"7" wy attempts to haul doion the American Flag, shoot him on the spotS VOL. 3. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 18G7. NO 24 THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, ii. r. iiatiiaway, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ryOIEce corner Maia street and Levee, second fetory. TeiEls: $2.50 per ancara. Jlates of Advertising Oae square (space of ten lines) one insertion, 9 1 .80 Eacn subsequent insertion - - l.i.O Professional tarda not exceeding fix lines 10 00 Oat -quarter column or less, per annnm 3.VU0 sit months 20 P0 . three months 15 00 waehalf column twel re month 6".00 " six months a5.00 three months 'jo.ou Oieeolumn twelve months - li'Mo ' six months - e',0.00 three months - - 85.00 All transient advertisements mast be paid for in advance. jfj-We are prepared to do all kin.' of Job Work on snort notice, and in a style that wi.l give sstis faction. WILLITT F0TTENGER ATTORNEY AT LAW, FLATTSM0UTU - - 'NEBRASKA. " T. m MARQUETT, ATTORNEY AT LAV Anp Solicitor in Chancery. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA ' c ii- nincr Carpenter and Jcinor CONTRACT OS and BoITDER, Will d work in hf line with u eatness cm dirpat Va short not'.r. Dr. J. S. McADOW, UAVIN'S RF.TIT.NTD TO HOC K BLUFFS TO practice I'hyaic. olT..! his prore--ion:il services to hi- o!d patron? and public generally. Particular attention paid to riiseasi s. of tb LYi;. A cure cvr anti'ed in all curablu cases. Charg-i mod'-r-ito -same as one jear aft. j lu$ 3.RLIYIHOSTON, LI. D. Physician and Surgeon, Tenders hU professional services to the citizens of Ca conpiy. jfs-Kesidence In Frank White h-uc, corner cf Oa' and Sixth streets; Otfice on Main street, oppo site Court House, Platt.'month, SuLrask. Platte Valley House Ed. B. Mchpiiy, Proprietor. CV.t.iot- c-f .1 '- tinil Fo-irik f'r-crfs, Zattsruoufli, ST eta. Tlilid"!! having been re fnt-1 an! netrjy fnr nlsht 1 cllers flri-t-clads accon.nicda'.i.iu!. Uo.ird by the day or week. r.up23 BURNS & CO. Deal' rs in DRY (SOOBS, fiROCKRIKS AGRICULTURAL IUTLKIIESTS, And a g-inerr.l assortment of (j.kj Is nsual y kept in a llrst-class country store. Ay oca, 0as9 Co., - - Neil auBl I. MAXWELL, SAM. M. CHVTMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Solicitors in Chancery. rlATTSMOUTII, - NEBRASKA. Offlca over Black, Battery A Go's Dru Store, aprl CLARKE, PORTER & ER17IN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, maut st., or posits the court-house TLATTSMODTII, NEB. ATLORD J . CLARKE, B rOUKST POUTER, W. W. ERWT. IW REAL ESTATE A fEXC JlB'Wtf joseph scniiATEn, WATCJ MAKES and JEWELER, mais Street, FLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA A rood assortment of Watches CI J Cold Ten', Jewelry. SilverWare, Farcy 4oo.is. Violins and i elin Trimmings always on hand. Ail work com milted to his care will be warranted. April 10, lrtio. O. R, IRISH, CALHOT7S 4 CROXTOS, late Sup't Indian Ajfairs. Attorneys at L-iw IRISH, CALHOUN & CR0XT0N. The above named centWnen have associated themselves in business for the purpose of rosccut in and collecting all claims against the Geiiernl Government, or apainst any trile of Indians, and Are prepared to pro.-ecnte such claims, either before Conretss,or anv of t he Departments of Government or before the Court of Claims, Sla. Irish will devote bis personal attention to Its uiness at VVa.-hiUfrton. 83" Office at Nebraska City.corner of Main and FUth streets. m. api.fr, d A.rr.ixtMis. S. ADLER Sc. CO.. BECTIFI EE S .tf-V-D DISTILLERS, Dealers in ail kinds of Foreign and Domestic WINE3?LIQTT0RS AND CIGARS. KO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQ UAIIE, St. Josepli, Itl. oc25 ly latiorj Claim Ageucj'. VASH1NGTCN D C F. M. DORRINGTON, Sm AGENT: FLATTSMOUTH, - . NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and presecnie claims-bcf r Congress, Court of Claims and the Heps iments. Pa tents, l'ens:ons, Bount es, and Bounty Lands se cured. (""C'hnrues moderate, E. 1 in propirtion to theamiunt of the claim. jj. DURKlNti TO.V. April 10, '65 O K. LIcCALIiULI, Mannf.icturer of and dealer In Sadtlles and Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130 Main street, between 5ih and 6th streets, Nt hraska CU7; je!3 Hlace to gat cheap Lamps and 1 amp Chinina -at t m.BLA0K, BUTTERY Jt 9. 