N, S. HAROINO & CO., Hardware, PLASTIC SLATE, 1867. ISO 7. Wholesale "dealer An FOR am ;TTW1 1MB POST 0FFICB BC1LDINO E O O F I ;nt G NEBRASKA CITY, N. T AND OTHER PURPOSES. 32. WIIITIjSTG Boots , Shoes, R.UEBEPJ.S! NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, - MISSOURI, If constantly In receipt of all tha virions style from the manufacturers. Cash paid for Hides, Pelts, etc. nov7dly O. B. TKl-H, CALHOTTX & CKOXTOH, late Sup't Indian Afairi. 'Attorneyi at Law IRISH, CALHOUN & CROXTON. The abore named rentVmen have associated fhemselres in bufinct! fur the pn port of prosecut ing anil collecting all claims apainxt the General Government, or agaioi-t any tribe of Indians, and are prepared to pro-ecufe nuch claims, either before CongreM,or any of the Departments of (iOTcrnnient or bofore the Court of Claim, Wa. lnim will devote his personal attention to t! c business at Washington. Office at Nebraska Cfty, corner of Main and F.fth streets. REAL EST AT i 35. EE. Wheeler & Cc, Real Estate Agen;& PLATTSMOUTH, N. T., Offer for sale the following Bail Estate. Sec. Tp B J 11 12 12 13 11 11 14 11 13 1 13 18 13 13 14 1 13 II 12 12 12 12 Fat half northeast qaarter West half northwest quarter Booth half northeast quart r N'orrhbaif southeast quarter Northeait quarter pouthwet-t quarter West hulf southeast quarter North half utbeait quarter West baif nuttheojt quarter Northwest quarur northwest qr West hulf soTithwe.it qurtor East half southeast quarter 23 23 32 82 18 82 2,1 13 3 13 12 4 12 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 12 10 lu 12 13 10 10 10 11 13 It SO 0 60 160 1 60 SO 41 3 4 Fouthwe-t qMarter southenst quarter 4 South half northwest quarter 11 Northwest quarter "22 East half othwest quarter 13 Sfnrth half southeast quarter 10 Korth half southwest qiarter 10 Wet half northwest quarter S Northeast quarter 21 Undivided half southwest quarter 23 Kat half norihw it quarter 1 S If 13 t KorthwPbt quarter northea-t quartf-r 1 11 it ILotsin the city of Plattsmouf i. Lot- Bl.ck Lot Block Ut B' S 6 23 13 f4 5 a 8 3 9 3 S 6 38 8 3- iH 10 &7 10 90 PJ 0 12!) 1 U 4 12 4 2 C 34 & Ji The north hulf of 3 47 THOMPSON'S AUDITION. sthalf of bloelf 1, 4. 7, 8 and 10. South ha f of block S. ' LoU 6 and 7 in block 5. Wait half section 82, township 11, range 14. 1 acre nnder lence, 112 Mory frame house, e-oc-d w aud spring, and g Kid runninz wafer. :enty of ti' ber fjr fire-vrood. Piice J3,i50. BAKERY, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. MATIIIS & SONS. (euceesssors to J. Parcel t Son.) PLATTSMOmi, Neh, Keep constantly on h jcrl a good supply t-f FRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES and everything In the line. Also GROCERIES cj- PROVISIOXS of all kludj. Wanted : Country Produce, Butter, Egg , l S3" Glve'ua a call. acpt. SS.1SC3. TVTORTII MISSOURI RAILROAI 1 TO St. LOU19 AXD ALL POIXTS EAST Via ST, LOEJIS Connects with the Hannib..i St St J sep'i K H. 9 Macort City, 18d miles etst of St. J jsepii a'ld for.r Tha Only A1 Rail Rout fr-.m Atchison and .1 Joph to Si Ijniin, Making direct and reliable c nnections with. Famous Express Trains. Leaving St Louis nt 2 o'clrck in the afernoon, ru ninpr through to all Eastern citie. without a ra ment's delay. Passengers going to Philadelphia, iTeio York, Ea'ttimoret, Wahinyto PitMiurff. Buffalo, Cleveland . awl all JVfric England TiHcnt and Citif, Via the above line have lcis chang. s of Cars ar Make Quicker Time Than by any other route. Tassen-ers going points in Central and P jut'ern Ohio, Central aa foul hern Indiana, sou hem Ill'Dul", aid h!1 point in Kentucky make ever I bntirs quicker time tha can be mails via any oth r route. Thrcush TiclieM c:m be farchaeil at ail Railroa Ticket 'Ujces in th weft. v . Be it understood, th .t the fare to a'l points ea.