Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 15, 1867, Image 3

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    I i
She Mvyolui ScvaW.
Ertym Wedntatlay'i Vaiiy.
CThe word "whito" hns been struck
oat of the city ordinances of .Mobile.
To Conscmers. It cosrs you no more
to buy a full pound of I). Ti DoL-ind St
Co's. Bet Chemical Saler.itn, thnn it
doe? other kinds thut only weigh 11 or IS
75"Wa notice thit our fr'on l Ilscr
is advertising his N.?lrn-k:i (j-irilTM in
tho papers at Council lilulTs. V.'c c.n
nsmro the ppofli of that locality that
Hester is "ill rijrjit," nnd all orders will
to promptly attended to.
("Tho Omaha dii t-r at'-r, a'ias IIrv.d
says it "takes no seet'ionn! p ri . " in tho
matter of rfprcpe-itatian, .n.d iath-3 verv
fin1! article pits call upon fho I ei
J lo of North P'.att-i at; J '.lie y.r-o: 1; of
Omaha ep?c-a!lv, to st-ind by tlvk-ri'ut,
Jm Wt i: .as ly their intere-tv."'
G7"At l,tt the rteW I.;-cp 1 Cir.jrch
in this city is comr-h-ted, n :. 1 he
open on Sunday next. Tii ? l.:i".Mir is
an ornament to the e-tv ; rm pre. it cre-1-it
is da-3 tho Rpetor n-i 1 V.-'rvmen for
their untiring z"al in r.iaMn it what it is
tho fine-.t Ci.uri-'tj in N. hr '';a.
CTTSfo r..Jverti-fm-;:t of "Plow-"' l.
C. V.. Forr. Mr For.iy !.-.:; cs'.il.'.is'i
cJ a regular tnauu factory in citv,
nnd should receive the patron. i. of , vr-.v
le.rmrr in tin n::ptrv. tic arc r.s-nintl
that his plows tv.T v.-.-i r.n? east, rn in ir.-
lifaeture, an 1 art f tirni-tVd ut ns l.w
rrice-". Knourajo liom. urintifacture j
it is the life of tho country.
CjPSc advertisement of Miilir.ery ami
Dress Making, by Mis Defpain. Sin
Las just received the largest FToelt of
goods in this lino cir brought to I'l itts
mouth, and has made arrangements to
receivo additions thereto every month
.She has all tho latest fa.-hion an 1 will
take pleasure in showing them t j cuitum
ers. Can't AfToul to be Without One
Tha Il'-v. Lemuel Disse'.'. Mi -r:..n'ti v
to India, writii. from M.!;.ii, ()hi,
March ih, 1830, says : 'The M achino
you sold us a jcar ajo pives entire satis
f iction. Having a family t) p: paro for
a lon sea voya, we have an op.
pjrtunity to test it thoroughly, and the
more we test it tho better ) like it.
My wife says, the must take a VI!eox &
'i.hbs with us to India ; and sf I tell her
we cannot afford if, !he replies , wo can
r.ot afford to be without one.
TThey told an emigration meeting
at Nebraska Citv on Wednesdar last.
Th y should be held in ererv locality in
Nebr"kr. Cannot riattsmouth do
something inthatlin?
GTDOur efficient city Marshal has
been around town "fixing thin;rs"' noti
fyinn; business men to keep th side
walks clear of obstructions, and cit-zpns
Cnor.illy to purify their premises in ac
cordance with ci tj' ordinar crs.
Cyfli. Newman it Co. havo just re
ceived a laro;j stoci of clothirtr. They
are to be seen at th.c corner of Main and
Third streets, nnl will be sold cheaper
than ever clothing was soid in Platts
mouth. C7"Tho Omaha ll-rall gays, in spak
ir.T of its position on the apportionment,
"our position is not misunderstood by
respo.-'tnblo men of South Piatte." That's
o. Ihy know vour position "just lit: e
a boolt," and know that you would vie
Mini:? tho whole State if you could, and
2"t a lot cf roughs to moh the peTple's
riM-rssi'ntativf s for t'ue piirpoye of secur
ing your own measures. Ilespect able
nn down hero d not mis'indef ntanJ it
n.-'ither Il.'pu'.'i em cr Domojrata.
Ci?""Viti. K. Davis, lls'j., is :ip.nt for
tln sale of a bau'-unl teel enravin
(iit;il-J tiio "CVntenarv of Amnrictn
C!vHt'-n. A. B. Fuller arrived in this
city on Saturday evening, Inokinj; and
feeling in the best cf spirits. lie reports
"all quiet on Salt Creek," and immigra
tion coining in lively.
Cv"o learn from tbo AVm-s that A
J. Nelson, of Nebraska City, was shot
and severely wcunj?d one niht last
week. lie went to the door of the hotel
where be intended Maying over niht
and knocked for admission, itbeinp; bite
ile was sht from wivhln.