29 vriiolcsoiuo Trntli for Irisli raen. The Irish Republic, printed at Chi cago, is one of the ablest newspapers published in the West. It is earnest in it support of the principles which underlie the Feniau organization, and battles manly for the disenthrallment of Ireland from British domination and tyranny. In a recent article, under the head of "A Declaration of Princi ples," the editor of the Republic ad ministers some wholesome advice to hi Irish brethren throughout the Uni ted States, which cannot be too care fully read and thoughtfully pondered by every friend of Irish freedom. We make the following extract from the leader referred to, and commend it to the attention of those who are blindly following the lead of the enemies of Human Progress and Human Free dom in thid country, and throughout the world : Who knows not that the giant hand of the American Republic could, at a single blow, smash to atoms the blood stained fabric of English tyranny, and leave Ireland free from her deep deg radation, and take her place of power and prosperity among the free nations of the earth ? Why has not that hand been lifted up to strike in the name of justice? Why has it hitherto been hung paralj'zed while such murderous wrong Las been perpetrated in the. face of earth and heaven ? Let the quest ions be fearlessly answered, according to the demands of truth, and we will make at least one step in advance of the deplorable condition which, until now, wo have been compelled to occu py. We wi'.l, at all events, discover the dreadful disease which has sapped our strength and endangered our very rxUtence. Whether or not it will be in our p.wr i apply an cileulUttl rein ed', and so to establish a complete cure, remains hereafter to be seen. The sovereign people of America have stool by and suffered the sacrifice of Ireland, without either earnest remon strance cr anything like effectual inter ference. To this course of conduct there were, in our judgment, two grand causes contributing, The first was the curse of Amirican slavery. This was a hereditary complaint. The virus was derived, as a fatal inheritance, from that destroying tyranny against which the people of America had to fight for their national existence. It 2rew and spread like a consuming can cer, until it or the Republic had to be exterminated, For fully three-quarters of a century it polluted and pois oned the fountains of national thought and feeling, and compelled even the most earnest advocates of Ameritan freedom to think and act more for the preservation of liberty, and the conse quent necessary extinction of slavery, in their own land, than the righting of the wrongf, or the restoring of the rights of the oppressed of other lands. And, alas, it is a sad and sorrowful confession, which truth compels us to make, that, with noble exceptions, the Irish race took sides with those who would have continued the curse of hu man slavery in this country, and who etill lament its extinction. So long as the majority of the Ariierican people and their Government supported sla very on one side of Atlantic, it could hardly be expected that they would be come the champions of liberty on the other. Nor were they. And so long as the Irish people exerted themselves to rivet the chains of an oppressed race in America, it was scarcely reasonable for them to complain of the oppression of their own race in Europe. But they did; and we must do the world the justice of admitting that it did not be lieve either ia their consistency or sin cerity, " Another leading cause of the in difference and action with which the people of America have treated the question of Irish national independence has been the spirit cf intolerance which Irishmen have, in too many instances, displayed towards each other. We have, then, to do one thing before the free people of America will either be lieve or aid us, and that is, to proclaim ourselves the enemies of human sla very in its every form, whether among blacks or whites ; whether in Ireland or America, in Italy or England, in Af rica or Europe its enemies in life, and , to death to proclaim ourselves the friends of freedom, equal right? to ev ery man, of every croed, o' t-very country, and color, and clime. We have to proclaim and prove that noth ing, not even religion, will save ty rants from our vengeance that noth ing, not even difference of creed or color of skin, will prevent u from do ing full and equal justice to all our fellow-men. Satisfy your American brothers of this, satisfy the intelligent world of it, and the tyrant injustice of England will fall before you like grass before the scythe of the mower, and the liberty of Ireland will be foundsd on the rock of everlasting justice and truth. We are prepared, through weal and woe, to work for cur country's in dependence, with honest men, whether they agree with our principles or differ from them. But we again lift up, most earnestly, a warning, that if ycu in tend