Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 06, 1867, Image 2

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    She WLibmtikz HirratdL
aV..,a., I iB..rm i i lm,
plattsmouth; Nebraska.
wednesday, march 6, 1867
By the dispatches it will be seen that
Hon. T. M. Marquett too!: Lis seat iir
the House on the iM of March and was
allowed pay for the full session. It
will also be noticed that the Senators
elect reserved their seats until the
meeting of the Fortieth Congress.
While we are in favor of psare, and
opposed to exciting local jsa'ouiiss and
hatreJs, yet we are opposed to allowing
any "Regency" in Nebraska that will
trample upon the rights of the people.
In the late proceedure in the Legisla
ture, we have but a repetition of the
manner in which the Northern States
were always ruled by the '-Regency"
of Southern slaveholders. We did not
believe it to be prudent or matly cn
the part of the majority of the people
to submit to the domineering spirit of
the "chivairic Regency," neither do we
believe it is prudent or manly for the
majority of the people of Nebraska to
quietly submit to be dictated to by any
'clique'' or "Regency" in Nebraska.
At the last election the entire North
Piatte country cast 3,40S, while
the South Platte cast 5,o5Q votes; yet
these 5,556 voters must be teld that it
does not suit Omaha for them to have
their just representation in the State
Legislature. How loag before the
people of Nebraska will shake off the
lethargy with which they are affected
and through which they are ruled by a
factious minority. Do they begin to
"see it," or do they require a repetition
of the scene in the House on the night
of the 15th of February?
The iVcu-s is trying to console itself
and its readers with the hope thai Ne
braska may even yet not be a state.
It says the act of the Legislature ac
cepting the "conditions" was not signed
by the Governor, in consequence of a
disagreement as to which Governor
should sign it. We hope tha ex-candidate
for Dalegate, ex-candidate for
number of Congress, ex-candidate for
Governor, ex appointee of-o;.i;ica for
Governor, ex-Secretary of Nebraska
under old "Pub. Func." and would be
defeater of State and a joint apportion
ment, may derive all the comfort and
consolation he can from his ignorance
in regard to this matter. Although
"where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to
be wise," we cannot refrain from in
forming the Xews that the little matter
it appsars bo iubiilant over was ar
ranged by both Governors State and
Territorial signing the aforemention
ed act.
The JVeirs says it only demands jus
tice to its locality. That is eminently
sound, and looks well on paper, but we
would ask that sheet by what means it
expects to obtain "justice to our local
ity." Does it expect to get it by ref us
ing justice to all tha balance of Ne
braska? It is certainly not unjust that
three-fourths of the voters of Nebraska
should hav8 three-fourths of the llep
resentatives ia the State Legislature,
yet the J"eu:s upholds tha Otoe delega
lion in defeating a just apportionment,
and excuses itself on the ground that
Otoa wants the State University and
will sell out any or all portious of Ne
braska to secure its location there.
We would recommend that paper to
either advocate the one cour&e or the
other to go strictly in accordance with
iustice or strict! v "on the sell out" If
it desires justice done to Otoe county,
let it advocate the same thing for the
balance of Nebraska. We want noth
ing but what is fair and just in Cass
county; but we do demand that we, to
gether with the balance of the State,
have a just apportionment, and we do
cot believe in allowing Otoe Democra
cy er the city of Omaha to tell the peo
ple of Nebraska that they must ba sub
servient to them, and grant these lo
calities all they may ask, or have the
rights of the people trampled upon.
The way to obtain justice is to groat it
to others.
The last act nscessary to "wind up1
the State business was consummated on
Friday last. Senator Thayer arrived in
W'ashington on Thursday evening with
the act of our Legislature endorsing
the conditioni proposed by Congress,
and Andrew Johnson issued bis proc
lamation on Friday declaring Nebraska
a State of th Union. It ia probable
our Senators and Member of Congress,
were eworn in on Friday.
B: & M. II. It. LANDS.
By the unqualified assertion of the
Nebraska City papers that the lands of
the above named road have been restor
ed to market, many may be misled in
regard to the The facts are
as follows: Secretary Harlan decided
that, according to the act cf Congres
the company had the right to select
lands outside of the twenty miles on
each side of their line of road to com
pensate for ruch lands as were taken
within that twenty miles; and accord
ingly lands south of the line were
withdrawn from market for that pur
pose. Secretary Browning has revlrs-
ed that decision, and such lands as were
withdrawn from market for their use,
outside of the twenty miles on each
side of their line of road, hav8 been
restored nothing more. This decision
in no manner interferes with the origi
nal grant, nor with the amount of lands
to which the company is entitled, it only
changes the location of the lands to
which the company is entitled as an
equivalent for those owned by individ
uals within their grant. The enemies
of the road and enemies of the pros
perity of the western counties would
like to convey the idea that this decision
ef Browning's affects the entire grant;
but such is not the fact. The road is
being rapiJly built through Iowa, and
will soon be commenced at this point.
