W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CliY BOOTJIND SHOE LEATHEltSTOllE. We are eei Is g-Boots, .Shoes ana l-esther, r ftnr. on Main st.ect, one door West ul the I e Yalley Pou&e, CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST W( are mnoufacttirioir wnrk from the very bet ol stork ,ad will accoin siodat e all who may give as a call. Repairin?IoiieataIl limes GAGE &. DAVIS. Avg. 2", '66 d&wtf WAGONS ! J R. PORTER A; CO At a genu la this city lor tbe sale of the celebrated 'South Send Wagons,'' Hade by Stud-baker Bros The j have on band food nwrtmelit, which will be replenished as last a aerdel. Ibey piopoje to sell at the very lowest jrnret. Pla-.tsraouta. March 26. tf FURNITURE, COFFINS, AND Cabinet - Work ! II. BOECIC n.ivlriR en'a-ped his Phrp nxl Sales-rooms wou d respectfully r-'rmnd tb people in this vicinity thai he can furnUh them w tti the very best Furuitnre Chairs, or o her Cabinet-work, at the mol reason able rate. I fhxll k- p con-taritly on hand a la-pe assor'Tuent of EaNtern II or a, and am al-o prepared to laanufactu-a aimhias in tny Hue on short notice. A large assortment i.f Item y made Cuflius kept i a'! time. I. .-I and examm. my stocE and prices. JelOddrw tf 11. liOtCK, JElI ZEL AND confectionery. Frank Goff, Proprietor. ? keep constantly on hand DREAD, CAKES, PIES. CRACKERS, and all kind of fancy articles In my line. Cake, for parti"S or private families made on short notice 1 have a firs', class CR-KCKER MACHINE t operation, and can furnish Butter crackets. Soda Crackers, or any other variety ou short notice, and in any quantity. I am also prepared to famish Warm Meals or Cold Lunch at all hours Segars, Tebacco, Eto constantly kept on band. GIVE ME A CALL, marl dtf FRANK G0F1 SEWING iJMAUHINE. The Champion 14 Mof 136 first pre miums in twopi i jseasons. "Its seam is SSiIstro tiger and loss liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." ,tJwlafM, lienort of Uie Urand I rial. Send for the "Report,' and Samples of work, containing both kinds ol stitched on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. CORNELL & CO., Gen'i Agents, ' 133 Lak.0 fit Chicago. F- P TCDD, Local irent, FlatUc.tKith. Jftb novl7 w y frhcl'sal. dealer .la Boots . Shoes, A ND ZFS. TT 33 33 323 Z . NO. 72 FELIX STREET. ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, Is con'act y in receipt of all tbe vrijtis sy!es rrom the mar.ciaciurers. Lash raid for Hides, reus, etc. novTJwly KLEl'SER & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WAIT, PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. Confectioneries, Notions, Toys, Coal Oil Lamps. We are also ir?tU for I be Buchanan Wocdn Mills, of St Joseph, Mo., and have now on band a god assortment of FAKCT CASSI3IESES, C LOTUS, J EAR'S, FLA US EL S, tfc, wh'.ch. we have received on comtnis'ioa, and arc prepared to exctia ige for O OL OR CASH, at very reasooabla j pa res. Give as a call, one door east i t the Hiiils office, Plattsmoath Kebraka. May 16, 1865. tf HI U il u u THOMAS C. CRE5SHAW, f ATEEK OF A DBALEI I.f Saddle -3 