Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 13, 1867, Image 2

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    Uit .3t?bra$fca 2tcratti
'"-ii ... , . . : ....
Sl'VEl'OK-GC?fER.lL' Office.
Our readers will remember tliat, by
an act'p-uaed at the first session c the
39th Cjgrajj, ihe Surveyor-General's
oHice for Iowa atid Nebi-tu-fca nas loca
ted at FiaiUmouth. Sti.ce' that lime
various rumors have been .i3oat that it
was to bo changed to soma oiher point,
and m-iay here have looked upon it as
doubtful whether wa were to have it or
not. IV e Lets been permitted to read
a private letter from Hon. T. M. Mar
fiust'., in which he taya the othce is now
a "fixed fact" at this city. An "ppoint
men; of Surveyor-Gue ral will soou be
mad (and we ai"y be pardoned for
oxpre-jsiag the hopa that a citizen of
tha t-vvn taay receive the appiintment)
n:il i!u ollice will then be set in run-
1.1115 order. There ia nothing equal to
ezeriiaa i n tha part of our citizens to
secure these beneais, and we hope
every man will feel an interest in them
and do what he c.-.n.
We have carefully watched the
sign cf the times," and are confident
that Nebraska wi'.l recewe an eimgra
fion the present season thai will aston
ih tha "oldest inhatiinnls.' Three
rr.;n arrived frj.ti the east yesterday
who report that in every locality through
which they piSfed the cry wau "west
ward ho!" and nearly all with whom
ihnv conversed snj'ce very ' bitrhlv o!
Nebraska. Mr. Johnson, of Ashl;iutl
irifonns us that thirty families from
Atabu'a co'Jutv. Uiiio. will settle in
taundrrs county tins sprin j. itiis is
(he tenor cf the u?vs from all parts of
the ta t. They are coming, not by
ones and twos from a, but by
thtrtys, fifuas and hundreds. L,i our
citizens but interest thems?.ves in
spreading the necessary informition in
moar.1 t this countrv. an I in two
o -
years from to day not cue foot of Gov-
eminent land can be found within cucj
hundred miles of tha Missouri river.
Writ;; letters, send paper, and 1-t the
people cast know the fact j in regard to
cur 3cung State.
TOO exvi:?,sive.
Several of the Stat3 papers have re
ferred tD the subject of the re-location
of the Capital, and tha trgumtnt has
been used that we could not allurd th
expense. Without, at this lime, saying
anything in regard to the propriety of
such re-location, we d.sire to correct
the impressions of si ins regarditj ih;
xnen?e. The State of Nebraska, un
der the enabling act, is entitled to over
oOO.OOO a-.;re3 of land, over 43,000 of
which uiust. under the provisions of the
act, be located adjacent to the great
bait Springs in Lancaster county.
Now, we wiil tuppost thai the capital
a3 located upon this land belonging to
the State, even admitting that no more
of this 300,000 acres was located in
lhat vicinity, is there a man in Nebras
ka who does not know that it would be
a paying thing to the State, instead of
being an expense? The increased val
ue of the State lands adjoining would
more than three times pay the expense
of the capital building, besides the
great benefit it would be to the State
in developing the country. We refer
to this matter merely to show the fa!
lacy of the argument cf expense.
Judge Morgan spoke before the
Chicago Board of Trade a few days
ago upon the completion of a railroad
connecting Chicago with the settled
part of Colorado, ia order to enable
that ci:y to compete wiih St Louis for
the Colorado trade. The only road
now in course of construction that will
thoroughly accoinp'i;h this desirable
object is the 13. INI, R. Read. It will
cross the Missouri river at this place,
where, as we have before stated, is the
best place to build a bridge that can be
found on the river, and its course frcm
here west to Colorado will be almost
on a n air line, passing through the fin
est farnwng country in the world. We
are glad to see Chicago being awaken
ed to the necessity of this road. It is
of equal, if not greater importance to
Chicago than the Pacific road, There
may not be quite o much talk about it,
and it may not excite ihe admiration of ,
the world to ihe tame extent as the
Pacific road, but it will be of equal
importance to the commercial interests
of Chicago and the whole Northwest.
M 9-
2? In the ca.-eof ihe UnueJ States"'
b gainst the ex Confederate steamer
Alexandria, the Admirnhty Court has
decided in favor of the U. S. Govern-I.vent.
We are gratified to see the press of
South l'iatte, with the sole exception of
the Nebraska City Aeifs united in their J
demands that justice be done the major
ity of the voter in '.he matter of repre
sentation. . I lie Kulo Utilizer, we re
lieve, goes apainst it; but then, it is
generally considered as a lly-leaf to
the JVciiJ. The Advertiser, after re
viewing the bargain atid sale proposed
between the jews on the part of Otoe,
and the lhrald on the part of Douglas,
says :
This is the cae as it now stand .
The Omahomedans get (he Capital and
an unfair proportion in presentation;
its pay has already been received, bar
ri i ihe Capitol! Otoe is yet waring
for her share of me plunder :
Isow, the question is, will tno Jjegis
ature consent to debase itself t the
level of partisan infamy of these schem
ers in iniquity ! u ill ihy reward and
perpetuate the outrage ! This is an at
tempt ta rob 9ouih Platte of her heri
tage as well as her representation!
There is but one institution that shou d
be located at Nebraska City, the saving
in transportation of its ir.mntes would
be juiticiniit inducement to locate the-
Peuiienti iry ai that place, :n addition
to the moral suasion it might exercise
over Morton is: Co.
The best evidence that Mississippi
needs a little reconstruction is found in
the fact lhat her Legislature has ap
propriated -0,000 io be expended in
the defence of Jeff. Davis. We sup
pase loyal men have to pay taxes in
that State as well cs ex-rebels that is
if thy are nllowed to have anything to
pay taxes on and we do not think
there is much justice in taxing them to
defend the a-ch traitor.
