She glcbrasfcii gfuvaW. LOCAL NEWS- JTim Wtdnrwiay't D'li.'i'. s7"IIon. CI-rke, of JJ-llovue, is in the bit j. (37'Our old townsman F. S. White, is in tho citj. gSTTlohwer & Sioh shipped a largo lttof Hoar up the river on tho St. Joseph 27"Our City Recorder trill flense ao eept oar tbanks for Couneil Proceeding, irhieh will be found Tvhere ? ISThe Capital Commissioners pass d down this morning cn th Lacey. "We understand they go west from 2?a brnska City. ISEvery boat that passes our city leaves a l"r9 number of passengers, and freight. Who eaji Piattamouth 'ain't business"? An individual named Edwnrd Mul ligan was arrested in Council I!u2"j cn 'oomplaint of Staudo & Anderson, of Glenwood for hating forged an orJ-,r on tbera for twenty dollars worth o goads last May. fJTGov. Rutler informs us thire has been six pair of twins and two triplets added to the population of Fawnee City within the past two months ho (the Governor) being tho happy father cf one pair of said twins. Another njnmrtion menl will be needed soon. f"VTo regret to announce that our Tery eGcieot City Marshal, Joseph Jobn iod, has resigned the oSIoo on account of business. The community w;il bo sorry to lose hira in this capacity, t3 ho inado hosts of friends by his gentlemanly yet firm manaor cf discharging Lis datioa. CWe are inrormod that tho City Council at their meeting last night, re fused to repeal the Hog Law, by a tote of three to two, and instructed tho City Marshal to take measures to enforco the law strictly. Citizens will do well to take the hint and pat up their hogs thus gating both money and trouble. 2Capt. Ed. Murphy, and Mes3rs. M. B. Murphy and Lee Wright, returned to our city ls evening, bringing with them their wagone, etc., with tho intention of remaining in the settlements. Mike says he has been cultivating tv regular 4 bull whaekcr" appearanco, and if the coun tenance we saw him wear ii of that kind would adtise the general adoption of ueh. r"Dogi is dogs" and no r.iista'ir in this city if representation is bas:d on numbers there aro enough dogs to beat the combined strength cf both purtie in ft fair elootion provided Dog SuffrngA be lezaliied. OecasiunaMy "we like to eee a little dog and pat him on the head," but do r.ot like to see live or six hundred ill fsd, cross, noisy curs running r.t largo in our city and ere glad tt Ccd a nun ber of others that have a like aversion. The members of cur City Council are taking the matter in hand we learn, and purpoca passing an aot Ly which wo way, in a measure be freed from thin nuis ance. We hope radio! measures may be corriwd, and exterminate the worth- Jess cur, while all good dog", especially 'woodaockets," be endowed with epcclal "privileges. fYom ThrJay' Daily. fyTha grasshoppers have again bid adieu to this locality going westward per haps to seek locations in our new Capi tal City. CX'apt. Crock Kinney, of the Otoa Base Iall Club, had tho middle finger of his right hand broken, while playing a game on last Saturday. We hato received the Erst number of the Jackson County A'cirs, published in Hollon, Kansas, by A. W. Moor:. It is a neat and spicy sheet. 3TTbe Omaha lLrald looal i9 mista ken in giving the credit of a crop of cur rants to Nebraska City it belongs to Plattsmouth. We go a "hoap" on the productiveness of Cass county. CWe learn that tha Dates Brothers of Eight Mile Grave, commenced cutting their wheat this morning. This is the first harvest we have noticed in the State. "Cass county against tho world." CThe damage to the crops cn the bottom land on the other side cf the riv er has-been very sotcre by reason of the recent freshet. Wherever the ground has been ot erflowtd the crops will be a failure. CA numher of our citizens left the city yesterday to witness the ceremony cf locating Capital City. iNo doubt there will be some interesting and amusing ac counts of "how the thing is did," when Ibsj retarr. Success to Lincoln City. CTThe Jury in the Reams and Lewi -oase, District Court for Douglas county, returned a veidict of guilty, fixing the term of Lewis's imprisonment in the Penitentiary at eighteen months. Reams being under the age of eighteen years u not subject to imprisonment in the Peni. tentiary, and Judge Lake wiil have to eay what his punishment shall be. t"Our youog friend Bill Woodruff, living two miles south of town, met with quite a loss yesterday. While engaged in mowing, a young and very no eolt be longing to him, ran in