Are out in a lengthy article in the J?e
publican, which appears "variously"
muddled in regard to fact. They
"fight shy" of the main question, and
attempt to make a heavy fight against
the Cass county delegation. They say
the difficulty "was in no sense a party
-.ensure," and then go on to say that
they, (the factious minority) would ac
cept no conditions except the "defeat of
the obnoxious apportionment bill."
Haw does Morton and his "pocket
pieces"who represented him in the Leg
islature like to be placed in this shape;
opposing a measure which no man in
Nebraska dare say was unjust, and one
which every man south of the Platte
river must des, re to see consummated,
and yet not have the opportunity of ex
cusing their action by reason of "a
pmy question."
Morton talks in the Neves like h
kept the Otoe county delegation in his
broeches pocket, and only allowed them
in the foreground when it suited his
personal convenience. He talks of
selling them out for a "State Universi
ty," Hud tlucs uui allow lUem ouj voles
in the matter. How is it Do suca
men as Reeves, Anderson, Rolfe and
Graves belong to Mortou? Can he
say to them vote this or that way, and
compel them to do it? Do they allow
him to dictate what they shall do when
they have to bear the odium of miscon
duct? It certainly looks that way,
when they had all agreed to vote for a
general apportionment bill, and only
changed their minds after Morion came
to Omaha.
Dr. Miller has been particularly se
vere upon Mr. Rascal), Probate Judge
of Douglas county, because that gentle
man dared to assert his right as an
American citizen, and vote as he pleas
ed in the Legislature, despite the warn
ing of the Dr. and the balance of the
men who claim to own all Democrats.
A correspondent in the Republican hits
the Dr. a pretty solid cne, and in a ten
der place, as follows:
The Cow-Boy of the late rebellion
and the Scavenger of battle-fields still
continues to assail the Probate Judge.
The aforesaid Cow-Boy is very ungrate
ful, indeed; in fact, ingratitude is one
of his many vices. When he was
gorged and loaded down with plunder
in Arkansas, he was very grataful for
the protection that Gen. Thayer's color
ed soldiers afforded him. But now that
his sweet scented body is safe, and the
plunder is turned into type, he uses the
same to belle his protector.
We have not yet seen a solitary at
tempt to justify the defeat of the ap
portionment bill on the ground of equi
ty. If certain localities in Nebraska
desire to secure certain benefits throogh
Legislative action, can they expect to
accomplish it by saying if you do not
do this or that thing we will defeat the
ends of justice? Is that the best meth
od they can think of ? It seems to us
that if Otoe county wants a State Uni
versity, it would stand a far belter
chance to get it by showing its willing
ness to deal justly with the people at
large, and not set up to rule all Ne
braska and the rest of the world. If
it is justice to give Otoe the University,
all right say we, if Columbus is entit
led to it, give it'.oher; but by all means
give Nebraska City a fair apportion
ment. JSfThe last Democratic candidate
for Governor in Wisconsin Gen. Ho
bart has left the party and come out
in fsvor of universal suffrage.
We learn from ajreliatle source that
the people of Omlha are chuckling
over the defeat of the apportionment,
and say that Omaha never yet failed
in securing any legislation she desired.
Rather a doubtful compliment to certain
South Platte members, we should say.
and somewhat brazen in Omaha politi
cians. They might ba brought down
from that pinnacle of power which they,
in their own imagination, occupy with
such great security. This is a people's
government, and Nebraska is a State
of the Union. She cannot be dictated
to by a locality, a town or a mob; and
her people will feel the insult cf having
their rights denied them end then being
laughed at because? they were denied.
How do you like t fellow-citizens of
South Platte, to lave Omaha refuse
you just representation and then boast
that she has done it, and "never failed"
to carry her point. How do the mem
bers from Otoe like this "dig," after
having voted for an apportionment that
took one Senator ilrom them, and then,
through the influence of Omakt were
induced to vote against an apportion
ment that did not disturb their repre
sentation, but gave equal and exact
justice to all sections, or as near it as
could be done?
By seme chance, a stray copy of "The
Old Gnard," a recognized standard
Democratic magazine, found its way to
our table. The leading editorial in the
number before us is in denunciation of
Congress, after tie style of Johnson
whilejhe was "swjinging round the cir
cle," and urging the thorough organi
zation of the "Sous of Liberty. As
this order is a thoroughly 'Democratic'
institution, and is supported by the
leading periodicals of the party, proba
bly some of our Democratic friends in
this part of the cduntry would like to
more thoroughly understand its objects
and aims. The following: extracts from
testimony given at the time of the
breaking up of the trder and arrest of
the leaders in Indiana will serve this
purpose. i
Wesler Tranter, a member of the
order, testified as follows:
Q. Were you sworn to support Jeff.
Davis by that obligation?
A. Yes, sir, whenever we were call
ed upon.
Q. Did you ao say that you were
sworn into the service cf Jeff. Davis?
