She lUtetut gtcratd. LOCAL NEWS- Ti e are aulhoriied to announce the name i f JiS. O'NEILL u m candidate for County Corarai-ionr of tie 1st District , sntject to the action of the Rejub lictn Couctv Convention. We are authorized to anntnrs.ce the Lame of B-gl'VRI-OCK as a candidate for the c ffice of County Clerk, subject to the action of the County Sepu'olican Contention. We authorized to announce the nan e of P. E. EKAI'.DSLEy as a candidate for Treasurer, tubject to tbt action of ILe Eepublican County Convention. We are authorized to announce the mine of J. G. HATS as a candidate fur Treasurer, fuljrct to the action of the Republican County Convention. TVe are authorized to announce the name of S. CUKE as a candidate for the ofllc? of Treasurer, sub ject to the action of th County Republican C -invention. We are authorized to annoui.cj the name of JO?. Tf . JOHNSON" as a caadidato for Sheriff, subject to the action of the County Republican Convention. We are authorized to announce the name of AR THUR C ARMICH AEL. as a candidate for thj oflice f Sheriff, subject to the action of the County Re publican Convention. We are anthoriz.-'J to announce the name of G. W. FAIRFIELD as a candidate for Sheriif. u!j. ct to the action of the County Republican C.jnventijn. p"Blck, Battery &. Co. have just re ceircd ft naw lot jood. sTMr. Cottrell left with hia picture car laat Monday for Bnrtlett, on C. B. & St. Joe. R. R. 5?The grasshoppers deetrojed 20,000 cabbage plants for Ilesser last prin, but b bai enough left to supply this market. ST'IIon. C. W. Seymour, of Zebras ka City, has returned from the eat. He reports the 'Nebraska fever" spreading rapidly. ggYankee Rebinaon's "sell" has been bare. "The nst savaj? ct animal known to civilized races" was visible to the naked eye for a short time. C2TEli Piumruer, of tho firm of Clark Jb riummer haa gone, eaat to lay in a heavy etock of good. E. O. Davey of the firm of Amison L Dovey, has aleo gone for the same purpose. QIIn. A. B. Fuller, i authorized to receive money nt Ash'and and vicinity far the Herald. Those of our friends in that lectian who are indebted to ua on subscription can pay to hira. 57Th grasshoppers are decidedly numerous in thie locality-lrss than two to Tery square inch. We loam that they re strip pin j the blades from the csra is ana pla?, bat btva doa no furlhar tdamage. Maj field &. Tewkaburr bought aboet 2-"03 bubels f wheat in this eity en Monlay and Tutaday last, .payiDg $1,25 par bushel for a portion of it. Tbay oraatad quite a "Curry" in the marKet for a time; but prices have raeed d to the furca iu market report. . TX V f , , 1 j lis 4i r tin m Vi n. f The Xelrasl.a CmnmonLcali!:, publish ed at Lincoln City, by C. II. Gere & Co. Its ineehanical execution is good, and litorially "goes in" heavy for Lincoln. It should, er.d no doubt will, receWe a haadsooie auprart throughout the State. r"Dry and warm feet are essential to health, and the man who neglects to pravidegood boots and shoes when they can ba had as aheap as Weodrow eelia them at Ashland, will bo likely to pay heavy doctor bills. Ve learn Ihnt the City Council have conclude 1 ta grade Second street aouth cf Main, and have a side walk built along the west side. The city en gineer has been making the necessary surveys, and grading will be commenced soon. - CsTThe Chemical Saleratus is tha B;st Saleratus. Chemical Saleratus is better than Soda. Chemical Saleratus has 16 ounces in a paper, others have 14 to 15 ounces. 5?"Prof. Miller has our thanks for a quantity of these beairiful grapes, which are so ubandant in his gardens. Ila is raising the Cuncord, Dianna and Clinton, all of which are doing remarkably well. ITis vines are only three years old, but very prolific. j?"Tho Democracy of this county have issued a call for a county conven tion on the 18:h. At the bottom of the call they say "the day is ours." We presume they refer to the2St!i inst., as it is well known tbey will have little to do with the S;h of October thatlday 19 or the Republican victor. , m P"At a public meetiD in Nebraska Civ list week Mr. Morton and others taiide bitter speeches against the registry law. Dr. Renner being called for pro- oseded with an able defence of the law, and gave Morton oae of the racst severe oastigatins ha has received since the canvass was closed between him end Marqnett. Little Macerel, of the Omaha Herald, has at last eome to Rrief. His Tillianieus goose qjill caused him to say so many abusive things of a Mr. Stanley, correspondent cf the Missouri Democrat, that tha said Stanley was compelled to apply tha toe of hisbootto theCesby