PLATTSMO'JTH, NEERASKA. WEDNESDAY, .FEB. 27, 1G7 IP WITIJ THE FI.AU. FLrc the Big Gun ! NEBRASKA A STATE The act endorsing ihe conditions pro posed ly Congress for our admission passed both Houses of the Legislature between five and six o'clock on Wed nesday evening, thus ending the long struggle. Nebraska is no longer a Territory, but assumes, from this tiny henceforth, the proud position cf a Slate in the great American Union; not only a Slate, but a free State, reccg cizing the rights of all men, whether white or black. She stands upon the record as being the last State admitted but the first to establish impartial suf frage. In the great national struggle for ihe rights of man, the is the first to establish it in her fundamental law All honor is due those nolle men who dared to stand op in our Legislature and place themselves upon the record as favoring impartial suffrage. The triumph is complete. The Chariton Patriot announces ed- itorialy, that the Burlirg'.on and Mi souri River Raiiroad company will com mence work upon this end of their line this spring. The enemies of the road and the enemies of Nebruika interests, who have used all manner of t fforts to retard the progress of this great worl by Tying to invalidate their land grant, and by other means, will find that des pite their efforts tho road will soon be stretching west from Fl utsnicrnth nn t i luai tne western settlers wilt prosper. the: KEH'S El DOUSES The Legislative row, and heists a chick en at the head of i:s editeiiul columns in consequence of the "victory'' (as it terms it) obtained by the mob. The JVeurs claims that the difficulty arose out of the apportionment bill. So much the more shame upon ilie Otwc mtm bers who sided against the bill. There is not a man in Nebraska but knows that Omaha and North Platte have al ways endeavored to dictate in regard 10 everything that was denn in our leg islature, and have succeed. d admirably with the help cf such tools as they might rely upon from Morton. It is a well establUhcdjiact, that the counties south cf Platte river contain nearly or quite two-thirds of the voting population of Nebraska, yet that large preponderance of voters ara to ba controlled by the c:ty of O.nahi, even by mob violence when chicanery fails, and the Nebraska City J'ews has the effrontery and fool-hardiness lo glory in it, and call it a "victory." Yes, it is "victory" of an Omaha mob, seconded ly a South Platte delegation, over the majority of the people. If tha people's repre.-entatives cannot be respected in Omaha, thy should assemble at some point without the reach of Omaha re volvers, and if North Platte people cannot carry their points without resort ing to force of arms, and have no bet ter sense of justice and what censti tutes a Republican government than to do so, it is high time that the appor tionment was changed and the voice of the majority wa3 heaid in these mat ters. TIIU "SOW.' The Omaha Herald is out in a lengthy article ia rcgaid to the disgraceful cenes in the House on Saturday night last, in wiiich it attempt to throw ail ihe blame upon Speaker Chanin. Afier be slobbering three or four North Platte Republicans who joised lha re bellious element, it says: To them, and to the courageous nnd inflexible adherence lo the right of the democratic delegations of Otoe, b'arpy, Lincoln, Dakota and Douglas is due a result in which all sober-minded citizens will rejoice. Stick a pin there. Democrats and Republicans. The Ilcrcld thinks all sober minded citizens will rejoice in .having an Omaha mob attempt to break up our legislative ceuncils. It thinks they will rejoica that an Omaha lubby shall attempt to r:de "rou.jh shod" over the people's representatives. The Republican thinks duTtrsnt. It says nothing. It knows the affair is a dis grace to GmaJia and her citizens, and will recoil upon her. -1fTt e Senate passed a joint res- clutioa oa the 23d inst , to prohibit ihe payment of any claim accruing prior to t ihe I3ih of April, 1S31, lo any cficer ; svho joined the rebellion. i Omaha on Her 3Iuscfe. As Omaha ft-da contempt for the ; narrow-minded loc il haters of her in terests, her admiration rises fcr the tr.enofOtoe, Lincoln, urpy, Dakota and Kearny, for their liot-rnl course on all questions a.i'eciin;; her interests. Her p?op.e hear '.he muttering cf her enemies ainl do rjrt misunderstand us mf aningv O.nahn fears no effort that n.ay bo tnnda by those who would do er an injury. The Dooms aud bhel- dons of Cass may do their worst. Omahit is on her muscle. Omaha IleraU. We consider the above as an outrage upon the intelligence of the people of Nebraska. It is not enough that Oma ha should, by an exercise of "muscle," override the people's representatives and disgrace herself in ihe minds of all right thinking people; but her press most come out and boast of it, and de clare lhat they feel "contempt" for those who are battling for the rights of their constituent. Don't fce too fast. Mr. Herald. You have not yet arrived at that permanency where yoj can in sult the people of Nebraska with im punity. You