A. Yes, sir. Thsy taid that all he
asked was that these three Western
States join him, and he would soon
thrash out all the blue coats, and then
they would go eastward.
VYiiai Mates uia they refer to?
A. Indiana. I!!!noM and Missouri.
They would therj clean all the rest out
like a hurriconej
Harrison Connell testified :
Stone, the man whe initiated me,
made a speech to that effect. We were
told we were in the service of Jeff.
Davit, and that if we were captured,
we would be exchanged like any other
prisoners. There was a good deal of
dissatisfaction about it tmong the mem
bers. :
Hfffren, Deputy Grand Commander
of Indiana, testified :
1 was told by a member of the order
that Vice President Stephens, of the
Southern Confederacy, had gone to
Nassau to make j an arrangement by
which the members of the order in the
North would be supplied with arms.
Large quantities of arms and munitions
had teen shipped to Nassau from Eng
land for the Confrderates, but being
unable to run them through the block
ade nt Wilmington, Mr. Stephens
made an arrangement by which the
arms were to bt shipped to Commis
sioners in Canada, from whence they
would be distributed to the order in the
Northern States.
He further testifies :
In order that the property of mem
bers might be protected from destruc
tion in the uprising, a white flag, trim
med with red ribbon s ) as to form the
red, white and red, of the rebel colors,
was to be hung out, and the destroying
angels would pass by. The raid was
expected on the 16th of August Dr.
Bowles had sen messengers to Price,
and to Richmond.
J. B. Wilson jone of the Staff officers
testifies to being at a Grand Council in
Chicago, in July last at which Barrett,
Grand Commander of Missouri staled
that he thought:
The Union could be restored by
crushing abolitionism, if the order in
the North would only co operate with
the Southern armies. He said it was
contemplated to have an uprising on the
3d of Augnst, but it had failed. He
thought, however, we could gel ready
by the 10th or 15th. The Southern
leaders had authorised him to place at
the disposal of tt is Order two millions
of dollars to prepare for a general up
rising. This nioney, he said, was cap
tured from a Federal paymaster, on
Red River. The money was to be di
vided aninng the Grand Commanders
of the different States, who would dis
tribute it among their subordinates ac
cording to their discretion. The mon
ey was to be expended in the purchase
of arms and munitions of war. Mr.
Barrett said he would pay the expenses
of all who attended the meeting out cf
the fund. I received forty dollars for
that purpose. At a subsequent meet
ing Barrett slated that 11 portion of the
money received from the rebels had
been paid out f?r the destruction of
government property. There was an
arrangement with the rebel govern
ment, by which they paid ten per cent,
of the value of all property destroyed,
taking the estimate in the papers as a
basis. He mentioned the burning of
Government Warehouses on Eighth
Street, Louisville, and tha burning of
Government boat, ns instances where
the agreement bad been carried out.
I afterwards learned from Bowles that
Greek fire was an agent used in de
stroying this property.
- , .
The bill for the admission of Ne
braska having been passed by Congress
over the President's veto, that Territo
ry, after many ineffectual applications,
is at length admitted to a place among
the States, making the whole number
of States now thirty seven. Nebraska
was organized as a territory in the
year 1S54, and at one time embraced a
vast region of unclaimed country, for
merly a part of the original Louisiana
purchase, out of which, up to the pres
ent time, six separate States have been
formed. The State of Nebraska is
west of Iowa, and lies nearly in the
same lattitude. Its length from north
to south is 610 miles, and its breadth is
540 miles,, giving an area of about
65.000 square miles. It has hitherto
attracted emigration chiefly by the
richness and fertility of its soil, though
mineral treasures have been found in
considerable quantitiesin some portions
of ihe State. The greater part of the
land is level, of undulrting prairie, and
the temperate climateadmirably adapts
it to the uses of the agriculturist. The
population of Nebraska has increased
rapidly within the last ten years, and
the great facilities fr transportation
afforded by its many rivers, make it
probable that this State will enjoy a
substantial and growijg prosperity,
Col. Halpine, (Miles O'Reilley.)
himself long an earnest and devoted
laborer 111 the rankj if the Democracy,
in a late number of Lis paper, the N.
Y. Citizen, thus truthfully declares the
present status of that once powerful
organization :
The Democratic party has disappear
ed from the face of the earth; under
the management of ima who promised
England, in their interview with Lord
Lyons in this city, tha. the only stum
bling block in England's road to uni
versal empire should 0& removed by a
successful rebellion, it has been beaten
again and again, till it has no present
power and no future prospects. The
Republicans, as embodying whatever
was opposed to surrender to treason
and abasement before England have
triumphed at all points, till they hold
possession of the country without the
shadow of available opposition.
Having ourselves nerved in the Dem
ocratic ranks; having voted for-McClel-lan
upon his loyal letter not upon the
Chicago platform ; having supported
Hoffman although we acknowledge
the obligation of our city to Gov. Fen
lon. we have a right to use this lan
guage, strong though it may be. We
have f t-lt our unsatisfactory condition
since the commencement of the war,
and juGging by ourselves a:.i yir scs
versaiions with our friends, we believe
these views are held by others.
