of Apothecaries Hall; I-ED,WIIITIXGER & Co. No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA. CITY, - NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & WEDKNES, Paints Oils, Putty . Glass Patent Medicine of all kinds. ' tarticles. eta- I tlonery.and everything kept in irst-clasa Drug fctore, at Eastern prices. JE- We are prepared to fl!l all orders, and warraal ur goods ta be fresh. apr. IB u t Soot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCORTON & SOS, at their old taod, WORTH SIDK 07 MAIN oTKEET, PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - N. T. Wa keep constantly ea band a large assortment Eastern Boots & Shoes SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at the lowest ca?b prices. Repairing done at suit rt no- iice. CSAll Work Warranted. J THEOCKJIORTOX. A. THROCKMORTON'. Oct 25 'C r - CITY MEAT MARKET, AND Empire Meat Market, The.u ndrsigned Is ow prepared to furnisk tie ltlae t tbi. place with the best FRESH BEEF, MUTTOX, VEAL, PORK, AXV UACOX I also keep EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES, AXD VEGETABLES. and will pay the Ughest isarbet .rice fr all kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE. WM. F. -OERISOS, Plattsmoulh, May 18, W. D. GAGE. V. R. DAVIS. ChY BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER STOBE. W are sellirg Boots, 5hoes at: a "Leather, ar store on Main a'.:eet, one door west t:ie 1 Vallej Poue, CH EAPER thanthe CHEAPEST We are micu'iCtr.rinc work f."om tLe rery best 01 atock.a d wiU accamnio te s'.l w!,o m.ij ;vc us a call. Repairing done at all time GAGE DAVIS. Aug. 2- 'o diwtf JJURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. (t; 18GG EASTWARD 18G6 Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In eoonectica with the Des Koines Valley arx! Chicaco, Burlington and Qumy Kkilroad.. Three train? leare Ottumwa doily oa arrival ' Ces Moines Vaiiey trains. BUT YOUR TICKETS VIA OTTUHWA and BURLINGTON rOR SALE AT M. . .PLATTSMOUTII, COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE, ALBIA. MONROE, PELL A, OSKALOOSA, EDDTVILLE, -OTTCMWA. Baggage ' checked from Ottumwa" te Chicago aud the East. Pa'senecr. hTe ehoic- of a! the sret line, lead ing North, LaM ar.d South, and viil f :id t rkel. ic all pnSc pal i.riots f at by all rou at tbe Oiiumw. ticket od''e of tht comrdtiy. Passenger, wiil fict this roate Quick, fafe and Sara ia its connections. C K. FKRKIXS, Snperinte udert. L. C-BPLR, General Frc,ELt aad i..-eber gic jl !- ST AND WOOL- CARDING. 1 Hot for Salt Crerlc, where yon can kill two t irde with ore .tone, get your Gra n Griund acd Wool CardeJ a the .ame tint,; the machiDrrj fjr bo Ji is ID nerrect oraer. w ue ibe ratent Mch-nr Card', j which were run enongh last year t. e-tal'.h their 1 snpariority oxer tbe old kind, as a'l who twj the 1 can testify. Tha au;eric.TitT of Mr. 6. Twis. as a earner is well Known, ana his serric's are still ie tained for ike beneflt of lhe-cbl:c. With th. ab-'Te adraataees we flatter oars, lvrs that we c.Q make it to the adra" Use of all who want work in sir line te eome this way. I). l'EAN, Propri-tor. yl3 S. TH Carder. Wm II- Lemkr, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY Plattsmouth, Nebraska. laaT Mi ar WAGONS ! J. 11 PORTER t CO Are egtmts In this city lot the f.Ie of the celebrated ' 'Sont Bend Wagons,' Made bv Stud liker B'os They h- rn Land god a-iKrti.rnr,-wi tcli wiiM e r pie:.ii-li-a a :at a Deeded. Tii p jiOe to a.U at the try lows Flt:3iJi:;h, 5Tir:h 2Cif 180T. AMISON, DOVEY CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, grant wants. .' FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. rt.-T.f.,i rct Potmnawp wp iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Flatttsmouth, April 10, 1803. (X jSiF! W. 3 ncture Pictures taken lwiKrr,t-m. PhotB-Tftr.hs. Gem Pictures. 