mot reliable
ci riMtneH in tlii- l'i itd Mat"!
tjfOtllee al tiie S;j"k store, T!a m'usih. Nel-ras
it., r. c. lewis
E. E2. Vhcc-Srr & Co.,
Eeal Estate Agents,
CommisaionerFi of Seeds
Fire and Life Ins, A'ts,
rur rsMGirrir, v. t.
Co!lfrtlori5 promptly attemlo-l tof an! procee In re-
iliitirt Mt current r-itt-s uf rA. liant. TaXf- pit'l iit
to la i invttip i !. Minv lon a on iieal Estate
A -eiitst fjr collection of trl-ti ra ar i n-t "!overr.ien
f.-r -nU ?!-. t ut-ir i.i-.w a'l ini:oi lift?. Atr-.'iit
fur he puich'-e anl iIe uf LaU'ls a-uJ City proper
ty , easing f a-ert j.
Rod. S. II. Kll-crt. I) nvc- Ciiy. C. T.
Metra Koii'itze Ivi.i., tirn.itin, Xeb.
" Jlc''ann & I tcalf, Xebra City.
' tJ. F. :l!ry. St !. ui, .Mis-oui i.
Dr. V.n Lewis. BMon, Jlnxnchusetts.
H W iMlfnais. C'liicng'1. llMnoid.
H M Slasitl. C 11:1 itn ati. Ohio.
Tooi'.e iIhIihh. PLittiiimtih Nebraska.
L II llieh. Three UiVet'4 Mic!iij?ati.
ll.ia F 1'eilO I'.'li'Mlllli Id, W-C'llmlT.
llin r M M rqii:t, Piatt-mouth, Nebraska.
I, Lew !. vtn 'iev ut l.nnr, ii.itt ilo. New York,
.barter, llMsaey & Curl, Pes M'.iue, lo'a.
i'3 Uiwif
HltS- L. B. JONES,
Vnnul re-pecttully infiem the ladies of l'lattsmontb
that she is now prepared to do
if required, LHdie n l Cliildmna' Orefses. Clunks
l!asoue etc. MA ClllXli i TlTCUlXii done ao
Al'woikwill b' t xei'tit.d with t:ea ue-s. null Will
recei ve prompt atieuti.m Um will endeiivnr to pive
itir-f.icticii, and tbercfo-e solicit- t ie patrot.age of
the t.te "f Ihi place and vciuiiy.
9 -Re-iid-Dce in the ImildinK l"i meily occupied
by MnthM t Sun Bakery. .Main i-tre-t.
Airs Joue in now 01 ?.m:zir.r a clob f r Dernoref
Mirror of Fahio!i; Call at.d subtci ibe. lnov2i$
Real Estate
Lot 6 in b!oci 47, good residence, well aad out
Lot 12 in btnclc 62 a po .d two-tirv reidenre
brick ba-em-nf, wel . barn nnd oiher outbai. dines
A rare chance for a tood i- vettniet.t.
Lot 11 in bluck 11:1. buildius with two rooms and
cellar Good cb.uice fur a Miinil capital.
Lot 10 in Mock 27, pood residence, with all th
QeCrSS iry outtiui Htm (Js
We-t h i'f of se-iinn 3 , town 12, ranze 18, to;etb
er v ifi Itri acres of timner- One bU' d'ed icp'S un
dr cultivation. Kight iniies from l'latttnouth,oear
i l.itie river.
An improved faim of eiphty acre, good house
well, ete., with m e acres o goou umber.
Eirfhtv acreof Idnd. partly improved, two an ad
hill mil-8 fr ni the citv.
16: acre of partly improved land, with 40 acre of
joung tim'-r, tltunteil 4 nines south uf tcw.i.
Buined Out,
T. V. Shryock is S 'io a' the old t:nd prepareil
to wail npoo bin cat. men, mid the pntiic
enerally, lr yon wan anything n nhe of Farni
tareor i'hatr, ulve bim a call. 3rd street near
Main, Piatti-moutb, S.T. m17,ilif.