(TSTCol . Thojf. Maj)rs nrrired in the
city yesterday morning, on i is way to
Omaha to attend the session of Legisla
ture. If does not arpear to have lost
either fiesh or buoyancy of spirits in
eonsequ'-nea of the abuse heaped uf on
him y the Omaha Herald.
"true blue."
Majors is
fJ7.T. E. Doom returned a few days
since, fro:n a trip to the Iiljc, having
ona out to vi"w the route of tha nw
mail line ct;ib'ihed from this city. We
learn from htj thnt f rtt'urs uro coming
rapidly through tha counties west, and
they all look npon P'inttsm jI h as their
ri at urn 1 ha--? of supplies Aii luey want
is a thorough ncquaimanco with oi;r bus
iiie-s men and their trado is kc cured fuc
ail future t'rne. Will our business m'n
exert themselves a little in this direction?
From th un lersignwd, one black Mare '
Mul, five years old, um size, had aj
lariat around her neck. Also one mouse '
colored Mule, fix years old. lioth Mules
are shod in front. Manes roached and
taili trimmed. Any persons deliTerirjj
said Mul"s to me in Piattsraouth, or
jriving information cf their whereabouts
so that I mav obtain them, will be liber- jj
ally rewarded.
rovl-ltf Conrad Schlater
j. j. siurtox.
Simpson, Mickclwait & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail
A pocket cae of
suv2i0ai instmmontsf nocejvjno.t Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
, New York. Finder 5 " '
made by W. F. Ford
will be suitably rewirded by leaving
theui with Dr. Livingston. my!3
Frksh Osage Oravgk Seed for sale atj
per pound at
Li.ack BcrrERr & Co's.
mar 15th
M-bod.M:i." It is - ) 1 2 by CO in
and eiiil'ru.-'' : toe f cne i'f "John etfler
i.rin t re-o ie I from i'n- burning buihiin'
wneie.iy was p.rfsorve l tn ,fria in
which v.'ii. bid b-n tht !ift iind power of
M-.-thd -in; "Jjba U'eslev rreiichir.z up
on ii:.' tonin-ht ct!C of In !a!!:r-r : ' '"tne
o:d J n St. Church, lJostonj" and tho
"i'inr.i er I'reaeh r,' a:.d portraits of the
pnnrr.( i:t lii-hor, living nnj rlaad
It is a really beautiful e: p aving, and
can ba bad of Mr. Davis for the email
sum of $-1
ly-om Situr'-ltti'H Daily
C57"A citizen of Muscatine lias, this
yar, set out over 1,0'J'J hado trees.
. T7"F. P. Tood has removed his new-
in M i ;hine Depot to tho'clothing store
of Win. Sta lolcuann.
d Butter and Fs are exceedingly
scarce ja-t now. tanners are too busy
to briti them in.
CG-o. C. Hopkins has been appoint.
ed Ma-ter in admiralty, by the U. S.
District court of N.-ora-ika.
From T't'ir f tt y 1 ai'y.
rTWin. . f irvey, Iq., and lady,
J.ave returned to Oiuaha.
r;'57"Fs,.abroo6 i after Morton, and
V..J the trumps on him.
niWspapT of this city has reranentlv
CVJolf) J. M. Live, cf Iowa, ba
arrived in Omaha and organized th-j U.
. Court.
l.v'nn! river is falli:. ye and our
o'd familiar friend-, (.r r.vhc pnomi. s)
tho sand bars, becomii. numerous.
?"Jh. Jordon, Mr. Wliir:;,'-, and
Ffveral other ci'izens of Pluttsmomh,
aro loa.t;n- ;orn t3 day and will
e.'.irt Wist to-morrow.
r-TThe ceremonirs of lavir. the cor
rer-st'jiio T the Episcopal Church to be
cree'ed at Omaha was rerformed vestfr
day. lit. Hev. B.thop C.'ai kson o.Ticiat-
CvIIon. John B. Benr.ett and G. V.
Sroat, Esq., th Dt i.-i.i.-ratio candi
ia:cs in Oroo county to .jpp!v th5 va
cancies caued by resignation. Morton
we feel f r you.
Sihi ..u:i says a povcrrment train
''feved and two FoMiers drowned
m a f..J(.d r.ccasonrd by a sudden ran,
-tormon the Cdr.r.-lo " ,,scrt recently.
It was cailed a waw ,:ut, but in r.-.ali-
ty was a sudden shower which sent a
terrible Cood down the va'.le, in whl-h
they were encatnpc-J.
C"At the Charter elooti-i at V Irri?
ka City, on Monday I.,st, t;.., ,,ro,
TOtPd, and their rotes ere P(l,;,t(
muchly- ly 0lsr c-irperhd f,r,j
T-ere were two Democratic tickets in
th- icld and r.o K-.pIican ticket.
There w.n rt strife among the D.-mo-oratic
candidates to secure 'tho vote of
tho "ehatt.'es."
CifU'e nctico several new buildings in
CJarse of erection about town some
bri,?i o:h,,'s frame ad an immense
amount of ifpairic.
