Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 19, 1867, Image 3

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We are anthori.-e I t- announce tha nitr.o cf J A?.
VNEil.L as a candidate fur County Coir.mi'?:unr-r
f the 1 t Pistsict, subject to the action of the It pub-
u County Convention.
Wc are author. zed to announce tho came of A. C.
iVMAKEN as a candidate for County CI. rk, subject
o the acti,,n ot the Republican County CoaveMi jt.
We are authorized to anr.cunra tho caiuo of Ii.
I'L'RLOCK as a candidate for the olfice of County
"eik, suhjoa to the actioa of the County Republican
We are afitlioi izc'l to announce the natro of P. E.
SKAKDSLEY 88 a canal late for Trea urcr, rub; -eel j
o the action cf the K-publicm Comity Convention.
We are author!- d to auncunco the n:no of J. G.
I A IS as a candidal" for Trea-urcr, tulje-ct to the
ction of the Republican Couuty C ouve;.li"ri.
We are authori. I to announce the name of S.
f'UKE as a candid it" fur tho ofiic" of Ti isu rer, rub-
oct to the at;:.:i cf taj Cuuii'y K ulj'kin f.,ain
ion. Wo aro to announce: the name 'of Jo;4.
rr. JOItXSOX aiaciu i:ii!o f .r Sbst'.tr. i-ul l-ct U
he v'ion of the C '-iaty Republican Convention.
W itithorirei to announce the name of Alt
UVli CARMICHAEL an a candidate forth" cilice
,f Sheriff, subl. t to the action of the Couity Re
uliicaa Convention.
We are authorized to announce the came of G.
fW. FAIRFIELD as a caalidate for sheriff, fulj.ct to
he action of the County Eepnbliean Convention.
f37"TheiVt!rshas information that J.G.
Tredway, a former citicn of Otoo county,
was recently shot and Killed naar Leaven
worth, Kansas.
v7". S. Billing's, E-t ., is selling a
largo quantity of graps th'.s fail. H"n
vines have yielded abundantly sufficient
r.O supply this market.
C27"V. Miekclwait, B?r,., of the Crm
jf Simpson, Miokelwait ot Co., left for
the east last week on Lusiccs3. Ho will
bo absent about a week or ten days.
27Largo numbers of people havo
2en in town for tha past few days, on
Iheir way to Lincoln City to attend tho
rale of lots which commenced on Tucs-
lay last.
CSTwcIvo hundred and eighty ecven
.ead of beeves were shipped from Otoe
ounty to Chicago during the month cf
Vugut. Nebraska is becoming one of
khe best stock raising states in tho Union.
C27"Clark & riumracr have received a
arge stock of the celebrated Rock L'.and
Clirper Plow, and ask the farmers to ca'l
taJ fxamina them before purchasing elso-
C7"Survey :r (jeneral Hitchcock, lato
jDelegato to Cijngre'7?, has placed us un
ler renewed obligations for a ccmpb.-ta
ilo of tho Congressional Glob2 daring
tho "O.h Congress.
ffllon. Simutl Maxwell st.-rt.-d west
ast Saturday lur tha furctifl cf ccia-
':.etiai' iu-3 selection ot ota.o ian ... in
this district. II-j has personally vievred
nost of the land ho has taken for the
otatc, and his selections havo invariably
L.een of tho first quality.
2A. II. Smith, Kq., had pros:ntod
is with a fin? lot of Catawba and Isabel
aUrapes raised at his reiidenc3 south of
own. Mr. Smith tell, us thai his vine'3
live receive 1 littlo or no attentiot:, yet
bey yield abundantly. Wo believe that
Nebraska will yet ba one of tha best
rape growing states cf the Union.
fJiT'Thero are a largo number of wheat
juyers here from St. Louis and other down j
triver towns besides our ovn local dealers. '
lAtnong them are May fit 11 & Tewksburv;
Simpson, Miokelwait & Co:; Staudo &
Anderson; T. K. Ilanna; Amison & Do
vey and Murphy and Holbrook, purchas
ing for Peed 'c Clinton.
3"A lively trade in the wheat busi
ness is goiDg on at Ashland. The su
periority of Salt Creek vr heat has brought
i full corpa of buyers to tho marset.
.MaySoU &.Tcwskbury havo mado large
ontracts, end Fuller & Palmcrton and
tdessrs. Snell aro contracting for all they
ban get.
7"Tho Platte Valley Houao is un.
leubtedly tho best kept house in tho
State; and what adds to tho reputation
is the fact that the Lilis nro raod-ir-
tc far below the usual price charged
t first-class hotels. Coaches leave thia
lOusa daily for Oruaha, Nebraska City,
pt. Joseph, Lincoln City, and Pacific City
Station on th-3 C. P. & h':. Joe. Ii Ii
CSTMr. Dissell, of Saunders Co., has
ately put up a set of Fairbanks improv-
d Scales for tho convenience of himself
rind neighbors engaged in the cattlo bus-
ncss. Mr. TJ. is one of the heaviest cat-
Lie men in the State, and Salt Creek and j
IWahoo Valleys arc rapidly incresin-i
En importanca in this branch cf Lusi-
C37"The following strong hint we clip
prora an eastern paper, and as it conveys
in lesson we publish it: " V"e notice from
rtn exchange a rcjly gvien by a farmer
to a tradesman, when asked, "why don't
pou trado with roe?" "I have looked
lover our l;cal newspaper thoroughly,
land do not find an invitation. Do you
advertise? I orn not accustomed to "0
Iwhere I am net invited."
C5?"Tha AVii-s says tho Democratic
candidates for the county ofiicea "'are
working like gaily slaves." Wo always
knew tho leaders exercised almost un
limited power over their euljccts, but
did not suppose it was s bad as that.
But then, it is natural they should want j
slaves or some kind, and they have lost
their hold on tho negro and transferred
meir operations to the understrnr pers of i
-ha Democratic party. !
(M7"ViTm. IlcroU is selling cu his new
stock of goods rapijly. Tboio that buy
of Lira orie? sire sure ta coniert'rain.
EzTWe learn that a bee Jiive filled
with honey, was stolen from tl.e ra- Jence
of Mr. Philips, in the south rm-t of town's
on Sunday night last.
yj. i . dounson, liruziEt, na3 mst
r v i . .. ... .
received a new supply of tlrurs nnd med
icinc-3. He has a largo supply of the
famed French Quinine.
Ci7"Mrs. Larnl avo ona of her su
perior concerts in this city ltut Monday
eTcr.i,-,. The IIiu;o was G'.lcS to it3 ut
most apalty,ar.d the little fuiks acquit
tit! theatres With Credit tD tllOUHeivCS
and their teacher.
CSTThe-re have been a few "bloods"
eavortir:g about town for a cay or two
pa,, much to tho acnoyanc of pe;-03
ah!.?, weli-disposed citTzens. L wo have
t'.Ly law, each riotous and disgracef
proceeding should be ctepped.