-t I the same vis the North Wsnuri liarlricil and Ft Louis as by way of Clicgr or any other r ate, . O via tl LodiS Koute. I? A AC II STTIIOKOK, Tre-ideDt acd tien'l St1.'t, St L ini , Voi II. 11. 1VIIKKLEIC, . Ccn'l TicV.i't At ent. t't I.uis, Mo. W. W. E1ININGKR, Gen'l Fr?itht Agent St Liaiis, JIo. P. 1!. EARI hV, Agent, !t 1 Mo, i, m. iu:;n, Gen'l Western Agent, ft Joseph, Mo. F.-HII. DORREATGTOr. Heal Estate OFFICE IX MASO.XIC BLOCK riATTSJTOCTf, XECRASKA. 3 JVL. 3333 Lot 6 la block 47, gocd residence, well and out buildings. Lot 12 In blcck 62. a good two-ftory residecca brick basement, we! , barn and other cntbnildings A rare chance for a good i vestment. Lot 11 in block 173, huiidinj with two rooms and cellar. Good chance for a small capital. Lot 10 In block 27, good residence, with all that necessiry outbuildings. Wet half of section town 12, range 13, toee'h er with 3o acres of timber- One hundred acres u der cultivation. Eight miles from I'lattsmouthjnea I iaite river. An improved farm of eighty acres, good honre well, etc., wltn uve acres o good timber. Eighty acres of land. parCy improved, two an aJ naif nines from the rur. 160 acres of partly improved land, with 40 acres of young tun'r, situated 4 miles south of town. JOSEPH SOT LATER, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER jf ais Street, - PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA A good assoitment of Watches CIo-k- CoMPrn J. welry. Silver Wara, Kane? Coo s Violins and V olia Trimmings always on hand. All work coin mltteu to his rare will b war'anted. April 10, Itttf. THOMAS C. CREXSHA7, . g FAUREB OV ilO DEALEa I.V Saddles arid Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CVRRIE CombSf Spur;, Lashes, hips, $-c. M.i in j Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - - N. T AMISON, DOVEY &, CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK c-f QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHIKG, &C, Ever Ofiered in this Market, i LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant FLOUR, BACON, Thankful for past Patronage, we iness to merit a coniinnance 01 me -scumc. Call and examine our stock. FlatlUmouth, April 10, 1S6 .- tf 1 pictures taken of all Kinds A-fitrrrolTDos. rhoto?rat)h. Gem Pictures, Alfaumf, &c, constantly kept on band. oiAda to or er, of any size Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! fTas moved into his new brick bnilding on the t -ner or Main street and Levee, whe,e he i laily re eivins large add.tions to his already extensive -tock of . . G-ROOBRIBS AND X-a X TJ O 2. 3 . ITe offers tin w 'r ll:t n f liarf , :n. . 1 . ' j v.niun,v iiiaimurrs. and reque-ts a call frm those who want anything in his line to test the advantage in prices with those t f others. Kemembor the BRICK CORNER, and give bin a call if yon wish to buy cheap. nov2 8. ADLEK, B A. rElKMAX. S. ADIiER & CO , RECTIFIERS J2JVD DISTILLERS. Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domestio WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. aVO. 14, EAST SIDE 21 ARRET SQ CAKE, SC. JosepXi, oc ly FURNITURE, COFFINS, AND Cabinet - "Work ! II- BOECK IT.ivlnir enlaped his Fhop nd Sales-rooms won'd respectfully rrmind th pt-ople in thi vicinity that he can furnish them w th the very best furniture. Chairs, oro hrr Cabinet-work, at the most r'ason alile rate. I shall k-p con-tat.tly on hand a larpe ass ir'ment of Eutlrrn H'orlr, and am also preparrd to iranuractu' anyiiiioe in my line on short notice. A large assortment of Keai'v-uiade Collins k''pt at all tlms. Ca'l and examine my tock and prices. jelOdiwtf u. bOKCK. Hnnnilml & St. Joe R. R & 1 clUKUl JjIHC. One of the C"rnrinv Etfamers leaves daily frai every point on the Ins"uri Kiver above ft. Jo-tfph, nd anivts at M. Jos'i b in time to collect with the express train on the Hannibal A 't. Joseph Railroad for Uann:bat, at which place connection is made the iains even. w ilh one of the Ke-'knk Packets. which arrives in