Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 26, 1867, Image 3

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, inn MftdnttHti'j't Daily.
(jTho Southern X-brusldan office has
been remored to Arago, at which place
' the paper will hereafter ba published.
y We publish to-day the bi'.l locat.
in public building, just as it passed
both houses and stands as a law.
k-IIon. Isham Reatis, armed 5n the
city from Omaha yesterday, brJ left for
bit heia3 in Hiiharddoa countj to. day.
"j7"TLa Xonpareil announces that W.
S. liurke, former editor and proprietor
of that journal, ii again to be connected
With the editorial department.
3H Chief Justice Ma&on opened
Ctort in Otoo county and adj jurnod un
til the first day of July, aocording to the
i7"Soins twenty members of tSa"lo"
faxily of tha Pawnee J ersuaion passed
through the city to-day, wUh their ponie3,
poles and dogs.
P"Mr. Mueller, of Council Bluffs, is
sloppicg at tha Platta Valley. Persons
wishing t purchaa a No. 1 Piana, or
bare their old enrs tuned, will n 1 Lim
aa upright cntler.ian to deal vrith.
CJTJ. I. Early, formerly el.tor and
proprietor of tha Democratic puptr in
this city, left on the Colorado this inorn
in. We understand hs ictends locating
in St. Joseph. Democratic paprj don't
pay r'.ry much in this locality.
fySce advertiseni'.Tit uf C'i'.y I'.ikcry
and Confectionery. Fiade'iunnn is a
Mo. I.Baker, and has everything In Ert
rate style. Ho will make tha f tirr.i,!.;r.
f partie?, cithor wedding or social, a
gpecia'.ity ; and he can furnish than with
just iu.h aa they wan'. sithcr plain, a
r fluperfins.
(27"Ve learn from t e JVnrs that our
friend C. H. Walker, 11 q., (who was re
ported killed by horse thieves near St.
Joseph,) has arrived in Nebraska City
with his famoua stallion, (iler.oo, worth
1000, and a Merino Duck. Churl. e
tak23 great trida iu having fine htock,
- aDd is Joins an immense goaJ to Nebras
ka by hij importations.
Crami. A common cause is indices
lion and tha use of sour liquids. these
hould bs avoided, aadKoback'a Stomaoh
Bitters had recourse to. At tha same
time use absorbents.
For cramp in the stomaeh tako at once
a tea-ipaotful of al volatile in water, or
tablfspoonful of Kuhack's Catawba
bran iy.
fro- TV.u-'.' lu.'.-j.
rrj"ho locrl of tha Xeus boa been
takic a drive ab,ut the town and tell
" - . p .
tha ro-Jera of pajwr a groai many
things Le saw.
ffyTho Omaha Ar ; i.' :ca?i ess
shut Gov. Jiutler suid before ih meeting
of the Legislature that if a bill was pass
ed Heating tho capital south of Platte
river he would "veto it. Tho Gov. bis
sqaarily contradicted that assertion by
promptly signing the bill.
kr-Dr. Miller in a late "usuo of Lis
journal, pfcthaiically askes the Gic:cb?r
of tha Legislature, who favor the rttuov-
fcl of the capitol, to leave them csritol
Hill anl nut carry au-ny the dirt. That is
exactly what they want to move the Cap
itol for. They want to get away from
tka :;.
5iTDr. Miller is outrageously mad at
tha Otoo delegation for bupporting the
bill locating public buildings, but is
afraid to open on them for fair Morton
won't like it and break up their little
personal arrungements ; and Morton is
mightily pieasod with th-ra, but fears to
praho thtm bectusa Miller would dislike
it aod break up the perton-l metier.
jT We Cod the following icooual of
ttfTavalcnt disease, and also tho remedy
ia a late exchange :
A sudJan depression of the cullipeis
dindix, a caving in of tha penality of
the Laokbonibus, and a felit of slira
nkS in the vici. ity of the diaphragm,
may be recognized as symptoms that the
complaint is coding on. The foil owir.g
remedy will afford instant relief : Spirits
viai Otar 1, z. i. ; tugaruui whitum, q s-;
icibus coolus. tj. r. : shakoista violenter,
addus fpriggus mintus duus, and suckito
co. 03 strawum.