may yet have causa to "fear"' the ju-.t indignation of an out raged people. We know that Omaha has ruled Nebraska since the organi zation of the Territory; and so did the slavo power rule the nation for long years, but there is a point in all ntis rule where forbearance by the oppres seu "ceases to be a virtue; ana we aro of opir.ion that that point is about reached in the affairs of Nebrabka. You may feel lhat you are safe ia thus msul'ing th? people, and crying death to all who do not obey your mandates, but there i3 a storm gathering that will try your nflrve as well as ihe power of your 3cepter. SETTLED. The Nonpareil come3 out with flam ing heads and a long article, the sub stance of which is lhat Council BluiT has triumphed over Omaha, or, in other words, that the Railroad bridge has been officially located at the lower point, and that the Railroad company nave rurttiaeJ anu raid tor "section thrre," v.iii.-h lies at tho southern ex tremi'.y of Council Bluffs. The Recor der of tl "at city ha? received the trans for papors, az.d the quest'on of the bridge i? considered settled. So the paa 'e vi the "bridge t ill" by mob vi lenco in Omaha is all "quashed- Go-J encugh for her; perhaps she needs ch a.-tc ning to teach her how to treat ihe people's representatives. The following neat and appropriate rrmarks were made by Mr. Rogers President of the Council, at the close o: the ri cent session of that body: Ctn!'etien of the Council: The hour of final adjournment of the Legislative nssemUy Laving fully coiiip, I desire to improve thi rpportunity of returning to every member cf this Council, my thanks for the courteous manner with which I have been treated; and the uni formly kind and forgiving spirit which etery member cf this body has mani fested towards me, notwithstanding. I have so often given occasion for offence and censure. I regret, in looking back, that I have not been able lo preside over the deliberations cf this body with more ability and efficiency; but I cau only say that my errors have been more of the head than the heart. The little page of history which we have made is finished; we now go tack to mingle with and become part of the people; and our course here will either tend lo advance the world in happiness and prosperiiy or to retard the progress of civilization and religion. May we not hope that our posterity may, as they read the lit le page of history which we have written, feel that our lives have not been in vain and that they are not descended from an un worthy ancestry. May we not recog nize in the harmony and peace which have characterized our proceedings, the influence of the spirit of him who rules the world in love and mercy? ar.d may we not hope that the same kind hand may lead and preserve us through the many windings of iho stream of human life safely up to thathappy home prepared by God for his children be yor.d ihe influences which so distract and torment cur lives here below, is the earnest wi-h of the President of this Council. And having thus ex pressed myself, I do now declare this Council adjourned sine die. Ed. Herald: Some unprincipled, low-lived, white-livered, gizzard-hearted aristocrat, who thinks labor degrad ing, entered the Boot Si Shoe ehep of Gnge Si Davis, of this city, last night and look off one pair of calf skin hoots, lie had not sense enough to take a good pair, ar.d took the poorest pair in the shop. S:and from under, loafers! Gage & Davis. ST The Tennessee Republican Convention, on the 22d inst., nominated Brownlo-r fcr Governor by occlarca'ion. ST.1TC LEGlf-ilaATirUBJ. The members of th ; Stat Legisla ture met at; the Capitol, ia accord ancs with th proclamation of Gov. Sounders, at 2 o'clock p. in. on Wed nesday, Feb. 20lh, 1S57. The Council was organized as fol- ows: President E. II. Rogers, Chief Clirk Hewer, of Nemaha, Ass't Clerk ;L. L. IIo!brook,of Cass, Serg'i-at Arms Kirkpatrick, of Cass. Door-Keeper Cadman, of Lancaster, Fireman NelsoD, Chaplain Rv. Slaughter, The House organized by the elec tion of the following officers. Speaker W. F. Chapin, of Cass. Chief Clerk II. W- Merrill, Ass't Clerk J. E Myers. Chaplain Rev. W. W. Rose, Srg't-at-Ariitis II. B. Horton, Doer-Keeper C. L. Bristol, Fireman Jacob Bolivar. The ctficei s were sworn in by Judge E. S. Dundy The two houses mat in jont session in the Representatives' Hall to receive the Governor's message. Gov. Saunders then appeared in the House and delivered the foaowin message : Governor's Message. Gentlemen of the Senate and llousz c f Representatives In pursuance of An Act of Congress certified to have been passed on ihe 8th and 9ih of February, 167, yru have been convened in extra session for ihe purpose of taking such action as you may think prorer in regard to adopting or rejecting lertaia proposed conditions which are made preeeuent to ihe ad mission of Nebraska into the Union as an independent State. TheJ Constitu tion, asjou are well aware, whL-hwas adopted by t;ie people of the Territory in June last, restrict 'd or limited the privileges of the elf ctive franchise lo the "white