Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 13, 1867, Image 1

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    . J;.. ..4iuaiMi
wa turn mxxm mt u mji n
"" rn man attempts to haul do ion the American Flag, shoot him on the spot."
VOL. i.
PLATTSMOUTH, N. T., WKDLDAY, 31 ARC 1 1 13, 1807.
k mam Ki ik ana ;tit? tmsst.
' '! ' H J'-nJ Lrv ond
1 1 n v.
Terms: Weekly, $2.50 per annum;
Daily, $1 per month,
--r-z-jT. -. . - r :- .1 -..
Jldtf.S of jldi:crtist)irr.
On" ioare (spare of ten line) one laser: ion,
E-ic.i utt'itiiit in--rtii'a - -
l'rfv I nal card B't xcv-dicjr fix linirs
4w -fi'ia: l''T co'uniu or lc?- f-r :i:it 'im
" " MX t.i..LHli-
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All tr;i:,,Ciit aJverti e.ue.i'.s nin-.t be j a
tiT We are 'are.
r.n Khort ni'lit'-1, and ia
I i-'iou.
itd..ii in ,r j .b work '
a-wtuat wl 1 KiTe i:ui" j
;i i
Sam. .T2. Clinp:nIl,
fSST Office iu tli-- C iiirt-huu--. riuT'2Slw
Solicitor in Chancery.
II. u.
ith T. M
Marquutf., at tho C"iirt
Physician and Eurrjeon,
Ti-dw - liiH pri)f---i' ual stvIc tu tli -ii:iz' ns of
it 1'ioiy .
.-Kf-i l.'nri? in Frank Whit. h u-c, cirner i f
ii. m ami .mkiIi Ktr-w; Oilice on ! i:n :r--.-t, i'i"'-it--
C-jurt Uouse, I'iati -lui.urh, e! rska.
J. N. M3E,
I'i.--, 1 1! in.l anl
V ji) ( r-k a! rc.i- r ,t f In ths n..-t reliabi
t ..!.(- U I I' I ltf'1 T.i'.',.S.
FL A TTSMO V Til, A i" ',
-nnt ntti nlitin niiiil t . iUKli2e a:i'l sal
"-al tsiaT.', au.l "iiiieut ol Thxs, auJ U huine
ft. (.lining to a gru.Tal Laud A..rny. Titl-;8 iuves-
K. fors by j.em i.i-in to
II'D. E. 5. Pum.'y. Judge i 1 J'-.J.cHI Hit.. Falls
Ci-r, XelMBkH: M'or l-Mw d Hurbauk, r:iyniatr
IJ. A. Lt-avriiwurlli. Rni; Ii '" J- Bail,i.k,
A-t. t.-or Nrlrbka. Kalis "ity, N l ; Hon. T. M.
kn-,u, .. llatt.-m..uth. Nth . Cul. H K. Livirnf-Mn.
a.e . . iLrH-ka 1-iVet. V"l., l,la:t-::ioU:li, N' .;
Al- - H. Whwl'T, I'.S. Iiuliau Ac. tit, I'awnee
Aiiency; Ctia'a Niitleton, No. Ill Broadway NVw
TO' k; Harvev, li iirlcn u. """" "i
Tiacy, Mak'Uire &. Co., ('hii-aj!0, I:N ; K. ( Kit h.
II lie-ier, N. Y.. I'rof. Henry Ailmg:ale, 'lUrifurd
1 N . Y.
. II. Whcflrr Sc. ".,
Real Estate Agents,
Commissioners of Deeds
Fire and Life Ins, Aj'ts,
rLATTSMorrn, x. t.
t o!ctions j.roruj t!y r.t -nde l t.. ar.d .r..cee!t re
V ted at current rates of Kx' i.a- Taxes pa d in
" ,,vn Iowa and Aebr.ipKalur tui i residents. iili-
: d iuV4 ni-:it.ii. M.-ut-y l..itr a : i:al E.,tai
tptur tie". Lmd Warrat.t.- i-aleJ.
i rent forcidleetion of claims a- iint f;vn men
f fx'd vr. tl.c'.r idw- I um.oi l"-:. Af i.t
t the purclue and ale if LaL'lo an J Cny I'riler
4jf Le-iiia of Tenement.
n..n. S. 11. KU e:t, l nve- City. C. T.
ttesra. K.'U'iize In. .. Nei..
lle' ann 4V M. :cif. A b.aa C'ty.