front of the sickle nd had one fore leg out completely of? ana to end its sufferings was killed. Strang to say, the mower was not injur ed in the least. r? a -i. . . ., -"puutni m me I'rcts ears bat Nebraska City hs tald the namber of 627 breaiing plows this season. Wa do not know exactly the number sold in this place but it ii perhaps as large. Esti maticg the number of plows already in me as have been sold this etason and at the least calculation we may say that not less than 2500 plows have been employ ed in breaking sod this year in the c un- tis of Cass, Otoe, Lancaster, Saunders aud Eoward. If any one doubts the rapidity with which our State is settling up and improving let them look at such items as the above. JTrtm Friday' Daily. PZ?A. small band of Indians run off all the stock tt Brady Island Station a few days since. ("Farmers in the neighborhood of St. Joseph say the wheat has been im proved by the grasshoppers. They don't give the reason, and wo can't see It we are afraid such benefits are like tho ap plications of water-cure, which is known to have killed mora people than it cured, particularly at tho Deluge. "j7A poor but highly respected lady of Council Bluffs, fell heir to the sum of $S,000 a few months ago a bequS9t from a wealthy relative of England. That amount in solid oash was received by her a few days ago and is now on depos it in one of the banks of tho city, ready for a judicious investment. CiOno cf the Mormon beauties, who passed up the rivr a day or two since, beoama enamored of a young Nebraskian while at Omaha and eloped. This little incident caused quito a commotion among tho saintly outCt and tho oldors started in pursuit. It is to be hoped thoy m'.y never find the gay damsel. CXTTho riatto Valley Houss in this oijy, was yesterday sold to Uapt. EJ. Murphy, by C. II. Parmelo, who has been keeping tho house but a short timo. This is about as ppcedy transaction as we have hrd of recently tho Captain having on!y arrived in the city on Tues day evening. Mr. Murphy i-j now ongag. ed in refitting and refurnishing tho houeo in superior style, with the intention of keeping the best hotel west of Old Mud dy. From what we know of tho Captain, we are satisfied he knows "how to keep hotel," and b?.3peaK f r him tho patron age cf the public. Frank Streamer, of the Nonpareil, is very much exercised over the grass hopper (juostion. lie h .s made the discovery that tha partielcs of matter seen iljirg in the air are cotton blows from tho cottonwood trees which wj, in our simplicity, t.jok to bo locusts cr grasshoppers and is now trying to deeido whf'.ber grasshoppers Cy in s'-varma. Wj d )n't knew nbout the flying in sWarrus. bv.t if you b".d bsea here a few days sic you'd think they alighted in swarins. Increa f e the quantity of the "eye opener" two Coders, Frank, and then miki your observations through a glas, and the vexed question will be plain. 27IllAVBA I)0C3LC-TUSZ.D. Bull ncitr thir.k t-4 using il. Mrs. Capt. Jas. W. Shirk, U. . Navy, writes : "I have a "double-thread," Sewing Machine, but I never think of using it ! I place more value on my W.Kcox & Gibbs Sewing aniline than any thing else I have." From Saturday' Daily Q'jT It is said that nearly all of Nebras ka City has moved out to Lincoln City. g7"The citizens of Omaha are to be entertained by a prize-fight, foot race and horsj raoo this afiernoon amusing, in structive aud entertaining. Q'-'Iho property saved from tho steam er Bihop. suiik et Peru cut off, was sent up ou the Stonewull yesterday nothing but a few ma! trashes and a cmll amount of furniture was saved. pallor. E. Sells late S jperirtenden't of Indian Affairs in Southern Colorado and Hon. A. O. Puttsrcon, lato State Senator of Iva, passed up the river on the Colorado last night. 17" A boy between 10 and 17 years of age stole a horse near Red Oak Juno tion, and escaped to Afton where ho was overtaken nnl the property recovered. The young thief plead guilty to tho charge of Larceny and in default of bail was committed to jail. Ho gave ids name as Jacoby, and claims to belong to an ex tensive organization which has its bead quarters in Omaha JTDr. Miller, in tho Omaha JLrcld, has taken up rather a heavy load, and one which he will hardly bo able to con vinco his readers is valuable, viz.: that the thieving, murdering and scalping In dians are justified by tho eenduct of whites. It maybe, Dr., that some white men have sadly misused tha'Indiane, but