niale citizens cf the State" Coneress, near the close of the last session, passed a bil: to accept our Con stitution just as it had been made and adopted ty the people of the Territory; ihe President of the United States withheld hts signature from the bill, and consequently it failed to become law. A similar bill was presented at the commeniiement of the present Con gress: but ct'rtain conditions were at taihed to the bill, and these conditions must ba first accpted and approved by you before the Stnte can be properly admitted as iiroviaeu by this Act. ihe tol.owing is certineu to me as boing a true' copy of the bill as it passed both houses of Congress: Poblic No. 21. An Axt for the admission of the State of Nebraska i'n ihp Union Whereas.: On the twenty-first day oi March, A. .1). eighteen hundred and sixty-four, Congress passed an act to enable the people o: Nebraska to form a constitution and State government, and offered to f.dmit said State, when so formed, iato ihe Union uponcompli auce wiih certain conditions therein specified; and, wheieas. It appears that ihe said peojdo havt adopted a consti tution which upon d examination, ia found to conform to the provisions and comply with the conditions of said Act, and to be republican in its form of gov eminent, and that t'ley now ask ad mission into.ihe Uiwn; Therefore Be it enacted by tie Senate, and House ofRrpressntutivesofthc United States of America in Cor gr ess assembled. That the coosiituiioa and Sifite govern ment which '.ha people of Nebraska have formed for themselves be, and the same is hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed, and that the said State of Nebraska! shall be, and is hereby de clared to be one of the United States of America, and is hereby admitted into the Unicn upon an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatsoever.. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the said State of Nebraska shall be, and is hereby declared to be enti tled to all the rights, privileges, grants and immunities, and to be subject to all the conditions and restrictions of an act entitled "Au act to enable ihe people of Nebraska to form a constitution and State government, and for the admis siou of such State into the Union on an equal footing wiih the original States,'' approved April nineteenth, eighteen hundred ami sixty four. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That this act shall net take effect ex cept upon tne fun laiuentiil condition that within the State of Nebraska there shall be no uenial of the eie tive fran chise, cr of any other right, to any person, by reason of race or color, ex cepting Iudi-ins not taxed; and upon the further fundamental condition that the legislature of said State, by a sol emn public uct shall declare the assent of said Statu to ihe said fundamental condition, end shall transmit to the President of the United States, an au thentic copy of said act; upon receipt whereof the President, by proclamation, shall forthwith announce the fact, whereupon said fundamental condition shall be held as part of the organic law oi the State; and thereupon, and without farther proceeding on the part of Cougress; the admission of said State into thii Uuion shall be consider ed as complete. Said State legislature shall be convened by the terri'otial Governor within thirty days after the passage of this act, to act upon the con dition submii ted herein. SCUYLER COLFAX, Speaker oi the House cf Represen tatives. ! LAFAYETTE S, POSTER. President oi th $ Senat? pro tempore Ik Sixate of the Uxitzd States, Ftb:u?.ry. S, 1667 The President nf th? United States having returned to ihe Senate in which it originated, the bill f milled "An act for the admission of Nebraska into the Union," wiih his objections th rtto, the Senate proceeded, in pursuance of ihe ( cnstiiuuon, to reconidtr the sum; and ' Resolved, That the said bill do pass, two thirds of ihe Senate agreeing to pass the same Attot: J. W. FcKNEY, Secretary rf the Senate, ty Y. J. Idc Donald, Chief Cleric. I:r the IIocse or Representatives ) of the United Statei, February. 9. 1S67. ) The House of Representatives hav ing proceeded, in pursuance cf the Con stitution, to reconsider tin bill entitled "An act for the aJmi-sion of the State of Nebraska into tbe Union," returned tn the Senate by the President cf ihe United Stales, with his objections, and sent by the Senate to the House of Representatives, with the message of the President returning the bill Resolved, That the bill do pass, two thirds of the House cf Representatives agreeing to pass ihe same. Attest: Ldward McPherson, Clerk. It no doubt would have been more satisfacti.ry to you as I frankly confess it would have been to me, if Congress had given the settlement of this ques lion directly to the people cf the Terri tory, instead of requiring of you, who were not particularly instructed on this subject, to take upon yourselves the whole responsibility of deciding this subject for them. But we must now meet the question as we find it, or as it has been presented by