The report made by the Postmaster
General, in compliance with a resolu
tion of inquiry from the Senate, states
that during the months of August, Sep
tember.Oc ober and November h9 made
sixteen hundred and forty-four remov
als of postmasters, ot which twelve hun
dred and eighty-three were for politi
cal reasons, and only ninety-four for
the benefit of soldiers and sailors in
the late war. A recapitulation shows
in Ohio 1?7 removals made, 97 for
politicnl reasons; in Illinois, 193 re
movals, 1G9 being for political reason;
in Indiana, 143 removals, 128 beinsr
for political reasons; in Michigan. 171
removals, 154 for political reasons; in
Wisconsin, 65 removals, 5S for politi
cal reasons; in Iowa 61 removals, 53
for political reasons; in Minnesota 16
removals, 10 for political reasons; in
Nebraska 16 removal.', 14 for political
reasons; in Kansas 6 removals, 2 for
political reasons; in Kentucky 20 re
movals. 8 for political reasons in Mis
souri 42 removals, all for political rea
sons; in Tennessee 1 1 removals, 7 for
political reasons. This is a fair speci
men of "My Policy" find its working.
Great Results from Little In
cidents A single vote sent Oliver Cromwell
to the Long Parliament, King Charles
to the scaffold and revolutionized Great
Four votes in the city cf New York
made Thomas Jefferson President of
the United States.
One vote in Congress annexed Te tas
to the Union, made war with Mexico,
and gave us California.
By the disobedience of a lad, in 1809,
a garden gate in Rhode Island was left
open, a pig got in and destroyed a few
plants, a quarrel between the owners
of the pig and the garden grew out of
it, which spread among tbeir friends,
defeated the Federal candidate for the
Legislature, and gave the Stale a Dem
ocratic Senator, by whose vote the war
of 1812 with Great Britain was de
clared. ESI?" An exchange telU us of an ed
itor who went soldiering and was chosen
captain. One day on parade, instead
of giving the orders, "Front face, three
paces forward," he exclaimed : "Cash,
two dollars and a half in advance."
That was like the mistake the pro
prietor of a forge, not being re
markable for correctness of language
but who by honest industry had realized
a comfortable independence, being
called upon at a social meeting for a
toast, gave-"Success to forgery.'
Or like the answer of the woman
down East, who was baptised, and as
she was coming out of ihe water was
asked by the minister, "bow eba felt
in her mind," answered "Bully,
Washington, Feb. 2. The House
on reading the President's veto of the
military bill, suspended the rules in or
der ihut the vote might be taken as to
whether the till should pass over the
veto, and the bill passed by one hun
cired and thirty-five to forty-seven.
Chicago. March 2. House Mar
quett, of Neb., look n seat to day. The
Senators reserve their seals until the
fortieth Congress.
Ashley, of Ohio, offered a resolution
for the payment to Marquett. who was
sworn in to-day as member from Ne
braska his pay from ihe first day of
this session. Adopted.
Chicago, March 3. Both vetoed
bills have been passed over the veto
the reconstruction by the House, 135 to
47: Senate, 3S to 10. The Senate
passed the tenure of office bill 35 to 11;
the House passed it by 131 to 37.
Both of these bills contain a descrip
tion of what constitutes misdemeanor.
When the Senate received the mes
sage from the President, Reverdy
Johnson took ihe floor and made a
speech, in which he announced his de
termination to vote for the bill against
the veto and said if the President could
not humble his pride to meet public
opinion, that he (Reverdy) could.
This declaration caused a decided
sensation, whereupon Reverdy Johnson
repeated it.
Buckalew made a reply and was an
swered more strongly than before.
At ten o'clock Garrett Davis took
tke floor and to the surprise of every
body only occupied twenty minutes,
whereupon the vote was taken.
An Obstinate Remedy. A doctor
in this vicinity was recently called to
prescribe for a somewhat illiterate old
lady, and as cod liver oil in his opinion,
was the remedy for her complaint, he
wrote a prescription for the apothecary
to put up, with the formula, "Ole Jec.
Ass" the unintelligible terms being
an abreviation of "Oleum Jecoris 1s
sdli " in plain English, cod liver oil.
The medicine was procured, taken, and
in a few weeks the lady completely re
covered her health. A neighbor paid
her a visit after her recovery, and, ex
pressing surprise at her improved con
dition, inquired the secret of so rapid u
restoration. "Why," said the old lady,
lif :ing her hands id grateful enthusiasm,
"it was lhat beautiful medicine, the Oil
of Jackass, lhat brought me on my feet
again!" The inquirer called on the
doctor soon after, with a request for
fome of the same remedy, and when
the physician became aware of the nov
el rendering of his classics, ihe guffaw
which ensued can be better imagined
than described.