part of Little Macerel'a- body. Mac., feeling that his dignity had received an insult, and hia pantalona a severe bruise, caus ed Mr. Stanley to be arrested; bat the jery, after heariag the faets in the ease, cencluied that Hr. Stacley had done nothing more than his duty, nnd there fore returned a verdict of "not guilty." A HOTHERS LAMENT. A dreamless sleep hung heavy o'er my eyes, As if in Lethe'a dismal stream 1 drown'd niv anxiou3 cares to rise no more; No more to be, nor yet to seem. Perhaps 'twas peace and not oblivion; Tho peace of God which angels feel, That sometimes on the human heart and s:ul, Doth leave its saered seal. As quiet as tho evening dew, distilled Upon M .unt Hermon's lofty brow, So peaceful was the early morn's repose, Refreshing, swet, I feel it now. But hark, a noise Death struggling hard with Life, Comes slow upon my drowsy ear, And consciousness with dull"and heavy tread Stalked back and pierced my heart with fear. Once more upon that silent ni;ht that cry FalU heavy now, and thrills my soul With feir. My Boy !My Boy! I hear thee moan, What sorrows o'er my spirit roll! My Child! My Child! The Fathers hand outstretched Is ready now to bear thy soul To mansions fair tho New Jerusalem, N death is there, no bells to toll. The hours roll slow, tho wheels of time hare rust Upon their pinions. Oh! the lore A mother bears her first, her only eon, A polished germ frons God above. Tis noon; tho Iris form, no image now: And father, mother, all are past. Poor child! the sword does pierce cur pilgrim souls; But you are going home at last. Another hour is past. O Lord fargive And heir! My spirit's .lost its tone. It is a fountain deep of bitterness; My boy, my precious boy, is gone. Ah! me, I fear this is ingratitude To God; for He is good to me. My boy, behold, the glorious God and Christ. I joj. He sees the Golden City. A. 5?"Belicving the new School law to be of considerable ;;;,p ortanc to alarg; number of our readers, w ive ; r-ntire in this isiue, to the exclusion of other matter. The Earthquakes wilt meet at their rendezvous to-mrrow evening at the usual hour. The members are re qtiested rot make faces at, or otherwise annoy and disturb residents in the vicin ity of the rendezvous. rS? v e were cleastd to a friendly grasp yesterday from tho hand of our former townsman, P. E. Bdrnardic, who is now a resident cf Tort Scott. Kansas. Ha has returned on business, and will remain only a fw days, fJ"A young man named Myers, G.-rman, was brought to this city last Saturday by Mr. Inhelder, of Louisville precinct, in order that he might obtain medicAl treatment, the young man hav in been ill aonae time. Soon after ar- riviir in town be was taKen euaueniv worse, fallinr upon the side walk. Lie was taken care of by deputy shcrilTFair- fie'.J, and a physician sent for who pro nounced his illness a congestive chill He died ut o'elack Monday morning lie has a tister residing in town who da aired taking him to her home, but he refuied to go en account of some former misunderstanding between them. C"The Stai:s Zeitung, of Nabratka City, notifies the ofHoes throughout tho country that one of tha jours of the es tablishment has absaonded, after having got io dbt to every body ho could and drawn on tha rroprietor for $30 ad vanca. His name is Francis Henry, Swiss by birth, age about 33 years. "Tho Good, Templars organization of this city held an Anniversary Festival on the evening of the 4th inst. The attendancs was good, and all appeared to enjoy themselves "muchly." The City Brass Band was outf in force, and made excellent musio for tho occassion. The Glca Club sang some appropriate pieces with an aecoiupanyment on the organ by Miss Lilly Simpson. Tho net proceeds were about $30 CSWe have received the Erst number 01 me jioiuen Enterprise, a new paper jut started by our former townsman, E. Giles, Esq., at Holden, Johnson countv Missouri, The paper presents a neat ap Bearnsce, and is devoted to the interests of the loeality in which it is published We rezrei to learn from it that Mr. Giles is quite ill. T-ero is nothing of a politi cal nature in the copy befora us, and we understand frsai its general tone, that it will remain neutral. "At a re-rular meeting of Olive Branch Lodge, No 2, I. O G. T., PUtts mouth Sept. 10th, 18G7, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: EcsolitJ, That the thanks of thi9 Lodge be, and arc hereby, tendered to the members.ef tho Plattsmouth Glee. Club and Brass Band, for their services (vocal and instrumental music) at tho anniver sary festival of Olive Branch Lodge No. 2, I. O- G. T. Sept. 4th, 