F URN ITU EE, COFFINS, Cabinet - Work ! H- BOECK Haying enlsrfted his f hep nd' Sales-rooms won'J respectfully remind the peuple ia tbi vicinity that he can furnish them with thf. very Lest furniture. Chairs, or other Cabinet-work, at the roost reason able rates. I shall kwp constantly on hand a large assortment of Eastern Work, and am alxo prepared to manufacture Mythic ia my lice on short notice. A large assortment of heacy made Collins kept at 1! times. Ca'l a-B(i txainiue my stock an 1 ricej. jel0dwtf U. BotCK. KLEPSER & WISE, Dealers ia BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW -SHADES, Confectioneries, Notions, Toys. Coal Oil Lamps. We are also apents fjr I ha Buchanan Woolen ilills, of St Joseph, Jdo., and have now on band a good tisortmcnt of FAXCV CASSIMEKES, CLOTHS, JZAXS, FLAHXELS, te. which w have received on commission, and are prepared ta exchange for O OL OR CASH, at very reawnabla uparen. Give as a call, oce door eait of the IIkbald office, Plattgmouth Iiebr.i- kt. ilay 10, IbC5. tf WAGONS! 3. R- PORTER & CO Are s-nt3 in this city for the tale of the celebrated ''South Bend Wagons,'" Made bv Ptud baker Bros They have on hand a gvodnsoifment, which will be r. pVTiUho uit a needed, 'ihey propose to sell at the very low-si if v.ieg. Plaf.Miiouth, Ifarch 26. tf Wholesale dealer in Boots ; Shoes, A XD 33. TT T mTi .3 i NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, Is coBslanfy in receipt of 11 the virions fve from the n:LIIfartnr..rs f .,1. r t, : , - ...... iom I. i iiim.iv Pelts, etc. rifvTdwly STUPPY a. BEEE, Xo. 10 2forth Fi:th Strttt, st. josepii, - - . Misiotrm Dealers in PIAX03, 0T.GAN3 KIL0DL0N , Viol'ns, Guitar!, riote, Acconleons. Fiutinas, Mu sic Eookn and .Shhkt Mr-K. Gt-cQitis Italian anJ ietji fB Vi i-ifcti tlmnjnii 1 .ind. inaySwOm. THOB. S. TCOILt, T. K. HiS-.!.- J. K.CLARI Tootle, Hanna k CiarL BANKERS, Dealers in Gold Diast, Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, V S. and other Stocks. DEPOSITS KKCEIVI'D, t and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. ape diwtr CITY MEAT MARKET. AND Empire Bleat Market, ,Tbe.u Edtrsigsea is new i rcpar d to fsra lie chiton? of this place with the test FRESH BEEF, MUTTOX, VEAL, PORK, AXD BACOX. I also keen ECUS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES, AXD VEGETABLES, and will pay the highest marhet price for all kinds COUNTRY PRODUCE. Viil. F. M0S21S0.V, riattsinonth, May IS, d4ra. The p'CJ to set Perfnmery t an kinds Is r.t SLACK, KCTTEIIY ii CO.'S. 1805. AMISON, DOVEYj & CO., North Side of Main Street, i Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENS WARE, BOOTS, SHOES. Ever Offered LIQUORS OF In fact, everything the Farmer, rrr-j n f Ul FLOUR, BACON, Thankful for past Patronage, we iness to merit a contmnance or the same. i Call and examine our stock. PlattUmouth, April 10, lS5i. tf J CiT ncciveu, 0 c;os ; Vannf I Fn.c e-"t AJ-IfSON, LOVl.Y U. ''d. 'lOtoAMIsON , DUVliYA CO'S to pur .aseyour J A N en Hess var icty o 1 La. fto o ?a A. D. t CO'i. " i CAbKd Molly's Cove Oysters fr snle at 4'J A.I. &. CO'S. ( II . : t; ttii i in l ::i:u' 1 res Grodsat VJ A. H. A CQ'S. OR SALE at AVISOS, VoXhY t CO'S, sCoffe 1 Te a, fcupar, ;oidn yui, Sugar lion Mo-e I .s-c.