tiuif to connect with next mon inz trains Out af St. Louis for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis Till'-, Tene Haute, Wathia ton City, B'timore, I'niladelplii.i, New York, Ho-lon, srii to al! olher Eastern. Northern and Southern Cities. Tl.eat'ove mentioned lines of elecant 1'ncketn are conc-deJ by all travelers to b the bet on the western waters. TUKOLGIl TICKIIS For sale to Ft. Louis, and a I Kastern, Nortliern and Southern cities via tin above lines at Denver City, Omha. Council i;!utf, Plattsmooth, Nebraska City and t at! oiher princi,. .1 t cket ctiio's in tbe west. if"Me.ils aud State-rooms fre ! R. F Kil. Sitp't It K. P. L., fct. of ph. II. Q. i'llOdoy, Src'y II. U H. U.St. Joseph J. D. SIMPSON, Asrent, a S5 1'laLtsmouth, Nebraska. 'The plkre t9 eel Pe'ftimerr af all kinds is at A BLACK, hVTTEBY A CO.'S. m x JPVttt wants. CORN, OATS, &C. hope by strict Attention to bus Pifitiire Gallerv. rir &c A good assorfmpnt of Cases Frame. Gilt and Kosewood Molding, or Frame W. D. GAGE. Y. n. DAVIS. C! i Y DOGT AMD SHOE AND LEATHER STORE. We are sellirg B.Kit, .Shoes afdT Leather, ar store on M io i-tietrt, cne doer West ofttie Is Valley l'ouse, CH EAPER tl-nthe CHEAPEST We are manufacturing nviirl: f: cm the very bet o! stock, aid will accomnvjdate ail who may give us a call. Repairing-dorse at all limes (-AGE DAVIS. A tiff. 20, '6G i!&wtf CITY MEAT MARKET, AND ; Empiro Meat Market, : jThe.n ndersigned is now prepsmd to furnish tie cltiin,i of this place vj ith the best, FRESH BEEF, MUTTOy, I VEAL, PORK, AXD BACOS I also keep , i EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTA TOES, AXD VEGETABLES, and will pay the highest marhet prica for all klndj of COUNTRY PRODUCE. ! WM. P. MORE1SON. Puttsmouth, May lp, d4m. Apothecaries Hall. PaELDjWniTOCER & Co, No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, . NEB. y Dealers in DRUGS & MEDKKES, Paints Oils, Putty . GIas3- Patent Metlicincs of all kino tarticlcs, gt Konery, and everythibR kept in rst-class lroj btore, at Eastern pricts. 3 We are preparf d to fill all orders, and warrant onrocds to be fresii.. apr. 10 'ti National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON, D- C F. M. DORRINGTON, EfJO AUtNT.-J PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, Is pr-pared to present and prosfin'e claims befM Congress, Coart of Claims and the Dept.. menu. Pa tents, I'en-ions, BoCnt es, and Kounty Lands euied. f-Cbarge? maderat , and in proportion to the amiuiit oftb eli!m, V, JI. UORKlNGIOV. April 10, '69 j WHOLEf ALK AXD RETAIL DEALERS LV SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agents for all the prinoipal MA GA ZIXES and XE WS PA PER S, For which Subscriptions are received at rutlisfccn frices. THE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE -a- r.ii3 i To Chicnno. Ih-troit. TrJsrtn at. T.mtix. LafayeU. Indianupolis, Cincinnati, LobUville, A'ashvilli, Cairo, Jfrntp'.is, Colum'iti, Wheel I'ittsburg , Bhjj'oIo, JCinaara Fill-a. Hart is- vary, uaiiuiiorr. ii as, tti ytou, rttlarleljiua, . Keio Yvrk, ,tu?i, dee., Is va the old, reliable Central Rente the Hannibal & St. Jo, R. Ii. rS?Take the If A ST. JO Tf T) . Tr. r n 'r. t...t:.. ,..;. " PLATTSMOUTH To St. Josep'i,. where connections are unJe with Ttvo Daily Ezpress Trains On tlie II & Pt. J.m. R. R , run thrnntsii from Sa in Josepn ly tiuinoj without chanpe of cars. CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi.h Chicago. Burlinston A Quin-y, and To'cd. Wala-h A Western l.aiiro.;tis fir all nninn North and South. For St. Louis Close connection made at MACON with NORTH iuio?uLHi ii. n.. tor ot. i.i.ms, and nt Hannibal wit iany suss, iuver facKet for St. L.iuis. meals and staterooms tree, leaving every ev."riiii(r on arrival ol trains irom tne w.st, ana arriving in Pt Louis orx rnrui -g in teason tor o siness, and to connect with inirago, Alton m. Loins, Terre Haute. Alton & S; I.ouls, and Otiio .Misshetppi Kailioads.for all point .U9 al Ui L H ail'l OVUIU. XF.W SLEEP IXG CARS Run on Xijtht Traini. S I'uv votir throttffh t:, v..t vt t' .nn.i..t . c. I Jo Ii. R. nt their ticket ( dices in ftnmi.u i.' i .. it . i' . ... . . i . . . a'-'l on each Packet in the lin-, aud en iov t lie" cc sciomness of haviuir taken iti ci.r. ". quick r. ute eaf C. W. MEAD.'Gen Sop I . B. ti CO AT Oen'l Ti--... 