1S37. llctohed. That this resolution be pub lished in the Herald. II. J. STREIGUT, W.C. T. A. V. TBR.3CKH0RT0.V, W. S. t"i7"iii3 ff-at unwahod Dean is to speak tit Glenwood on the 21th inst. If some of the Demoeratic orators of Platts- mouth will nttend they may be able to earn tho principles of pnre Democracy. f they can stand the smell of Dean ihev need say nothin.uore :tbcut "African stent bottl'es." 2"The Post OliL-e in this city bus bee:i designated by th Department as a money order office, and was opened as such last Monday morning. Sums not to exceed $50 in one order cn now be sent to er received from any part of the United States where there is a money order office The charges are ten cents on orders of $20 or less, and twenty five cents on orders of over $20 and under $50. 5?"As somo of our readers do their trading at Nebraska City, we desire to call their attention to a few houses there that deserve ratrona?e. If you want anything in the Drug line, don't fail to go to Reed, Whitinger & Co's. They keep everything pertaining to tho buai ness, and you can depend upon it that what they tell you about an article is corrsct. f or dooks nnu stationery, tiara inz's is the place; and for saddles or harness, Geo. McCallum or E. T. Cren uhaw will do better by you than any other firms in that eity. McMechan keeps the right kind of a hardware establish ment, and will sell you goods at fair pricos. And if you should require a good article of tobacco ot a few nice ciga.s, or a small quantity ot "the enemy," Cap. Laboo can accommodate you with tho best. There may be other good firms in Nebraska City, but we know theso to be all right, for their advertisements appear in tho Herald; and none but good firms are represented there. Uluch lfear aiad aiany HaUi- iugt. I am acquainted with a variety of sew ing machines; and, while ready to d justice to all, I greatly prefer yours which I have used for more than threo . . - , years. ery sngni instruction mu in genuity aro required to use it. The needle is short and straight, consequent ly not liable to bend or break. It never misses a stitch, and makes a firm, even seam, i nave nsca 11 on every mu ui cloth, from delicate lace to heavy-wool en, and find it works perfectly satisfac ry in all eases. After much wear and many washings, the stitch retains its beauty and firmness even after the fabric has worn out. Mrs. J. II. Yerkes, Rochester, N. Y., to Wilcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., May, 18CG. MARRIED. At the residenco ef A. Tutt, Eq., in this city, on Tuesday September 10th, by Rev. C. D. Roberta, Mr. J;is. W. Bowen, 0" Missouri, and Miss Hi'Dkcca is. ill ft NEK, of this city. On Sunday Sept. eVu, at tha res.danea of Henry R. Andr.-on, Esq., by Judge Marshall. Mr. Alexander B;gev and Miss M. Iowa D. Anderson. Ail of Cass Co. DIED. At Weerir.g Water, Aug. iiT., Hexrt P. Bzacii, eon of A. V. Beaeh, aged 1 year S months He gathers the Iambs in His arms. SUBSCRIPTIONS Received at the iews Depot, for any bf the Magazines, Periodicals and News Papers of the day, at. the Publishers prices. fjfXmc is the lime to sut-scriLe. Oct. 20. Desirable Property for Sale- One dwelling tit use, witn seven roams, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees, shrubbery, ic. D. Marqcette. Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. mylO KEEP COOL! The undersigned has bis etlperb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post Office building, and tha lovers of this delicious beverage are invited to call and see him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on and. O. F. Jounsox. june lOdiw. DFt. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST' WPl ilo all work In his line on short notice. jrfOtHce with Dr. LiviurstoQ. J uly 6. ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS! The Democrats of the several precincts of Cass count will met a PATL'RDAY the 21t 'lay of SEPTEMBER, 1W. nt 2 o'cljci p. m for the pur pose of ejecting delegate to attend tha Democratic County Convention, to be h IJ at Plattmnnth, Cass onntv 2Yhraska, on the TW1CXTV FyLEIU day of SEPTEMBER, 1SC7, at I o'clock p. m . tac1! precmrt will be enfitied to the fo'lowinp delegate; I'UtUm-mth, 12i Kock Bluif, Oreapo lis, 3; Kitfht Mi:e Grove, 4; Loai.-vill-, 4; fralt Cn-tk, 8; fouth Bend, 3; Weeping Water, 4; Mount Pleasant, 5; Avoca. 8; Liberty, a. THE DAT IS Ol'RS. Let there be a fall tarn out. J. VALLEET, jr., Ch'n Dim. Ctnt'l Com. IMON OBER50LTC aro. wemmut Gbernolte & VefloKisky9 Brick g Stonemasons, .1 XD I'LA S Til II ER S, All work in their line done to the best satisfaction, and as cheap as by abybodv else Address, rCittnviufi, A'eb., IV O.'box f 45. (aug7 11 Worlaiiiisrfoii Attorney nnd Counselor AT LAWi Oflic- in Ki'Utts's : t, rv.