Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 12, 1867, Image 1

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    rs. . j ft.
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"7 attempts to haul dowji the American Flag, shoot him on the spot.
VOL. 3.
AO. 23
Ch I LK n -h w FI HUB..
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OfTice corner Maia street and Levee, second
tor y.
Trrrrs: $2.50 prr annum.
Jlatcs of Advertising
0'ie square (space of ten linea) cue irir-tr! ion,
Evu subs iiieat insertion -
Prcfe; i-ni cards o.t exceeding tix lines
Oat-quarter column ur leas, per annim
' six niuDttis
" " thr. e months
a" half co'ub'n twelve moutiiK
si x month,
10 oo
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15 oo
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three mouths
Ojcolaan twelve months
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All tran-iont aderti-eaieat-i mnt be j.a!d
Mm' W are prepared to d aU kind, nf Job
u ii'rt, and in a ktjlv '.:i: w i.l ive
f.ic ion.
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MrT'Mfrru . - nf:hraska.
Eolicitor in Chancery
Oarnrntcr a:?, d Joiner
Will ri w.rrt iu Iim lint- wlih u
Pr. J. S. LIoADOV,
,ri tct I'Lyjf. .tr. is liH rTwfi:--ioa;il -L-rvi-cs
to bi oil p itrons a' 1 .u.!io u.'-ral;y. I'art ciiUr
a tcniion i. -i.d to or the KVK. A car.-
an:-fd In all curaMe cams. Chir.-s mc.l-r .t.-
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K. R LIVING3TON, M. 33. bis rof"xMr!al serric to ttc citix-aa of
, -K-i.!ico ia Frank Whit h h ns, c irnor of
(, ( ;,q1 .V:x'h ctf ; oniff on Main xtfeot, oj-po-s:t-
Court 1! juse, ri-ilt-m-intb, Nebraska.
Platte Valley Hou
Ed. 15. MuRniy, Proprietor.
Ct-rner of .Mi in and Fourth Stra-ts,
S'latlsmoiilli, .cl.
Tiii- Hou-e haviiiir b' en re fi : t d and ne'-vly fr.r
r1hi oG -r fi t class accomm. Jations. loar 1 S-y
tii iSkj or week. aut"2S
l'p I' rs in
A Dd a gour.,1 asortm--ct of i." o !s UfUal y kept in a
ti'Pt-rlafs coauirr elore.
Ivnri. fos Co.. - NEK.
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Jlawvell & Chapman,
Solicitors in Chancery.
Ofilc-' over Ulatk, Batt'Ty & C Vfl Ururf Store,
And Solicitors in Chancery,
J.ino wtf
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A r . d H-snrttii'-n. i f WaJcbos C; old r.'ns.
J. w. irr. Oliver War, Kane- - Violius and i-
i-I.n Tri'mi'iins al iVi hi'id. All work com
iri' 1 to hi ?ire will be wa' :atu-.d.
Ai,ri, 10, !-.,:.
Tii- .,i.-ivf 'ji'j"! cent uirn hive nssiciated
I-: ! vr us !:. ( i f tli.: ! I" of .ro.-ul-
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Ma Ihi-b will devi.te liia personal at'ontKp to
C e bn-iMeii at Wa.-t.intoi;.
5 f Oitice at 2iubr ka C":tv . w'ner of Mam and
F:ttU treel.
8. ADLKB, H l.E!JMiS.
Eli: C TIFI El S
Dealers in all kinds cf For.Uj.-n and Dom'stic
St. Joseph,
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IValional Claim Agency.
Is prepared to present and prosecute claims btf-re
Contfres. Court of Claims and the Dep. titirnts. Pa
tents, Penion, Bount es, and Bunly
cured. CtF" Charges moderate, and iu pro;.ritio! to
the amiunt of the claim. M. I)OKai"i10 V.
April 10, '65
Manufacturer of and dealer in
Saddles and Harness,
Of every description, wholesale and retail, JCo. 13o
Main street, between Jib and titb utreeo, '. broi.a-
7"y. j.i3
-piaoa to get che ip Lsraps and L,mp Chiron
A i at 4 tiBLACK, MUTTEii 1" A CO. B
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
S.'ati of JVcbras.a:
' Section 1. Each organized county
shall be divided by the County Super
intendent into as many school districts
as may from lime to time be found
necessary: Provided, that the Superin
tendent shall have power to change or
modify the lines or boundaries of any
school district at any time.