1 II. 11. COUUTKIGI1T. Oen l Fr't A Dealer In Hardware, Cutlery ROwV, JVJILS, STOVES JXD TLYIMRE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Also, A?ent for the Sal of the C lol.rated JfAGEE COOK iTOYES, Ay R R A XCH, CROOKS A t(.1 SA II S. SIGH OF THE EIO PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Eolow the Seymour Ilousc, on opposite side, NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct25 WAGONS! J. R. POINTER & CO Aro agents in this city lot the fale of the' celebrated ' South Bend Wagons," Hado by Ptud' baker Rros They have on hand . food assoitmeiit, wl ieh will be r" pletiislici as fast as ended. Ihey piopose to stll at the very lowest jrures. Plattsmouth, March 28. tf Boot h Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at their old stand, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN" STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - ... N. T. We keep constantly on hand a largo assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at tli lowest cash prices. Iiej)airing done at suh rt no tice. JKkT-All Work Warranted. J THROCKMORTON. A. niUOCKMORTOy. Oct 25 '06 f BJRY.AJSTT'S COLLEGE Conducted on the ba-is of Actnal Business, by an experienced Accountant and superior Penman, whoa LONG CONNECTION with the most popular Commercial Collegi o' th Union enures thorout?hnesr and reputation to every graduate, and commands the best positions. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to all styles of Penmanship, on which wo hava been awarded the first Premiums for many years at various State Fairs. The Collere is always open to ''fcors, and eircn lars c intaining fall particulars, w ill be sent to any address. THO't! J, HEX ANT, Pres't, mrl St. Joseph, Mo- namLLcox& IIfMI Oftliltift IBBS E OLIIIUU III I The Champion!- of 136 firetpr- seasons. stronger and I J 14 miums in two U U " Its eeam is less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judge' llepcrt of Vit Grand Trial. ' ' Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0EKZXL ft CO., Gen'l Agents, 139 Laka Bt , Chicago. F IP. TODD, Loral A en, Plattsmootk, Neb su? w- r l3 14 v n E. T. DUKE & Co., WTholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE- 'A6RICDLTDRAL' IMPLEHEKIS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WARE .STEEL PLOWS Of all kinJa "d whith Dt tho best in ,he nialket- Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents' In this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Give us a call we will not be undersold Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, LARGEST JVcst of Wholesale and HARDWARE, -A WD- Clothing of every description. WINES AND UQUOns OF ALU KINDS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUE ENS WARE; IRON, NAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required by EmGUAIVE,:FREInTEHS. SHEERS & FARlUEHSi And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock -AT FIRE PROOF BRICK:. Tootle, Elanna Sl Co4 Plattsmouth, April 10. C3 BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liors, for Kedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally, Farmers, freighters and pTiysiciana Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu! ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr, Black. nattsmouth, May 1st, 1S65, rf Iron, Brass, Japauetl Combination Coal Cook Stove. Main St., next door east of Masonic PLATTSMOUTH m. Wi t4 St. Louis. Retail Dealers in THI The prorcfi of rronftriiriiiifc.