If wa remember eor.ectly this disease
made its appearance here about the '4th
cf July" last year, and the patients tecu
ej "real happy" uidar thair afflictions.
t&TlSj a report current on the street,
we learn thct another victim has been
added to the Mills county tragedy. On
Tuesday evening the U. S. Marshal from
Council Bluffs, attempted to arrest Mar.
hal Birchard, of Glenwood, who was in
ecme manner charged with connection
in tho hanging e-f the two Lawns. Mar
shal Birchard resisted the attempt with
an axe, and the U. S. Marshal, to intimi
date him, fired cne shot over bis head
at this Birchard started to run, when an
other shot was Srcd at him, taking effeot
in the bheaider- Birchard was not seri
ously injured, and is yet at lrgo, though
diligent search is being made for him.
V JTriiay't Daily.
CTho Good Templars organization
at Nebraska City held a Strawberrv Fes
tival last evening.
3?"Surveyor General Hitchcock arm.
ed from Leavenworth yesterday with the
papers belonging to his office. The office
is now ready for oporation.
CITThe steamer II. S. Turner of the
St. Louis line, made the trip from Omaha
to this city jesterday, in one hour and
forty minutes.
5TWe made a fiying visit to Omaha
yesterday, and found the Cass delegation
in ofd henlth and spirits. They antici
pate coming home the first of next week.
?"WhiIe at Omaha yesterday wo had
tho pleasure of meetinrr Col. 7orth'r
ton (of whom tha Omaha ll-mhl Las
had so much to say lately), and from a
short conversation with him we conclude
he is just the kind of a man that the , r
aid would be likely to pitch against one
that it feared as a political opponent,
y People are landing here from al.
mot pvcry 1 oat thst arrives, on thir
way to the Salt Creek Valley. The news
of the location of the public buildings in
that vicinity has spread far and wide,
and all are anxious to secure property in
that part cf the country.
ri'Strawberrles are yielding remark
ably well in this looality the present sea
son, and some of them prow to an enor
mous size. Mr. Philip 3 and Mr Mont
gomery, each have our thanks for a fina
dish. They are an easy fruit to raise,
and are being cultivated by a large num.
ber of our citizens.
(TThe Grand Lodge of Nebraska, A.
F. & A. M., which is now in session at
Omaha, has elected the following Grand
Officers for the enguir. year:
O. II. Irieh, Nebraska City, M W G M
E. II. Clark, Ft. CalSoun, R W D G M
W E Hill, Nebraska City, II V SOW
Frank Welch, Decatur, R W J G W
T. W. Brifcrd, Brownville, II W G T
J. N. Wise, Platts:iiouth, R V. G. Sec
fvWe were over taking a lock about
the county jail a few dnys ago, and find
that deputy sheriff Fairfield has made
goui8 very necessary improvements since
h? has had charge of the ooncern. He
dug it good well, and cleaned away the
dirt from about the jail door and has it
mealy paved with brick, and ha dog
awav tha bank which rented against he
walls of the building on three side, and
wero doing them much damage The
inside of" the jail has been repaired great
ly, and would not be a bad place to stay
if called by any other nsrao. Wo saw
tha prisoner, Crimes, who is the only in
mate at the present time. His confine
ment has "told" somewhat upon his
healthy and robust body, having reduced
his weight several pounds, but he
appeared in excellent fpirits, and
appeared anxious that his trial should
tako place as soon as possible.
Frutn Suturiay'i Dally
t3"The river is falling a little.
rTTho track of the U. P. R. R
completed to Julesburgh.
"?The m-rury stood at 03 deg. yes
terday, and is fully up to that to day.
3People desiring ice during the hot
weather can be accommodated by calling
cn Win Stadelm&nn, Esq.
j7"Simpson, Mickelwait & Co. are fix
in'g up their lumber yard in good style.
Thfy are enclosing it with a high, tight
fence, and making a large thed to pro
tcct their lumber from the weather.
CiThe delegates from this city to the
Grand Lodze A. F. & A.M., arrived at
ho.ooe last niht. Tha next meeting of
th Grand Lodge will bo held at Bellevua
onl the Grand Chapter at thiscifcj.
7The Omaha Republican thinks the
Capital don't amount to much, anyway,
and is a very small affulr not worth
making a fus3 about now that Omaha
has lost it.