and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, eje Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, -; - N. T 1805. AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCfe of i I QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, s Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Flatttsmouih, April 10, 1S6"5. tf ; JUST rtCeived, 50 casos e ".Canned Feac e- Ht A.JrSoN, UOVtV 4 fs O to AMISON , DOVhV A CO'S to pur .ase your KJ N endless variety olLa i proo Sa A. D- CO'S. " i CAsKa Jloltov's t-ove Mors lor iir m i)U A. D. & CO'S. ,R . jii id It iU lscitb' InrfcGtodsat Tf a.ii.tCU'S. 1"OR J-ALE at AMINOS, DoVtY 4 CO'S, eCoffee 1 Te,fcucr, Golden Syiup, Sugar lion Jlo-e Ueeer, cw York Candies, etc , etc. Vlartre lot of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco or sale at . & CO'S. tOALOIL or sale by A. I. & CO. 50 " f BOXES alar Candles for sale by A, D. A CO. IF yon want to I urchase goods at a bargain, poto A V.iCO -' BAU3 COFFtK just received by Zi) ,;A. D. Co. A Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. 4 CO'S. Boot ei Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at tiieir old itand. NORTH PIDK OF MAIN STREET, IT.ATTSMOUTII, - - - - N. T. We keep constantTy on Land a large assortment f Eastern Boots & Slices ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at the lowest cash pi ices. Repairing done at soh rt no tice. J-All Work Warranted. J. THROCKMORTON. A. rUROCKlIORTO-V. Oct 13 '06 f joseph jIJsciiijAter, WATCYHAKEE and JEWELER, MAIS STKEKT, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA A pood assoitmt-n of Watches C o '-old Pnn, j. wciry, Silver Wari, Fane '-oi ? Violins and Vi olin Tiiinmings nlwivj on hfl'id. All worn Cbin milted to his care w::l be warranted. April 10. 105. O. n. tRin, caLHors & Cpoxton, Lots Sup't Indian A fain. Attorneya at Laio IRISH, CALHOUN & CR0XT0N- The above numd ccntlomen have associated Ibemselves in buoiners fjr the puVKte of pr)-e.nt-ing and collecting all claims) tcaic.-t the Oenural Uovernnieut, or against any tribe of Indians, and re prepared to .roecnte such claims, either oeiote Congress, or an v of t he Departments of government or hefore the Court of Claims, Mr. Iki-h will devote his personal attention to t e business St Washington. 53" Office at Nebraska Cty, corner of Main and Fif.h streeis. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C F. M. DORRINGTON, SrB AGENT. PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and prosecute claims before Congress, Court of Claims and the Dept.ioients. Fa tents. Tension, Bonnt es, and Bounty Lands se cmed. "Charges moderate, and in pronortion to the amount of the claim. F. M. DORtUNGTO.V April 10, '65 D E NTIST. Dr. J. S. Charles, SURGICAL AND MECIIAMCAL DEXT1ST, ISaccessor to Dr. Stick lc, Office on Harney atrpet, above 2th. Omtba Keb., where he resp-ctluily tenders his I'rofe-si' nl ser vices to all who may lequire the performance of ental oreration i ;or the treatment of Diseases of tbe Mouth S3" Teeth extracted without pain by the uie of Ki'roas oxide Gas pleasant to inhale, and perftly l.armleos. N. B. The Ties errtticn the Natural Tt-th made at