-i. New Yorli Candies, etc, etc. 1 lar-o IU cf Chtwi: g hlJ Su oking Tc b.cco or i. tak- at . CO'S. O.ILOIL, or sale by A. D. St CO. 50 L'OXK.S . ar Copies for sale ty A, D. 4 CO. i' you a:;i to i uri'hase goolsat a 1 arcain, pc to A. 1. i CO O BA'Ji COFKi.1-just rece'.ved ty Zi) :A. D. 4 Co. A Largu lot ot Cl.olcc Tea at A. D. A CO'S. AND C uN F KCTIONER Y. Prank Goff, Froprietor. 1 kep constantly on hand BREAD. CAKES. Fins " 'crackers, and all kind of fancy articles in my line. Cakes fir pjrti' or piivut .: faui:lie3 made on short notice. 1 have a Crs'. clasd CRACKER MACHINE i operation, an I ran furnish rntt T cracltris. Soda crackers, or any othi-r variety on short cotice, nc in any quautity. I am also pupared to fuinifh Warm Meals or Cold Lunch at all houts Segars, Tebacco, Etc coastantly kept on band. GIVE ME A CALL, tiar2 dtf FRANK GOFf ILLCOX&hlBBS i The Championfl II of 136 first pre miums iu twok.1 i j seasons. Its seam isV5Jstron per and less liable to rip than the Lock istitch. "Judges' Report of Vie Grand Trial. ' ' Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. 7,L. C0HITEIX & CO., Gen'l Agents, 183 Lake St . Chicago. F- P TCCD, Lcca! Arer.t, Plattsmonth, Neb novlT w y I!nnnibai & St. Joe K- R mm Packet Line. One of the CompRny pTeamrs leaves daily trm every point !i the Jli.s. uii K:ver above ft. Joseph, nd ariiv.n at tt. Jos- pli In time to connect with the express train on the !lacnibal A ft. Joseph Railroad for Hannibal, at which place connection i ma.ie the same evening w ith one t f the Keokuk Packet", which arrivrs in time to connect with next morning trains out of St. J.otiU for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis vill", Terre iittute, W.shia.ton City, Ba timore, Philadelpiiia, New York, Uoston, and to all other Eastern. Northern ai.d Southern Cities, the above mentioned lines of eleBant Packets are c needed by ail triveler to be the best on tlie western waters. THROUGH TICKKTS For sale to 5t. Lui-i. and a: Eastern, Nottl ern and Southern cities vi. lb al-ov lines at Denver City, Uiu-hii. Council l.:i:ti., Pat srtonh, Jiebratka City and at al! other principal t cket tfficrs ia tie west. tj-Mcaii acd State-rooms free! "fcJl B. POK:. Sco't K. K. P. L , bt. Jos.ph. 11. Q. fUli'Ji.'sOX, ?ec'y R. K P. L.,ct. Joseph J. D. SIMPSON, A-ent, ap25 Plattsmonth, Nebraska. o it. i;u?rt, ciin rn S ciiCXTOs, Late S"p't Indian AJtiirs. Attorney i at Law IRISH, CALHOUN & CR0XTON- The above ntmed fesi'mi,B have asiated themselves in business f': the pin pose rf prose 'nt in and cMectin all c):ims a-iust th. t.etierAl Governractt, or a;!nst any tribe of Indians. a;oi are prpire.i It t.ioecute snrh claims, either LtJ'.oe Caress , or any of th PepartrjeMs of tiov-rtitueut or before the Court of Claims, Mr. Isish will iivote his personal at enlion to t r business ut Wjsliir;j:on. 53" Office at'eb.-3:ka Cr'.y, cotnor of Main sad Fifth streets. u u J865 HARD WA RE, CLOTHING, &C, in this 3Iarkct. ALli KINDS. 