you cannot prove to the mind cf tfco people that because John Smith cheated r 6tole from an Indian, that the Red skin is justified in scalping aa i murder ing the wife end braining ti-e children of John Jonss, who never knew of the cir cumstance. This idea of punishing a whole race for tho crimes of a few men, will not da in this day let tha guilty suffer, and tha innocent go free, and if Mr. Indian cannot distinguish, a few wholesome lessons by the army mfty on- ighttn his mind. F'-om iforulay't Daily. C27"A large delegation leaves for Lin coin City to-morrow. tyGen. John A. McClernand, of 111. has been nominated Minister to Mexico. gTLast Saturday morning we notic od largo log raft floating down the rijer this is tho third one this season. CJTA German citizen of Nebraska City is about starting an anti-temperance pa per, in the German language. !i?"Tbe best time made at the Omaha bor'e race was Z : G, by Reub Woods bay mare who won the last three heats in five. C7Isao L. Gibbs was con5rmed Gov ernor of Idaho territory, on the 18th Mr Oibbs was formerly a resident of this State. ?"Is it r'ght to put 14 to 15 ounces in a paper and call it n pound of Saler- atus? D. B. De Land &, Co. think not, and therefore pat it up full weight. STbe Presbyterians of this city having secured the pastoral servises of Rev. Roberts, religious services are again held in their church. g"As it should be, the Omaha prize fight failed to come off want of patron age. This is rather a strange reason in that modern Sodom, but the Herald says it is so. TGen. Dodge has been unablo to at tend the present session of Congress en aceount of a wound in bis side, received at Pea Ridge. He goes to the mountains hoping to find relief in mountain air. PTThe C. B. & St. Joe R. R. Co. aro making increased efforts to rush their read through this summer and fall, the iron to complete it sixty miles is now in Couneil Bluffs. It is said trains will ran to Pacific City to-morrow. 7"Tne Council Bluffs Xonpareil says the U. r. R. R. bridge has been located on tho north line of Section Three. Tho estimated cost Is $3,000,000. Bids for tho construction of the bridge are new being received at the branch ofiice of the Company in Chicago. S"Wa find tho following item in the yews of the 10th : Some fifteen or twenty more of our citizens started for Lincoln City to-day. They took with them a full blooded point er dog, to point the town for them ; and Marriott's setter slut to set it. fgJohn MeFarla d, arraigned fcr several days before Chief Justioo Mason, in Nebraska City for the murder of John OrBriej, was" found guilty of manslaugh ter and sentenced to fou" yoars imprison ment with hard labor in tho Penitentia ry- From Tusaday't Daily. ZT$. E. Lamaster was in the city last nijzht. 27"Tho lecture of Prof. I'oardman last night was well attended, Rnd all pres ent pronounoed it rich. An effort is being made in Nema ha county to raiso funds to erect a mon ument to Hon. Sain'l (I. Daily. Rev. D. Hart, of tha M. E Charob, formerly stationed at this plac, is now in the drug and grccery business at Peru. t?Tbe 3r07rnvilU Aihrllcr has re ceived an addition to its editorial foroe, and is now published by R. V. Muir, Geo.H Y. Iliil, and J L. Cii'upp. Luok to the now Crm. -Mr. Wm. Parjol has our thanks for a fine supply of vegetables. He is now supplying the city of Omaha with "garden sas" and would liko to con tract for two or three moro ''chief cities of the west." Prof. Hnydcn is to addre.s the Nemaha Agricultural Society during th fair to be he'.d on the 25th, 26lh and 27th cf September. Subject "The undevel oped Agricultural Resources f Nebras ka." 5Tln tho Nebraska City Land Dia trict, during the month of June, thare were onohnndred and thirty eight home steads taken. This exhibit 13 very Halter ing to this part of our young St"te, and as the Capital I: to be located within this diatriot wo may confidently rxpao' to see tho number doubled during the prestnt mcntb. rpA larg-s number cf '-LoV," of the Winnebago family, passed through the oity this morning. Soino of the dusky maids and ma'rons were very careful of their complexions, and oarried parasols od sunshades not knowing in thair iinplioity, that such articles aro super lluous, as an application of some of the many pSwdors used by their more refined white sisters would hide all tan and dirt, and give them a olor bettsr than Nature. We really think missionaries should be employed to onlightea