lie Tcbrauslui Serattl LOCAL NEWS. Ffim Wednesday' Daily. tysT'CoI. Worthington and John II. Salter, E?q., left for Omnha to-day. "The spscial term of tb District Court closed at 10 o'clock this mornicg. Judge Lake left immediately for Omaha rhere he will open tha rrgular terja for Douglas county. CTOur Nebraska Ctiy papers say the grasshoppers are moving northward. They have not arriTod here yet, but we learn they have made their appearance four or five miles south of this city. yfWi saw one of the "Marh Har TPSters" poing out of town a few days since, it having been shipped hero far th'ejuse of Rev. Thos. McCartney. The Waders stand upon the rnachin?, and the grain is brought to them by a belt simi lar to the straw carrier of a threshing ma rine. It only requires two men to do the binding. CS7"Thejury in the case of the State f Nebraska against George Kerns, after being in retirement since 5 o'clock yes. terday evening brought in their verdict at 10 a. m. to-day of '-NOT GUILTY" and the prisoner was discharged from custody. 5TTwo skiff loads of men arrived in in this city direct from Denver by water. There were five skiff left at the same t'.mt, but the other three have not yet arrived. The names of the party nro Wm N Smith, S II Jackson, W A Spencer, Jas Weber, Thus Choat. Wm Bueon, Hyatt Goodrich and Geo Lee. Thoj left Denver at 3 p. in. on the 20th cf June, lay by five days on the way, anu urrived here at 11 a in on the 2nd of July ; mak ing the trip in less than seven days run. From Mr. Smith o gather the following items in relation to the trip. They aw a party of about 40. Indian, 80 miles this side of Denver, chasing the carriage of Mr Bouton, of Ft Morg.n. They saw another party of tlx Indians at Coon Creek, near Wisconsin Itanche. This party fired two shots at the men in the skiffs, but did not hit any one. While passing the first Station the other side of Juleburg, the party was fired upon, but Mr Smith thinks it was the guard. It was dark nn J he could net tel. whether there were Indians or not. The boats left harcyesterday aftcrnooa for Leaven worth. Frsm Friday' VntlJ. g"The man Chapol was turned loe?e yesterday morning, and left for parts un known. f3?"We are glad to see the gonial countenance of B. N.wmaa on our streets opce more. He came down from Council Bluff to-day. C"The thanks of the people are due the members of the Plattsmoath Brass Cand who voluntarily turned out and played on the 4th. 3Tnel Marq-iett, Eq., brother of Hon. T. M. Marquctt, and Jos. McKin non, of Salt Crepk Valley, left f r the east yesterday, McKinnon will be absent about four weeks. 7"S3me boys are in tho habit of bathing every day at the mouth of the Creek South of Main street. They are in plain view from the bridge, and should be attended to by the Marshal (SfB. Newman &. Co. will remove their stock cf clothing from this city in a few days. Those wishing bargains will do well to call, as there will not soon be an other good a chance offered to buy goods cheap. "It is thought that the millinery business will be brisk in this city for the next two or three weeks. Several thous and dollars worth of dress goods and millinery goods were slightly injured yes terday by the rain. Deficient ArrEriTS. Arises from a disordered Stomach, and is best improv ed by plenty of exercise and mild purga tive of Roback's Sugar Coated Blood Tills. Roback'e Stomach Bitters will al so prove beneGeial. ti?"If any of our reiders have been tr9ubled to make light pnd uniform'bis cuits, it is more than probable that they do not use D. B. De Land & Cos Best Chemical Saleratus. That i9 a pure ar ticle, not detrimental to health, and sure in its effects. Try it by all means. Csome cowardly scoundrel urea a . couple of shot through the window of Amison & Dovey's store on the nieht of tho 3rd or morning of the 4th, and then battered the panel beneath the win dow with the end of his gun or pistol. They