411nm? Ac oiinjtaiitlv kentonhand. nvdo o or r, of any size J. SUfPSOS, MICEEL Simpson, Mickelwait Wholesale and Retail Receiving, ForwardiDg and xcl ,,-tov.T3Cvt -?eX5, PLATTSMOUTII, Pealersla GROCERIES AND PRODUCE DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLIXDS, GLASS, P1XEAXD COTTO.WYOOD LUMBER, SHIXULES, LATIi IPICKETS, ETC., ETC. WM. B FE3ICK, penice: & .a Wholeaale Patent Medicines, I'liemicals, CSlass, Paintis, Oils, . Oil and Lamps, NOS- &. 45 SECOND Wi are the Morthwpte:a Wholesale Agents and caa faraith their mediciaes ia any ej.nn'.ities. WOOI1VORTH & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Faperdeale:s, SALYT JOSEPH, MO , ILLCOX&ifvllBBS it ! UiiRi'Uiiir -kWING iiiHbniiiL 1 a 1 The Championll t ! of 136 first pr uuama in twotl Mseasong. lis seam isJilstron cer and less liable to rip than the' Lock Stitch." "Judgu' Kefrt of fit (frand iYial. " Send for tLe "Report," and Samples of work, containing' both kinds of stitches on the same pice of goods. Agents wanted. L. COiUSXLL CO., Genl Aent, 13S L9 Bt . Ctioa0. F tP TODD, Local Agent, P.attcouto, St eTl7 W y i 186 1. Mechanic, Freighter or Emi linnp hv strict attention to bus THOMAS uallerv. e?jtXple Ju-n Et, UTTPMOmi, - S' T mm of all Kinds. c A good assortment of Cases Prame Gilt and Rosewood Sloldin. or Framed WAIT, SD WD VTTMBT- Co., ai Commission Merchants, NEBRASKA. LOVING, I .tr ' 3 Pure "Wines and Liquors,Coal JStafionery, &c, ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. f.r Dr. . Jayaa A .D,.e Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Ja.23 ly D B. 3Vc31ECIIAT. Draler ia Hardware, Cutlery ir oa; ,yuls, sto ves .7.vd tly1v.1re, agricultural iiplee1its !o. Airrnt f-rtheSa r of th- Clebrafd MAG Eh COOK STOVES, A It BRASCU, XOOh.S .t CO 1' SA US. SIG1S OF Tn BIG PADLOCK, MAIN 'STREET, B"low the Sejmoar n use, on opposite si'le, NhBRASKA CITY, NEB. T All pcron re h.f'by noTi2el not to trt cy m.-o, tjv,t'rr:td R-!grt 'n B( e'-o'ir.t. a I will not pjy any lfU cou'i.it M oy uitii ce urniiug leu wj cfargr w.thout cause. ; Jnut Ctth, 157. jyirfe S013E EUGAKX- Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! Witt. HERALD Hm moved Into his new brick bnildin on the - I ner of Main trer t and Levee, whete he is laily re ceiving large additions to his already extensive GROCERIES AND I I XT O 3S. He offers the very bet of bargains to customers. aiii reque.-ts call f r .m those who want anything iu bis line to test tUa advantages in pricea with thute 9 1 omers. Remember tha BRICK CORNER : and bioa a call If yon wi to bay cheap. E. "WHITING Wholesale .dealer Jtu Boots , Shoes. LT33S! NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, i cum amy in receipt or all tha various Rtylee m luc uiauuiaciurcrs. i;hsu rai.l t,.r Hii, . i.. liOYjdalv ST. INT. Dealer in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PIPER, WINDOW -SHADES. Motions, Toys. 3 FarLihed at puhl,rhers' prices. For t-le at reasonable rates. w S. HARDIKC GO,, post orriCK bciluio NEBRASKA CITY, . . N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IV SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agcis for all the principal MAGAZIXES and XE YS PA PER S, or which Suberij tirn are received at Publisher Prices. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, . FACRIH cr UD DEALER IU Saddles and Harness, fiR IDLES, CELLARS, fURRIL Ciimb, Spurs, Lashef, Whips, tj-r. MainJ Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T THE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE L EAST To Chicago, Ihlruil, TtJrdo, St T.mi!. 