Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 27, 1867, Image 1

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5 v wil' itfc
a v ins r i ii a h
" . M - . . . 'XI. V - v " -
"7" man attempts to haul down the Jlmcrican Flag, shoot him on the spot.
VOL. 2.
AO 47
r5"0!5re comer Mail
street and Levee, second
Terms: Weekly, $2.50 per annum;
Daily, per month.
Rates of 4!certisinir.
On-iquare (spac-s of ten linen) cue Insert ion, I50
Eica ub"'jcr t iu-ertin - - 1.10
Pr feksiinal cards not exceeding nix line 10 00
One-quarter column or less, per annum 35 l
six m. uirn W CO
" " t.'.n e i.iouihj IS CO
Omhalf colu"-") twelve nior.'.!.-i fio.ifl
- " hit months
" ' U.ree mcuihs -(i mi
One roluran twelve months - 1m ik
six rrtontti-i ... 6).00
" three months - - 8.Y0O
411 trnnRieut adrerti-einents m-Xst be paid for in
a ivanee.
4f We are prt pared to do al! kind? of Job Work
en urt notice, an i in a style t!,:tt w i. 1 give satis-fH-lton.
Sam JI. Chapman,
JJ Ottlce in the Court-hou-. nuv2Sdw
Solicitor in Chancery.
t-Office with T. M.
Marquett, at th Ourt-
J?liysicin.n and. SllTgCOn,
T-i dem his profi-oxional acrvicm to the citizens of
Ci county.
gr"KeilPnc in Frank White's h ue, corner of
ok and .Vixiu Kiri'fi: otiice nn Main tteet. 01,00-
te Court House. PUttia..uih,Xel.raska.
iieneral Life, Accident, Fire, Inland and
V- ill take ri'-k'. at reaor)ah! ratoe in the mo?t reliable
i.kuicH iu ihe l'r ited S:at
fj-L'fcce at the hook store, Pla tir mih, Nehras-
. niayzmii
"ipt t(. ntion paid to pnrrhae and sal cf
P -al r.slale, and payn.put of Taxes, ana all nuiness
I Uir.tEK to a general Laa J Agency. Titles inves-
ii-n. e Pun.iy. ju.ipe 21 judicial Pi.t., Faiu
VZ: i.LMnwltuh.1, k ana: 1 r n j. 1 1 f Burrtan k ,
i-te as tj-vT Nhraka, Fan tity, n. 1. ; Hon. t. m.
U.B . Ui t ', riattr'm"UlIl. - el , ' "I - i- n-. m iiJuiii!
ii-.;.' 3. 11. Wh-el.-r, L S. liuliitu Azent, Pawnee
t. r -ibrn-ka lit et. old. , riantf omn, .-eo.
Agency; Cba' Neitleton, No. Ill Itroadway, New
oik; Harvev, De-it rich A Urown.Wauiuslon, ! C ;
Tract. Jtatfuir- k. Co . Cliicuiro. Ilia.: K. O Filth.
K -lie-ster, N. Y.. l'rof. Henry Arlmg iale, 'Hartford
U iiTerity,'". Y. oc2J
. c lewis I
I). II. IVIseelrr & C7o.,
Real Estate Agents,
Commissioners of Deeds
Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts,
ollections promptly attenit ' 1 to, and pr.ceel re
n ted at current rnte of Kx 'liane. Taxes paid in
.1 tern I iwa anil Aetr.i;-t;;i rr noli resident-,. Titles
jd invetipti it. .Money loaned onjieal Estate
tecnr.tiea. Lin J Warrants locnted. m
cnt.- f r co!vtton of cl.nui against Jo verc men
1 i t!(I trs. t ht-ir iJ. vf-Ui"l ii.irun l:ei-s. A Knt
I ty. purth te Hvi fale of LauUa ami City prcper
tgt Levying of Teatiii tii.
Ho i. 9. II. Ell en, l r.ver City. C. T.
Ai'Ss. K.'tintre llros. . Oniaha, Neb.
Mcf'ann At M icaif, "elirrika City.
' G. F. Fillry. St. LcuK .Missouri.
lr. Ilo Lewis. I'. t'-a, 31 i-?;u:iiusttts.