Alwats of.t rns bit. Especially in
getting Saleratu? as tha best costs but
e trifle for a year's surplv, and that tho
good cost i but a trifle mora than the poor.
T ie best goes farther than tho poor, and
m aoh uioro healthy. We can recommend
the Best Chemical Saleratus to ba the
CiTRev. Thas. McCartney, of Rock
Bluffs, left at the Herald office yesterday
about two quarts of strawberrlss that
would do honor to the finest of eastern
f ruit gardens. They were of the "Tri
umph De Grand," "Golden Seeded" and
Wilson's Albany" varieties, with a very
few of the lt Agriculturist" berrie.
Te find the "Triumph De Grand" bv
far the largest, the '-Golden Seedd" the
sweetest, and the "Agriculturist" the
poorest of the varieties. Mr. McCartney
is of the opinion that tho Agriculturist
strawberries are the most overrated of in the country. He planted
bis vines only one year ao, and now has
some three or four bushels on a very
mall piece of ground. He tried iome
experiments on cover rg up his plants,
and favors coverinz them about two
inche, with hay or straw for protection
during winter, and then only opening an
aperture for the plant in the spring.
This method keeps tho berries clean and
makes tho vines much more prolific.
from Monday' ' Daily.
?"The mercury was up to 1G3 deg.
last Saturday.
37"rhe Court House Hall is being
repaired and arranged for the term of
court to commence on the 26tb.
CjThe Celotado passed up this morn
ing, leaving a reasonable amount of
freight ou our leveo.
"A supplement bill has been passed
extending the time for locating Lincoln
City, to the first of September.
"The Council Bluffs and Omha
base bail clubs have had a match game.
Omaha came out ahead.
CS"We understand the committee has
elected Wiles' Grove as the place for
holding the celebration en tho Fourth.
2The foundation for the new ooun
ty fire proof rooms, is completed, and the
brick work will be commenced immediately.
"From a private letter from th
northern part of Missouri we learn that
the grasshoppers are doir.g a great deal
of damage.
(SfWe were in error in stating that
the next meeting of the Grand Chapter,
R. A. M. would be in this city. It will
bs at Ee'.Iovue.
P"p"The Omaha papers have a qrt eat
dsal to eay about tho "Air Tight Line"
of Rai'roitd in Washington county.
What'a the matter? Does it effect the
interests of the "future chief city f"
gallon. C. W. Seymour says Hoile
got $500 for voting against the location
bill, and the Republican unhesitatingly
pronounees that statement a falsehood.
The Ilej ul'ican ought to know whether
ho got it or not.
fiTha Republican says that "in an
evil hour the affairs of State wero en
trusted to weak and incompetent hands."
When was that when the mob let loose
and allowed the Legislature to resume
business? ""
(r"2?"The lion. Mr. Iloile is the only
South Platte member of tho Legislature
iu whom the Republican has any confi
dence. It thinks all tha balanoa are
Knaves. Iloile voted against tha loca
tion bill, and it is said ha is worth $1100
more than when ha went to Omaha.
77"Mr. Frederick Klepscr, of Pennsyl
vania, is in the city. Mr K. la one of
tho wealthiest farmers of Pennsylvania,
and is looking about witlj, a view to in
vesting in Nebraska lands for tho use of
bis sons. Ho is much pleased with this
part of tho country, and we h&ve no
doubt he would be strongly tempted to
settle here himself if he only remains
long enough to become thoroughly ac
quainted with our soil and climite.
It is a Cliilstiau Institution!"
My wife pays that the enterprise of
making your machines is not unlr utili
tarian and humanitarian in its influence
upeb. society, but that it is absolutely a
Christian Institution; and that the
never could have found time to read,
meditate, or pray, as a Christian should
do, without it. Letter of the Rev. J. II.
White, Mt Pleasant, Iowa, to tha Wil
cox & Gibbs S. M. Co.
From TucaJa't Daily.
CJThe wall of Simpson's new brick
residence are being put up rapidly.
Corn nnd wheat have been growing
at a two-forty rate for the past week or
ten days.
Senator .John M. Thayer ha3 our
thanks for a file of tha Mes3:igo and doc
uments of the State Department for ISGo
IIe3sor received from the east this
morning a larga quantity of choice flow
ering plants. Call on him eoon if you
wish to scoure any of them.