.llillincr ami frenialier,
Has lost received a large stock of KEW GOODS.
of tb late-t fashions. New fiocda rrce.ved everj
rnnrtH. Call and s taerw. tavMf
Clark 8l Plummer,
(Successors io Tcoile, Hanna & Co.,)
Dry Goods,
Hats, Caps,
Keep 00 band a full stock of all kinds of
The Cheapest smd Best.
Have just received a lare and splendid stock of Kew aad Fashionable Goods, of
Ijowest Cash. Prices!
Uavioe purchased them f.rcash in New Turk and Dos-oti. We afure the puMic we can nd will
tell Goods a low as any house t of St. Louis or Chicago.
EST'Remffnber the Old Corner, now called the
E3-Our motta Is -QUICK SALES AA'l Sit ALL riZOFITS."
rLATTSMouTir. Nedraska, September 2Gth, 1S67.
n. .v. wiccisums scnwASSE.
The under igucd p-eposea to e.-l iblifli a Weekly
N'ownvip' r at L.i.c 'in i'y. tlie i;.ipitai 01 itier-,me
of Ni '.11 a-i, ti. i.e c-ille-l 'Tiie eiiu.k st-ite J..ur-
nal." thi fl--' ijuc f which win ut anunt ii.cisto:
ctf'be. loi'
T:.e wti le .!'".! tV.c Office wi'I be entirely new,
nd wi 1 eiiiimice z A i 'b Olllce. a w-1' as the
!.! ar.nieLt. llavi ig ba I inucli experience in
Journ 1I .-111, and 1 tiu,' one of IS-: nt tettleis a
ebmska; Ci.-m ailen iy i.eiu,' well iiequ . 1 11 11 'i wim
the wat.t of tlie j.eoj-!-j. aud the reuuinces 1 t t'e
it., we fijlte- 0111 self that We Citi give gen rai
sa:i-f; cti.iu in the enierp i".
'Hie "Jin ml' will advocate uepuunc-in princi
ples. 1. nt will be Ci.u-lncteH un an tn n p.-i,a-ni a.e,
au-' will be C'iurte"U t.i all pai ti - and .ect.
Returning ur thaua to unr old tuinaiana pi
troiis, we tru-i iny win se.isi u iu imoi
p i-e
IXKMf i IX' per acnuui in in.-acc-.
JACilll 1AV.-0N.
All persois hereby cauiio-ied "fainst t n'clia--ing
a iertnin Premis-ory N.ite f -r ?150 IM. with in-
te et at ten p-r put per annum, hivp'i oy me
undeifigtied n the filie inh of Match lSii7. p.ya'1 e
n. Abiail fir TvM.n or order on or d tcre me urn ua.v
.f P c. inl e- 11.7; be c iHKideriitio i tlie ei.f having
fat le I, we will uot pny aid u te at mat nrity.
' . . , - . 1 . 11.'
Wm. ll. II VAN PPPS.
We'-pin? Wate' Precinct, Ca;S Couut . , Neb sska,
September 19;h, 1557. gepio 4h
The well Icnowo farm f S. II. Cummin. si'uate
two mile-west of Pla't nionlh. on Ihe nenver road.
With the ii":b"r " e et'. i for sale verv cbeap-
Appyt'.J C.i:iM.MIi 011 Hie adi -.inii'g tarm.
Also, lots 7 and f , b ock 14 in Plattumouth.
aiwil if
PSattsrnouth rwlills.
C. HEISKL, Proprietor.
TTave r. cent! v b"en repaired and D'ared in tbor-
ottch runnuiii order. Custcm work done on short
110: i "e.
100,000 IliisheU of Wheat
Wanted iim.ediafely, for which the highest n-arkct
price wi.l fe paid. augiic tr
JAMES O'KFIL Is tny authorize! Airent for the
colb ctioii "f nil hi couii'h du" the nndei ripned fur
nieilical service?; bis receu t will be valid for Ihe
pavineut of anv monies 011 hail c unt-
Aiiitt-t 14, 1S07. K. K. L!VING-rON M.D.
Is hereby given that loi 2. in block 20, as published
in iel'lll'iel.t I 1-t. i n which tbe taXei nmo'llit to
2 CD hmild have been sdv rn-ed as bd 2 m bluck
.-iij. and he same is hereby advert o-.-it furaa r cc;ird-
ingt'iliw. b PlKb. lrH(te'
kiplJ !w Cass cuumy , Xeb.