II A ." Itlmar Clue.ip i, I i 1 1 1 1 . i-.
II M lia--ill. Ci.-e liir.aii. Ohio.
Toi-it e k It .ntia. ri.itti.iiio-.uli. Nebraska.
L B Kieti, Three Kivers. MicliiL-an.
lion F, HioornhVl I. W 'i-coni3.
H' C T M M trq'ieit, Hlattsiiioutli, Nehri.ka.
L Le ri.. A"ti'Hey at Law, New Vork.
Cart.-.-, Huj.' Curl, Des iioiues, Iwa.
aiili Ji wtf
And Solicitors in Chancery,
U H. W. ERW1N.
Jsn-1 wtf
Win. Mndt-Iiiinnn fc Co.,
One door uest cf Donelan's Drugstore,
Dealers in
Ready-made Clothing,
and a general stock of
For the P!:iins ; also, a larjre lot of
Ye bouRht 'low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal.
nd examiuco crstock hef.reyoa liny any where lel
ui.triUlLMA.. 4 CO.
G U lilack,. Battery & Co.'s fr JO'ir L
and Lubricators.
Fellow Citizens: The under
signed. Republican members of the
Legislature of the Territory of
braska, feel impelled by sense of du
ty ta you, and justice to ourselves, to
make (his plain statement of the facts,
as connected with the disgraceful, rev
olutionary scene, enacted in the House
of Representatives, on the night of the
lGih, and durinj a portion of Monday,
the lSth inst.
In consequence of leave cf absence
granted to some, and the failure of
others to claim their seats, the House
of Representative consisttd of tut thir
ty four members, on the 16th iust.
At that time Mr. Rolfe appeared and
claimed a seat as a Representative from
the county of Otoe, it being his first
appearance during the session, and it
being the thirty-eighth day of the same.
lie desired that L'8 credertials thou Id
be referred to the regular standing
Committee, "Privileges anJ Elections,"
according to the established rules of
the House. This reasonable request
was refused by a tie vote; the opposi
tion insisting in a most insulting' man
ner that the credentials of Mr.
should simply be read to the House,
and Mr. Rolfe admitted to his s?at. To
this demand, we felt impelled by a
sense of duty to our constituents, to re
fuse. The House beinc euua'Jy di
vhed upon this question, of course no
further progress could be made, bee-
mg that uch was the caae, and deter
mined that the blame should not rest
upan us of defeating necessary legis
lation. Mr. Wiles, of Cass offered a
resolution that we would pas by the
Apportionment Eill and some measures
tor tne Denent 01 Umana, WIllCIl naa
rr'wun ri In annxtt f.t.lii;cr n rid taL f nn
; - r
the general Anrroonation Hill for
.,, Bnna f Trriinre
This was-refused, thereby leaving the
insane and other worthy objects with
... ..jvw "'J
out the necessary appropriation for
iaeir suppoit. e enueavorta to au-
journ, but failed by the same vote.
buch was the condition of affairs until
about 1 0 o'clock p. m. After inllam
inatory appeals from G. W. Frost and
E. P. Child, of Omaha, and A. F
Harvey, of Nebraska City, advocatin
resistnuce to the legally oon-umicd
authorities of the House, A F. Harvey,
of Otoe, rose, and after a few incendi
ary remarks moved that t!ie Speaker
be deposed, and moved that a person
by the name of Abbott be called to the
Chair, calling upon those uho favored
the motion to say "aye." Many, if nu
all the opposition said "aye; but we,
as promptly said "no." But without
waiting for a division, in order that the
true sense ot the House miffht be
known, the moo made a ru?h
to the
Speaker's chair. Thereupon the Speak-
er r0se and commanded order. This
, . , , , , .
uui ieiijy uccucu, una lu.iny irruivria
being drawn, both upon the floor and
in the lobby, the Speaker drew from
his breast a pistol and leveling the
same upon D. S. Parmlee, of Omaha,
who was foremost in the crowd, told
them to stand back, which order they
In the meantime, Howard, the Ser
geant-at-Arms, with a drawn s,word,
crawled upon the Speaker's stand, pro
testing that he was the Speaker's friend,
issuring Messrs. Wiles, Fuller and
Daily and Messrs, Doom and Majors
(members of the Uouncil. who happened
to be in the Heuse at the time) who
had sprung to the support of the Speak
er, thereby deceiving them as to his
true intentions. The Speaker finding
it impossible to maintain order, declared
the House adjourned until 10 a. m. on
Monday, and descended from the chair.
celiberately.and walked from the room,
followed by 10 members, leaving the
rabble in possession of the Hail
On Sabbath morning, at a meeting
in the Council chamber, the following
staten.emt was delivered to the lion.