Rules for Taking Cold. Persons
who are partial to rheumatism should
wear thin boots and be careful to keep
them well soaked with snow water. A
quick fever ean b secured by leaving
offcercoats. Neuralgia complaints
are open to all who walk until they be
come heated, and then stop at the cor
uv. c . -,l l nif , hv rrenial
chat wiih some good feilow. Courtis
are free to all tvtio insist upon tnrow
ing open their coats in order to catch
the gentle South breeze which prevails.
The ladies are such thorough experts
in this art that we need not offer them
any suggestion, bul by abandoning
their cloaks and rubbers and resorting
o iheir boots and shawls they will reach
a gruel diet by a short cut.
ESJ. Sterling Morton, of Nebras
ka, has less luck in proportion lo a
larger amount of entrails, than any
would-be great man we know of. The
people of Nebraska have made it a
pastime lo beat him for Congress, Gov
ernor, or some other office, annually,
for some years past. Andy Johnson
recently appointed him Governor of
Nebraska Territory; but about the
lime he received his commission, Ne
braska steppedjnto the Union as a State
and Morton is left sucking his thumbs
again. Kansas Chief.
fiSWhen Governor Andrews sent
the Massachusetts girls to ihe Pacific
coast to supply the wants f femininity
in that region, be said lhat they need
not marry immediately, but could find
plenty to do in leaching little children.
Anna Dickinson "can't see it." She
says, "where the little children were
10 come from out of a population of ten
thousand men was more than she could
imagine; but she thought probably
Governor Andrews.being a man, might
be able to do so."
Hurried Reading. Schoolboys
are sometimes apt to make sad work
in reading, from catching sight of only
a portion of a sentence or wold, and
imagining the rest. Recently a school
boy was reading, in the Bible, ihe ac
count of Christ's arraignment before
Pilate, when the populace cried eut.
Crucify him ! crucify him !'and Pilate
inquired, "why, what evil hath he
done ?" The boy read quite closely
and accurately, "Crucify him! crucify
him!" and then hurriedly. "And Pi
late saith, why, what the devil hath he
done ?'
JKSrThe Post Office Department
will soon make changes in the system
by which letters are repi tredand for
warded, to provide for u i.iore certain
conveyance, and a more strict account
ability of Postmasters and Clerks in
tbe Department for packages going
through their hands. Registered let
ters are to go in separate packages, and
receipts therefor will be given by ev
ery agent or clerk through whose bands
they pass.
Coming. An old subscriber writes
us from Illinois: "Nebraska may'look
out for her foil. About one-tenth of
the families in this community are off
this spring to take a piece of Uncle
Samuel's land, which he has proposed
to give thern for a homestead Republican,
Shooting Affray. Captaim Car
stow, who- has charge of the govern
ment CorraM at Omaha, was shot yes
terday about two o'clock in tha after
noon by one of his employees. At last
accounts the wounded man was still
living though no hope ivas entertained
that he would live through the day.
This sad affair is the result of a quar
rel. We have no other particulars ex
cept that the man who fired the fatal
shot was promptly arrested. JVonpar
eil 24th.
CSIAIl anxiety in regard to the
bridge question has subsided. It is so
positively determined in favor of Oma
ha that all our people rest secure. The
sum of money which we are required
to raise for the purpose will be most
cheerfully contributed, and in compari
son with the immense advantage which
will accrue to us from the proper loca
tion of the bridge it will be a mere
bagatelle. Republican.
BST"I pressed her gentle form to me.
and whispered in her ear, if when I
was far, far away, she'd drop for me a
tear ? I paused for some cheering
words, my throbbing heart to cool, and
with her rosy lips she said, -O, Ed,
you're sich a fool !"
Corrected by Simpson, Mickelwait & Co
Wheat Th mills are now paying $2 for Choice
China and Club; inferirr gi adea lower prlcei. In
St. LouU it ranges from f l 9i2 25. Choice Club
for seed $2 50
Corn no change, and buyer not disposed to pay
higher than quoted pricei.
FKODUCK ISoap 12S515
Wheat $1 9002 On Mackerel.kltts, 3 5044 00
Corn in ear 404445;Xilf I044I5
" the lied 5() Huttar 25
Oats 80KKgs 20
Crnm-Hl I 00; Potatoes 160
Flour ' IOO tti 6 001
UKOCEKIES Retail Coffee 800)32
CoHee 3$i50 upar 17rr20
Sugar lS(B,i5Ta 1 612 15
Ta 75ti2 OOillice Hil5
Kice l7320.'Coal Oil 80
fyrnps 1 202 23 j Tobacco 751 65
Coal Oil 1 OOK-i. ap 26(j2l
Lari Oil 2 50 Sain 94(iiH
Tobacco 1 012 OOJ
Farm for Sale.