-. M . ro;a prcposes cresting a
?-":detce ..a Svcoad street, immediatel v
north or LU.tcrr. Pa:t cf the lr:ck are
bo w on the ground.
E (HTlt i, chMper to boy .bread of
Mathisati,: loav,,r,r,(J;;::rl!ian to
"Wl -T0U;SelTC3 Wnoar at 50
per. hundred.
JV J- b, sia the
City to-cny on husi,.e. H, can..d0'
rem Omaha on the Lacry last nit, and
left .or Nebraska City to-day.
C-Commisioner Vh.te ir.forms u,
a the I,;d did not locate a b, !.!.
ero, Weeping Water at Barnum-, as e
mtedafewday8ngo. Th.y only lo.a
one bridge and that was ., Smith',.
CP-Judge Bratton, the county Jujg
Cn,r:,'p;,,BjWiil S,'0n 'ovefrom
Council Bluff. t0 Muu COun
In agricultural pursuits.
CT"Tho ILisalk Is now turning out as
ine job work as can be ha 1 in Nebraska.
Call and seo our specimens.
CTMIon. Thad leus Stevens had ro far
rec ivered on the 1st instant, as to take
bis departure f rom 'iVash: ngton fcrb:.C:c.
f'vT'Ciarke, Porter .t I.'rwin I.avo re
moved tbf;ir law ofiica to the corner of
Alain a-.d Third streets, second story,
over B. Newman it Co. Clothing Iloiii?.
L v i. iS-'wman, J-sq., camo tiown
from tho Bluffs this morning on tho St.
Joseph. He reports business l.vely up
iliere. lie will return to morrow.
f"5?"The immigration to Nebraska this
season is unprecedented. Every div
brings a largo number cf eastern rcople
among u$.
CtTTha Mt. riea ant Journal Inn
out a toast: "The printer Independtnt
a- a wood sawyers cb-rk, -proud as Luci
fer, poor as Job's turkey, and tho per-
sonitication of intelligence."
fThe st-a'nor Minr was snij-eJ
and sunk bef.een Omaha an- Sioux Citv
lately. Sho had on two thousand six
hundred bushels of corn. Boat "and
cargo a total loss.
CTTho resihnco of Judge CiintTi
B.ijj;-', of Omaha, was entered by bjr
giars one night this week, and robbed of
four hun Ired dollars in mir.cj and
watch. We b-r.rn from tho R-yMican.
Cv?"Wi would remiud our citizens,
tiiat tho Ordinance restraining sw;n
from running at large within the citv
limits goes into operation on Monday
n'xr, and that it is the duty of the Mar
shal to sco that its provisions arc carried
out. Thos.i having Logs r.t large, will
save th-mselvcs ur.d the Marshal some
ananyrince by taking care cf them imine
A Word to Cowalesevts. Especial
cave should be given to the diet, tak
light food and but little at n time. (J.-eat
cure should be taken not to tane ar.y thing
indigestible into tho stomach.
Many persons when recovering from
fevers have craving appetites, and not
unfrequently, through the ever attentions
of tho nurse, mix together in the stomach
the most incongruous articles of food;
others, ng.'iin, recovering from disease,
hiivono appetite at nil, an 1 need some
Kntlo tonic and stimulant to ass'ist th
internal organs "of tho body to perform
their regular function. To uch we say.
procure Bibac'i's Stornneh Bitters, com
mence with a small quantity in suar nnd
water, and s the strength returns, in
crease tho dose, an I c -niinuo them until
all symtoms of de! ili'y bavo disappeared.
r.-o:)l 7t!fcf7'. Z(ft'y.
Jii 113 E. S. Dundy arrived this
mcrning on his way to Omaha.
Iy"lhs v,lif ?.t crop in this county is
reported us looking ut,u ua!!y Un''.
tVm. Ilcrold's is the placo to buy
cheap shoes ;ii:d good ones
C7Tho Gno brick of J. N.
Wise, Esq , is nror-s.iin rapidly. Tin-
wails for ti-o Urst story arc completed.
There will bo nnra prairie broken
up in. Cass county this year than has
been during tha past three years.
Q"77Frank Goff has Bold his premises
on Main St. We urder-tund the build
ing is to be thoroughly repaired and fit
ted up for a business ro mi. ,
57'Surveyor Genera! Hitchcock, nrriv.
ed in tho city yesterday, and is making
tho necessary arrangements for opening
his o.'Iice.
Dr. M. II. MeCluskey will visit
Glenwood next week and remain for a
short time. Persons wishing work dine
will call this week.
Received at the News Depot, for any
of the Magazines, Periodicals and News
Papers of the day, at the Publishers 1
Xr.w is th t) ji.,' sen Sr.
Oct. 20.
Peslers in
noons, SAsrr,
A few choice lot- of land in Cass J
county Nebraska, for bale on reasonable!
terms. Call on
Feed, Sale and Livery
IMaiisSt., - - Plattsmi i;th.