3Iechanic, Freighter or Emi- wnnfe. M W CORN, OATS, &C. hope by strict attention to bus A Larga-ortiuent of men's and boys' clothing l. lor tale ay A. I). Ji CO. s HELLED C'JEX for dale by A.D.A CO. I ACOX and Lard for sale by I) A. D. & CO. A HEAVY IXVOICS cf all iinds of FaaiilyGr.. ceries a iOd u:nt;iig Gocu J;uel eceived bv i 'A. D. A CO. VLL kind "if Fai mi! g Inipleiaents for sale by A. D. A CO. A Large lot of Two Eorse riowa for sale by A.D. At CO. VX endless variety, f Hardware an l Cutlery for sale at A.D.iCO's SiSH, Door4, Shindies, Glass, and Nuils of evei r description for ai- by A D. A CO. t I.L kimis fCoant'y Prouc-' taken in exchange X for goods, bv ' A . D. A CO. rtO enamerifte all t!;.' nrtici..i we bave fiir Ja'i 1 would fli? one videof th- IIkkald, and othei l.tc an u wu w I ko a'mTi 'f .1 AMI.-OX, DOVEY & CO. pIIK largest Oullltti;iK Houe north . f St. Jost-pf L 1 A.il."l). DOtl tUIJ,, l:attsmouth, Xcbratka. J. THRCCKK0RT0N & SOiT, at their old itan 1, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - ... N. T. t We keep cortstant'y on hand a larp assortment liastern ijodis & bhees ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we wil sell at tin lowest ca prices. Repairing done at soft rt no- ' (tec. g-AIl Work Warranted. J. THROCKMORTON'.' A. rai.OCKJIOKTOX. Oct 25 'C6 f CIIAS. VOGT & CO , Cor. Mam and 5th sts., NEBRAS2A CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in mm iiii Hon. SADDLK&.SHOE LEATHER I i Saddlers' Hardware Finding and Tools, 0 wGO.S, PLOWS, &c. arOr&hr s Promptly at ided to. GET THE BEST! T7EJ3STEITS Unabridged Dictionary. SEW ILLVS1 RATED EDITIOX. Thoroughly revised acd much enlarged. Over8,0CX) Fine Ka r ivin(t-. Is a wtll-oivh indis en sable req iisite for every intelligent fnmilv. It coTitHins jOOOO V-'iKi)S and iiEAXIXGS net fotifcd in other lii:tlona b s. It ia now believed to i by far the most complete, nsrful and st-?f;ct-ry Dictionary of the Urpuape ever pub ifhed; as it is i'y far the largest siDj;:e voi utne ever issi-e.l in any .aiignape. In one v- I of I.tO ltoal Quarto Papeo. Published bv Ci C. -VERRI.4M. t-prinefleld, Mass. SULD BY ALL BOOKSZLLEUS. he pre tc gtt hei p Lamps and Lamp Cbimne X ia at SLACK, LVTTEHY A CO.'S, JOSEPH iJi SCIILATER, pWATCZHAKEB and JEWELER, mais Street, PLATTSMOUTH, . - NEBRASKA A frocd a.-soitmtnt of Watches Co i- fi old Pens, oiin Trimrjings alwayj on h-.nd. w ork c&ni mitted to his care wi.l be wairaatrjd. Aprii iu, itiv. XV. D. GAGE. V. R. DAVIS. CliY BOOT AMD SHOE AND LE ATHEli STORE We ar seliir.g Boots, Shoes ana Leather, ar store on Slain atiect, or.e door West of trie I Valley Pouse, CH EAPER thanthe CHEAPEST We are manufacturing work f:om the very best ol stock, a:d will accomaoJate ail who may give as call. Repairing done at all times GAGE & DAVIS Anp. 20, "66 il&w G- W: COl'XTP.IGJT. E. A. GRAVU. Courtright y Graves, Jlanc fac'.unri of and Dealers in Saddles and I-Iarness, Bridles, Collars, WSIIL'S, SPURS, &c &e which wi will Tl utn ihlo. repairing &. TRIMMING done on thort notice aid at reasonable rates: South Side JHain Street, one door west of the Platte Valley House, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA Oct 27 'CC dtf Apothecaries Hall. RESi:i,WIIITIXGER& Co No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB Dealers in DRUGS & iUEDKNES I'aints Oils, Putty .. Glass Patent Medicines of all kind". larticles. Gt' tionery, and evt-rythin.' kept in ,rst-class Drug oire, hl i.;i.ierii pricts. if We are i.r. parel to fill all Older?, and warrant ourjuoas to ueiresa. ai r. 10 03 D E NTIST Dr. J. S. Claar.cs, SURGICAL AXD MECHAXICAL di:.tist, LSaccei r to Pi-. Stici let, Office on Harney s'r ?t, tbove 12' h. Omaha V.b. w