their dark mind on the mysteries of the toilet. DIED. At his residence, in this city, on Fri day, June 19, 1SG7, at 1 a. m., of Typhoid fever, Edgar C. Lewis, "ged 24 years, 5 months end 8 days. The deceased was born in Kalamazoo eounty, Michigan, and removed to this State about 4 yean ago, sine which timo he has been actively engaged in bus:no9 ; and at the time of his death was the partner of bis brcthfcr-in law D. H. Wheeler, Esq. He was respected by all as a man of undoubted integrity and mor al, upright and honorable in all his dealings, and muuh lovrd by a large circle of friends. lie leaves a wife and one young child to mourn the affliction that so soon separated the holy ties so recently formed. His funeral tooc place from St. Luke's Church and was attend ed to the grave by tho Masonic fra'.erni ty, of whioh body be was a faithful and active member. ''May he sleep in peace." Kalamazoo and Thrai Rivers, Mica., piprrs please cory. Miss A. II. DESPAIli, milliner and DrcssmnLierj orrosiTE the tost ernes, ITas jcin rrez-ive.i a terze Hock or ysw GOODS! of tli latest fasbionf. New Goods received everj moQlb. Call BLd ea them. icVjif PKIVATE PALE- The undersigned having made arrange ments to leave here, offers for sals cook and heating stoves, and numerous other artiolcs, whioh be will sell at reasonable priees, by eallitg at bis residence. July 12 dtf. - E. Giles. KEEP CC0L! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post OSes building, and tho lovers of this delicious beverage are invited to eall and see him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept en band. O. F. Johmsox. jtfie lOd&w. FOR." KENT. A small Dwelling House. Enqnire of jell dtf Tootle IIax.ka & Class. H0TICE. All those knowing themselves indebted to us, will please call and (ottle immedi ately. Those having accounts against as, will present them for settlement with out delay. tf B. Nkwmak & Co. Desirable Property for Sale- One dwelling none, wiio seven rooms, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with frait trees, shrubbery, ic. D. MAKO.rB.TTS. Enquire of S. Duke. Agent. mylG STTBSCEIPIICNS Received at tho News Depot, for any tt the Magasines, 'Periodicals and News Papers ef the day, at the Publishers prioes. l nip ts :i; itm; to subtcnoe. Oot. 26. 'Zr DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST' Will da H work in bis liac on thort notiet. 5.-y-05c witb fir. tiTiBEattm. JulrO. E25"Fcs Salh One of LamVc superior kcltticg maea'nei the only kind made that widens aad narrows. Enquire at this offioe. dtf POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS. "3! A".t TT-T.r. r.-ariT. AS 1! lO; EASTKKN tnnil will clo3e St - ft a. a. .i;t:ih;m t - - .m. JiOIiTHEIiN and WKSTtP.Xat - 1p.m. HJ rid ABB C7B AC FOLLOWS" f race tlio KaST t - 19 s. m. SOKrn and WEST tt 10 s. m. SOL1U at - S p. m. po?T-orrics hocbj. tfta from T a. m. to 8 p. m. When culttn for mail please eiv year dim irt atirt then tlie ji 9. of your I'.oX. -W ht-ii caliinij for ftam:ii rive toe noniDer or J4aip tr amonut you wi-h to buy. j. w. makshai.l, iv-imitiT. Plittsuouth Lcdje No- 6, A- F. & fiei"lrcnmun:C!,tionfc 1st and 3 J Monduya of each pcmlU, st 6 1 'i o'c oct, p. di. E. T. 1'LiVE, W. M. 7. 3. AXSEuiOX. Era. ITebraska Chapter No- 3, R A- M- I'exa'sr ctivoraticin ?d and 4th Wednesdays of (h miD!h, at 0 1-2 o'clock p m K. C. LFWIB. eee. I. 0. 0. F. Pl it'.e I,ciJ;e, Vo. 7, itirtf cvtrr Patnrflay arrninjj at tin Cov.ri l!ortHe Hall. Tf. t!:r o oi'ier LoOr'f re rr"P'Ctf ally ii.Titt.dto Tiit tbi l.oAfr. 1 y orier of A ii. cr iAU IE, Zi . w. r. 1- Ga, Re:. Fec'j-. Et. Luke's Parlsli Yestr7. tli?alar mec::ag Crit TaeIT of rvvj cODth, ii. 7 p. m. Kct. liLO. C. ft .TT3. U. a i.IT!iSiTO:;, Ul-r. tcai.-iaaa. I. 0. O. T. ttefnlr.r metit every FriJay evenioe. Traveling Trmt'iars res;.e:fo:ly irvitcd. WJt. I.. VVKLiLB, w .u. r. VTM Tt MA1HM. V7. S. mil. CtliPMAV, Lod-re Pfpufy. rT-EXCZLSIOi; PK.-TtSE LODUE, Ko. 1. Plaits month, hoUa r5!ar moi'lrji on tlic tbird Wcdaes 4uy evtniDCBof auoh tnon'O. Bro ti. V. CHAPMAN, W D T. Xiro. W. L. Wslls. W D S 6Uter B. J. Jdoaia jxiIt, W D V T. r-y-STAHGr- I Or. LODGB No. 8, Mt. Ue:.saDt, hold rejy!a' n-eiinri rverv Saturday ever.iue B.-n- K. A KIEKPATEICE, W. C. T. H. T. irCfiUKH. W. P. lira V. 11. TIV.BLIK, Lode Deputy. 