Messrs. Stevenson and Shambaugb,
of Nebraska City, arrived in town yes
terday for tho purpose of attending the
sossion of court which commences to
morrow. E. T. Duke & Co. are agents for
tha celebrated Wood's Reaper and Mow
er which is creating such a sensation at
the Paris Exposition. One of the ma
chines in working order can be seen at
their store.
Ci?"Ainong the passengers on the Col
orado this morning, we recognized His
Excellency Gov. Butler, Jllons. T. J.
Major", Presson and others frcro the
lower countios.
CiTha Cass dr-leation arrived from
Omaha this morning, havu'g finifhed
their labors at the capites!. We welaoum
them here, nnd say "well dvne good and
faithful servants."
grS Two men attempted to ar
rest a horse-thief at Wyoming ycsterd.iv,
but '.he fellow' battle and proved
"too many'- for them. They leeuri-d sev
eral horses that wra found in his pos
session, and which are supposed to have
been stolen.
fWo larn that tho excitement ha
sjlnided in Mills county, and people
generally denounco tho action of the men
who hung the Lawn boys. The rp rt
t' several of thorn had been arrested
proved to be eraoneous. No arrests have
been made yet.
t3"The Hon. Gyylord J. Clark will
d-liver tha oration at the Fourth of July
Celebration in this city. Wo expect to
have a goad old fashioned celebration,
nd hope tha people throughout the coun
ty will attend and enjoy themselves with
WJ Dr. Virchow, one of the moit em
ineut Professors in the Berlin University
Medical Faculty, who eiamined Dr.
Barth, tho distinguished African traveler,
after death, eays ha vt as killed by the
carelessness of his physician, whom he
called in to relieve a trilling attack of
dyspepsia, to which he was subject after
eating heartily. Among other articles of
the prescription was one crj?r:n six
grains of tartar emetic, vthich i . 'elf
was sufficient to kill four perso-. If
people would for one moment consider
how easily remedies can be procured,
which, while they arc perfectly harmless
themselves, work marvelous cures, the
cases of poisoni g by the carelessness of
physicians would be few indeed. Such
a remedy is Roback'a Stomach Bitters,
frg dyspepsia. Procure a bottle at the
drug store and test it yourself.
3?"The cosist room in t.e eity, where
lea Creim, Raspberry Lenionade, Con
fectionery, Fruit Ac, is to ha tad, is at
tha Ladies Ice Cream Room, on door
west of B. B. &. Co's. Drug Store, np
stairs. Ccinc and sec us.
my30dc3. . IIa.vs..
A small Dwelling House. Enquire of
jelldtf Tootle Hanna & Clark.
All persons are hereby warned against
purchasing City Warrant No. TIG, city
of Plattsmocth, drawn payable to M.
Morgan, for thirteen dollars; the samo
has been duplicated and payment stoppod
on original. Wk. Stadelmanx.
je. 7 w3.
A few Scetcb Shepherd Dogs for sale
by M. Stocking.
Received at tho News Depot, for any
of the Magarines, Periodicals and News
Papers of the day, at the Publishers
IpgTXou) ts the timt to subscrilt.
Oct. 6.
The undersigned ha3 his superb SODA
FOUNTAIN in operation again in tho
Post Office building, and the lovers of
this delicious beverage are invited to
call and see him. A good assortment of
Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on
hand. O. F. Johnsox.
june lOdiw,
Desirable Property for Sale.
One (JjrfiTnng house, with seven rooms,
eellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well
set with fruit trees, shrubbery, &c.
D. Marqcette.
Enqulro of S. Dake, Agent. mylO
Wi l do all work in his line on ihort Bolief).
pjii& witU 1).-. t.iv:EgstB.
BREAD, CASCS, P,?, Ii VSK, Etc.,
Of tlie l.oit quality, can Is oV.iiined at ail time.
I would invite eprcisl attention to the fact tliat I
have titled up an exceiii'Dt
In conneetion with the Bikerv-, vrher you can be
aceomnioJatttl at all time. ,
WeiidHn; pinies mpiilied on short notice wi:h
ar.vthiut; iu the i ae of Confectionery ur l'uflry.
011 uuJ ife ine, jelo
Piatte VaUev House
C. II. Parsikle, Proprietor.
Corner of .Wi:i ami Fourth Streets,
PlntlsnioMth, .tb.