" O. . tniey. St. Leu:-, S: -ouil.
Dr. Ilto Lewi-., U.'-t.-n, Maacaiietta.
fl W iMfmai ClneHif 1. Uuuis.
M M Jlalll. tJltitMli an. t'i..
Totnlt: I llatina, l'latt.-iiiontli Xel.iaski.
L li Kti-h, Three Kivers. Ma '
Hon Fellows, Uio.'inll' Id. W ,--jnin.
IK.u T M M .rqneiL, fiattuimrt:, Nebr-'k.
U Lewi. Atto. nev at Law, iurt Ne York.
Carer, Ha y Curl, lie ilv.ues, lgai.
wi d&wtr
And Solicitors in Chancery,
jan-4 wtf
Win. Stadeliai.isin & Co.,
One door west of Donclan's Drvg-store,
Dealers in
Ready-made Clothing,
em! a general stock of
For the Plain?; also, a !r;7e lot i f
r.-" n v 7 7i 1 vrrrri
We U.,:M fcw,,4 rill W;lclo for Nt,. Cal.
al esaiiiiucoar fctvtii bi-f.'re ou be? any b'-re emel
3 V.m.ii'AliiUiiX. CO.
Jm J.Ij.Ca, BviiLSiY oo.'s. j
The Press, of Nebraska City, evi
dently understands the situation, and
J some of our O.naha friends should un-
i der?tar;d it as well. The peopln of
j Nel-raska are not composed of such
! material as will be plastic in the hinds
i '
1 of a self constituted "Recency." neither
wiK they tamely submit to having their
!:.!.... I. .1 !...
4 '-m UI,,'' U U'JU luc" uc'"
laughed nt for allowing it to be done.
! Let Otoe do justice to others ai.d the
; rued not fear that justice will nut be
done her. We copy trcm the rress:
The Da lance of Power. Under
this head we are advised by the jXeivs
ol tiie Ian formed by which we are
Ij secure the State University. We
:ir t0 "niie with Omaha in promoting
iht ir schemes and they ure to unite
with us in promoting ours-and thii
I combination of Otoe and Douglas with
11 n prescj.tatives in both Houses is to
con.roi the rest of NebraLa with n
IJs member. Of course it inut suc-
jceed. The 3S will yield to the M.
j Su!, IJOtwitb;and,ng the powerful
arran mnt we udheiu to our opinion we are more Iiuely to succeeJ ny
doing justice to Omaha and oilier s( C
lions on local questions b.-cau-e it i
ri:;t to do so, and making and main
taining our c laims to the Univ rsity in
the same Kpiritt
Let our citizens seriously consider
tri i important uuesiiou. Whether the
cour.-e cf the AVirs i not rtT;uiy cahu
hittd to array again:-t us fucli a conib'
naiiou of interests as will sacrifice every
hope of our success.
In speaking of iha Legislative riot and
the reasons adduced by Omaha men
for opposing with mob viult-nee the pas
sage of a just apportionment bill, to
wit: "That South Platte desired to se
cure power iu order to remove the
capital,' say-:
If the capitol ii in tha right place,
why such jealous dread of it removal?
If it is not. the surest way to bring it
a bum, it to bring it into tho
it was last Saturday. When Otoe
County attempted its removal we oppos
ed it; jet, if it is to interfere with our
rights, we ehoU for us removal at tiie
first opportunity.
The Nexcs says : "The worthy dele
gation from this county is not recreant."
The mere statement of ihe' jYews to
that tfTcCt does "not make it so, neither
will it convince the people. It is a well
known fact, and is not denied by ihh
tt-sf that the Otoe delegation voted
against an apportionment bill that gave
one more member, at least, to the South
Platte country thin we now have, and
that they did vole for another bill which
dimini-hed the representation of Otoe
one member. We do not wish to be
understood as finding any fault with
their vote todimini-h their own repre
sentation, because it still left the South
Platte representation as before, and if
thee Otots were conience stricken
and thought their county had more
members than she was entitled to, they
were riht to strike olT one member
and give it to such counties as were en
titled to it. Hut hen they voted
against a bill to apportion representa
tion according to voters, merely be
cause the "Regency" at Omaha said
they should, and promised them a Stal
University for thus betraying the peo
pie's intersts, we nre inclined to think
1! will take something more substantial
than the bare ass'-rtiou of the Aetrs to
convince the 0,006 voters of South
riatte that thy are not "recreant."'