St. 2. Every duly organized school
district shall be a body corporate and
possess all the usual powers of a cor
poration for public purposes by the
name and style cf "icLoI district nuai-
ber of county;" and in that
nam! may sue and be s-ucd, purchase,
hold and sell such peoual and real
estate as the law allowj.
Sec. 3. Whenever the Cciu-ty Su
perintendent tif any county shall form
a new district therein, it shall be' the
duty of said Superintendent to deliver
to a taxable inhabitant of such di.s'.rict
a notice in writing of the formation of
such di.-trk-t, describing its boundaries
ar:d specifying ihe time and p!.-? of
holding the first mee:ing; which Loui e,
with th? fact cf such delivery, shall l
entered upon the record by the Surer-wiU-udent.
Etc. 1. The eaid notice shall also di
rect such inhabitant to notify every qual
ified voter of such district, either per.-on-a'.'y
or by having a written lu'.ice at
his or her place cf residence, cf the
time and place cf holding said meeting
at least five days before the tima ap
pointed ihrefoi; and it shall be the
duly of iuoh inhabitant to notify the
qualified rotrs cf said district accord
ingly. Sec. 5. The said inhabitant, when
he ehtll have notified the qualified
vote rs as required in such no' ice, shall
endorse thereon a return showing such
neiincPtun with the date or dates
thereof, and deliver such notice and
rcurn 1J ttie cnairman of the meeting.
Sec. 6. The said chairman shall de
liver such notice and return to the di
ryctor chosen at euch metling as here
inafter provided, who shall record the
-atne at length in a book to be provided
by him at the expanse of ihe district,
as a part cf the records of such district.
Sec. 7. Each and every sub-district
now existing under provisions of law
shall be deemed to constitute a district,
nnd shall be controled and governed as
hereinafter provided.
Sec. S. The qualifiedVoters of every
new district, when assembled pursuant
to '.he above mentioned notice, and a'l
existing districts, at their annua! meet
ings, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and sixty seven, shall elect,
from the qualified voters of such dis
trict, a moderator for three years, a di
rector for two j'ears, and a treasurer
for one year; and, at the expiration of
their respective terms of office and
regularly thereafter, thir several suc
cessors shall be elected for tha term of
three years each; and within ten days
after their election these several offi
cers shall file vviih the director a writ
ten acceptance of thft offices to which
they shall have been respectively elect
ed, which shall be recorded by said
Sec. 9. Every such school dutrict
shall le deemed duly organized when
any two of the officers elected at the
firs'. meet.'Dg sha'l have filed their ac
ceptances as aforesaid.
Sec. 10. In case the inhabitants of
any disiriot shall fail to organize (he
.a:m' in pursuance of such notice as
afareaid, the said County Superinten
dent shall give a notice iu the manner
hereinbefore' provided; and the same
proceedings shall be had thereon as if
no previous notice had been delivered.
Sec. 11. The record made by the
director as required by the sixth' sec
tion of f Iiis act shall be firma facie ev
idence of the facts therein set fonh,
and the legality cf all proceedings in
the organization of the district prior lo
the first district meeting; but nothing
in this seef'en contained shall be so
construed as to impair the effect of the
record kept by th County Superinten
dent a evidenct.
See. 12. Every district shall in all
case? be presumed to have been legally
organized when it shall have exercised
ths franchises and privileges of a dis
trict for the term of cna year.
Sec. 13. In all cases where the
County Superintendent of any county
shall form a school district therein and
when no election for school district of
ficers shall be held, and when any
school district shall refuse or neglect to
elect at the proper time the necessary
school district officers, it shall be the
duty cf the County Superintendent cf
the county in which such dittrict is sit
uated, to apopint the officers of such
district from among the persons resid
ing in such district of the age of twenty-one
years and upwards, who are
tax-payers therein; which officers thus
appointed fehall severally file with the
director a written acceptance cf the of
fices to whith they shall have been
appointed, which shall bs recorded by
the director.
Sec. 14. Every iucU school district
shall be deemed duly organized when
ever any twa of the officers thus ap
pointed ehaii have filed their accept
ance as aforesaid; and tuch school
district and its officers shall be entitled
to all the rights, privileges and immu
uities and be subject to all the duties
and liabilities conferred upon school
districts by law.