JtjT.oard by the day or w.ei. my
roil sAr, on bhs.vt.
A M,.it iul a half B'trk Dwtvliop, cntainini fix
n m. Kiid a cellar; t. KO' n!i i.c acre f K o;;ml
vpoii which is h tut- va u 'y of sliruU -ry, yin- sand
fru t ir,p. Thtr i a .ui-d will ut.d c-uluui dihgs
on the i'rcuii--n. H n"''" of
Jtij CiI LATKT!, J. wi-lcr,
ra?27 :tf llaia tieet.
For Hie Pt opie of Nebraska
Every Farmer Wants It
Every Builder Wants it
T!:b ri?V. to u?e B S. FOr.ESJAy'3
-r- m m r w
Wl wi'.l liaril'-n and (.ff-ctually rreviat from
divav uv nrr. ture l oiltof w. "'lr'i mat-rial, 'it her
liiird i.r Mft. in-urM :t hur'ittur, ar. l tuuke i: f a.iit the laviti bf k!ru'.-. no.-;-, und all
kii-Js cf iaect.
.' costs bul iu-o cents to presence a common
levee rot.
The mi rs'r:i-l h..Tiu? p:uT:a.'d th riht
that 11-. Lion .f N' hi it i.-inii of Ih.i P. tttff iiv
t rii.r - .114 I r.v.u.i-'ts are l uyini tuimly ri.-hts.
an 1 r.i;.-(t o it in Vrm rijihi, then l y ro;ii:ii.6
Iir-., fiPU"iit!y 111. killer frmu
63 CO to G 00 Kfl PfOiils
Ou a court tT tvitiiT u short ti me. )
filial Cincinnati notK, Net-n.kfi Citr.und
exa.nit.t Piac n;i f preserv e tMnh- r, or furt for :
ci'cirur 'iviju' 'ull parli-niars with ti-itp".- rf inm. ;
... .. . 1... ...i.i.r ... iijtu'ii., 1. !iil,.iH,li-.i-:iir'J
1111. 1 iiitMi - 1 j vo , i ..v-
. . . 1. .... i.i,m'; !in .--, Hi I-aMI..' vt 1
t Ki,i n iV.1?tiU,d .0 v. : f
VKlllf I" me ''"'i n.i. . ....... .... ..
he !-crc.iy of taulor it-tss its jTc-i-rvi'ii-n so 1111
j 1 3 ilC wi
Nuhrak;i I'i'y, X' t.
BOB f 1
Vbad W Sua ix
And for salp at lew Ogv.xo,
l.t til COFFEE, 1-5 blU SCOAK,
5 Ibis Dr. Y Al l'I.ES, 5 I'lg DR Y J EAC11ES,
JfC , ic. A'.ko, a la'ije akortmeut of
1L, Etc
1 in tuiyoLE. noiti;. wrMon sjsi,
H ' VI'O W F.l.l DS, C,l. A Si. rEMEl.
ri.ibTEU i'JA.f, J A J It, CvAL OIL, Etc.
S.r0 hu'lr'N, to which we invite the nttfHtlon rf
liijii-uiith-i und ull rrs to quality aud pric". We
art Agtui'turtV- UOOIUS CO M. L x
iurt'a.Hiid r'p'jac to furnish ail the MiiV
ruiiinry wants t V lice to tui:. Aio a ,tzv i.i k of
Rye, Bcurbon and Star Whisky.
Cherry , K ispbe.ry, Blackberry aal (linger Brandy.
Ca'l aod se n.
J..C f!3 wtf
mss. l. b. jo::es,
Of Nebraska City, would resjcttully infjrm tli;
la-Iii-8 of P!atln:outh that she hu tnkea up her res
idence iu 'his 1 !acc for he purr. toe cf
if required, Ladies and Children' Dresses, Cloaks,
ISajquts. etc. MACHiSK t-TlTCIIXG done aluo.
Ai' work wi!l b" rxcetiivd with ntatne.-s, and w'll
receive prompt atteutiju. gh will endeavor to giv
s.ititfdcticn, and therefore solicits the patronage of
the ladies cf this Jdace and vicinity.