It is the prevailing opinion that the O'.oe
members, iu vcing-agaiust ths appar
iKinmeut, voted against the interests of
I their own. county, as Wr'il as the inter
ests of the whole South Piane country.
If this is not the case, iu tha opinion of
the jYews, will that journal do tlieOioe
members and the public the justice to
correct this impression by the publica
tion of facts; aiid not attempt it by mere
We give, to-day, ihe Reconstruction
bill in full. This bill may now be con
sidered the plan of reconstruction adop
ted by the loyal people, through their
representatives, and the one which the
States lately in revolt must adopt if they
expect to ever ba admitted to full fel
lowship. They rejected the easy terms
,e.k r .-i.....: ,ri
! vt l"c iuju.uh. i,ai .iiiiciunni: as
! . it- m 1 ,
j trn a lies- U lhey CC-Pl lh:- or
i lIl" w UJVisea 10 UO IJ lOeirnoftu
have they need cf being taught another
Iesfoa in human rignts.
G9 "tl.
The dispatches announce that lion.
T. W. Tipton has drawn the short term
in the U. S. Senate to expire in 1SG9.
and that Hon. J. M. Thnyer has drawn
the long term, to expire in 1871.
The city election which came off in
O.naha on the 4'h inst., resulted in a
complete copperhead victory. The i?e
jnillican says frauds, riot and anarchy
were the order of the day. We make
the following extracts:
The frnu Is perpetrated at tho elec
tion yesterday t,y illegal voting were
of the most stupendous magnitude. Of
this there is iho most positive proof.
Men voted iu one ward and then went
by the .vagon load and by the platoon
to 'the? oth-er wards and vo'ed again.
Si'tiit D-'moTHiic voters, rode
from one ward to nnoth r fur th.' pur-
po-e of driving from th palls lgal 1
voters, i'i carriages prnvidrd tor thm
by the money of th Democratic candi
dates, firing c-ff their u volvers and their bludgeons ns tliy rode
.i!o:iit. The pectac! was u
burning disgrnre to Omaha, and soffit
1 3 be ly every repeciaMe citizen. .Mi
Mich fevl deeply at the wcrk
of ye.!erday. ,
The Repullican goes on with mj-
merou ins'iances and irtider.'s. all of)
whi-jh are in perfect keeping wit.h t!io
spirit wLkh actuated the itiub en th'
iiight of the lGth of February, w.'ieu
the lives of members of the Legislature
were threatened. ConlJ ai yihing else j
be expected, when the disgraceful pro
ceedings of the lGih were treated
lightly or not meLtiotiL-d at all by the
press of the city? We t-hall piv fur
tiier details of this transaction ou the
The Omaha Herald and Nebraska
City 4vVetis are jubi'ant over the suc
cess of ihe Democracy in Omaha, n;,d
Virtual'7 tr. A .r & iV, nrlmn .V.
mat flourished Bnvie knives, fired re
volvers, and drove the negro voters
from the polls. This is the tyle of pro
ceeding urged on by these papers and
the desperate leaders of the party in
Nebraska. They do not confine their
actions to mobbing negroes, but carry
it into our Legisladve halls. Is this
the party and are these the principles
that honest, peaceable citizens desire
to uphold? Let men consider these
things seriously, and ask themselves it
ihey wish to support and build up a par
ty that endorses mob law where they
cannot secure their ends otherwise.
We can see no honor in obtaining a
political victory through lawlessness
and rnob violence. No man who is
able to reed has any excuse for being
ignorant of the fact that negroes are
much entitled to vote in Nebraska as
are white men; and the party thai
drives them from the p . IL has the same
ric bit to drive every white man from the
polls. Not three days before ihe election
in Omaha, the Acus admitted the right
of negrot s to vote, but has not one word
of condemnation now for the Demo
cratic mob that, by force of arms, drove
them from the polls at Ounha.