I fcl pnpurel to coommn.lie ttii pn'olic wlit
Horses, Carriages and buggies,
Aho, n iiitte Ileurse,
On rf.ert totl, p fir.d rfon;ibIe term". A ITack will
ruatnttean l !, iiij to u'.l Jaitsofthe
citv htn de.irvJ.
mr-jj J. XV. SnAVXON.
't wo blocks uortiivrcrt cf B:!rk chool-lloui.
Trirate r'oms furn:iel if deUred. Eithsr ajr
boatd or w ith loJiugs t rrisituub;e rates.
Jhq d a tr.
-um3d Cut, "
T. W. Shryock i in '. tti o!it stand priTr'l
lo wit ut'ou Iii. furniiT custoioera. ud tha pul lla
nrral:y. If you wiii.t ' yilmg b e of i rni
tu'e or ( liiir.. Vive him a call. IrJ Btrrrt rar
Ma' a, l'Hiuuiouib, N. T. ui17,dir.
n brn'-
J. N. Wise.
4fttid DENTIST'
W'i 1 1 w.i! wo k in UN line mi cl.ort noti-r-;.
jTjO-'o -.villi ir, Liv.:.?.it ju.
i j;y ti.
if s.a'i d..v .r
I - h -.itiy Fivf;i t'i'il i T!i'ir 1 i
.Vl .iv, MJ7 I. owi-:. ti,.- !i ii r . (
ni liiy rc i 1-.' :li c in .ar. i-nrit. ' foir.:v N-
I I't j-i; i, ii 4 g .i . ,! ..hi i f i !.. miiji r .- i I ',. t',.'i i :,o i
1 f -, il '.,-.l, I iil! -I! at .-!.ltr -,iV all tii.; iii-it, !
title .ti.l ltl:c c-t i I oj.iii :l; i;i r i.-il' i o the nor u- j
wo.t In; f.itulii jillii We t hil f -"U liWi' t one 1
fii'.itll .ml til-; tior iL.-hs i.ut-fuil-til ol mu tii-t
ii -fii.nJiof .-.c uu l;u:ilxr -1. in toiru Ii j 10,
noitii of raii-e 11 e..-t 6'tt I M. Ter . s e:s i. '
V.ArVHKW llftiilES S
G'l'i'Jim of Min-r Ik is uf lu i in cim, IecJ 1
It. i'ii-juti .M.iy Z 1 si;7. my" 3v
Hon. John Cudtnan, meruher of
tiio IIouso from Jancaster, past-J
through the city to-day on his way to the
Hon. A. 15. Fuller has furnished r.
lar-re list of suhseribcrs for tho Weekly
at fcii.t Lrcek Pot olhce. C;innot a fuw
niro ;f our friends in tho western coun
ties do likewist.r
AlSitcIuiit'iil Dioticc
Win. .VcCniii'i l
j; b-. t brii j
latt r-itti- ? n,i c n .lor the
vs I
JViii 1 r ir.It. J
D.t:ttr Ih .t V. if li.i ti Mt; iu' I li .U-i t C iinpi cU,
l.'tt .,rLi rs ;u l fi. uml-r nit; nnuj" jmJ k yi
f W t-. M .Cm it v Co. . j!:iiifiii late .'f tL c-u ty j
f I'i; U d i I 5rr . ft' K i!i 1 c:i tie 17. h d y ',
.' Ao il, A u 10., n (L- ir pr'irio" in th i: il id
Cull, t oi t f. - J j ti i i i 1 1 ti!:: it, wit hi ti aii'i f . r Ihr
. o-.niy . f C i-.t ;tt.i h'eof r it s--in:u; fnrin
Ihut tii fJtM j lfiiui.iT, by the ro t- '. ill o; of 1.1?
C:ic!lt C.' l t of ih- Npi-of .lin.01.. Il Id III 1.1 fur
ti e 10.1L ,v ,i i-'uitiin, d-I on ihf- tnli -1- y ol' 4-Vbru
-i A l lf:l, it ,. it a ju.Ig.ii.fiit iii-i'- lht hiiTti
John i iiiiiU 't rtii'iant, 1 1 Hi sum ot two iimiitrt J
m i f -ri v - i;; - a i tl 1 :i -loii bihImX au J o
I'UiliIai'i ei's; wU u-H .1: i j i I-u .tit re.i i:in i 1
Hi l I'o.ii I iu fu ! t un I tii ct, a.;jif in u.-W i-o to-
v - 1 1 .-. (i 1. j. it r i w i. ii -u:l t.:iiS vf u.u.u f"
t t I .!'. ..ii.iiii t 11 t p aid i'i .i:,y f 1 ilie: of.
'...t tio- 0 v il'i ti,'.1 i-i l.ti it f'Oi.i ilisi
" iu( ti. frio .i it i;;ori tii t .nl j i r t :.t t!i sain of
f .vj In .i i t (1 ari:i r i t t'i u 1 i rJ-luO Hr a:iti
; r,.., t :,,-(). l -.i : . . imy ! n-i'iin 7, 1 h
a::-l IX . .'.-1-1 ti I , .t ' wT. :; tol i; 1
loii i iii'it'i i t i i . . i .ii, ii (i i re 4 in 'ii ' j ; a r
i! I 1:1 v o j-,-; ..i oi a ; I, i hi i .i 1 ja -
t! iV a!o r l;i "JJ 1 'i-i Ma , a h I -0".