Alvin Sounders, who was present
To the Hon. Jllvin Saunders
Govei nor of the Ten itory cf A'cbraslut,
Tho undersigned, members of the
House of Representatives of this Terri
tory, would respectfully represent that
cn Saturday, the 16ih day of February,
1S67, the said House of Representa
tives consisted of thirty four members;.
That while said House of Representa
tives wa under a "call" of tht House ,
andaccording to the rules of sail
Ilouke and all the precedents establish
ed by the House, being incompetent U
transac: any business except to adjourn,
while under said "call" of the House
that during said call, several efforts
were made to adjourn said House,
which the undersigned supported, but
did not Fucceed, being a tie vote; while
in the above stated condition, at about
10 o'clock p. m.. of the said IGth day
of February, 1S67, a portion of the
members ct the said House of Repre
sentatives, tut not a majority of the
members of the same, headed by the
Sergeant-at-Arms of said House, and
aided and abetted by a mob of persons.
did in a tumultuous manner and wit
torce or arms assail the Speaker o : ,ne-t in pecco ar d deliberate undssturb
the said House, and deprive said Speak- ! t d upon such questims as might come
r of his seat. 1 l,ef0re us, unawea by mob violence ;
The faid Speaker, Dot being able t-j ' and in view of the recent disgraceful
maintain order, declared said House of j proceedings, we demanded of him, as
Representatives to be adjourned until ; th Executive of this Territory, sufiici
the tour of 10 o'clock, a. m., on Mon-1 ect force to protect us ia oar rights s.s
day, the 18th day of the
We would further represent to your
Excellency, that afier the Speaker had
declared the said Housa of Kepresen
tatives to be adjourned, that a portion
of the members of caid House, but not
a majority of the members ( f the same
did pretend to organize the said House
of Representatives in the following
manner, to wit :
The Serjreant at Arms cf said
House declared the Speaker's chair and
the office of the Speaker of the House
of Representatives vacant, and uume
diately thereon some person nomin ttei
a man by the name of Abbott for the
Speaker of said House. The said Ser
ceant at Arms thereupon ordered an
election, und declared the said Abbott
elected to said office.
Thereupon the said Abbott took the
Chair, and the so organized House, as
the -undersigned are informed, aui do
verily believe, proceeded to the trans
action of businesi by admitting to a seat
in said Hou-e of Repreentatives, a
ptr.-on who had been refused a seat in
said House on the same day, and pre
tending 10 pas bills which were then
pending in said House, and defeat cer
tain other bills which were awaiting
action in aid House.
We would further represent to your
Excellency, that on the first day of the
present session of the Legislature, the
Hon. W. F. Chapin was duly elected
and qualified as Speaker of said House
of Representatives, and has continued
to discharge the du:ie of the same up
to the present time. And further that
the said Hoe of Representatives con
sists of thirty nine members, a provi
ded by law. That duriusr said session
two members of said Hjuse of Repre
sentatives, to-wit: The Hon. Messrs
Deweese and Dor.-eyhad been grantee
leave of alsence, and were not present
during aDy of the proceedings on the
aid lb h inst.; and that two seats in the
said House of Representatives wre
vacant, no pt r.-on having appeared to
cia'.m the same up to the present time
Therefore a qtiurum was not present.
and did not participate in any of the
revolutionary proceedings of the 10-h
inst. Therefore, in consideration of
the premises, we the undersigned, re
ppfMfnlfy riut oarno.tiy proio.i wgain-t
your Excellency recognizing any action
cf said body of men who presumed to
act as the House of Representatives of
this Territory, as having any binding
force in law. and approvmsr any acts
purporting to have been passed at lbs
present session of the Legislature, un
less the same be f-igned by the Hon. V.