- gute Etao fiom a ui9iiji?ac'i iiine wis PATENTED FEU. 21st, 1S0.1 It ii a combination of Pulverized Slato and Viscous Matter, (tho InttT pricinc; qiii!:Meii of R..iojrical and chmiCkl ullinilT rl)r tl. f init-t,) anl fi a J vcljitn' nt f onj of n.r impli- but unal Urablo UiiO' H, of .nature. A3 A ROOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS UNRIVALLED. A m"tir it adapt it'oif fo ev.ry ehapa anj 'op,. Non-com Lcm,h!e. tmprrTioU't aoa-xpan'tra Frost Docs not Crack nor Ilcat Dissolvo it. The only Roifhiff Mnterial rer d:covrJ that wl!" rrbt th- nrcion f tho elwiimu aa kiiiK aa the ctrurturo it in t'cH. Itrjne un c.ptiblr nf lit', if any n'uar from esp ture aud PERFECTLY IT RE - TROOF. It i nil' qHallnI as a cnatir.; f r rilroid and frn. I'uililint'ii, bridtus, bottonn of vai"l, Tuults, nc. Materials for a! by ALFRED OSBOHX, Sole LIcensod for 'ebiaki, Douglas St. - - Omaha, Nob. myl ly Win. StndcZiiiniiu &. Co., On$ door u-esl of Don clan's Drug-slcrt, Dealers In Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HAT!'. C.I IS. ROOTS, SHOES, TR CSKS, VA USES, mi a rneral tcok of OUTFITTING GOOD3 For the Plain; alito, a lar; lot of RUBBER CLOTH LYG. REVOLV ERS J1XD A'OTIO.YS. Te bmiftM low and will avll c!.e:ip for rwh. C!. and examine our atock hefore von bnr any whrre r .l jyl '6 Wm.eUDHMAN.V a CO. IHoi. ' TLB, T I. HAxili I. I.OUII Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Go!d Dut Cioltl ami Silrcr Coin, Exchange, U. S. and other ktocL's- DEPOSITS RI2CEIVKD, and ppecial aitrntion given to CoJJectiorn PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. apD dXwlf 2ST E "W JEWELBY STORE The unli.crilier liavinu Jiirrhatrd the P.d Ftoi 2d street, l:itly rcenjiitil I y .irpy Bnd otlierp, would respectfully inf orm the citizen of I'lattpmoolh soil liclni'y. Hint bo has relitted the atore an I opened a large block of OT IE! "Tv 33 Xji "ST AM) FANCY ARTICLES For I.adie. Gentu, Children, and the rest ef man kind, Ld is prepared to do all k inds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWEL3Y REPAIRING In the be?t manner end would li im r,w in tr-r , old arid as nmtiy new cui-tnuie.Pi a- niny kiwh him thtir patronnge, asi-tiiiujr Ihern of their nork we.l done, at moderate pricw, and on abort time. -h etocw, etnbracii'K erery variety c t irKHlt uxuklly kept at flrst-eiass Jewelry Btora, will be sold n: prictn. ana warranted ol but workmanBalp .ci material, jlc has a so a small nock af FAMILY. GROCERIES, which will be replcniHhed from time to time, anl Bold at t1lf loTTPr tii..ilrfn lr.vi.. n nt ... . . ........ (tiuinucuii iv- cted in ilii, city. 1 reKpertinily solicit a share of r tronaite, and cordially invite nil to call and ttamms the utock on hand, an we wonld be p'.eased to serre Ton. and do not ntk T. J J ...-..r. r. w I, U Ul.- jt for ynur inu rcut to patreoiae tti. E. IT. SAT0K. JgURLINGTON AND MISSOUUI RIVER RAILROAD. 1 ' , " , 1 I8GG EASTWARD I8G6 Short and Quick Routo to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection with the rA. v.ii. a Oliicauo, Burlington and Quiney lUilroad. Three trains leavo OFinmr. A.,im An ...u,.i .a us Moines Valley trains. BUT YOUR TICKETS VIA 0TTTJMWA and BURLIKQT0B FOR SALE AT TT A 'PTctrviTTtr COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY, DKS MOINES, KNOXVILLE. ALBIA, MONROE, TELLA, OSKALOOSA, EDDTVILLrT, OTTUMWA B.igjjage checked from Ottumwa! to vnicago ana tne L.asi. Penrer. h.ivo el:rlr ,,t .11 lit. I In.. e. 1. Ini7 North. k.it v,rA Sinult, .n.l lll ti all prineipal peiuts tad by'all ro'l'esnt tl:eOtlum 1'assensers will find tl:i ronte Quid", Eifo and Sura in its connect;. .m. C. K. I'ETIKISS, Snperintender.t. L. CARPER, General yro,tU and laitrenger igaS Cli. KING Carpenter and Joiner CONTRACTOR and R JIT. DEB, Will do work io hii Una with n eatnes aa 4!r;Mr' tpoa aUcirt njtror. t 1