For years before the war, and during
the war, the northern Democracy wa
constantly advising the South to resist
all just and lfgal measures lhat did no
tend to the advancement of their pecu
liar ideas and institutions, and by this
means brought on the war and prolong
ed it for four years. And now they
are at the sam-a old game in regard to
reconstruction. The ex-rebels were
willing to submit to the authority of the
loyal government ut the close of the
war, but were told by uorthern Demo
crats that if ihuy would demand it they
couid come into the halls of Congress
wiih all the pomp and glory of conquer
ors arid instead of taking the attitude
of the vanquished they would in reality
be the victors. This they have tried,
tut have failed os signally as they did
in taking the oddce of the same men
wnen they utien.pted to overthrow the
government by force of arms.' They
refused the Constitutional Amendment
on the advice of these would-be revolu
tion's at ihe North, and in its siead
ihey find ihe Military Reconstruction
bill. A number of the Southern Stales
are inclined io accept this in good laith,
but their northern advisers, who have
been thrir evil genius through the
whole trouble, are howling lustily
ugaimt it, and telling them lhat we have
no government, lhat we are living in a
state of anarchy, etc. Wiil ihey take
this advice, cr w ll ihey accept the in
evitable. If these northern Solons
really de.-ire a settlement of this dif
ficulty, and do not wish to see more
stringent measures adopted, they ,had
belter stop their brag and bluster and
gratuitous advice to a people who have
already suffered the torments of pur
gu'.ory from their evil council?.
The Democratic papers were loud in
their proclamations, a few years aco,
that the war was a "failure," and ihey
labored hard to make iheir words true.
Now ihey are commencing anew howl,
that we "have no government," and are
doing what ihey can to make that as
sertion true. They are acting on the
principle of their assertions to some ex
tent, by ignoring statute law and re
rorting to mob violence. Will honest,
thinking men support a party
leaders proclaim that we have no gov
ernment who Mate that we are living
in a state of anarchy and despotism?
Do the farmers and mechanics who
vote ihe Democratic ticket believe that
we have no government? Do tttey
support a party that proclaims suoh
doctrines? How many emigrants ihink
you, we would have from foreign coun
tries if they were made to believe that
we have no just and equitable govern
ment in this country. Do you, Demo
cratic readers of ihe Herald, believe
that we have no government, lhat the
American Republic is now numbered
"among the things that were?" Do
you. if you are of foreign birth, write
io your friends lhat this is your belief.
If you do not, and do not believe such
to be the fact, and do not desire that it
should be, will yoa support a party that
is daily proclaiming such heresies, and
by that act alone, if by no oilier, is en
deavoring to break up the government
which you believe to be far superior to
a monarchy. It is high time, if we ex-
peel to preserve a Republican form of
government, that the spark of lawless
ness which has crepped out in Nebras
ka, but is in a fuli blaze in the South,
should be extinguished; and the men
who uphold and defend it should be re
pudiated by ihe voice :f the people
Let every man who bi-lifves we have
a Republican govifrntner.t. and who de
sires to perpeluatt; it, unite to put djvvn
the party that sustains mob violence,
and proclaims lhat the American Re
public is a thing cf ihe past.
PS?" The PUttsmouth Democrat
gives in its columns whenever it ha
ihe opportunity, biographies of leading
rebels, like A. Sidney ohnson a pret
ty big straw that shows which way the
Democratic wind blows.
The same pap'sr has a blovia'ing ar
ticle about the reconstruction bill "'ab-
solute monarchy,:' etc., etc. The idea
of a rebel in sentiment and sympathy
objfctiri? to the manner i' which the
loyal people sha'l govern their country
is rich. Kntrland ouht to object also
to our method of conducting our inter
nal ailairs. :
We clip the above from ihe local
columns of the Republican, you forget,
Major, that ihe 'brain.s'' part of the
Ihmccrai tried very hard to be elected
as a delegate from Nebraska to the B d
liir.ore convention in 1SG1, and threat
ened to destroy the city of Plattsmouth
because he failed. And yet you insin
uaie that he is a rebel in sentiment!
Why, he woulu sacrifice everything,
6300 Greenbacks, principle even, if he
bad it, to be able to serve his country
in so.iie way, either as a delegate to a
convention, District Judge, or U, S.
Senator. Oh, lar!
Mn. Editor :
Peraiit me, through the columns of
your paper, to call the attention of Gov
Butler, and the j people of ihe State, to
a matter of vatil importance to the Ag
ricuhural interests of the State, viz.
The prohibiting the importation into, or
the driving through ihn State, of Texas
catile. :
Your readers aro perhaps acquainted
with the ravages committed among cat
tle bv the "Texas fever." To such as
are not. I would say that it is estimated
lhat Kansas S loses annually ubou
8200,000. Missouri has prohibited
the passage through that Stale, and
Kansas has juu passed a law prohibit
ing the introduction or passage of cattle
raised south of Kansas, except into or
through the ex treme western portion of
the State. This ac ion of Missouri
and Kansas makes Nebraska the be.-i
route by whii-h 'IVxas cattle can b?
taken to the fedinr region' of tastern
Iowa and Illinois. Such being ihe
caso, I deem it of great importance
that the Call Session of the Legislature
should take thj; necessary steps to pre
vent the passage of such cattle through
Nebraska. ' J. E. D.
The Senate has reconsidered the
vote confirming the ar pointment of II
II. Heath as Secretary of New Mex
ico, and that worthy Johnson wriggler
has been rejected. The "Johnson bus
iness'' in Nebraska was thought to have
been "muddleid" some lime last sum
mer, out is is pretty well cleared up
The rebellious element in the late
Territorial Legislature, after having
demeaned ihe.mselres in a style which
would have been a disgrace to a banu
of uncivilized Indians, attempted, in a
published statement beaded "To ihe
People of Nebraska; or Truth versus
Fiction," to create a difficulty between
certain members who stood by the rights
of the people. They cited Mr. Rogers
as authority for some of their state
ments against South Platte members;
but Mr. Rogers comes out in a card
in the Republican denying their asser
tions, and says they have no right to
use his name in connection with any
such idea.
The Fortieth Cn ress assembled on
the 4th of M;irch instead of December,
as formerly. By reas on of this change
there are feverai States unrepresented,
and among the numler the following:
1 New Hampsl'ir (3,) el -ction in Maicti.
2 o.''ieut tl.ctu riTa April.
. 8 Rh. de iMani (.! ) ei.ciioo ia Acril.
4 Ken:acy (9.) election u May
ft Tnnes!-e (fr.) e.eciiun in August.
6 Culiloinu. (.i t lection b tfcp-.eaiber
The new House contains:
Republicans 129
Democrat ' 45
When all the seaN are filled, in;lud
ing Nebraski, it will statnd:
The Senate wiil be composed of forty-two
Republicans ?.nd twelve Demo
crats. Aniobg these twelve Democrats
are classed Dooliitle, Norton and
D.xun. f
Tbe first annivt-r.-ary of Otoe Lodge
No. 4. I. O. G. T., ito be celebrated
shortly. W; understand the Lodge
room is to be h;ind.-orue!y decorated
with mottoes, wieaths. Sec, and an
address delivered, wherein the origin,
success and labor of the Lodge will be
made known. Afier the address, the
members of the Society are to partake
of refreshments prepared by the ladies.
yews. ;
AfuiisiCBi of Nebraska.
WAsniscTOx, March 1, 1SG7.
Wueeeas, The Congress of the
United Stales did, by an act Approved
on ihs I9;h day of April, 1S64, author
ize the people of ihe Territory of Ne
braska to form a constitution and Siaie
government, and for ihe admission ot
such State into the Union on an eqml
footing with the original S;ates up n
certain conditions in said apt specified ;
and whereas, said people did adopt a
constitution conforming to the provi?ions
and conditions of said act, and ak ad
mission into the Union; and whtrea.
ihe Congress of ihe United States did,
on th S h and Uth days of February,
1S67, in the mode prescribed by ihe
constitution, pass a further ci for the
admission of the State of Nebraska in
to the Union, in which last named aci
it was provided that it should takf
effect upon like fundamental conditions
thai wi hin the State of Nebraska ihre
should be no denial of ihe elective fran
chise, cr oi" any other right to any pr
son by reason of race or color, except
Indians not taxed; and upon the further
fundamental condition thai the Legisla
ture of said State, by a solemn public
act, should declare the assent of said
State to the sai l f ur.damental condition,
and should transmit to the President of
the United States an authenticated copy
of said act of the Legislature of said
State, upon receipt whereof the Prei
dent, by proclamation, should forthwith
announce the fact, whereupon said fun
damental condition should be held as a
part of the organic law of ihe State,
and thereupon, and without any further
proceedings on the part of Congress,
the admission of said State into the
Union should be considered as complete;
and whereas, within the time prescribed
by the sa:d act of Congress of the S h
and 9 h of Februaty, 1567. the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraka did
pass an act ratifying th1 said act ot
Congress of the Stit and 9 h wf Fel ru
nry, 18G7. and dechrin? lhat the afore
named provisions f the third section
of said last name! act of Congress
j-hould be a part of the organic law of
ihe State of Nebraska; atid whereas
a duly authenticated copy of said a?H of
ihe Lepi-lature of the State of Nebras
ka has been received by me.
Now, therefore, I, Andrew Joh.v
son. President of tae United Slates of
America, do, in accordance wiih the
pro,MMjns of the n:t of Congress last
herein named, declare and proclaim
the fact that the fundamental condition
mipOM'd by Congress or, the S'ate of
Nebraska to entitle thai State toadmis
sion inir the Union have been ratified
and accepted, and that the admission of
the said State into the Union is now
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my h irid and caused the seal
of the United States to be affixed.
Dne- sit thn city of Washiliirlon this lft
day of March, in the year of our
Lord 1S67, and of the independence
of the United States of America ihe
By the President.
William II. Seward
Secretary of State.
. .
It is the universal sentiment amonu
tie Republicans of Omaha lhat ihe de
feat ot Monday was a Bull Run not
only in its aspect of iefeat, but also in
the ultimate glorious results which are
io be its fruits. The disgraceful s; ene
enacted on that day by the Democracy
have planted the seed from which will
be reaped a splendid harvest of right,
justice and equal to all men.
From Bull Run rose up ihe deter
mination of ihe people and the over
whelming armies which put down the
rebellion and saved tbe nation. From
the Bull Run of last Monday has risen
the determination die Republicans of
Omaha and will be created the army
of equal rights, which wiil redeem ihe
city. Republican.
A peculiar case, as showing how
many slips there arr between the cup
and lip, is mentioned in the case of
(.en. V. N. Bartlett, who had been
nominatad Minister to Stockholm. His
nomination came up in the Senate right
in the Jast moments of the session of
the TI.iny-Nin'h Congress,and it was
about to be confirmed, when some one
called fur the yeas and nays. While
the clerk was calling them, the hour of
twelve arrived, and Mr. ade declared
the Thirty-Ninth Congress adjourned
Probably no nomination evrr tailed un
der precisely such circumstances be
fore. Republican,
m m m
Put too tine a Point epos It.
Last Monday afternoon, as Judge Tutt
was about 'o charge ihe Grand Jury,
ne inquired if any of them had objec
tions io taking the oaih prescribed by
ihe Constitution. "I have, yoor Honor,"
said one. wli se name we charitably
suppress. "Are your objections a mat
ter of conscience?" queried the Couri.
No." responded the juror, 4T have
frequently taken '-he oath. I do not
object to taking it according to the con
struction of the people of Mi-souri, but
I do cbj-ct to taking ii according to the
construction of the recent decisions of
the Supreme Gurt!" The Judge
blandly informed the excited individual
that the recent decisions had nothing to
do wiih it, and that all that could be ex
pected would be thai he take the oaih
as construed by the people of Missouri.
The juror was accordingly sworn. Se
dalia Times.
St. Locis, March S Denver pa
pers say that the Indians are assuming
a hostile attitude in the neighborhood
of Fort Dodije, on the Arkansas river.
New Mexico advices ay that Indian
hostilities have taken a new start in th
southern part of the Territory, and the
militia have been ordered under arms.
Washington. March S The Pres
ident and Cabinet are busily engaged
in ihe necessary preparations for the
execution of the military government
bills for ihe South.
New York. March S. Excitement
among th Fenians is intense, head
quarteis thronged with larze numbers
of Irish. Americans tendered their
sympathy, and several were booked for
th Fenian army. It is ascertained
that S'ephe ns is still residing in Brook
lyn, havinfr nothing to do with the pres
ent struggle.
London. March S. noon. Several
Iri-h and En;rlih public proclamations,
purporting to come from he novern
ment of the Irish Republic, declares
that after ages of outrages and vain ap
peals to reaon and jutice thev have at
last resolved to appeal to arm, to res
rn the land from serfdom and establish
a national union and public safpty and
political freedom and bring about a ton
sequent separation.
Dublin. March S A heavy storm
prevailed in this vicinity night before
The insurgents who took refuge in
the mountains are reported to be suf
fering severely from cold and exposure.
Donahue, ihe leader of the Fenians
at the fight at Tollatrht, is dead.
Three of his companions are also
The rails on the roads running1 to
Waterford are torn up.
Larse quantities of ammunition and
materials for making Greek Fire wer-
discovered and spiz-d by the soldiers
and police in various parts of the coun
try. New York, March S The excite
ment amng the Fenians here under the
Irish news is immense, and Eenian
headquaiters is thronged. A great
number of Irih Americans Lave ten
dered pecuniary assistance.
Dublin, March G An attack was
made by a body of Feniau upon Dror
heda barracks yesterday. The attack
ing party was recei'ed with gallantry
by ih miliinry po'ice stationed nt, the
BirraVks. Several volleys were civen
the as-ailants, when they retreated in
confusion". yosing a number of killed
and wounded.
The repulse was complete. Several
of the Government forces were wound
ed, including a number of police.
London. March S. Troops nre be
in:: rapidly dispatched to Ireland from
all available points.
Washington, March 7. Sr nate
Henderson introduced a resolution to
amend the Constitution by providing
lhat no State shall prohibit any of its
citizens from voting or holding office
on account of color. Saulsbury rai-ed
the point of order that as the C"n
stitution of the United States was
belli? blotted from existence it could
not be amended. The resolution a
referred to the Judiciary Commiitee.
Henderson gave notice that he should,
on lo-morrow, in'roduce a bill to pro
vide for the representation of rebel
Slates in Congress at the earliest pos
sible moment.
Crajrin introduced a bill to rerrulate
selection of grand and petit jurors in
Utah, referred.
New York. March 13. Washing
ton specials s.ate thai General Grant
had imoihT interview with the Presi
dent yesterday, when it is supposed
lhat the subject of military appoint
menls, under the reconduction bill, in
the South, was thoroughly discussed.
Gen. Grant is believed io have com
pleied a set of instructions, and to have
submitted them to the President and
Sec. Stau;on.
Senator Wilson's bill has been ap
proved by the Judiciary commiitee of
both houses and will probably pas.
A prominent Senator has received
p.itive infoimation from three Souih
ern S ates thai they will immediately
proceed to organize Siate governments
under the military bill, and it is now
confidently asserted that all the South
ern Sta'es will be reorganized und-r
its provisions, and be admitted to their
former relations by the first of Janu
ary. Gov. Morton, in a speech last night,
to tome serenaders, spoke in favor of
the military reconstruction bill, and he
h ped that the President would execute
the law in its lei'er and spirit.
The Souti: would make a great mis
take if they refu-ed to abide by the
law. Speaker Colfax beini called for,
endorsed what Senator Morton said
about reconstruction.
Congress lias opened a door to re
store Southern States io civil and polit
ical power, but Congress had said to
them, you shall come back clothed in
new robes of liberty and justice. You
shall be led by faithful men, to a Union,
which you despised in your fancied tri
umph of a miserable Confederacy;
friends who listened to him would say.
as the country would say, those who
love the flag shall rule the country.
Dublin,'4 March .10 A band o'
Fenians which were previously report
ed to have taken possession of the Bar
racks at Kiulett, in "Kildare county,
have been dispersed by the troops.
The insurgents made an attack on
ihe Birracks at Mount Mellick and
were repulsed. Two of the attacking
party were shot.
Rebels have as-embled to the num
ber of 30,000 in the neighdorhood of
Aberlar's Abbey and the troops have
been sent to disperse ihem.
The exigence of a Fenian council
which has been secretly in session in
this city, has been discovered and the
members have been arrested by the
Gen. Borke, one of the leaders in
the South, has been captured at Tip-peray.
Wasuington, March 9.
Senate Trumbull reported a reso
lution appropriating one million dollars
for ihe relitf -f destitute p'rsons in
the southwest, of ar.y nil
to be expendtd uml.-r ilw mjj erinten
do'ice of the Freei! iir'tjV Rjrcuu. He
s ud thai Gen. Howard had t illed on
th' Judioiary commiitee this moiniug,
and t-siitied lhat ui.le- sumtibn.o
done there wou'd !-. actu ! starvation
ainoiij the di-loyal e.tple of the. souih-A-e.
Former impropriations aie suf
ficient to provide lor the actual wan's
of the freedmeti and loyal refugees,
but another appropriation is needed tor
the destitute disloyal. After a long
debate the resolution finally passed.
New Orleans, March 10. Tro iblo
is. apprehended in case the municipal
eleciion is allowed to be held Monday.
Gen. Sheridan issued orders that no
polls be opened, and thai ihr day of
election be postponed till instructions
are received.
S7"Gen. Grant, on the 7th, sent to
the President ihe names of Schofield,
Sickles. Sheridan. Thomas and McDow
ell, as ihe five CJtna.anders of the mili
tary districts in the rebel States.
Mi.-s Eua Wilcox was the receipient
of a fine Album, from A. J. Harding,
Emj., Worthy Chief of Lodge No. -1.
1. O. G. T., a prize to ihe lady soctir
ing ihe largest number of subscribers
to the Olive Branch, a temperance pa
per published at Plattsmouth. Twenty
four dollars were collected. Jb. City
2r Four Congressmen, and all of
them Republicans, answer to th" name,
of Wilson Senator Henry Wil.-on, of
Massachussetts, chairman cf the Senate
Mil t iry Commi tee, and Represents!,
tives James E. Wilson, of Iowa, nnd
Stephen T. Wilson, of Pennsj lvani.t.
members of the present House, una
John T. Wilsoufof Ohio, a new mem
ber. There nre also three members id
Congress ail Republicans, named Wi!
Hams Senator George II. Wiliiams,
of Oregon, Representative Thomas
W illiams, of P-'ijiylvania, member ot
the preseiit House, imj'j a new member,
William Williams, of Indiar.a.
There are two newly elected Demo
cratic Representative who bear the
names of Republican Senators George
W. Morgan, JDrinocratiC Repn'seii'a
live frum (Jh o, who inu-t not oe r;.n
founded with Senator Edwin D Mor
gan, of New York, and Thorna E.
Stewart, a Johnsoni e, from New YoiU
ci y, who i.-. quite another man, from
the Nevada Senator, William M,
The largest family in the House of
Representatives is that of the Wcs-h-burns,
four in number, all Republican
and all relatives. They ar William
B. Washburn, of Mas-:u husetts. H. D
Washburn, of Itiana. E. U Wash
tit. rn. f l.'hi'ois, and C, C. Washburn
of Wisconsin all but ihe last named
member! of the present Congress.
Beside thes" tlt-re are the two Ash
leys. J. M , of Ohio, p.nd D 11.. of Ne
.ada, and the Lawrences, William, of
Ohio, ai d G. V., of Pennsylvania, ah
Republicans, and all members of the
preent Congress. This, we btliovi.-,
completes the list.
fvS"The Alexandria election will
be set a-ddf? and a new election held
the military commander has the power
to d,i so under the reconstruction bill.
Tli- otvner of a valuable property, b ins iriTar.!
by the war to povtrty, i-i not al l.' to cany on lua
business, and dei-iies to m1I half trail forca'sii, (,r
pot In lit-sirab'e lands ia I."e!nai.ka, in the virinity
of PMismouth proier e I.
The pn.pTty lim B initen went of Gaineviile J .Hi
tiou, .Viiilli, which 1 00 Ihe Mobile k 0'iio It. P..
in Ktmper county, Mi.-s..SDd ctuMsts in brkf, as
'olioMs :
1120 acres of Land, 400 cleared, but on'.y 200 in
.'-'.iva,ioi i.iiH var flu" cotton and coin iaml.
Water Gin, which wiil veiy probably nett from
tl,0.O to f 1,500 this year.
Fine Merchant Mills, whkh make the best of fl ur
and meal, and run iy wat-r.
We havfl to haul grain sliipped from the west only
live mites, and lliin will i-om le-s than fuel wiil e..-t
a .t-:im mill, and hence we can nbip g ain from the
wnt and tnoie tliao compete ith ibem in grinding
win-. it or cot n. 1 here is a vat rep ion w st of thin to
be auppll -d with imported (fain veiy year, and e
p cially this year, and our location is mpenor. The
Mills are j.jt built, and with capital to purcliai.
grain couid make from o.( 00 to s 000 iliiyear.
With a partner in the west to puicl.ase grain uo bet
ter Fecu!ation can be foatnl.
With a little expend a Saw-Mill can be attatbed.
Lumber $ JO . r V CO fet. Worth thousands jr
aoni in. Fcrniing on tliese lands ia very piof:tab!e.
Address, CP SMITH, by; expres, at above sta
tion, or ECSH CI11LSO.N, Plaltsmouth, S. T.
There is a telegraph office hue, al-o. (f.-l 27
Farm for Sale.
One of the "t 1'iirnit in ('! county, f IliO or
3?l) uerm. at lb'- c ot the poicbavr. 1 be aiiu
ation, water P'iv.leSr-. hui di"u-. tim'-er, Ac. ten
der ii a err d.-xi alile farm. Inq u.e ot ll..u. S itn'l
Maxwell, at the Court hou-e in la t-m. ulh. or the
0 ne-, ou ib p'ernifes, t 'ar Creek, li nub
wot of Piatl-nioi.tli. 'ia - stork a.,d aif-.ri;tura';
implements of the larm may be boulit witli ;t
fel)Jj:f A. L. Ciili.D.
Of Nebraska City, would re pecttully Inform the
la lies of I'latt-taouth that the baa taken up her iti--ideuce
in 'hie place for tbe purpose of
if required, Ladiea and Children' Dref ses, Cloaks,
liaiuei, etc. MACHINE bTITCUIXG done aKo.
AT wotk will b executed with tleaues, and wdi
receiTC plompt attention the wiil endeavor to give
satisfaction, and therefore toiiciti the patro.-.age of
the latlies of this place and vicinity.
Ti t idence, co-uer Viae and 4th street', in Adams'
b. icic-
lo J'l0:n
Wli!. 11. "aCillLC,
Plattsmout'i. Nebraska.
i-cS7 1?5 rf
TV.- n i:pl,v r.l. i-. ji. r. ar I : r.,a j j,,,,,;,.
I 5 : 7 . yl.-n ch! !, c.' 'itt 7 ' i.. : h-
, ('II Jftr,li;,r)r 1.1.
" '. l ' . t ' w IjilA
J. T. a. iiO iVi:;:.
Tatn r.i -y ()ie .,( ., r; ... ,,f f,.,,, ti, v.,.lr ,
I' r.K u.t !,:. Cn .t. , . . .. , ., M,u
"' ' . : -r J '. r..-m IJ i l.-, Vl.a;,
ol'l. ! ill hkk ri.,, ,i r..l r, . (. t mi I 1. ii. .!!,.. ,'. ,,f
l,.t!l li.Tm mvv. ,:, !. th , ,M cri y; . ,1 -li ,, t,i- y-iy
Liu ..f Ii ' ti. h ,il I, h a,i:ir..- n-rxr ull i,.;t , .110;., mj,i
i. (! Id iic cj.u.1 U 1 I 1 1., Jin,.-.
l'-t'-" 1 - AAC rOI.LAr.fl.
T .1': 1 i:p l v tl.p n'i'-.c-:i-, a; 1. n pn i i -m r n
U .ik Oiff. k, lib .:.t 7 mil -a ,.,.;!, ,f i'.nl in. uln, cri
-.'-tti .! r A t-?.7. !. I ru,il cn.
win .r i,i,t ti,,rn. v .1 i .1 luc, .1 wl!..w r,,i it in
lelt rur. au.J a j.-irl u:l 1 far tlin'mt, fr.-z.-u ( tr
vhen )uuug-.--iv 1.4 o, j.-ej . . :a,i,t
ot ' cr. ax r v 1 1 i.-
K'-bruary ilii, I.-."
l.ik.-n tip ty It - . ,1 hr, nt h" r.i,I,-nr in
!..)i:ivill.- i'r...-a..t. 1 v. N.T.. n tl,M .-',
.!.iv or J in-.ia.-y A. I. I-.7 , .. C , f, (, .,-ir
a year t.I.I; umu ;j ; ,i ,,,, ,-c 1c CI -1, 1 '7.
- - 1 1 N
!.v ti.- i"i !
"'. ill I' i't .:.,i,!.
rin -t, ciinty. ; . I'. 11; Ih i llli ,.! i,
Isim'.iiup nlii'i- ' . n-. .1 i.i-i-1 to j.-m-s"i,ij'
ciii UmI r-.opoU' ri; lit t ir, ,1 1 1 J c:i i n-'i 1hi'
t' 10 tiir A. I-. 1 o !
I'elition Tor Mivorcf.
i'.A-y I.. Iln.N..u,
VVil!!a:u . lluiin.
VVi'Iiam ; I'nd.nn '!
I: :-Vf ti..t;r? i!i:it Mai y I., llti lt., f tin- rotitilyif
I - ami I'l-rrit 11 v f N-h- isk 1. iii.1, 1,11 Oit. l-ih dy
i.f I' -lini't 1 y A IM.7, 111.' lu r .ctitinii ur bill i:i
1 li itiri-iy 111 th.. I'iMiir! Omirt . f 1 1;- iM J u.I:r 1 n 1
I stri- t ,f ;,( rr,.-k., 111 h t"l i"r 1'h.-i f "il lily, 11 y ,insl
li im. 1 -aiil Wi!'ia-iS. Iil.I c o, d .-'. .1 .11 . 1 . mllJ
foitlitlmt in', il ii'iui nit. a i.'r 11. 1 ri.iir July anj
litwtiilly K!"mr ir.'"l iii-1. khh i-rui f.y ilr
M'rt her. tl' -ai'i ii'in-.'lai-i ;int. on 11 r lilMir.ltic 7.ii i .y
i.f Jam' wit.wt 1 : 1 i 1: :.'" 1 - 1 i -. 1 a wh .t-
i-V.T fur ir-r, tin: s.iul i i 'i.;i r iiitN iiLiinti-narire it
Mipimri. !:ii. u.'li .il ii i i alvi' n i tn iln, :hmI il,at
b l '!. tin i;.-l . t 1 tr. .ly Hti'l ciu.-lly tic.-ti-a to
provi'io fir the ii;'.!i I .i!i I mint 'iiuch nf ln-r, tin
oil i-iiinj lai-nut, a 1 I ( ( ! i-r an I l.,s ( icfiMilnit'-)
I l.l .1, I'lil ll MI.C" 1.1, li- ; ,1111 i.f l,, r, ll,. HHi.t IMtll-
'l:iimoit. alii n.i'i .J,. 111. aut; ul'.. in to .1 an. I
I-rayiuii t!it 1 1 (..;. I 1 .an i.u-.- c i-ti-,. t . cii. u'.l iu-
l.ftwl-.-ti the s.ii.l Mary I. Ilu-tv.n ami Wil'ia:o S.
I I U'l -on l! ii.-'-:.i I i. CI ai. 1 v..:., m.I thai lli.j cai t
Mary I,. l'i.l...i In' il : v .- d 1 1 1 1... .a il ,! ! u 1 -ant,
aiiil tli i' th nul W S. Ma U .11 i -r .-.n ol
1.1 appear i.ii.l a''r a: l p. tiii'm oi it t'tlu.e Ibr
V, r-t uay of Aliil, A. 1). lui-
'tAitv r.. iifnso.v,
Tv .'am. M. Cmnin, in
riatt j:n.:utli, . I.. J.nh, 0; !
tr.Ii--f I il:at !l. i'!h.v ti..i'rc be j.-.l.t ,Iid for f,.nr
uctCiMvu ctU iu ill.- .-l..-:i-k 1 1. -raid.'
J. ii. i;i:oh ,
iti y. 111 t'ti.iiid ry.
lro!:t IVolice
r,'..tir is lit i-' ;v t-iveti J ji . .0 baf ttit
ilay nad.' Hpplin.t.nii to lii- Omit oi :
t'iint , N - i , 10 1: i n pt.' d rf tha
1 b'a:.- ui I.i ivi., siini'Hoa, lat,. of ,al I ciiiiiily, dt't
e.l; 'I'lo-fLf .in, til.- Cuutt lias ;,ppoirili..l
HUh A )', thr Vth il.t'j vf A'rcV, lsf,7,
at b oi lock A T,Ior in- .tiu h.u.l app'l. ation, at
wiiiili i;in! all pi-r-on- infi-i.-itd i a;i -piir t4
lluvv fallen wliy Kui't a pointiiieiit stiiiiud li. t be , if ai v tiny tin ve.
VVilntii. 11 y lifl ar. 1 i.ftli ia! F -at thi loth
1. b day of Itlnuaiy. 11
v. .m.m;mi m i.. .- Ji;1j.
f L2U 3
Calvin n. Pa- ii. oi", l'l-i ititi J !
Chai ii-s 1. ukii k , a'.tl j
J 11. l-i y llll. )"ti II l.llltl J
I'luil.-. :u-i.ik i,nd J. .'.f. Ffart, d'fer.!
ant, w ll take tiolo-f tii .i Covin II. 1'aiioM,-, (,l it,
coiiniy o! C.ih- ai.ii 'I i . . t ry nf ...ti i a-k.i. d .l u
I he ill y I 0- i.-in; ,-i , A Ii I Si ti 11 ,i- l.,a al,:i .ii la
the Divnr I. null. . li: J'i :it ial Hi;ri-t .f .
b.a-.ka, ia aiid l.r I. a . i-i, ii;y. .i, i:iifl ti tin I
I I. a 1 1. llll - Un an I I . AI i 'i a a . ill t. Il l .i' , i t'llill
..rtl. til ii ii.'' .-aid i 1. i . - It' -ti-..U and J. M Htjnu
i . 11 Id. J h l.iV i. i: v . A 1. 1 sol;, I a id- a lid d ii r
'l to II..- s .;.! t-l'. i:, il I',. I -i:,. plan. I. If, ll.ell i r
t tir jn oi-.i v ii.. o il.u i. a e, uh.i.-u th y
p-.-.-lni -.'.I t ... to to . :.i.-i prnu'ill the A. .Ill
i.f ..'. (i uii .'. i'i. i.'. p.-r ii -.1 .! i" Unity !.
af ur o.ii. . a-..l iKir. u.-V''... ' t i'ii: in-l -hl-l
t. iii.m.i'.i lor Hi -.iii.I -i n ..' s, .'"ti ou w.iti 15 per
I' -I t li,t-r -I f I .1 I il. -.J. : A -V of ', ay. , 1. I - ',. fell I
.t...t ':i ti." s .io j i ii li ; I I ' cf ii. I, s.'-., ati uttjr
if alia tun -it h.m:..: "T .l d t' n Ih I
on sai.l o-.L i . to l I. i In I I. ' k I'i, -.! ,
h.-t.l .-I ioi jVi bio U i.J. .! llie il ot t" a'.l-niuutb,
. a- f c-.uu-.y, i, ati'l thai lie t-,.i'l;.
liuLi.k .' i J Ai Iiij.ii :.r i. ;.ti-. iliit ll.ey ara
l - i. i. j i .ti!i':oi, i, o- .-
fore tbe third Moiiday a :t-r t;: J Li I u nay o. Ma -co
ii :t.
Ui!-'il February 13 h, 1 : -17.
I.SIAIV il. r A 71 .UP I. It.
l:y V.'II.LITT PoT" rvoi II, io - A.t'y. '10 4W
To Jo-.'pti Kiiiey .-
r-n ii . . -i t il.e u -.
Hie ill ti II,. ,.f ;bi. I i, r
, u.i tor the u '-1 y ..J" t'.i - - a
li.o 1" t:ti.-ii i I li . M .'i i.
'r t?,nf 'here U nsw ' a
y" til lh-!ii.i Cou-t lu
dr.-i' .ryot Na.rwn,
-ii a. .t Mmm '.icMaa:i.
Iiy her I I Iriel d lietliv C .M'-M.iken, of
j j a a ju.ij. un i.t i .i- lie - i:n ..( uv ii;in..- .id n r
i u h c . -1 a l ii ho; d in ,'le l.y yi.ii Oil the I"tti day of
aanilaiv, H07. ar.-l Iliad . IO aid l.iinl.r '
aii.l lhat y..u ai e imj-.i . I t i aj p -ar -in.l ati-w.-r tin
or before tic Aloi, iay lilt:' the lilrll J if i.f
VI n oil, 1 -o7, o'.- a j i' !u'ii i i t w i .1 he f e rtei d ag , i tint
y u I y il. I a'.i t; y on w..l 1 hi lii.r t ike. notice tli.t an
"Td'-r of a'ni. b in-m i li;i I vi u s..e 1 oi ald OL-rk't
i ilu-e, mid i h 1 1 ! lie fo I . v.-1 1, i n I, a ve b. "U alt, ti
ed to m ure th t.. v ,t, Ii ai i - i Ii of uniith
side of lot no ft it'l l nil of ,'i n t 6 eoiil..inSii 81
a i- e. a ej 1 4 1 1 III n -ui ; i.l d an io l"l Dili, till
io section ."its, t w ii ..hip ii'iitl. i I rinse 14, ea.l f
bib p ui, in c'j -. couuiy, .'.cl'.aik i.
il C VcMAKI-V,
M.-S 4 N M. W1KI.W
liv li.o next tri o-f
Itl.M.V C. M'-MAlKi.
A. L. fppACcr., AO'y loi IM'il-. K-b'td tw
lii iT.Ml IVoticr.
In. the Iiilriri C- urt I .tu lu ial l)i-trict, N'e'nailia
'1 etntoiy , in an ! loi tia county.
I.ydia It. iravelnnd "1
Formei !y I..Mli.i li, i
liy I i r L' xi li ! t il
Itcnry C. Joi.n
fin Cbau.ery
vii I
Jotiitthi-.ii X. Ko2'.-r. J
JnnH' T . Po -.. will take notice that the
complainant, l,dia II. li ivei ir !, ormerty l.y li H.
Stan. ey, now of the c.ri. ty ot lay.- te iind Biata of
lViiti-yiV iiii i. I v h-i i ."ict lib-nd, llenrv (!. J .i ",
did on ii,e Is; h day of I . oi ary. D l-.", , II - I er
bill o r.inij.l nut hi Hi- i a rift Court o! tin. 'i I Jn
dit i il lli-tiK tof S. bra-it i, oi mi. a tor Oa-" eoun'.y,
ai'.i lil bun, the ud Jurat ban T. rioem. d-f r.dau:.
ihe object if th" prayu' ot wircii is to foreel . a
rerl I II IIIOI l.-nle he 1 Wl ' li 11 I II e J il h 1 V ol .11 .Hell ,
1 Vi-, cxe'-iil.-d by .vol t e -aid d -f u'laii. to -iiid c.iii
plaii.aul, lip- n cr'avi : eal est ,! , unial'd In
initv. N.l. ia ka le im.iy.ti wit: I'lfii'iu.'
I I... r. rl!i-e:i.f tut ner if bit no A. ill tl.i w u
ati'l ri'Mii- c -oo't. iiloli.- lb- nrv.)i line ofi.i I
. t --'1 ar.d f, PI f t, lb I t- v.r Ibr-.u-ii lei l"t 1-a
f et to the a Hey. Oiet,r mi' til '1 0 HI f-.-t to tir n
w. c rner id s .'d lot tii-nee ea--t aioni? tiii- l t'i
Mm i.f said lot M', bet, to Hi- plan of le;inln,', -:'
uale in ela'inoii'.ti. l'i- cotiniv, N- T.,to . ' re
the .iiytnelit of h c.-itatii plollll.iry liote Ilia'!- I '
yo'i lor val'i" lee.'ive.i, o if.e a.l.l l.rdi i II llav--lai.d.
formerlv I.yd.a I i . I- an iy, f r ei,-h t
doll ar, w-tti iiitereit ai the lal-i f f. per real per
una. no, anrt to foe' Io e all e ( utiy of r. dni lion of
yoit in and to a .1 pr. in's.-., V-U w iil Or .re ap
p. ar at anl Ct.ui t ou Oil- 1st d f M'l nei, o
l.i'i", and ari-wer to piaii.-'iif ' oil or jadrf
uunt wiil b .' render-. I e : it- -t f-u d. r.nt.
M AbO'K'l 1' .V I. II A I'd
,-oii :tpiri lor I'i'iiiplattiant. f I.f above b" l.i:blih' d 1:1 the Se
l,n,ki lieraid lr vi .-oaper. fur four iv. i eulim
J. II.
te!21 -w
;i-t. r
n ( banc ry.
fjC?a .Llice.
Jooiiia B. WhiN, of tae fi e of 1 i. will ak
notice to at Ctv.r. II. la.ln-le. ot the Coull'y "f t
in ihe Territory of .s.-l r ek i, did on tbe Ii: u nay of
F- b uarv, A l I '- '" . til hi- i -il o' c m pin u' m lh
Di-tn. t b.eii t oi tin. :d J .dr lal district -A
bra-ka "Jeiri'o'v, in arid lor ( a- cuniy. on ta
i erv .id - of -aid (. urt a.-ain t the .ai I !")
B Wei-, I'.eViiJ ! t, wttiig f otb t "lit it ' ai'l
J,..hna 1. Weil, n .v. . niort,'st b .. aii t alvin
II. l'arni-l, on ..t i... o. in br io S', - il
ed on the. i c. d o p-i of lim cny r i'.att m- uUi.
in sai l t C - ' tbe payment of
44 0 bO a-d i"t' h-i, r iin.' to a celt hi p.oin-a-B.iyi.ot-
ii-fe r. i to in ,,iil unir-gag", ai.d pra' K
ih .t taid'j -bua U- W. l a may p..y ui n-.w
claime 1 b. be .toe. w.ib iL'.eio-t, or that i..d P"-i"-fts
m .y be sold t) pay t. .nio.m.a l "U" "u
i: Welii-Is not !i il tliA- Ink ruined tn apj ' o airl
a-iswer bill on or be:..i ih third lio'.d .y af'
Jd h day of V ar. h i ext.
Datca February !. li, l-'t?. . ,.,..,
By WlLLtTT rolTF.NC Lit, hi. Mil.
Binders Ti P ap r.r clc ale - c,
oc25 6m