to build successfully, you must build upon the rock of eternal justice and universal liberty." Cheap Telegraphing. The recently published announce ment ef the government of Prussia, that il---will extend the telegraphing system to every town of 1,500 inhabi tants, is an earnest of what every gov ernment should do for its people, and might be more easily and profitably ac complished in the United States than elsewhere. The grand result- pro duced by the reduction cf postage to such rates as even now are charged, eau scarcely be estimated by the hu man mind. Probably, on no defensi ble theory, has the government any ex clusive right to monopolize the po?tl business of the nation, and that any in dividual or company of men have as srood right to ctrry on the business as the United States. This has b?n mooted question, strongly argued ty Lysander, Spooner ar.d other abl Nw England theorist?, but so far, hae re sulted in coofirming the assumed pow ers of th government. But why should not the United States, if they are justi fied, in controlling the mail service, as nmt ths telegraphic system of the country, buy in every line, and extend the same in a!l directions to every town cf sufficient population to pay the ex penses of an offise ? By so doing, and reducing the tariff to prices adequate to useet the bare cost of the system.ws hould streightway be in possession of the noblest and most philanthropic work in the land. To what multifari ous uses would the telegraph then be put where now the click of the key is unheard ! What incalculable benefits to the poor would accrue therefrom ! Statistics last year at Washington, show that the coit of telegraphing, if reduced to the actual expense of main taining the system, would fall below present prices more than 75 per cent If the government can afford us a cheap postal system, it can also give us cheap telegraphy, and that is one of the du ties which the people will exact of Congress, soeaer or later. Conserva tive. Jfy Loyal Germans, do you know that one of the Editors of the Inde pendent! Council B:ufTs Press Mr, Warden asserted not long since that nine tenths of his German brethren, the men of his own blood and nation ality who entered the federal army, had gone into the service for the pur pose of making money ? and that in the same conversation he stated he had served the late slave holders rebellion in Wheeler's rebel cavalry ? Such is the case and the fact can be established by giving the testimony of some of the best and most responsible men - in this city, some of whom are Germans. One of his German brethren on the occasion gave him the lie and he swal lowed it. Do you want such a man to stand at the head of the organ which goes forth to the world as your repre sentative ? or are you still true to those principles which you have heretofore espoused and for which so many of you recently fought ? We letre it to you to answer, and we believe you will speak in the negative. We cannot be lieve for one moment that the loyal Germana of this city and Western Io wa will support a paper under the edi torial management of one cf Wheel er's Rebel Cavalry Are we right? Nonpareil. Tlie Progress of tlic Conspiracy It is but a few days more than one month since Congress adjourned. One of the most excising and interesting de bates of theJuly session was on the question of adjournment; and already the country sees that it was one of the most important questions considered at that session. There were those in Congress who had the sagacity to see and the courage to say, that Congress ought not to adjourn while Andrew Johnson still possessed pow er. But they were in the minority in both branches of the national legislature. They were squarely outvoted by a majority who believed, or affected to believe, that Mr. Johnson could do no harm. Some of them asserted the opinion that he did not desire to do harm. Already this majority can see its mistake. Mr. Johnson has shown that they have as serted what they did not know, or he has grown to be a worse man than they were willing to believe he could be. Which is it? Let those who trusted him answer. But let us see hat a month has brought forth. 1st. The President invited the Sec ret.iry of War to resign. 2d. Mr. Stanton declined, lelieving it to be his duty, and the will of the loyal people of the nation that he should hold on. 31. The President requests General Grant to accept the War Office tempo rarily. 