Congress. That a great revolution or- change ia the minds of the peopl j of our whole coun try, in regard to renting equal and exact justice to all men, irrespective of race or color, is in proof before us, not only by the action of Congress, but also by :ho action of the people themselves in a large majority of the Siate? of the Union. My opinion is that this liberal spirit is rapidly on the increase among the people of our cwn Territory, and if such should be your belief, it would cause you to have much less hesitancy about accepting the conditions proposed than you otherwise might have. The day, in my opinion is not far distant when property qualifications, educational qualifications and color qualifications, as precedent to the pnv ilegeof vo'iag, will be known no more by the American people; but that intel ligence and raandood will be the only i -i quaiiacr.tion necessary to entitle an American citizen to the privilege of an elect r. Gentlemen of the Nebraska Legis lature, I now, with these concise state menu of the c?.se, leave the whole subject ia your hands, believing that you will act fcr your respective con diluents and fcr the whole people of tho Territory in such niannrr as wi! hrs rpflrt ihfir sentiments and their wishes hoping thai harmony and fra ternal feeling may characterize your detiberatiens. Altin SACNDER3. Ex?cmive Office, Omaha, Feb. 20. After the hearing of which the joint convention adjourned sine die, and the members and officers of the Senate returned to their chamher. Senate called to order. Doom introduced Senate bill No. 1, "An act declaring the assent of the State of Net raska to an act of the Con gress of ihe United States, entitled 'An act for the admission of the State of Nebraska into the Union," which, af ter going through the various readings, was passed by the following vote: Ayes Messrs. Davis, Doom, Has call, Majors, Presson, Sheldon and Rogers 7. Nays (Democrats, except Hascall.l having left the Hall. ) In the House the bill was passed by the following vote: Ayes Butler, Clark, Cole, Collins, Crow, Frost, Fuller, Griffen, Harden burgh, Haywood, Hoile, Kelley, Parm lee, Rockwell, Slader, Waldter, Wiles Wallichs, Unthank and Mr. Speaker 20. Nays Cmwford, Dunham, Graves, Harvey, Rolfe and Trumble 6. Gov. Saunders was instructed by a joint resolution to transmit two certified copies of the act to the President of the United States, one by raai' and one ty the hands of Hon. John M. Thayer. Both houses adjourned sine die at 12 o'clock, M., Thursday the 21st. AXOTIIEIt TITXi:SS. We find the following letter from Omaha in the Nebraska City Press. It was written by a prominent citizen of Nebraska City who was in Omaha at the time of the Legislative not, and one who, as will be s-aen, doos ncl be lieve in sacrificing the interests and rights of aklarge majority of the people for an "hnagir.ary benefit" to Otoe County : The Legislature cf the Territory of Nebraska, lately in session, was dis persed by a mob lat evening, under circumstances calculated to rouse a feeling of bitter hostility between ihe North and South Platte districts, and to insrease and perpetuate the sectional animoity which has existed to a great er or leas extent la yers past. 1'be raises whkh have produced this mosl di-gracef a! and unexpected pro ceeding ar-J of long tit; ling a:;d have in year past, occasioned much section al strife. The political inHuance exist ing at the Cap tal has been sufficiently powerful to secure the Ncrth Platte country a much larger representation ;n proportion to i s p-.pulaiiun, than the iouth ;rn part of the Territory was al- lowed. Th-: ions which have beeu frcti time to r.aie eif.-ct enao'ed the northern secti -u ijd, have lo mai::- tain an apport.oLiueat so uiiju t liiat a bill to remedy the wrong was lately introduced into 1 -gi-lative Council, passed, and .-ent lo the House fcr con currence. T;:e parties became evenly divided by n-a.-on cf the cf the entire delation of Democratic represen'atives from Otoe county who sold their birth risht for an imaginary enefii in the location of the proposed Agricultural College in their county. The vote on this apportionment bill de veloped so much feeling, and the wrong so much exasperated the South Platte members that they refused to allo.v some legislation which was desired by their opponents, hece the exciting scene of last night. The House had been in a dead-lock from 10 a. m. till 1-2 p. m. without any recess. The members had refreshments brought in and some citizens of Omaha had pro vided a plentiful supply cf whiskey to fire the hearts of their friends. At the hour named a motion was made to clear the hall of all but members and privileged persons. This having been done and there being within th bar only the members of the House mem bers of the Council, Gov. Saunders, with Messrs and Megeath of Omaha, and MCann of Nebraska City, who had bem invited to .eats within the bar. inflamatory and excit ing speeches were made by Messrs Frost, an employe of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and Harvey, of Otoe. Both of