Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 29, 1867, Image 3

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J?r&m Wednttday't Daily.
5?"They hare a baaa ball club at Ne
braska Citj.
57"Gus. Nolson, recently shot at Ne-
recoTerinj from bis
CaTHia Honor, Major Pottener, left
for Omaha to-day, to spend a few day
among the dignitaries.
2TVTo call ths attention of builders
to the adTertiiemnt beaded "Propasal'
in to-day's paper.
(3?"E. T. Duke Jb Co. received anoth
er installment of fenco wire this morn
ing. CThe 21th Grand Annual Commu
nication of Iowa Masons, will be held at
Darenport, on the 4th of June.
Tho advantages in buying D. B.
DeLand & Co's. Best Chemical Saleratus
are numerous. Amon them are full
weight and perfect poods.
JWm. Parcel, Esq., is doing a
fce.ivy gardening businoss this season
He is now supplying tho Omaha market
with Rhubarb.
Q7" A German youth named John
Christopher, living in McWilliams pre
cinct, Otoe county, committed suicide
iy hanging himself, on Saturday last, so
says the Xeics.
5"lIe8Scr ha Rn-T amount of sweet
potato plants, tomato plant, cabbago
plants, etc. They are on sale at Blaek,
Buttery it Co's. lie also lias some Tery
choice varieties of Cowering plants.
27It is thought by some that the hogs
cf Plattsmouth have certain "constitu
tional rights" which "white men are
bound to respect" among which are
"life, liberty, and the pursuits of fvod
on Main 6treets."
"Somo unknown persons wero lurk
ing about the barbnr thop of L. Graves
E- ; last nig' t. Mr. Graves thinks they
d?iignpd upsetting or otherwise injuring
hi3 bui'.ding. Peculiar faot printj were
plainly visible there to.d-tj.
CT"A ccrrenpon Jent of the New York
Tines estimates that the ennservativo
majority in the southern State would be
alout 100,000. This would about equal
P.nugh's majority over Vallnndighara in
27" Wm. Porter, Esq., arrived at home
this afternoon. IIo informs us that on
It two of their wagons have teen taken
through to Ft. Reno, and that the bal
ance were corralled at the mouth of Sngo
creek whin last heard from. Mr. Porter
thinks however, that the train hus moved
on before thin time, ns he net several
largo parties going up, as he cataj in.
From ThurJ!aij'$ Laity.
C7"The Cii' cana up about 1
o'clock last night.
CTTHorj. Isham RertvH, of Palls City,
armed in towa last night, and is stop
ping with Lis brother in-law, Ilisorder
Dorrington. IIo goes to Omaha to.d iy.
CiTTho Democracy appear willing to
bave a Uogistry law passed at loast the
Nets sa3 they do not object. Suppose
t'aey did ; what good would it d-?
pW. tt. St-eU, Esq., of Ahland,
called at thtj IIkrat.d o-Tiea this morning.
11a is engaged in the mercantile busi
ness in that nourishing town, and re
ports everything prosparous ia that re
gion. (7-Tho Whita Cloud Clurf admires
the pluck of the newly elected Democrat
ic member of Congress from Kentucky,
who committel suicide a few days since,
and ingeniously remarks that there aro
many i-thcrs who might imitate his ex
ample, with profit to themsslves and to
the country.
(r"Ve noticed saveral immigrant
wagons loading in town this morning
with lumber, doors, eash, etc., prepara
tory to going a few miles west and mak
ing homes on our fertile prairie. Most
cf the eettlers eomiog in this season go
ts work like they knew what they were
about, and expected to remain in Ne
Iraaka and make comfortable homes for
themselves and children. This is the
cli?s cf men who will never weary cf
livirg in Nebraska.
rji7"Oar Boot and Shoe dealers have
teen doing a lively business for a day or
two past. Thero has been quite a
mania for boots of the latest wtyle ; and
scarcely a pair of the old fashioned
square toeJ boots are to be seen on the
streets ts-day. Those who haya' not
been able to supply tbemselvas at the
various stores caa bo accommodated at
Throokmortou &. Son's or Gage & Davis.