here he rn-p'ctfu.iy tea.l. r his l'rofesi' iial ner- vires ti J11 who may reriuire the performance of er.iai operation : cr tue Iredtiiii nt of Diseases ol the Mouth S3" Te' th extracted vtitliotit oain bv the n-e of .Mirous ox:tle Gis p;eaant to iiih-Ue. and iierf-x-tly harmless. X. B. The rrmiTtikn the Statural Teeth made ai peciality. novawiu WOOLWOKTII & CO., BOOKSELLERS STATJOMRES, Binders &. Papcrdcalei s, SALYT JOSEPH, JIO.t oc25 Cm ISSCHAKT TiilLOR, 0NE D00R ,VEST 0F XEW eakeky Plattsmouth, ITcbraska. 4ec07 15C5 tf Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! fras moved info his nw brick bTildin? on ti C itock of AND L X TJ O SL B He offers the very be.t cf bsr?a;ns to customers. and requts a call ir.'ia those who want anything iu his line la test the advaul.i' t iu prices with those et others. Remember the BRICK CORNER, and pire him a call if you wish to buy cheap. O. B JIcJIECIIAIV, Dealer In Hardware, Cutlery IROX", X'JllLS, STOVES J1XD TLY1VJRE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also. Asrent forthePs'e of the rrlefcrated MA G EE COOK & TO YES, AXl URASCJ, c.Of 4i CV'SSAHS. SIGH OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below the Seymour Ilouse, on opposite sie. NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct25 TH05T AS C. CRENSHAW, FACEES OF XSK DEALER IX Saddle and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1E Ctnnbt, A-y'ur., Lashes, 11 ;ps, tj-c. Mainj Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T TOOTLE, 1MAIN STREET, - L A II 'e'j: Se-. t est of Wholesale and HARDWARE, Clothing of every description. WINES AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOOI2S & GLASS And every article required by EmfiRAXTS.'IFRa&raSlTERS. MINERS &"FAR.TlERSf. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIRE PEOOF 13EICK. Plattsmouth, April 10. '65 Hardware LJ u) IL5 Zf iSJvllLsy E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE 3 jMiKICULTUBAL HUPUMWl!, Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WAi.E STEEL I? E O "W" S ? Of all kinds aad S'les. which we warrant the bet in the market. JOB T7VOOF2.:E. 2 Fin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in thin County for ti e sale Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Block. PLATTSMOUTH. BJ.ACK, BUTTERY ifc CO., Yholeeale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, B&e&icincs and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Iirmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines ine and of the Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. BthcL PUttsaaouth, Hay let, 1S;55, tf HANNA cfc CO., - PLATTSMOUTH. G K S T St. Louis. Retail Dealers in -AND- a Large Stock of THE- Tootle, Ilanua c Co. LJ UUOJ U Vj-iLSa Iron, Brass, Japaned of Combination Coal Main St., next door enstef Masonic NEBRASKA complete. Warranted Genu Dest quality. jjURLIN(,TON AXD MISSOUI.I RIVi:U RAILROAD. I8G0 EASTWARD lif, Short and Quick U;titc to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In conDe. ti m w h tho Des M.im s Vail, y a;j ! Chicago, Hurlin'ou atid y :m'y K.ti ir..ud. Three tninn Wv 'tttimi .billy on ;trtia! ..( Drs MoiBe. V Alley t.