PLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA. TIIURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1867 Cass County Republican Ticket. For County Commissioner JAMES O'NEILL. For Probate Judge Wm. D. GAGE. Fur Treasurer S. DUKE. For County Cltrk B. SPURLOCK. For Sheriff JOS. W. JOHNSON. For Coroner O. W. FAIRFIELD. Fr Surveyor G. W. FAIRFIELD. For County Superintendent cf Public Schools S. M. KIRKPATRICK.. COCXTY REPVRLICAN CO. TESTIOX. PLATTSMonrn, Nebraska, ) Sept. 24th, iSG7. ) Pursuant to a call of the Republican County Committee, the delegates frcm .the various precincts in Cass county as eembled at the Court House at 2 o'clock, r. m. The convention was called to order, an J On motion, Dr. A. L. Child war chosen Chairman andH. D. Hathaway Secretary. On motion, a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Wheeler, Max well and Seybolt was appointed on cre dentials. The committee reported the follow - tiig- del?gijMjresent : PLATTSMOUTH PHTCIICT.r.- R. II. Livingston, H. D. Hathaway, . D. II. Wheeler, Sam. M. Chapman, Samuel Maxwell, Isaac Wiles, Wm. G. Woodruff, S. Eikenbary, Gaylord J. Clarke, Thomas Mitchell.D. F. Porter. BOCK BLUFFS. . G. L. Seybolt, Wm. L. Hobbs, Wm. F. Chapin, Joseph B. Moores, J. Mc. F. Hagood. L1BERTT. J. E Beatty, F. G. KindalL.... K:trT FLEASA5T, W. J. Linch, David Dillman, S.'M. Kirkpatrick, J. F. Buck, S. B. Hob eon. WItPISO WATER. E. L. Reed, David McCaig, F. M. Timblin. EIGHT MILE CHOVE. Elias Sage, Samuel McConkey, H. C. McMaken. LOUISVILLE. A. L. Child, J. T. A. Hoover, H L. Levi. -Oa motion, J. II. Hindsley was ad mitted as a delegate from South Bo4 precinct. On motion, Amos TefTt, II. Duboise and Orlando TefTt were admitted as delegates from Avoca precinct. On motion, E. R. Todd, Peter Bea ver and Wm. Stephens were admitted as delegates from Oreapalis precinct. On mction, a committe of three was appointed on resolutions, consisting cf Hon. S. Waxwell, Hon. S. M. Kirk patrick and A. TefTt, Eq. On motion of Hon. S. M. Kirkpat rick, it was decided that all resolutions should be submitted to the committee without debate. During the absence of the commit tee, the convention was addressed by Hon. T. M. Marquett on the subject of the registry law. The committee reported the follow ing resolution', which were unanimous ly adopted : Resolved, By the Republicans of Cass county, in convention assembled, that we indorse the Reconstruction pol icy of Congress. Resolved, That we regard the Con gress of the United States, under the Constitution, as the law-making power, and that it is the duly of the President to execute the laws constitutionally en acted. Resolved, That we unqualifiedly con demn the acts of the President in trying to thwart the will of the people, as ex pressed by Congress, in his endeavors to retard the laws for the reconstruct ion, and the return iri'o the Union of the seceded States. Resolved, Tha: we condemn tbe sus pension of Secretary Stanton and the removal of Gen. Sheridan, as violating the acts of Congress, and in contempt of the will of a large majority of the people. Resolved, That the Presidents threat to make "treason odious and to pun ish traitors," seems to have dwindled down to an effort to make treason hon orable and to pardon traitors. Resolved, That we are in f aver of an economical administration of our coun ty and State governments, and the ju dicious development of ihe resources of our new State. Resolved. That the locatirn of our State Capital in the interior, will facil itate the development of the agricul tural and mineral resources of the State, and is approved by us. On motion, the convention proceeded to the selection of candidates to be sup ported at the en-uing October election, which resu'ted in the choice of the fol lowing gentlemen : For County Com. --1st. Dit. James O'Neill. " Probate Judge Wm. D. Gage. Treasurer S. Duke. Clerk and Recorder B. Spurlock. " Sheriff Jos. W. Johnson. Coroner G. W. Fairfield. County Surveyor G. W. Fairfield. :' County Superintendent of Common Schools S. M. Kirkpatrick. The convention then proceeded to elect a County Central Committee for the ensuing year, as follows: Plattsmouth Precinct II. D. Hatha vi ay, Chairman, and D. H. Whee ler. Rock Bluffs G. L, Seybolt. Liberty " S. G. Canon. Avaca " Orlando Tefft. Oreapolis Thos. Thomas. Mt. Pleasant " S. M Kirkpatrick Weeping Water, E. L. Heed. Eight Mile Grove, Benj. Austin. Salt Creek ' L. K. Bell. South Bend " J. II. Hindrley. Louisville " J. T. A. Hojver. On motion, the thanks of the con tention were tendered the