Constipation' of the Bowels. When
this is merely accidental .or occassional,
a dose of Robftca's Sugar coated Pills is
tho only treatment necessary ; but when
it hs becomo habitual, it calls further
attention. Want of exercise is general
ly the chief cause, especially among the
higher classes of society in which case
the use of the Bloal Pills should ba fol
lowed to keep the bowels open.
The K'asha ana all his Ketinue.
Rev. Oliver Crane, Missionary of
A Irianople, writes : "The machino works
almirably. There is no other Sewin
Machine but this in all Adrianople. We
have had company after company to wit
Cass its magic operation, from the best
.daises in all Adrinople ; among them the
Pasha and nil his retinue. lie bore
away with bim a specimen of his own
eewing, and was delighted. It has many
admirers. Some want to purchase all
stand amated at its telegraphic speed!"
Letter to the Willcox ,t Gibbs S. M.
Frm Friday's Dally.
(TFlour is quoted at ?I and $5 at
Salt Lake City, and $10 and $12 at Den
ver. 3?We learn that the grasshoppers are
disappearing very fast from the eouthern
part of tho State," where it was feared
they would do much damage.
2?Mr. Stadelmann, brother of
Wm. Stadelmann, Esq., of this citr, ar
rived in tDwn a few days since, direct
from New Orleans. IIo intends going
into business here.
C37"Frank Morrison has removed his
lower Meat Market to the building one
door west of Amison & Dovey's where he
is prepared to wait upon his numerous
iTIIunt who has been contesting the
right of Chileoti to a seat in the 40th
Congress as Representutive for Colorado,
has obtained the Governorship, which
precludes the possibility of his being the
CiTCapt. Grace, of Boston, is organ
izing tho Fenian Brotherhood in Nebras
ka and Iowa. IIo reports the organiza
tion as very complete throughout the
United States. There will be a consoli
dated Convention for the States of Wis
sonsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska,
at Dnbuque, Iowa, on the 23d of July.
27The IIouso has elected a terupora.
ry Sergeant-at-arms, awaiting the arriv
al of Capt. Laboo. Thay had better
elect permanantly, as we learn that La
boo will not be there lie came this far
and returned to Nebraska City again,
instead of going to the Capital as we
supposed and stated at the time.
C5?""Almo8t every day several emi
grant trains encamp near this city, pur
chase their outfit, and cross over the
plains to Idaho, Montana and California
by taking the southern route at Platts
raouth. Over twenty wagons passed
through yesterday."
.The above paragraph clipped frjinthe
Council Bluffs Noniaritl, shows that em
igrants are getting "posted" as to the
route west. Nearly the whole western
bound travel now crosses tho river at
this place. Large numbers corns i
Council Bluffs, outSt therraml then come
down and tske tho Great Central Route
from Plattsmouth; and others come direct
t ) this place by way of Glenwood. Emi
crants will tnko the best route when they
know which one it Ij.
CTJ. N. Wise, of the City Book Storo
has laid upon our table a copy of the
Commercial Free Press, a new paper
published in Chicago, and devoted to
the banking, mercantile aril manufac
turing interests of the Northwest. V
mako the following extract : "Kegarding
the unsatisfactory condition of business,
one or two facts suffice. The two lead
ing dry goods houses in Naw York, whose
sales in 1855 were respectively $i2"5,000.
000 and $7'.,O0J,OO3, return no income to
tho TJr.Ue I Sttvtos Gareruuiuut Ass;sor
for 1S6G, having made no profit on their
sales during that year. JI trier's W'ttkly
fir May the 4th, says that tho trial bal
ance shows that ono of tho wealthiest
New York dry goods houses, just made
oiit, shows a proGtof precisely eighty cent.
for the current year, and adds that ono
very extensive clothing house, whose
sales in flush times used tD reach $8,000
to $10. 000 daily, nt this time of year,
took in just $2 ) one day last week."
From Saturday'! Dally
Ilesser has our thajks for a nice
bunch of radishss and another of onions
lie will have a large quantity of them in
market during the coming week.
i7E. A. Mathews, formerly a
"typo" at Nebraska City, has gone west
in the employ of the Pacific R. R. Co. to
sketch tho Ecsnery along tho line of that
Tho steam ferry boat has been
kept busy all day crossing immigrant
wagon-?. Some are bound for the far
w at, but a large portion of them aro
etopp:ng in Nebraska.