these speeches protect ed against ihe ru.ings or ihe speaker, and advocated resistance to the author ity of the House. Harvey then made a motion declaring the Speaker's chair va:ant ana appointing a Speaker pro tern. He put the questio.i himself de c'ared it carried, aud then a rusn was made for the Speaker's stand. Four of the members of the House and sev eral ruffians ou side the bar drew their revolvers on the Speaker, who in da fense pulled from his pocket a three inch Smith c Wesson pistol and pre sented it to the breast of Parmlee of Omaha, who was about to dracr the Speaker from his chair. The Serg't at-Arms advanced with ui3 sword drawn and attempted to ascend ihe stand, but was oulered down by the Speaker. He assort d the Speaker that he- desired to defend him and w permitted to reach the chair, when he immediately ordered the Speaker to vacate the chair, which he did aftvi declaring the House adjourned ia dis order, until ten o duel; iuonJay m --ru ing. The Speaker and his friends then retired, while the minority remained and proceeded to pass certain private bills, ihere was not a quorum prerent The following table exhibits ihe vote polled at the last election in the North and South Piatt-' districts, and the pres ent and proposed representation : North Platte vote 3103 Present Representation 22 South Platte vote 53oJ Present Representation 30 It was proposed to change the appor tionment, so that one member should be taken from the North Tlafe and civen to the Syuth Platte, and to this the North objected, though a fair portionment would give The North but 20 And the South 32 ap TSie Republican am! the Legis lative Row. The following is ihe only editorial allusion yet made by the RepuLhcan to thp recent shameful proceedings in the House of Representatives on the nigh of the 16th inst : Yesterday we published nn address to the people cf Nebraska, signed by six teen Republican Senators and Repre sentatives in the Legislature represent ing about one half of the voters of Ne braska. For so duiug. we are censured somewhat by a few of the citizens of Omaha. We regret (his very much, but we are confident that upon further reflection they will come u ihe conclu sion that we cou'd not consistently re fuse sa;d gentlemen who have been honored by a large constituency, with the privilege of replying through our columns to what they deemed an unfair statement in the Omaha Ikrald as to said affair. We were rot present to witness the unfortunate proreeding. md hence we kncis nothing as to the tivdh of any statement professing to relate to wka: transpired; but our columns are at the service of tho. e who may desire to give their vie ws on either side. We i.tay, at some future time, give our own views upon the whole sukj.ct matter, in oiir own way; but we wish it di-ti:;ctly understood that we do not en dorse the views of any others who have, or may hereafter express theirs through our columns. Washington, Feb. '23. Surratt was lo-day arraigned before tbe Crim inal Court. When brought into Court he was hand-cuiFed, but at lh-i request of his counsel the Court ordered the hand-cuffs lo be taken off", and the in dictment was then read to him. Surratt entered a plea of not gui! v. The clerk a&ked, "How will you ' tried?" to which Surratt replied, "1 my country men," when the clerk added, ''Then may Gcd send you deliverance." The hjuidcufFs were then replaced r.nJ the prisoner remanded to jail. No excite ment was manifested during his pres ence in court. No day is jet fixed for his trial, but it is thought it will be in March. 2"A man at Lanting, Michigan, insane freni religious excitement, on the 30th ultimo, swall-wed a silver watch chi n, about a foot loug and tLree-eigh'.hs of an inch ocroas die links. He had to le tied up to keep him from swallowing the watch a'so. E.T2roirswr. The owasr vt a .';- jr, p.'r:y, t jnS i turcd by the war lopivir-.y, i not hNi- lo cu iy on liU tmoiceos uu-l 3elis to I. a!' r a 1 f,.r-n, r part in dcsiri.Ve l.mds lu Netj:a:-kn, la Urn vicinity of ll:(Miiuih pre.'er e l. The pr'-l t-rty lira 5 rai'cs ti-t uf G lincsw'U Juoo- ti..n, M;.ifs-i pi, is ou tlvOVuilo i 0'.; K.U. in Ki.-nv.ier c. unty, Vis., rliI c.u-i-ta in tricf, 'ottows : 1,20 i.eroi of Lain!, 400 Oin'J, tut only 290 in cu'tiTiti 'ii thU yer flue cotton an.l cuin liii.J. Water which will very probhluy ii tt fro: Jl.OiiO to $1,5''0 tlMs year. Fine Merchant Mills, which make the be?t cf fliur and menl, and run ty waLr. We liaTe to haul Frain shipped from the wit only five mi leu, and thij will cost lofs than fuel will c.t a sUam mill, and hi-nce we fan ship gra!:i from tho west und more than compete With theiii in Hudiu wheat or com. There is a vast resion wi st of this lo be supplied with Imported grain every year, and es pecially this year, and our locatioa Is supei icr. The Mills are jut built, and with car'iU! lo purchase grain couid make from $5,000 lo S 000 thin year. With a partner in th" wet to purchase gnun no bet ter speculation can be found. With a little expense a Saw-Mill can be attached. Lumber t-d P" 1000 