Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 01, 1867, Image 3

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    She cbtaoluv JUvahl
p-jl)3 boats that have parsed up on
their way to the mountains all water
bound at Sioux City, not boinj able to
get anv farther on ac.'juiit cf tho strong
current in tho river.
3?"ThQ Jennie Levis pa?sed up last
evening, having on board Battery C, 3rd
U. S. Artillery, from Jefferson Barracks
for Omaha. They were well equipped,
and had an excellent lot of horse.
C3"A Leavenworth papejr says the fol
lowing fteam?rs have been associated
together by their owners, and will form
a rejru'ar line of packets from St. Louis
to Oiualia: Allen, V. J. Lewis, Turner,
Coluiiibiun, Cornelia, J-nnio Lewi,
bhreve nnd Glasgow. Thy will leave
every Tuns lay, Thursday and Saturday.
They aro iirst cla-M boat, commanded
by experienced boatman, and should be
liberally patronized by merchants and
Cs?"It will he remembered that the en
terprising village liup thg creek" has
been very anxious to have Omaha declar.
td a port of entry. The request has
been granted several days au old
Muddy df-cided the duration by ''spread
ing" to puch an cxtei.t 119 to make it a
necessity, and now water craft are to be
een busi'.y pljing between tha business
part of tho city nnd tho harbor above.
tVc always admired the energy of the cit
izens of that place, and now that they
have an ualitu't.-1 supply of water they
can exert theui-elves in tho line of navi
gation, and we doubt not t;.e fair damseis
of the American Venice will be serenaded
ere long by the sweet songs of ''gondo
17"ALout ?, o'clock this nftornoon
maiiy of our citizens were surprised to
End that their house, which had stood
firm during the heaviest winds, were
rockiug to and fro. A "wee bit" of an
earthquake came from th9 south and
passed north go quickly that many were in
djubt as to the cause. We understood
nur worthy P. M. thought there wa a
hog under his ol5c, but on looking out
discovers 1 that some of his neighbors
were disturbed in the same manner say,
Cap, how bis is that hog? Some mn
who wrr.i quietly running tehniselvos on
the rivrr bank "skedaddled" with rather
mora speed thna grace, thinking the river j
bank was going in. The shock was so
violent in our otllj as to cause articles
on tha wall to swing as though n very
strong wind win blivvin. At White
Claud an oU -all was shaken dawn.
At Xebraka Ci:y tho shock was very
peroeptiblf, while at Omaha it was so
violent ns to alarm the operator in the
talograph oiSce.
u. cnarp, r.sfi , 13 ;n roe 1
f7"We return thanks to Major Bal
eoinbe for files of lata papers.
TTTh.T river is falling rupid'v, hav
ing gon? down about a foot in the last
twenty h.iurs.
CTThe Jennie Lewis took a quantity
of corn from -our levee this afternoon,
far St. Louis.
5rTho Governor of Arkansas, says
that State is ready to organize under the
Reconstruction act.
f"Hon. J. W. Chapman, of the Coun
cil Bluffs Xonj-tir-17, pnsed down the river
last eveniagjon the Columbian.
(TTJ. I. Early, Esq , of the Dtmor.rat,
went down the river this morning on the
Colorado. We wish him a safe journey.
rrp""The oldest inhabitants" say the
river has been from sixteen to eighteen
inches hifchuT - t ttiia rise than ever
mown before
C5?"Our traveling citizens will be
glad to learn that Mr. Brown, well known
to them na Clerk on the Colorado, now
commands that excellent boat.
CSTCars n the B & M. 11. R. R. are
now runniL- v .thin nine miles of Chari
ton. The Afton ;r;; avs that work
oa the road has commsnceJ at thai place
in earnest.
CTThe young folks of our city,
through the courtly of tha oEcers of the
David Watts, enjoyed a very pleasant
social "hop" on board of her last even
ing. Jljit anyboly oj enjoy thm
6el V8J with good music, previa women
and a good Haor to dance on.