F. Chapin as Speaker of the said House
of Representatives, and the Hon. E. H.
Rogers as President of the Council.
We would represent to your Excel
lency, that in view of the tiolem and
revolutionary proceedings of the night
of the 16th inst , we deem it unsafe
and hazardous to proceed wirhthe de
liberations of the House of wLich we
are members, with the protection as now
provided by law, without liaving re
course to your Excellency. Therefore,
we respectfully demand that your Ex
cellency apply to the military authori
ties of this department, for a sufficit-nt
fcrce to protect us in the undistuibe-d
discharge of our official dut'es, and thru
the same be sent to the Capitol at as
early an hour as possible; and that the
same be directed to obey and enforce
the orders of the presiding officers of
this legislative body. And in the event
that it be impossible i procure United
States troop-, we earnestly demand that
your Excellency call upon the U. S.
Marshal to tummon a "posse" for our
W. F. Chrtpin, Speaker, Cass County
A B. Fuller, Cass county.
J. E. Keiley, Platte county.
George Crow, Nemaha county.
C T. riaywood, Nemaha county.
J. R. Butler, Pawnee county.
A W. Gray, Johnson county.
Lewis VValdtcr, Neman.- county.
Gustavui Duerfeldt, Richardson Co.
II. M. Ross, Jones county.
E II. Ilardenbprgh, Lancaster connty.
Detnmet Cole, Cass county.
Ym Daily, Nemaha caunty.
Isaac Wiles, Cass county.
E. L. Clark, Seward county.
Thos. J. Collins, Riebardson county.
J. T. lloile, Richardson county.
TtRRiTOnv or Nebraska,
County of Douglas
Sworn and subscribed to before me,
by the above named members of the
House of Representatives
Associate Judge of Nebraska.
Gov. Saunders, (who was a witness
of the proceedings of the H"ne on the
preceding night.) after I ; ig the
statement read and receivii. ..esame,
assured the members that he would take
the necessary steps for our protection,
and desired to know upon what erwis
we would consent to proceed with the
bu siness. To this we unanimously re
plied that we had no terms to offer, that
duty to our constituents, and respect for
ourselves, precluded the idea of any
compromise on the great principle in
volved, viz: ve claitiied the right to
present a legislative body. His Excellency as
jsuredusthat he did not approve : the
course of the faction in the House, and
should not attempt to legalize their pro
ceedings, and that we would be perfect
ly satisfied with his course. With his
we parted. ;
At the proper hour cn Monday morn
ing, the Speaker waited upon the Gov
ernor, nnil inquired whether jie Lad
provided a sufficient to preserve
order. (The Hall being then iu por
session ot the mob ) The G veriior
replied that the U. S. Marshal had
been directed to summon a posse for
that purpose. The Speaker turned to
the Marshal, (who ivus present,) end
asked him, if he was able to protect
the Legislature ; he replied that he
would do so to the best of his ability,
but would not answer for the result.
Under the circumstances, we declined
to proceed to the Hall until the Govern
or had complied with his promise, who.
inv.ead of doing his duty promptly, per
mitted the day to la frittered away in
endeavoring to induce us to agree to a
disgraceful compromise. To all such
proposals we unanimously returned un
indignant refusal. Finding all efforts
to move us from our determination, not
to compromise the rights of our cuustit
ui.ts. the faction unconditionally sur-
rtndered their pretensions, and author
ized a distinguished citizen of Omaha,
vho, to his honor be it said, had sup
ported us throughout, to ask that the
Speak ir would take the chair, relying
on the personal influence of this citizt-n
and the U. S. Marshal. The Speaker
at about 4 o'clock p. m., took the chair,
and busine.-s proceeded without the
east reference to the infamous prooeed
ings cf Saturday night. Mr. Rol.'e
appeared, complied with the rules of
the House, and was sworn in as a mem
ber, the Ilou-e paying no regard to the
illegal oath administered by Gov. Saun
ders on Saturday night.
Such, fellow-citizens, is a very brief
statement of the facts as they tran-pii;-ed,
which so far from being exaggera
ted, does not refer to many disgraceful
circumstances, such ror instance, as
bringing bottled liquors and barrels of
beer into th hall, and when we pre
posed to exclude the same, our oppo'
nents by a tie vote refused to permit u.:;
but inasmuch as r newspaper of thi-s
place has seen proper to publish a state
mcnl of the affair, which we assn;
you is false in every particular wher
it conflicts with this, we deem it due t
you and ourselves, that the truih should
be known leaving you to decide
whether we have acted correctly i-i de
fending rights which in our opinion
were too sacred to be compromised.
W. F. Chapin, Wm. Daily, i
John E. Keiley, George Crow,
R. Ruder,
C. F. Haywood, ;
A. H. Fuller.
I. Wiles,
E. L. Clarke,
D. Cole.
The undersigned, members of the!
Council, were witness to and cognizant:
or the facts set forth in the above ad
J. E. Doom, W. A. Presson,
T. J Maj jrs, A S. Stewart, ;
Lawson Sheldon.
The Richmond (Va.) Dcspitch in
dulges in the following bit cf reminis
cence : ''This famous old prison for
Confederate deserters, etc., is rapidly
fitting up by Cant. John II. Greanor.
for the manu.'acture of tobacco the
same purpose for which it was used be-1
fore the war. It is an immense build-i
ing, and Capt. Greanor is preparing j
maenmery anu otuer arrangements
wiiiLii v lit eiutoic nun, it ueueasaiy, to i
. . .1 1 1 . , c I
IUIII UUl OUe IliUliSdllU jjuuouo 01 II1LIIJU
fa. tured tobacco per cay. A walk ! thoulJ he appointed Actingr President
over the old factory briny, l0 mind in lhl, tasP of lhe jmpeachmeni and
many recollections of Contederate times. jremcwaiof the President, and the re
Here, m the fourth story, is the gable ; VIvaI f Mr Kes0-S resolution, dedar
wmdow from which leaped the spy, i h imneachmHnl and remQVa
Webster, with his irons on; there, the
stejis. down which he was borne on his
way to execution; there, on the lower
floor, are the apartments of his wife
and Dr. Mary Walker and other fe-
les, whose names became notorious
dumg the war. The dungeons, which
used to be tobacco sweat-houses before
the war, remain as they were left by
the authorities, and one of uVm still
has a hole which was cut through the
eighteen inch wall by some enterpris
ing Confederate. Every part of the
building has some incident connected
with it. At this window a prisoner
was shot dead for putting his head out
cf it against orders; in this alley, a
petty officer of the Confederate navy
was instantly killed by the guard for
"foohn" with him; and ia that dark, un
derground place, the prisoners used to
tunnel themselves out into the open air,
or into a close dungeon if they were
caught. Lying dismantled in a loft,
formerly used as a hospital, is the old
flag staff from which floated the colors
that were followed by so many brave
men during the four long years, and
which are now furled forever.
- J
It is expected that the bill for j
the j.dmissiou of Colorado wi.'l be taken
up this week, but not much hope is en
tertained of its passage over the veto.
It is understood that seven or eight
Republican S,epators will vol? against it.
ost: sscaso.v
We find the following letter from
iei!t;tor Fowler, of Tenn., in the
Urownville 7dverliser. It is addressed
to Hon. T. W. Tipton, and dated Jan.
15:h, lbG7:
Dr. a it Sir: The present is in in
tertiting and important period in the
history of your young and prosperous
commonwealth. Your Legislature is
asked by Congress to adopt the condi
tion of the non-exclusion of races from
the elective franchise on account or
race or color. This is an advance that
I doubt not your patriotic people will
gladly sanction on account of its intrin
sic merit; but when they reflect that it
is a condition demanded by the loyal
men of the rebellious districts for their
own salvation and defence, they w.ll
eagerly embrace the opportunity 4f
pt-Js-ing upon Congress the importance
of engrafting the same just principle
upon the districts lately in rebellion
against the Federal Government
The State of is at this
time making a noble effort to establish
the principle of loyal suffrage. It is
absolutely necessary for the safety and
protection of the Union men of the
Sttite. Your prompt adoption wil
greatly encourage the purijtic Legis
ture of Tennessee, and do much to en
able them to effect the same noble ob
iect. ith them it is a question of
deep solicitude, and must be regarded
as a measure of self defence; with you
it is but the assertion and maintenance
of a gbrious principle. That declara
tion made by your body will do much
toward the restoration of the Union on
a basis that will secure peaee, justice
and permanency. I hope you will press
upon your Legislature the importance
of their action to the safety and happi
ness nf the Union men throughout the
entire South. Without the principle of
.-ufirage as laid down in iho rondnion
I of the r.dinission of Nebraska, the
Union men of the South can hope for
no adequate protection.
I hope for your eff)rt to the achive
ment of a success at this time s much
desired by the friends of the Union iu
every Southern State.
Yours Truly,
J. S. Fowi.tR.
The Washington correspondent or
the New York Herald writes as fol
lows :
General Grant was tc-day on the
floor cf the House iu conversation with
Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, Chairman of the
Judiciitry Committee. In conversation
with some ot the Radical members, he
stated, with reference to the subject of
his going to the Paris Lxpo.-ition, that,
"he would not be found ten hours away
from this city for a year to come. He
spoke of the President's late trip as a
mistake, and said, ia substance, that no
mau, however distinguished or vener
ated, ceuld depart from the right track
and carry the peopiO with him. In re
ply to one of the members that (Gen
eral Grant) would be dropped quicker
than a hot potato by the people if he
should deviate from the right track,
he s tid, "I do not doubt it." Members
speak of his conversation as unequivo
cally iu favor of the congressional policy.
He favored the confirmation of Gen
eral DiX, as he was less objectionable
than the next nominee would be, who
would be a mililftry man, and that the
Senate would be forced into the posi
tion of appearing unfriendly to soldier's
interests. He said that General Dix
j ivus: tin; wlwillu nverf tr f"Vinrrrp
( en,r,1 Grini occupied the seat of
-rr ii,.,,,,!! f h,BC!11,km... r!
for BJ.rtf ,jme wa9 engaged ia conver-
sa:jou wilh Mr. Hooper, of the same
The report that a bill was to
! ho introduced tii.iJav. nrnvidinrr that he
of lh(; re5ident were necessary, are
supposed to be among the reasons why
he was present. These may also ac
count for the fact that not a single Dem
ocratic member was seen to pay his
respects to him.
E5yA Washington letter-writer,
who mded a recent Colfax reception,
gives us the following sketch : "Thai
Span sh looking woman yonder, with
the iel black hair and eyesj dimpled
cheeks, the incisive and willful yet !
pretty mouth the one wearing a ma- j
rocu colored satin, trimmed with while I
'. is PhiEb-s Cary. She is the wittiest
woman in America, and one of our
best poets. Within the past ten years
she has more than fulfilled the early
promise of her youth. Some of the
very best lyrics of the language, writ
ten within that time are from her heart
and pen. That tall, graceful woman
by her side, dressed in black, with a
white lace shawl, is Alice Cary. For
face and presence she would be siogled
put in any company. Her face is sad
and sweet, her eyes the gentlest brown.
One cf the most distinguished of Amer-
ican portrait painters said of her, 'She
- beautifu'; I find myself constantly
turning 10 her face. Ihts ia not over
nraise. The eyes that discern it trace
n her countenance that imperishable
5-eauty of the spirit which survives and
tfurpassej the beauty of youth.''
Chicago, Feb. 17. Senile is stil
sitting at midnight with a determina
ttion to remain through Sunday, if nec
essary, to pass the reconstruction bill,
whicn, as reported by the committee a
the caucus yesterday morning embraces
the House military bill, with Ulaine's
amendment, that when any State has
framed a Constitution acceptable ta
Congress-, snd given impartial suffrage,
and its L?gis:atnr has ratified the
petiuing Constitutional Amendment,
then tuvh State is entitled to represen
tation. Ii is said by Trumbull and others
that the President will sign this bill.
Saulsbury, Davis, Oovva'i and Mc
Dougal occupied last evening's sessiou
until midnight, up to which hur the
above compromise bill was not intro
Washington specials say thdt the
compromise conferences with the Pres
ident were brought about ly mediators
not holding official positions.
At their urgent request an informal
mating of 20 or 30 members was held,
end a committee appointed to see the
President, who expressed willingness
to urge the ratification of the Constitu
tional Amendment, and impartial suf
frage, which answer was commu
nicated to 60 or 70 Republican mem
bers. .Messrs. Rinks, Blaine, Bingham, i
Dodge, Delano, Hubbell and Kelcham
have been prominent ia thesu, nego
tiations. Lonijo.v, Feb. 15. A terrible
earthquake occurred on the island of
Cephaionii. Every town is in ruins.
the Iojs or lire and property is very
The JviDg of Greece ha3 gone
New York, Feb. 16. The Tri-
buae's special says that hopes of a com
prcirnse between the President and
Congrers will be t fleeted.
The World's special learned from
the Republican Congressmen, who had
a conference hut night with the Pres-
iiient. that the latter seems inclined in
fav or Blaine's amendment as a compro-
ir.ise on the reconstruction question, but
wrh the mndificn'ion that it shall de-
im;ud impartial suffrage from the Souti
m the p!;ice of universal suffrage.
Vasui.vgto., Fut. 17. Sherman's
substitute for Stevens' bill ns passed
by th i Senate declares that no legal
State overaaients or adequate protec
tion to hfe or property exists in the reb
el States-; t'ier-.-fore, it is necessary that
peace and good order be enforced un
til loyal 11 -"publican governments tare
legally esiabjuheu.
The first sectioa creates five mili
tary districts as ia the original.
The second section is that the Presi
dent shall assign to each a Brigadier
General with an adequate military
The third section makes it the duty
of such officer to protect all person's
rights, to suppress insurrections, disor
der, and to punish disturbers
of the peace.
lie may allow loal civil tribunals or
committees to try and punish offenders;
but all interferance by the Stale au
thorines is declared nuil and void.
The fourth section requires trill
without delay. No cruel or unusual
punishment shall be inflicted. No sen
tence affecting life or lib' rty, shall be
executed until approved by the district
Section fifth of Blaine's amendment,
so called, provides, that when the peo
ple have framed a Constitution, ratified
by a popular vote, without regard to
race or color, except such as are dis
franchised for rebellion, and when that
Constitution is approved by Congrtss,
and the Legislature under it have rat
ified the ' Constitutional Amendment
declared a part of the Constitution of
the United States, then said Stato is
entitled to representation upon the
members taking the test oath.
Washington, Feb. IS. A caucus
of the Republican members of the
House will be held this morntng to con
sider whether to accept the military re
construction bill as passed by the Sen
ate. If it is not passed before Wednesday
the President may peckat it and thus
dodge the late private negotiations f jr a
Dooh'.tlc s bitter speech against the
bill ia tha Senate on Saturdiy night,
and his c Bering an amendment that not
even a sentence cf death should be
subject to the approval of the President
is taken to indicate that the President
repudiates it and washes his hand- of
tho whole affair.
The Sherman substitute was dranrj
by a committee consisting of Fesstnden,
Trumbull. Sumner, Howard, Sherman,
Harris and Freelinghuysen.
Its chief d fference from the House
bill, except sectiou oih, is that the
President appoints the military cam
manders, and striking out the provis
ion prohibiting United States Judges
issuing writs of habeas ccrpus.
The House will probably accept it as
the best that can cow be got.
Elliott's bill bleeps iu the Senate.
The Ways ard Means committee
report the tariff bill in the House to-i
day. . j
j The rumors are again. curreLt cf '
Cabinet changes, naming Randall to go
out and Horace Greeley to come la.
The opinion strengthens that iha
whole thing on Jchnsou's part is a trick
to secure a deliy of any reconstruction
tutasure. , ;
Th-re ii not the slightest probability
of Coll -cor Sinythe of New Vork re-
Lo.ndjx, Feb. 15. About S00 Fe
nians, commanded by Col. O'Connor
have retreated o the hills near Killar?
British troops hare been posted al
MaiSuw Junction in the county of Cork,
commanding the hiil district. .
The excitement in the neighborhood
is intense. Many are precipitately
An ex-United States Captain was
arrested at Killarney on, suspicion of
being a Fenian.
A large number of the marines at
Plymouth are ordered to proceed to
Ireland immediately.
T2i:i SlTFitiUll CI.4USJJ.
The following is the ma'.eriat portion
of th- act parsed by Congress, which
the President suffered to become a law
without- his tiginture, establishing ne
gro suffrage ia the Territories: "Thai
from and alter the passage of this act,
there sh.ill be no denijl of the elective
franchise in any of the Territories cf
the United States, now or hereafter to
be organized to any citizen thereof, on
account of race, clor or previous con
dition of servitude, and all ac sor pans
of acts, either of Congress or the Leg
islative Assemblies if said Territories,
inconsistent wrh the provision- of- this
acl, are hereby declared null android."
fT The radical majority of the
House recognized Mr. Morton as Gov
ernor, t y inviting that geiiilem.-in. im-dt-r
a resolution introduced by 11 in. S.
iiirran. wroia me t;.r 01 tne uouse,
an.! de-igt::it i.' g him as "ex-Secretary
t .1 I t fT
; a,;d" pr s--i..
J Jlirm
(i wruor cf Nt bra ska."'
A ;-r.'i?v C;
.-':i-o.;u-;it, 1. 1,1 1. Air.
d ? -!i a re- ( luti
1 :ir.mi
i but t
1 i..t;se vroii'. iiUy too
L- ' e rr.
iTiiil wind Oct of it an 1
invite, I
S. f ...
. loivoo. U . si-;!', w
ex S-.-cn f irv of I
iiia ihe b:ir
i i-ra-'-a."
a ti
Vtill . r was invited v. iiinn by th?
'solution, we wonder what it
Was j; ns rx-c aadida'.e for
same re
was f. r.
C -Lgrcs
e;.t ( v
. or !
. 1 1 1 0
holder to the "pres-
'..Z? Ths Leg-i; laiuiv closed its ses
sion ahota. '2 o flock this, morning. ' A
large !.."n. I'T of nils were parsed, aul
am 'i.g va.i ia .- mw eX'Mup'ing
agrii ui'ural i:.rA.-. within' ci'y linats
frci-i tiixaiic-ii fnr'ci:y purposes. This
bill was promptly vetoed by the Gov
ernor when il cam;? to him, and so
failed to become a law. Renvhlic'in.
A House Divided. The Louii-
viiie Journal gives a graphic account of
two sj int'Jiili. ts betraying each oher.
Or.o was arrested on the information
of the other, an I on Ins persrn w.m
found about 810 000 of counterfeit
money No proof that he had tlfered
10 pass uny of it being m-de, h was
di-charged. Woud.r if the fpitits
gave him the money? . '
yXSAbout twenty years ago a'Mis.
Brier died at Brighten, Iowa. A few
days ago her friends opened 'the gravj-
for the purpose of removiog the re
inaias to another place, when it whs
found the body hai become perfectly
SirA couple of young men at Al
bany, Iowa, married but a few weeks
ago, and each so -an became sick of his
wife and prepared to trade, one g.ving
the other 30 to boot. Failing to pay
the amount, the other brings a suit for
f 77 A man advertised lately to for
ward, on receipt cf past.tge -t ,.inp,
"sound practical advice, that wou.d be.
applicable at any time and i' all per
sons and conditions of life." On rect ipt
of tho stamps h.; sent his vicrm the
following .- "Never give a boy a pen
ny to watch your shadow whiie yoa
ciimb a tree to look into the middle of
next we k."
Jfl3T" Wiggim- was one day nidi a
friend, when he observed a poor dog
that had bden kaled, lying in the gutter.
Wiggins paused. gt7."d at the di;nd an
imal, and at last said : "Here's anoth
er shipwreck." Shipwreck. , Where?"
"Why, there's a bark that's lost forev
er." His companion growled and
passed on.
3The Lebanon (Tennessee)
Herald states that fanners in that vi
ciu.ty find little difficulty in hiring ne
gro laborers at Sl-5 and S150 for tha
current year. The supply is fully
equal to the demand. ; .
fIT Repart from Washington says
that the Republican Senators w.ll hold
a caucus thi week to nomimte a Pres
ident ef the Senate, and ihe opinion is
general. that Senator Wade will be
f-7 Ten bushels cf snakes tones
wre found in a ledge of rocks a few
dy? ago. near Cedar Rapid?, Iowa.
Thai is where the copperheads wero
la - .', .ii!.