offer $23 for information leading to iis detection. We hope they may sue sieed in finding who it was. fcSTThe Omaha Herald states that 'entire fields of wheat in Cass county" 'have been destroyed by grasshoppers. . This is a mistake. We have not heard of a single field being destroyed yet. Some fields in the extreme southern por tion of the county have been injured but sone destroyed that we have heard of and we generally know as much cf Cass connty affairs as any one outside of the county. tlPrcm Saturday' Daily Za, ine storm on tba 4tn did some damage to Larenby's brick kiln. C"The river has commenced falling lowly. It only lacked one foet of being as high as it was early in the spriDg. l ereons desiring extra opies of to Weskly Herald containing Mr. Viane a Oration, will please leave their orders 00 Monday morning. gCuster'a late cavalry raids after the Indians, are compared by an old f rontlersman-to the hunting of wild dueks with brass bands. 3?" In compliance nrth a resolution passed by the people of this county on the 4th, we publish the oration of lion. Gaylo.d J. Clarke. We nre compelled to exclude nearly all other matter, but be lieve our readers will be well satisfied to sso the oration ia its stead. (57"The Republican publishes a cor respondence which endeavors to show that Lancaster City cannot amount to any thing because tho Penitentiary is locnted there arguing that tho institu tion is a damage to any plaee where it is located. Was that the opinion of our Omaha friends when they were so anx ious to locate it in Cass county ? CSquire O'Neil informs us that an excellent road has been completed from the ferry landing to Pacific City the best one across the Missouri bottom in the State of Iowa. We know it must be good because the mail has run regularly during the high water, and immigrants are traveling over it almost every day. Total Eclipse. Bev. J. K. Uravs, of Magnolia, Miss., in a letter dated March 27, 1860, thus describes an Eclipse" occurring at that place : "It works to a charm. Its sim plicity l indeed wonderful! AH who witness its speed and execution in the hands of Mrs. Graves are, perfectly de lighted and astonished! Her sister has been influenced to put away her 'Double Thread machine, which cost her $150, and purchase one of yours. The Wilcox & Gibbs is Eelipsing all others here!" rem Monday's Daily. gMaximillian was shot on the 19th ult., and Santa Anna on the 20th. Who will be the next victim ? "Tho Grasshoppers have concluded that Cass county is too radiaal for them, and havo turned baok upon Otoe. ijrRy a telegram from Rev. Geo C. Belts, we learn that two children of Rev. Mr. Dake, of Fremont, were drowned at that place a few days since. J"Thero aro several brick buildings in course of construction in this city; among others we notice the residence of Mr. Simpson and Mr. Herold, and the new county Fire-proof rooms. "5TFrom the St. Joseph Union we learn that Mr. C. XI. Rusiel, of Chicago, and C. W. Lymen, of Ocoonomonack, Wisconsin, who left Plattsmouth some time since in a skiff, werejupset near As pinwall, and Mr. Lyman was drowned. The Union says upon the authoiity of Mr. RubSoI, that Lyman was a Royal Arch Mason. The river was dragjed for his body but without success. (iyilenry Vanbibbor was recently ar. Tasted in St. Joseph on the iudietnsent for horse stealing. He is supposed to be one of the leaders of an extensive band oreraring tarougnout Karsas, rseoraesa and Northern Missouri. He was arrest ed on the charge of Mr. Couch, of Savan nah, from whom ho stole a pair of horses an a bugy lust fall. He drove the sto len team to Nebraska City, thence to Kearney, vihere he seld them. the language used in an article on tbo prospect of cropi throughout the United States : "Nebraska will have the larjet crop of grain ever known them," and that is saying a great deal. Nebrasi ka has always had good crops, but this year she will have "the