feet. Worth thousands per annum. Farming on these lands is very profitable. Address, CP. SMITH, ly express, at above sta- tijn, or KU5II CHILSOX, Plattsraoutb, X. T. There is a trletraph efTke here, alo. (feV-27 IYOTICH. Under the provision of an art of th Tei-ritoria' L'-t'is'ature, approved Fehr a;y lit, 1-1.7, the ,bM-r uf Territorial warrants mitl present their warrants for t ayuient at my otlice on or befure July 1st, InS", and all warrants not o presents will cease to draw interir-t after January 1st, lbbi. and will be pid aft r that date with iu'errt only to J.mutry 1st, 1S6S. A. KOl-.NTZK,Tor. Tn av.irer. Omaha, February 'JOth, 1-idl. feb'27 dwiiw Bstray Ifotices. Taken up by thft gi.b-criher, at bis firm i I.ou'- vi'Io Drecmct. as county, r . t on j injury l.t. 18i'7, a steer calf, about T months oM, n t a wiiiie and rd color, uo liurks. J. 1. A. llOuV i.!i. ftbi7 Taken up hy the subscriber, at bis farm in Mount Plaaant p:ecinc'. Ca.-s ciunty, X. 1'., ou Fein nary 25th. 1 lj7, oDrt ex, suppos. d to lo frotu 12 to l.j y.irs old. is of a ..ectiled color, white and l.rm lle, en 1 of botli horn tawe.l otf, both earj cri y; rd t hort, is Very thin of nesh, an I hm a lur4 sour on lo.'t rump, sup po;ed to be cuusia by brai-ditiy. fe.b27 ISAAC FOLLAKi). Taken up by the ("ubKcrP.or, at bis premi-n r.n Kock Creek, ab.'.:t T niOs routit of IVit-Mu-.u'. on the 2-th day t January, A 1) lrtT, one tr-.tid'a c, w.lh lor K slim borua, white big, a swallow f..rK in lo;t (ir, and a p:irt o.f e.u-h ear as thoiyh fr zu i rt when young she U supposed to e about tt veart old. GKAX1 i LED. F-bruary wth, 1SG7. 5 w Taken up by the subrjriber, at his roidenco In Louisville Precinct, Ca-s coun'y, N. T., on the '2-2.1 day of January, A. D. Itji, oie steer Calf, n ot i lito a year old; n maris sptcklei! wlnt.- id h:arn, John iMii.Lutit. January Zlet, 1SG7. 5w Taken up by the no 1 rsicnad, in Pla't-moiuh pro cint, v'asd county, T . on tbu lltr. of Oef.-n.lie-. lsr,!i,o:ia white C w, puppOfed to be 5 y.ats o'd ui ji'k' d crop olf ri'ht ear, small ltd i; ot ou let! hip. tele 6W A. II. IVUU. Petition for Divorce. 3Ia y L. Hudson, 1 aciiu-t VSS. H"illi:iiu S. Hudson. ) William S. ITud-on will take notice that JTary L. Hu Is .n. f the rout. It or l'as and Territory ot N. hrask.t, did, on the 1 -t!i d y of F'bru iry A !.' I-'!,, tile her pet tiot: or till in Clunrery in the District Court i f the '2 1 Judicial D strict of X l.ratk.i in an. f..r Cass county, :ik'it:St him, the .iid Vi iatn S. Hud on, dele.'J.larit, ."...-tt.nir forih that he, defendant, after io:iTi.ii:j d'lly an. I laf'-!l.v foIeiMi!a-.l. did, wantonly an.i crip Ijy de sert bcr. the ,-iid ro:n:lai:i t;it, o;: or ah .u-IIIih 7t'i 'My or Jut. Iclfi, ut nirtV lo n n v prnvl-!oll wtttt- tver for br. the said eoiop'ainaut's i:i,.iutenai.. e ..r snpfort, ahh '.uh alvittdautiy u.!e si to i ., a;.d tiiat Le h s continue.! ho to rrosly ati'i cruelly neglect to provide for the -uppott and maiut i.ance of her, the ..mT,ltii-nl. aurt i f ) or au4 J,;4 ( '1 ;ff i.!aut'-J chi d, born !: d'-sei tioti of her, ilitf said com plainant, ult .o''h iiliumlantty ab'e o to do; aud prayini; that the said marriage contract, entered iu to K-twe. u the sa. l Mary L Iiu'lson ar.d William S. lluibon be thcla.e I null and void, and that the said Mary I.. Hudson be d,vnrc d from toe said de'euii a lit. and that the said W iliain e. llU'l? u i're'i'aired to appear and answer said petition on or befoi e the fira day of April, A. I). 1?C7- MaUY I.. II r I SON, r.y Fam M. CmrKK, her oiK-itoi Flatt-mouth, .:b. 2Utb, 'C7 4 Ordered that the above notice be publ.ihd for four successive weeaa la the 'Nebraska rTerald. J. II. IiKO'.V.N, Kej. in Chancery. IiCgral IVolicc. In.tbe DiMrict C url 2 I JuiUclal District, Nebraska Territory, In and for Ca-a counly. Lydia If. Haveland 1 Formerly Ly.lia ii Manly, By r er next friend Henry C. Jones vg Jonathan T. Rogers. ) Chancery Jonathan T . Kosr will take notice that the complainant, Lydia H. Haeland, formerly Lydia H. Ftiinley, now of tne county ot jrayeite ano etata or I'ennfylvanla. by her next frien.J, llenrv O. J.n.ea, did on the Jsth day of February, A U l"li", file l er bill o' complaint in the District Court of the 2 1 Ju dicial Diftrict of Nebraska, In and for Cas county, against bim, the aid Jor.atbanT. Rotters, def n l.ia:, the object of the prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mm If ane bei inc date the 2blh i iy ot March, 1-.,'), executed by yon t: e saij defendaul to sai.l com phiir.ant, op..n r.-riaui real estate, situat'-d in (la-s coui.;y, Ne'bra ka Teiritoiy, to wit: Ibiriniuir at the r. irth-eat corcer cf lot no fc, in block no 31 aud rnnninn south alonn the suryeyed line of said let -21 and 6 10 feat, thence w.