'iitayttf yjidiiN;;, Ciiuinna.'i. Loi.iril!t, ing. I'ittt'.ui-ff . iijT.ih, Sinaiita Fnt m. imV 0ug, Baltimore. WaMnyhm, riiliideljJiia, Xete l'urt, B tton, de., Is via the old, reliable Central Eoute tbe Hannibal & St. Jo, R. H. JVTakf 'h- 11 A ST. JO. R R tint. f itis-ur stiver Packet from PLATTSMOUTII To St. J.sp 1, whrre conn-ctions are nude with Two Daily Ezpress Trains in me 11 1 jw. ri. -, rui tnrouch from saint Jo.eph t vtaiiicy without ch.ntie of cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wih('li;c;ifo. Enrl.ncton t Qnio y, and Toledo t a h M extern t.ailrot.ds fur all points Kist, For lit. Louis rii.se 'onn-ction nude at MACON" wi:h NORTH ''I-Ol'KI K h.T rSt 1-i.a r. .tin t Hannibal wi:h IJii.y M;t-. ;t r .cKet for M. l our-. uxa: inl tai room fre. If .Ting f ery e. nn p 00 arrival of lrtm- from th' aet. x d arriT.nc in St Louis v x iii-TU t g ir e!lS'tn to b Pirif-, anl to couiiect with ''hicaifo. Alton A f-. Louis, Terre luo e Alton As S 1.0 iU, and (b,o A Misi tl-pi ailroad",for all points ha.', ortn ann S-u:n. hFAV SLEEPIXG CARS Run on Niht Trains. 4T Buy jonr thocph ticket" via Hannibal dr St Jo K R at t eir ticke' ffio-s in Oroa' a. Cnunc B.ufTs PUtt-n.uth N t-1 r-ka City. M. J h ml on each Pi'kt-t In t lia, and en tor the c.n ciii of ha - a tas" h.- tort. ..). and quic r- ui ea.-f C. W. MtAli. i-o bop t P. B. GROAT Gen"!Tickei Airetit U.H CoLKTKlSUT Gen I Kr't At. e. ADLFa, B A.rrixaMAX. S. ADLER Sc CO . RECTIPIEES J1'D DISTILLERS, Dca'ris inaii kindrf K. r.i.-n m.il D cvt-e YINES, LI&UORS AKD CIGARS XO.,EAHTiIbE MAKER T UtiVAItB, St. Jostph, Mu. r25 ly L'lara to j;t cLei;" Ltr.pi r J I.aroa Ch.mse ia at d ilLACZt ECTTIKT 4 00. BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, EfTedicmes ana vus, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumer', Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally, Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines ine and of the Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Block, Plattoaoaih, May 1st, 1S66, tf Eardwar E. T. DUKE tfe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in lARDWliiE s AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE STEEL jPLOWS Of all kinds and s ics. which we warrant the be CZ aV Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclasive Ag nts in this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Hive us a call we will not be undersold Mam St., ten door enst cf Mason Block. PLATTSMOUTII. NEUIIASIIA TOOTLE, HAIVIVA & CO., MAIN STREET, L A K 41 tSi West of Wholesale and HARDWARE -AUD Clotliing of every description. WINES AKD LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS- Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, .QUEEN-WARE; IRON, NAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS every article required by ET1IGRAIVTS, FREIGHTERS, HIRERS & FARHEXtS. And everybody else can be cupplied at this establishment Call and examine our extensive stoctz FTEE PEOOF BEICK Tootle, -launa & Co PiaturaooUi, April iO. '05 complete. Warranted Genu best quality. - t in the market. 3T t - PLATTsMU U X lA G E S T H4T W St. Louis. Retail Dealers iu TBOS. T. ST. S4, J. B.OliEa Tootle, Hanna k Clark, BANKERS, Dea'ers lo Gold Diit Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, V- S and other .Mocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and tpecial attention given to Collection PLATTSMOUTII, W. T. t7 it"lt O H. f?lH. cimirs & CROXTO, Lait Si-ii't Indian Aftiirt. AX.oruey at Lau IRISH, CALHOUN -CROXTON. The ih-'e tii.ra"d aentl-mt-n he a-f.o:tl th-uiM-r in bi;tine. f the pu pooe t f ro-r ui ioir ar.d - Decline ul. claim a.ain.t the (.enrrI (iovernmrnt, or apiint any trio, of It-iliaL. and nre p'-p ire.! to pro-ecnie u a claims, f unrr i-iL.r. C'onprr4,or a-iT of t he tVpartmeuls at ioT rna:-Lt or i e:ore the Court of Claims l. lat-n will !eoi- his personal aiieotion m t e l'nini at W.hincton. TW WHice at Nebraska crty, corner or mam s F.fih street.. REAL ESTAT 3 D. H. Wheeler & Cc, Real Estate Agents. PLATTSMOUTII. N. Offer fer ta'.e the follow leg Beal Estate. See. Tp S Fa-t half r?rlh'-at qisrter W'eM half norlhirefl quarter luuih h'f n"r:tiet Quart-r S .itrn half southeast quarter Xor:lifa?t quarter Sou'1'wp-.t qiirter We-thjlf o hrart qnart.r N. r'h lulf .uth'at qu.r'er W-,: haif nrtbe;4.