C3?"We aro receiving new subscribers
to the Weekly Herald every day; Let
the friendc of the paper throughout Ne
braska but use s little exertion in its be
half and we will soon be able to increase
:. ,i ...r.. -
Mr. Snow, who edited a Union
piper at Maryville, Mo., at the com
menccment of the rebellion, and h'ad bis
office riddled by the rebs. called on us
this morning. He proposes starting a
new paper at Clarinda, Iowa.
James McGorman, of Omaha,
warns Catholics against a man calling
himself Rev. McGill, and says he has no
authority for exercising clerical functions
in his jurisdiction. McGill was here a
few days ago.
5?"A. C. Mayfield crossed the river
this morning with S00 as fine 6hcep as we
have seen in the west, bound for the
Chicago market. MavfieM is doinr a
heavy business in stock. He has about
250 more sheep, 500 fat hogs, and 75 er
100 head of cattla.
The trial as to rights of hogs ts
streets and gardens takes place this af
ternoon. We have heard it intimated
that a new code in this part of the coun
try will be cited as authority, wherein it
says something about swiae being "driv
en into thesea."
CThe Press says Hon. Mr. Smith
and Capt. Kceves of Springfield, Illinois,
the former a member of the Illinois
Legislature and the latter a Provost Mar
shal, came down from Omaha, a few days
since on their way to Salt Creek, to in
vestigate the Saline resources of that
(LSA party of gentleman came down
from Omaha yesterday and visited our
famous fishery. We have not learned
what success they had but presume they
felt a "bite." Some half dozen of our"
citizens went out yesterday armed with
hooks, lines and poles, and there were
four "suckers" and two "gars" in the
wagon when they returned.
m m
from JtonsJtxy'i Daily.
v?Th3 publishsrs of Missouri have
held a State Convention recently.
ljTMayor Pottenger returned from
Omaha yesterday. He reports things
moving along smothly at the capital.
fJ"Our southern exchanges note a
gradual decease in the number of grass
hoppers, and anticipate but little injury
from them.
C"TVe noticed in the Express office
on Saturday, several lnr-: boxes of
plants from Hesser's Card, us, labelled
for Council Bluffs and Omaha.
W. T. Parocl, Esq., has our thanks
for something less than a car load of
vegetables, including rhubarb, radishes
and lettuco. Parcel is doing an exten
sive gardening businoss.
CSTSeo advt. "For Sale or Rent."
The property described is one of the fin
est places in the city ; and any one desir
ing to buy or rent will do well to call on
Mr. Schlater soon.
s?"Senator Tipton nrrived in'tho a?ty
to-day on his way to Omaha. In conse
quence of bad roads, bad ferry accom
modations across Platte, and no steam
boats going up, be will remain until to
morrow. C"The Democratic members of the
Legislature have been trying to beslob
ber Mr. Hitchoock. They are reported
having oalled him in a body, and had a
man selected to say something nice.
Whether or not Mr. Hitchcock felt much
honored is not stated.
?"The Mayor and many "respeota
blo citizens" of Mobile apologized to Mr.
Kelley for his attempted assassination,
and asked him to speak again. But so
far they have not caused tho arrest of
any one for the attempted assassination.
Apologies are very good some times, but
are not always a safeguard to life with
out some other accompaniments.
"Wa desire to call the attention of
the city authorities to tho fact that the
people of this city are clamorous for tho
abatement of a certain nuisance in the
west part of town. We .refer to the
"shebang" whose inmates are constant
ly on the watch about town to "pick up"
every species of property they can lay
their hands on. Their systemetic steal
ing has become unendurable, and it is
about time the ''institution" was cleaned
From TuetJtiy'g Daily.
t'V They have a Gorman M. E. Church
in Nebraska City.
CT" Immigrant wagons have been
coming ia lively for several days past.
C3?"Tbe total valuo cf listed property
in Nemaha county for the year 1SC7 is
?"Tho weather for the past week has
been unfavorable for corn, beiug cold
and wet.