We see a diversity of cpinion ex
pressed in different papers as to why
our Senators did not take iheir seats in
the cl.ising hours of ihe 39ih Congress.
Some say it wns because the two years
of the 3Q;h Congress uculd be deduct
ed from ih.;ir terra cf strvice, and oth
ers ihat they could not tike their seats
from the fact that Senator Tipton was
n il ihre in time, and that it was nec
essary for both to be present in order
that the question of the iong and short
term rnigh: te decided upon at the time
of their taking seats. The latter is
likely ihe correct reason.
. m m
Our neighbor of the Democrat h is at
last gone into National Politics. His
first effort gives evidence of a superior
mind, one capable of grasping with
and throttling all the dogmas of a Re
publican form of government. He ut
terly annihilates this farce of a Repub
lican government in the following beau
tiful and touching style:
"The Right of Life, Liberty, and
Property, guaranteed by the Ooustiiii
tion. to the peopU is destroyed.
"This Government is no lenger a
Republic, and like Home of t.ld, she
Las pissetl ii.ta the ihirifr that were.
j I Aiifand Full or tue America,
j Republic' will be th title of our his
" Tiie Cieand Full of the American
lorv up to tn
third cf March, A. D.
157; frc'tri this pe.rijJ onward, the j
Historian mu?t rt-cord the commence
ment of ih inglorious deeds of a Mon
archy, or Despotic Government."
'President Johnson known:? these
thin?, as he does; to be true to his oath
of offic-f, to be just to his Government
and himxelf, should immediately call
on the military forces of the country,
of which he is Constitutional Comman-der-in
Chief Depose the present dis
loyal Rump, itself a Conres.-.
of the United (?) States, ar.d reor
ganize the country upon a Constitution
al bisis."
Wre transfer those evidences of a
brilliant and per:cp:iyej mind to our
columns in order that we may, in
our old ae, look over them and wonder
ho-.v it happened that such a great
mind able to cotnpre Ii ?nd the whole
genius cf govc-rnmeut failed to go to
the U. S. Sen V.e enpecitliy aft.'r of
feri;!? a cer:ain inlividual the in:ir-
mcus sum of G'U0 t supj'ort him for
that po-iition.
'?m,1 iracy a flower i b in to blush' n,
Au wat it fragrance u tl.e deert a:r."
How ate you, fragrance; how
you, blu.-h.
Seeil tTliea.
I'd. Herald: At we are about to
sow our wheat, it may be appropriate
to (liscu-s (.nestion relative to tho best
and oar.iest varietiei.
.'ed in
former conimonicatija that
wh. at ri
pened earlier wh-jii the seed was
brought from the Scuth, and to corrcb-
omte that s'-itemnt, I refer your read-
ers to -190. 500, 501 and ,T02 of j
the U. S. Aricultoril Report for lbbd; j
wh re will be found a valuable article
on "The Wheat Plaat, its Range, etc."
but lest sein of your renders should
not have the report, I will make a few
extr .cts- "The txperinc j of a Ken
tucky f irmer shows that set d wheat
obtained from a northern locality faded
with him, owing to ?at'e ripening and
" - -t.- f.-v.
periment was irioo. with three varieties
of northern grown seed and wi.h the
same result in each Case. When wheat
from a southern locality wis sown by
tho same expenmeu'er, his crop ripen
ed early and was free from rust ai-.l
disease, ar.d impraved in sample over
the original, while the main crop in the
same d istrict was ruined by rusi and
other diseases. This result was cor
roborated by ihe re-ul: of four seasons
of growth; and the southern grown
seed, because of its early ripening, is
rapidly superceeji.ig all the later
wheats in the district referred to. The
kind of wheat ntroJuced from the
more southern region of Tennessee, or
perhaps northe rn Alabama, is the Ear
ly May."