Residence, corner Vine and 4lh streets, in Adamj'
There wi'J be sol I at the residence of CliRr'eii
Swan.ia J.ibe'ty Precinct. Cass comity S ate of
i. .J1;1. f?J: "Vti.v:':.'.?.1:' ?.
d ft $5,00, ty J. T. Charon nnd J. L. t'ar.or, A'l- I
vertisei uccor liug to Uw (hi it diyot M y, lso,. t
tnyii illLtl't'lteiUz. J
i sixrsox.
Simpson, Mickelwait r Co.,
Wholesale and RetaQ
Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Trigg -tCfSHOCLlDGGirt .023L"tS3,
" Pcalcrslo
B . N E W MAN &; CO.,
CorerMain and Third Streets, Tlattsmoctu N. rI
UkAkJ-JA - U U JUJ 1
Gents' Famishing Goods.
Caps,; Boofs, Skoes, Trunks, Talivcs, &c, &c.
Also a JTe let of
Of a!) iicr!)M'ons always oa baud.
J53T'z' ami examine mv tzir.nsiti sioch at ih
TUttswouth, April 10th, 1SCG.
VTtf. 8. TK51CK,
sh Who'ecal?
i.-'citent Modioines,
. . , x
Chemicals. Glass, Paints, Oils,
J ? '
Ull aiiU l-iampS,
5-? are tie K.irtkwi.tcra W;ic!t-a Af".!
: Had c.ia 1 ira:k thair anedicitea ia any cautitirs.
' !r Kavs SlUP'Oi' h ivii).' h'en f"l;cit.'1 to eu
(4rj.'e li.T c a"" in V-.i.c, hnth Vnril sn'l Instrnm-cn-has
coiiL'liidi'd to do o, and w: II give le.-.-nns on
lii I'inuo and Or-aii to tt.ose dsiroMfi of tt cl:iii g
p-1-f..iTK'r on t!is Bifflf. Twriu-s, e c. Riven ou p
td.' ati.'ii her rot :ieace on .Maiu ttrect.
a( 4 Uu
Ho! for Palt Cre' k, wh'-re yon can kill twobir li
khmr .ft s-rn- nrii;n lirninul ni1 AV'cit-l
f'trdol a 'h" sinietim-; the muchin-ry f. r b) h is
2n ii-riect urder. We ae tne Patent il.iciiin C.-trd-s
'.which -er-.5 ran enonch Inst yeAr t e-iti'-Ii-h their
uj ei iori'y ver tin- cud k iud, as a'l who nsed the .
ran t?tify The tuperioritv .f Sir. S. Twiss as a
'"ard-?!- is Vtll know c, and his i vice" are mil if
tined for the l-neBt of the publ'c. Wiiii the abr vo
advautave we B Uler oure Ives that we can make it
to the adva" ta-e of ull who wmt work in nr.r line
to come thss nay. D. l'T.AN. I'ropri. tor.
n jl' S. TWI??, Cu:!er.
; C. 11 F O Ii G Y ,
Manufacturer of all kinds of
F a r na i n gr I isiiilcmcnt?,
SiKh as the celvbrated Hod P.reakinj Plows, Moui'i
llnard Uie.-ker , Stirring I'l iws. Siaile and Djuhle
Shoel., Cultivator' and Harrows. Repairing done
on sho t n otice All vi);k warranted.
Ilavttif nad mitc-h expe rieii" e ia the b'is:nc55, I
fe-d ass ui eJ that I on irive gene al s it: -! i:!:nii.
Please I! nie a call before ptiichasing e'.-.wiere.
c. t. f.jR'ir.
P;attm ulh. Neb., May Cth, l'-'CT.
. g rACr.Ba or 453 dealbb m
! Saddled and Harness,
Vomits, Snurs, Lashts, Whips, yc.
ilsic' FUeet
5E3RASKA CITY, .' - I. T,
. J v '
c3 OO.
O ? lor
itt t i -t
rurc inc3 and !.:qaorsLoaI
. . v
OlUI lOUCT , uC.
v '
for Dr.;D. Jays & Jer,4 Dr. f, Q. Ayr
(succftors to J. Tarcvl &
rLArr.-Korrii, Neh.
Keep constst.tly on h-!;:J a good sui-pljf cf
ur.J eV'-rythl:;"? In the line. Also
! of ali kir.Ja
WA-T!:i : Country rro.!ii-, I'.ulter, , &c,
Give'us a a'l.
'cpt. 55, 135-1.