-n' r cf !::!.-.. and 1Mb streets, Ouiah.i, Ncbr4--ii t. tu-'ii FA It 11 For SALE CHEAP. Tho well known farm ot S. H. Cummin-. situHe two miles Wf-l ef Piait-nionih , on the Denver road, with the ti!.-:h-r Ihen-t-", i for nal rtsv cheap. App y to J C. CCMM1V-. on the adjoining farm. Ks-, lots T and S, block 14. in Plattsmonta. if Plattscioutb. Ledge ITo- G, A- P. & A- M. r.?tflarcomtimriicati'!n lt atd 3J Mondays cfoach a.onih, at fi 1 2 o'clock, p. m. E. T. UCKE, W. M. vr. 11. asdersOX, Stc. Nebraska Ctaptc-r So- 3, R. A. M. I.f.:u .ir rr.!iv.c:i ; . mi i. iiiiiib. 1a! C l- E. C. I.KW1S, Sec. ;s 2-1 a:.i 4:1: Wtviif-nd-iys of d. ii. wiiiiti.!:;:, u. p. I. 0. 0- F. ll..tte LodjrP. No. 7, rneeti every ?atnrny evening at the Court House Hull, i.f. tlieis ether Lodges are ref-pectfuliy li.vited to visit this Lodxe. Hy order of P. P. (i AS, X. G. M. McEuWAiN.Rec. Sec'y. St. Luke's Parish. Vestry. Regular meetings Crst Tues lay of every month, at 7 p. in. Rv. GEO. C. ll.TTd. K. R. LIVIKG3TOX, Clerk. i Chairman. I. O. G. T. Regular meetings every Friday evening. Traveling Templars respectfully invuea. WM. L. WELLS, W.C. T. W.M- R. MATHl, W. 8. SASl'L M. CHAPMAN', Lodse Deputy, ffT" EXCELSIOR DE REE LODfiE, No. 1. Platts mnuth, hold regular meeting on the third Wednes day evenings of ench montn. Ilro 8. V. CUAPMAX, W D T. Bro. V. L. Will. W D S Sister E. J. JdoiTu kert, W D V T. JTl'STAROF l.ort LODGE No. 8, Mt. Pleasant, nol'is reula' ineetinps everv oatnrdnv eveninit. Bro- K. A K.IKEPATK1CK, W. C. T. H. T. HCGHKS. W. i. Bro V. M. TIMBLIN", Lode Deputy. EXCELSiOR Lodpe. No. 9, Axhhtnd, holds regular meetings every Tuesday evening. Ilro. A. MARBLE, W. C. T Bro. W. B. WRBniTToN, W. Bro. J. J. W'oodhOW, L.D. S3"r"RlENDSHIP LODGK, Rock B'ulTi Regular meetings every Thursday evening. JOS. PIERV, W C T T B SMITH, W Sec. Notice of sale of lots at Lincoln, The Capital of the Stale of Nebraska The undersigned, Comniissioners appointed by an act of the Legislature of Nebraska, -To provide for the locution ot the eat of Government of the State of Nebraska, and for the erection of public build'Dgs thereat, " approve! June nin. leu;; Having on the 14th day of August A D IS07. select ed the site a;-d olliciailv located Lincoln," the Ca;d tal of the State of Netraka, on the following , scribed lands belong. ng to the State, t J it: s e hi of Section tweuy-thr e (23), w V of north w V and wes.t '' of s w "iuar er ( section twenty-tlve I, am section twentj-.ix (-J6). f tovf n-hip nn. ten (10), nnit j of range no. ix (.0), east of the sixth principal meridian ; Hereby Kive notice that on the 17th day of Sei-tern her, A o lil7, at Id o'clock a n , a le of lota will laie place upon id town site of Lincoln, to be held for tlve consecusive day, ffud then be wdj turned to be opened at tn Conrt-Iliue at N bra?ka City for ny- consecutive n-iys, commencing on me 4in uay of Sept-mber, 167, at 10 o'clock a m, and then ad journed to trin iba, to continence October l-t, lso7, at Id o'clock a m. atri coittiuu - for five t-oiiaecutive days The terms and cond'tioi.s o! said sale will be Hi tol- lnw-: The lut-i on alternate blocks to be appraised tiy the Comiiiisiioner, and the minimuiu price afhxed on the Heveral lrts on the p'at, and the sani' -uid to the hikhcst hi :der'abovo the market price) for cash in had. a receipt will be given to the purchaser for tbe amount of mouey paid, specifying the number of lot and block purchased, whicn receipt, Wnen pi e- wuted at the uflice of the Secretary cf Stale, shall entitle the person named therein to a title in lee imple abolute. from the State of Nebraska, to the real estate named in the receipt, which conveyance shall be executed by the governor and att-sted by the Secretary of Strte. 1 he lota are 01) by 142 feet, business lots 25 by 142 feet. The principal streets 120 feet wide, the others loO f. et. alleys i feet. A reservation of twIve a"rcs eich has been made for the Capitol S'l'ia'e.l. niversity 1 lac", and Agncul tural Coll-ir-'. and City l aik, and fur'her estrv.. tion ma.le :o; other p :"j!ic bul'dinps Contemplated by tie Ait. Lib' oln i- fUuated in the v.i.h y of the S.ilt Creek TtO !Oil s n st of the Missouri river an ! eo'ially d;ii lint f. oln Om h a. IMatt;m .th ami N bia.-ka t.' the en re he Ttiot tjea'iby nnd j ro-.utive t.y U . ' .!! V. -.'l ,,tl .liMI.(ld:C- j ' : CI .., . . u J to build a. Ill1 ' r.y :,.s. ..