Tho onjiureii oCco has been pre
sented soino new potatoes measuring two
inch-? ia diameter.
r. Elain Parmelo is about erect
ing a dwelling on Four Mile Creek, and
taking up th occupation of farmer.
CS?1' is reported by men from Omaha
that thoro is an "Academy of Music" in
that flourishing place. Why dua't, tho
papers eay something about it?
5?"W. Mickelwait, j(j., arrived at
homo yesterday. IIo has been to Si
Louis on business for the firm. He re
ports everything dull down the river.
k!TU. Clay Dean, the great '-tinwash-ed,"
is named as the Democratic candi
date for Governor of Iowa, lie is a
representative ruanof th party, and
should bo run by ail means.
Tie joint resolution requesting
the Sect etary of the Interior to withdraw
-fto public binds from market, was taken
up by tho Senate yesterday and unani
mously passed.
TTe were pleased to meet Mr. Wm.
Loyd to-day, who has recently settled in
he southorn part of this county. He is
from Peoria, III., and was attracted to
Nebraska by its heal:hy climate, produc
tive soil, etc. He has bought near
Back's Grove.
The Chieago Republican says the
prospects are that during the season, the
Northwestern road will have about one
half more bu-iinoss xhan it can attend to
No better argument is needed to convince
us that two lines of road are needed, and
must be built from tho Missouri river
west. If the Northwestern cannot do
the business now, what will it require
westward five years hence ?
Two men closely marked entered
the outer room of the jail at St. Joseph,
last week, drew revolvers and demanded
the keys. They expressed the intention
of rescuing two men who w- re confined
therein. The jailor pretended to hunt
the keys until he got them separated,
when be drew his revolver and fired at
the one who was with him. The scamp
"made tracks" and his comrade "follow
ed suit." They both got away, bat did
not take the priso? ers.
A Clack Cloth Cape, large sized, lined
on .the corners. The finder will please
leave it at the Herald office.
my 27 It.
Desirable Property for Sale
One dwelling houe, with seven rooms,
eellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well
set with fruit trees, shrubbery ,"ic.
D. Marquette.
Enquire of 8. Duke, Agent. mylG
A few choice lots of land in Cass
county Nebraska, for sale on reasonable
terms. Call on
ap3m2 J. N. Wisk.
A pocket-case of Surgical Instruments
made by W. F. Ford, New York. Finder
will b6 suitably rewarded by leaving
them with Dr. Livingston. myl3
Received at the News Depot, for any
bf the Magazines, Periodicals and News
I'apers of the day, at the Publishers
Xow is die time to subscribe.
Oct. 26.
Wl'l do all work in his line on'ihort notiea.j
JCj-OfEc witii lJr. liiv.tgaWn.
Corrected by Simpson, llickel wait & Co
Wheat Hi declined; millers and buyers are only
offering $2 00 per buthel, owing to a decline in the
St. Louit market.
Corn No deu:and other than local and having
declined i St. Louis the market hero has been de
preyed, buyers anj sellers both holding otf.
PRODUCE I Poap 1215
Wheat $'i O0(ff-2 00 Maclserwl, kilts, 3 W t I OO
Corn in far
" bheik-d
Orn m-hl
Flour 1 100 Its
7u so
id! Knits
1 5t' Potatoes
1 6' &2 i)D
It ice
Conl Oil
Colfee 3J'ff.O
EO&il! 15
751 65
10T YS
Sugar If't'j
Rico f'T'-'ll!