Sec. 15. The annual meeting of
.nrli c'lniil , 1 1 -1 siciiT 'ii ' I T.T-' '- .r"-
first '.londay in Dctober in each year,
and the school J ear shall commence on
that day. 1 ' !
Sec. 16. Spccjal meetings may be
called by thu. district board or any one
cf ihem, on the'.ivritten request of any
five legil voters'of the district, by giv-'
ing the notice required ' in the next
succeeding sectidn; and in all notices
of special meet ygs the object of the
meeting shall b stated.
Seo. 17. All notices of annual or
special meetings, Lfter the first meet
ing has been hAd as cforosaid, shall
specify the lay and hur andp place
of meeting, and hali be given at least
fifteen days previous to euch meeting,
by posting up cqpies thereof in three of
the most public oaes, er by publication
in a ne wspaper njiblished in the district;
and in case of ni special meeting call
ed for the purpose of establishing or
changing the arte of a school-house,
such notice shal J be given at least fif
teen day3 previous thereto.
Sec. 18. No 'district meeting Bhall :
be deemed ijleftl for want of due no-j
tice, unless it dhall appear that, the
omission to givtjuch notice was willful
and fraudulent j Provided, that forall i
meetings to prctide for the location or
removal of a Site for a school house,!
the notice required in the last preced-1
ing section shal in oil cases be given.
Sec. 19. :EVry inhabitant of the
age of twentw-one years residing in
the district anir liable to pay a school
district tax therein shall be entitled to
vote at any ditjrict meeting.
See. 20. If loy peison offering to
vote at a school district meeting shall
be challenged s unqualified, by any
legal voter in such district, (howchair-
man presidinrikt sueh meeting shall
declare to the 'porsqn challenged the
qualifications of a voter; and if euch
person sh-ll s a,te ttat he, or she, is
qualified, and Aie ohallenge shall not
be withdrawn, rne said chairman shall
, - -i
administer to rrn or her an oath in
substance as ft lie ws: You do solemnly
swear or affirm,, that you are twenty
one years'of e, that you are an act
ual resident if tbis school district and
liable to pay n sthool district tax there?
in, so help yoi. J3od. .And evijry per
son taking such'oath shall be permit
ted to vote on all questions proposed at
such meeting.
Sec. 21." If ity rjcrson socha.llen?ed
shall refuse tc rjike , such. oath, his or
her vote thslh; be" rejected; and any
person who"nhJl willfully take a false
oath or make jftalse affirmalioD,funder
ths provisions '.if , ihe preceeding sec
tion. oieined jjuiltyof perjury.
Sec. 22. Wurn any question is taken
in any other riifnner than by ballot, a
challenge imn.ediately after the' vote
has been take j and previuus to the an
nouncement cj the vote by the chair,
shall be deemtl to be made when of
fering to vote. :ind treated in the lame
manner. .
Seo. 2-3. , Thp qualified voters ia
suoh echool di-Jfict, when lawfully as
sembled. shl 'have power to adjourn
from time to tirbe as may be necessary;
to designate a site for a school house
by a vote of twi-thirda of those present
and to hangeihe same by a similar
vote at any teller nasetiDg-." '
. " i ' " ' ' ,
Sec. 24. When no site can be es
tablished by such inhabitants as afore
said the superintendent of the county in
which the district is situated, shall de
termine where such site shall be; and
his determination shall be certified to
the director of ihe district and shall be
final, ecxept that such decision may be
changed by ihe county superintendent
on a' written request of a majority of
the qualified voters of the district.
Sec. 25. Th qualified voters shalj
also have power at any such meeting
to direct the purchasing or leasing of
any appropriate site and the building,
hiring cr purchasing of a school hause,
and the amount cf fuel to be furnished,
and the lime of furnishing it for the
succeeding year, whether to be de!iv
ered at the stluol house, to be assessed
by a tax cn the property of the? district
and to impose such tai as may be suf
ficient for the ptymeut thereof.