5 "J" EXCELSlOTi LoCge. o. 9. Aihlatd, holds retilar meetir.:a every Tue?da v even iop. A. MAllU .K, W. C. T. Pro. W B. WiBBB.TT.., W. !t. Bro. J. J. Woodkow, L D. LADIES' Icq Ore am Saloon. Cj i'f.itr, on Jonr tctt of Blactr ft HutUiy' 'rug is I are. Wbere we get np th very bet qi.illty of Cream Ard take pleasure in .orviur it fcy th ii!h, or wo have small rrerieta, and can Uip'y church fairs, festival, partiss oi families with aur quantity, on sbor. notice. A?, Ix-low. w tiavo tli tit aftortmer.t of all kinds .f Pancy and Slik O-ndy, Fruits. Nuts. To bsc. o. ChjiCJ Cigars, etc., to be fnaud in the city. jr3 8a II. J. Ulitl'jUr. IVOT3CS 7o all pcrror.s wLura it may concern; Ton are hrey cotifled not to creJit my wifo tiertrud V. Clark ua civ arco iD'; as ho hav int; is.'t my bej and b?jrd I wi'l t ot piv atiy debts contracted by her CD toy Hceoin t under any circumstmce wha'over. jy 1 g J AMLS W.CLAKK. Br tws 9 enatVeaa 4ss MRS- L. B. JOKES, (ft Kebrasks City, won!d refpectfnlly Inform VLt ladies of Plattmonth that she has taken np her re ldnce in Uii place for the purpose of CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING if required. Ladies nd CbiWrens' Druses, Cloak?, Dasara. etc. MACtlKB IsTITCHlXG done al..o. AlT work will be executed with neatoe.-s, and will reeei vs prompt attention. She will enieaTor ta give satisfaction, and therefore solicit the patronage of the of this i lace and vie ni:y. Ret idenca, corner Vine and 4th streets. In Adams' brick' cov23li:6m JUST DECEIVED And for siile at low Cgtirea, 10 t it COFFSC, 13 Mf SUGAR. 6 IIU DRY APPLES, 5 bUt DR Y PEACHES tc , i.o. Alxo, s la-ge assortment of Pine Lumber, LATH. FHTK1LZ1. DOORS, WlXnOW SASH, WISDOW BLISDS. Ol.ASS. CEMKNT. PLAHTES PARIS, HAW, COAL OIL, Eto LSZINGTON COAL, 250 kushels, to which we inviie the etteation of ltlAcVtmittb aa J o:trrs as to quaiiiy and piic-. We are Atronts for ihs tiOOOlN COAL BANK, at Lex ington, and propose to furnijb a'.l the Cotl this country wants at prices te suit. AUo a larg stock of Byo, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry , Easpberry, Blackberry and Glrger E.sndy. Call aai see na. fclSirsOS, MICICELWAIT 4 CJ. jc d3 wtf SHANNON'S Feefl, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., Pi-ATTSMOCTn I cm prepared to e;crrn;cut"e th pnblle wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, AIjc, a nice Hearse, On s'lert notice nd reasonable terms. A Hack will run ti stean-.l oat landing, and to ell parts of the city trhen desired. mt2? J. TV. S1UNXOS. Platte Valley Mouse C, H. Pabmeie, Proprietor. Corner of Jijain and Fourth Streets, l'iatf smoutli, Xeb. tJBoard ty tbe day or week. my m:ttsio Mrs. Cats fwrsox havinp ben solicited to ta large berciass in Music, both Vocal and Instrumen tal, I-a conciudrc) to do so, and wi II give lemons on th fisDo and Orao to those desirous of becoming psrroraiers on the same, terms, eio...siveu en sp ttr rexidence on Main street. ap4 Sta TAKE IVOTICE. Bounty Incriised. Pensions dm Sol diers and their heirs. V. M Dorriniton hs this day ireee'ved from th Department, tlie I, aw in fnll with new blanks for the co!lcri! jn of additional bounties and increased Pen-Hioc.-i. end i i ready to prosecute all such claims as may '"- entrns!d o his cire. Cal aud cxuuIdk. Flint claimed is flint sorvl. . m. EORi.ij(ir a. PlattKmouth, Aig. 10, 186a. dti at. Tncttn a D. EC. Wheeler & Cc, Real Estate Agents, PLATTSMOUTH, N. IV, Offer for sle the fyllowinj Bssl Sstate. Coe; Tp Cltt r.t h T f nortleast qnsrter 32 VVet l.tlf northwest quarter S3 13 13 13 13 11 11 11 10 11 14 13 10 10 12 IS 10 10 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 13 1'i 13 11 11 14 11 IS IS IS IS 13 IS 14 IS 13 It IS 13 13 13 U EC' 8C 80 1 1 6fi 4 s m i l a i as ie South naif nor'-heast quarlor 32 f y:it half southeast quarter ct MortUeust quartor ' 18 PcJth:et quarter 82 WsKt Biir soutna3t quarter CJ North b-ir sontbeiist quar'er IS Wttl half nonheHt quarter 3 N'orthxt quaitrr nnrihwost qr IS Wot h.lf eouthwtqurter 11 Kant bitlf southeast quarter 4 Sr.niliwe-t quarter loutheast quarter 4 South hi.:f noilUwet quartar 13 Korthwest quarter 22 Kast hilf soaths-ost quarter 13 Worth half ROU'heiSt quarter l!) Korth half (omnwfst quarter 10 Wait half northwe-t quarter 8 Northest quarter 31 Ifndividrd half southwest qnart'r S3 Kast half northwest quarter 1 Northwest oaaiter northsast quarter 1 44 Lotin the city of riattsmou!;j Lot Block Lot Block Let D 2 S 23 13 C4 o 8 3S 9 83 6 M 6 38 8 3i 8 W ia tsr 10 80 H fS 9 123 1 u A 9 8 A3 9 The north ba'f of 8 47 THOMPSON'S ADDITION. Eit h iif cf 1, 4. 