presiding officer for the courteous manner in which he has presided over the cenven tion. Resolved, That the proceedings of this convention be published in the Ne braska Herald and the Omcha Re publican. On motion, the convention adjourned. A . L. Child, Chairman. H. D. Hathaway, Sec'y. SALE OF LOTS AT LIXCOL. Fror.i Prof. Miller, who left Lincoln City at noon last Friday, we learn that, up to that time, about $3G,000 wor:h of lots had been sold. They had been mostly bought by eastern men. Only about S6.0OT -worth - Imu-bccc bcyghi by Nebtaska City people, showing con clusively that it was not through any systematic effort that lots were sold, but that capital was seeking investment be cause it would pay. The first day's sales amounted to about $16,000, and averaged about 16 per cent, above the minimum value. On the second day the sales averaged near CO per cent, above the minimum T-afuc. , " ' , " It was understood, when Prof. Mil ler left, that the eales should be light until they closed at that place, in order to give the many others a chance who were wailing the opening at the river towns. Every lot that was offered sold read ily at an advance over the price fixed by the Commissioners. Maoy of them sold for $200, and some as high as $230. One man purchased a lot in the morning, aid before night he bad a stone foundation laid and life sills on it, readl&pToced wiUl JJierection of a nouse. James Sweet, Eq.f of Nebraska City, had already contracted for the erection of a building at $G,0Q0, which he proposed using for a banking house It is thought that tbe sales at Ne braska City will close out the entire amount; or, in other words, that at the expiration of the five day's sale at that place, there will be no lots left to offer for sale. If any of our Plattsmouth friends desire to invest they had better go to Nebrasea City at once, for the sale will never be opened here. At th rate lots have been selling, the entire amount to be offered at this time will bring between $90,000 and 8100,000, leaving a surplus fund of $40,000 or $50,000 more than the Commissioners are authorized to ex pend on the capitol building a. the present time. Lincoln is already a success, despite the wry faces made in Omaha. East ern capitalists have penetrated the gauze of Omaha opposition, and see clearly that the strong ground of opposition is because it is a success. FIIOJI SAODERS COUXTY- Ashland, Sept. 23, 1867. Mb. Editor: The Republicans of Sanders county met on Saturday the 21st, in Ashland, and perfected their organization by the appointment of a County Central Committee, Mr. Denis Dean being Chairman, and placing in nomination a straight out and out Re publican ticket, consisting of Austin Smith for County Commissioner; Dents Dean, County Treasurer ; R. L. War britton, Clerk and Recorder; Jacob Saunders, Probate Judge; Henry Reasoner, Sheriff, and William H. Gil bert, Coroner all of which we pro pose giving a respectable majority at the coming election. THE TICKET. We present our readers with the ticket nominated at the Republican Convention last Saturday, in tbe full belief that It will meet with the hearty approval of every Republican voter in the county. The convention which placed this ticket in nomination was composed of men who have the best interests of the county at heart, and men who represent the people pretty thoroughly. James O'Neill, our candidate for County Commissioner, is one of the most extensive land owners iu the coun ty, and a man whose financial ability cannot be doubted. The interests of the county would be safe in his hands, because to damage the county would be to damage himself. The candidate for Probate Judge, IV. D. Gage, is a man well known in Cass county, and one whom no one can say aught against. He has served many years in the capacity of Justice of the Peace, and is eminently quali fied for the position of coun-.y Judge. The candidates for Treasurer and Clerk are tried ve'erans. They need no recommend except their own actions in the past. It will be said ty the op position that they have held the offices long enough, and a change should be made and that is all they can, with honesty, say against thein. But, do you discard an old and tried friend, merely because he has proved faithful for a term of years? Is it not rather an inducement to retain him? When Mr. Duke and Spurlock first took hold of county affairs, the county was $7,000 in debt; but through their exertions and honest administration of affairs, the county is now out of debt, and is paying the cash for everything