peciallty. nov53m WOOLWORTII & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONRES, Binders : Paper dealers, SA1JVT JOSEPH, MO., 25 6m JSG5 Main Street, Largi aisortme'ot of mei' and boys' clotbina XX for raie by A. I), ii CO. s "HELLED CORN lorsa.eby A.D.4 CO. 1) A CON and Lard for sale by A. I. & CO. V HEAVY INV'CE of all ainds of Family Gr reries anOd uitltiiig ;otd j usi ece ved by A D A CO. LL kii.ds of Fa ming laip.eiiitiiis lor i-nlr ty A.U.tCO. Larg4 lot of Two Horse l'iowa for sal- by A. O. &. CO. VN endless variety f Hardware and Cutlery for sale at A. D. A CO'S SaSH, Doors, ShnRls, GUs, and Hail, of fvii v description for ale by A D. A CO. LL kin'is ofCoi'ntiy l'roiiuce taken in i-xchat.sr X for goods bv ' A . D. A CO. rt 0 euuinerare all the aiti.les we have fjrsa i 1 would fi.l one ndof th" IIkbaltj, and ctliei" have as good a right to advertise us A Ml - ON, DOVEY & CO. riHL la. gebt. Outfitting House rioitli of St. Jost-pi Fiattsuiouth, Atorabka. POST OFFICE CUILDINa NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WnOLEPALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agc'its for all the prinnipal MA GA ZINES ami XE WSPA PER S, For which Subscriptions are received at PuHishers I't ices . G- W! COCRTRlGBr. E. A.GR AVr. Covriright Grave, Manufacturers oftnd Dealets in Saddles 'and Harness, Bridles, Collars, WniP, SPURS &c &e wfcicb we w:!l Fell rf asoii Ma. REPAlRlrJG &. TRIMMING done on thort notfee and at reasonable rates: Soufh SUe Jiluin Shed, one door W(8 of ti e I latte Val'ey Hons;. PLATTSMOUTII, - . NEBRASKA. Oct C7 'C6 dtf THOS. . TOOTLE, t I. HlKXl, J.B.CLARK Tootle, Hanna h C'ark. BANKERS, j Dealers In t Gold Dtit. Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U S and other Stocks. DEPOSITS IlLaCElVISD, and special attenticn given to Collections PTjATTS MOUTH, N. T. p9 dwtf T. XI MARQLKTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW And F clicitor in Chancery. "LATT3JiOaTnf - - NEBRASKA. pothecaries Eail. REIuD,lVIlITIt7iER4& Co No. 135 Main St., NE2RASKA CITY, - - NEB- Dealers in DRUGS & MEDKNES, Paints Oils, Putty . .Glass- Patent Medicines of all kinds, tsrttcles. sta- tiooery. and evrrvh'Dg kept iu rst-clas Drug M-tre, mI Etle'D P'icit. 6 4 vv.- ..re .r pa ed to All all orders, and warrant our goods to be fi e-h. apr. 10 't5 CIIAS. YOGT & CO-, Cor. Mam an j 5th eta., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, O Dealers in LEATHER AND IRON. s SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tools, wGOKS, PLOWS, &c. C2?"0rder8 Promptly a, 'ded to Elannibal & St. Joe R. R Packet Line. One of the Compnnv Sti amers leaves dailv fei every i.oint on tin Mi-s.uiri River above t Jo-P h, ind artives nt t. Jos ih in time to c innect " irh be i-sp'r-s fain '.n tl e "anirbal A -t Joseph Itailmad for ilatind.al. at h ch pla'e ennnc iou i- mwde the same tve'i ns with one I tlie Ke knk I'ackets.wliirb .rtivs in t ini' to connect win next mor inp trains out of Ht. L"iii for.C incmnati, lm!in polis, L'inis ville, Tr.e Haute. W .sliin t ii C ty, Bitimi.-e HlnLide'pli ia, New York, ltnt in, a d to l! olher Kastern. Nnnh-rn awl Southern Cities. The auv mentiotied liupMo' I'ltt t l'nck'-t- aie cone-del by I1 travelers to n" tl.- iiest on the we-tern waters. TH ilOl'till TICKH'S For sale to Pt. 1 oui -. hmI h I K istoi n, Nnrtl ern and S -uthern citic vi tin al-ove lines at Denver City ' 'ui tin. Council lilutf-. I'lat smi uth. Neb aska fity aud at al! o'h -r prim ii it t cket i ffio -s i the w est. jMrH's and StHte-i ooius fre' ! U. F'Kt. Snp't It It. I. L , t Jonph U. Q. I LKGfsoN, Sec'v It. It P. L., St Joseph J. D. SIMPSON, Arreill, ap25 I')attsioouth, Nebraska. STUPPY & BEHH, No. 16 North Filth Mreet, 3P. JOSEril, ... MIS50CRI. D-1ts n PIANOS, 0HGAKS HELCDTOIT , Violins, Guitar . F! it, Acco-deonj. Klntios, Mi-, -ic looks and rlifcET Mo IC G.nuuie lialiaa and Gem m i ,.b ' i" l 1 aLd. uiaSwt'm. D 13 .lIclIECBIAiV, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IRO.V, XJ11LS. STOVES J!."D TLYW.-1RE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- '-. Agi-nt f--r the -a!- of t C leVrafd MAfSF.F. COOK 2TO !"', AXJ 11! ASCII, lI.'OOASd- SIGN OF TTIE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREKT, B 'low the Frymour 1T use, on opposite sii'e, NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct 2 5 Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! WSJ. HEKALD Hss moved into his n-w brick b i dinir on the C lerof .Mitin stie.-t and Leve wheie he is tally re e:vin la.ge udd.tijnj to his already extensive dock of G-ROCBniBS AND X TJ O IL E5 He offers the -very best of barsa'ns to customers, and reqiieta a call lr in tlioe who w-int anyihing iu bis lini- t test the advautagt-a in prices iih tiioae it others. Bemcmber the BRICK CORNER, and give him a call if yon wish to buy ctesp. nov2 GET THE 15 EST! WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionary. XEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION. Thoronch'y reT:sd acd nmch erdnrged Over8,000 Fine Ea rvins. Is a WtU-nivb India et aal.le req-dnii for everv intelligent family. It columns in 000 W'MiDS and ntAM.(j3 not fo"sd in o-her Dicnonari -s. It is n .w b"lieved to be by far the most complete, osefulatid S5.rifctorv Dictionary of the ltnirii-.ae ever pu i-hed, as It is fy far tbe largest single vol ume ever l-si ed ir, anv lancnage In one vol of I P4i) Knul Qnar'o Pages. Published i-y G A C. MfcKKIA". Si.ringfleld, Mass. BY ALL HVVh.aCLLt.tl3. Goto Black, Butte y h Co.'i for your Lard Oi and Lubricators. TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., MAIN STIIEET, - - PLATTSMOUTII. L A U est of Wholesale and HARDWARE, Clothing of every description. WINES AND UQUOHS OF Ml KIND Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required ly ETIIGRAIVrS.'