-p--r to be aad in o. e :t m-'!i. ) t' l'. :oet itUo u' jum l 'U oi'ir vj ,.i L.i-; x i i. ii. vra I'lail-mvuth . ui'd tr.e Iowa r-i i nai- u. a. i.l Ncbta-ka City, arid situated it iin ore nil e f the Oroa .-alt ll.isur, which has proved by actual exper iment to be .lie richest si' water ia the Luiied Slates. Witness our bandi and sea. a this lith day of Au gust. 1SC7, Lincoln, l u as'er county, Nebraska. " ' ttoMi. i:rri tit 1 DAVlli BUTLEK, Uov.of Nebraska, T1IOS. P. KtNNAR ;ennar', fc 'y of State, t s LKSPIK. ,te Auditor. J ommi- siocers. JOHN GIL auglt 4 State In the Proliate. Court. Notice Is hereby given that J. N. Wise, Adminis tea'or of the estate cf P. A. farpy, dee'd. has this lay ti ed his petition is the Probate Court of Cass County, Nebraska, piayinir that six mouths fu.-ther time be p.aufd hiiu fo making his fi.ial settlement with said estate. 1 be Court will hear said application on Thursday, the 12th day of September, I'jtiT, at 9 o'clock a in, at which time all persons interested can aitpear and shww cause why said extension of tiuie should not be pranted. if any they have. Given under my hand '.his lSHh day of Angnst, a i 18b7. J W. MARSHALL. 21 Sw Probate Judge. JProspectnis THE NEBRASKA "COMMONWEALTH." The undersigned havisg made arrangements for establi-hing a Reptiblicai paper at Lincoln, the Cap ital of the State, have the honor to announce to the public that the material! for a first-class publishing and job ofQce have been ordered and will be ready lot business in a shut tine. The "COMMON WK A LTn" will labor for theearly and rapid developement f the resources of our inte. ior counties and the State generally, by the inlTux of hardy immigrants, and ftr the immediate construe tion of the iron highwajs of commerce, to make a market for the first grcin growing section of the L't ion. As an expor.eit of Republicanism it will sustain the policy adopttd by the Congressional ma jority, in obedience to tie mandates of the men who carried the flag from tht "Eiver to the Sea," Bnl while faithful to the p inciplcs of the Republican party, we shall freely consider anil discums the great questioas of thedy as they present themselves, in all candor and wit h such ability as wc may possess. Subscription price f2. per annum in advance. The "Commonwealth'' will be Issued at the earli est practicable day. C. II. GERE & CO. YOUNG LADIES' GLENWOOD. IOWA. To be opened 10th, 1 St7, under tho care of Rev. O. M-COiiL-KY, A. M., and Mrs. S- A. COOLLY, Principals. Mrs. Cooby has taught a private fchool to sccep tance in Glenwood lor a year and a half. Mr. Cooley leaving a pulpit, has b"eu induced t enter into the establishing ol a Ladies Seminary. Mrs. Cooley has bad charge of Ladies feniiuarics in New York and Illinois lor 20 years; she brings a fund of experience and success that few can command, which is a prom ise of thorough and rclined training to all who come ULiler ber care. A fev young ladies will bo received under ca'e into the family of the rTiocipals. For circulars send to PRINCIPALS LADIES SEMINARY, ug7 Glenwood, Iowa. feal rVolicc. John Jaynes will take notico :hat Juliett Jaynes. ot the County of Saunders in the Stale of Nebraska. did on the l:jth day of August, A. 1 lsC7. til- her petition in Hie Hist rid Court of tbe 21 Ja licial Dis t.i t. within n 1 for the rnuuty of S 'u:de.-, a.ain-t t'.c -,i,l J-iin J ,y Lc-, leniianf. k. ! i trot ti.e i.i ; I -iN-n-i rtl b - ' u K:.i ty ot . x ; reni c rr".'-!:v .wnlj eai 1 pia.ntirT, J Joe.t J.-rv b-.. ani ., .?.l i ual drunk- tit.e., without any cau-e or j i -:i3ci;::..ii, arid praying that she ciiV be .'ivorc, i trjtt -nil ivibu Ja.vces. de.'eiidant. ntol fer th cut-dy t, i i; vir :he criild of said parti.-s, a:'d f r such otiier arm turtlttr relief af sh-is in eq rrty eniiied t-i. And th- said John Jaynes is n.v ili d that he is requi ed io ap;r a.' and i.nswers id pttitionon or bef r tl.e third Mon day aftrj tbe i2 i d iy -1 S-pteaihr. A. D. lsC7 (being the 7th day of Oeiotxr, A. D. lstt). Dated August Uth, A D 15b7 JCLIETT JAYNES. Marcus E.ush, Atfy for pit'. 51 4w LADIES' See Cream Saloon. Up tStairi, one door wt!t of Llack Jt Buittry's liuif Store. Whera we get np lh"i very bet qin'ity of Cream ard lake pleasuce iu serving it by the dish, or wa bnve sn; i.i frerxers, and can supply chuicb fairs, fe-t: va i r.nies o families with any 'juantHy, on s't. : t totic-.-. A:.--), below, we have the best a?ortmettt of all Vi. ..I-of l-'.tn.-v and Stick Candy, Fruits. Knts, To . r'hoic j Ciirs, etc., to be found in the city. iv-J :j -i U. J. STR EIGHT. 