she has done. Are the people of Cass county tired of this ? Do they wish the coun ty back to the eld standard, with orders worth 50 cents on the dollar ? It they do, why, then, don't elect Duke and Spurlock, for they will keep it up to the present standard and reduce the taxes if they can. ,Jos. W. . Johnson, the candidate for Sheriff, is "the right mac -in the right place," and the Democracy uni versally say "he will make a good Sheriff, and it is no use for us to try to beat him." He was one among the first to answer his country's call for volunteers to put down armed traitors, and served faithfully, in tbe first com pany raised in Nebraska, till the war was closed and his regiment disbanded, lie ia thoroughly qualified for the posi tion, and will be elected by the largest majority of any man on the ticket mark that. The candidate for Coroner and Sur veyor, G. W. Fairfield, is well known in the county, and will receive the full vote of the party. Democrats are not expected to vote this ticket unless they wish to. AA'OTIIER IV AIL.. We published last week the affidavit of Capt. Hoover to the effect that the Plaltsmonth correspondent of the Omaha Iletald had wilfully falsified in regard to the registration of one Wm. Snyder, anoTwe "now -give- th nffidavil of Mr. Snyder, himself, to the same effect: Jcctices Office, Louisville Precinct, ) Cass Co., Neb., Sept. 17, 1S67. $ On this day came Win. Snyder, a citizen of said precinct, and swore that the statement of Mr. "C," from Piatts mouth, in the Omahn Herald of the 12ih of September, 1SG7, about the Regis trar of said precinct, are untrue; that I, Wm. Snyder, never made any such statement. Wm. Snyder. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17lh day of September, 1SG7. G. W. Thorsdue, J. P. WouW it not be wise for the Omaha Herald to secure a correspondent, if il can, who would occasionally tell the truth ? It would at least be advisable to secure the services of one who could evade beind caught in his falsehoods. REJHEMDERS THE TDIE. The orator of the Democratic Con vention on Tuesday, said he "remem bered when the Democracy handed over the Government to other hands." and that "just four years and one month from that time, we had a debt of $37,000,000" Yes, there are others who remember that time. They re member when it was "handed over" to traitors ; but, thank God, the brave boys in blue rescued it again, and we still have a Governmeat and a loyal Congress to control it, notwithstanding it cost $37,000,000" and the life blood of a hundred thousand patriot hearts to recover it from ihe hands to which it was "handed over" by the de mocracy. Is it a matter to be publicly boasted of at this lime, that the democ racy "handed over" the Government to traitors, and that it has cost the peo ple "$37,000,000" and a hundred thousand precious lives to rescue it? W ell may the democracy remember the time when it was done. It should not soon be forgotten by any one. THE It. II. ROXD8 AGA1X. We consider the proposition to issue bonds to aid the B. &. M. R. R. Com pany in the construction of their road through this county of such vast im portance to the future of the county, that we cannot let it pass to a vote with out another word in favor of the move. There is not a man in the county who will have the hardihood to say that the building and running of a railroad through the entire length of the count7, east and west, will not le an immense reriefit to every mnn who owns a dollar- worth of property within 50 miles of the line. Eveu here in Cass coun ty we already feel the advantages of the Pacific railroad ; what, then, would be the effect of a road at our own doors ? It may be said that it will not increase the product of the soil one bushel in fact, we have already heard that used as an argument. No, it will not ; but it will cause the same number of bushels to bring a greater price and establish a permanent market at home. The immense products of Cass county, and of all Nebraska, must find an out let, and who does not know that the home price will be increased just in pro portion to the diminution of the cost of transportation. All kinds of grain, cattle, horses, and farm products gen erally, are bringing to the city of Omaha, to day, not less than ten per cent, more than they are in any other town in Nebraska ; and why ? It is simply because that is an exporting point the only point in the State that has direct railroad connection with the east and west; and it is in perfect ac cord with the laws of commerce that all exports should bring, at least, the advance over the prices at other points that are required ty transport at Oma ha. For instance, if wheat designed for shipment east by railroad is worth $1 00 per bushel in Plattsmouth, and it costs five cents per bushel to trans port it from Plattsmouth to the railroad, it is certainly wonh $1.05 per bushel at the railroad, and would be worth that figure here, or whatever the price may be, if we had railroad communi cation. "Now;il is a-wcl'.