-i:;:s. lit'V YOUIl TICKETS VIA 0TTUMVA and BURLINGTON, I'olt SALE AT oma.iaV1 A11 SMOUTI r council r.i.ivrs, nt.M'vAska nvY, DKS MdlNKS. KXOXV1LLK, ALKIA, MOMIOK, PLI. LA. (JSKALOOSA, KDDYV1LLK. OTTUMWA.. Baggagf checked from OituiowaJ t3 CliicaLTo and the East. PnsRenpern have choice of all the Krrtil lioea b-ad-it)g North, Kast at.d S. utb, and will find t i kela to All priui 'pal pr ii ts r.ast by ul. i on'o at the (Hi uinw ticket otti.-e of this C'lnipiiuy. I'assctifer. wi;l tln-t th. ronta Q dek, afe an 1 jure in its ccnii rt ous. C K.l'KKKIN'd. Kuperinteudi-fit. L. CaUI'EK, Geni tal Fn ,ht aud 1 da.enger Au S HARDING & GO,, rosT orncE buildixo NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN' SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Alto Airenti for all the prinoipal MAGAZINES and XE WSPA PF.RS, For which Subscription are rernivid at Tuhli iher Ii ii ea. L. FP.OsT & Co.. WHOLESALE SE O OB E S. Opposits the Post OAicr, BRYANT'S fnml'ipted on the ba is of Ac'i.mI Itiisiru bv n experienced Ar oiint;iiit ari'l sup. r i . . r I'fiiliiiO, !.' LONG CONNECTION with the rnnut i.i.nv.r roninierrt il f'olli i' t o' I'm ion eii'uni. tli'roi.uhiie) nod i.- ui.iImii to e ' ry graduate, and cnminnds the b."i p .-tiioriH. SfKCIA L ATTENTION Given to all .tvb of PeriniHnl.ii. 011 which e hava been mw.ttiffi li.e fli-f-t i'reuiluoiM f..r mmny yrun at Vari.nj'- StHt-- I'nir 1 he College l. alw;iV oiien ta v'hiiorB, and clrrn- lar c..itainini full ) ;.rt ciiar, w ill be h.mh t aof i.lilress. 'lUiJ'SJ.BKKAST, i'r''t. marl ht. Jow ph, Mo 1ST JJ W- JEWELRY STORE The ubrr:hT havinK pnrrliaaed the U 'd Ptoie i 2d street, lat.-Jy occupitd ly feai y and other, would 1-f.pectfully jnfi.rru the citizens of Plat'eiimiith and vicinity, tiiu' he haj relitud tae store anl opened JarKe mock of AM) FANCY ARTICLES For I.adief, Oenf, Children, and the re of miliklad, nd i prepared to do all kind! of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING la the best manner, nni would hi hf py to nrv h'9 old and ruaoy r,- w cuHtuier a may Rive him tb'-i, pii'rontip, aftHiririff tl.eia it ib:r work w-ll rhinp, at rnodttritte -ric-, and 00 rhort tirn'. Tb tK:k, mbraciri vf- y variety of fffJ Ufiutiv t a fIrtt.rinM Jtrwlrr Store, will l pric, abd wirrantd of ht workuiabi-liip ao4 materUI. Ho has a.-o a MnaJI tock of FAMILY GROCERIES, n )iirh will be rei.l.-iiiHhed from ti in to ti;" ', and oM at the lowent C ure. Havmir perimiiieritly lo cit' d iu this city, 1 re -tiu j k. licit a Mi.are of la trotia?e, an I cor 1: illy invite all to call and'xni.'i t. the atovk on hand, a- We Wou.d be p'' ed to etv. you. a do pot a-lt you i i-uy uniesa no i.ii it for y..ur interest t pa'.rouizc uj. dec; if E. I! . EATON". TAKE H'OTICE. Bounty If. created. Pensions u'ue Sol' dien aid t.nir fteirs. t. JI U"i' kT"''-i 1 1 1 j r ..t. V II-r.,v. i.v . .i f ..... i .. f.,li - .rV. l.iBfika f-.r tK lepar'ineni, iw u i cuilfciion of addit irral kuitli? and luwwl l" Hior.t. audi i ady to r, cw.e b! so.h ciaiiii" FiMt claimed is Hr.-t h'jrvd. Plattsmouth, A"tf. 10, 164. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON- D- C F. M. DORPflNGTCN. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NKBifc.v.r iM'rcpan-1 t.. p.- ft p.-f-J 'i'e c! '?' Ciiitr- C" "' "f ( "d the l'i .r.c.iii. h lut l'e'r. -'., I'.VJt.t f, iiui Bouify h.ol ,.ni tvr Christ- nr.Je: .U-.ncJ in j-nvo'tom It tterai.".tfthe tUla 1". M. l)C K.',U NOVJ v April 1", t