2ress-Maker. MRS- L. B. JONES, Would re.pectfnlly inform the ladies of Plattsmouth that she is now prepared to do CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING if required. Ladies and Children Dresses, Cloaks, Basques, etc. MACJ11SB bTlTCIIISG done also. AD work will bf executed with neatness, and will receive prompt attention. She will endeavor to give satisfaction, and therefore solicits the patronage of the ladies of this place and vicinity. 53Residence in the building formerly occupied by Mathis a Son's Bakery. Main street. Mrs Jones is now organizing a club fur Dcmorest's Mirror of Fashions; call and subscribe. uov23 PROSPECTUS OF THE "NEBRASKA STATE JOURNAL.' Ths under-ipneil proposes to est! lish a Weekly Newspaper a t Lincoln City, the Capital ot the State of Nebraska, to be called "Tne Nebraska State Jour nal." the first issue cf which will be about tbe 1st of October. 1S07. The whole outfit for the Office will be entirely new, and will embrace good Job Otlice, as wel' us the News Department, llavi ig had much experience in Journalism, and being one of the first settlers in Nebraska; consequently being well acquainted with the want of the people, and the resources ct the State, we flatter ourself hat we cau give general satisfaction in the enterprise. The "Journal" will advocate Kepublictn princi pies, but will be conducted on au Independent scale, and will be courteous to all par ties and teots. Returning our thanks to our old friends and pa trons, we trust they will asslstus in this new enter prise TERMS $2 00 per annum in advance. JACOB DAWSON. TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers and their heirs. F. M Dorrington has this day received from the Deparliueiit, tbe Law in full with new blanks for the colleciion ot additional Bounties and increased Pen sions, and i s ready to prosecute all such claims as may be entrusted t- his care. Cal. and examine. Fiist claimed is first served. F. M. DORRJNGT S. ' Plattsmouth, Aug. 10, I SCO. SlicriiPs Sale J. N. Wise, Administrator of i P. A. Sarpy, dt ceased, vs. Charles F. Hendrie and Charles Heudrie, A fl.rn doing t u-iiiess uttder the name and style of C F. ll.-ndrie &. Co. I Notice is hereby civeo that bv virtus of an Kxecu tion in the above em iiled cause, issued out 1 1 and ua der the seal uf the Clerk of the Dulrict Court of tbe 2d Jud;cial District, within and lor Cass County, N bra-ka, and to me directed. I will oiler foi sale at public auctioi, to the highest and best bid.ler, at the front door of the Court-House, in the city of Platts Iirourh, on .S.4 TUltltA F, the SbA day of September, A I) 1967, between the hours of 1 and i o'cl ck p m of said day, all rrulrt. title and interest of the above named de fendants, Charles F. Hendrie and Charles Hendrie, in acd t the following diMcribrfv.VvVr't J"'' v! L t no. eisht (S) in blocK no. thirty iu... lot no four (4), in block no. thirty-three (,'?3), in the citv nf Platt-mouth, Cass county, Nebraska. ("ilven under my hand this 27th !av of AuKust, A D1S07. A B. TAYLOR. SherifT of ass county, Nebraska. By G. W. Fairdeld Deputy. a'ig2d 4w FAIRBANK'S fTAXDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINtS- rrr: . Fairbanks, Greenleaf -?nJU " & Co., 2-2f k 2iS Ijike St. Chicago i.''i'J Jf.irk-et , St. Louis !?!: careful to buy only the Genuine. myy2J SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., Plattsmouth. I am prepared to accommodate tbe public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, On short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will run to steamboat landing, and to all paits of the city when desired. mr29 J. W. SHANNON. Proliate IVolicc To all whom it may concern: You will take notice that William L. Hurd, claiming to be one of the prin cipal cr.ditors of the estate of Robert J. Palmer. late of Cass ccunty, N( b , deceased, has this day filtd his p titioniu the Probate Coui t, prating that Samuel Maxwell be appointed to administer said estate. It is therefore ordered that said petition be heard on the i3th aay of September, 167. at 9 o'clock a m , at which time a'l persons interested can appear and show eaue why said appointment should not be made if any they may have. Given u .der my hand this 2oth day cf Aueust, A O ise?. joun w. Marshall, aug23 3w Probate Judpe. J. N. WISE, General Lifet Accident, I-'ire, Inland and I ransit INSURANCE AGENT Will take risks at reasonable rates in the most reliable Co ,-rHUies in the United States l5"0flice at tDe bo1' tore, Pla nr cuth, Nebras- . niay21dir D1TELLI.GS at all price Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, at Residences in town will find them fwr sale at a4 prices. By tORRINGTOV, mr7. Rbal LVrAia Asv.Kjt. AND