-t quarter Nortliwc-i quart) r oorthwett qr W r-t h jif outhwet quarter K.bi La!f H'jnthea-t Quarter Hi IS 11 83 11 11 32 li Jl Si 13 it 1( 11 13 3 11 11 81 11 11 1 1 14 3 11 11 1 13 ia IS 1 1 B0 AO M bO l0 1M K MA 4 10 IS sou'hwr-1 ouarier southeast qoarterA 10 IS 4 . South half northwest quarter IS H 18 Norlhurst quarter VI 11 IS Fast bnlf -oathw t quarter IS 10 14 orta half .ou'ha.kt quarter 10 10 IS K.-ith half r ouihwtst q larter 10 10 13 Yeit half n irthweM quarter S 11 1' No-ttea.t quarter SI 11 II 1'ndivided half southwest quarter ii II IS Kitt half northw tt quarter 1 11 IS Xorttwi.H quarter cortheast quarter 1 11 IS I I S I ll i( i 4 Lots in the city of Plattsmouf'i, Let Bl k Lot Block Lot B: S St 13 : 6 u 8 S-5 S Si AM 5 ZH 8 IS B Ml 10 67 10 90 IS 9 12 1 13 4 IS 4 S3 6 83 Thenonh half of 8 47 THOMPSONS ADDITION, B.itha!f f block. I. 4. 7, 6 .id 10. South t.a f of hl. rk S. l e t. 6 and 7 in Lijck 5. wit i iir icoiiuu s j, uj.ti!: ii n, rtf i. t a-r under lence, 1 I a itnrr 'rams ho-j...'s;ood w and iT:i:t,-, a:d sood runnn.- mtU.t. a-ieiit; of bar f-r Sr.-woo.t. liice H.TW. BAKERY, GROCERIES PROVISIONSV MATHIS SONS, (tccces.-sor. to J. I'srcl k Sons.) Plattsmccth, Ke. E.cp cor.'tactlr on hand a go.l snip' tf FRESH I! READ, PIES, CAKE 3 and eTerrthlsS in the line. Also GROCERIES PROVI9IOX3 of all kicds. WiJUD : Country Trodnra, Butter, Efg, A, J3" Give us a ca'l. 'PL 15, ltSt. ORTIl MISSOURI RAILROAD TO St. LOUIS AXD ALL POIXTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS. C-janwls with the Hannib.l &. St J.eph R. 11 s 1 Macou Cut, 13-i miles e.t of St. Jieph and fcraa Th Only All Riii! Boutf fn-m Atchitonani Jofp to f L'iuiB, Valfirg cl red a:.J itiiuhle connections with I 'a in on s Expre Trains, LraTina; f-t l.ouis at io'clrck iu the afernooa, rr nijc ttiroupU to all La.tern citiei without a IsV mint's deity. F4ecprs Fr,irg; to rhil"trl;Jila, -V'? York, Rtuimcr, TTaoAt'fia 1'itt-burg. buraln, t'ifT'land , an-l u Wic Enfland 7Vu-n anJ dtu. Via the .bore line hare lea changts of Cars aa Mako Quicker Time Thati by any other route, Pareniers fo'zg I Points in Central and Soutr.en Ohio, Cent .! .a rMuth-rn Iniva. bou'hern Uiinuis, aad all po:ct ii K mucky make se.rr.1 hours q uicaer tune ita. can be made vin any other route. Thr, uch 1 irket? cat b furcha ed at ail Ea'-!rj-l Tickrt ' ilKeS in the west. lie it understood . that tt e fare to a!l pointa -t ! the one ia the North al nsiurl Uailroad .ud I.ui. a by wr of Chicago or any other r ut. Tia M Louis Uoute. ISAAC II STCRCEC."', President and tiea'l "n?'t, 8t Loui , Voi II. U. WHELLER, Gen'l Tickl Atent. 3t I.cnis, l!o. W. W. IHM.NOEK, Gen'l Fr? ht Agent fit Lmus, Hit V. Ii. EAR1.KT. Agent, !M l.ouis. Mi L. M. BUNS, Gen'l Western Agent, Si Joseph, Mo, F. M. UORCIXGTOTir, Heal Estate Q-ENT, OFFICE IX MASOXIC DLOCX rLATTSXOCTH, XEBRASEA. Lot S Id block 47, gxd reaideoce, n 'ell tai oj buildings. Lotliln b:ck 2. a coom. two-tory re-idnr, brick baemtnt, well, barn and other oulhaild.u.i A rare chance for a good ir rettmeDt. Lot 11 in block 173. build. n with two roo-t J cellar. Good chance for a ainall capital. Lot 10 in block 27, good residence, with all tS n'Ctr6ry outbuildings. Wc-t half of se.-tiOn 8. t-wn 12, rscge 13. tigt er with 33 acres of t.mbcr- On. hucdred scr c' dr cu.'.ivai.on. ight luilaj from I'latti ioott;CC' Matte rieer. An iroproTeI lairn of eighty acre., goad heat well, e:c, wi'h five serfs o good timLer, Eighty acres of land, pari y Improeed, two an l3 halt u.ili s f roni tbe city . . 160 acres of partly improved land, with 4D ai"f iT jcuag l.m'-'r, .ituaied 4 Qi.es toutti of town. I)YTEsLI.c;S (tt all price Ary persons wi,hir.c to purchase Fanu-proper'T- J Ki-sideuce. in town w.ll And thttu fer aa. a'. .V rics. By ttORRlSGTOW, ttT. RrAL t?TATl