The controversy that was originat
ed by the introduction of the Tennes
see Early Slay wheat into northern lo
calities appear.- to have settled into the
belief that the seloction of southern
crown eittly-ripen'Ug varieties is judi
cious uh?re it i mcessary that the grain
should attain early maturity." And
now. Mr. Editor, let me repeat my in
quiry as to the Lest variety of wheat,
all things considered. There are per
haps not less than a dozen varieties ia this county, and there is quite
a d. (Ten nee iu trie quality and perhaps
in the yield. '
Th Cleveland HerMhn received
a private letter from Fort Laramie,
Dacotah Territory, dated January 2-5 h,
which says the force of United States
tro. ps which left Fort Morgan on the
11th ult., arrived at Fort Laramie on
he 2-5 h, making th inarch ct 2'JJ
mdes, through very deep snow, in 14
days, stopping over at Fori Sedgewkk
two days. The maj jrity of ih met.
were frost bitten, iiuhp quite severely.
The greatest precaution had taba taken
against surprise, a the Indians were
murdcrirg and plundering all along
the road, "both in front and rear of ths.
troops. The letter says :
"Our destination is Powder River,
where Captain Fetterman was mur
dered, and ihe object, of course is to
clear ihm out, which I hope we will
succeed in doing. All the different
hosiile tribes are concentrated near
that place, nnder Red Cloud, a S-oux
Chief, fnd their numbers are variously
estimated at from 30,000 to 70.000
warriors: but 30.000 is considered a
low estimate. Troips are arriving at
Omaha wi h every train, and being for
warded to 'his Territory as fast .as
possible; and when the move is made under the fifth section of this act; End
it is expected that at least 20,000 men ! ,id person shill be elligible to any of
will start at one time. The third bat- jfice under any such provisional govern
tallion of the ISth regiment is now the jlruents who would be disqualified from
3Gth United States'' Infantry, the 2d j holding office under the provisions of
batta'.Iion, the 27h Infantry aud the 1st j the third article of said Cousti'.utiosal
buttallion the IS h Infantry. I Amendment.
Th following is the Reconrtruction
measure, as finally passed by Congress
oifer ih; veto of the President:
1. Bi it enacted by t!ie Stnate and
tjuuae. oj irtscuiuuvts oj trie untied
Wto oj .Lnenca mCongnss ossein-
rr t rt 1 m t tt
Llrd, 'fiiat said Rebel States shall be
drv-'.di-d into military districts and made
stflijei t 'o the military authority of. the
Lautfd tate3, as hereinafter pre scrib
ed, and for that purpose Virginia shall
ccnstituie the firM distiici; t orth Car
olina anl Sou h Carolina the second
district; Georgia. Alabama and Florida,
the third d'stnet; Mississippi and Ar
kiinsas, the fjurth district; and Louisi
aia and Texus, t.v.e fifth diitnet.
Se-c. ii. .l7)i( be it Jurthcr enaclei,
That it shall be the duy of tl.e Presi
dent to Rssign to the command of each
di-trict bu oliicT of the army, not be
l'.i.v tl.e of l)rig;t 'ir Genera!, and
to! J . il a i-tiJiK-i.-tu miliury force to
e liable s:ich chict-r to perform his duties
and enforce :m nuthonty within the
di-trict t i whi h lie is assigned.
S.-c. 3. .'lad be it tuither enacted, it shall br) the duty of each oilicer
assigned ay aforesaid, to protect all per
1 Svns in t Li ; i r rights of person and nio;i
t-ny, 1.1 suppress insurrection, disorder viol nee, and to punish cr caue ;o
hi- putiislit j, hII disturbers nf the public
pt ace ai d criminal, and to this end,
ho may i How local civil tribunals 10 iakt;
.t J juiudictiou of arid to try olfenders, or,
u't-n in i.:s j-titgenieni it niay 0a ue-
i rf.fiiHIil It MlllV ha
ce.-sary for tiie trial of c-fienders, he
shall Lave power to organize military
? - .'
C'i.:i::,is; i.j:,s 'or for th:vt pur-
pi sjiinl .-til in'.erference under color
... y uaJer lhis aa &hai,
.J nu; ..u,j V(jiJ
Sec. 4. Audit it further enacted,
Ti.atall persons put under military ar-re.-t
by virtue of this act shrill be tried
w thout unnecessary delay, and no cru
eljor unusual punish nent shall be in
flicted; and no sentence of any military
co.nmi's; n. or tribunal hereby at.iht.r-ii-d,
ci'it'Ciiug ihe life or liberty of any
person, shall le executed until :t is ap
proved b the nflicer in command of
L-ns for thi governmeni of the army
shr.I! not be aifecied by this act, ercept
i :;s- far as tliey conflict with its provis
ions Provided, That no sentence of
death under the provisons of this act
shall be carried into effect without the
approval of the President.