WOOL- CARDIAC. Ho! for Salt Creek, where yon can kill two birds with one stone, get your Ora n Ground and Wool Carded a the same trme; the macbiuery for bo h is in -.erfect order, w e nse tne Patent Machine Cards, which were run enough last year ta establish their superiorly over untold kind, as a'l who used the can testify. The superiority of Mr. S. Twiss as Carder is Well known, and his services are still re tained for the benefit of the public. With the above advantages we Hatter nurse Ives that we can make it to the advan tage of all who want work in our line to eome this way. D. L'EAN. Propriet--r. n.yl S. TWISi. Carder. Wiu. El. Lemke, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. iec27 1SG5 tf Miss A. M. DESPAIIT, Milliner and Dressmaker? OPPOSITE THE rOST-OFFICE, lias just received a larpe stock of JTEW GOODS.' of the latest fanhions. Nw tiooda received every month. Call and see them . niystf National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. O- C F. M. DORRINGTON, SUB AGENT:, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and prosrcule claims before Congress, Court of Claims and the lep. talents. Pa tents, pensions, Bount es, and Bounty Lands se cured. EfSCharpes moderate, acd In proportion to the am Junior tbe cliim. T. M. UORRIXGTON. April 10, '65 ILE, I. K. HA?tS J. K. CLABK Tootle, Hanna k Clark, BANKERS, Dealers ii Gold Dust. Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, IJ. S and other Stocks- DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. p9 & wtf Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at their old stand, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - N. T. We keep constantly on Land a large asso: toi.nt or Eastern Boots & Shoes SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. Repairing done at salt rt no tice. JSf-AlI Work Warranted. J THROCKMORTON. A. THROCKMORTON. Oct 25 C6 f 3". TXT- 757" ISS Dealer in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WAsLLj PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Motions, Toys mat uas previous.' oeenqung Iwrc Ba. &3 Jt. SssK 3 FarLUbed at publishers' prices. i. 1 TEST A'E WSPJrERS For sale at reasonable rates. e. wi-iiTiisra Wholesale "dialer .In Boots . Shoes, A N,D NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOUiil, Is constantly in receipt of all the various styles frm the manufacturers. Cash paid for Hides, Pelts, etc. uovTdwly . IS. IVIcJIECIIAIV, Dealer la Hardware, Cutlery IROA", A'AILS, STOVES JIjYD TLYIMRE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- Also, Afrent for the Sale of thx Celebrated MAG EE COOK STOVES, AAV BR ASCII, CUU0KS dt co a ha ns. SIGN OP THE EIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below theSrjmour House, on opposite side, NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. ect25 Apothecaries Hall. e:b:i;e,iviiiti:;er & co No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB Dealers in DRUGS & MEDIiNES, I'aints Oils, Putty .i- . Glass Patent Medicines of all kinds, 'articles, sta tionery, and everything kept in :rst-clas Drag atore, at basiern prrces. AT" We are prepared to fill all orders, and warrant our goods to ne rresn. apr. 10 6o TOST OFFICE BUILDING NEBRASKA'CITY. - - N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TS SCHOOL BOOKS A7CD STATIONERY Also Agents for all the prinolpal MA GA ZIXES and XE WSPA PER S, For which Subserlj tions are received at PtHhiheri Prices. 'Mos. nURLINGTON AND MISSOURI 13 RIVER RAILROAD. I8GG EASTWARD 18G6 Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection with the !' Moines Valley a CUicaso, Barlington and tjuincy Railroads. Three trains leave Cttumwa dally on arrival es" Pes Moines Valley trains. BUY YOUR TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BUBLINGTOITi FOR SALE AT PLATTSMOUTH, OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS,. NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE, ALBIA, . MONROE, PELL A, OSKALOOSA. EDDTVILLR, OTTDMWA. Baggage checked from Ottumwa i Chicago and the East. Passengers have ciudce of all the great lines l'u lag North, East and Spilth, and will find t ckets l all principu! points Last !y all routes at the Ottumwa ticket otlii-e of thi company. FaswenKers wilt find this route Quick, Safa aust Jure in its connections. C. K.PKRKIN'3, Euper'nt-mlrat. L. CARPER, Geueral Frcrght and passenger Ageii N ORTII MISSOURI RAILROAO TO St. LOUIS AXD ALL POIXTS EAST Via S Tf a ss; Connects with the Iiannibai & St Joseph K. R. s Macon City, l:lii miles ea.