Syrups 1 2jS'J US Tobacco Oil 1 uo S.ap
I.-rl Oil 2 oOj Xai.s
Tobacco 1 0?J OOJ
L.exal Notice
Chrlfctiun O. UerolJ")
ts I
Maytr May and j
Iaac Wetl. J
Mayer Msv and I-aao Weil
will take notice thit Christian O. He.ol 1 alitl on t!io
isth tlay of Mjy, A L 107. rile his petition in t!ie
District Court of tile 'J1 Judicial District of thefUtu
of Nebraska, wiih:n anil for C'a' county, the obj-ct
aud prayer o which was to obtata a jul eiucn
aK'a'uat tiie aid UefeuJanU f r tb sum .'f 1347 00
with iiit' r nt o;i the aiue fr.un Slareh 27, 1 so'.!, tor
Iii'iney had and rec.iv d by fonilaul for lhe;dnin
litf u.-e. and which they agreed n to pur
I., plaiiuitf ami for tnods taken Tom th- p. ssosioii
uf plaiu'ilT, and which they, of'-nduuu, were to re
,tuiu on d.'tuaiid.' That pl.iintili' has enu-e.l an or'ler
of attachment to le i.utd from the utlice of the
Clerk of Slid Cui. ami cmiied the f-jliowin pr io
erty of d f-.-u.Unts to be attached, to it: Southeast
yuaiter of southeast quarter, and the northwejt
quarter of i'-ction number tweuty-eiiiht, aud thi
Burthen' quarter of northeast ua" ter of section
nuinbor ihii ty-lhrep ($). and ? halfof the north
.h-1 quarter of secuon lhirty-'hre(":JJ, all mtown
pliip number ttvlve (12). uortli of laujre ntirubor
ei. vea ! 1), cast of aixtli (6; -. n, in Cats county,
Xelvhska. Ami th. naid Maer May and !s.c Weil
re her.t.T otifle lhat unlc they appear au l hii
wer . i id petition on or be ore tlieSth day of July,
W)7 tiie petition will be taken us true.
Dated May -JStt-, li7.
T M. Marq rett Att'y for Plaintiff.
j-'Mi ('. H iiviri' ir! ! )
" U w C ey y. e t. . 1 ' u 1 1. J
vs I
Augustus Wachter.
T.- Aueunn Wreht-r; You
.ir" hT-by noOEid that an at'a t.iu ntas i.-sued by
me in fav--r of the i'Jve y.diutiffs and m aiut the.
aO.,ve nael dole'jd int. f..r the sain of twenty-seven
dollars hlJ thtrty ceu'. ind trial set f..r Sato. day ti e
J:'t:i day of June". A. D. l-"-7, at 10 o'cl.ion a. m. or
said day, at v, liic'i time j rl-;i tuent Hill be ie,dtr d
agaiu-t ou if yo a dj ::o tpjear a"d bh"r cau.-c to
ih'' contrary.
Given under my haul thin ISth day of M y, 18C7.
I!iij2l2-.v3 Juticv i f it.u Peace.
literal Police.
In the District Court 2 1 Judicial Distr:ct, in and for
fur Cats luiini)-, ana etntc of el raaia.
Oeutjc Bjcc'i 1
vs. I
Charles liendrie, and i
C. F. Hendrie, late oarti.ers J
doiitj? huines un ier the name I
snd ty.e of C F. Ilendric 4t Co. J
To i are hereby ne
tified that the a'.ove nntued plaintiff did, ou the llth
lay of -May, lt-C7, file fa n p titien iu the ollice of the
Clerk of the 2d Judicial DiKtric. in aud f r u-
p.uiiij, Kel ra.-ka, the object aud prayer ol" which is
to obtain a judcei.n ut uaiu-t you open a debt, being
upon an acvaunt tor rvices rendered and in tertal
fui-uilieii to you, iuc;u-lii.; a iuantity of cast iron,
during the year lMl. , for the mnu of one hundred aud
"even dollars lt'7,Ui bjiiijr the b ilauce due on i-aul
acci ui.t, wiih iu, en-it fioiu the lltu oay of May,
l?i7, and cu!t3 of u't, for which iilaiutiiT aakd
You are further notilled that an order of attach
mout hat been i"Ued in faid cause, aud yn ir prou
et ly f tuat d in said ceiiniy, to wit: Lots i and 8 in
i:lck No :i;3, as d' m.'iia td ui on the recorded platuf
the City uf l'l itt-ruo ith aud tho runuiuii peats of a
freight waon. a.lii.-hed in pursuance thereto.
You are hereby not Ujd to appear, plead, answer
or demur to said petition on or before tli-2lth d
if June, lOo. (LI)R(jK ItuKCK..