7, 8 and 10. rviuin i. a i oi uicct Loti 3 and 7 'n L!jck S. .r under fence, .1 I 2 story frame hoi.s e.'wvu w anj sprinjf. and vood raairir waor. flonty of Ut br fr Bre-wojd. Plica 3,750. BAKERY. groceries & rnovisioi:?, MATHIS & SONS. (f ccc ssaora to J. Parcel A Sons.) PLATTSMcrm, Ne1i EeD constantly on haad a good supply tf FXESII DUE AD, PIES, CAKES ar.d e"f.rythir.5 In the line. Also GROCERIES $ PROVISION'S of all kinds. Waxted : Country Proiuce, Putter, T.s.-, 4 JCS" Give us a cal. rcrt. 23, 1SG8. JORTH MISSOURI RAILPvOAU TO St. A AT? ALL P01MS EAST Via L O U 1 Corriects n ith the Hannib il & St Jteph R U. Macon City, li?5 miles eft ct St. Joseph it'd f'rt The Only All Jlail Iion'e fr m AlchUon and S Makii fc direct ani reliable connections with Fnmciss Express Tr.aiBi Leavinir St I.o iis Ht 2 o'clock fn the af'Prnnon, rnt niiisr tl'roi:i(h to all Upturn citie without a 0 matit s dcUy. FiBJfLKcrs Fiiirf to Philadelphia, X?-o York, r. nlimor. X'ahinrlQ Sit'-hur t. S'liuia, l li-vrtana. an,i an JVVjo i".'ifirTi TiAttJi on'f Citiet, Via tc i.boT3 Hue hve li ss chwcts of Cars at I-Ialte Quicker Timo Than "by any oMinr ronte. P.ipeenurrs coinj S roints In Central j.nd Souteri Ohio, Certral an Sou'ht rc"In(!i.:ra, St u.hcrn lll;u and i l pniat n K-r-tuciiy r ake sevral ho ; s quicker time tha cai. b.i iiittilo ;a amy oth-r rcne. Tl.r.. t?h litieti- can be rurcba ed at all Ea.Iroa" Ticket 'dices i;i tin west. Pe ' unrtorstooit , thut tl-" fire to h'1 points ea-t I the . me via the Nona Ml-s.un R:i,irod and Ft Ln'Ji a s by w .y cf Chicago or any other r uto. too via St Louis i,uci. ISAAC Ii STITRGKOK, Pre ident and (jen'l Sa't, St I,ni , Vot j II. H. WHEELEU, Ccn'I Tick-t Aient !t I.r-ui-. Mo. V. W. EHSINfiKK, Gta'l Freight Apeht St I.ouis, Mq, t P. Ii. KARIET. A Pent, bt l.onis. Mo, L. M. l'UX;i, Oto'l. Western Ant.St Josvpb. Mo. Heal: Est at o OFFICE iy MASOyiC BLOCK PLATThllOCTU, XEERASZA. H--" X.X .afiC JGA. SX 353 Lot S in block 7, good residence, WjII and oaV i Lot Ii in b'Tek' 62 n po-d two-ftTT re-idenca briek baenn-n.. wl . baru and o'her outhaiidinrs. A raru chance for a good i' veHtment. Lot 11 in Mock 173, building with Jwo rooms anj cellar CooJ 'or a buall caniwl. Lot 10 in b'ock 27, good residence, with all tUs neceKniry outb'iiln?s. V-t h tif of e:i:iun 35, town 12, rane 13, tce!V er wit 1 .its acre oi x mner- wtie Luulred acroa tin der rultivat.on. Sight miles from l'lattiiiioutUineai Platte, river. An improvtd raim i-f eirhtv acres, rood hons. wen, vie., wi.u uve acres o gooa tiniber, E:;i;ty acres or 'and, partly improved, two aa'aj) halt u il-s from t!)e city. 160 iccres of pnr'ly improved Und, with 40 sc-t gf joai.ff timr, jitLaled 4 miles sou h of town. CH'ELLIXGS nt all price Any perrons wishir.R to pure!iae Fir:u-prop,rty, Kesidrnces in lows i Di,ii ititci lor sle at U .ric. Ey !to::::!;rviox. r,alional Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D C F. M. DORRINGTON, SUB AQNT:J PLATTSMOUTn, - - NEBRASKA Is prepared ta prpent and proseeu'e clatms bufosa . . . . . i .i.. r . -tm.itit. Pa. Conyre.3, cm i oi iiannf nun m vi'm . . tents, Pen-i ms, Buunt e, and Bounty Lands i euied. t''?"' Charges maderat , and in prnnortisa the amiuiit oftbe claim. v. M. LORHINOIOM. A,jril 10, 'O.j NOTICE All perons are hereby notified cot to trst my son, Gottfried Eeigart. on my account, as I will not pay any aeiits contractca ry mm, no navmg mi uij iDHreewunuui cm,.. June 27th, 1567. jy3w3 OEORGK KEIGAKT josEPn SCHLATEB, V7 ATC 5THAKEK and JEWEIEB, MA III STkEST, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA A rnnA assortment of Watches Clo . Gold Pens. Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fane Coods Violins ind VI- olin Triinmines always on nana, ah were com mltted to his cars wl.i be Warranted. April IS, IdliS. "'lacs to ret cheap Lsmps and Lamp Chintre U at ii BLACK, BUTT EH 1" et SO. FOR SAEE pod two-story brick store building. !2 by6 0fett Wit1i;ood cellar; for rurttiei particulars luqutre or taw TueelJxn oakd op Scuofoi Dimectobs . to Plack. Bat'ery U Co.'s for yocr L l T Lebric aadator.j. EXITS A STOCK I XG SUB STA If. TIA LL Y COMi'L E TE. Cnittcgt.tbe Iiecl and Narrowing off Ttbeos sv rot s along. rT&&TZ rr its nwT nJC" KA'ITS AX Y SZE, from two loops, forming s corfl. np to its full capacity I n'JDEXS AXD XARUOWS, by varyinC the una ber of loops, and Knits the V.'ide Single Flat Wet4 The Double Flat Web, The Plain Ribbed Flat Web, and the Fancy