Probate IVoticc
Notice 1 hereby given that all claims nsrainst tbe
est iti or K J Palm- r, uee'd, most be on Hie in thia
ofiice on it before ibe
IMhd.nj or MARCH, A D 15or,
at which tune said c a'.nn wi.l le aetermined npon.
Gi-en u .der mv haol thr- 13' Ii d y of e t?mber.
ADlsC,r. " JOHN W.H4H.-HAU.
teplS Cw Probate Jud-e.
lln! fr Palt Creek, where yon can kill two birds
witn ore stone, pet you. ira n tirrnnd and Wool
arde I a th" same t'm ; the rr.j.cViio-ry f.r b h is
in i-rfo.-t order. t'e ne tne Patent Machine Card
hirb wi re run enoogh last year to estali-h their
superioTiiy i. er ih-n d k ind, as a l whus'ri the
cintesl'fv- I'1 superiorit. ol Mr. S. TwiF- as a
I'srrie' Is Well kn..w n. and bi fervid" sre t:!l e -
tained for the benefit of tte pub ic. With the :ib ve
Milvantaircs we flitter our-e Ives that w c make it
to Ibe adva- tae 01 ail wtw want worn lrr -nr line
to come this way.
D. I'tiAN. Proprietor.
S. TWISi, t't(-rfer.
If yen-ant Patent Medicines at old price et
Boots, Shoes,
Sash, tfce.
WLiih they will sell at the
P.aLI. TKADB 1867
lu-.rniters and Marjufacturors Agouti at
Large stock" of Amfriiin Screw Co. Fcrews. Arnn
bh'ivels a d paile-. Iinusj-asn' a- turii g Cn
r.'tge '1'inds, Aiutiicuu Tabic Catiery, Kug!i."h l ock
et Cu'lery.
Forsylh'.-? Scales ai .d Trucks
OrJtii '.! ' t Firtnrv P fcs.
Orders solicited.
Cor. Main and W arhintfMn Ave.
C. E. F O R G Y .
Manufacturer cf all kinds of
Farming f mplctiicaat?,
Pnch as tbe relebriit"d P.od IfreakiDir Pli.WJ. Monl
Ili.a-.l Hre .k-r-. St:rriDK I'b.wa. siule and Donblt
Shovel-. Cultivator aud Haiio . llepbirii.g dote
i.n short notire All woi k warrant-d.
Having had much cxperit'.i e iu the bnsines, 1
f.-el assured that I can itive gece'iil s .tisl ictmo.
Please inve me a call before purci. using ei-enei.
Platt-mnuth. Neh.,May Cth, l?Ct.
Win. H- Lcinko,
Plnttsmouth; Nebraska.
doc27 1505 tf
Obcrnolte & WedomsSiy,
Brick Stonemasons,
All st ork in their line done to the best satisfaction
and as cheap as by anybody else
Address, PluUmiutU, Xeb., f. O. box 45. (ai'fcT
Bounty Increased. Pensions dut Sol'
diers ar d their heirs.
F. M DorrinKton h s this day tece'ved" frcrn tli
Deuariiueni, il.e Law in full wilh new blanks for tha
i collecilon 01 addi'ional Buiinties and inrreas.-d Pen-
j moi.s. andisialto tn'osecnte all such claims sf
may h tntrnst-il ! bis cure. Cal and ezamlsa.
Filst claimed is firt set vd
l F. M . DORRIN' GT K.
! Plattsmomh, Anjr. in. JSfiV
I)(T LLM.l(S Ul all nl'ICe
I Any pe-sons wijhing to purchase Frn:-propcrty, or
j Residences in town will And tatni for sale at al
! prloca. Ly
rr rT. Hr Kht.t ACFr
An Old Song Set to a Sew Tun
C2T &r7. -S3
Aprinj it) prtachfi
jinlt attii ionchis
From Ueir Utile enmc tlV
Axi Xi e aU JiaU
Jn tlriie " t tli.
"l years established iu TJ. T. City."
"Only inraliible remedies I now 11."
"Free from Pnon "
"Jfnt dtinirerms tothe Human Fami'y."