One of the best Farms in Casa county, of 100 or
acres, at the c lotce of the purchafir. The situ
ation, water privileges buiidintts,, c, ten
der it a very desirable farm. Inquire of Hon. Sam'I
Maxwell, at the Court hou'e in I'lat tsmouth. or the
owner, on the premieex, cn Ctdar Creek, 12 mile
we-t of Plutti-mouth. Jhj xtock and agricultural
implements of the farm may be bonght with it.
fcbi2tf A. L. ClilLD.
The owner of a valuable property, being reduced
by thenar to poverty, ij not able to carry on bis
business, and de.-iies to Fell half trail forcasb, or
part in desirab'e lands in 'ebiabka, in the vicinity
of Plattsmouth preferiel.
The property lies 5 miles weft of Gainesville Junc
tion, Mississippi, allien is on the Mobile A Ohio K B.
in Kemper county, Miss., and conMsts in brief, as
follows :
- e-- -nd. ""lO cleared, but onlv 2110 in
cr"t'va",ri 'ins vear nne co.i.x aim .v- u.
Water Gin, which will very probably nett from
(1,000 to fl,5O0 this year.
Fine Merchant Mills, which make the best of flour
and meal, and run ny water.
We have to hanl grain shipped from the west only
five miles, and this will cost less than fuel will cost
a steam mill, and hence we can ship grain from the
west and more than compete with them in grinding
wheat or com. There is a vast region west of this to
be supplied with imported grain cveiy year, and es
pecially this year, and our locatioa is supeiiur. The
Mills are just built, and with capita! to purchase
grain could make from $5,000 to $3 000 this year.-.
With a partner in the west to purchase cram uo bet
ter speculation can be found.
With a little expense a Saw-Mill can be attached.
Lumber (20 per 10C0 fct. Worth thousands per
annum. Farming on these lands is very profit. ble.
Address, CP. SMITH, byj express, at above sta
tion, or BCfcH CI1ILS0N, Plattsrooutb, T.
Thero i a telegraph office here, also. (fcb27
Under the provisions of an act of the Te ritorinl
Legislature, approved Fehr .ary lt, 1pC7. the holder,
of Territorial warrants must present iheir warrant
for payment at my office on or before July 1st, 1567,
and all warrants not so presented will case to draw
interest after January 1st, 1867. and will be pud
after that date with iuer-t only to January 1st,
1S63. A. KOUNTZhi, Ter. Treasurer.
Omaha, February 2oth, 13 67. feb2I dw6w
Ie?nl Notice.
In. the District Conrt. 2d Judicial Pirtrict, Nebraska
Territory, in and for Cass county.
Lydia H. Haveland )
Formerly Lydia II Stanly, j
By r er next friend I
Henry C. Jones fin Chancery
vs 1
Jonathan T. Rogers. J
Jonathan T . Ropers will take notice that the
complainant, Lydia II. Haveland, formerly Lydia H.
Stanley, now of the county of Fayeite and State of
Pennsylvania, by her next friend, Henrv C Jonea,
did on the ISth day of February, A D lsG", file her
bill o complaint in the Pis rict Court of the 2d Ju
dicial District of Nebraska, in and for Caa county,
airainst him, the said Jonathan T. Rogers, defi ndant,
the otiject of tbe prayer of which is to foreclose a
cert an inoi tgsne bearing date the 20th lay ot March,
15S, executed by yon the said defendant to said com
plainant, upon certain real estate, situated in Cas
county, Nebra ka Territoiy, to wit: Beginiog at
the north-east corner of lot no S, lo block no. 81
and running south along the surveyed line of said
lot -21 and 6 10 feet, thence west through said lot 125
feet to tbe alley, thence noith 21 610 feet to the n.
w. corner of said lot. thence east along the north
hhe of said lot 125 feet, to the place of ImKininfT, sit.
uataj in Plattsmouth, Cass county, N. T.,te secure
the payment of a certain promissory note made by
you for value received, to the said Lydia U Have
land, formerlv Lydia H. Stanly, for eijrht handred
dollars, with interest at the rate of percent, per
annum, and to foreclo-e all equity of redemption of
yon in and to said premises; Yoa will therefore ap
pear at said Court ou the lt day of April next, A D
13i7, and answer or demur to plaintiif 'a bill or judg
ment will be rendered anainst yon by default.
Solicitors for Complainant.
Ordered lhat the abore be published in the Ne
braska Herald newspaper, for four consecutive weeks
teb21 4w KegUter in Chancery.
Legal IVoticc.
Joshua B. Wells, of the Stale of Iowa, will take
netice that Calvin H. Parmele, of the county of Cass
in the Territory of Nebr ska, did on the ISth day of
February, A D 18C7, file his bill of complaint in the
District Court of the Second Judicial District of Ne
braska Territory, in and for Cass connty, on the
chancery side of said Court aeain-t tbe said Joshua
B. Weds, defendant, selling forth tbe said
Joshua B. Wells gave a mortgage to the said Calvin
H. Parmele, on lot no. 6, in block no 2d, aa desalinat
ed on the reco ded plat of the city of Plattsmonth,
in said county ef Cass, to recur tbe payment of
14 0 OO and interest, according to a eel tain promis
sory note, referred to In sai-l mortgage, and praying
that said Jo.hua B. Wells may pay said sum now
claimed to be due, with inteiost, or that said premi
ses may be sold to pay lb same, and tbe said Jo baa
d. Wells la not fid that he la required toappe.rana
answer bill on or before the third Monday after the
13 b day of March next.