-st through said lot 12j feet to the alloy, thence north 21 6-10 feet to the n. w. corner of said lot, thenre east along the north 1-ho of said lot feet, to the plae: of b-jiuin, sit uate iu l-latisinomh. Casa county, . T.,to s-cure the rayment of a certain promissory uot ma'le by you i't-r val'.ie receiywl, to ihe said Lydia II Have land. formerly Lydia H.bUnly, for eii:ht lred dollars, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and to fore' lo-e all eiuiiy of redemption of yon .n and to sa id premises; ion wilt tn. rolore ap pfar at said Court on the lt d .y of April neat, a u 13-17, and anfwer ordemur to I h.intili 'tt bill or judg ment, wiil be rendered aeainst vou by default. MAI.QKTT It CHAl'MAJ, coiicltirs for Co'aipl.i.n;::.t. rd-red lhat the abce be i:b.i'h. .1 la '' ' braslsa Herald newspaper, for four cor" uti.i.e lis J. 11 . lii..iv N, tet-21 4w U'i-1. r in Ch.-mc ry. CHANCERY SALE. Simpson C. U .-thel &nl John II. ) Cr.xtou, Cuin; i'ts, J s- f Fi td j.-ick Krkeihans, Defd't. J In CLancerjr. In pnr-nanee arid by virtue of a d-cr.-'sl r l r 0 me diieoied from the ofa -e rf the Cle.k.f lh DI--trict Court of the 2 1 J aiical Ilistriet in and for Ca-i county Xehra-ka. rnfd in the at ov- cti--, ard buiriliK (iatt on the day of Ocio' er A. i. b..ia the hdjoorced 'ttofcr ttrm of -aid Court, I, ihe fubr riber. Master in C'l.anre. y ot said Cniin, will oiler at pnblic vendue for cash to the Liin- st and best bidder, in front of the Co'lrt lloui-J u I'latusmouth, Nebra.-ka, on , Monday March 4th, 1S67, at 12 o'e! vk noon of slid day, a'! the c rtiin tra -t or pitcel of land k' own and described a, follows.- The r.orth half (1 '2, f tl.e ii r.h east rjaart i (1 ii of section No fe: ty-nine ('23j and Ihe s- uth ha f (1-2) . f the satith -ea-t 'lUarier (1 4. cf tee' .on No. twenty (2 i) in t wn-hip No. twnive '. J) r. r:h of ranfi S'i. ( eat. lyio an I be.i:. ia Caa county N. T. , and Containinir lto acri-s. Together with all an.l siazuiai- the improv"neit and appu-teuaucea thereunto beioauijj .r ij any wise a; oertair-i- if, to be sold as the pr..; ' ly o? th defeiid.-.iit ii the above entitled cause, to -a: -fy i-ai 1 decre , the a nownt of wliich is Ui of 1' 7iJ 6 and interest from the dite of said decree U' J co.ta Of suit and a!e. Flat: month. Nebraska. 2i-.ri January 1-CT. F l. ImKKI.G TUN. M '5'er iu Cli.i-.---7. W. FoTTBaoan, S1. for Couipi'ls. 4 Probate IVolicc Notice is hereby giver, that John Jaclison ha this day m id- application to the Probate. Court of '.--s cunty. N.i , to be at pniut'-i Ad-i.ii.i.-'.-a' .r if tl.e . s 'ate of Lewie Simps, ti, luie cf i l c-.anty, li-veas-c; T-i,ri.f,re, 'tie Con. t 1. o: oi.i'ei fli'JAY, tie IWi i'l'J .Vir.- ! - , at 10 o'ci. c" A M, f r lieirit' s-tJ a;-r ' " which t.ine aii kt.-o:.- iut-. rcc.;el c a. I- 'r x' ' ibn' tn." why ai a: 7-.;.;-ii-Mtt th :.,u I. t le mad., if iirly tl.ey have. U.-.iiess 'i y hai-.l a-iti ' ii.ii"i! se - tloa 1 J.I. l day or Feoriia.-v . s la --J J. Vi. il.'.l. iil ALL, f 1,20 Zvr V.vLan Ju :.-e. will lake- .' . 1 r"t,-r ' r d' 1 .'H tl.e ,, u .ill.' ,, z.t .. .,o i i- county, oi, u, -t tl.c !! J xlltlK V , : s' ''H l it Uf ": .: t.l l. f,i- i--,v I I). )..';,; . . :,. . . . ,,. I. l-a- r. ie, ol, lot ... I.. ,. ... ; ..u.Iiul. d -t. t'.a , . ,1,..! M.ii.1 c. v , r !! ,,. 1U U I t .- ..IV J,, ... . . M . ( ' , ! 'J 00 I"!-re-t, .1.0 I :iu io .1 reltlo. ..mi. y m te, uter. d t-. u, ,.,i.i r ..i .. i ... .hat said J ,!:.:a I. W... :., ,.y ,.,, M!nl UllitOd to Le .!:e. wi:h ii.t,-oM. or -....1 o.-..o,i. :k io iy be ,..!.! p..y cll . H T , ,i ,!le .,. j a i. ei..- is not i: ,i t;. i- !... i ... .r d answer bill on or b. i , e ,, . i Mun lay f..-r tl i. .. ij .o , .irtll ne laU4 Febtuary J ;!,., I-..7, ,.r CALVIX U. I'ARMKLK. Uy vsili-itt I'mtExurH, tusrol. -iu im JLcsul Notice Calvin II. Parioeie, l'laii.t.d" vs. Ch irie l;ukii k. ai d J M. l iyati, lie iiri .nn j t ha ties Hu.k.rn an.l J. II. ri-van, j.fpnrf. ant, take ii.Hicu that. C.ilv.o 11. fa: m.-j, , , tha cotiu-.y ol lii. mi l lnr.i. ry ol XvUt-a ki , j , ,. the 7th day of tit feiii' er, A X Is. tl, M.e hi i the Uistric. Court o! 'the 'JdJ.aiicial;..f hrHska, :u and lor Can conu'y. against the t.t 1 Charlu Ilu kirk and J. il. Hrvan ,. leiidatit, .. t o K forth that tho said tniarlo Itu-kuk ami J. it liiy ou the -io.U ilay .1 May, a ii luiti, m ..le and dt.ivr id to thes.ud Calvin 11. l'armele, po.iul.J, i:;.:ir cer tain promi..oiy u to ol that dale, wlie em tlo y promised to pay b. H, oi.b r ofi .iJ plaiunil ilie n,i:u of on .niii 13 pur cent iuu rst, d ja thirty Jaj alter ilate. a . I !;. ms- judt;:i:ei:t aaiu-.t aaid d- fendauts lor the said - ::u or $.'.;,) u with J5j,..r Cent hit. rest fr.m th- iOili .lay of Ma , a u Mi ,a 1 that on lh- 7th it i y . f," lsUi, an of al'.ii. hnietit .-i;el eut ot k a d Court ou lli c .l action, au : thai th- f-nl .iniii.- property vi, Ltach 1 on s i d ordei , t wit.- I. t b iu block il, u1 soiiib half of lot j iu b..,. k ;J2, i:i the utv of l'.,itt,mailh La-s toauty, Nebi j,k i, ,,,,.1 L.j .ld Charl a Hu.kiik a:i.i J. M. Ikvaii are not, tied thut they aia reiUiie i to sup ar a-nl an, A,Jr ..u, (H-Htiou on or fore tho third .Monday a :Ur tho ISlh day of ilarch D Xt. I'att'd Februiiry Ij.h, 1Hi;7. CAI.VIN II. PArtJlRLH. Ly WiLLlrr Fjttl-nuli., hi Ait'y. iO 4 To Jo?, ph Klr.sey .- rn V. u ill t al.e ii i'ice that there la now i a Hie in the .:!;..