Sec. 5. hitl bz it further enacted,
T.'iat when the people of any one of
the said rebel Stales shali have formed
a constitution of government in conform
ity with the Constitution of the United
Sjates, iti all respects, framed by a
convention of delegates elecied by the
I IT J 4f.. ...
mule citizens or saw J3iaie twenty uni
years old or upward, of whatever race,
color or previous condition who have
b'w-en a resident in said State one
yfcar previous to the day of such elec
tion, except such as may be disfran
chised for participation in the rebellion
o" for felony at common law, and when
such constitution shall provide that the
elective franchise shali be enjoyed by
al such persons as have the qualifica
tions herein 6tated for electi in of del
egates, and when such constitution
shall be ratified by the majority of the
rersons voting on the question of rati
fication, who ore qualified as electors
for d leg-ncs. and when such constitu
tion snail have been submitted to Con
gress for examination and approval,
o'nd Congress shall have approved the
same, and when said Slate, by a vote
cf its Legislature elected under said
c'onst.iutioii, shall . Imve adopted the
.-.inetidmruit to ihe Constitu'ion of the
Unit d States, proposed by the Thirty
Ninth Congress, and known as article
jtourl and v. lien said article shall
have b.-come a part of tiie Constitution
;,f the United States, and said State
ihall be- declared entitled to represen
tation i.i Congress, nnd Senators a;.d
Repi'epn'ative- sbali be admitted there
from on their taking the oath prescribed
hy law, an 1 then and thereafter tne
precee ling of bill shall be
inoperative in -ti:l St.a'.e; provided, Tliai
f.o per-on excluded from the privilege
f hoidLg olhce by said proposed
amend men: to tht; Constitution t-f ihe
United Slates shall be elhgible to elec
tion as a member of the convention to
t'rame a constitution for any of said
iebel States, nor shall any such person
rote fcr members of said convention.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted,
That until tho people of said rebel
States shall be by law admitted to rep
resentation in the Congress of the
Uniied States any civil .governments
which may exist therein shall be deem
ed provisional only, and in nil respects
subject to the paramount authority of
the United Stales at any time to abol
ish, modify, control or supercede the
j.-ame; and in all elections to any office
tinder such provisional governments ali
Mich persons shall be entitled to vote,
and n ne ether, who are entitled to vote
Another EJeatli from Tticliiiiite
From the A". Y. Tribuae.
In dissecting ihe corpse of a pauper
at the Twenty-third Street Medical
College recently, the s'udents unex
pectedly found evidence that another
j human being had been devoured by
; ,he J(ifiniiess mal worm which the fac-
u!ty call irichitice spiralis. The intes
tines, when subjected to microscpic ex
amination, proved to be literally alive
i with these miuuie destroyers, and they
were found in abundance everywhere
in th'3 muscular tissue. Th body was
that of a woman cf whom the hospital
au h.irities knew nothing, beyond the
fact that she was a put.psr, and died
s:on after her admission to Bdlevtie
Hospital, nnd, as a subject that had
peri-hed of an unknown malady, had
been surrendered to tho surgeons for
dissection. Trichina- in c-normou
numbers having been discovered in the
body, the surgeons strove tu ascertain
something of the hi-tory of the v.viain
rae, hoping thus to add to th-'ir stock
of information concerning the oriirin of
these destructive worms. a:;d of ih
j symp-oms ot .1 suflererafilieted by th:m;
tut thjir inquiries were fruitless, and
all that is left them is a circa -3 which
worms converted into fo- d f ;r tho di ea J
ed Worm.
Trichinaj spiralis were iirst discover
t d in ili h.iiaan system in i.U'1
since that unv; indicnl mef: have uil
ligently soujht their origin, and some
mt-diciut; which nuy expd them from
the body; but lar the faculty have
reached no definite conclusious, or i;
they have, tha results cf their research
es have not ben committed to print.
All medical writers, however, ngree in
conveying to their readers the idea that
the hog, the scavtnirer of creation, i.
the quadruped through which trichina:
enters the human stomach. Ia the
emphatic language of Dr. (iauss,
Berlin, "the swine is the ante-rorun
where the worm waits 10 be received
into the human temple, ih-re to work
iis destructive changes." Stvs Dr.