C-v"'r. L. I!. Jont3, a blacksmith,
working in the shop of Geo. Doeck, in
this city, met with quite a serious acci
dent on Tuesday last. lie was hammer
ing on the anvil when a pieco of steel
broke and entered his arm on tho front
and jujt above the elbow, cutting the
main artery.
C;y"Tho l"t. Scott (Kansas) Monitor
says. "The contract for building the
M-noma and Odd Pe.lnws Hall,
was lot to Coutant Bcrnardin,
last week, for $7,200. These gentlemen
are prompt, energetic and good work
men." Mr. Pernardin was formerly a
resident of this city, and one cf the best
woiJibian in the west. He was the con
tractor on tho Masonic I'lock in this city.
C e
C:7Mar.g!esdorf & ScLaider have sold
to Messrs. liuuns ebjVhite their billiard
tables and bar fixtures oa tho corner o
M-.iu r.::d Third sts. Thry are abou
opening a largo billiard hall in Couaci1
LiluJs, and we can n uro the lovers of
game i:i that city that they will alwnjs
find an orderly and well-kept house to
long as Mang'esdorf & Schnidcr have
anything to do with it.
C37"We notice th it ll. A. Wiggensor.
& Co. are,, opening a heavy 6.00k of D-y
(Joods, Groceries, Clothing, iae jr.s wara
etc., at the well known stand on the corner
of Main St. and L.v-
o-::-? ti.3 he a
ald block. '.Vc aro asjured bv the rro-
prietors that tl.-iv intend selling goods
chctip a; they c:n bo had ahova St. Louis,
and tl.ev i' t c
ial'.v diiiro tiiat oun'rv
nicrcliarits sh-u" t cili aa I ox!i:aino their
gocds and pr'.cci.
-yii:,jitiv O.vynne, win didn't loose
any arm fighting the battles of his coun
try, attempted to ha-tise tLo editor of
tho RfJ ::l'.'!ci--i a few d.iy bin.-e, and failed
as c-ji:i'ifi:iiy a tie d.d m ii.s r.ticmft
to cato Dcnocratie votes at a Hopubli
cia mcot-.rg. Ilo has since been arrest
ed Tor obtaining goods under false prs
t treses, and is now under bond for $VJJ
to be for:h :c:jing at tho sotting of court.
"The wa; of the tran zres?or is h.ird."
(3? We bar-: n. li.-ed v.ith considerable
amuicni-jnt, thj various i:e:us iu tho Ie
braska City pipers about ll-.i A. F.
ITirvty Purveying arid Platting Lincoln
City. Our friends down there have kept
fully pasted in regard to the progress of
tho work, but it appears that they w?re not
sufFiciently posted to know that Mr. Ilar-
vey was not the surveyor, or else they
had not the in diuation to admit the fact.
Mr. A. Ii. Smith of this cltv. was the
Surveyor in Chief, and has personally
performed tho work. Mr. Uarvry was
employed as assistant. Will our Nebras
ka City friends take notice?
57"If Jcu wih to see a fine pieturo
just call at Thomas' Photograph Gallery
and tako a look at the oil painting of his
iittlo boy. The likeness was taken by
Mr. Thomas and tha painting was done
at Mr. Mueller's establishment in Coun
cil BIuTs. A pieturo of this kind is
worth having, and those who desire a
pieturo to keep will never regret the ex
penditure. Mr. Thomas is now prepared
to furnish the n, having malo arrange
Eir:!.: vrith Mr. Mac'ler t9 do hi3 color
ing. You can get them'any size desired,
from an ordinary caso picture up to a
life size. They aro superior to any paint
ing made from settings, as they givo an
exact llkenc-s.
Cl?"Tho A'etcs of the 13th says: the
Underwriter, a powerful "hell-bsat,"
from Cincinnati, is expected here this
cveninj, bound up the river to work on
tho Turner. As soon as the Turner is
raised the Underwrites will go to work in
t"0 Government service, on tho many
sawysrs now lmpeaing navi
gation. The boat has been a wrecker
for over twenty years and is a powerful
built vessel. It has a full supply of
wrecking impliments, including a diving
bell weighing over thirty-five hundred
1 Was ;ia2.
Wh n I hed an ijjortuuily to exchange
la a letter dated May 3, IS CO, Mrs. C.
M. Morse, of Pochester, N. Y., says: "I
havo uod other nrft-eiass Sewing Ma
chines, bat never to my own satisfaction:
and 1 was glad when I had an opportu
nity to exchange for one of yours w hich
I have now used for several months. I
find it so simpla and easy to operate,
that a child can uee it; while tho beauty,
evenness and elasticity of the f cam cacno
bo excelled." To the Willcox Sc Gills
Honesty xn Best Policy. This old
ftlt.,A Vn, rravaA f-- : r
n0.t rhm..i ;!.,.... i : i
full weiirht and .erfect trood,.
CT-'L Dan. Lauer, of the Xtrrs.
has withdrawn from the race for County
Clerk of .OtoeJ county. In a notice of
withdraw." 1 he says: Oar reaon3 for so
doing are pleas of poverty, e'. juon'ly
urged by our cprrjr.cnts each of whoia
has a wife frri Sto to tvelv.- sriali
children, to whom they are oV.i.-ed to ad
minister Eu-tcr.aDC?.
Wo ragrct t say that wo p v.o; r.i.It'u-
er the wife nor tho chiid.-on, which ar-;
tho sweet and legitlaiat: cf
the most comfortable state f matrimony.
Our extreme aiolescenca is a bigob-
jection urged by "old fcgies" tsnd foE'jil?,
who regard grey hair and a numerous
prognny, witii one always at the breast,
as the only reliable indication cf capacity.
We have no grey capillary attractions.
Wa aro young, and thai k God, possessed
of gjod health end an hsnsrabla vocation
considerabia eedfrespect and tso math
independenco to tease anjbouy for an
Wanted, at tho Platte V.alley
Utilise, two girls; ono to do cooking, tho
other dining room work. Good wagee
will bo paid.
Received at tho iiews Depot, for any
ef the Magazine?,' Periouieal.s and News
Papers of the day, at tho Publishers
ff -Y..W 15 the time lo subscribe.
Oct. 20.
Desirable Property for Sale
One dwelling house, witn seven roams,
cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well
set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &c.
D. Marquette.
Enquiro of S.Duke, Agent. myl'j
The nr. lerigned has his superb SODA
FOUNTAIN in operation again in tho
Post OITico building, and tin lovers of
this delicious beverage aro invited to
call and see him. A good assortment of
Green .and Dried Fruit will be kept on
and. O. F. Jo:ixso:".
juno l'"diw.
r - -r-, oa. M- H. r.'CLOEXEY
Wi'l i!o nil trn-k in I.i - l'ne on !,;,-t uctlc.
f JilCce w jtU ir. t,vit.:;:o:i.