Dated February 13th, 1M7.
By WlLMTT POTTEHCEB, bis tol. 30 4w
Ge to Black. Battery t Co.' for your L
ad Lubricators.
Estray ITotices.
1S67. a steer calf, about 7 month. o.l, la i f wo-ti
A bor ' uo mttrl"- J T. A. 11 OO V T. .1
Taken up by tbe .uUcriber. at hla frm Id Mount
RE'lSil""0""1, C" c"'!ot'r-N'- r ." Krtm.rr
tlj, one nx, il..,s, J lo be froiy 12 to 1.1 T..r'.
oM ill or .;..-ckir,l clr, while uort, eim. of
both horns jre1 off, b. tU earn cr( V PJ .ui.rt I verr
thin of neh-, ami ha a Urk-e ,-r oa left rump, ,Up
p! to be cat" by brauJiii v
RltE biT 'I'i '""H"' ' .rrmlr, on
fhwrk J ' "V"!" T "' soul1' "f I'mtiMnonth. or,
woh . .1, " on br.U!. Co,
left ear, aod a p.rt off each ear a. though fn en oir
when young-.he U .u,,poel to Ke about J y7-.r.
February 5tb. 1SCT. 6w 0EASV ' LEt-
Taken up by tha aub.crir, at M, ridenc.J In
LouinvWe Precinct, Cas, com,.- N T lh , ,
,J.T1,r, V- ,,67-T ";c:if?D.t ."oiri
a year old; no mark. ia apecklnl hiirH,ul binrk
JOHN lSllFLlnt
January Slt, 1S67. 5w
Taken up by the und"rlKn.. in Plaltnnv.uu, p,,.
cinrt, Caw county. N. T.. on the 1 tk of l).-cen,u,r
lC6,one while Cow, auppoKril to be 3 y-Hr rmi,
marked crop off right ear, small rej apot on lerr h.rx
0w a. Ii. roou.
Petition for Divorce.
Ma'j L. Iladnuo,
William S. Hudson.
Wi'.liarn S. Hud.on will'
tnke notice that Mary L. Unison, r,f the countv of
Cas and Territory vl NVhraska, did, on Uia lsch day
of fr"'brury A P. lstij, file her petition or bill in
Chanrery in the Pistrict Court of the id Judic al
Oitrirt of Nebraska in and for Ca rouuty, nctinst
him, the said William S. Hud on, defendant, .settiOK
forth that he, defendant, Kft.-r marriage diily and
lawfully solrinnized. did, wantonly and cru'liT de
sert her, theaidroinilaiiiaiit,.n or aliinitthH 7ih diy
of June 1S05, without maklui; any pcovision hat
ever for her, the said complainant' niuiulenani-e or
support, allhouch abu'idauily able so to do, und tLat
he has continued so to Kro".-!y ami cruelly neIoct to
provide for the mpport anfl nismt 'nance of her, the
said complainant, and nf her hi. (def.indaut'8)
child, born since his d sertion of hrr, the said com
plainant, altho'i'h Hhtimlautiy able so to !; and
prayinjf that the said marring1 contract, entered lu
to between the said Mary L Hudson and William S.
tiiid.-oti bedo'la.ed mill and v., id. and Hint Iht said
Mary L. Hudson be divorc d from the .l id defend
ant, and that the said W lll.m S. Hudson i-e'iuired
to appear aud answer said petition oa or before the
first day of April, A. P. 167-
MaIIY L. iit pso.y,
By Pau. M. fmrsis, hor boiiciioi
Plattsmouth, fi b. 2uth, 'C7 4
Ordered that the above notice be puhliehrd for four
succetsivs weeks in the 'Nehra-ka Herald.
J. 11. BKint.v,
Ke(f. in Chnry.
Probate IVoticc
Notice is hereby Riven that John Jackson ha this
day made application to the Probate Court of C.-s
county, N. T , to be appoinli d Administrator cf the
estate of Lewis rimpsoii, lale of said county, decsaa
ed; Therefore, the Court has appoiniel
FRIDAY, t? tth day 0 March, Is67,
at 10 o'clock A M, for hearing siid application, at
which time all persons interested can appear ana
show cause why said appointment should not be
made, if any they hava.
Witness my band and official seal this lilth
l s day pf February, t I I St7
J. W. MA KM! A LI.,
fcb20 8w Probate Judge.