-knoxsrn fact that strong efforts are being made to divert the B. & M. il. R. to a point above the Platte for the purposes of connecting it with the Pacific road ; and if the people of Cass county ever expect to receive the benefits of a railroad they must do something to secure them. Do the farmers of Cass expect to al ways haul their prcHi$- Om.h., or take the Omaha prices less the cost of hauling? Do they desire to do this ? The bonds which it is proposed to issue will be paid years hence, long after the farmers have made four times th amount thereof out ef the railroad, and after the wealth of the county has increased an. hundred fold in conse quence of the influx of new capital. And then again, it is not at all certain that the tax-payers would ever be called upon to pay one dollar of them. The proposition is to take that amount o; stock, instead of making it a donation; and ia the event that the stock pays well, the dividends will go towards li quidating ihapgd , t And again, the bonds will not be is sued unless the road is built, and what is asked of the people at the present time is that the county may be author ized to issue them it it is deemed pru dent to do 60 when the lime for action arrives. They cannot, according to the manner in which the question is sub mined, be issued fop any other purpose except to aid in the construction of the road through this county. Let every voter in the county, Re publican, Democrat, Old Line Whig, or whatever he may be, vote in favor of issuing these bends, and thus give the authorities an j opportunity to do something if it is thought best. If the opportunity is offereJ and is considered advantageous to the county, the bonds would be issued if the people give the authority. If tbe opportunity is not offered advantageotsly the bonds would not be issued, even if they were author- i ized. I THE IXDIAX U tit. The Peace Commissioner have held a conference with the Chiefs of the principal tribes at North Platte, nd have returned. They accomplished nothing, and the pro.-pects are that the Indian war is no Dearer its termination than it appeared jt year ago, At the conference the Tiidians told the Com missioners plainly that they did not want peace on any oiher terms than the abandonment of lines of railroads through their country, and a supply of arms and ammunition. Gen. Sher man's answer was sharp atd explicit. He said that the railroads must be built, and that the Indians must not in terfere with ihe government, ti'r they would be killed. He supposed that the road had been agreed upon four years ago, by the Cheyenues. Mili tary posts and stations were not then considered a causa tor war. If ltitiiaus are damaged they will receive com pensation, lie farther s lid that they should receive do powder and lead un til a definite treaty was made, stating that they had attacked the railway trains and killed unarmed men bring ing goods to feed and clothe the Indi ans. A preposition was then submit ted to the Indians to accept homes on the new reservations. They wera to give an answer at the -.cil to be held on the 1st i i v. .-r. ... General repres utt-i .u- time hostilities woum i.:v t tease or they would all ! kiiit-d, aud stated that we are buildup ci;ly r xtds which could no more be stopped than the sun and moon. DEMOCRATIC COVXTY COX VEXTIOST. PLATTSsrorrn, Nekraska, Sept 24th, 1867 Pursuant to call of the Democratic County Central Committee, the dele gates from the various precincts assem bled in convention at the Court House in Plattsmouth at 2 o'clock, r. m., and organized by electing Col. Thos. Pat terson, Cnairman, and B. Ramsey, Sec retary. On motion, the delegates present were authorized to cast the full vote of their respective precincts. A. B. Smith and Winslow were appointed teller?. The convention then proceeded to ballot for candidates to be supported at the coming election, which resulted in the choice of the following gentlemen: For County Commissioner 1st Dis trict W. II. Anderson. " Clerk and Recorder B. Ramsey. " Treasurer Wm. Wintersjnc. ' " Probate Judge Harrison Smith. " Coroner