-r?T ' TTCTnTw TV' rj.-;
!;jlivai: 6o Co
it- ::
i T :r 'c fr.'i:
.V rej
n-I 1
ty of
l):iyers at iet .1 i ri.'es.
Corn io io c.i'n no:m m'n"
VTl.jr! litn 'l mu t'Ailis. 2 CO . 1 '
i.irr, m eir -1 . 11-
sh: :l, .1 L. i .uter ? -
Otis : y v' '
C -rn tr. ! 1 -' I'.-ratoC T '.
I'l ear ?l 1 ? 1 -1 ' '
r, :ii t.:.i ',
i:'!iO " , rJ II ' ' ::- e '- ' '
si"r,r i' " " i" i rn ' : :-.
t a i ' i .:.- x ,
PV-rr.. 1 " ' .' " 1 i :
C .1 ):1 1 e : 1 . 1- -
i.-,r' i i .' s s; ..
T.;) 1 '.
i T
V.'i 1 I.- r.--..i-.v.i at !. M;r' t tr.r rnt'l t' f fir. t
d y of 'ct j! er C KA OING e :i ' etrcct 1 r
;tin J'sirhl.-: nlw MU.hd.i;; Mail Stif. t frm
the rait ri ido i,t b o'.i Mi O iiie v. e t id .i of !-:. li
sree. Ti. bids to Le iu ro i -h yard !n c-!i or
r. V. priftHINCTON, n.-corC-r.
riaiooii ii, Kct t- :l. l-v7 i
r. ""i " r !
ii.j I a 1
C. IIEISJ1L, Proprietor.
17, r 'at-y h repair J au pM'-'-j ri Ti.-).--one1:
ninc:ng orj-jr Cu-tda w-aU d..! ? cu tliorL
CO,oeO Uu.icls of V.'Kvs.l
v..i;...-i ie.i.e J i ' ly, i
price Tv ill he ..Id.
,1 which tiie l ip
t n nrhet
up-..- ti
Notice is hrtby clvon that ap.-eica'inn has tlii
d iy l, eU Mad.- t t!.e l'ieb it- Court to h ive J. T.
A. lf!,"ver appoint, .1 Ailniiui-trattir of the e.-:ato of
Chrij'.iai: .Mycr, la:e ef t' coorty, Nelra-.ka, de
c-as" !. '1 he C "i:rt W:ll h ar said pp:ic.'t:on on
FEW.IY, the 'I'.th c7y of &-jdimlrr, A It lsi"7,
a 1 o'clecV p t:i. at v hich tii iL.- all persons interest
ed can ppeir kd I f hew cause why nai l appoinun nt
ilrell I iu t be 1 ude, if any they 11. iy h ive.
Given u.idcr n y hand tii! 1 Oth day of rp-'teniber,
A 0 bf7. J. W . .M A11S1I ALL,
e-epI2 2w l'robete Juclire.
A GENTS $1")0 per month, everv"hrre. male
ii and f.niale, t. t-tlt the ','OT,Vf JJ.r..'.V
irrete.-t invention i f the ajj . Price ls. Kvery
Machine warranted thiee years. Add., ss,
M. LfWIS i CD .
fepl2 ltv P. O. Box So.t St. Lenis, Mo.
Miss A. M. DESPAII7,
IT2ilIincv anil fa'Csvaa!:cr,
Has jnst rccrive.l a larTo stoetc or XEW GOODS."
of tiio lutert faliions. New Uoods received cvry
mottli. Call and seo thcui . . mystf
Attorney and Counselor
Ofiiet la Kirbach's BbHik, corner of Donp:la and 15th
streets, Omaha, Nebraska. au?ll
Tho well known farm of S. II. Cnmmins, sitaate
two miles West of l'iaitsinonlh, on the Denver road,
with the tit':h"r thereto. Is for oale verr cheap.
Apply to J. C. CUMMINS, on the adjoining farm.
Also, iota 7 and S, block 14, in Platlstiiuuth.
ang-1 if
Platismouth Lodgre ITo. G, A. P. T:
ne.Tnlnre nropinr.leati ns 1st and "3 Sloe lays r.f ?acb
xouiii, at t 1 2 o'clock, p. xr.
K. T. DUKE, W. M.
7. a. ANDER70N, S.c.
Nebraska Charstei
!, A. M.
Itrgnlar convocations 2d und 4'.h Wedaculayt of
eich laonth, at 6 1-2 o'clock p m.
1). iJ. WIIEELEB, II. P.
E. C. LEWIS, gee.
I. 0. 0. F.
Platte Lodge, No. 7, meets every Saturrtsy efening
at tho Conrt- Hieine Hull. I'fothers o other Loi'gei
are respect luily irvited to vi.-it this I, "ipe.
!-y order of l . P. o A.-'S, N. O.
JI. iirt:.WA in, Her. 6 cc'y.
t. Luke's Parish Vestry.
Ec-niar meetings first Tne? i.iv f i-yny lr.oalh,
at 7 p. m. u V. j KO. C. II T i S.
K. It. L1VI53. TOX, C'.erk. t Cnaiinriu.
I. O. G. T.
Recn!armcetias every Friday eveninc. Traveling
Templars rs-s..ccifuily invited.
WM- Tt. M ATTII3, W. S.
rAM'LM. CUAP.UAX', Lol.-'e If nut.'.
: rnc' io. to the l.i;th'..-t !
s.tTvrr-.'. r, .;.f-..r- 21, iw;
rcTTTTf n.' D ' a 10 'A A M f f-a'.(l i1:
la: To, I .' o i.iiit;- m.c:;. ct' --eel. Uli"-T a la
ot n v
1 ,t of
IIoujhi ;! G :.i, ttc.
ti.r 1 . : 1 . .r.T..
f. s. w::irr,
. i : j i
Is hereby ?ivn thnt bit 2. In 1 ): 2", n ; ii-l o l
in 1- 1 I'li-at I.ii-t, on wiiich t: t .. amu-it to
f!2.CO. -houi 1 h::vc been nuv.r,l lot 2. in hloi k
.'0, a tl .lie suaie U l.uitt'y a.iv. ! ft.ra:e jn-crii-iog
to I w. e l"K.r-, lr--. ;j:or
eipl. tfc f.aa!y , ieb.
iluivy, 1
):aycj ,t.J, ilier U Co )
To nir-Prr.. Miner 4 Co. :
Vr.n a:
!..l I
cby no
in f.r.
fb.'.l lb .t :i u X :.' illilen t war i.J.
r of ti e n r.n A ::T
m: 1 , :! al... e ...
SU: Ol ."' :1i:I;i.-, .-.