L.eiral JVotice
Calvin II. Parmele, Plaintiif
V. 1 !.... : t - 1
J M. Mryan, pefen'iauts j
Charles liuikirk nod J, U. Rrvan. defend
bi'inm ubhii a , a I1U ,
ants, will take notice thai Calvin II. i'arin'le, if tbe
county of Cass and Teiriti ry of Nebra.ka, did oit
the 7th day of December, A l ISHO.fLe his peliti n in
the District Court of the ltd Judicial District of Ne
braska, in aud for Can county, against the said
Cluirles Dunkirk and J.M. Krvan. defeiiilani. , setiinjr
forth that the said Charles lni!-kirk and J . M Hrynu
on the 25ih day n May, A v ISiiti, iu-de and deliver
ed to the said Calvin 11 I'armele, plaintiff, theircer-
taic proinUfnry note of that da e, wherein th'y
prommed to pay to the ordei ofsaid plHiuntl tha auai
of fc'.'uO 00 lb per cent interest, due thirty
after date, ami pruvini; juilLrnietit auaiuMt rato de
fendants for the said miiu of -'o0 oO with lfi per
Cent interest f mm lh- 2olh day of May, 1 11 1 -6t), J
that an tfie .aid 7fh day of I'rrrmMri, jeoti, vw.e
of attachment issued out nf -a d Court nn the said
action, an t that the following property was altar.h.d
on said order, to wit; Lot 5 iu Link l, aud aoiilh
half of lot 5 in block US, In the cur of I''llh,
ass county, Nebraska, and that tie arl h.triea
-.-w.k .mi J. M. Ilrvaii are notified (hat (Lev aia
ii' '- ' -- ... r -.etlloiri y , p..
fore the third Monday alter the iuiu uny 01 ilarcn
Pated February 13:b, ln?;7.
By WlLLITT PoTTENCJEB, t.'.H Atl'y. 'iU 4W
To Joseph Kinsey .
Hit You will take notice that there Is now rn
file In the ollice of the Clerk or the Dr.lrlc; Court lu
aud for the co.nty of Cars aud Territory of Neiiraius,
the petition of II. C. McMaken and r-uaaii YlcMaiten.
by her next friend Henry C McMak'n, claiimi f of
you a judgement for the .urn of 1 w hun-li-ed doi.ars
on aceitain bond nude by you ou tin: loth ily ot
January, 111)7. aud made 1 syable to ;aid Uiiil.fT '
and that you are require ! t ) a.par and uuwrr o
or before the thiid Monday aPer the lUlti day of
Match, l-67, or a judeem- ot will be tendered against
you by default; you will f inner take notice thl an
order of attachment has bet 11 sued out of -aid l ie-1
oCice, and that the fu.l .w inn ai,il have been almch
ed to secure th-sauie. to wit, I. u rv oil' of south,
l'le of lot no 5 and ail of lotu'jfl conundnif HI
acres, also 4 4d-100 undivided acres in lot no 3. all
In section .'13. townahip 11. noitli of rauKe 14. ea.t of
Gtl p til, ia C'. cuutily, A. Or. mUm.
iir her next frl nl
A. L. SraAOUE, Atl'y for Pll'fls. f.biO 4Mr
Heal Estate
JsTT U Jtm. j.
Lot 8, In blnck 103, inclu ling an excellent story
and a half, nearly new, also a well, out
bouses, etc. A very deslraLlc property a'ld will be
sold at a bargain.
Lot 14 in block 137. with a large store-room aol
war, bouse thereon choice location for bu.iae..,oi
offered very low.
Lot S in block 47, good residence, will and out
buildings. Lot 1i in block f2, good twe.tory residence,
brick baemnt, well, barn and other outbandiogs.
A rare chance for a good i vestment.
Lot 11 in block 173, building with two rooms and
cellar. Good chance for a small capital.
Lot 10 in block 27, good residence, with all th-
n'ces.sry outbuildioga.
Want half of section 85, town 12, range JS, tngth
er with 38 acres of timber Om bundled acre ua
der cultivation. Eight miles from Plattsmouth, near
Platte river.
An improved farm of eighty acres, good home,
well, etc., with five acres 0 good timber.
Eighty acres of land, partly Improved, two tica
half miles from tbe city.
160 acres of partly improved land, with 40 aertw of
young timber, situated 4 miles south of town.
Of Nebraska City, would respectfully Inform tbe
ladies of Plattsmouth that she has taken up her res
idence in this place for the purpose of
if required. Ladies and Children' Dresses, CkakS,
Basques, etc. MA CHINE tTITCIIISG done also.
Al work will be executed with neatoess, and will
receive prompt attention. Ehe will endeavor to give
satisfaction, and therefore solicits the patronage of
the ladies of this place and vicinity.
Ret idence, corner Vine and 4th streets. in Adams'
brick iiov23dwbm
Two blocks northwest o( Brick School-House
Private room, fumlsed if dV-lred. Either day -board
or with ledjing a; reasonable rates,
jan 6 d tf. .
The nlaea to git ebeap Lamp- and Lamp fhluins
i.e.- ELArK,XVTIHR.; 4 W.'S,