largest ever known" here. And. wo may add-, the reports are similar from nearly every part of the Union. We have heard far mers say, "perhaps there may be a fail ure yet." We doubt not there may be failures in some localities, and partial failures in others ; but it is hardly rea sonable to suppose, with such favorable rdports from all portions of the country, that there can be any failure of sufficient magnitudo to kaep wheal and flour up to their present prices. There is yet con siderablo surplus wheat throughout the country, and we even know of several hundreds of bushels in Cass county, notwithstanding it was long ago supposed that she wae drained so close that flour would have to be shipped here for home consumption befera the new crop would be ready. We like to see our farmers get a large price for their grain, and we think they have little room to complain of prices for the last six months, but wo firmly believe they will take lass thar. the present prices before they take more. Suppose the grasshoppers or the rut (and there is little chance for anything else to interfere with the crop) were to take a whole crop in Nebrakka, It would have but little influence on the prioe As we said before the propect is good everywhere, and even a porfect failure in a tew localities would have little effect From TTiurtday'l Daily. The Advertiser stands by the course of the Rfpullican, It also stood by the course of Andrew Johnson. flMaj. Balcombe, of the Omaha Re publican, has one east and has evidently left seme one in charge of his paper who desires to create a breach in the Repub liean party. j"Hon. Samuel Maxwell, State Land Commissioner for this district, left for the west yesterday to view the country preparatory to making selections of State Lands ,"57The Omaha 11-rald says that if the capitol is located on Salt Creek, "af ler the next general election there will be a large load of Mawyalists' desiring con veyance thitherward." We argue with that paper for once. The load will be sent by a majority of about one thousand. The air has been filled with grass hoppers this afternoon. They are mov ing northward Ly the millions. They oruld be seen by looking towards the sun, although few, if any, have alighted in this vicinity. We hope they will continue the same distance from the earth until the rear guard has passed over the north ern line of Nebraska have recent information from the west to the effect that a party of twelve soldiers were a'.taoked by Chey ennes near Ft. Bridger, recently, and seventeen head of stock captured. Three soldiers were also driven intiFt Phil. Kearney, on the 11th of June, the lodi ans following to within sight of the for tification. C"A call is out for the citizens of Mills county, Iowa, to meet ii dlcnwood on Fridiy the 12th inst., a 2 '.! ck p. m., for the purpose of giving expression against mob violence in general, and particularly against the "resent acts of a self constituted 'Vigilanca. Committee' in kidnapping and murdering two de fenseless residents of that county. The call is signed by some twenty prominent citizens of the county. inn ia as it should be. Mob violence should not bo sanctioned in this enlightened country, and'every good citizen should frown upon any attempt to inaugurate it. 35?"Tho H is being given at a rapid rate to the assertion of the Omaha pa pers that the people of Washineton Co. did not endorse the action of their repre sentatives at the recent session ef the Legislature. We have already published the resolutions adopted at a large meet ing in Desoto, and now comes another set of the same import from another meeting at Cumming City. Tho men who sent the bogus resolutions to the Omaha papers were there, but the people were against them, and adopted resolu tions endorsing the action of their repre sentatives. MARRIED. At the Sheridan House, July 2nd, by Judge Marshall, Mr. O. F. Od jII and Miss Gustina Brown. All of Cass oounty. KOTICE. All those knowing themselves indebted to us, will please call' and settle immedi ately. Those having accounts against us, will present them for settlement with out d&lay. tf B. Newuax L Co. KEEP COOL! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post Office building, and the lovers ef this delicious beverage are invited to call and see him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on band. O. F. Joiinsok. jane lOd&w. Desirable Property for Sale One awe.iirig noune, wito seven rooms, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees, shrabbery, c. D. Makqcrttb. Enquire of S. Duke, Agent mjlG FOR RENT. A small Dwelling House. Enquire of jelldtf Tootle IIanna fc Clark. C"ForSale One of Lamb's superior kclttirg machines the only kind made that widens and narrows. Enquire at this office. It f DR. M H. M'CLUSK'EY DENTIST Wl'l do all wai k In hi line on short noti. J-Offic Willi Dr. liirjufaiea. juir 6. SUBSCRIPTIONS Received at tho News Depot, for any bf the Magaiines, Periodicals and News Papers of the day, at the Publishers priees. 7ioic is tfie tine to suitcrxoe. Oct. 2G. PLATTSMOUTH MARKLTS. Corrected by Simpson, MicLcrhvait &. Co Wheat None in th. market ch ice lota of C!ul and China $1 50 er bu hei. Corn Ia sellinf! at q iotrd prie but little cling. lrg hauiis, seller and Lujers huldiug cff. VROVVCr. 1 FohP 13 Wheat $1 2"1 51 Vacfcerl,kitts, 2 50-13 ) Corn in ear 4- Wilt' Xai! llfilS " belled Ct (j'X 1'nttor 15 Oats .'0 Kfiii H Crn rnpl 1.23 Potato 15'52O0 Flour 100 8 s 7 tO GROCERIES Whnlnl CROUEIIIE3 Rtiil Cofl'v Coti'i 33JSn' naar Sugar l.V'fiO; T-a T- 75 a -l .'l Hi'-e Kice I7yj20' Coal Oil Sympa 1 20J ii' Tohacco Coal Oil 1 H: .nf Oil 1 ", Jiai Toiiacco Oj 2rw? XO 15, JO 1 t0.'. i i 15 14 g IS 7D 757i r r 9-SVi CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT I ONE 11 Y, F. STADELMANN, BREAD, CJKSS, PIE', riTA Etc, Of tho beat qnalitr, ran be iluicc l al all timpp I woaM invi te Mtteiitio.i to the fact that I nave niled uj an exccM.'nt ICE CREAM SALOON In eonnertion with tbe Bakery, where yoi caa bo aToramodaie.i at al! time. Wedding pariios FapnlieJ on short notice with anything io the l ot of Confectionery or rasiry Call and Me m. jel3 LADIES' gee Cream Saloon. Vp Stttirt, one door ufent of Eladc Jb SiUiery't Jfrny More. Whfre we get up th- c y tti.t qunlity rf Cream and taka p!easuce in s-lvmgit by ih l sh, or we have small freezers, and c.o U . y church fairs, fe-tjvals, parties 01 families with any q.iant iiy , on short notice. Also, below, we have tha ht assortment of all kinds of Fancy and sti' k Candy, Fmita, Nu'.s, Tt bacco. Choicj Cigr. etc , to be found in the city. jyjgia H. J. SIHEIGIIT. P0ST-0FTICE ARRANGEMENTS, i--a- .-. r-tj.R isr,lMfl EAPTKRS mail will close at - a- m. 60CTHKRS at a.m. 1 p. m. MOKTllaKN and WKSTERN at MAILS ABB DOB AS FOLLOWS" frora the KaST at NORTH and WEST at SOL'TII at ro-T-orricB docks. ftpf n from T a. m. to 8 p. ru. 10 a. m. 10 a. m. 1 p. m. 5J"When cal:infr for mail plense ji yonr nam rt kiii then Hie o. oi your Hox. jjrVhen caliin? for Mamps live the number of tamps or amount ynu w i-li to l.utr. J. w. Marshall, TstmatT. Plattsmouth. Lodere No- G, A. F- & A- M. t?iilarenmmaniFationt 1M and S J Monday! ofaaeh month, at 0 1 Si o'clock, p. m. K. T. DCEt, W. M. W. H. ANDERSON, Sri. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R A. 21. HeKoJdr ccnTorations 2d and 4th Wednesday of rh mouth, at 6 1-2 odor p m D. U. WHEELER, H. P, . C. LEWIS, 5v . I- 0. 0. F. T!;itte Lodce, No. 7, meet erery Satnrdav aveniDj t the C.urt Hons Hall. Hfother o other Lodjet r reHp.-cifuliy ii.Titfd to visit thm I,odp. By order of A. L. fcPBAOL'K, S.O. P. P. Gass, Ree. Sec'y. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. Regular meeting Brat Ton lay of erary month. at l p. m. ncr. ttAU. is. n i R. B. LlvmesTO, Clerk. Chairman. I. 0. O. T- Regular meet'.ags every Friday evening. Traveling Tempiara resprcimliy invited. WM. L. WELLS, W.CT. WM- R. MATHIO, W. 8. SAM'LU. CHAFMAW, Lodue Deputy. tW EXCELSIOR DE .RLE LODGL, No. 1. Platta month, holds regular meeting on the third Wednea day evening of eaoh monm. Bro 8. V. CHAPMAK, W D T. Bro. W. L. WLL, W D S Bister E. J. jJobtu mbbt, W D V T. Sry-STAROS l.OPI LODGE No. 6, Mt. Fleasant, bold retuU" meetioga evfrv Saturday evening Bro- E. A KIRK PATRICE, W. C. T. H. T. HCGIIKS. W. 9. Bro V. M. TIMBLIjr, Lodg D'pnty. 5- EXCELSIOR Lodge. No. t, Aahland, holds regular mceiiiiga every Tuesday even in. Ilro. A. MARBLE, W. C. T. Bro. W. B. Warbritt.'N, W. . Bro. J. J. Woomow, L.D. Platte Valley House C. H. Parmile, Proprietor. Corner of Jiliin and Fourth Slreefs, IMattsmotitli, Neb. fj-Roard hy the '!ay or week. myl BOARD AND LODGING, b g. w. CO I. vi n, OAK STREET, ... PI ATT?MOCTB. Tao blocks northwest of Brick chool-llouse. Private room fornised if desired. Either day board or with lodgings at reiaonable rates, jan 5 d tf. MUSIC. Mrs Cats Simpi-ox hnvinp len solicited to en large her claK in Mus c, both Vocal and Ii:trunitn tat, has concluded to du o, and wi II give loMoni on th Piano and rKnn to ll.ose desiroua cf becoming performers c.n tbr same. Trrai, etc.. given on ap plication at her reridence on Main ftreet. ap4 Sra c n. KINO Carpenter ad Joiner CONTRACTOR and Bu."TT)ER, Will do work in hss line with n eatness an !patet upon short notice. sVO.OOO. AM IIVTCaEST 1st TM TTrfcana Scheme. Send fjr an Illustrated Circular. ADMIES- S:A BEA & BO VINODON, URBANA, ILL. josepii sen LATER, WATC71IAXES and JEWELER, MA IX STKEkT, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA A good aortm.-' rf Watches Olo ' old Pna. i. we. ry. Silver Ware, Fane i-oo V topns ano i- o!la T- unrMinj;3 i ivj on nana. a:i vom com mitted to hi cr l.l be warranted. April 10, 1 .'.. rorr sae.c o-d two tttorv brick store biiildinc 60 ft vnt good cellar; forfunhei particulars inquire of th liiVdICxo ottn op (-choiol aiihbctom TAIiE IOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions ditrs and their heirs, d vt Sol- F. M Dorrington his thi day received from the Penarimem. the- Law in full with new blanks for the collecilon of ad ditional ic-and increase. 1 Pen- siors. anl i a r udy to prosecute all such claims as may b? ent. n.-ti-r to hi care. Cal and examine). Fimt claimrd i flrt served F. M. DORRI.VGT JT. PlatUznoctU, Arg. 10, !. PLASTIC SLATE, tor E O O F I 1ST Gr AND OTHER PURPOSES. The process of r'-conttructing Slate Stone from a a:siniegraiej iate was PATENTED FEIJ. 21st, 156o. . It if a combination of Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the latter pos.esinc nalities of geilosical and chemical amnily lor ine lorroe,,) ana is a de velcpmm i t one of ihe (imple bat unal ttrable temlenci- of nature. AS A ROOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS tJNaiVALLED. A mastic it alspt ite!f to every ehape arid alopa. Isou ccmtUM.hie. impervious non-expanaive ami uni!H-ying. Frost Does not Crack nor Heat Dissolve it. The only Roofing Material ever discovered that will riit the Mcuon r the el nituKas lung a thePtrurtureiti B'-ing a ce'iible of lilt 'e if any wear f'oni eip 'Sure and PERFECTLY FIRE -TROOF. It nii.qnaHed as a coating f r railroad and faim buildings, bridges, bottoms of rass.-l;, vaults, ttc. Materials for n'e by ALFll 10 D O S T3 O II N, fu! Lici.eta for eh. axka, Douglas St. - - Omalia, Ifeb myl ly niTEI.I.I.MiS at hII price Any persons wUhinp to pnrrha.e Farm-properly, vt Ridences in tuan will Cad them for aie at all prievs. By lORRthG 1 O.V. anrT. ItKAttiTAra L,h t get Perfumery af all kind ia at BLACX. BCTTEBY w OO.'S. m d. sntpsoy. W. VICKELWAIT, Simpson, Mickelwait .ct Co., Wholesale and Retail Receiving Forwarding and Commission Merchants PLATTSMOUTH, Dealers. ia GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLINDS, GLASS, PJSEZAND COTTOyWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, IFICKETS, ETC., ETC. B. KEWMA3 B.NEWMAN & CO., Corner Main and Third OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE! IN THE W1SSTI Dealer ia h luiDTriiflfliKies, Gents' Furnishing Goods, fl.ifs Caps, Boot, Shoes, Trunks, Valines, &c, fcc. Also a iTgi let of RUBBER CLOTHING AND REVOLVERS Of ml! dfscr'ptioa? always on hand. JZtf.aH fi'2 tramint E"ew Masonic Plattsmoath, April 10th, 18C6. wm.. r5ics, PENICK & h Who'esale Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure "Wines and LiquorSjCoal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, Jtc. NOS. 3 St 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. aar-W ara th Knrthw.t.ra 'VThcleral agent far Dr.'D. Jay a M S.o,aa Dr. J.C. iyir M aa- caa faraitk aaeuieiaes im acy tjaaBtitiea. Jast3 ly 1HO. M.B, . K. RARAt J. . CLASS Tootle. Hanna & Ciark, BANKERS, Dealers ia Gold Dtit. Gold aiid Silver Coin, Exchange, U S and oilier Stocks- DEPOSITS RliGElVIID, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. er dwtr Dr. J. S. McADOW, HAVINO RETrEXKD TO ROCK BI.CFFS TO practice Physic. oflVts his prefensional ervire to bit old patroes and iulic generally, l'art cnl-tr a tt.;ion paid to tiieas-! of tli tYK. A cure guar anttfi io all en able caaes. Charge, medrrate aam at oae year jga. j :12 6m Wm- II. JLcmkc, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SDTTD SCTTSRT. 21 2& NEBRASKA. S. J. SHARP Streets, Plattsmouth N. mu tztensive stock at tht Brick Building. t. I.0TIXC LOVING, 3 1ST IE "W JEWELRY STORE The euli-cr:hr havin? ptin-hared tha R-d Stoiaer 2d street, lately ocenpitd l.y Surry and others, vrcnl ri-sprctfully inform ttie citizen of Flalism. uh ami vicitiity, that he has refitttd ihe tore aDd opened a iaipe siock of 0TE3 WBLrL AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladirs, Genta, Children, and the real of man kind, ai d is prepared to do all kind of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the bt manner, and would he h it -y toerve hi old and a nmuy new cugtnmers a- niiiy givu hm patronpe, a'mins thm of tha.r oik wl. done, at madurate price, and on cbort time. Ih atocit, embracirR every variety I (roods ucu-lly kI. JU 8il-c!s Jvwelry St. re, ill he cold low price, and warranted of brat vorkmaubtv a a J material, lie has a so a smal, stock ef FAMILY GROCERIES which will be replenished from time to t!m. and aold at the lowes- rlynre!". HaviT.jr permat enily lo cat-d in this city. 1 r-pectio ly m:Jieit a share of pa troiiH'r, anl cjr.lMlly invite all to ca.l and (ihi u. the stock on hand, as we would be p'eattpd to sew. you, and do not a;-k you o buy unless me c u nink it tor y,ur interest to patronize us. deciTtf E. If. ElTOK. CLARKE, PORTER & ERWIN, ATJ'OKAEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, MAAr ST., OPPOSITE TllE COVP. T 110 UzE FLATTSMOUTil, NEB. ATLOBD J. CLARKE, Dg rOKB.'l TO .TIR, WM w. IKVt'IS. r?T REAL ESTATE AGESCY Cl ja&QA wtf o to Klacir. Buttery Co.'s fux y-jr 1. I Lubric asdaior-. B A. rKI.VkMAN. S. ADLEU Sc CO, RECTIFIEBS Jl.VD DISTILLERS, Dealer in all kinds of Foreign and Comctic WINES, LiaUORS AND CIGARS. JVO. li, EAST SIDE MA ItKET SQ I'A HE, St. Josepb, Mo. m ly IDress-Makei". MRS- L. B. JONES. Of Nebraska City, would respectfully Inform tha ladies of Plattemouth that he has taken up her rec ldence In this place for the parposa of CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING? if required, Ladies and C'hildrens' Dresses, Cloaks, Basques, etc. MACffS'B bTITCHIXG done also. Al' work will be executed with neatness, and will receive prompt attention. She will endeavor to give satisfaction, and therefore solicit tha patronage of Ihe ladies of this place and vicinity. Residence, corner Vine nd 4th streets, in Adams' brisk' uov28dwGm Wm. Stndelmami & Co., Ont door wesi of Donelans Drug-siort, Dealers In Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, EATS. CAPS. BOOTS, S0E& TUSK$, VALISES, ad