O..V of I'Cto or, A i 1
ir. i.t u::i l e r- ImI-t-J
!i'. e r at.:l -h -'W eai'.-e t. I'
1 i. i. ::;:e:s io- :):e
.1 t f T .aiu!i:v, t!:f
. wlii-ii tiaif j :!: -
. t U i.' 'itl i!o U "t
;iiry t.ive.l UU'itl
tuy ba i l IhM H ii ti-y
J.-.Mi: u :. : !i.i.
J : ,! e et t'n-: i't-ace.
Is her-by civer. to ihe Craod a:;'l t::t Jurors, xrho
wtru MiiiiiD.nit-d an a- cu -l.e il eav of ieei'-io
o. . a t -l7. ( a, I I inn r It u Ir-trict t curt li IV-
iiO teen ai!;.,urn 1 (o Ihe '.'tli da of ict"t'or, A I)
r-.C7.) tb.-T will l e 1 1 unii eii to niocar i.t r l ef. re
ilevtu o'clock otiiiU .lay. t.iv-i under my ham!
t!;is lath day 1 tcrttinOer, A n Jti, .
J. II. KOWN, Clt-tlf.
s?i l."w Ty Wn.i.tiM L. Vell-, D';-uiy.
Notice brrei v civen that all ckiins the
estate of K. J. Valiiur, d.c'd, ui'Ja tt oil tile in this
office a or bi-furH lie
Jof. '! .VAKnr, A P 15-r.-,
at which t'.ino .-aid e'ainu wi.l t-e .tterinineil npr-n,
Given u.idcr uiy hau l th:s ls ii 'ty of S4;teinLer,
ililx;;. JOliX V.T. I A Kill A I.i..
(e;ily CT i bte Jade.
Feca, Sale and Livery
Taix St.,
- r
I am r-rt ;'?rcl to rcoincictluti the pntilic wit
Horses. Carriages anc Bhjcs,
C1 oro
Alio, a ni'-e ilcrrfe,
On i-bcrt u '
run to Me.n 1
eitv wl.Ln di..
i.i -21
e ond
'e tc:-F. A I
t, 2nd to i:l a
of the
mrtdS-IX;?! at I! price
Any wi-hu t: to yv
ll.:.b:!lfe, iu tuwa w.ii li
ei : - c 1. 1 '.-.ri'i el ly, or
.1 :m-i:i or ta K i-t al
i-acea. ly
ror.rvi: 'Icn,
Ukao Ej.Mk Acr.NT.
i:..: for
f :'e- le, w her-1 X'l fl'.n
., et year t, Il '
tin; th," ::' V,'
r. V. e '.l e t: T.'t. r. '
in eoe'. li !:. . yt ..! :o
'ii! two lerd
t i i ::rd V. , i
I- i f r le ii is
;' io i r
e I'.-h tiicir
wi es..d
'i iv Li" as a
w hu ll u i
r I ' v
e I
t -.V I
III l T 1:1:1
i.i v:
j i . -
. a 1 - -il.
G I EN WOOD. I ) w A.
7u Vc ' 1 c :e i , r 1 . T ' "'.-.! r lb'- ivirct-f
K- v. ' . ;i r.ft. .!.. ftpj
.Vr- r- .,Vl!.M-:V,
Mr: C!' t-u-.!;t i ;nv..'- ic io-'I to uc-."'r-
! :f i:i iil n I'T a . iiivi ;i iii . .Mr. Ci nicy
v ii ;.ti' j(.t, !i: s li t-ii I. ..ill cc t nt r into l lie
' r -li.ii' ft !,:i-..e r.r'ii.c;r Zirs. I'cf-'tv l.ut
l. '.ii t ;t;i (( I. - t . t.'t i ! k - I 'i Wv Yort. hiul
I.i- ;s I. i J : y .. 1 ; t 'i-- t : i u; a Ti.U'l f N i nee
:u s t). tt ti w c iu ct 'u .5, wi.u '.1 Is ii ; r in
i ? .-l i!io.t.:;;lj kliu. .1 tr..:! t-.'j t ttU clue
'i-.tir-r !i v c ti --.
A ti V - i:ti1it- wi!l 1-0 I -j
. v-,l .iut'ci ca'f info
: l'ri . .1-.
.o.,l P.
i 1' A L S L A t) i L B F 1 : S 1 1 N A 1 '. V ,
Ciecwoo.!, lo'.va.
an -7
And for sale at low tijutoa,
10 sis COFFEE. l.'lllx SL'GAR,
5 IMt, L'R Y A IT7.ES, 5 V-l; DJi Y I U ACHES,
AC , ic. Also, a !a-'c ais ji f.nent of
Grille i-sii22iDer,
LATH, FlllXniF.. lmf)i:s, vyrow SASIf,
HVA''OIF HIMIS, ;.AS. i-Ell EX'.
l'LAbTEIl J'AEJ.', 1A1U, (C'.l L OIL, Etc
2.'0 hush' Is, to which we invite the attention of
iiiaeksruiths and others as to ip.ahty au i pric". We
are A rents for the OOUbiN COAL li.'.NK, at Lex-inerl-.n,
and propose to turiiish ail the Co il this
country wants al price to suit. Also a large stock of
nyc, Bourbon and Star Whisky.
Cherry, Kaspoerry, Ulackbcrry and Ginger Urandy.
Ca'l aad eee us.
j u wtf
Oliernclle & Vcdc::2y,
fric: g bioiioinason
A XD J'LA s mi: ER s,
All Work In their line done to the best satisfaction,
and as cheap as I y anybody else
Address, i'lM'.muut'i, .ve'., 1. o. box 143. (aug"
In tho lJitri:t I'mirt. 2' .Iw'ici'i! Zixtrfrt,ioi!'un
tui ' for Ctss C'otTif..', XtOrtmkn:
Charles S. Wormian, )
vs y
John Allinson. 1
John A lims m, of the Territory of Montana. il!
tike notice that I'harlei S. Worrman, if the courity
of Ca.-3 an 1 tut' of Nebraska, did on the l"tu day
of September. 1'-T, fll" his pe'ltion ir. th" bi-tr'tt
Court of the "J I Judiiial District. Willi aud f r Cass
county. Nehra.-k i, ar i L-t the sai l J ih:i Al ins .n,
d rei.daot, setting loith that the said Joh i Al incn
uraye a mortape to th Paid Charles S. Woriman on
lot 5, in section 3J, in ti.s!i!i l.'. noitli i f ran?