. FREIGHTERS. MISERS &FAIUlE!i And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIRE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Hanna &. Co, Plattsmouih, April 10. '05 hardware -Tic v I I I l I E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE s AtRIfDLTDRAL IMPLEMEiMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Hrass, Japaiu il AND STAMPED WAuE STEEL 3? E O "W S , Of ail kinds and e'res. which we warrant tbe best in the market. " Tin Roofing, Guttters iud Spouting done on short notice. Are ex.lusive Ag"nts in this County for the salp of i Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., text door east of Masonic Bicck. PLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA BLACK, BUTTERY ifc CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Lienors, for KTedicinal use, Dye Woods, "Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of .Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr, Black. Elattsraouth, May let, 1865, if G E S T St. Louis. Retail Dealers in -AND- a Large Stock of THE- jgURLINUTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. lit? Ysra-., , sac i . LiTevi 18GG EASTWAIM) 18G6 Sliort nt-J Quit-k Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connei-tinn with tli" P.' Moires Vallty aul CUicao, lijrl LK'i'U and 'J'liu' y li;ilioaJr. Three trains le ;v ;:uuia daily on arilval .1 Dos lio.nts Valley tri.ii.s. BUY YOUR TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and EURLIXQT0N, I (t MLt AT , lM.ATTSMOUJ'II. OMA.IA, coi ncii, r.T.un s. M.i 5 r:sK a ruY, DKS MulNr.S, KNOXVILLE, ALISIA, MONI10E, TELLA, OSKALOOSA, KDDYVILLE, OTIUMVAk B.iggage rliocked fiom OitumwaJ t Chicago and the Last. PaFenrers lnve i-b. ice of all the preit lirrs li-ad-:vn Si-rlli, L.iM Hi d S.iulh, and lll Cud t cki-t I. til p- incprii . i nt r ai t-y :i itjire:Ht tl.etJ:minss -icKri .d1!'-!- i.-f ilii- r.'inp.ii y. l'snit r will f'.nii tins route Q'.'-U-k, l:ifs and -ure iu u cuiui' i li-'ii ' ITHK1NS. Fupeili.ti-ndent. L. CAllPtlt, Genual l"i. ,(;l I sud I ss.ttif er Agen L. TKOr.T & Co., WHOLESALE O- R O C E R s. Opposito tbe Post OfUca, K DRANK A CITV, N. T BRYANT'S i- fon.I'K-ieil nn M:- Ii U if A . ' i . I T' i ; fc: t-f-.U , b? SB -.j cncl.txd Ac -.nt ii t .ii. d i ,r Mum, whus. LoNii CONNI.CTION with tli m-.t t "' " '. rmi.ei-- Ci.ll- p -s o' lb. V ii" n en u: i - : 1. .r.i': i m ii 1 i -.iiihi i ii to svi tf gi udiutti.', K!.'I r ..i,i-ii i I- I!, i- I.. " I ,. It.'iiin. irC( I L ATTENTION ivn to nil -ly' n l'i ' '--I. on which tn ! at l Tn i -,v ii .i m i il t i'i . iiiui i.i. i r luai.y yctitti V.il I'M!- .- ,1 i',, . ; 'I h i ii:i.-i'.. i. ,i w j f'i'fn - v' r ri , n n 1 circu l'T c l.l liMnu lu'l (.; r !:-. ill I mm t-i any 4,l,ii i r.'j -.-) j. him s. r, pr in irl St. J.'sri ii, S'.O I'nquostlonnlily ihn best sii3-tain-il work of the Icind ia tho world.--' 1 1 A i :pe ii'S New Monthly IvXagCizino I.: l'r.zs. Tt is t .1- f. i M iL!' t in: tfiiti, i -t l( in ! 1 1 II 'l I i' 1 i II 'i (ii i -ii l' f ! r;i I, f I.i il Ha ti)' 4 ... :.Z ! .1 I ,. ft t'tt. !-?! ft 1 Ji.lit.Ii ) Mf in -t .o,u...r 1 iihi in iljcfcoi. J. Yt W v vi -1 i ft i i tc in; f t ir vv T'J ,f' I ti ton j nH v.iri 't i-. !' n' -i f H.,r . i'- hinuzn t jii.iiT :4 n i'li a ijfx.ih v (,nr i...iii:i of a' o a: 17 '.tl-O OjiH in ii ,. (,,..' .in to le I ui.'t n iro ij( it. 9 h'.! It -Jlit rttil i .-i..r 4i r- jiltnj i-f (lit il.iy. V k f tin w ik n ;iti i- ii- i,t Hi t. I ura t f tf Alii ri- mi ; ii il th .j.ui;.i ify i 1 ;tn ne- I'li-eit i- i'Mr I i I- . h uurui'tf tonlati.t fu iy 144 P p f r ;i-!':i,' ru.i t r, urtr i i ty II iu-.i ( : t HUM i.'i.'M t ,..! Ti.', it .IMl!.(4 in itself lh i'V tit nt 1 1 ' v ii i .! t h in) 'i 1 ti i sj. tifl, n 1 1 fiiii-i f ff ly. l.li ri.l. wilu ..: li --t f iifir - t tl' i illy J urout. I ha it if at p-.a it in t ii. t ifin in tttoi of J lnve of pnirt ii'.Mut' i Tt W'ttrr's Oui to AmtrU'tin hit-' it t 'i ft I tniifi-ii . I e v-i,u'iii n tu up , tiit!t it' of themVfn a II- fiiaiy of lui-t'j Uutf ti-- rci'Jinjf Mil li nt nriQot C'ii'i'1 iu i ho unit c ifi:r-i m tiny thi nhl ca UQ ihat tuiuu uuilt r fir tut Iff.- Ilobloti t.iuntr. i s r 7 . The PuV li -hers 1-:ivi- pi : f. rie I a sy-trn nf rmvlllnsi y Ii :li t lii-r i -in mi I I' y t lii M A i A z:si :ind Win. V in fii itl y I" llio-c l:n pr f t to fi-mve tl.elr pe' i'tic iii i in 1 1! f,i iii tli i -f 1 1 o id rut.iJtii.n. Ilii- I'ot.iKe on li.iM,'i .ilJ-'.lZl is V4 reiiis a year, which uiu.l be paid at Uie tutno ileer't post lhue. TERMS: n.-irp"rV Mi-:?'.z:ru, lie yi ar - i 00 A 11 1 Ha I i pv ul e i Ii. r t In- Majal n er Week ly will l,e Mipid.nl fr-iiti-. f,r no jf t lull ol Tive hub - p..- n ( t ?4 i" .xili, in ot.o if luiit.iiiie ; or b,x Ui pi - f,-r .il i 0 ii-.ik Nii,nl,,;ri can h.,- snpplVd at any I'm.. A C in, leir f. ikim- ri.ii.;. r Mn;r I l,,ny-ihree Vcl i,iu h in ji at lo Ii li 'i.iln. v, will I e s -nt I y expieis, f civht nt ' x;Mo-e of p'Tchas r.l ir il 'i't per ,jliitne. "ine'e v. Imiiv, ly in nl. pi.-np i.d, d I 0. Clo.h ca ll,.., f-ii I,iii,iiii; ."i.-1 eni. iiy i.-ihiI, i o-tpnid . ,i. r pti.i-'B m t Ir in I'.n'i'h Nmih Am.iri rHii Hrov i.ii i. inuil b ure tup il .J W'th 2-1 ci'lits tt'IilitioHul, to Wet-ay I'mvi n t.,ti's P"iml-i. Ad-iie-1 ilAt.l'K:t ist l;ltOIIIKllr, i evil 1 ai.klu fcquare, ,Vts Toil. 1ST E "W JEWELRY STORE The tnkfr'li"r l.ivnr.- p-iri h i'ed the T'd ftoiero ii Klif e-. I il.-iy crii i,-l l v --.u y a-id f.:lilirn. wunld - p. ctf-d'v iiif.iiiii ii. i-iij.h- t,l l-;ut'Mnui.tU and . ' k-iuiiy, I ' M he iiia icCittd In iI-to anj opened a a Ke eiu.a cl or zis tv 3Lj stl AMj FANCY ARTICLES Fn' I.sdier, r.ent, Chi'drrn, and thereat of nnhkla nd is prepared to d all kind - f WATCTI CLOCIv AND JEWELRY REPAIRINO In the het iranner r, 1 wo t ld 11; h i py to serve Mg old Mini a iii-iv i.i v ei -t,.iiie" may (Jive bim Itn'i pa :: on, f a?-iiiitiK Huru i,f their woik wi l dnn, ui m'idH.'.tic t' ii --,a':'l id i-bnrt time. Th. .t'iclc. einbr.un,K' i-ii- y v,i ii-'y of E' ods ttis lv kepi -t h Ur.l c ) Jr,'Hjr M re, w.d be told at low price., a d winai'tel .f t,i-f.t wrirkuatiniup an4 mialetiui. lie I a a a i-uiill itoca of FAMILY GROCERIES, whirh ri!l bo roidei !sl.ed f-om time to tiia". aol .lla' the l mi f..''i'-. Ilattia; perni.i-ier.tly lo ot d ia t tii- ci:y. 1 n -p. ci rv wdi.-ir. a share of pa. I nnC''. aulc rlii,ly in v iff I toca I andexHin na the b-ih: on hand, ms we wnuld ti p iasi-d t serv. p u a d do ii. n s-k y.i-i -o ln.y unl-sn . C D Disk, it fo' y. ur iu:eret to paircnue u. dec27 f e. n. Eiroy. C. n. KINO Carpenter aid -Joiner C0NTRACT02 and BuITDES, WUI da work la ha liMWiifc a etoM a 4irps open ahort oth.