- f lh.- ci. rk o' th" Di-trl .t Caart In au lf. i i!.,: -,tj .Ii.. it.,r.'e' r,r.,ry of N-tiraB.i, th.i a of II. C. M.;i ;n,,l M.-Maaoii. by 1...1- ii. :t li'iei. 1 ib ,!., C M, Makeu. cia:l:li:iir of J in " J - ill. .il i :v in-; .a a lu lam b.u.d oi i ie J a.i'i.i.y, 1 jo7, an 1 i.oi 1 au l t..a; -.,u uro r nun oi- bei.. r.- ii,.. i;.,;ii .ii , d lei', 1 - o7, o: a j i . i, ) u by oetault; yo:i will -d-r of m:.- t .; at ii i. i-ain .f iwo (J , ,r by o i on the 1 'th .Jay of I ayalile to aid lai nt; (T ' i io u.p mr uiiil aLwer en I. y i.t er ihe M:ii a iy of : l.t H.. I L t lel.ler.J n;MllHt I 1 1 ; 1 1 p t i,;e Botice lh tt n i',.. n..:r o-ii of .-.aid C.eik's k i:ik' I 'ti'l I. ire t -eii attach. ciiiee, and lh it ilie lo 1 e 1 to -e. ate in 1-. w,r, a r ou ! south ..le ofiot no ,ri .u i: ,,( i,, i k.j ii., Hi a. -res, air-o 4 -la 1 ) uieln it.-I a. r s iu lot no 8, ail in . v.iau l.J. i.. w nr. .1,. I J, o ,. in of rji;ge 14, eat wf bth p Ul, ia C.l C-ua., .icl iarkj. II C. McMAErW, bt'SIX McMAKKM By h'-r n. X; iri al liKNny C. M .MtKbK. A. L. frjiAOvr, AU'y f... I'u'ds. fla(J4 o .1. . onwood 1 J XI Iv Is a Ft. el Li'.tcr t'iii.-f mi r u.-tTuI for' hoitrB, pfinli's if U fea' 4 ttiutl ld iiItliticLj pOHJui il COTTON WOOD N th m.. t rat id gro .iSl tr-e iu the United fetatee or in the w orld. O V T T 0 X W O O I) er:t in pei f- ct safety Is very tenaei. tia of li'.- . an la t . any part of tt, L tut-. I S: ,i:e. or to f. r- iiin e nij I'i. . . ii;t of the etiv ope it; p. rteit'y r:'"d i n?. .lit ion after lain.- linn M..I )i . f i roi;ud tl.e v, oild, lai lis ii.-l. I'roin (ilttiuH U Very :. , not a I '-ul b.-lni.- ki.le I by i.' e in .t ,' verw cold tn tbe Coi.l- at l .il t 1.1. .it s. r o r T o x ir o o D Is f. beTi'lfu! (.rii-.m i.t il I - , cl. an. tall, s'rHL-' t !i,l fra.-. fill. 11.? r-'. teiu ii'.I j ip ;r.iu:a. it v;. of y-.u.'is O I) It CO T T It X II' Of)) t i: E F. s Call be ...i Li'j .-l,.,ii i -.1 i '1 - I 'I ilt - in iut 'i, N hi a-lia, iirvl in -tiie I i,.- ti Viu.i-i. H'e-t. I'lnltniO'ltti, .. 'V -ii s ""tl c o r r o x ii ! t it k j: s , Safely i ti v I. p--d ;! .! pi- o.-, sent by mail li g toT t'OLditlMii, au-! l' V " 'I t, a.- at t live arioi j; the CO T T o X' li' O V D S Know h'stth"ir b-re aie !io illby, Krj he. Uth'i . but veiy lew loi the cn-. I brat ie irocd the ufe of GO T T O X W ' O Ii 11 A n K . By my brother havinc a hoife l.m m nek uro! for ilayf leto-:.-' t . i it ; n I'.irn.r was called to bee him, who ,i I. 'iiv 1 iin a COTTU.W. u(Jl) POLL'. A el" of co tto. ) ; o oi) v( l i: Waa soon lii l be'ore I::.n;be liuni' dia'.-ly bit It, gnawed off ail the bark, tbeu ate hay aad K'ain und was well. A cireu'a -, ilecriptl. m , Beei.uiit of u- ftil ns, dir. ctiohs fi r panimi; ihe trei, ciii;.oi4s ai.d seeds, will b -em t - t ,u !. one wlo rt-ceiv. tie.-,. I hose wto il. sii e Iu i llo f i i.t f iu i ia b '..r.- or, I ci ini; tries Kill rec. ive rue: I ,r K. u.J.ij M.itnp. I'rice Cue !., liar loi l' u 1 1 . es or I.- ,, ml len Cents for e' h additional IVi.t by niai. to any part of the L'iili.ed blat.-. I'o-tiie pi,,. Address W.'I s v b-T. I'la'tMiioutli, N braska. Fl'l TOHS Who publli-h this until li e l-lof May, lo acoiiapls uoua p.-as. Him loo p , nfi.1 ....i, u.e tf.e papers Cotitaiu in g I ', stiail rec i v e iie imi.uut In CO l'i(). WOOD TRUCK Eatiy iu April. f'16 HBAIj estate . 32. WliGcler Cc Co. Roal Estate Agents, ,1'LATTS MOUTH, N. T., 1 "'' K ' ' S:.i-e ..r l.,w OJ.r fcr sale the folly ins Ileal E tale. flee T'p tt Aire i'l-t bilf u'.rthfi-t t; n"r 2'2 12 II fO W-t l.aif noiihwi-t tj i a t -r id IJ 11 so N tain l.a f B rlr; n.-i ... .r! r 'Jl 12 l M V,.;i!it.l.l i!!:.l (l,.-W Hi 12 li MO K q : ut r Is 11 13 !. v, j , v .' r 1)2 11 11 l- Wc-i it.lf . a ii- .1 c -ir'er 82 11 11 Ni.rih i.a-f n: ti. ic-.t i'--,.r 10 10 It I V.".-: i.a'.f coit'it-i-i u a . :.-r .1 11 II H ' etl we t q ia-t. r no- 1 . t jr H 12 13 4 V.'e-t ha.f . K.hW ) I I to- 12 12 IU f Ku-t I-alf south.-a-t on i ter 4 Id IU 1 Soii'bwe-1 rjusrter aouibasl naarter 4 1') 1H 4 ,-,.u-r. I a.f i.oitbv est na..rie.- 12 12 12 N .ril weft quarter 'll 12 U I'.0 KiikL '. i.f -.-.w-.l.. -t yi .rvr 11 M It e N-.rfi h .lr .(r.i'l.c-t e, ..(er 10 1d U ' North linif soii'hwr-t, ' ,llVr 10 I" 11 b' Wit half Horthwe-t .j.i.irUT A II II -k N'.it!;eit i' ;n r 21 12 li I'd tnd.v! i- d half . uth-v.--t I'l arter ti 11 12 W Lots in the city of Plattsmouth. Block 2t M f ti VI li THOMPSON'S ADDITION. Ej-tbii' of bl' C-sl.4. 7, g and 10. f iu: n l a !' .f !: ek 3. Lets 6 and T in t'i 5. V.e. t Ii.iT r. :,-',' wr'Vlp 11. ran?e 14. 18 a-re-urnier lui..'-. 1 I 2 1 t'.ry rranie hotie, y. d wi I act :prin'. '.-.! -" '1 '" w'sr. plenty of tim ber fr Cr.-w.-o I- r-tice i i.iid. A. Ii. SPIiAG-TJB dealer ia" rocorlo, Provisions, PROUUOE.&C.. OrPOflTE THE POST-OFFICE All kind f r:c:uce :kea in c-:.h:i: for ifooii--. I I. tbe v ry U-s .1 iv i.i J a-u bout-d to tt;- . ):.-..! : 5 -ty L-.-v i- c:y- Lot h ck Let IJlork Let & 22 u rt 6 3 'i'. i '.'-) 5 5 fi it r H 1 I '.7 1)1-!) H 9 1J.J 1 12 4 4 -j-J ii iH it T!.er.-r:h hr.lf. f 3 47