14, eat of tiie o'th p in, coutaiuinir 2s acre-, and the
iioriheast quarter of north. as: qu.irterof stctiou no,
5, in lowro lit;" 11. north oi range 11, a-t of the 6;h
p ri, coutainiun foityacits, to cui e the pay ment
of the ton of f.Vii, with int. re-t at 1 J pi r crut. p- r
a'liiuia, acci id. in; to the t.-ims of a cer aia note r"
ferr d to in said mortr-'ni:'-, and praiiier thtt said
Jehu Alhn-oa niay pav su:d mhu i ow cla-m- d to be
due, v. ith inteieM at t ii rat ! ten per cert, per
annum from th l :h diy of May, l?jl, or that said may t. sold to pay the ,-;,ni-, aad the said
Joi.u Aliiusi'n is noi -tied that 1 o is required to i.p
p"ar and answer eni 1 pe-i.ti- n r,n or 1.,-tore the Ud
aloud.iy alter lhe .'It u v of i v: ' r 1 -.ij7.
I'iatisim a h, rei tJnii. i loth. l-o7
CU liil.Us s tV.iKTMAV.
: T2 4 r 1 y M swell Cbui man, Ait'ys
J. N. WiS,
Will le Sold at 1 1 b:
CI nrrnl T i' e rr' li' V',rr J, 'on 7 r.i.J F"r ervous and tuiclt Headache, Cosf.v. ness,
U, rural, X-lt, f;, '" "J ami ; 1yiprp,i3 imUooino,Vvstipatb,rj, Diar
a ; H int j rh"a. Colics, Chibs Fever, and genet al derangement
VT-CVT7" f ' .T r-
, i i O JL 2. -i w.. iiUaJi; J.
Will t ike ri-k at reasonable nt"6 in the mo.-t reliable
CJ i inies in tbe III ited frlat' S
fj'Oiiice at the book lore,l'la trronth, Nebras
, lasjaidtf
An Old Song Set to a Xew T;:ne
At'pring arrroac-''
jnl ai't A'ixici'
win their helri com,' vilt,
An-1 Mice an t Rit
Jn rr iff of C"',
"1 years o-tnhiisbed in N. Y. City."
"unfy infaliiMi' rein-.iies known."
'Kr- freni IViwius."
Net du:-:er'ioi to the Hnraan rauii'y."
"Hats cunie out of their hole.-' to die."
Co3tar"a Bnt, Tdocicli &c, Extcrm'r
I- a rid,: tn-r.l f .r 7.' t', Mict, .'o.:i..J,
l:iacn and J't I Ant, oCf.
Costars Exterminator
Is n li-inid it wil: vf5 to lietrr.y. an'l
n!so a pu-ventive for Xc'i-i,'!:', ct"-.
Ccstar's ElectTic To-order for
Ii for Vnthn. .Vs.lii .7 ik a, Jlj l Et'gt,
Jnsccis on 1'Uint, Auitiia!, o.o.
trv-' I Hums ' ' ! of nil worthless imitath'KS
Si f that 'i.'o-Tin's" name is on each Ho
Ilet :le ai d Flai-k be'ote yoa buy.
Henry K. Cosfar,
l?i Brndray, New Tori.
So M In Pl'itnno'ifi. y.brnpJ.a, by Flacl
Buttirv tt C , aii'I O. I Johnson, act all DniKSla's
and Retailers everywhere.
Fcr Cnfs, rirni, Bml--e', Wounil-., Boil. , Ca-.eer?
U-ok1-!! Ihea' is. j,ire NiT'ines. Iliee'linn. Klin 1 nrd
i'! l'iies. Scrofulous, I'utrid aud Iii-c nditione
Sures. U!cerJ. iilaudaiar ri'.veliui'S, l.upiions. Cuta
rieo'M Alf c'.ione, hinir-irrn, .tcli, Corns, buniuks
ChilliiaiuB. i.e; Chni'ped Hauds, Lips, ite; of
i-pnl- rs, Jiiii-c!., Annua. s, Ac.
f. v.lioxes, 'J.'i c nts, T'O c- nts and $1 si2es
.-'u.d I v all l i u,-k'h ts . vet. vwh -re.
And Ly lli.NUY li. CUM 1' AK, Dop.t 1S4 Dread
W- .v, N. Y.
tiAntbyO. 9. Johnson, ar..l D! icV, Butt :ry J-
:, i-Utt
h, Nthia.-a.
rvi "t
For Corn, Tlunio.-.a, Wai t. A
!'s;s 115 r.-uis, f-tl cents aud sir.
5. i 1 by all iTiu'e-ls eve: y -.vhere.
.t.d 1 y HtVilV li. COSTAlt, Depot 4-4 Eroad-
nar, N. T.
J-And by k, Ea'tery i Co. aud O. F. Jo'uu
to:i, i'iat 1 ino'.' '. a, N 5 U"a ha.
pnr.PAr.ATiON or
Bitter 'Sweet & Grange
rsod to pof'en ar.d b autify tbe Skin, remove
Frc'kles, Pin-pies, Einptiom, c.
Ladies arc now utinp It in preference to ail others.
5r3i?od by nil Drn 'gists everywhere
And by HIN'KV It. CoSI'aK, Depot 454 Broad
way. N Y.
j?rulliyO F. John-on and Eiack, Euttery &
Co. , Plattsmoutb, Nebra-ka.
Cough Homedy.
Fot Coaifhj, Colds, Hoarsehcss, Core Throat, Croup,
Whcnpina Coii.rh. Irllu- nz.i, Asthma, Cou-uintilioii,
llmnehial Affections and all Disease, ef the Throat
ami Lunos.
lioxes 25 cents. o0 cents and $1 sizes
TSA-i-"'.! l yall DruKists t veryhe-e:
And by llhNLT II. COSTA tt, dpot 454 Broad
way, N. V.
4trf-Aml by Black, Buttery i, Co. and O. F. John
Eon, I'latt:-moath, iM.bta.-ia.
of I lie V; restive Orjrana.
-Boxes -J" ci nu, 50 cents and $1 iz s-
WL.8oid by ail Dr' tzi'ts every irliere.
And by 1ILNIIY li. COiTAIl, Depot 45t Eroad
war, X Y.
And by O. F. Johnson aud ilack. Buttery k
Co. , PlacUmouth, N ebra? k. sepii iim
Hiectiors notice-
v,.. i i,r-. i.v exen that on Tu lay, th
'.i.i ...- o.-. .,!., i- next, nt the u-u il 1 or
ia'i4 eieo-:i.ics In the i, i.J I'rec; n.-t ; (r a" near
'eroasmay he praeucati'e) in t a.-s o..i. -.
Stale cf Nehra-ia, an election Will "c ne u
One Count Lummnidiouer, Itr lue isi i.i-.hi.
(riaitsioou:!.) ;
One i'loo.iio J i i re.
One t'oaniy Treasurer;
Oue founly C ler ;
One sherllT;
One Coronet ;
Oue l'o-uty Survcyn: i
one t'uunry Ftiitenutcu h-tito.C w U'-'H S,jhoe--;
And for each Precinct
Tvo Jiu-iicMoi iho I ;
Tvvo Coiistahieb ;
One ArSrs-or;
Tlnee Jailes of Elect; n ;
'I wo Clerk of lileotiop;
One Koad S.ipi rv tr, for eai li K Di-tri' t.