5?"We regret to learn that a little
laughter of Mr. Walrod, living some
twelve miles from town, was accidental
ly shot yesterday morning, by her broth
er. The little boy, in the absence of the
parents, got pos-'ssion of a loaded shot
gan, and by some accident it 'was dis
charged, one shot taking effect in the
foot and another in the hip of has sister
neither of which are likely to prove
eTFrora Jas O'Neill, Esq., who has
just returned from a forced visit of
about ten days on the Iowa bottcm, we
learn that tha town of St. Mary has been
very much damaged by the llood many
of the houses being washed away, and
all more or less injured All the hogs
nnd sheep in the vicinity have been lost
and it is reported that cne or two per
sons have been drowned. The road bed
01 -ha C. B. & St. Jo. R. R , has been
very biy washed, and nearly all the
fences in the bottom are either broken !
down or carried away. The Squire came !
from Pacific City to I'iattsmouth in a -fkiff,
birnging a very largo amount of
nail matter with bini.
from Frlarj' iMMj.
C57"We return thanks to Senator Tip
ton for Pub. Docs.
C37"The steamer II. S. Turner took
from our levee, to dav, COJ ncl.s cf
corn, and received 300 more ut Il'ick
BIiiHs. Who says thi is'nt a c .rn coun
try. J "5?" We ,VPrR pleased to rrcfivo n 0.1'!
thii morning fruin our old towns u su,
Tom. Glenn. lie hails !'from old Missou
ri," town of Albany, where he is engaged
in merchandising.
3"The Grand Jury of Douglas coun
ty'has sent into the court indictments for
murder against Baker for 'he killing of
Iligjins, and Most for killing Barstow.
The cases will probably be tried at this
term of tho court.
C3"The friends of athletic sports in
Omaha, nnd also in Council Bluff's have
organized Base-Ball Clubs, and have
largeri nd respectable member-ships
Why don't some of our young men move
in the matter, and organize a club in
I'iattsmouth we certainly have enough
in our m;dtwho need exercise to make a
large club, and it will be more likely to
benefit them, physically, than sitting with
their feet higher than their heads in
some "loafer's heaven."
Which Seam Docs Hip Easiest
The Willcux Gibbs, or the Luck Slstah 1
While it is universally admitted that
ihe Willcox & Gibbs maobine ia the sim
plest, and the least linblo to get out of
order; that it runs the stillest, easiest
and fastest; that it requires the least
hkill to use it ; that its needles, hemmra
and fellers aro a perfect marvel ; and the
machine itself the best beyond compari
son ; it is, nevertheless, asserted, by par
ties interested in "double thread" ma
chines, that the Willcox & Gibbs stitch
is not reliable;" that "tha seam will
rip ;" that "the work will como to pie es
before the garment is worn out," &c,
io. How these charges tally with the
verdict of the jury, at the "Grand Trial
at Island Park," the following extract
from tha "Report" of that trial will
show ;
"Again each party claims that hi
stitch is the least liablo to rip by the
ordinary strain upon tha seam of a gar
ment in use. The test requires a row of
paralel stitching to be mado by each ma
chine, lengthwise, across a narrow strip
of two thicknesses of m-uslin ; and this
strip is then cut across at every half an
inch, maki.ig it into smaller strips, t-nch
as long as tho width of the oriuial piece
Each Judiro takes one of thtsso iuail
strips, and opening tha foid )nths"loek
stitck" fcide, pu!J on tho ends in opposite
directions, anU tha lock stitch seain rips
out. The folds being thus open to the
Willcox & Gibbs seam, he continues pull
ing, but this seam refuses to rip. He
pulls stronger, but this only tightens the
stitch : the material gives way, but the
dcaitl Kfitrla fact." X m 1 llo JK1J " C"
cordacco with the facts, rsnder the fol
lowing verdict :
"Its seam (the Willcox &, Gibbs) has
the peculiar advantage of being readily
taken out, when it is d.Viri.Me : while it
is less liable to rip, in use or wuar, than
the lock-stitch."