I- i t i , -it l it il i-t -.i.u cuiiy, I) ;t: i IV f-w-l
" :"; ' 'V1" l ConrfriR Mais and Tiiikd Sthkhts, Plattsmoutu N.
eal Estate
JXT CO rS J. 91.
Lot 6 In block -47, fiood residenc, Will ouj o.i--
lit 12 in block C2. a food ttt-n-stnry ro-i.lortv.
hiick l...icmmt, well, barn and o'her outi.tiildiiis.
. rire ;i:i.r for a Jcod ii vcirm-i.t.
T..-t 11 iu M'-ck 173. I.uildin!; with ttro rooms aud
B'llnr. ioo;l lor a KUiall iai.ili.1.
10 in Mi ik 27. t-icd lesiilcnce, with nil tii
O'-Cessny uutliiii'dinps.
We t h ilf of S'ti(m town 12, n""" 1,1, t.ii?ffh-
er with .'i'i neres of luilf.or- t.fie im.-.died .ierr;; un.
iter cuUival.oii. Kigiii miles Irom I'luUsui'.i-tli.ntir
!'Ut;o river.
ino.rovpd farm of c'l-litr arrex, coo! hoti'f.
well, etc., wiUi live m-r.s o go-.d tin.l it.
Ei'litv aeres of !anl,tar:iy itii rove I. two cv. ad
lulf miles from tl.e eity.
ItiO acres of pnrlly improved land, with i'i i f
yoiiui ti in1'- r, -Ituared 4 rniies boutli of tow.i.
Denier ia
e J i Xj X. .1.
A id aortinn' of W.tchfs Cl css, 0.;j Pen:
J . iry. Mlvr '.tr. , Fntic. (-on Vi. 1 i: ai.d Vi
olin T mimiiiiis 1vit .n hand. AIIiu'.L ctia
mi'!.- i tn hi r .rn wi.l b winntid.
At;ril 10, l-'-o. election in Douirias
. , . t ... . i i - . . .i
'" o .uri.iy, rt;.u. le'.i in llio e.eo- ...i r ..t il, ,:.,f,u,..,.: ,, i ,r:t-r a , I tie i.c.i'.w
tton of tiio DomncMtli. n.V :.t -T it '1 t;r ..r t '.-s i. . - .-w. ., ir . , -,f .
WILLI .M, -O i U .
l.Ui.i: I M i-ll H..
T.y !: r k''.'y: Ci A"r! iii:ii. oc Kiuviji
l.t d May 1, A r. 1- j7. 4.
rtir .- i ti.t 1 ii .' ;' v i r. - i;- p.! ; jhi-u f r (w
c -n t dtkd a lue 'Ne'-r . h'.nld'1 iietf.
!'.'J'or. J II l;i.u'A',
I;.;:!--''-' iu Chancery.
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
iyt TLLI(;s at all niiir.
Any i..ts.,3, vitlil)p to Kann-pioprrty, r
r. t-iit s i.i turn nr:;i i.iiU Uitm ior m.r ki a l
I'-ic's. t,v
mr". KkalKstA- Vuvt.
Woolworth, by o'6 nir.joritj over JuJj.e
Bri,rs, the Kef uhlican canJiJate
Dean'.-i Flouring Mill and CarJin.r;
M ichine, at A-.h3.and, nro now in splendiil
running ord.-r, nnd he is turning out es
ceiicnt work. Wool crowers of Nebras
ka will d well to coii.oiier tho nilvan-ta-es
of having their rrJuct minnfi.c
turc.l at homo It will jitld them a
much lar-cr pro.1t, nn.l will cnco:irae
home mrtnufuctura.
Thero is room for Cvo thousand
more men in Cas county, and as manv
more immediately west of it. Thosowho
coma to Nebraska wiih tho dot ernjination
to do sometliiri for themselves, and do
not presume loo much upon their ahili'.y
to rnako a Iiiiw; without work, scarcely
ever fail to accomplish ail that a reaion
a Lie man can expect or d..-sire.
Tha report of the loss of the
bteamer Miner ar.l the massacre by th
Indians ij not credited at the isiilita'y
head iuarters in Cm ilia, pays the ';.':.-
ie;i:i. It i chiirn.-d that Grn. Auer has
means cf ohtainin a kiiowIed5 of afl'i'rs
in tho tipper country equal to the. h ?.
nnd that he h is failed to receive any in
teiii' of tl.e allege I nccori enc.
t-l"Tha f'ri -ss sajs : We hive heard
pooj.' talk ahout the opnirfj cf u c lue
trey fer tho hurial of deceased Mas..n
nnd Odd Ft Hows and di'cofedinerr.h.-rs
of their families. It would certainly he
n oo.l tliir.p. A very I:iro portion o
our citizens are Masons nnd Odd Follows,
and they must naturally feel that there is
dornethin mora permanent ahout a cm
eterv. ovt-r which their fraternity cxer-
ciso control, than one controled by
"ic D.' fricl ' ..,'.' .(. f
J u!:;:s ."clilVeiVr 1
.1 1 -c; H W Wits u )
Lu'.e of -Vi'Vujta.
r.::: . r r mP: .int.