H em aha ITailev
Tiie S(T;'ik' term of this Insiimtion. will coin-r'pn-t1
111 tie l-'hof Jlitn-h ;n.d cr.:;nr,.- i:t w- chs.
1 h K i cap tU.' of atrorditii: M .i-iy ami r ci
t :!! room f--r tnoro thai tv. bind it studti'a.
1 lie pi are d-teniine, to m.ike ih- li-.tiitu rn
a wlirr-; aud wil! give c- nifortahte fcoiuos to ail
trb 1 111..V "i. sire to avail tlir:.i ives of I he ilT.-'ed
Ivai. taes ; unj ts Co ea'o t. or frn -iiops are
al'nwe ! In t- eou'ity, we eff-r t- t!,e -ibi:e iuduc.
cieti's !,iih no other Inslitj'.i n ia the H.ite pot-getf-s
students from ahroad will 1? und-T the ipecial
Care of the 1 ii -ij .1
KXiLNsrj pr.u Ttp.ii:
P.initry, 4 ' j At c ent I-ar.g 10
I litei me-Hale 6 iu Ii-truiiiental JTusI
i:i-.-hr t'ntr'ish 1 :.J Piano 2 Oi.
luiardiaj ii to $1 per w -i t.
Taiti n n ut he p::':d oa.;-l.a'f iu advance, the rest
at the mitidie of the ter.a.
r charges ijiude for le s than en half term, un'eis
b" fontraci. Di-ductloaa m:i'lc only in casaf
of ''ttraet-1! h:c.-n as.
F-.r &r:l'.er !.;f n-ation a-'dr.K, I.;.! FIsIIHR.
Hj'.u 'j ii, tr Ot-v. Z. i,c l-Iiitj I'rscMebt lsnl i
Tri.5;e 2. t-3r:4 la
n rrnrprinrrifra
Milliner and Drewalicr,
opposite tui: rosT onirr,
Ha Inst received a lare- stock of JViU Of'Ui:.
of the latest fashions. ow Loeua n-cc.ini t.r'jr
month. Call and tee them .
Cat. D. ?,A2IO fc CO.,
AVholeiaie and Ketail Pealer In
Wines and Liquor
AUo a very cho'c! selection of
Tobacco and Cigr.r3,
Main street, second doir east of ?--jmour Kuusa,
- . V-. . Vnkr..ll
Are jut receivicR a uevr staok of Genuine OU
Bourbon, direct fiom J ourbon couuty, b.y.. bitter,
fl::e Cigars, etc. my 13 w
Feed, Sale aud Livery
I tn proptred to acxmrr.ods'.e the public wtt
Horses, Carriages and Buggies,
Also, a nice Hearse,
On abort notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will
run to steaniboat lantlitg, and to ail parts of the
city when desired.
XnrJ: ii.tru.i.'.w.i.
firoceries, Provisions,
Al! kind of Prepuce taken in cxchari,-e fr joo.Tki,
I keep tha very bus of geeds, ar.d a-n bouuJ tj
sell them bi ch ::p f at y li t- 1" ihciiy.
Heal Bsfcate
jsy es -Htcs.
Lot 6 in block 47, good residence, well and ejs-
Lot 12 in block 62. a Cood two-story residence.
brick ba-emeut, well, bru and other oatLaiidmst.
A rare chance for a eooJ ii vestment.
Lot 11 ia block 173, hui'.din? with tivo roiii! aud
cellar. Good chance fcr a t-uiail capital.
LotlO in block 27, good residence, TvUb. all th
ni'cessiry outbuiidicd.
Wet half of section 3.1, town 12, nino 18, tc.i:e.'u-
er witn .i? ticri-s or r-mocr- one mir.uteu jo s uu-
!er cutivatloti. Ltjjht miles Irota I'la;ttraoutn,oc3r
Platte river.
An improved f.utn of ci;-hty aces, g ol hoai.
(rell, etc., T. :tn live r.c cb o t-i
od tir.:bor.
find are the best Tonic
in the world.
Costivenefcs, find ull di
seases of tho bowels.
and nil disoaye arising
from impure blood.
Drnsrists nnd Healers fn
Patent ITIcdiciiies
(.Successors to Sr. C. W. Roback,)
Kos. 56, 68, GO & 62 East Third Bt,