Sec. 26. Any school district shui!
have power and authority ta borrow
money to pay for sites for school houses
and to erect buildings thereon and to
furnich the same by a vote of two
thirds of the qualified voters of said dis
trict present at any annual meeting or
fsrtpcial 'meetinc Provided:"' That a
special meeting tor sucn purpose sac
be upon the notice given by the direct
or of such district at least twenty days
prior to the day of such meeting, and
that the whole debt of any euch district
at any one time for money thus bor
rowed shall not exceed five thousand
' Sec. 27. The qualified voters, when
assembled at any annual or regular
meetiag, may from time to time impose
such tax as may be necessary to pay
teachers, keep their school house in re
pair and to provide the necessary ap
pendages and to pay and discharge ay
debts or liabilities of the district law
fully incurred; may raise a sura nqt
exceeding forjy dollars in any one
year for ihe purchase of bosks of ref
erence, globes maps or any apparatus
for the purpose of illustrating the prin
ciples of astronomy, natural philosophy
natural history ad agricultural chem
try or the mechanic arts.
Sec. 28. They may also determine
at each annual meeting the length cf
time a school shall be taught in their
district during the ensuing year; which
shall not be less than three months in
the districts which have less than seven
ty five pupils, nor less than six months
in the districts which have between
seventy five and two hundred pupils,
nor less than nine months in the dis
tricts where there are more than two
hundred pupil,'and whether. by male or
female teacher, or both; and whether
the money apportioned for the support of
tho school therein shall be applied to
the winter or summer term, or a certain
portion to each, ,
Sec. 2910 tie case any of the mat
ters ia the preceding section are not
determined at die annual meeting, the
district board slall have power and it
shall ba their iduty to determine the
same.-' - f - -...
Sec- 30. Sajd qualified voters may
also at any regular meeting authorize
and direct the sale of any school house,
site, or other property belonging to tha
district, when the same shall no longer
be needed for the use of the district
Sec. 31. They may also give such
directions and rcake such provisions as
they shall deem necessary in the pros
ecution or defense of any proceeding in
which the district may be a party or in
terested. Sec. 32. The moderator shall Live
power and it shall be his duty to pre
side at all meetings of. the district, to
countersign all orders upon the treas
urer for moneys to be disbursed by the
district and all warrants of the Direc
tor upon the ccuuty treasurer for mon
eys raised for district purposes, or ap
portioned to the district by. the county
clerk. Cut if the moderator shall be
absent from any district meeting, the
qualified . voters present may elect a
suitable person to preside at lie meet-
Sec. 33. If at any district meeting
any person shall conduct himself or
herself, in a disorderly manner, and
after notice from the moderator or per
son presiding, shall presist therein, the
moderator, or person presiding, may
order him or her to withdraw frena the
meeting, and on bis or her refusal, may
order any constable or other person or
persons to take him or her into custody
until the meeting shall be adjourned.
Sec. 34. Any person who shall re
fuse to withdraw from such meeting on
being so ordered as provided in the
preceding section, cr who shall willful
ly disturd such meetings, shall, for
every such offense, forfieit a sum not
exceeding twenty dollars, to be colect
ed in the same manner as other penal
ties in the manner provided by law
and shall be paid into the school fund
of the district.
Sec. 3-5. The Treasurer shall pay
over all moneys in his hands belonging
to the district on the warrant of the
director, oountersifjned by the moder
erator; and shttll collect all rate bills
for tuition and fuel, in obedience to the
commands contained in the warrant
annexed thereto. It shall also bo the
duty of the treaurer lo appear for and
on behalf of the district, in all suits
brought by or against the same, when
ever no directions shall be given by
the qualified voters in the district meet
ing, except in suit in which he is iu
terested adversely to the district, and in
all such cases the director hall appear
for such district, if no other directions
hall bfl given as aforesaid.
Sec. 3(i ;he moderator and director
shall requitcl of the treasurer, and the
treaurer tlull execute to the district,
a bond in L uble the amount of money
to come into his hands as uch treasurer
during tb&jyear, as near as the same
can be acertained, with two sufficient
sureties to'be approved by the moder
ator and director, conditioned for their
faithful application of all moneys that
shall come into his hands by virtue cf
his office..
Sec. 37. The director shall be clerk
of the district board, and all district
meetings when present; but if h3 shall
not be presont ihe qualified voters pre
sent shall appoint a clerk cf such meet
tag, who shall certify the proceedings
thereof to; Jaei director to be recorded
by him.
. Sec. ,3. Tfce director shall record
all proceedings of the district in a book
to be kepe for that purpose, and pre
serve copies of all reports made to the
eounty superintendent, and safely pre
serve and keep all books and papers
belonginglta tii office.