.Maxw ll ChapmaUj Att'ys fr l'laiutilf.
my lo
AtiachmcEit police
Wm. McCouibauJ
K--bei t Ca in' bell
late partner and Co under th
tirni tiatnu and style ol Altarnoie&l
Win McConib & Co. I
John Triuihie. J
Jjhn Trim Id-, of the SUte of I.linoi, will lak
notice lhat Willia ji llp'nmli and H ibnt Ctnipboil.
late partners and Co. und 'r the Qrm catu" and d yle
of Wm. M--C"inb it Co.. plaintitTs, late of thec .u: ty
of Full n ml Sta te of Illinois, did ou the 17ih day
of April, A n !C7, hie their petition iu ihe Iit. icl
Court of the lid Judicial District, within aud for thr
County of C as and -t.i'e of Nebraska, setuujf forth
that tho aid Ida in tiff-, by tiie consnie. aiiou of tin
Circuit CoUi t of the t-tate of Illinois, h -la in ud for
ti e county of Fulton, did on the iflh dy of Febra
ary, A D 1SG1, recover a judgment uaiust the fcaid
John i riuib.e. ilet.niianf. for the Bum of two hundred
and fortv-lhree and 8ij 1. I) doll .9, aud six aud To
ll O dol ars cjs.ts; wrrieu said judgment remains la
tlit Court in fu.l foice and t'd.ct, and 1:1 nowi.-o re
versed or annulled, aud which said sums of money
t,e tiaid defendant has not paid in any p',rt thereof.
That the e is now du; tho rai l plaitnifT from tu
said defendant upon Ihe said jud::n- ut Ihe bum of
two hundred aud farty-thre and b(5 100 dol r and
interest theieon fiom tli 'JMh clay . f Kehruary. a I
IVJl, and -ixteen and 5-lDO d -liais cost, and theiaid
John Ti imble is no itied that hu is regain d to appear
and answer said petition on or before ihe thud ilon
uay alter th- "J-d day of Ma , a D 107.
Von are further n titled lhat an o d r of attach
ment has be n Us ted in said cause ak' im-l josr
progeny, situated in .aid couuty, M 'Ihe east
liaif of Ih; nor 1 beast quarter aud the northwest
q'laiter of tae D"rtf.ea4t quart-T of aection 27, in
township 12, north of ranae !, east of Ihe 6th P 41.
WILLI A Mt'Cl) Mis A
KOi; U .if CAMl'Ut.LL.
By their Alt'y; Clarke. Hoster & Kbvvis
at d Mjt 1, AH laoi. 4
Ordered that the abuve nreic" be published furfour
conecutiT9 wecki in the ''Nebraska Herald" news
paper. J II BKiiW.V,
Cierlt of the DUtiict Court.
Atluciiment IVoticc.
'Conrad Hei.el and JaC'ib Valery, a fiim")
" 1
dolnx biistutHs uuuer 11. a name aul
style of Heiiel it Vaiery,
Augustus Wachter.
To Aujfti-tui Wachter; lot are hereby notified
that an older of n taclinient was i.-sued by me in ta
v .r of the al ive pluutitls and auainst the ahre
named d -f-inland for the sum of llfty jew n dollars,
a 1 d trial set for atur.lay the U.h day f June, A
D. Is67, at 1 o'clock p. ui. of said day, at which time
judgement w ill be reuaered against y .iu if you do
not appear and jo caase to the contrary.
Given under nj hand thi- lth day of tlay 107.
may22w3 Justice of the I'ejce.
rise t (TO cbesp Lamps and Litr, Ch mas
J.tS, CT2 AMY -3 CO 'M,
j. z. eixrsoir.
Simpson, Mickelwait dr Co.,
AYbolea&le and Retail
m c.
Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Easier ia
Corner Main and Third Streets, Plattsmoutu N.
Gents' Furnishing" Goods.
Slats Caps,' Hoots, Shoes,
Also a jarge lot of
Of a!! deseripiioc always on hand.
EJCcll and examint
Hew Masomc
3. J0"O?nL23.
Piattsmoath, April 10th, 1SS5.
xx. a. mxicK,
sh Wholesale
Patent Medicines,
Cbemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wine3 and Liquors,Coal
'. Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c.