Ribbed Flat Web, With Selveges. IVo other Machine in the woa'Icl can do airy geic of these things. IT KNITS Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, Jackets, Breakfast Capes, Sacks, Skirts, Undershirts. Drawers, IJjy's GuitJ, Children's Cloaks, Snow Shoes, Leggias, Gloves, Mittens, And a great variety of Fancy Fabrics. Knits a yard of plain wo'k in ten minutes, a pair of ccks ciaapl. te m hair an hour. For Fan:ilW'S. Wool Growers, Mar ufacrcrers. Mer chants, Aio., it is the mot money making and 1-itor s.iviuc invention cf the as-. Kr im 100 to 150 pet c-'nt profit on every nriicle it produces Women are ; arn.n rri,m S' to p'T wcrs, alliums nooierj and st-iple tint f.tacy worsted articles. Kvery Mi.c!une wrrautcu to woit as represeu'.eti. For circuUrs, ad lre.s wi-.h atamp No. 11 North 5th St., St. Louis, ?.Ic 5Q"Geacral Agtni3fcr the We3tan5 Southwest. ncTiH. 'Unquestionably tho best gu tained work of tho kind in Xh9 wo " HARPER'S New IIonthly Magazine Critical yolices of the Press. It is the foremost Miijraxine of the day. The fire side never Lai a luorcuciipl.tful companion, nor Ui million a more ent. r.ri -ins frienM, than Harper 9 jlaitazine rrvtCfititit ( K;iitimo e ) Tne mofl pojiuiur Jiofiniy iu mc wgiiu. n York Ob" frier. V.'e ni'ist refer in terns cf tn'.y to the hi-h tot. and varied exrereiifis of Hurler's i!,iira7.:r.e jonrnal with a moutbiy ciicul.itiou of about 17. .0C3 copies ,n ao.e 1 ag' S are u n iounu sunt w i"o choicest licht and ccueri.1 rending of the day. We peak of this wi rk as aa rvidem e ol tue cwi.uro oj the American p-?i pl ; and th? popn! irlty it litis ac quired i merit-a. r.rcn liuiiiwer cuwii.a -uy t. pagiS o: ruulug-niut ter, approTi iair u'"'ujl o with pood rood-cms: tni it couiliiues in itsrif th,: racv monthly and the more philos'.liicl qanr'.e-ly, blended with the b-t f..-:liire of the daily j tt.-tiai. U has creat lwcr in th? .Ii eniirwtlon of a lov o! pur literature. x'ruoutr'g Ouida to Au.cri':au Literature J.owlnn.. Tho vo!uni.-s bound constitute of thent-'MV s a n- 1'iarv of i,ii-ce Uue us re i iing tneh as rj. miot l. foitml in the Fame in any cttier p'ib.ica i..s that bus coiua under o'.:r no':ee. L-ieton tuUi ur. SCBSCr.IPTMKS : 186 7. The Pcali-liws hive perfect.; la system rTrouiUnJ ty wliL-h they can mpp'y tho MaGAzisk ard VV kle tT prcmjitly to those v'.i pr Iw to ix" ive thei periodicals dip ct from th' ( Ulre of l'ub iratii. The po.-tnge o:i Harpi-r's ira'zin is -4 cenls a. year, which uiut fcs paid at ilio stilmeriOeor't pe- .Cce. TERMS : ' TTarper'Jt Matrszine, t ile year $4 00 An i:xtra ; py of eitner the Mag or Weekly will be supplied jj-ati for every Ciub of Five fcub scribors il fi 0" -aih, iu ou reiuii.t:iucj ; or &i C. pi.-s Sir -0 10. jijck Xuru';ers can re seppl . d at any t'n e. A Complete ?r-t, now coin? r.-inir Thiny- hree Vol umes in neat clo h l iti.lip'. v. i!l I e srnt by expres-si freiKht at expense of pnrebas.-,for il 27 per valuma. Single volunic', by niail. p'stpid, ii CO. CIo;h Oam iee, fT bindirjtT .";: ten: , by niail, TOitaid. ?ntseript ii'Ms fetit fr; m P.n'ish North Anvcri an Provinces must be accompanied wi:h 24 c uts addilioaul, to prepay Uni'eJ tat- s potape. Ad dress HAUPKE &. liSOrUKIUJ, novlA Franklin Fiuare, 'tv 1i"oijk. GET THE BEST 1 v;ebsteivs Unabridged Dictionary, XEVT ILLVSTRATED F.D1TIOX. Th or'.-rrh'y revised acd much enlarged. Over 8,006 Fine Kasravinirs. Is a Wrll-riicli inuis en nablo rrq'..i--ie for every Intel. iger.t family. It contains 10 000 WOKUi and iJEAlSOS Dot finikd ino her Dictionaries . It is n-jw bo:ievd to lie by far tho m?t complete, useful and stisljctory 1) c.'orarr of the lar.i;Ujft ever pub ished, as it is by far tbo larg' tt filii'le Vwi aae everisscctl iu any lariiintze. In one vol ef 1,840 Qur.rto Pages. rt:itiied v G A-C. Si K'KF:iAM, fcprin(-tiild, Ma3 ,JLD BY ALL MOOESELLER.1. ETUPPY & BEHE, " Ko. IS Eorth Fifth f trtet, ST. JOSEPH, ... Missouai, D'slers in FIAXCS, CIGAU3 E EL OLE C IT , Violins, Guitar5, F'ufes, Accord eon'. Flntinas, U sie Hooks acd Sbcet ilrsie. Gtcnin Italias asd O m ta Vi-- i.ri-:i.jfca kiiLd. Biizytvla. Euinod Out, BUT HOT DISCOTTBAQED. T. TT. Shryoek is ajain a' the old stand prepared to wait n ton his former' rr.ers, and the putdte gn'-rai'y. If y i wa-ii a:ytlMr:g i: bspe of it arar iu:e .tt riMlrb, L.rti m.1. 