F:i:t'i.'r. notice is civ n l y rtler of tiie C unty
r..i.m.-ii.irr4. made at tl re: e-lneer K'Voil oi
their C.iun (Se;.t. ia, , 'hut yon are iso
noon to vote at election oa toe ijne.-i,-,u oi
ini takini .-tnek iu tho uuritiis'tou nun
Mi:Soun Kiver K i Lor-pany , m- u
!-.. lii.ndr. 1 ii..n,ar.d i.d,ars. i f .'on .ojo l ei :a in-
xtn-n.u of ties road tnruUijIi on.- couaiy oa-.?;
u'hi'. i. idai-i'.m will he omned at nine (') c'cloclt
io the un ruiu.-, ai.d wili toutica o;'en uuui u w
u'cli iii ti.o hitrru- on I the h tme d.iv.
Ily . f tho Ci.rsTV CuMMi siosc...?.
This .'! ii. iy of Sypuniber, A r 1'jT.
B. tri UI-OCiC, Clerk,
sot5 w3 iass C un:y, Nebra'k
In acco d.m-e with the re.iiireianr.ts of an Act en-
t .1 "An '.ri t . rnivnlc lor I an Inca' '.01! u l.e re l
,f i.ovei nn-.ei.t of the Mute of Ncorasa, nau Inr
l.e ereetion of i. tibial bllieliues t ieieat, anplOVtJ
June 1 1:h,l!5l7," Fi. us and bpcc.fVvvttis will he re
:ved nt tiie eflce of 1.0 te. reiary or ruet, a
Omaha. NeOr.u k a. unt il i ho I'l'li day of t'eiol er.
1st 7. ai 1-2 o c o, i: in. f.(e t ie o.i'c.t"! imiii"' to 01
creeled at Linculn. Hi 5 ...u:id .ti a of the buildim:
is re un, I to l e of sl ue, ami tue tupei'st-ii' tore of
tllIie or brick. '1 ho liuMiliuir must he construe1.! to
.icoiriiioda'e the 1 x.cutive tli! ' mx in tittniher,
and the assetuhly f the two Houses of the Lci-'isla-ti;r
, and the '. st of the oditic;. muot not exceed
Furry '1 lraisand I)ol ars iHiJK'0!.
Tiie Architect whose piuus are adopted will b" ap
pointed .Superintend, nt of Construction, ar.J receive
simple compensation for his s- rviees. as l.y law pro
vided. KAMI) lit rhhlt l.ov., J c.,rimU.
TIK-. IV KLN NAi:I, Sec.,
JOHN tSILI.K.-l'IK. A till. ) 8--'1-"-, rclira.-kn, Aunst 'biii, j;..
3 ilevosiise
1 w
fax Notice-
Opkick or t:ik C111.1.H1TOTI cr
Nebraska City, August si, ls07,
Aniiiird Tax List for
Notice is her- by t-i yen, that ti e A! List of Tax.-
Ass. -.-ed in aeeoid nice itu tlio iiiwision ot tne
A1 o f O'litrre-s. To provide Internal JicVvr.u, t-
suoou! t tbe fJoVf ri'o.eut, to pay ir.t. 1 ' -t on the pni-
!ie debt. ard i-rotiit-r pri'-po aopr.'ved Jone ;;t),
Uoi 1. m aoiend' J hv tho acs of alireh looo, iay
1, l-.C'I, and Marcti vi i, ls07, has been returned to
me liv ti.e A.K-i r oi tins liisinct, and that sanl
taxes nr.; now due ;,tJd p.'yab!e, aud payment tlieiool
is lierel'.v deinauded, and that 1 will in person, or ly
deputy, he at too
In tho Ciiy cf Platts'nouth, in eaiil
lJictri.'t. on tha Hd'h, 27ih nr.'I 'JS.h
ila-s of Septciiibt-r, 1SG7,
For the pnrpore of rrc ivirp Taxes.
All persons wh shall neglect to ay the amnuritcf
th-.-ir s Iituciy dem.intied, e:i or b.d-.:o toe t:ay
la-t n.iuie.l. will he linlile to pay a penalty of live
lie r cei tma, tocother with inter t at the rate ofom
per centum per moii'h, and a fee of twenty ecu's f,i
i-erviees of a st" cial demai. d and notice, together
with to ir cnts :i mile travel h e , actii il y and ncce-i-
sariy traveled to in.ike thest-rviee ttierief.
OtVicK Horns From ! "'Cock A m to .'. P 11.
JCE. E. LA 11 AS 1 i !t.
f-?l5 3- Ceii-ctor.
1 rtnrr
Imp-rto.-a nnJ Slatiurac'urers' Aj-ent-s of
L.irjro stocks of Americm Perew Co. Screvr. Ames'
!eli fls jir.d S;-ut!os, Doul.i.,' Ilianu acturioi; v o.
i:.h-- 'lo.i--, Auieric.ia Tal'le t'uii ry, KnerlUh i'oek-
et Cat lory.
Orders hlie I it F..t
O.dors solicited.
Cor. M.iiu auJ WaIimcton Ave.
Frp3 oIU
. LOl'IS, MO
Claaiiccry Sale
Wi ' Leach 1
v. i-Ia Clianceiy.
l b., ... . a -I Watr,rn.
i-, '-...i-si-ance and hv virtue r.f n decretal order t.i
m .! r.i-M d from the office of the Clerk of the Dis-
t.Y.o onrt ot the 2 1 Judicial District cf NeUra:
w i'bin and for Cas, county, hearing date ou theiod
lay of .let,. her, l-o"s luine the October term of sai".
Court, I, the snh.cuher. Waster in Chancery f ir said
Court, will rffer tor s-.le, at pu'obc auction, to the
IiiL'he.t and oel ion n r inr .a-.i, o. ..ooi
Court-House ia tho city of l'ia'.L-iuuuih. Cass county
Nibraska, on
XOXVA Y, t'le lift dirj of, lrrj",
at 1 o'clock p m, rT said day, the following: described
real state, to wit: The south-' a-t q'tir or r.t .ec'ioo
no. tweiny one 21, in township no ten 1, north
i.r rai.eo no tin i teen, i ss t of the 6th i nt, lu Ne-
br. tka. contalninc one. bun ire 1 anil sixty acres and
sii'.ui'.d n as' couu'y, iM-hrasks; To-vther with all
m l si'i;rular the i.i. j.rov: ii.' nts, licrtditanietita an
..i,: nri,-ii:.i'c thereunto 1 cion n in e.: to he i-old as t
prop- rty of t' e dertt.i'act above tamed lo sati.-fy
sHid decree the a;o: Ui t of which is the f um of twelve
Lur.drtd aid titty lour do: Inn, a nd interest cu the
from the date o said ihir e, at i.-.e rate oi ic
P -r yet la-Btii, together vith oo- of ani!
aaio. Vr'. F. CIIA IV,
pt 2d, lSi-7
Jl.iile r in Chancery.