--t of Sc. Joseph and form The Only All JlaiX Route from Atchison and !i f Jolh to St Ixnti, Making direct nnd reliable connection with Famous Express Trains Leaving St Louis at -1 o'clock in the afterno-u, rui niiif through to all Kastxru citier without t II -incut's delay . Pmeusers goin to Philadflphta, Sun York; finitimore. Wiihirtjt' rUtiburff. B"t!tilo, Cleveland, and all .Veic England Totrns end Cities, Via the abovo line have le s chanps of Cars et) Hake Quicker Timo Tbati by any ether route. Passengers going t points in Central aid Sout'ipn Ohio, Central an Souihern Indiana, Sr.u'hern Illinois, and U poir:t 'n Kentucky luake severol honrs quicker time tha J can be mide via any other roure. Thrcuch Tickets can be purchased at all Raihoat Ticket 'ftices in the wc:. Be it understood, that th? fre to a'l poiuta t'-t it the Fame via tbe North Jlii-ifruri Ka'lrn&4 and Ft. Louisas by way of Chicago or any other r ute. 8 via ft L'-tuis Route. ISAAC II FTT'itG Y.OS, Preiideot and Gen'l Su.i't, St Loui , Ms II. H. WHEr'LKR, Ccn'l Ticket A; erf. St I.oni, Mo. W. W. EHMXUKK, Gca'l Frfight Aifent ft LouiM, M. P. II. EAUl.KV, AJrr.t, St Louirt. M. I. M. DiiSX, Gm'l Wr-stern Agent, St Joseph. U. THH SHORT ALL RAIL LINB EAST To Chicnqn, Detroit, Toledo, St T.ouis, 7-ftftjyrtt'. IadiiinttinU, Cincinnati. Irtixvilte, Stishriil, Cairn, Mt-mpis, Ce?HmJrfs, Whr?I- i7. 'ittH'itir . BufT'ilo, Atn-p.-tra Fif .?. Ilarru- Ourg, Baltimore 11 ''on, Phtl'ue'phia, Seio Yurk; JUt4on, drc. Is vl the old, reliable Central Eouic the Hannibal & St. Jo. I. B. 3 T-Take the II i ST. JO. 11. H. line tf MUfouri River Packets from PLATTSMOUTH To St. Jooep'i, where oun 'ct ions are made w"h Two Daily Ezpress Trains On the II & St Jo. K. It., rui thn.uch from baiut Joseph to Quiticy wittut chanse of car, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Chicago, A Q'lin y, and Toted.i, VU1.-.K .It U .t,-i II l'Hili.i.-.T t:.r .til -.. ..., L'.,u. Xorth and Por St. Louis Close connection m.ide at MACON with NORTH MISSOURI R R. for St I.uu.s, and ut Hauuibal with Daily Mif. Kivt-r Packet fur St. Louis, meals and staterooms free, leaving etory evi niiisoo arrival of trains from th'- wes-t, and arriving in St. Louis nxt mornir-g in eear-on for b :iness, aud to coniiecl with Chicago, Alton A St. Louis, Terre Hau'e, Alton A St. Louis, and Ohio A Mi.MfMj.pi Kailroads.for all points East, North and south. NEW SLEEPISG CAR 8 Run on .Night Train?. V3 Buy your through tickets via Hannibal St. Jo. K. R. at their ticket offices iu Onialot, Council Blufls PUttsmouth, Nebranka City, et. Jojeph, at d on each Packet in the line, and enjoy the con -scionsiieas of haYiag taken the short, cr.eau and quick n ute east- C. W. MEAD, fien tiup't. r. . OI10AT. Gen'l Ticket Agent II. H. COURTRIOHT. Gen'l I'r't Agt. Clannibal & St. Joe 11 11 Packet Line- One of the Company Steamers leaves daily from every point on th'-1 Missouri River aliove St. Jo.eph, and artivea at St. Joseph in time to connect with the express tiain on the Hannibal A St. Joseph Railroad for Hannibal, at which place connecriou i made the same evening with one of the Ke kuk Packets, which arrives in t iuie to connect wirh next morr ing trains ut of St. Loui for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis vill', Terre Haute, Vhiu .ton City, B.i limore, Fhiladeldiirr, New York, lioston, a r:.l In all other Eastern, Northern and Smithcm Cities. The ahevs mentioned lines of cieKant lackr-t ai' coccde,! Uj all travelers to be the best on the tre.-ttra Waters. THROUGH TICKETS For sale to St. Loui. nr.d all Enstri d, Nnrt! cm s.tid Southern cities via the above liijcs at Denv'-r City, Omha, Council Htntfs, Plattsmouth, IT-'Sraska Cliy and at all other principal ticket oOccs i i the west. AsyMeals and State-rooms fref! "44 R. FORD, Sup't U. R. H. I,., St. Joseph. 11. Q. I'UUOL-SOX, 8ec'y R. R P. L.,St. Jose. J. D. SIMPSON, Agont, a2S Plattpmonfh. N-"liralr. FURNITURE, COFFINS ' AND ' Cabinet - Work ! H- BOECK Having enlarged his Shop and SaUs-ror.raj won'il respectfully remind lb people in this vicinity that he can furnish tbem with tbe very best Fntuiture, Chairs, oro'her Cabinet-work, at the most rfagon able rates, I shall kep constantly en hand a lar assortment of Eastern Work, and am also prepared to manufacture anything in my line on short notice. A large assortment of Keauy oiadc Coffins kept at all times. Cal and examine my stock and price jelOdwtf n. BOECh'. " WAGONS! 3 U. rORTER & 'CO Are agents In this city for tbe sV.e ct .thelcelibrated South Bend Wagons Made bv Snidfbake" Bros Tbey hav on iand? t $od assortment, which Will be replenished as fast as needed. Tuey piopo-e sll at the ery lowest Sgni's. I'latt'mnilh, Jfr.n-li C5 If