Frum Saturday's laily
"The river has been falling rapidly
for the two days past, and is now within
the banks at this plac. It has fallen
about three and a half or four feet.
CTRev. Mr. Roberts, the Methodist
minister stationed at this city, arrived
on the Denver this morning, accompani
ed by- bis family. He will probably
preach to-morrow.
C3?"The Denver carao up at 8 o'clock
this morning, on her first trip for the
season. Sha has an entire new set of
offuers, and we venture thei assertion
that a more accommodating and gentle
menly set of men cannot be found.
Capt. Burks and Clerk Cudwo-th are
destined to be favorites.
CThe Omaha li-j.-ab.'i an says : "Our
obituary column announces the sudden
death of Mrs. Nellie M Caggr, the only
daughter of the Rev. A. R. Mosher, agent
of tha Amerioan Bible Society for Ne
braska and Colorado. Mrs C. had but
very lately removed with her husband
and parents to our city from the east."
57"An immense amount of damage
has been d3no by the high waters down
the river. Large quantities of woid,
fencing, &a , have been carried away,
and many of the inhabitants cf tho bot.
torn on tee Iowa side, have be-en couipell-
cd to travel for the Bluffs. At Hamburgh
the T,atsr extends clear to the Bluffs
without the mallest strip of land visible.
p"The ThanksgiviDR of the I. O. O.
F. yesterday, was very well attpndVd.
An impressive prayer was delivered hv
our venerable and worthy fellow towns,
man, Shepard Duke, followed by n verv
eloquent address by Rev Wright. The
anthems were splendidly sung, nnd alto
gether the occssion was highly credibla
to the order. W e arc glad to see so
benevolent an order prosper in our midst.
May it increase in strength and the good
deeds go on lifting the load from heavy
hearts throughout the world.
CTTho Omaha Repnlllcan of this
morning says : "The Denver was at the
Council Bluffs landing early yesterday.
Tha high winds retarded her progress
rery much, but she undoubtedly got up
to our levee last night." That is get
ting pretty fast, Major. Tha Denver did
cot pass here on her way up until about
eight o'clock this morning, and wo are
positive 6he had not been at the Bluffs
landing np to that hour, for we was
aboard of ber near Erawnviile "early
yesterday "
CyThe irregularity of the mails is a
source of annoyance to tho community,
and a draw hack upon the general pros
perity. Wo received, by a mail that
chancel to get through, an advertisement
from the Chi' f Q jarterm aster, asking
bidi for furnishing a large quantity cf
corn and nats. Th advertisement was
not received until after tha expiration of
time to or en bids, h ne.;. ti.e grain own
ers in Cass and adjoiirng c uir.tties got
no chance to bid, and the Herald lost
an advertising bill.
NicnT Mark Is one of the many dis
pnses of which indigestion is the parent,
and can bs easily cured by avoiding
hearty food at night, late suppers, etc.
If it has become nightly occurrence, take
light food, tea and tjast, for supper and
upon retiring take a half wine glassful
of Roback's Stomach Bitters. This will
assist digestion, drive away this trouble
some annoyanoo, and allow you to sleep
i'iom Muwloij' L'aUy.
27"The high winds for tho past two
days his interfered somewhat with
y We are pleased to learn that Hon.
John Cad -nan has been elected to repre
sent Lancaster Co. in the State Legisla
ture. 5Ve have just received a largo
quantity of paprr, cards, etc., and are
prepared to do job work in the best
fy Wire fencss aro becoming quite
common in Nebraska. They are pro
nounced better and cheaper than boards
by many. E. T. Duke & Co. are selling
the wire the very best artiele at St.
Louis prices.
yThe Bellcvue Times has b-'en ro
euscitated, and makes its appearance on
our table with the name of J Q Gass,
as publisher. It is npedless to say that
if it ever had any politics they are not
2?"Sev"ral emigrant wagons were
loaded by tha Denver at this place yes
terdav, having como aboard at the
Council Bluffs landing. We did not
learn whether they would remain hero or
proceed farther west.
(3?"At the regular t; oeting of Platte
Lodge No 7, I. O. O. V., April 27th, the
fallowing resolutions were unanimously
lUsdlicl, That a vote of thanks be
hereby tendered Chaplain Wiight for the
able and elequcnt address delivered be
fore the orde1- i.'p-n Than!; -giving day.
IltsuhtJ, 'lli;.t a vote of t hanks l,c
also tendered Mrs. Dr. WinterHiue and
Mr. J. N. Wise for Instrumental and
Vocal music furnished the order on that
JltyolirJ, That a Copy of tLe above
resolutions be furnished the Plattsmouih
Ili-KALu ror puCiloat; j:i.
S. DUKE. Eec. Sc.?
April 27th, lSoi.
C7?"Ve have noticed a great scarc:ty
in Nebraska of g d siono ware, nnd of
tn it is almo-t imp -:!, e to get it.
While in St. Jn-eph recently. w visited
the Pottery of Mc-tsrs. Bio-nuHe'd &
McChesney, and 2nd that th.-y are niak
ing a ro. 1. artiole, and ar? prepared to
fill orders for any quantity. O1.0 great
advantage our d.-al. rs wculd find in pur
chasing of them is that th'y pi-rsonallv
attend to tho shipping, r.trd should anv
breakage occur it is rrp'aeed immediate
9 .
Frviu Tii'ida y'n Uui'y.
House-keeper, whn you buv D.
B. De Land & Go's Best Ch-mical Sa'er-
atus you will find every paper weighs a
pound. Can yor. sny the sam- about
other Saleratus'
log bans", with cble ends
boarded up andpainted white, thmted
down the rivpr past this on Sun
lay An effort was made to tow it
ash ire, but it "could not be did."
CyWe learn from the fanners
throughout the c-mnty that the wheat
crop 13 looking well, notwithstanding the
lateness of the season. Some fear ure
entprtain.-d a raid by the gr.i-s-hoppers,
but otherwise the prospect is Hat.
terir.g for a good crop.
Cy We Isarn from our O'naha ex
changes that trains are again running on
the U. P. R R., and that cars hare
to within twenty miles of the Bluffs on the
C. & N. W. Road. This will be good
news to merchants who have go ids com
ing over that 1 oad.
yGeorge Franeii Train has arrived
in Omaha, and the n:,',, of that place,
is filled with fulsomo Cattery of him.
Mi'Ier has a weakness for crawling in
the du-t before some person of -.ntoiiety,
nnd be is- n w endeavoring to kis-i the
feet cf ;.$!,. Franels and mas amend
for what he sui 1 about him la.t fail.
new city government is now
in full operation, and the indications am
that a "new order of things" is about
being established. Frank G T was ar
rested this morni ng by M ,r . bdinson.
on the elarge of being drt,. .-: and dis
turbing the peace and quiet of. the eity
on Sunday. He wa taken before Re
corder Dorricgton, and lined hist-cr-,
dollars. j
yRead the adrr?imont in to-d n 's
paper of ''Pla-tiei S!:tte Roi fng ' w,.
believe this to be an x-"li',n rt-p":,
find equally as cher.r, it nnr ':.- ;i r,
than a shingla roof, it -b ul.i n-u l. ,
confounded with thVd tar , r,d g:ivl
roo6ng with whi.-h m irv ive b -.n
noyed. We hpe, wiir bui.d-s
will take bold of tho Laatter an ! giv it
a fair trial. Send to Mr. Osborn for a
sufficient quantity of the material to test
it. You will find an honorable and up
right man. He i3 not er deavoring to
"make his pile" off this : but is
anxious to introduce it in every locality
that people may become satisfied of itti
y We had the pleasure, while in St.
j Joseph, of passing through the various
j apartments of the iaimenso drug estab
I Val-ment of Penuk A- Levin ". Thev"
occupy a, fire proof building 140 feet in
length and three stories besides the cel
lar, which is literally filled with goods in
their lin". Besides this, they havo an
immense warehouse where all combusti-;
ble goods are Kept, and a laboratory and;
sample room for combustible goods.
Their success in business does not sur
prise us when we understand the p'an
upon which it is transacted and become
acquainted with their two principal
salesmen Messrs. Brown and Good.
fjy The Ladies Mite Society, of the M.
E. Church, will moet at the residence of
B. Spurlock, Esq , on Wednesday evening.
May 1st.
A general attendance is requested.
Mrs. M. L. WHITE, Pres.
Mrs. B. SrcRi.ocK, Sec.
Frksii Osage Orange Seed for sale at
$1,25 per pound at
Black Buttery &, Co's.
mar loth
A few choice lots of land in Cass
county Nebraska, for bale on reasonable
terms. Call on
apStf J. N. Wise.
A'.l soldiers honorably discharged from
the United States Service nre entitled to
$8,1 S, as bounty for each minth service.
LJnder this all soldiers are entitled to
bounty. For particulars enquire of F.
M. Dorrington, offitie 2d fioor of Brick
Block, cor. Main and Third streets.
N. B. this will include 2d Neb. Cav. :
Direct from Chicago, can be had at
Irish's Restaurant fcr tho small sum of 1
75 cents per. can. dec21dtf
Received at the ews Depot, for any
i.f the Magazines, Periodicals and News
I'ape-s of the day, at the Publishers
CfX-w is tim-j lo su!scrile
Oct. 20.
r-.--rrr-r DR.. M H. M'CLUS!Y
Wi ' il m jl w k i-i )r on ! u: t u ric-.'.
r'V-i llt.Oi' M (th I), t-l' .l'rlvl.
j:. 6.
Jo kill Vii ir s 1
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i-.o '. K 'y )
Noi: -e i.s li T' ty 1 v. n t !i it l.y v if t i -f :m c- -.-u'i-iu
in I ;tiv- iiUM'--l c.tii -:, ih.'ii d oiit -.f ana
. i,,. . .1 - 1. I r. -v e . ' .-i 4'. - - i .Ji. ' - 1
I'.e 2.1 Ju.Ih 1.1', tU'r:e . i:i it'i'l l'-r C:i-r -uta.v. and
tn n- Jti' -!."I, 1 vili ,iT ': ii it p ii' ' ii' ii iii-iii 1 ,
11 th l.'iuh- i :u il tv-t .- il- r. m f:"n 1 i.f tin- Ci.u-l-Ho
I:i r.ii::- :u U' !.. C l-i. co'liiti , St iii a.-k;i. i n
i.l I 'L'UPA Y t -:-' l,iy cf M.i-j A L 1 51 T.
.A t ti. li-mr uf on ' n'c.n k p m "f s e l -1 1 v al I f h
tit!-v..l in'- ri t ( tin- u nil il iU t.- i.l.itit. 1 a ic
Mi'ICiiili v. in rial tti h t-'l i-.vmC iii--iili .1 l-a os
I;iIo. I.-M'ii: tivt-nlv r-M) iiniivulol rti-r--S of llli ill
l.'ni ii- r;hVi-.-i t i.t.-t r I'.t 11 n.jrt tr-vr-t iin.trit-r
ut .li"ri' nu;nlii r tilt " (15). in tr-vi.i-liii
Iwi tu . i w ( 12J. n--r:ii of in'jL-r liUHii-.-r t n (10), tru.t
i i I'm (uh i iii in C.ts- t-'iuii' '. Ni'U.-.v k
A. 1-. 1 AV I.OU. .-li--;T ..r
y G. V. F iT'l.-l '. t s u.iiiity, Kolr.. a.
Ii. !..;-. f4.3
J..l,ii 1N'.-w:o'i
r.oifit Ci.-iiius
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vor of lb" ;.i ovn -:.i.i.tiir mi l ;ii.riii'-t ih u'
p 1 ro .i 'I- iV 'I-:. :i t f ' tiu- :::ii.f lw. a: y-nv.- i ! . f l.i r h ,
no. I tr',-'! -t '. i M.iinl ,y. 27i!i uny ..f M.. A 1
I 7 . ;.t O uV.".-. am of ---li-l riHy.nt worfi lime
j".iioii:t w:'l In? r -nii' rt-l i'yiipi y..i i' y. mi il-.i ni t
;i.i(.t.i ii.i ; i; .-.l!;- i. ill.- c.uL-.i'y. -;v-.i u.t
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Pa4i?::tc Notice
( l.-.v., I ll!lt If "
Jn (he I'i-o'hiU Couit I'-titinii t- rt'.l I.nn l.
V. D -Mfc ..-..!;.n
ol tip li'.ir? of A. Ait x mil r..!..-c'a I
T!i m-x! cf ki.i of s i'J j
K !?. A 1 xHloli-i, ' -v os .I J
Yon ait: iiore:'-ni..-1 t'.t. it tr..' s:-.i ' t) "!- r
r .! 1. (.'ii I- 'i .11 of ih- K't'il i-nnor Loir- of ih n.iiil .V
.-. 1 't-x n.i..- , 't:c- it 'I, has tlim d -y ti 1 10 ' pot i
tioti i i t 1' 1 . ti. t I "00 1 1, i o j it: n ii.l ( ai of
i- l:j oli' -1 ill rill ol.!.'i !oi- t!l.-.iilo .'1 Ml f .ilow
i: i- ;il tM-:i;f, fit-ri'i1 1 :.'i the n-ii.i C"i:i.tT of tass.
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m. tth ..1 n n-ir r of v 1 -iii to. t.i-i li-hip 12 r:.n?e
.O. Til- o-. t w i I '.' a : pio .lioil .):i
rr.v'.iY. a,. 1 " ::, a n iscr.
-it 1 ii-'o k o ni -v 1 1 -n i-I 1 tT- m Mil r-.-ti-il i-rtn a' i -lo. v Ci!:s - 'a hy --i;l pdyi-i Fii.iuitl Hot
1-e uTiiiit. il. if .iiiv til- y in-iv i.-ivi.-.
1. iv c" ubiW my h.iinl .1 n 1 1 11. -i ii oa! this 0tli day
(if April, A I i.o7
I. 1 J W. -MAKMIAT.T.,
Hj.lii It l'n h:i- Jiul.'e. Ca r Co., Xeli.
la Hi'. J'nirn.U C.nit:
Sot Ice is !.' pin o tht Hir n-t will ami trst.-t
m.iit ol Will, am M- 11 n- l;,t" u' C. i-..iini ,Ni-.
lira-;a. .1' ce.oi"!, to- tin t.ay iK-tti fi.'t- l in toy uai-v
f.,r 1J I - il 1 , :i r.'l
sATrr:n.iT. rr"i iini, Aj.rV, ivit,
At 1 ii'.i.nk p in, loi- i'-.'i Hppoiui il f. r he.irltia
(ir .if f ti.e i-dii-if. it -i .!. iini- h1. pf.-om ii,tt-r-i
-t.-.l : ", .ti .i'- 1 in! !.' riiii.-e : y -ai.l v.-iil
h 'i n not 1 - . '.!:;. u:-! 11 ni:i ii.t-y ooty hnve.
( . i v i, u 011 101 in." :i 11 ! n '.I 1 .'i.c I se., 1 1 los tto;!i liny
of Man ii, A I i n.;
;,i.3 8 rrh-:t'. J.i C.iss i-Miniy, et.
Bui Red Cut,
T. W. shryorlt is as.- isi. a
to war i::-iiii fis :i..-r n
V -u'-ml.v . I: vi u.iii a
tu -e 01 1 . -:: '' ' '
I!.!- ol I -X II; i I.' p-l.-i
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f M
r w . i
, ul ti
I kvei lliv tr . - ' ) s- a a
not 111 .l.t Ci'.T.
Simpson, Mickehvait cr Co.,
Wholesale and Retail
-x csp fv 3? vvv 4V.
Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants.
Peeler ia
Ha ait
B . N E W MAN & CO.,
Corner Main and Third
(xents5 Furnishing' Good
iE5ntf r.p3! Hoofs. Shoe,
A!.-o a ;arrre lot of
JCtJ! and ex .nt-ie
3Iqvt Masonic
Piattsrcnath, April 10th, 1SG5.
PK;iCK in:
ih Who!pa!-
f'henucal:?, (ilass, Paints, Oils, Puro Wines mJ'20rssCoal
: Oil and Lamps, talioncry, &c.
1 7T ar the Nnrtl: Wr.tern Whoifi'n ifn;j fcr Dr,D. JijLC Jk SonaBO Dr. 3. C. Aypr .tvO;.
kri.i 1 -. fa; n iljuir m.-uiciktf s in any Q'jiiti . ' " 1bjS iy'
; shannon's
Feed, Sale and Livery
I :ur. preparetl t. jCi-ommodnie the paMic wtth
Morses, Carriages and Buggies,
jrn (!. l-.i-tii-e m-i! ri'. p.-Ti .li'o 'cr-n. A H.irV will
fun .. i ic - v. 1 t Iitt i!:i p, zutl lo aii pmw r Uie
iiv Mli. .11 dtiri'ii.
1.1; :'.- J. V". SHANNON.
Mr-, h atk simp-O.v Ifviu ! en Mli'itvl to a-
vi, ta
il tti 1 to tl J, llti Wl :I JT'V- ot
I ui- ' .a.... a... 1 orvn, t.. t o-t ii-stro is t..c, i.i,o- ,
1 1 rf.i 1. ii i or. :lo. utne. lei ni-, t'c.. cirea oil ap-
j 1 l'ni.oi. at hr re. en.", re on M.-iiu trc t
a; 4 Km
v At itM
, , "no o the 'ef Iiirta in as rtioniy. if lo') or
, : a. i r. . nl 1 Ii r m f 1.1 tli" iohcii i- -r. 1 5itu
I 1 lion. .i.l..-rp iT.lec-, t.ui.d:ii--li, tlui- ri", .fee. reli
! ilei- ii .1 ?rv ii. f-i'-alih- f irm laqui e i lion, t'
.Viiixvell. lit tSe Court linii'i- in Plaupi utii. or ifit
; one ,i:i 'lie p'oini-t-s, i u C Jar Cree'c, 1" mil"
t of I", itt-iiioi.tli. Th i-ti..'k anil anruUural
i.opli month ol the Tarm may l boosht w ith it.
! t..;2t" A. L CHILD.
' Ai : k n. a msiMiS.
i II a i iii ! J- li.teiLiii 111.1I Doin'-iitic
ji. u, las r .-iii: 3fAkKt:r AUUAbE.
Sthei - :ts,2Ilattsmoctii N.
TrHiiLsi, Valics, &c.
n.j extensive stoc': at tht
Briclr Building.
vs. tcvr o
Di - it - n 1 1
ill : : . J 1 ii 1 1 1
Gsccniiirs & rncviEioi;
(siiCC-'&bioi h to J. l'uic-1 A Soap.)
Plattsmoctu, Neh.
Ktfp ronstaiitly on li.iJa gooii supply 1 1
an.l eTi.ryfli in? in the line. AUo
of all kinds.
WiN-run : Country Trooure. Fuller,, tr.
f'jT Give"us c.i !
l-if.t 25. 1861.
Jonnly Increased. Pmsior.s
uiei'S aid i'ttlT heir 8.
d ut SJ-
F. M D iTrin'!on li -s this il iy r. rmi d frori the
I'.-t. .r'liiont, iii" haw in lull with i.c tor tli
on "o-rii.i:i of aiMi?io:.I 1 .not a inl ii.cre.ed Peit--io
nii.1 i -i :oly to pro-i i.;-a:i ?u -Ji c'airu.s h
hi. ;v l.i ei.riii'T il t Lis ci 5. C.I ai.d .-famine
iic: oi .iint d is tir-l ..i fc. -l
F M. DOnr.lNGT X.
I-! i:tiu. nth, A eg. 10, 101.
o. h. 1.1-ir. can 'i s i ihoxtoj,
Luie iSiip t Jif ii.m AJiiirt. lAUurneys at Lav
Tt; nbiVi n-.mfil p.nt!nk':i hav? asS-,c;ated
tii.-ni-i-lvi-. in Li sine-11 f o- fh- pii (..mim pro-erut-ufc'
a..d r-..iei-;irg ftil c!-.;:.if al:llllit .he Ofieral
uove-noi -1. 1, or ii. iinsi ai.y tune of la-iitei:s, and
11 - I. r .ir-.i 1 1 o ro .-rut" siu. h cl;, irn s. t i. lit r t 1 for
Co:.-:.- ,or a it of the Depm tnieM. of liovriiineat
or -:. re 1 he Court of Ciaimn,
Ha Iki 11 will" his pii Sojjal t to
t e Uii.-.:o-" rtt V.h:i (0:1.
f 'li:c h( Ji'ebiekA Crlj, torcr of Main and
i'.iiii scresns.
I lit- 1 :ce to gn ch.-a; LarriT" ai.d 1 amp Cilimse
1 ' o to !:!-, Futtmy & Cu.' .tr yaw L
b a . w. COLVIN,
OAK s r K F ET, - - PIATISMOL'T-'.
Io blocks U Sw -t nl li iC't Ch00l-l!o::. .
I' ivite ro-itns furnne I if d'-slrid- Ii th?- J .
boa-J or with lodi iip at teiouable rat s,
j in . d tf.
Empire Meat Market,
.Then nJTKpr.ed is now prepared to irnLh
citizens of th:e place with the best
'OR A",
I also kef p
and will pay tho highest marhct price for all kinji
Plattsmouth, May 13, J4m.
Heal Estate
JET-"" C9 WS.JK. fr JH3
Lot 6 in block 47, good n-si June", well and ul
huildings. Lot 12 in blok (2 a good two ! ry resilience,
brick ba-t-m. ne. "eli, barn and tith. r . iiit Bildingj..
Jl rare chance for a rodo ii-veslinont.
Lot 11 in block 17:1. huih'ins with two roonu soil
cellar. Good chance for a un iU iapili.1.
Lot 10 In blink 2", Feud re.-iilence, w ith all tt
m-cessiry outlnn'ilinps.
West h-ilf of Be.'iion 3.1, town 12, 1 anire 13, tok-.'th-er
with '.hj acres uf tinilier One liu..ilreil acri uu-j.-r
t-uitivftCoti. Kiglit mi:en from I'iU;iiwu;h,nJtr
I'latto river.
An improveii faim of eighty aere. pood house,
-eii i-lc, wi'h five acrus o good timber.
Eighty acres of hind, parliy improved, two aa a 1
hair mil. s fn in '.he oily.
H'U acres of p -rlly improved 1 ii 1, wl'h 4 i acres i f
y juni; tiai-'r, i-Itu lied 4 Goltis soutii of IvWii.
J'hr plwcw to c( Pe'fnrr erv af at: kiods i at
I Jil.ACK. UUTiEUY (' VO.'S.
1 -S5
nml nrn the host Tonic
in the wothl.
- cv
CoKlivpriP-), .iii.l nl! di
seases of tho Loud).
nml nil disoase arming
frnin impure blood.
Xrus:ffi?ls and Ilmlcrs In
l'atciif ITS cdici nes
1 l jTL
jj ;0q
-..- s-A il v ?V
1 a 1 1.
(Succcaiors to Dr. C. W. RoWk.)
NC8. 56, 63, 60 & 62 East Tird St.