5:d airft r. mj Mau,l'.iUJai(,bl X. T. CLARKE, PORTER & ERWIN, ATTOIINEYS AT LAW; And Solicitors in Chancery, tTAijr st.. otpoiite ran covrt-uocse PLATTSMOUTH, h'EB. AtLCgD J. CLABKr, DB fOAiil PCATIK, WM. w. KRWtX. tisjr- REAL ESTATE AGEXCY.-g Jsn21 wtf T,Ttii. StadelEnaun & Co., Out door west of Donelan's Drug-store; Dealers la Ready-made Clothing, CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS; SATS, CAPS. EOOTR. SHOES, TBI'S KS, VALISES, ill t general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS Fer the Plains; Also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHING. REVOLV ERS AXD NOTIONS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal.. tad examiueeor atock before you buy any where e icl Jjl Wm. BTADELMAiiS CO. Dr. J. S, McADOW, nATIXO RCTrRKED TO HOCK BLCFFfl TO practice Physic, otl'eis his prefessional service! to his old natrons and public generally. Particular attention paid to diseases of tha EYE. A cure guar, antatd in all curable caiies. Charge moderate same as one year ago. jel'i6m Clleg. TLE, f. X. KA.Tf.9kt J. .OLAB Tootle, Hanna h Clarfe, BANKERS, Dealers la Gold ESusl. fto.d and Silrcr Coin, EscSiange, U. S. and other feitocla. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and rpocial ailontion given to Collection PLATTSMOUTn, N. T. t dwtf a. AEUP, B. A. FEIKKMAS. S. ADLEIl & .. BECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS, Des'ers in all kinds of Foreign and Dom"st;i WITt'ES, LIGUCR3 AUD CIGARS. XO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQ VAIiB, Si, Jc3epli ocQfl ly ABR DTJT OBACK'S STOMACH BITTERS, AUr years of ex)erience ami trial, Iiato proven to be the best remedy extant lor all complaint where n tunic an4 stimulant are required. They -novo fail to strengthen tho weak, impart vigor to the Btrong, and in all respccU ' restore shattered and brokendon constitutions. Ko remedy bis been IB received with as much favor as Ko- BACK'g STOilACU ElTTK&g. In ClliCftgO ' ff, OVER 50,000 lxttles were Bold by on drun-houso in tlie past year. It is n. mitU'd by our most lorned phvsiciarsa thnt Dr. KO BACK'S STOMACH Jil'B TER3 combine tho properties of gentle laxative, an etlicieut uiiU-biliotin gent, and the best stomachic known to -rf" the world. ROBACK'S BITTEKS should 1 be used by convalescents to strengthen if the prostration which always follows acute II dixease. In the ILIOUS dmlricts of the West nn South there has, for a Ion;? time. lern much needed an article of BTO.M AC'Il BITTEKS, which, if taken in proper quantities, and nt the proper time, are A sure preventive of Billons Fever, Fever and Ague, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Jaundice, Kidney Complaint, and all diseases of similar nature; and are better as a preventive for bilious derangement, regulating T. A iSD strengthening the system, and ply ing tone to the digextive organs, Itinn any other known remedy. Now tlint tne war is over, mere win tx innusnun seeking homes in tlie South. No pet. eon who values his life should go there without having constantly at hand the' T KiiUKit, as a snjeguara againm epi. domic and malndios engendered by mi asma and polluted water. Travelers and all residents of the rank river-bottom C OtTNTIES of the West and South, and the valley of tlie Mississippi and it ribtttariCH, should provide themselves with the BITTEKS. There is probably no one disease with which mankind art) afflicted which is the source of so many all merits as dyspepsia, or as it is more ' E commonly called Sour Stomach, and there is no more certain remedy than Boback's Stomach Bitters. They are never known to fail. ING CHOLERA has always been much dreaded by the public, and people hare resorted to all manner of medicines to arrest tho progress, but witb little success. A sure cur and preventive is to be found in tho ti!o of Df. ROBACK'S 6CANDINA. R VIAN REMEDIES. Keep the bowela open with the Pills, and invigorate the system by free use of the Stomach Bitters, or, if the blood be thin, use the ruriLer, , J VCH an invaluable remedy should fce) sent in every tamiiy. iveep tne system few yigor and nothing is to be feared from disease or cholera. THE OLD L J RELIABLE. Do not be deceived by u-k-" the various names cf Bitters. Purcn none other but Dr. ROBACK'S STOMACH BITTERS, which are com pounded of the purest drugs, and In which the afflicted can rely. ARB rUDTCE, "WALTON & COMPANY, (Snccessora to 0, W. Boback.,) SOLE PHOPBIETOHS, JTM. 86, SS, 60 and 63 East Third Str( CINCINNATI, O. ' i B Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine EVERYWHERE