4:h. Gen. Grant does accept, and so informs Mr. Stanton, who, of course, retires. TLere was no alternative. Here was his successor, in the person of General of the Army, bearing the order of the Presidet come to relieve him. The civil and the military uni ted. Did the liyal people desire this done ? Did one man loyal to the law ask to have it done ? Hnve things pro gressed letter since it was do.it? Let the people answer. oth. The President issues an eider for the removal cf jGen. Sheridan. 6;h. Gen. LJrant protests in manly terms and wih cogent reasons. But the Presiden. will not relent. There fore, Grant issues the order, and the will of the nition is defied, and one of its most faithful and trusted agents is diihonored, so far as it is in the power of Mr. Johnson to dishonor Lim. Did any loyal man want this done ? Not one. Only icbels and theirco-workers wanted Sheridan removed. 7ih. General Sickles is ordered to surrender his department to General Canby. Did any loyal citizens ask for the removal of Sickles ? Did any such citizen ask for the appointment ef Can- by? Why, then, were these changes made ? 8:h. The President orders General Thomas to Louisiana. He cannot go. Therefore, he orders General Hancock to be withdrawn from his command and sent to Louisiana. 9'h. General Grant declines to order Hancock to Louisiana for the all-sufficient reason that Hancock is opposed to the law he will be required to exe cute. But finally Grant submits, but directs that none cf the orders issued by Sheridan shall be abrogated without the assent of the General of the Army. The President objects, and in a subse quent order virtually annuls the saving clauie of Grant's order. 10ih. The President directs that Sheridan at once assume command in the west, without reporting at Washing ton, aj ordered by Grant. These are the thinga accempliihed. Those promised are 1st. The removal General Howard from the charge of the Freedmen's Bureau. 2d. The removal of General Pope. 3d. A reformation of the Cabinet so as completely Jciinsonise it. 4th. War upon the loyal pres by withholding information from papers which do not support the Johnson non reconstruction policy. 5th. Filling the South with emissa ries to prevent the registration of loyal men, and to thus enable the rebels to vote down conventions, and prevent re construction. 2yA correspondent wants to know why an old maid is like a sucked or ange, and then has the assurance to answer his own question by giving the reply: Because neither one is worth squeezing ! ;raitls Indictment of f lie Pres ident. The Detroit Post regards the letter of General Grant as the grand indict ment on which Andrew Johnson "will be tried and convicted, and removed from office." In the language of Grant, he is charged with an "effort to defeat the laws of Congress;'' for granting a "triumph" to the "unreconstructed ele ment in the South those who did all they could to break up this Government by arms, and now wish to be the only element consulted as to the method of restoring order," for "emboldening them to renewed opposition to the will of the loyal masses, believing that they had the Executive with them," for re moving General Sheridan, though "he had performed his civil duties faith fully and intelligently," for disregard ing General Thomas' services in bat tling for the Union, and assigning him to relieve General Sheridan against his earnest protest ; for removing General Hancock when the public interests de manded his services in a "complicated department;" for disregarding "mili tary interests and pecuniary interests;'' for defying "the expressed wuh of the country that General Sheridan should no', be removed," and the earnest re monstrance of the General of the Ar my, who protested, in vain against it. in the name of a patriotic people who have sacrificsd hundreds ef thousands of lives and thousands of millions of treasure to preserve the integrity and union cf this country. f3 Thurlow Weed says in the New York Commercial Advertiser. "We are not likely to forget or un dervalue the services rendered by Mr. Stanton to our Government in 1SG0. He discovered in Buchanan's Cabinet a conspiracy to seize the archives, pre vent the inauguaration of Mr. Lincoln and usurp the Government. Tbu3 far Jake Thompson, Cobb. Slidell, Mason, Benjamin, &c.,&,c, proceeded whhthe co-operation of Toucey, when Mr. Stanton with Governor Seward, wisely determined to arrest the calamity. Judge Hult was loyal. General Dix was brought into the Cabinet. The intended coup d' etat was prevented. We saw on that occasion while Mr. Lincoln was being sworn, Generals Scott and Wool standing by their guns, pointed in the vicinity of the capiiol, with less than a thousand regular troops for its defense. Floyd, the secession Secretary of the Navy, had all the troops