"Jlats Come out of Ihir LcIiJ to die."
Costar's Rat, Roach &c, Exterm'r
I a pati' u-ed fr Hat. JJict, Ronchttt
Black and Bed Anix, tte.
Costar's Bed-Bus Exterminator
Is a liquid or was'1 n d to rteifroy. and
also a a preveniive fo Btd Bug, o.
Costar's ElPCtrlc Powder for'
I fur .Vi;7i. Ifaxqud.. Ua. Bed Bug,
Inse.ia on Plants, Ftul-, Animal, o.
! ! DkWarr ! ! ! of all worthless imitations.
5" f e tbai -Conli's" name is on tacU Boxc
But Ue and Flask Le ore you buy.
Henry It. Costar,
4e4 Broadway, New York.
Pol.l In Ptnttimnutli. Xebrasla, bv Tllack,
Buttery ic Co , au l O F Jobnsun, and all UrufcgUt.
aud Retailers everywUcr..
For Cuts, Burns, B-ui.-cs, Wound', Boils, Cancri,
It .k"ii B east-, core Nipniei, Hleeding, Blind and
P.iinfjl Piles Srioriilnui", Putrid and IH-c uditloned
nr.-, U cer-, tilanduiar Swellings K- up !on, Cuta
i.enus Aff ctions, Kingworm, ich, Curi.s, lii.uiukS,
( hi!bi:iim &n; Chapped llaud?, Lips, itc; Bi;ta of
pidr. Iunect, An'in". Ac
sytl!oxei. 2" c nts, 5') c nts and $1 site".
Sold l'v all Di u-gi-t evei vwb :i e
And l.v HtSHT K. CoSTAU, Dep-t 464 Broad
w v. N. V. by O K. Johnson, and CUck, Buttery be
Co., Fl!ttt-.tnouib, Nebraska.
o.iirtnst L.
Corn Solvent.
Forlorn, r.onions. Vrl. c.
Ttox'S 25 cents, ."0 cents and 81 sir".
j-V"s-l I by ail I' iick sis eve ywh-ie
".nd by HKXKY K COS I" A It, Uepot 44 Eroad-
,ay, V Y . . . . ,- t-v
4--And by Black, T!vrt''i y X t,o auu v. r. -u.m-on,
Plaltsuioutti, Xebiaska.
Bitter Sweet fo Orange
rrn bfactifyinc; the complexion.
I'sed to sofen a it b autiry the Skin, rtiiior
"reeklos, P n ps. Kruptiuiis, ac
t.mlies aie now nsiinr it in pi en r nee to all other.
' e $1
23".old bv nil lirucgi-'s every be-
And byiltNKV It. COa'AK, Depot 434 Broad
.vav. N V
ge-tnil trO F JoLnsan and Black, Buttery Jr
Co.,rintumouth, Nebradta.
Cough Remedy.
For Coughs. Cold-, Honrsehess, Sire ThT-at, Croup,
Whopmit CougL, ll fluriiti, .stlima, C.osttmt.iion,
llr nibial Affcvlio. and alt Di.-eases of the lhroat
aud Lurs.
Boxes 25 cents. fiO cents srd it a'zea 1
3s()i,j ,yaii I), n -'i-is 1 v. ryahe e
Ai d by UtXliY P. COS 1A U, Utp .t 4S4 Broad
way, I Y.
tar-Ai.d by Blark, But try 4 Co and O. P. John
sou, f latlsoioutb, Nebraska.
For Nervtms and Sick Headac' e, Ci.stiv- r?a. Indl-'
f a ., . y .ep la, Biilt.msness, Constipation. Inar-
bea, Ci ti. s, c bills Fevers and yeuti 1 deiau semen t
of Ibe li.etiv Oi guns
B.ixes 2J c-i.ts 5" ats aoJ $1 sites
W!)i.ld bv ail In:cei-t evi ryohi re
I AodbyUkNRY K COsT AH, Depot 4S1 Broad
I way, s Y.
Aud by O. F. Johnson aad Elack, Euttery '
Co.. W UTirDKutb. X'sbrafcka. spl9 Im'
I''"".'.'!.''-!. V'.H-wj .-r-.. 7 J-
1 1 1 in 1 1
j r
5 t