J ii vv . r.i:..-i'n will
t !;,? r.t :: t'.ht 1 ll.i 2.1 . !i.v .f A. nl. A o sn7.
J ..i is :.r.. r ii .1 in . It . ttif-s or ilie I rk
.-f U. C il I let (''111:: of tl.o -'i Jui.filii IJiMlii't,
m r..od ni'imv nt i .n-. .. i in; o ,,nic.-..v oil- th f,
h t .f c uo;. ii I I'ri- ulj.,-; ,ii,,i jj uyro. Wllic.l
. to I . in... i'.,:i.! !.., v 10 '. I UP'MI til titlo to
t ii r.lK- i-t (jii i. t - r ( ', ) o tii" tii.r:!i--t nairier
i i, .-..I ili !-..i: li ii.iii ; ) of ih.- u 'i tlintrt ( n.r; -r
t -t-:i .it iiu'obur ! o i.r;, in ,vr ii-li i: ini-ti ..-r tvii
l, I'.- I. of !.,:.( l.u.,.1,. r tx .v- (I;;, -K l a. d in
t'.i--.-...iii'v. Xi'l.i -kn. mii I -:i! ii j "W.i. nut
"-I."' I"1-1 '" tii.5 ;.. Ij -i vi a .v i-onii.!aina:i:. Juii-
,1 . s:.;r,,- !t -, t . ,1 VV. i lor l ri nil.
r .1:0.1 -.t t..'l.j, 11L 1 '?-orl .1 111 .ork '( " of
!-c s i I i , in Ih olii, . ot tii f;.- -isl n fllwi.
I c ur.tjr Coin!" :i l--o. 1I1 .1 ii- pur
1 .-u i l .u ! 1. 11 .,1 ut ilir 1 m, ,:;lv , jab
I" Is ,D 1 f i,u N . ,, ,i, I li..-!. .fC... t -oil n: V. 1:1 I li-
ii-ii T.-.ii..ry ..11 N-lii-.-k . f..- t'.t ,-ti ,.' of iit.i v-t an-l iurtr .r. ai..l iti.,t In U ,
v 1 -.. d ,r r ,11 , o - ii 1 1 ... ., ...i ,u ti J . si-pa VV
' t-' , - .11 it t an o: liri- p-r-o-i; aiiil .o.oj.'Mina :t
'l- .-r mi;'.-. 11 nl In it Nti I i".-.t .miHiii, p::r-
p.-i Ki.g t If a jt.'i.'i:i. VV iir.n'.r I-'f 1 I- cm
11 1.. J -!i Vv'. Pi t! il r. r.iUi t. U a
.rtudui. r.t c a:v v .1 , ff wl. ci com;-! .in .tt l,n l
11 . k .. w.v j.- until on .. r it 1. on t I 1 '2 I: li .lay .. f A 11 1 i I .
a I i s c7, win, J. '.V. l'.a . r-oti no' llod
. "Ol -ill' , ll.t l 1 f U'l i' rl- I. I i '-iallU Ut' Ml S ll I l'.-
K-ih'i. 11H.I r.itii:.'.! i..,:;l , ii) s tli't s.iid fi an ItL.'itf
in--..i.ft- ii. t v li.. .'c ii-.d ..... ..r d inll-i.ti'
v. 10 by il.?. i.. ir !! v.1 tirr, an'i 1 l.,it ucii o"lior
a-.'i I . .1 . I' i. 1 ti jy I..- t il lion as r ii i I lr i'l
1. 1 -t t.iit y i 1. t '.1 in: - ... tin- ii.i.-n, ....... Cm.:;
. tt a . t a i- I-l I o:. ". d t . ..,; -a: H l I ill-IT f . tl
t i .-t :o 01 l.t .1 f tii 1 1 h .u t- 01 J a. e a t ls.!7,
o t- -.:t;-;.ii:ta :it xv.ii tat;.' ro ciii'' y iti a- i.r-y
'.I I...- Jl'i Ills .- c ;1 '',, ii i) ... n.
iv 'i -.x-Toli X Cii.ij inau, for Cou.pldiiiaut.
flats Cap?,! Roots, Shoes, Trunks, Valines, Sec. &?.,
Also n prge let of
Of all Jscr;;)"''?D' nlrraya on hand.
trST'Cnll and examine mf exlcnsive stoc'i at tha
33. 1SZ&-22&LZXJJL
Tlattsmouth, April 10th, 13GG.
c53 0O,
1T. tOVIN't,
t'.-um M 'Ti l'i j't Ihii'j.