and ships of the Govern ment sent out on distant service. We believed then, as we firmly believe now that but for Edwin M. Stanton, traitors would usurped the Gevernment on the 4th of March 1861." JKSThe below named gentlemen constitute the Board of Directors of the St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad. We give the names and residences: Hon. J. F. Joy, of Detroit Michigan. Hon Willis Phelps and N. Thayer, of Boston, Mass. Hon. James Craig, St. Joseph, Mo. Thos. E. Tootle, Esq., do Abram Nave, Esq., do P. L. McLaughlin, Esq., do It'ts ihe understanding as we are in formed, that the President of the new road is to be chosen from those cf the Directory residing in thii city. St. Joe Herald. rS5 A Western paper state that in a passenger train to Chicago from the East, a young father and mother were traveling with a sick and weary child. There were also in the same car half a dozen coarse fellows, who, with their noise, kept the child awake and crying. At last one beeame tired of the little one's wailing, and ex cla'med : "Seeme to me that young one is making too much noise ; won't somebody nurse it ?" The color flushed over the pale face of the mother, es she cuttingly replied : "If nursing wjll stop that man's noise, tomebody had better nurse him." The man sank into his coat collar, and that was the last of him. His companions, who greeted the retort of the mother with a cheer, were also silenced for the remainder of the journey. J3 An afflicted editor who is troubled with hand organs under his window, longs for the "evil days" mentioned in Ecclesiaste?, when the "grinders shall cease because they are few," and the "sound of grinding, shall be "low." &"The following extract in regard to delinquent subscribers, we take from an exchange. It speaks the sentiments of the press generally, when it says: "Except the cash system is exclusive ly and rigidly observed, we know of no business whose bil's are so difficult to collect. This is not because the subscribers are unwilling to pay, but it is principly owing to neglect. Each one imagines that because his year's indebtedness amounts to a small sum the printer cannot be much in want of it, without for a moment thinking that the fruits of his entire business are made up of exactly such little sums, and that the aggregate of all the sub scribers is by no means an inconsider able amount of money, and without which the publisher could not for a sin gle month.continus to issue his paper." COiN. A. Gray, formerlya staunch Democrat, and connected with the Cleveland Plaindealer, has experienced a change of heart : " I am in favor of giving a vote to four classes of colored men: Firs' I would give it to all who had borne arms in putting down the accursed rebellion. Second To all who read and write. Third To all who had the thrift and energy io accumulate sufficient to take care of himself and friends. Fourth and last To the balance. - US'1" As an indication of the in creasing tendency cf the public mind to favor the proposed impeachment of ihe President, it is mentioned that among the newspapers which now fa vor it is The Chicago Republican, a pa per that has previously been quite earn est in denouncing i'.. The Republican, it is believed, reflects the sentiments of the Hon. James F. Wilson, and if this is true it gives a majority cf the Con gressional Ctiiiu'i sts la lH'fQt of the impeachment. The Chicago Tribune very justly observes that the recent 'charge' cf Judge Underwood to the grand jury of Richmond "is a disgrace to the benh." After quoting a passage cf the Judge's foolery, the Tribune asks: " Is this a judicial charge or is it a cav alry charge ?" It is neither. It is "a charge to keep I have," that is, a judge ship for life, in spite of his unfitness for the office. JrA gentleman called en a rich miser, and found him at the table en deavoring to catch a fly. Presently he succeeded in entrapping one, which he immediately put into the sugar bowl and ehut down the cover. The gen tleman asked for an explanation of this singular sport. "I'll tell you," replied the miser, with a triumphant grin over spreading his countenance as he spoke. "I trant to ascertain if the servants steal the sugar." JCSFThe velocity with which sound travels depends to a great extent upon the temperature and condition of the atmosphere. When at the freezing point it passes at the rate of 303 yards per second, but when the thermometer attains to 62 deg. Fahrenheit, sound runs at the rate of 765 miles an hour, which is about three fourths of the di urnal velocity of the earth's equator. ' Faith. Dr. Mountain, chaplain to Charles