- 9 j
Jonathan N. Wit Adra'nistrator
f Pettr A. Sari y, deceased,
OharKs F Ilet d ie a;id CI. aria
Hendrie, a firm doinif b i-iuess un
der the name and style of C r
H-ndi je & Co.,
To Charles F Hendrie and Charles Hendrie: Yon
lire he b notified tiiat ou the 4th day of M iy A D.
KCT, the plaintiff, Jonathan N. Wi.e, Administrator
if IV fr A.Sarpy, deceased, hu filed in the office of
the Clerk t f the District Court of the 21 Judicial
Distrti t cif the State of Xebra.-ka, within an I for Css
eountv; ths object an I ptayr ofhaiil petition is lhat
the sai 1 plainti'T obtain judgement awainst the (.aid
defundauts f r th" Ktim of "four liuie'red and tweuty
'Ive dollars wiih iutere.-t from October - I 1S'14 at id
tier cent, per annum, a money du 'r jo 'ils and
,:h .ttela sol i and e ive. .l ,y the faid l'e'er A. rar
jiy, dee.i-l. to said derenilautK. Th said plaintiff
aued an ,rder of attachment to be issued out of the
nice of th aid C ei k of s tid Court, and caused the
lolb.w.nS .eal Mate t be attached, to wit:
Lots f.vir (4) nndei'ht (S)inbl vk No hirtr-ihree
( M) in the city of I'lattKiuouth, CarScouniy Nebras
ka. The Said 'harle. F. Hendrie nd Charles Hu
1: ie si e ben by uoi.U. ci that n- less tiny appear in
said court sud r fai l petition on or b -iore t'ie
third Mon lay after the 12 b day cf June s D. IsOi.
;i,e said pttnion will be taken as true and juCg.-iuen:
'cn ered accordingly.
A.lmir.i- trator of Estate of Peler A Parpy.
Ty T. M. M ARQrETTS, Alt'y for 1'1'J.
Dated May 2i i 17. 4
Is hereby giTn tht o i Thursday, the 30th day of
May, lt-67, bet ween the h ur ol nine o'clock iu the
morn UK aud the setiiu g of ihesononlh- jaineJiy.
at my rei le nee in Mt. i'teaiiut. Cass county, Ne
braska, as fttiaidianof ibe minor bet' e of C;i the. ine
Can, deceased, 1 will s-ll at puldicsaie all the light,
title and inte et of said i-iuor heirs in the oonh
nest ne fourth and weit half f mu hwe t one
fourth aul the northeast one-fotnto of southwest
on fo urth of section number v 1 , in town-h p 10,
hortb of range 13 east 6-ii P M Ter- s rn i.
MATTHf.W Ul tilitsi,
Gnnrdim of Minor hirs of Cat hin Case.Jec'd
Mt. Plaasant, May 2 1 b67. ni 7 8v
Platte Valley House
C. II. Pabmele, Proprietor.
Corntr of Main and Fourth Streets,
llatts!iuu;li, Xe'o.
JJ"Eoa, d ly tho day or -week. uiy4
-b m- B
Trunks, Valines. &c. fcc.,
my'exlensivi stock att tht
Bricls Building. -
C&3 CO,
Dealers li
eed, Sale and Livery
Maix Sr., Plattsmoctii
I um prepared to accommodate the public wit
Horses, Carriages and Buggies,
Also, a nice Hearse,
On short n tice and reason.- Me terms. A Hack wi!
mn to Mean beat anon K, tnj lo a.l La ts or the
city whisa dei.l.ed.
Ui 3 J. W. FI1A.V.VOS.
B a . w. COLVIN,
Two bl.itks noriowt t of Biirk ciiool-il i u -.
T irate ro-m forn s ! if ik-iliej. T. tUr d-
boaid or w ith g, ut reaioaabje ratr'.
J an 6 d tf.