Flora of ChicHgo, "Reports are coming
to us daily from different pans of ih-
country tif the discovery of irichinou-
pork, and at Detroit the death of a
0-":a,AJ?.4,,..'iiirtEUr.ve1d in whose body
animation-and thorough cta.QrouslixJi
been insisted upon in this article a pre
ventatives of trichina; disease; but tU- 1
only injulub'e one is to obey ihe Jew j
ish law, and "eai no fork Another
writer says: ''Some call trichina; a new
di-ease; some deny i:s existence alto- J
ireiher; but the disease is not new, sim
ply the know ledge of its true character
it was once quite common in lien n to
speak of han poison, a substance which
has never been isolated. The disease
was observed and ascribed to this un
known agent; but all attempts to isolate
the pjison failed." There is an instauce
on record where a number of gentle
men breakfasted together, one of whom
being engaged with some business, did
not seat himself at the table, but simply
drank a glass of wine, the rest eating
raw ham with their claret. The latter
all fell sick and some died, while the
former remained well. At Hettstadt,
near the Hartz Mountains ia Germany,
about three years ago, 103 persons sat
to a dinner consisting of sausage ana
vegetables. No less than eighty-three
of the above mentioned numbei died
within a few weeks. A case came te
ight iu this city in 1S64, in which r.
whole fami!v was poisoned by tali tig
trichinous pork.
It seems to be conceded that u man
does not take all trichina; from pork,
it is true that the hog is a trichinous
quadruped, a single ounce of whose
tlesh, if infected, may introduce to th"
human stomach hundreds of these
worms, which may reproduce their
species to ihe extent of. tiiliions, and
gnaw their way ini( tht vitals.
A iros Oti;r.:ge.
From the Om.!ia It-'i ubiicaa, St!..
One of ihe greatest outrages evv-r
known iu either a civdiz d or uncivil
ized community was t-erpetraiod at the
second ward poll, just at iu close yes
terday. It is a foul blot upon the good
name of O.naha, the iio-morv o: whkh
it wiil take year.-, to efface.
It had been understood that the col
ored vuters of the city would, for th:
first time in their lives, oifer to exer
cise their rictus as electors confrrtd
ou them by the organic law cf die Ter
ritory, by the Statutes cf tha Territory
and by the actsadmit'.ing Nebraska into
the Union as a State. When people
awoke this morning, there were found
posted up in innumerable places slips of
manuscript, so miserably written as t t
be nearly illegible, threatening the col
ered men with death and all manner of
violence if they attempted to exercise
this lawful right. We have a number
cf these now in our possession.
Notice to
the Negros of
Omaha City
the first black Man that takes his
Stand at the Polles to Vole he will get
his head Skined to the Rone from his
Enmy Watch out you god darnd black
p upy for that pate of yours.
Many thought these threats were not
seriously intended, and that the Dem
ocracy would not attempt to put them
in execution. It was not thought pos
sible that in this cotiimunity, o great
an outrage upon the rights of citizens
could be. BLit about quarter past three
o'clock, the crowd of the Democracy
from all parts of the ci'y began to gath
er at the poll of the second ward, ar.d
in perhaps less than fifteen u.inutc
there were four hundred of them gath
ered in the court house yard and on ili-i
sidewalk in front. This crcv.d cf u tt
ers was led bytwor.f ihe mo.-t interi
ors bullies of the Democracy in tho
city. Their followers were enmJ
with rt.vw,'.7ers, clubs nnd all eorts of
weapons They declared that no col
ored man should vote hi the wan!.
S jou a body of iweLty or ct 1'
ored men came up to ihe court h. usc.
intending u offer ihtir votes at the p .,;!.
they came up with the utmost qui tne-s.
conducting themselves with propriety
in every way. They simply asked to
exercises peaceably their rights under
the law. - They were stpp:d at i!,;
gate by ihe rioters and utterly denied
even access t) ihe ballot box, ihu Dem
ocracy flourishing 1'ie.r wtapens ft;n
ru!y around. IVrhap a d aten Hr-publi-jans
and law-abiding citizen were
present and saw ihe whole a.'iir with
shame and chagrin. Hut they veer.'
powerless to prevent the outrage i.nd
protect the men whose ri-ri.ts w ere 'hus
Liriousiy trampled under foot.