Vounf Drotiieia A- Co. 1
vs IaCba-c
f-nrriou .v Jolle..
la purpu inee i.rjd ly yi-tuecf adtrretal order
to me liirrc: id fn :u tbe oilicw if lhe Clerk of the
lin uii-t ". urt of the 2 1 Judicial District ot Neb. as
ka. Within aad Mr Cuss cool ly, hrariny dale on. ih:
lootli ib'y of April, A 12. be np lhe April Term
of said Con' t, I, the ai.l.seribcT, Master in Ch nicer
rcr the Faid Court, will oiler for sal ; at j.oblis ven
due, foi ca.-h. lo the l.iih nt and hot bid le", in from
ot tiie (totirt-lio i", in thi city of I'latt a ouih, Cass
county, Nebraska, on
1K-XDAY, th 7tA d.t; f 0:l:htr, 1CC7,
at I o'clock p m, the f flowing d scribed real e-date.
to wit: The soul h'-ail ipiart r f the scut lie ast quar
ter of section tlii: 'y-f -or :)4. and the sonihwcst
qii.u t' r of action foil iy-b.-e ;', ail in townshil
twelve !-, noith of n r.i'c I'.nrt. ea, tastof the til.
pin, Ncliaskat a:.J s.'.'-at-d ia the couu'y of Cass,
and Mitte of Ncbra-ka; Tu--itlit" with all and Finiru
larthe imi'rov. meats, liere-uitaniei'ts at.d appurte
nauc s tl.ei eunto behuine:; tote soil as lhe prop
eity of tiie above nam- 1 .ielcniants to satu-fy said
deiee, the Miiount of Woicu is t!i-j snm of Four
Hundred and T-Ci.ty-S.-veil doliari and Liphty-1-ive
con's 1.7 ci, a-.d interest on the Fijie trotu tbe
dateoi said decree at tie rate often per ext. pi r
annum, to.etiier wi;h couof t-uit and sale.
September 2d 1507.
ST 5 Iw Master in C hancery.
m stk en T" P w
C. E. r O Ii G Y ,
Manufacturer cf all Viurfa of
F n r eii i 21 m IiE3;Ic:sienlSj
?uch a.-? thf celeb rat- d b d llrc ikin P!ow, Mould
Hoard breaker-, StliT.nJ 1. ws. ain' and Doubli
Shovels, Cult:val..r - cud i' iiliivs. Uepairiug dotit
ou saor t u oil. All w ,o k -wn rr an ted.
1! .iviiiii Lad twii ex p. -lien e iu the hm-iness. 1
fed as.ured that I can ive Keuorat sr.ti.--f.-tiou.
Please give un; a cail before piirctu.siiii? .-l-wbere.
C r. lOKOY.
riatt.mou'.h.Nc'u .May C'.a, 1SC7.
Ice Cream SrJconH
Z'p Stair', "it thfr irsst cf Eliiri E uiljry's
l'rwj a I-"
Vher- we ret up tho v.vy ti.'-t .rin'ity of Cream
and tako pleasvie in n. rv.ui: It 1 y ta- ili: li, or mi
f ave sni-til freezers, and cm pi.i p.y ci'urcii i.ius.
f.-tivaU . pal ties ot !tr.Si!H w.iu any 1 .aumy, w
il-i, l',oW, we nave hib d -fi as. ora..-T.i -.n
ds of Fancy and Slu a ariuy, rr-.ins. ,-u.s. . -
Ii3 -c . Cti no- t. 1,,'ar.-, , 10 u. . 1...,. . .1.0 - . -.
jyj Sin J- Ml'MUUl.
Would i-e?pe"tfully inform the ladies ot t l.iit-inoati,
that she is uow pr. paied t- do
if requlreJ, I.adicK nml Cbib'r. rV Presses, Cloak-;
r.asiiucs. etc. MACIJIA'K t'i'JTCIIS''i done also.
Al' work, will be iicctiud with near nc-s. and Will
icc.ove pro:n.t atttniion. tHi- v. ; 1 1 udeavor to fjiva
s itirfaction, and thercfo-e nelicits tue patronage of
the ladies of tins la. o and vic.iiiiy.
5 -A-Kesid ric in the tmiidiuK t" 111 ?i iy oeinpieo
by Mathis a Son's liakery, M..111 pirc -i.
-Mrs. Jones is imw orSaciiiiifr a chili f ir Dcmorest"?
Mirror ol' Fashions; call ai.d euh.-crihe. n 1
The tin Icrsfnod proposes to establish a Weekly
Newspaper a t in ; 1 y. the t ipitai or inr
of . hras!a, to he called "Tim Ni-brask State Jour
nal." Iho firt is-uo of which will be ubout the 1st of
October, lt;7. " ...
The whole outili for tne omce win ne ennreiy new,
md will enihiace pood Joh I'lace, as welt as tii'-
Nt-wa Uet i.i .r.ietit. Havl 1 had niucn oxperieuce 111
Journal. sin, and telui; one of the E.-st ett!er Ir;
Vehmnka; coim nien.iy loiuj; wen ac iaaiuic. .v..
the waati of the people, aud the rcnonrcca ct tl.rt
state, sre flattei ourscif ihav we can give ten-ri
itifc; ion iu the euterptisp.
The "Joniual" wiil a 'vocate Kcpnbiicin rrraci-
tdes, lo:t will bo endj' ted ..u an iadepem'-eut scale.
in! will Le c-mrteotu to all panies ami :ru.
lt.-iurniinr our thanks to our old Irieuds and pa
tr ins, we trust lhey will assist us iu this now cnlut -
lEIljli isz uo per aiuiuui in o....i.r.
Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol
diers and tueir neirs.
V M n.-TTtncton bts this day .received from ti e.
r.. nnt th,. l.iiw in full with new'k lor tho
1 cnlierilon ofad litional Dotinties and increased I'en-
sious. and is rerdy to prosecute an sucn c:aiu.-.
may be eiitrn-ti d to l is care. Cab auJ examine.
Fiist claimed is lir.-t seived. .,...-,
I . .M. i;uii-wiitj i .
riatt.voutb, Ac.g. 10, i.C'J.