II, was asked one day, by that monarch, to whom he should present a certain bishopric just then vacant. "If you have but faith, Bire," replied he, "I could tell who," "How so," said Charles, "if I had but faith?" "Why, yes," said the witty cleric, "your Ma jesty might say to this Mountain, be thou rtmoved into that Sea." The chaplain succeeded. S5 The great railroad bridge across the Mississippi river at Quincy, which was begun in December last, is being pushed ahead, and it is expected that it will be completed by Septem ber, 1S6S. It is to be the longest of its kind in the United States, measur ing one mile and four rods from shore to shore, with a main draw 360 feet in length both worked by steam. The estimated cost is Sl.250,000. One of the boys in a New Or leans school was asked, after various definitions had been given by others, mostly quite correct, what was meant by the verb to tantalize. He replied : ' It was to ask a great man- questions, and then to criticise the answers." Jf"" Bayard Taylor says that men of all parlies in Europe speak of Andy Johnson in terms of contempt the "governing classes," because he ha disgraced the highest office of the Re public, and the masses because he has done so much to hinder the progress of freedem. This opinion of disinter ested persons entirely coincides wit.'r the general opinion of Andy in this country. A Missourian informed a trav eler who had inquired about corn, that 'each stalk had nine ears on it and was fifteen feet high." "That's nothing to our corn," re plied the traveler. "Up in Illinois where I came from we always had nine ears to each stalk and a peck of shelled corn hanging to each tassel; but never could raise any field beans with it." " Why ?" asked the other. "B2cause the corn grew so it always pulled the beans up." Editorial Cocrtest. The editor cf the Foxtown Fusilecr is a generous fellow. In his last number he says: " Postscript We stop the press with pleaure to announce the decease of our contemporary, Mr. Snaggs, ed itor of the Foxtown Flash. He is now gone to another and better world. Persons who have taken the Flash will find the Fusilcer a good paper. S?(Jones has been telling Robin son one of his splitting stories.) Rob inson "Ya-as it's very funny!" Jones "Then, why the deuce don't you laugh!" Robinson "My dear fellah I would with pleasure, but I daren't display any emotien these trousers are so tremendeous tijrh:!" 33 "YTby don't you wheel that barrow of coals, Ned?" said a learned miner to one of his sons, vlt is rtat . very hard job; there is an inclined plane to relieve you." "Ah," replied Ned, who had more relish for wiljhan work, "The plane may be inclined bu: hang me if I am." Cr A Gipsy woman once promised for a dollar to show two young ladies the faces of their future husbands in a pail of water. They looked and ex claimed: "Why we see nothing but ourfacee!" "Well," said the Gipsy, "those faces will be your husbands' when you are married." JbsfiT" " Jennie," said a venerable Camoronian to his daughter, who was asking his consent to accompany her urgent and favored suitor to the altar, "Jennie, its a very solemn thing to get married." "I know it," replied Jen nie, "but its a deal more solemner not to." EST The New York gamblers have organized a protective union with Hee nan for President, to fight "The Soci ety for the Suppression of Gambling." At one of their meetings, a speaker claimed that the business was as legit imate as stock speculating. It would be hard to dispute tha proposition. As the steamboat Oregon was passing a few days since, a newly ar rived Irishman belonging to the cele brated O'Regan family, was heard to exclaim "O-r-e-g-o-n-O'Regan: oh, be jabers! only four weeks in the coun try yet, and a steamboat christened after me!" ' Where wa3 John Rogers burned to death ?" said the teacher to me in a commanding voice. I couldn't tell ; to the next, ns answer. "Joshua knows" said a little girl at the foot of the cla3f. "Well," said the teacher, "if Joshua knows he may tell." "In the fire," said Joshua, looking very wise. Es3 A boy who asked a Boston po lice officer for shelter in the station- house, said : " See, Cap'n, first my father died, and my mother married again, aad then my mother died, and my father married again, and somehow or other I don't seem to have no parents at all, nor no home, nor no nothing." l?r A countryman going to market with a load of pork, was met by a young girl who very genteely mad&him a low courtesy, when he exclaimed ; ,l What ! do you make n eourtesy to dead hogs?" " No, sir," answered the girl, "to live one." . I: if hi ,1 ; 11 J