Philander Patterson. " Surveyor Philander Patterson. " County Superintendent of Common Schools Thos. Patterson. On motion, convention adjourned. Tuos. Patterson, Chair. B. Ramsey, Sec'y. DEMOCRATIC TACTICS. The Democracy of this county inva riably wait un;il Republican nomina tions are" rtuMJcaad then endeavor to select candidates, not with a vieivto their fitness for office, but such as they think can draw from the Republican nominee. They will hatch up all man ner of stories, and go about quietly button holing men and trying to work upon their passion and prejudices. If hre is it candidate oh the Republican ticket who has ever done anything that can be distorted into a wrong act, you will see a dozen Democrats buzzing it around in the ears of men who do not like them, or who are strangers to them. We mention tbej-e thincs thai Republicans may be on their guard. The game has already been com menced, and the Democracy are doing their utmost to reduce the Republican majority in this county. Republicans, do your duty and all will be well. Vote a ' sheet iron" ticket on the 8th of October. LETTER FKOJI WASHINGTON Designs at tbe White House -uly- f . Congress Safety of the Country. " -r, Dear Herald: The world is mov ing, and is again near its aphilion, when storms and tempests are g ner ally expected ; but it usually happens that they terminate in sounds ors. und and fury, signifying nothing. The White House resembles the abode of Vulcan and Bombastes, from which thundering proclamations are fulmi nated, and fulsome declarations of de votion to the Constitution and Union are issued The present incumbent considers himself ai Jupiter Tonans not the modest individual nor the humble I plebian but the chief of the Gods. ! He regards Olympus as his birthright, ' and dissenting deities must tremble I and obey. But he will soon discover that the hundred fi-ted Bricreas, in the form of an American Congress, will hurl him over the battlements into the Tartarian regions, prepared for the "devil and his angels." Andrew John son must and will be impeached and removed from office. '"His offense is rank and smells to heaven." He is the arch enemy of constitutional 'aw and liberty, and justice should not encum ber when even mercy calls for ven geace. Knowing as I do from thin great cen tre, many important circumstances and facts in regard to his personal and po litical habits and designs,- I am justi fied in saying, that his - desperation borders on insanity that his counsel lors are the enemies of the country and the party that elected him Vice President, although constituents of the assassins and their confederates that made him their President, ihat if be can change his Cabinet so that hi purposes may te executed, he will probably at tempt to disperse or prorogue the Con-! gress that may strive to remove a ty rant and madman, and that fainthearts may quake with fear. But all will be well ar,i soon oter. General Grant, I Avioir, is with the radical Congress ; the great mass of the people are right-, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let earth be glad. In haste, Lesox. For the Plattsmouth Herald. ft mn-t b. gratifying to all who feel nitci.w. vi die subject of education, that a new era is about to be intro duced, viz: The establishing of a gra ded school, which, under the control of an efficient Principal, will not fail to prove a great benefit to the children and youth of our city and vicinity. There is nne point to which we desire to call public attention. It i-i the im portance of introducing the German language as a branch of study into our public school. The utility of this must forcibly strike every reflecting mind, both of the English as well as the German portion of our community. This course has been adopted in many parts of the country where the Ger man interests are less prominent than they are here in the Slate of Nebras ka. It is also made a branch of study in many of our oldest institutions in the land ; and hundreds of students, both of native and loreign birth avail them selves of the benefit justly believing it to be of more real and practical use than all the Latin and Greek acquired through an ordinary academic course The subject is worthy of serious atten tion, and let those whose prerogative it is to regulate and control the interests of the public schools, see to it, that the most beneficial ends are attained. A Friend to All. Plattsmouth, Sept. 23, '67. LATEST "iVEWS. Judge Reese, of the Superior Court, writes to General Pope refusing to car ry out the recent