a general etbek of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHING. REVOLV ERS j?JVI NOTIONS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and examine onr stock before you buy any where eltel jyl k( Win. STADKLMANM a CO. Nemaha Valley PAWNEE CITY. Pawnee County, Nibhaska The Sprine term of this Institution, will com mence on the IS Ui of March, and continue 13 weeks. The buil.ii- K i capable of iiffirdinir tn.iv and reci tation room for more th.m two hnndri'd studen's. 1 he people are dt-tertnind to make th IiiUtut!nn a success; and will give comfortable l.ome to all who may deftre to avail tlirrnRiflves of the ofTered advantngrs ; and as no salonni or grog-shops aro allowed in tlie county, we off-r to the public induce ments which DO other Institution In the gtute po- t-tudents from abroad will b; ond-r the sjiecial care of theTrlncipal KXl'KSSF.S PER TERM : Primary, l M 1 Ancient Lang 10 M Common Enclii-h i .'.0 I lncid.-ut.t:a CO Intermediato fi SO I Instrumental Musi Hieht-r English 7 50 Piano U 00 Boarding to 1 per week. Tniti n mn.t be paid one-half in advance, there at the miildlo of the term. No charges made for le than one-half term, un'e. by special contract. Deductions mad on' j in ca of protracted sickness. For farther informtioi address, ELI FI&HKR. Principal, or Gov. D. liUTLEli, 1'rtfi'lent Board oi Truste-s. marU lro Burned Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Shryock is agin a' the old stand prt-parwl to wait cpo:i his formrr customers, and the piiblta gn-ral!V, If yon want anything n hi.e of Farai ture or rbairs.'pive him a call. Srd streot near Maiu, P.attsu.outb, N. T. tnayl7,:tf. DR. ROBACKIS BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BJ BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PJLLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. BLOOD FILLS BLOOD PILLS AND Blood Purifier! ARE XJIVEQTJVIIHD ro CCEINO Scrofula, Sipliili, 5Afn 2i ease, Old Sores, Salt liheum. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, SICE HEADACHE Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, Fever and Ague, St. An thony's lire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Erysipelas, Tumors, Eruptions, Eits, Scrofulous Con sumption, etc. q q q i 1 q s p ? ff!7ir person wfit, hfr d&llgWer was cured of Kits of nine years' standing, and St. VitlMr stance of two years. ANOTHER writes, his son wa9 cured sftef hin flesh h.J almost wasted away. The Hootors pronoiinceii the rase incnrable. ANOTUER was citreil of Fevt-r ami Ague af ter trying every medicine in his reach. ANOTHER was cured of Kever Sore which tiul existed fourteen venrs. ANOTHER of Khen'nmtism or eight years. CnsfS innntneralile of Iy?pci'sn nn.i Iiver Complaint conld b nientionoif, in which tlisj Puriher and Tills worlt liUe i cbarin. THE BLOOD FILLS Are the most active nn.i thorough pills tiial have ever boen introduced. They act so dt rectly upon the Liver, excitint; that organ t such an extent as that the system d.'es not re lapse into its former condition, which is too ajl to be the case with simply a purgative pill. They are really a BLOOD AND LIVER PILL, and in conjunction with the BLOOD PURIFIER! Will cure alt tho aforementioned dineases, anJ, of themselves, will relieve and cure Headache, Costiveness, Coll Pains, Cholera Morbus, Indigestion, Pain in the Bowels, Dizziness, dec, &c. c, JOB. ROBACK'S Stomach Bitters! Niould be ued by convalescents to sifngthea the prostration which always follows acute disease. Try these medicines, and yon will never re rret it. Ask your npighbors who have used ihem, and thev will av they are GOOD MEDICINES, and you should try them be ore going for a physician. PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Fohack.) SOLI PR0PKIET0R3, Noa. 56, 58, 60 & 62 E. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. S. ADLFB, Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE.