Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 06, 1867, Image 1

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" y wirm attempts to haul doioti the .Jmcricanl Jag, shoot himjon the spot."
VOL. 2.
x0. 18
4l "5t?V i'N.
. ' ' fete ffl lv
t3"0Ece corner Mala street
t ji f.
and Levee, second
Term: Weekly, $2.50 per annum;
Uaily, .l fv Tionth.
Rates of A ilrerlising.
Cn square (space of ten lin"s) o-te insertion, $1 .50
Eic.i subsequent in iertia - - l.iO
rr fes i-n:il card not exceeding nix lines 10 0I
Cn -quarter column oriels, per aimam 35.0O
" " six month 20 CO
" thr-e months 15(H)
) half ccla'nn twelve mr.nths 60O
" six mnntLi 8o.oi
" V three mon.hs 20 Oit
One column twelve months - 0o 0
" six months ... 60.00
three months - - &.0o
.11 transient ad verti-emeats mast be paid for in
a Jvance.
aT We are prtpared to 0 all lcinl r,f Job Work
tn short notice, anl in a style that wi.l give satin-
Sam. ji. Chapman,
5U" Office In tu ' Uoiirt-hui
Solicitor in Chancery.
ith T. M. Marquett, at
n u,e.
the Court-jul30
Physician and Curgeon,
Tjt'ders bis professional services to the citizens of
C conoiy.
Ke-idence in Fraolc White's h me, corner of
Ok and Nijcih strew; oilier- on Main stlett, oppo-"Sil-
Court House, Plaltsmoutli, Nebraska.
The Prolate Judge of Douglas
county. Mr. Hascali, comes down on
the supposed Democracy of Nebraska
as follows:
The Herald of this city, purchased
with the plunder of a camp follower in
the late war. gels considerably excited
over the Probate Judge of Douglas
county. It speaks of the abuse of the
party that warmed hiru into life, &.c.
When it refers to the party, it is sup
posed to mean the Joint Stock Company
of "Shysters" that i:ifet the counties
oi Douglas and Otoe. The Judge has
always been an enthusiastic Democrat,
and has done full as much for the party
as the party has done fr him. He
denies that the "Stysiers" aforesaid
have given him any warmth, but on 'lie
contrary have fought him from his first
entrance into the Territory.
He now gives them notice that he is
not only going to warm them, but be
fore he gets through he will make
them uncomfortably hot. Before it at
tempts to read any one out of in Dem
ocratic party, some one had tetter or
ganize such a party m rxebraska. The
party now in existence wa hatched in
Philadelphia. The antecedents of the
Judge have never been denied, and
never will be. He expects no favors
of the radicals, and is not of the favor
in? kind. Can the editor of the Her
aid say as much?
tiil: cat out.
Morton, in the JVews of the 21th ex
poses himself as follows:
The Balance of Power. As rep
resented at present, witn ue Ilepre
ematives in the House and two in the
Senate, or Council, the county of Otoe
holds the balance of power in the Leg
islature of Nebraska whenever the sec-
uasiiia;to. coisjiesi'ox-
JJ view of the House of Repre3entc'iivet
from the Gulkry a glud day. fur
Washington, 'Feb. 9:h, 1S(?7
Deab Hkuald: Being somewhat
tionalist.- make thi! IjchI issue of North indisposed to day, especially toward the
(I'H'.ral Iife, AccUcn', J'ire, Inland and
I rc.nslt
to ill rrrk .c rt Mftrr rat'ft fo Che muM reliable
C . ranit-H in tht- V 1 Mat-4
ICJ" ciiite at the Louk kioi e, i'ia u:tn;h, N"lrat-
rSSfEx-Governor Brown, of Geor
gia, publishes a thres column letter
adviaicg the acceptance of the military
reconstruction bill, and recommending
immediate steps to call a State Con
vention on universal suit rage and the
ratification of the Constitutional amend
ment. He concludes: "We rhall nev
er get better terms, so let us comply
with them."
:ript Mtlentioo pait! to the pnrv-hae and sal of
P &siate, and payment of Tax'f, and ail hu- ine.s
pe liinmg luig.'U-ril Laai! AiVncJ. TilltS inves
lstel. Refers hy 1 erm:.-ion to
II a. E. S. Dundy. Judjf 2d Judicial Pit.. Falls
'i'v, Jietraka; Major KdVd HurhauU, I': .y mister
I;. ". A. Leaveturoith. K;insas; II . n J. n. liurbar.k,
Nta A"t Kor Nebraska, Kalis it-, S- ; Hon. T. M.
Jue :ni't?. I'latistnoutb, Neb , Col. It It. Livinir-ton,
c . ebra-ka 1st Vet. Vols.. l'Ia'ttuouth, Ni b.;
3. H. Wheel'-r, U.S. India u A2,-nt. Pawnee
Agency; Cha's Ncitleton. No. lit Hroailway, New
T01 k; Harvey, Deitrich A Brown. Washington, 1). C ;
Tracy, Jlak-uire H. Co., ChicUffO, Ills ; K. Ci Kitrh.
8 hestr, Y.. Prof. Uenty Arlinglale, '-Hartford
Doivemuy," N. Y. oc25
I. II. Wherlrr fc Co.,
Real Estate Agents,
Commissioners of Deeds
Fire and Life Ins, Atj'ts,
Collections promptly attended to, and proceels re
w ted at cnrretit rates of Kx -hauce. Taxes paid in
.t M Iowa ami Nebr.iK lor mm resident.. 1 itis
ud investigate d. Mouey loan 'd on Keal Estate
scLKr-ties. Land Warrants hcate-.
tjent for collection of claims against (Govern men
I I 5old er. their ridoWs a ud minor hei'S. Aeeot
I r the purchase and sale of Lauda and City pruper
tf. Leasing of Tenements.
Hon. S. II. Klbert, Denver City. C. T.
Alessrs. Kcuntze Bio-.. Omaha, Neb.
" Jlc'ano l M. tcalf, Ntbrasia Citv.
O. F. Fiilry. St. Lcuis, .Mis-ouri.
tr. Dlo Lewis, li.iston, JI.i-s:ichusetts.
11 W Ditmars. Chicajtn, Illinois.
11 M Maeiil. Ciri int ati. Ohio.
Tootle A llam a, I'latt-mooih. Nebraska
L II Rich, Three Kiver. Michipan.
Hon T Fellows, Il'oonitl'M, H'i-consia.
Hon T M Mrquett, I'latt-mnurh, Nebraska.
L I-ewis. A'toiiiey at Law, Kutl.ilo, New York.
Carter. Hosai y &. Curl, bes iloiues, Iowa.
kiiii dAwtf
And Solicitors in Chancery,
S3Senator Wilson authorizes a
statement that GenGrant expressed
the hope to fcim that the President
would sign the military reconstruction
bill as the best thing now possible.
JfrST" The President approved the
bill abolishing the office of Superinten
dent of Public Printing, and providing
r.- h9 eUrtiot,. c,-"!
Printer by the Senate. Defrees, who
was removed tn give place to Wendall,
will undoubtediy be elected.
ESIt is probable the Tennessee
Legislature will repeal that section of
the suffrage law lately passed which
excludes negroes from beinjr eligible
to otiices, juries, etc.
twThe Missouri Senate, by 19 to
7, has passed a bill submitting to the
people the amendment to strike the
word white from the Constitution.
Piatte and South Platte.
Neither the people nar the represen-
1 tat.ves of this couuty demand more
than justice to our localitr. We do
demand hre the location of the
Slate University. And if the South
Platteites will unite with us to make
the aforesaid location, it cm be accom
plisned regardless of the Nor h Platte
ites, and on the other hand, if the iSorta
V atteites will unite with Otoe to locate
the in.'tiution aforesaid at Nebraska
City, ihe same can be efT-cted regard
lessor the South Platteites.
ve hold the balance or power in
Oto county, as between the two seo-
tions, and we inuri ue it only for the
promotion of our c;nmrcial prosperity
and to the ends of juit and eual law
"'a tvli-ta then in.TttPr'' is it?
You are troubled wiih "State Univtrsi
ty," aod could "sell out" either the
North or South Piatte to secure it. A
v-ry candid admission, certainly; and
tells exactly the price for which the
Otoe county delegation can be had
We have no earthly objection to Otoe
county wan'.ing the University, but it
seems to us that it is not in accordance
wiih Morton' usual shrewdnen to state and lenmh as thev recede; and these
the exact prica of this delegation so are intersected at regular intervals -jy
soon. His Omaha friends may po?M- twelve aisles, (dot-.ed with heater,)
bly distrust his honesty, should they
discharge of official duties, I concluded
to take my ey-g!as and a "s'ght &eo
ing fctro'l" to the Capitol. So entering
a street car, I am mten minutes, heme
down 14th Strott and Pennsylvania
Avenue to the foot of Capitol Hill,
where I alight md walk through the
spacious ground, up the gradual asevnt.
up the steps, up the marble stairvvhys
to the gallery o! the House of Repre
sentatives, whici is in the souih
of the Capitol.
This Hal! is in the form of a paral
lelogram, SO feet wide and 160 Io;):r
In the middle of the south tide stands
the Speaker's desk, reaching perhaps
ten feet above the floor; while contigu
ous to and in front of this there wre
ranged in proper and successive eleva
tions above the lloor, two desks for the
clerks and reporters of the House; yet
till, in front of these is a semi circular
space about ten feel wide, beyond wh-tch
the detks and seats of the Representa
tives extend in porailal semi-circlos,
eight in number, increasing in heicht
from that body, "A bill for the admis
sion of Nebraki" over the President's
teto. "Good for this indisposed Ne
hraskian to be here," thought I. The
fioot being assigned 'o Mr. Kasson, he
as a free State, not only free from slav
ery, but from serfdom, and from all
caste and c'as legislation. I assured
your readers, dear'IlEH ald, more than
one year ago, that she niu't enter the
moved the present consideration of the great sisterhood of States only by the
conclude to close with the offer, and
think that South Platte would possibly
oiler hirn the Uuiversity, the Capitol,
and the Penitential u too. Don' be too
fast, down there in Otoe; give the South
which like the radi of a circle, tend io-
ward the Speaker's desk. Iu the rear
of all these, on three sides of th Hall,
are fofas and orivate rooms for tjie
members of Congress and their friends
About twenty feet above the richly car
civil appropriation bill, "I object ! I ob
ject ! I object !" was heard from all
pirts of the House. Unanimous con
sunt being required and objection being
irade Mr. Kasson took his seat, and
the Speaker announced the regulir or
dr of business viz: the consideration
of the reconstruction till. The gentle
man from Massachusetts, Mr. Banks.
b?ing entitled to the floor a little to
the left of the Sneaker and in the sec
ond range of desks. rises a man of me-
urn size and height, with a slightlv sil
ver-grey head, cp.Im, tranquil, firm,
telf-possessed, with carefully selected
words and closely connected argument?
uttered distinctly and impressively. As
he proceeds, .ilence and rapt attention
prevail throughout the Hall and galler
ies members leave their distant seats,
even from the democratic side, to see
ar.d hear the mac of marked ability,
"straign: ana narrow,' yet shining,
way of "liberty and equality." Let
her triune motto be, now and forever,
Libeny, Equality and Union."
Yours for universal right,
Tiie Situation.
Mr, Brandegee, of Connecticut, in a
speech on the Reconstruction bill, por
trayed the attitude of the rebellion in
the following eloquent and forcible
manner :
Mr. Speaker, two years now in the
coming month of April have elapsed
since the great rebellion formally laid
down its arms. What have you thus
far obtained for the three hundred and
fifty thousand of your first-born who
sleep in tloody r-hrauds in these cold
blasts of the coming spring? What for
the S4.000.000.000 of debt, for the pay
ment of which you are compelled to rob
the earth, the air, and the sea? What
one traitor has been punished for hi
until all the seats and space around him crime of crime?? Where upon this
ure crowded, even John A. Bingham,
ih j able and would-be leader of tht
r i wwii
House, crosses the Hall and occupies
the seat of Mr. Banks; even Senators from the other wing of the Capi
tol to listen to the eloquent orator;
among whom I see Wilson, Grimps,
Dixon, Freelinghuysen, Chandler and
This is the golden hoar for
broad continent has treason been made
odious? What protection is there to
day to loyalty, black or white, from the
Potomac to the RioGrande? What in
demnity have you frr the past? What
security even for the future? What
guarantee against a new rebellion?
Anew rebellion! Why, Mr. Speak
er, the old rebellion has not yet been
suppressed; it still lives; it dominates in
every one of these reconstructed S ates;
it has made loyalty odious and treason
fST"At the Georgetown municipal
election, on the 25th inst., Charles D.
Welch was elected by 1)6 majority over
Henry Addison, the present Mayor.
The leeistrv contained 971 negroes
and 1,3-50 nhhes.
Jin24 wtf
Win. Stack Iiiian ii & Co.
On door west of Donelans Drugstore,
Dealers in
Ready-made Clothing,
and a general stock of
For the Plains; also, a large lot of
We bought low and will sll cheap for cash. Cal.
B(1 "annua ur stock before you buy any where elsel
w in. HT A III I.M A V i in
T'S" Chas. Prescon, of Cortland,
New York, has jusi recovered SS40 in
greenbacks which were taken from his
vest pocket last Sep ember by a prnvi
dent mouse who lined her nest in a
closet with them. The money was well
2f A New York paper says: "Half
of the manuscript of Henry Ward
Beecher's story is to be in the hands of
his publishers this week. The title is
reported to be, The Call of Clergy
man,' and will contain much of his lite
and many of his experiences in the
early days of the West, when he was
poor and fighting his way through the
world. He receives half of the sum
named (25.000) for his book on the
completion of the manuscript, which
will be ready before the end of March."
It is not generally known that
the leaves of a geranium are an excel
lent application for cuts, where the skin
is rubbed r-ff. and other wounds of that j
kind. One or two leaves must be
bruised and applied to the part, and the
wound will be cicatrized in a short
Platte men a httld timB to consider peted floor of the House are the jrauer-
Many of them in this U- ies.wuh five ranges of seats, gradually
rising one above the other, extending
back about eighteen feet, and runm:g
all around the Hall Thess gatlerifs
are divided for four classes. lst,B.ick
n r j i s.w.iv l i u u mem
bers, for correspondents or reporters
for the public press. 2d, To the left of
these for the Diplomatic end Foreign
Corps. 3d, On the west and north sidtJs
for the male sex above. 4th, On the
east and south east ends for the ladies
and their male companions. Over e'l
and directly above the heads of the
members, are apple arrangements for
sunlight and gaslight.
Such is a faintly yet hastily drawn
picture of the great Hall where the
Representatives of the millions meet to
consider and enact laws for the RepuEi
lie. j
But while drawing these outlines, the
seats are rapidly filling. The large
unerring clock j:ist opposite the Speak
er's desk, in the gallery points to 11
o'clock and 55 minutes, five minute
more, then, well, we shall see ! I turn;
again toward the Speaker's desk and.
what clear, beautiful, lifelike figures
are those upon the wall? To the right
stands Washington ahrne in his grand
uer, and peerless in his glory, with the!
immortal records of his country around;
him. That benignant countenance,
those calm expressive eyes and those
this thing,
cality 9specially Democrats had sup
posed perhaps you thought you were
doing right in opposing a just appor
tionment, and playing into the hands of
isortn i'ia:te to tn rnnr -v
the balance cf the State. Bjt this thing
presents it to them in a different light
and they would probably like a short
time to consider. Tiiare is no man in
this lof-a'ity. Democrat or Republian,
but knows and publicly proclaims that
the rights of of the great majority of
the voters of Neb have been trod
den under foot by the members from
Otoe county, in their refusal to vote for
an apportionment based on population.
They know that the same is chargeable
to Nerth Platte members, but they did
not expect them to be over nice about
the matier. Democrats, what think
you of yojr great light, who would ru
in all Nebraska, uphold mob violence,
sustain an unjust apportionment, tram
ple under foot the rights of a larg-e ma
jority of the people, a id all for a State
University. Don't you rather wish you
had elected him Member of Congress
last fall. We may be mistaken in this
matter, however; and will wait till we.
hear more'definiiely from the iYeu,'?.
An exchange in speaking of the
magical strains of a hand-organ, says:
"When he played 'Old Dog Tray. we
noticed eleven purps sitting in front of
me macaine on tneir haunches brush
ing the tears from their eyes with their
ESFThe following political argument
appears in a Parkersburg (Va.) paper:
"Vote for General Karns for Mayor,
who was ten years old before he wore
either pants or shoes."
G toa ?UvClt' Bnt,rT Co.'s for jorir L
JU Lubricatan.
JESSThere is good authority for the
statement that Chicago will be felicitat
ing upon pure water from the lake tun
nel within a month. The tunne! is
being cleaned out, and in about two
weeks its strength will bo tested by
letting the water in.
ESIt seems that truth and the Cre
tans, crushed to the earth, will rise
again. They meet the Turks with the
stern and gloomy resolve that means
liberty or death. Arkadi rivals Ther
mopylae, if it does not surpass it mod
ern Greece has the heroic fire of the
heroic age. Six hundred persons, in
eluding women and children, beseiged
in a monastery by 1G 000 armed men
defend themselves until 3,000 of the
enemy fall dead before them; and then
when tfie last ember of hope jjoesi out.
they lire the magazine, and perish with
their foes amid the ruins! No wonder
that the flunes of Arkadi kindled the
patriotism of all Greece, and that now.
instead of submission to the tyranny of
ine I'orte, active preparation are going
on tor a rigorous spring campaign
unless assisted troni wr.hout, the Cre
tin cause must share the fate of the
brave six hundred, but the hope is that.
in ihe new complication of European
atiairs, Candia will te able to form
some powerful alliance. The Russian
bear is only waiting for pretext to
pounce on the Constantinople invalid.
1566 saw a revolution accomplished in
Northwestern Europe; 1S67 will, there
is reason to believe, witness the com
pletion of one in Southeastern Europe.
The signs of the times are gradually
becoming more favorable.
resnectable bv forcing traitor into t!i
JJut hark! a copperhead from Indiana gubernatorial chairs of ten of the elev
rist-s to point of order. He isv of
course, recognized by the Speaker, and
requested to "state his point." He
charges that the rules of the House are
violated by the members leaving their
seats and standing upon the floor! This
copperhead fling at a Radical Republi
can was of course considered as a
"point well takeW and the Speaker
rr gently si.anrestpH triot fhft mem
bers resume their seats which few, if
any, di.1. liut Air. L3nks preceeded
until his hour expired, when the Speak
er's gavel fell, and many voices shout
ed, -Mr, Speaker! Mr. Speaker!" when
Hydrophobia. Never forget thi.
but preserve it i i your scrap-book: The
bite mut be bathed as soon as possible
with warm vineear and water, and
when this has dried, a few drops of
muriatic acid poured upon the wound
will destroy the poison of the saliva.
and relieve the patient frcru all present
and future daoger,
an old man with a heavy wig and a
club foot, Thaddeus Stevens, is recog
mzfcd by the Chair. Order is restored
ail is sileut, and the great Leader in
the House of Representatives ask
unanimous consent that Mr. Banks may
proceed and finish his speech. In hon
or to the orator it is granted. Another
half hour passes, characterized on the
one hand by the profoundest eloquence,
and on the other by the deepest silence
and interest, when ihe crator resumes
his seat, conscious of a great work well
Amidst a score of voices addressing
the Speaker, a large, bushy headed.
smiling-faced gentleman Mr. Ashley
of Ohio, chairman of the Commute on
Territories is recognized on a ques
tion of privilege, and he asks the pres
ent consideration of the bill for the ad'
mission of Nebraska, notwithstanding
the President's voto. The veto mes
sage was read amidst noise, confusion,
ana universal nocattention. cucn is
historic surroundings should one rate
hkea divine spell upon those wbo j he power of Andrew Johnson over the
mould and direct the affairs of the gov- j Amer,cnn Congress. Its reading fin-e-nment
which he labored to establish. Ifhed Mr' Asbley "'eved the P"
To the left of the Speaker's desk stands q"hon, ivhich was ordered; and the
Lafayette, ihe friend and compatriot ! ma,n quest,on: "Shall the Bill pass,
of Washington, with his cane and hat ! nvrhstanding the President's objec
in his right hand, while, upon the banks I ,Ior'3'" was ,aken arid carried h? a ote
of a quiet river, and in the sileuce and
beauty of nature, he is fondly meditat
ing upon the glory and destiny of ih
American Republic.
But it is noon, and a man of medium
size, middle age, fair complexion and
genial countenance ascends the Speak
er's stand, between Washington acd
Lafayette; Schuyler Colfax, may he ev
er be worthy of sjch companionship
one stroke cf the gavel; order prevails.
and the Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Boynton,
lifts up his voice in impropriate suplpi-
cation. The prayer is soon ended, the
journal is read, the tardy or business
burdened members take their seats.
meanwhile, a dozen members spring
ing to their feet, shout, "Mr. Speaker !
Mr. Speaker! Mr. Speaker!" with nn
avalanche of voices in strong contrast
with the quiet that just preceeded.
The -Speaker recognizes the gentleman
from Iowa, Mr. Kasson; but at this in
stant a message from the Senate is
announced, and the Senate clerk reports
of 120 to 41, whereupon the Speaker
declared Nebraska admitted into the
Union on compliance with the condi
tions ctated iu the bill, whereupon to
kens of gratitude and applause were
heard on the floor and in the galleries
IDf n methought 1 nad a nsht to
;Iook around and unite with those who
a-ejoice; when, to my delight, I discov
ered to my left Mr. Taylor, of the
Omaha Republican; Mr. Shultz.of Lan
caster county, and a few others who
were as happy as somebody else. We
looked down, in our joy, upon the floor,
ind there we saw Hitchcock, the out
going faithful public servant, and the
jucomiag members, Marquett, Taffe
and Thayer, surrounded and congratu
lated, tot only by Representatives, but
by Senators who had taken great inter
est in me admission of Nebraska, fore-
rfiost anonsr whom were "Old Ben.
Wade, Howe, Grimes, Yates, Kirk-
wood, Sherman, Lane, and Ramsey.
.. - - . 1 1
iicuiJoa uuvr iuusi Momv iu, it at an, I ice.
en ot these revolted communities; in
teu out of eleven it has sent traitors
who audaciously demand seats upon
this floor; it has clothed treason wi h
the ermine on the bench of thi ten re
volted States; it has filled their halls of
local legislation; it has armed treason
with the sword of the law in ten of the
States; it holds to-day the pen of the
press, that weapon mightier than the
sword; it desecrates the word of the
Most High from all their pu'pi'.s; it
hisses against the Union trom the sibi
lant tongues of its women and the prat
tling lisp of its bubes; it proscribes and
hunts to their deaths that noble r.rmy of
martyrs, the Union men of the South;
anu itscou'sand throws back in your
teeth the mild and merciful terms of
reconstruction offered in the constitution
al amendments of last session. It no
longer i reeps upon the grouud as in
the hundred days which followed Sher
man's marvellous march to the s?a, or
the thundering of Grant's cannon in
frcirit of Richmond; but it stands ertct,
defiant and audacious, demanding as a
right to accomplish by legislation what
it failed to achieve by the sword; and,
countenanced by a weak, if not a wick
ed Executive, and sustained by its cop
per supports at the North, it ertcts its
brazen brow to the sunlight and beats
at the doors of the Capitol
"Paroa meto. p-imo, mox sese attollit in auras,
Ingrvditur que solo, et caput inter nubiiia couJit."
Mr. Speaker, something must be
done. We must do it. The Aineri
can people demand that we shall do
something and quickly. Already fif
teen hundred Union men have been
massacred in cold blood more than the
entire population of some cf the towns
in my district whose only crime has
been loyalty to your flag, and in the
single State of Texas alone; in all the
revolted States, upon the testimony of
your ablest generals, there is no safetj
to the lives or property of loyal men.
Is this what the loyal North has been
fighting for? Thousands of loyal white
men driven like partridges over the
mountain, homeless, houseless, penni
less to-day throng ilm capital. Thev
fill the hotels, they crowd the avenue.
thy gather in these tessellated and
marble corridors, they look down from
these galleries and with supplicating
eyes they ask protection from the flarr
One of the proposed ameLdments to
the Constitution rf the Unite-1 S;a:es
submitted to Congress by the President,
recently, as a basis cf compromise be
tween the Conservatives and Badicals,
was in the words following. Thev
were evidently written by Andrew him
self. They bear his rotary mark of
composition :
Sec. 1. No State, under the Consti
tution, has a right, of its own will, to
renounce its place in, or to withdraw
from, the Union, nur has the Federal
Goi'trnment any riaht to eject a S ate
from the Union, or to deprive it cf its
equal suffrage in the Senat.?, or of rep
resentation in the House of Represen
tatives. The Uaion undur the Consti-
tion. shall be perpetual
The Cincinnati Gazette thinks if this
ri - 1 w- . il . 1 I
i-jjusru uuiei:ui;i(-ui ruuia nave teen
delivered by the President in person, it
would have been in the following char
acteristic style :
No State, uu'er'e Const'ushen, or
over'e Const'ushen, or anywhar, ez
er right, uv his own will, er uv mv
- -ii ... ... . '
win. er uv enybotiy s wi.l ter 'nounca
is place in. er wi'diaw from, nor ter
go outer, nor to 'fuse to stay Un'n;
nor has enybody o' trait'rs.nnrrin on'e
verge of Gov'mt, callin isself a Cong'ss,
'e light ter eject, or ter injec, uv its
own will, or enybody's will, my State
outer or inter e Un'n, 'e Uu'n sh'll be
perpet perpet per per petabl
(hie!) of is own will, or enybody's willr
en I tell ycu misser Senators en I tell
you misser Chase, en you mis-er Ly
ons, en you misser mus misser inus
misser ni m Musyer(hic!) en 1 tell
ev'hody, all power come from 'e peo
p'Lif 'es wuth two hund'rd un fifiv
dol's. un can write 'e name: un I'm a
pleh'n. and I own niVtrers. en who's
suff'd for Un'n iike me? u.i Tr-r.n'aPe
LHv'r never was out er Uu'n and aim'r
goin out er Un'n cf er own will, er
anybody's will
The Gazette seems lo think this form
would ha e made it more Johnsonian,
nnJ we gues i would.
W A fell 13 0 TUN, Feb. 25.
Senate Patterson presented a res
olution frcm the Legislature of Tennes see,
reiu?sting him to rign for having
identified himself with the Demc-ciatiu
paity. At some future day he should
vindicate himseif with tho 1... i-hnure,
tat till that time ha would loi ct.-uy In
si uctions.
Wade called up the bill for the gov
eimiient of M on ana. and afi.-r some
aiiM-ndir.c-uts it passed. I: dt fines thi
duty of ihe Legi-slaiure to nbolish dis
tinctions on account of color, defines
th duties of Judges jf the Probata
Court, increase o; salaries, etc. Among
the amendments is one increasing tho
salary of ihe Judg of I.iuho.
Washington, Feb. 25. The propo
sition lo redeem the compound interest
uotes by the i-su? of greenbacks will
not be compromised in the toinrriitioe
of conference. The redemption of
coir pound inte rest notes with gretn
backs will nevertheless be opposed in
the Seint on the ground that the
Treasury Department will be abundant
ly able to pay the compound interest
r.o.t-s when they are due with jut rcort
to a fresh issue of greenbacks.
McCuIloch fully agrees wiih the
House bill which gives him the d'scre
lionary power to issue no more green
backs than he may derm necessary,
in-tead of SlOO.000,000. as provided
for by the last bill.
Washington, Feb. 26.
House Wen'.worthV report f ihe
special committee cf which he is chair
man, had ascertained that the story of
corrupt bargains between the President
and members of Congress was wi'hout
foundation in truth. There wits not
the least knowledge obtained by the
committee about ihe reported proposi
tion of reconciliation between the Pres
ident and members.
The resolution was rejected remov
ing tha Naval Academy trom Annapo
lis to New London.
Senate The Foreign Affairs com
mittee to-day acted on the nomination
of Gen. Dix as Minister to France.
which floats above the Speaker's chair; i'-ood 3 for and 3 against. The
It 1 : I - .1 I I m
a iiuy which to mem nas mus lar un
furled us stripes, but concealed the
promise of its stars.
i ' Does nut Deuy.
The JVetrs is disposed to ridicule the
statement in our last issue from a prom
inent citizen. But he does not deny the
truth ot any one of the facts stated
If the facts shall turn out as indicated
by our correspondent, the J'cws will
not be able to divert the attention of
our people from the charge made,
"That the entire Delegation trom
Otoe were recreant to the trust
committed to them," and tfcey will
hold them and those who counselled
their action responsible. Press.
ReSTte Muscatine Journal is re-
sponsible for the following: "A young
man crossing the Mississippi river re
cently fell into an air hole opposite
New Boston, and came nich drowning.
He was in the water about half an
hour. After attempting in vain to et
out, he let his coat tail freeze lo the
chances are that h will be rejected.
The vote stood the same on Ewing's
nomination ns Minister to Haue.
Senator Chandler appea'laJ t0 tfiS
Senate to-day lo pass the Niagara Ship
Canal bill- Motion was tabled by a
vote of 24 to IS which kills it for this
Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 26. Union
State Convention held N here wiih S6
counties represented. Meeting enthu
siastic. Series of Union reso'utions
adopted Sidney Burns was nominated
for Governor.
Baltimore, Feb. 20 Resignation
of Gov. Swann, and inauguration of
Lieut, Gov. Cox, which was fixed for
to day has been postponed.
LiNote. JNet understood here, pre
vious item having come through th
regular channels, but probably Swann
don't expect to get a seat in the Senate.
isTGov. Brownlow has issued a
proclamation annoui.cii, a nnr.w.i.
ice and by its aid laaJed on the solid i lion to call out militia ;0 eiurce the