C2?"A fellow has been arrested in
Omaha for atttrxiftir to pass a counter
feit rf lOO liil.
CXtmaha has hefn r.pain difrnced
by an election mob. The negroes were
f ircihly driven from the pol!s on last Sat.
CiT'The City Marshall has commer ced
Of prilling under tho hog ordinance, nnd
t'ok tip ouite ft nice lot this afternoon.
T7 A large number of wagons con
taining emigrants outfits have mado their
nrpearnno on our streets to day.
Ci?"lhe Vtss relates ti romantic dra
ma that occurred in that vicinity a short
time ngo, wherein a young girl had two
lovers and tho un-iucceeeful on was ehot
by tho other.
At Weeping Water, Cass Co., Nebras
ka, April ltj:h, lS'iT, of Congestion of tho
Liuns, i;aArFiRr, infant son of Lori'.lard
ami L'K'ind.i Wilson, aged four months
and ten days.
At Wenpin Writer, Cas Co., Nehra
kA, April lth, 18f,7, of Congestion of
tho Lungs, nrsTir, only chiM-of Uoswell
and Bi'rentha (Iokdon, nged three months
and eighteen days.
Another hand is becVr.iig ui,
Another ca'l is piren ;
And glows r :;ce more, wi i r-gels' te ps
The path tbnt lends to lleaven.
Unto our Father's will alone,
One thought hath reaoncilod ;
That lie hiie 1 ,c exceedeth ours,
Hath taken home his chil l.
Fold them, O, Fathj, in thine arms,
And lt them henceforth bo
Messengers of love between
Our human hearts and thee.
Still let their mild rchukings stand
Between us nnd tbo wrong;
And their dear memory serve to make
Our faith,in goodnesi etrong.
Tiled. E. TOOTLr,
T. K. HA.Vttl.
rsj . m V A fll -
h WhoVsils D' tii r.. la
Payout Medicines,
Chemicals, Glass, Painis, Oils, Pure Wines and Liqnors,Co.iI
Oil and Lamps, iStalioncrj', d'ze.
Blood Purifier!
ron ccuiNo
Scrofula, Sijphili, Shin 7i.
ease, Oftl Sort's, Silt li fit-tint,
lysptiisii or Imlhjtatioii,
Liver Complaints, liltett mdfistn,
,1'ever ttml Aym-, Sf. An
thony's 1'irt',
l-Jrisipclas, Tumors, Irruptions,
fits, Scrofulous t'ou
stimjtioir, etc.
I trt lliit rrorthwp.frn Ti i'ti ' rrr.Dl'.r JlrJS. J,..,. n. ,.. . - . .
kaj cu lum.U inrir mt:oj. Ia atiy ovMUii.t. - - - iff. j. v. Arr s r ...
''stray XoUcc,
q q q 5j q q q s
GTi'E person wt ir.'S, her Uiiuuhlcr was purcil
of Kits of nine vents' st:iiulnt, mul St. YltUf
riaii.'o of two veins.
ANOTIlKil nrite.1, his pen Has cincJ nfter
his H.'sli lin.l iilinost ii.isto.i III! iij-.
Tl.o .lo. t.its riiioiiii.-c. th.- .aso ineitr.iMe.
ANOI'HKIt whs o:ir... K.n. r iin.l Aue lif
ter try m every tiu'ilu-ine in his rc.u.-li.
A .nTHKK whs i-tii.'.) of l oer Sore which
hti.l extvto.i fourteen yi nrs.
ANOIJII K of liii.-tiiii:it sm of right yenrs.
t'nsca iiiniiiiiornl.le .f lt s-ois::t mi" I l.iver
rompliiint ooi.l.l I u. ti. tin'r ni-ii, in whU.-li t!iO
I'tinln-r anj I ilis work liltu ii charm.
in l. i.. tv r .
. .,.,"., ... , ri j-enr-i of BS-...T.e oi . ft,
We Liv v rut into our Mill lately wyenl imnortanl i " , "' w,1,tet, 'h' '" Vfi si ie.wl.iu
. . . wis m ..r i-i i ii r i'trri.
-'" , 03 f ' ""I'i.-'1-""! to bavo the Kln.Ier.
... . . rs ui u otitis Jfri l"V1!i .i
Tcaleri ia
Gold Dsi.i. o!d and .iJvcr
Colli, Exchanr, IJ
and other &SocI.
I'ii;:ove:iiciity5 ai.d m-L- iu j.n jn: r- t
37 lour.
Whezit and Oorn.
noiirrw & siEir.
: u.i, Tee. lo;!,, UCS. 4 7
r tliuD.n.. 1 : . -
. . '
..... . .i" u lo (Jl) S,, nuA Wi !i ;
th- ''i.iti.. a- .1 o.vmi Ui t:.o-e ilsir ,.t
, . '""ns e c. K.ven oti a,,-
lilll'utuin III huf fft. .' r.n M .' .
" ' " "ii .t vm (trcl
; iins. l. B. jo::es,
f N'(Via:.kit City, Wvr.'il tltilly inf.irm tht-
nnJ ?pecial attc-nticn civen to Collection i '!"s ,'latt?n!,,uth tt i.e b t.ikea CP i,cr r..
" i '. ixri iu h :;u f fur tl.f 1 uri use of
pijAttsmcuth, it. t.
S 9 d.i-tf
' I uri .
if require.', L.iiiie. n;l ('hii.Irenn Drese, Clonks,
I i-.ju. .-. t-tf. XACillXE tTITClllS; ai.'
-ii' work wi!l t.f ee.-nit'd with tita'tie-p, nuj w;u
f.-five .i,,n pt at: rt.t luti Fho will ,Vl,r to gie
vtif.,,".in, nn-I :her-fure solicit the patrtia.-e of
: t!.e !.?i.' s f this l l.-.cp nrnl viri.ii.v
PltiG CtIV H filers . rr"-'0 .iana4tbtreets.Ir. Adra
I.,! M.- t h.,L,m .ra r. ".Attorney, tf J.ale
r-n tctt
C. II. Farmele, 1'rr.prit tor.
Corner of .M tin and Fourth S'.reds,
llt (sitio-.illi, .t!j.
S3"r!oird by' the .! .y o- w. e'. f y
.., V " ... i.. an mum :iy trlt't; of In.
Jliiiaitei am! Drt''iiJn!iei I "v" i"ii.-.t t- iMu-mit- n.,h t. ui.u t.a
1 : C ..irre-r.,. r m:it of tin D-im-taienta of t.o
urt'UMii. int. t'UST-OI t ICE,
uiontn. i nil 3.l e tne.u ,
Titn H'.jTe tifctnej enf n a hive .it:-d
I:i-i:im-:v., ia t f ... the .uip..t i.n.Viit
! it at.d c. lectina ail c.ims hmi,.t the lim.rral
ti iftmia. :it, or .int nv true of Indian a.!
r t. io:a
o I e!..r; t ie C'oui t of Claim s.
Una jaft reee.,e. ahr. t .ck f Jv'f ir .MrtM' . . ' -dl,! L, P l teui:o to
uf ilia ljtff.1 lashiOD. New Coeds K.u:v.M n'-rl t-s- A.i'.li.i v.., .,"!"?:,.. ... .
FliiU Vrstr. "
ici'ir ia"
erroco;iG3, Provisions.
PKODUCK. c7..'
A!I t'n.I of I reduce ta'trn In exchange for
. ..rp iuc vcrj or r! C : ,., ,a tonkj te
1! thrtn hi th ap f ' j In a t In tl t ej.v.
arm for Sale
r ...... .j .
.-no wi um .ri j-arms i-i L a.s "o'li-.y. . r KO or
"J "-' c - sit t' i urth , .. i e ,i,.
-tio:i, water p iv 1 t..j..J ,. j.. t .cll
. ., r, !". o ll . '.Fim'i
i ourt-nou'e la 1 i...:tsr t.,ut'. or the
ot.iter.i ti hj p in..-t-. c.r, 1-; m .-
HiVlMM..Utl. ih: HOC u.j.t.i.' t.'j
iuip!emut of the .'umu in .v be b.-n v. -h i "
Ara the, most notive ntol thorough pill t4it
liuve ever t..-en -oil. 'I h.-y H. t fn .ii
rei-tly upon the Liver, ev.-ifin iluit to
ui'Ii n ext. nt a Unit the sst. m .1 e to.t re
liipse into its former condition, h'. h is too apt
to l.e the ense with hiinply i. purgative pill.
They hio r!ly a
nnd in conjtinetion with the
Wiil-c'iire nil tiio nforementiniie.l di.,. ... i
of tlieiuselve. Hill itiit-ve au.l euro '
Eeadache, Costiveness, Colii
rams. Ucolera Morbus.
Indigestion, Pain in the Bowek
sr. . n '
dizziness, gic, Czc.
DR. lioIlA CK'S
Stomach. Bitters!
Pionl.I .e used by eonvntesoenta to tr -nutlien
the froatrat:ou Hhicii aluavs follows acuta
Try these medicines, and tou will never ra
rret it. Ask your nei'hl-ors w ho have used
them, nnd they will sy thev Are GOOD
MUDIUITJ E3. and y. .it thould try them Ikj
ore going tor k plivMcnin.
loucee? ors to L'r. C. W. Kohac-k.)
W03. 50, 53, GO & 02 E. Third St.,
frl f
F021 4A5".!i-
P""'""1 vn t r.v brit-k -u,r-- a .i.ui. 2i I., 1 ' el
wift it.v. reiur, lor fur.ori partic i' af. i ,.t.. , re . '. hi
. lU'iJCiO OASfe 0 .HHj.,,1. L'i.,.xiviti,
Are Sold by all Druggists and
' Dealers in Patent Mecficines
If J Waal Tatar. I Mrlir:u- t
BLACh HL'l r