jury orders, the same being in violation of the laws of Geor gia, the State and federal constitutions. Judge Reese c'aims that registration is entirely optional, and not compulso ry; and because the loyal citizen don't register it is no reason for exclu ding HTfrr-froia.j!.iry,i; - -- General Pope replies that them1Tr-(" tary bill gives him the right to set asicW any law of the State in conflict with the reconstruction act. He considers '.he jury orders necessary to the exe cution of the reconstruction law. He concludes by requiring Judge lieese to carry out his orders. ;j Judge Reese again refused, where upon General Pope requested him rt resign, which he declined doing, bu he cni lers the letters positive prohib ition against further judicial power, f The city of Nashville, Tennessee 's in a feverish excitement over the mu nicipal election which is to take pla:e on Saturday the 2Stb, inst. The city authorities avow their intention to htdd the election under the amended char ter of 1S-5S, disregarding the franchise law, and if necessary, they say'tiey will fight the Slate militia. President Johnson has been invoked to aid the city authorities. There is much fierce talk in the city, and it is feared a riot Is f Imminent Gen-Cpoprjsays he will enforce the franchise law to the fetter, even if it renuires the whole militia force of the State. Information from New Orleans indi cate that the Louisiana election will be postponed, owing to tbe prevalence of the yellow fever. Montgomery Blair, in a speech at Bladenburg, denounced tbe Cabinet as a set of political vermin. He said that Seward, on the eve of the approach ing elections, was attempting to betray the administration into tbe hands of the enemy. He believed that the Presi dent would be impeached. Senator Thayer, in a speech on Sat urday, at Cincinnati, declared it as his opinion that President Johnson designs forcible resistance to the authority of Congress. He says there is a stand ing army in Maryland.composed mostly of returned rebels, which Johnson will call out. eS1 The New York World hits the President the following rib-roaster: A man might as wisely think to improve his social standing by living wiih somebody's repudiated wife, as for the Democratic party to expect any ad vantage from adopting, in the last days cf his unsuccessful Administration, a fettered President, elected by their en emies and popular with nobody." m m . EST The election on the adoption of the new Stale Constitution of Mary land took place on the 17th. Baltimore gave a majority of eleven thousand for! its adopaon. The majority in the State will be about twenty thousand. m . JfSJ" The Times' Mexican corres pondent says the popularity of Juarez' government is on the increase, and de clares that the annexation of Mexico to the United States is regarded as a consummation devflutly to -be-wished for. Arraignment of Asdrew Jonjr scN Major General Logan deliver! d fi !. .: ; ?wid vigorous speech at ; wlii-.!, on Wednesday, in which he the Democracy for their ci .i ". s und infamy, and said of ALdrew Joa'. -oij : " Tell me to-day if you had J el!'. Davis in the Presidential chair, or Mr. Robert E. Lee, could they Lave dure more for the rebels in tin land Andrew Johnson Las since he tins L - n President? If they could. I w t. d like to know how th"' could h.ue done it? If Jeff. Davis hud been Pre ibent, what would he have done ? He would have returned all the property to the rebels that they had lost. An drew Johnson h:s done that. If Jell". Davis had been President he would nave pardontd all ihe rebels that aked him for pardon. Andrew Johnson has done that, and more too. If Jtff. D.i vis l ad been President he woulJ havo denounced this Congrcs?, and called them a set of traitors. Andrew John sou has done that. If Jt 11. Davs had been President he would have appoint ed Governors down South to control those States. AnCrew Johnson did the same lung. If JtfT. David had been President he would have vetoed thu Freedmen's Bureau bill. Ai.drew Johnson did that. He would I ant ve toed the Civil Rights bill. Andrew Johnson did that. He wouid t m-e ve toed the first Reconstruction art cf Con gress, and all the other acts An drew Johnson has done." S"3r The result of the election in California seems not to have been so much of a Copperhead triumph as was churned. Mr. Haigh, the Governor elect, was an earnest supporter of Pres ident Lincoln's Administration during the war, and is generally represen td as being a man far superior in charac ter to those usually nominated for office by the Democracy a fact to be ac counted for, no doubt, by his former Republican associations. Of the Con gressmen elect, one (IJigby, in th Second District) is the most Radical Republican candidate in the field. Th other two are Democrats, but one of them was a supporter of the war dur ing the rebellion. The Republicans still have a majority in the Senate, but the Democrats have a large majority in the House, giving them a majority ou joint ballot. Chicago Republican. PLATTSMOUTH MARKETS. Corrected by Simpson, Mickel wait & Co Wheat Coming ia frelr, id rrlc LT advan ced ; t quote at tl 31'gl 85. Corn No lrn nclionn in corn none oom:c In. l'KODI'CK ISohd 10,71.1 Wh j..f $1 30ial 3." Mackerel, kltU. '1 503 iO. Ct.f:i :r: far 4. l'A Nail Mm I.. far :i.d CIi.imi Kuttur an Kegs 1 2.1 rotation 0!- Col n n .-.! Flour I'!.; 1ft T3 GROCKKIKS WbnlM Col!,-,- :Wif,0! fui,'iir Soisar IMtiO, T'-a T 7,','r-' N! "'" Kico mti 21) Conl Oil Pynipn 1 Si Tolacc Cal Oil 1 ii s, hj Larl Oil 2 ())! Main Tubacco 5Ji'- Oiu 1 ix, t 1.1 Hi t, !.- 75(Tf-1 r.l S)HII Prices He&uced! . rioroia Has jut received a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, of all descriptions And a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. At kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken In exchaDga for Good. Ca:-h paid for FCI13, HIDES, WJJSA T, dec. P2 C. Ci. HI HOLD. IOTlG12 All persons are hereby cautioned aoaitmt i nrchai tng a certaiu Promissory -t,. fur 15l) w, w uh in terest at ten p,'r cnt j-r annoiu. ajvo by the underlined on Ihe 1 fee, -nth of il in h, l-tt,7 . pavib to Abiathar Tyoti or order on or bl'o- t ,e urv ,1 ,y of Deo-mber, l-it7; the consideration ther-jf havh, failed, wo will not-tay aid note t maturity. A. C. VAN hPiS, WM. h. h. van KPPfl. Weeping watT Precinct, ta coun.y, Nebraska, September l'Jth, lt7. i) 4 Ij?gnl Notice Thomas Offii-r or.l Charlci A. White, Complainauts I T 1 Franklin f-iitAfl, I In Chancery. In pursuance and by virtue of a decretal ordei to nie directed from the oflice of the Clerk of tbe Dis trict Court of tbe 2J Judicial I istrict of Nebra-, within and for Cad county, bearing date oil the i1tn 7uy 5f N'vemle'- A o 1S62, bini tl.e aojourned O, tober Term of said Court; I, the subscriber, Ma er in Chancery of said Cou rt, will offer f r sale at pub lic enlue for cath, to the highest and ben biddur.ln front of the Court-Uotihe in the city of PUturaouth, Cass county, Nrbraitka, on MOXUA Y, the 2Sth day of 9ort A 2 191)7, at 1 o'clock of .aid day, the following decre,I real eatate, tu w,t: Toe nortbweat quarter of aectioii twenty five (2.), in township 110 tw,-le (12). north of range no twelve (i'), east of tbe Oth p m. In Cas. county, Aebraska; ToK' ther witli all and aingnUr Itie improvements, harediiamenU and appurteiiauo-a thereon or thereunto beloogiiK, to be aold as the property of the above uaine l O.-f.-ndaat to aatiufy Iait o'., ee.','ho ,n"ont of ia the sum of and inttreat from tbe data of said decree at tbe rate of ten per cent, per aontmj. t,.((eih- r with cottsof euit and sale, Vil. f clIAPlX, J!at"r in Chancery. T M Marqiiett, 8,1. for Com pi 't. 2 4w sLegul IVolicc To John Stono ; You are h'-reby notifi d ttat Th mas K. Bradley and John A. In belt did on the 'A day of Sepumbe' Irbi. file their petition In the District Court of th 2d Jud'C al Dixlrict of-the State rf Nebraska, witliin and for the ciunty of Casi, iu said State. inl voU, the ol ject ai.d prayer of w h'ch is to obtain a decree fo, eclo-ina a certain mortg.ig,s executed by you to theeaid Thomas K Bindiey and John A. Tcrb tt. d,ted February ltftb, 1M57, by vihich you convvd to t!ie:n the f. -tl wing le:ribed ral en'ate, iltuaM in r e county of Cass, In the State of Neb.-aska, to it T'-.- north half and tha southwest juartr of th- ' .: invent quarter of section no. thirty-f 'ir (:, , lr ' '! no twelve (12), of ranjre no thirt--u(l n, to ,-e i'-- payment of a certain promissory u,:o of .-.i.- da-e, executed by you to tbesald Th'.u'S K ill 1 ii'-y tod John A. Torbetl, for three huu't 1 d ,n -, 1 . 0 ij.,bti two months alter date, wiih intt.-r.-l from ,1 tbe ate of 10 per c nt. per au'oun, a d fo: a at: - ol i-aid mortgaged premise" to satisfy llm amount riue on said nolo. Vou 1 re further notilleJ Ihat you arc requi' eJ to answer taid petition on or be 'ore tl.e llihday tf November, IbtiT. Mi.xott miambai ou, Aitv'd for I'lsintiff-. September 26th, 18C7, 4 v II. G. Woriliin-lon Attorney and Counselor at uw, Oflli-e iu Karbacb' Biork, corner of Douglas sd4 lfl'h ;rern, Om.iha, Xehratka. anTlt