Sec. 89. The director, with the ed
vice and censent of the moderator and
treasurer jxr one of them, or under
their d'reitions if he shall not concur,
shall contact with and hire qualified
teachers for' and in the name of the
district, wuch contract shall be in writ
ing, and"; shall have the consent of
the ' moderator and treasurer or
one of tiem endorsed thereon, and
shah specify, the wages per week or
month asagreed by the parties, and a
duplicate thereof shah be filed in his
office; Provided, that if the director
shall iefus3 to make and sigo such con
tract, when directed so to do by the
moderator and treasurer, ihen it may be
madeind signed by the moderator and
treasurer. f
Sec. 41. 'Within ten days next pre
vious to tie annual district meeting the
director isiiali take ihe census of his
district aidfmako a list in writing of
the natnes of ah th3 children belvr.giug
thereto bl. ween the ages of five and
twenty oqe years. In case of the ab
sence or ja ability of the director, such
census :
stK,jl be taken by the moderator
or such person as they
may arM'inC and
a copy of such list,
verified "by the oath of the person tak
ing such" census by affidavit appended
to or endorsed thereon, setting forth
that it U cerreot list of the names cf
all the children belonging to the district
i - -i -between
the ages of five and twenty-
one yeaft, snail be returned with the
annual r2port to the county superin
tendent. Sec. 42, .He shall furnish a copy of
such list to each teaeher employed in
the district, and require such teacher to
carefully, note the daily attendanca of
each scholar, and toj.make returns
thereof him, including the ages of
all scholars whose names are not on
such, list, , i
See. i3.lEvery teacher shall make
a roonthlv return to the director of the
district i: the number of pupils attend-
1 ' l' t i
:ng ni3.r uer scnooj, the names and
ages oh eacn, the days attended, the
studies pursued, and the proficiency, of
each ptifil tn his or her studies.
Sec. lii-jThi) director shall, with the
: ;? - J
concurenoe cf moderator and treasurer
or either cf them, provide the necessary
appendages for the school house, and
keep the same in good condition atd
repair during the time school shall be
taught in said school house, and shall
keep an accurate account of all ex
penses incurred by him as directcr;
such account shall be audited by the
moderator and treasurer, and on their
written order shall be paid out of any
money provided by the district for euch
Sec. 45. He shall present at each
annual meeting an estimate of the ex
penses necessary to be incurred during
the ensuing yar for such purpose
and the payment of the sorvice of any
district officers; and such amount ihea
voted by such annual meeting, shall be
assessed and collected in tho ame
manner as other district taxes; but no
tax for these purposes shall be vott-d at
a fpcial meeting, unless a notice of
the same shall be expresied in the no
tice cf such meeting.
Seo. 46. lie "shall give the prescrib
ed notice of tha annual district meeting
and of all such special meetings as he
shall be required to give notice of in
accordance with the provisions of this
act, one copy of which for eaeh meet
ing shall be posted on the outer dor of
the school house if there be one.
Sec. 47. Ho shall draw and sign all
erders upon the treasurer for all mon
eys to be disbursed by the district and
II warrants upon the county treasurer
for moneys raised for district purpose's
or apportioned to the district by the
county clerk, and present the same to
th3moderator to te countersigned by
Sec. 4S. The director shall also at
the end of each school year and within
three days after the first Monday in
September, deliver to the county super
intendent to be filed in his office n re
port showing:
First, Tho whole number of children
belonging :o-lbed,is!rict between the
ages of five and twenty-one years, ac
cording to the census taken as afore
said. Second, The number attending school
during the year under five, and also the
number over twenty-one years of age.
Third, The whole number that have
attended school during the year.
Fourth, The length of time the
school has been taught by a qualified
teacher, the name of each teacher,
the length of time kept by each and
the wages paid to each.
Fifth, The average length of time
scholars between five and twenty-one
years of age have attended school dur
ing the year.
Sixth, The amount of money receiv
ed from the county treasurer apportion
ed to the district bv the county clerk.
Seventh, The amount of money rais
ed by the district and the purpose for
which it was raised.
Eightb, The kind of books used in
the school.
Ninth, Such other facts and statis
tics in regard to the schools and the
subject of educatten as the superinten
dent stall direct.
Sec. 49. The moderator, director
and treasurer shall constituto the dis
trict board.
Sec. 50. Said board shall, between
the first Monday in June and the third
Monday in June in each year, make
out and deliver to the county clerk of
each county in which any part the dis
trict ia situated, a report, in writing un
der their hands, cf all the taxes voted
by ths districts during the preceding
year, and of all taxes whieh said board
is authorized to impose to be levied on
the taxable properly g the district and
to be collected by the county treasurer
at the same time, and in the same man
ner a3 State and County taxes are col
lected; and when collected to be paid
over to the treasurer of the proper dis
trict on the order of the director coun
tersigned by the moderator of said dis
trict. See. 51. The district board shall have
the general care of the school, and may
eatablish all needful regulations for its
management, not in conflict with the
rules prescribed by the superintendent.
Sec. 52. Said board may a'so admit
to the district school non resident pu
pils, and may determine the rates of
tuition of such pupils and collect the
same in advance; and they may au
thorize or order the suspension or ex
pulsion from the schocl.whens ver, in
their judgement, the interests of the
school demand it, of any pupil guilty of
gross misdemeanors or persistcntdisc
bedience; but such suspension shall net
extend beyond the close .of the term,
nor shall any pupil he moreth&n tnce
suspended for the same offence.
Sec. 53. They shall purchase or
lease a site for a school heuse. as shall
have been designated by the district in
the corporate name thereof, and shall
build, hire or purchase such school
house out of the funds provided for that
purpose; and shall make eale and con
veyance of any site cr other property
of the district when lawfully directed
by the qualified voters at any annual or
pecial meeting: Provided, that the dis-
tr'ot shall not, in any case, build a ttcne
or brick school house upon anv siti
a J
without first having obtained a title in
fee simple to the .same; and, also, that
they shall net, in any case, build a
fra uie echool house on nnv siro fnr
which they have not a title in fee sim-
e without secuiinr the privilege of
moving the eaid school house, when
awfully directed so to da by the quali
fied voters of the district at any annual
or special meeting: Provided, also, thai
tne qualified voters of the district may
appoint a building, committee to take
charge of tho work cf building such
school house.
Sec. 54. The district board shall ap
ply and pay over all school moneys be
longing to the district in accordanea
with the provisions of law rrgulatinij
the same, as may be directed by the
district; but no school moneys appor
tioned to any district shall be appropri-
ated to any other ue than the payment
of teachers' wages, and no part thereof
hall be paid to any teacher who shall
not have received a certificate as re
quired by thin act, before tho com
niencement of his or her school.
Sec. 55. Such report shall also con
tain a statement of all taxes assessed
upon the taxable property of tho district
during the preceding year, the purpos
es for which such taxes were assessed
and the amount assessed for each par- .
titular purpose; and said report sha 1
be recorded by the director in a bod.
to be provided for that purpose.
Sac. 56. The said district board shall
have the care and custody of the school
house and other property of the district,
except so far as the same shall be oeu-
fided to the custody of the director.
Sec 57. The said board ehall hsv
power to fill by appointment any vacan
cy that may occur in their own number,
and it shall be their duly to fill euch
vacancy within ten days after such oc
currence. Provided. That itt ctso
said board shall, from any cause, fail
to fill such vacancy wiihirt the time
specified, the same may be filled by
election at a special school district meet
ing, called for that purpo3e, by tho
qualified voters present, which meet
ing shall be called in thesama manner
and be subject to the same regulation
s otuer special school district meetings.
Sec. 53. If the treasurer shall
to givo bond, as is required by this
ohapter, or from sickness or any other
cause, shall be unable to attend to hii
duties, the said board shall appoint an
acting treasurer, who shall poaseas all
the powers of district treasurer for that
purpose, and shall give bonds to tho
district in the lamj manner and witU
the same effect as the district treasurer
is required to give.
Sec. 59. Every school district offij,
shall become vacant by the death, res
ignation or removal from office or re
moval from the district of the incum
bent. Sec. 60. Nothing in this aet shall ba
so conitrued as to interfere with er
abrogate any of the rights, privileges
and immunities, duties or liabilities
conferred or prescribed by apeoial en
actment for any school district compris
ed within any corporate city.
Sec. 61. The offices created by this
act are hereby declared the successors
of the officers of the township boarde of
education, and also of the directors of
sub districts, as now established by
law; and all moneys, books, papers and
property, in the hands of the boards of
education, or ia the hands of the direc
tors cf eub districts, shall la banded
over to the officers created by this act.
..Until County Superintendents; are
eleeted or appointed in accordance with
law in ibis) State, the duties imposed .
1 1