The of the haw were i-Hl.'el
iipc-H by dies.? few to protect the right,
of citizens, but every ,vord th"S' aid
only added to the fre nzy of the Democ
racy. They were intended to. ..lay.
orMilhr declared th-.t ihe n:i;io'
h.-.d no right to vote. Sheriff Dono
said the same thing. Mr R.d.-vrts, a
woli known policeman, stood upon thy
steps of the court house and s:;yi m ihe
same, declared that they should not
I' Pretty cosurvalor of ti.e. law,
th-"se officers are.
The negroes remained pT.'ert'v
quiet, not offering violence to obiaia
their rights, until ihe p.o'ls were de
clared Cl.'s: ! . w 'It 11 f. '. ,,
j uepart-
Tl.u.s ended l'lt;
sc-'ne that was ever
u': graei-itu
fi ;:! rr-
I't.ction in Nebraska,
ocrttic rioters bv rni
pre s 'ssion of ih i poll.-
f. - - - 'Ci..;.
ei:.trs. TJii. I ,
V !ll Vl el US11'
v 1
. 1 z'u'. a a
tif i'. T,..: . u . -it '-..ever It
- . a-..oryor ,t, ,
mob in r.., r,r"0ad light of day, iha of-
i 1 .. "1
i'ers tt the j.i.- .tohing 011 ami not li:t-
iriij a fi-iger 10 enforce ihe law u.nd
protect peaceable citizens.
A greater shame was never put up
on Omaha. Its fnir name is st tiid for
years to ccme. By this, and ii:.-ii!;.r
c'.".iraues upon ihe purity of the bailot-
box 1 lis Democrats have carried the
:ity electio.i. Tiie honest vote of the
city ha been overawed by m ! vio
lence and overwhelmed by illegal vot-
ting. Of the fact that an inim?r.s2 il
legal vote was can by the Democrat?,
there is not a shadow of a doubt. Tho
proof are positive, and will Le made
public at the proper time.
Wamiigton, March 4. lb? Sen
ate was tailed to order at 12:20 ty
Wude. - -
After prayer the business was the
iualilh ation of new Senator?, including
Thayer and Tipton, cf Nebraska.
Thayer drew ihe term ending in '71,
Tipton ending iu GO
House. After much confusion the
Ilo'.s'i subsided.
McPhcrson, clerk, called the roil.
Wihoti, of, mavi J to prcceed
to 'It- election of -Speaker.
Brooks arose, and after a speech in
which he denounced the organization
of ih House in the absence of seven-t'-r
n State.- as a revolutionary proceed
ing, presented a written protest 0:1 the
part cf the minority. Tne protest vv-ns
not receivid and the Jf tuse proceeded
to lite election of bp jai.
i-r. Colfax was
Wasiiisctcx, March 5. Consider
able feeling exists in Alexandria, Ya ,
relative to colored people voting to day
for municipal crTicers. Tiie Gaz-'t.e
s iYi the i lea that the negroos have a
rigt-.t 10 vote grows out of a j as.-age iu
ihe iteronstrijciion bill.
Tiie Washington Chronicle stay3 this
is ihe first election held in tha South
since tha pa-rfage of the Reon Jtruotiou
bill, and as threats htve been made by
the rebel element, ioyal men fear they
may execute them on 'negroes, and it
will be well for all parties to understand
the law will be enforced against every
offender, nd if election oificv-rs rofu'e
negro votes they will have to take the
s5Senator Wilson has ir.:ro.!jcd
he following joint re.-oiution. which
was ordered to be printed, declaring
that as the municipal officers cf Alex
andria have refused to obey anJ execute
the laws of the United Slates,' here-fore
Jlcoolced, That the municipal offices
cf that city are hereby declared vacant.
rTsorjs exercising the authority of said
offices -hall, on conviction, be impris
oned not les than one year, cr pay a
fine of not less than 81,000.
Iistt?The Governor cf Virginia sent
bis mes.-age to ihe I.egish.i.ji e:i the
4ih.urgin.r i. o c'.'! a c -.venthn under
the military bnl.