(1 ""re will l,e r ff r d lor s lie on : atuid .
of June, l67, at 2 o'clock, oue r j .st a-r t
the ei
t. . w o t.-nan as an ttir. iu Sot:tb it r
n u; hi
C:oC u:ity..ih..,,ii:iraiM.l ,r n m ti
l,i t
H J iiye's, atlhiily- ve dol an. ! i tho ' rer
a lira Ol mi lK r up 111 C-otllti llei.d I'im
tJ-- J. J KOI E li
i aseu nn ty th . uuceis.R- .
Ca.-s county Silc5.ia, ou ta
:d ia Libe ty Irriret.
13th cf Apiil,ot.eby
- la.lion, t.wi 7 a: d t jcarn of ace. one 'ore feot
ar.d one h nd f iot wuiie to tl. knt-eou left ide,wluu
4i lle maik ... bac'..; has a s sr in tho f.rehead
and snip ou 1 is m se, supposed to ha-. e the Kiauders.
::ia:k o: luattd, peneivab'.
"li-ii ii"nuv c. VAVnonv
JEstr.iy Sale
There wi',1 be J...1.1 at ihe ro dunce of C1, .,!p-
Swan, in L be ty Predict Cui eointy S a e ol
liehmrk a. ou ilit 13ti, day o. June, 1? " tii e r,.i
Me-r, tbr- e y. ;i.-s ,,..1. taken up as an -.-t.a-. .,pi,rai
ed at li-i.WJ, I y J. T. Cuiioi. .,:.d s. L a- or. Ad
Tintsed t-cc oi '.n to l;,-.r th j- 't (. m . I 5 j7
rcjl Juotae of tL Fetwe.
Will be received until June 1-t, by the City Hecorder,
for ertc'iiiR a Fchool House in the northwe-iern "ait
r .i ..-;i inri ioil srccifictitions can be tern by
a) plyit'C ' Diiectnr K. (' Lewis.
r. m. i utiKi.Miio.'.ii'; ik'itoiiti.
And eJF-Jicio Clerk Board vf Education.
:iit. IK LAIKK) Sc CO.,
Wholesale and Uetiiif Dealer in
Wines and Liquors,
Also a very cho'co selection of
Tobacco and Cigars,
Main street, second door east of Seymour House,
Ne brika City, Nebraska
Are just receiving a new stock of (ifnuina Ohl
Bnurhon, direct from l'ourbon couuty, Ky., Bitters,
fine Cigars, etc. mylS w
Fairbanks, Greerleaf
& C0-.
226 t 2-8 Laid St. Chu-affn.
Ji-'J Maiktt St , fit. Louit
53!' careful to buy only the Genuine. myy2J
Mrs. Cats Simpson havlnij been solicited to en
arge her clans in Mue:c, both Vocal and Iustruiiien
tai, has concluded to do so, and wi II give Ibsbous on
the I'iauo aud Ort;an to tl.ose desirous of becoming
performers on the game. Terms, etc., Kivan on ap
plication at her retideuce on Main ttrtcl.
ap4 ittu
milliner anil llrcsiiiaker,
orrosiTE the rosT-orricE,
Has just received a large stock ol XEW GOODS!
of the latest fashions. New (iooda re.e ved every
month. Call aud see thetu . lnySlf
Manufacturer of all kinds of
FariiiiEigr Implements,
?uch a the celebrated Rod Breaking Tiows, Mould
Heard Breaker-, Stirrius 'Plows, &iui;i; and Double
Shovels, Cnltrt-ator aud IJanowg. Repairing dona
on short notice All woik warranted.
Having had much cxperieiire in the I
feol ashured that I can K've geuetal satisf ictioii.
Please give me a ci.Il before purcbasiug eljewlmre.
O. r . iOKGT.
- riattsmouth, Neb.,May 6th, 1867.
(Scaler Id"
Grocories, Provisions,
AH kind of Prtduce taken in exchange f, r jtoodn,
I keep the very bes of goods, and am boukd Ca
ell them ss c . rap ss at y boose 1 utl ecity.
find ore the best Tonic
in the world.
Costivenews, nml nil di
sensea of the hotvela.
rind nil nriaing
from impure blood.
jOriisrgists and Dealers til
Patent ITlcdicincs
(Successora to Dr. C. W. Koback.)
Hoa. 56, 58, 60 & 62 East TMrdSf.