SlicrsCf's Sa5e
I. N. Wise, Aduilni-.ralor of t
1'. A. rar-y, deceased, j
v. I
Charles F; Herdri j and 1
Charles Il. ndri -, f
A C' m doing b'j io'."s u: dcr j
ttie fame and t-tvl- ol
O F. il er.drie a. Co. J
Notice is hereby Kvta that by virtue of an Exct:.
t'ou in the above rntilb-1 c-ie, issued out i I an i ol
dor thp R al of the Cieik of tho Dutrict lounoi mo
i il lii!rir!t. witliln aud for Cass County,
S' 1 l.v-ka, and to me dir-cied, 1 will otTer foi sale at
nubile anctio'i, to the ! ir.l.fst and best bidder, a' lb
trout door of tho Court-liouse, ia the city of i latts-
lo.'U.h. on .
i ,s-.l Tt'ltOJ 1'. I1' 2s,7( Can of SeptfiuVer, A I lsC,
li. te -i' the honrs of 1 and J o'ci -ck p m oi .aiu oa ,
all ri-ht, title and iritercit of t lie above iiara-ti u;
eudants, Ohsri-s r. iieuavie aim vuan' i.
i aud to th" f liowine: ib-erihel mil estate, lo-wit .
L't no. eicbt (?l in block no. tlm -i v-uiree io ami
iot no four (4), i:i b!ee no. thiity-three (S3), iu the
citv of riatt-n.outU, C-iss oouutv, ebrasWa..
OIeu under uy hand tins nay i Auu-r, y.
D 1M-7. A li. TAi.'K.
Fherltl or ' n-s cotiuty, ieionsKi.
Ily 0. W. Falra-lil. Dc). ity. ini.'-S 4tr
5 O S La L a Sli n
& Co..
i1 2a Ijiki Ht. Cf, "f!7'.
-i'l'J Mirktt iS'f , 6f. ,.!.
careful to I cy only the Genuine. myyji
of sale of So
The Capital of He ilule of JS'ebraska.
ffhe nod ;r.-icned, Cou.r.iisi-iinera appointed by an
act of tho L--ri.-!a'.ur.. ol .eui5k, '-'i o providv for
til locution ol (he s et . f .loveruia-nt of
of Nc'-i-a.-kri, ami for ti.v public hu.'-idici!
li--r'-n t , ' ' appro ed .Inne;
liavi'n ou lhe I4'h day of t A D 7so7,select
o 1 th-- s.f a .d oliiei.i.l.. i cMcd "LirscoSo," the Capi
lal .f the- s,i:ito ol r. e --.ra-Ka, on u" i.
,,ri..; 'an Is bej e,.' nit t .- the 1'ii.te, to v. it: s e
.-e-cti .-i t ven'y-tiir-e C:'). w j ot roito w and
wo-t V or s w 'nnr . er of i.c-tioa twe-aty-ftve (2. ).'id'u 21). of township no. ten (l(').
ueito of range no. six ,e), oa l of th sixth principal
' i! r' b 'trive n-.tire that on the 17ih day of Tef ti m
' a a lst-7. at Iii o'clock a tr , a sale of 1 ts wiii
t'ke place ujion s.i id to ., ii site ot Lincoln, to be held
lor live consetut ive day e, and then be iu!j lurncd to
he i.e-ne i at tac tlr n-t-iloii.-e fct N braeka Cny for
fivs consecutive 'i o's, cmnmeiicin? ou the ii-.hiiay
of September, l-t7, at lo o'cloc a m, and a 1-i-
nrned to Dinai.a, to commence October l-t, Ivii, a
Id o'clock a til, and cel. ii'iu f, rfive coimecutive days.
The terras and condition of said sale will be m tul-ioJV--
The lots on alternate blocks to ti appraised by
the Ccminissieners, and thj tuiniinuui i riee albxed
i n the several I ts on the plat, aud tho sain." sold to
the highest bidder fabevj the market pric) for carh
in bad, a receipt wiii be riven to the pnrchaser for
the amount ol money puiJ, spe. if ins Ui" number of
lot and bioik purch:i 1, which receipt, when pre
sented t the ofllce of the Secretary or fctalc, thall
entitle th8 person named therein to a title in U-
riinple r.h--olnw, fr.Mn the Ptato of Nebraska, to tlm
real en'a'fl in tiie receipt, which conveyance
Jia'l be rxernted by the Oovernor and at tented by the
: eereti rv cf M-ite. . . . .
1 lie lo'ts are oil by 1 12 foot. hrr-in-M lots 2j oy 142
fet-t. '1 ho principal sliects J Let wide, the others
11,0 feet, alleys lo hot.
A reservation f tw-lve sti's e.?eh has been made
for the Capitol Sria'o.ri'iverity Place, and Agricul
tural C ill. ore, and City I'aik.aud further reserva
tions m.-oie for other p-iblic bt-i dings contemplateil
t"YVi'i' ofn V? situated in the va. ley of tbe Salt Creek,
.'O miles west of the Mii-souri river and equally dia
tatit from Omaha, Platt.-r.iou:'a am. Nebra.-k i Ci!y,ia
llif cn'teof the mo-1 healthy and prialuetivo agri
cultural portion of the Mate, w ith an ah'.iniijnce of
stone an ! other material convenient to build ail tho
F.p.eirr hni idirur j. and pure water to l.e had in
thunil-uiee at a depth of ,'lt) to 40 feet, also at the
I junction cf tbo s'n vey of the llunint oi & JI. II. K.
I via Pla'tm-tith, and the lwa Bti. Line R. 11. via
V. hr tska City, and titaated wit iln ii'-o mi'e of vhe
Gie-i' alt li:i', which ha' prov. d by actual expor
iincnt to bo ihe richest iiii' sii iu the Lulled
Witness our band" csd rc.".'s !!.!' 17'h day cf An-iu-'t
1M ", Lincoln, I an;aser county, Nebraska,.
Uuv. of braska,
TU0L-. If. Khe. N All",
Fee'y of !- 'ute,
sn-21 4w r'tate Au ditor.
f Comml.
C tioueis.
The unut-rtigned havicif maile arrangements for
Mdablbhlui? a iicpuolicaii paper at Lincoln, the Cap -ital
of tbe Ctate, have tiie honor to announce to tLo
public that the materials for a first -class publisliln
and job c-Ciee have been ordered at: J will be ready
i ir Vusiaeas in a shirt time.
The "CO MM INWFALTII" will labor f.r the early
ir.d rapid develr pcmeut cf the resources cf our iute.
ior counties and the State j;euera!!y, by the iuffux of
!iaril7 immigrants, and for the immediate construe
tion of ths.' iron bisharnps rf commerce, to make a
uiaiket for the Cr.-t grain Biow ine section of the
Union. As an ti'n.tnt of republic nim it will
sustain tbe policy adopted I y the Cotigressional ma
ionty, in obedience to the mandates of the men who
carried tbe flag from the "Itiver to the Sea." But
while faithful to the principles of the llcpublican
party, We shall frtc'y consider aud iliscns the great
'pies'ioas of tiieJ .y at they present Ihm.-fclvii., in
ill ran. 'or and with such ab . lit y as we may possess-
Tfcc "(ViMnMi"'"''1 w;'.l be iesud attheeaili.
est practicable day.
C. II. GERE &. CO.
1 -1
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