Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 30, 1867, Image 2

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    She Stcbrnsfct gcraUL
.JAN. 30, 1857
We notice that the coppeihead sheet'
throughout the country. in contemplation
of President Johnson impeachment,
boldly advise him to refuse obedience
to law and urge him nj Commander-in-Chief,
to wield the arriiics and navies
cf the Unit"d States ia resisting those
provisions, of the Constitution under
which his '.rial might lake place. Nay
more, some of them even go so far as
to encourage him with the idea thai
the South" i a unit, and millions of
hi supporters in the North would es
. ,. 4,;. r-ntoo an A maintain him in
his present position. Surely tuch ad
vice can csma only from the trains
disloval rarties, and yet. when we re
flijct what 'loyalty accompiiihed during
the rebellion, we are convmceJ the
"Mv Policv" in'J
. W J "
have reckoned without reflection. If th
true lovers of this Government duriu,
the war could hurl hack, thrah and
.ubiu-ato the rebel hordes in arm
against the old flag in the Souih, and
at the same time conquer tho enemie:
ef that flag in the North with the ir bal
lot?, we have some reason li believe i
can be done again if pressed upon u
though we pray God to shield us fron
so dread a calamity. And as to tin
Army why, it would not be a mouth
full for the veterans wto planted tin
Siars and Stripe in triumph in every
fort and arsenal in Dixie. Such hal
low rmted revolutionists as 'these war
threatening copperheads will enly meet
with President Johnson a contempt
To all tuch balderdash we simply say
We are glad to see that the Nebras
ka Legislature is up to the times, in tin
march of progress and freedom A bil
"has been introduced into the House t
strike the word "white' from otir elec
linn laws. It has passed to its third
reading, and is rrnde ihe special ord-
for to d'iy (Tuesday). We hope j
may pass both lioutri Ly a mnjorstx
that will how that the freedom lovin
people of Nebraska can comjuer any
and all prejudices they may have whei
the question is between right ane
wrong. This question of striking th.
wora "wLite rrcm our election iuw-
. . , . i I
is, to be sure, nothing but a mere fern
so far as its effects are concerned, foi
Congress has already dona the work
for us; but it will serve to i-hcw thai
wa are willing, at feast, to do the right
and are not afraid to be placed upot
the record. Let every lover of free
dom and justice ia our Legislature
place himself square upon the question
We want no half ' way men or meas
ures. If the principle is right, work
for it; if you think it is wrong, work
against it.
We are in receipt of a copy of tht
"Picket Guard," a paper devoted to tht
interests of ihe soldiers, or especially
those composing the "Grand Army of
Republic," ' published 'at Darenport.
. Iowa. We make the following extrac
from its columns, and would furthei
add that we are reliably informed that
the book menticned will contain an ex
tended notice of Nebraska soldiers, es
pecially who enlisted in Nebraska reg
iments from Iowa t
The above is the title of a Look now
being prepared by Capt. J. W. f ear
man, late A. Q. Al.. U. S. A., and wih
contain a li?t of deceased Iva soldier,
giving the name of cemetery in which
they were buried, with name, ra..k.
company and rtgnnent at the lime of
his death. This lmle book will alo
xomain a list of ih names of the sol
dier orphans who hare entered the
Orphans Home and are now being so
kindly cared for by the State. : Capt
P. has had considerable experience in
wotk of this kind, and hasuper:nier,d
ed in person the burial of all those wh
were buried by the Q M. Department
in Iowa. A work of this kind is what
every person wants, and we are told by
the Captain, that the work will be fur
nished for the low price of one dollar
per copy.
We have no doubt of the CaptainV
flbility to do such work, and wish hint
success iu his worthy enterprise.
Friena of deceased soldiers will confer
a favor upon the Captain by forwarding
ihe names of the honored dead, and al
a have them placed upon the 11 oil of
?5" The trial-1( George W. Gale,
the Alabatnian. charged with inciting
the murder of Abraham Lincoln by an
advertisement cflVrinj a reward for
his body, has been begun in Montgom
ery, but was continue J to next terra of
lla Court.
Fatal Shooting Affray.
Between four and fie o'clock on
Saturday eveniog last, the usual quiet
cf cur town was disturbed by the
hooting of a mm known by the name
of Scott Keysinger, who had been for
ome time past worLii g for Wm. Ed
gerton, ou the opposite side of th riv-t-r,
by Geo. Karue?, who resides near
lck Bluffs, in this county. The mat
ter i undergoing a legal investigation,
and we refrain from giung publicity to
the iiify reports which are in circula
tion. The facts in the case, so far as
tney appear to the present writing, are
as follows: The deceased. Scott
Keysinger, and several of his associ
ates, Geo. Karnes, Jonathan Karnes,
Nicholas S. Ryan, and a number of
others were in the 0. K." Saloon.
Several cf them s:arted out, and among
them the deceased, as he parsed out at
the door Geo. Karnes was seen to ttrike
him over the head with a revolver.
Whether they had any previous diffi
culty does not yet appear. Keysinger
turned upon Karnes and struck h.m
with a knife which glanced off without
doing any serious injury. Karnes
then fired his revolver, the ball enter
ing Keyingers right arm from the
bach part, and immediately below the
shculders, ranging forward and a hi
tie up, it came oul above the right
breast. In its roure it fractured one
rib and cut off two arteries. Keysing
er then ran into the house sayiug he
was shot. Dr. Livingston was called,
but death ensued in about 40 minutes
from the time he (KeyMnger) wa
hot. Geo. Karnes imuieuiately start
t.'d towards home alter me . shot was
Bred. Jjnaihuu Karnes a oil Nicholas
S. Ryan were arrested as accessories
and a party soon started in pursuit of
George. When near his ho:ne they
met him returning to town, lie was
taken into custody lay Deputy Sheriff
Fairfied. A Coroner's inquest wa
he-Id upon the body of the deceased,
and most of the above was elicited from
ihe testimony. The verdict of the jury
was to the effect that deceased came to
fiis death f 'r'om a gun rhot wound at the
iiauds of Geo. Karnes.
At 12 M. lo-day (Monday) the
hree prisoners. Geo. Karnes. Jona
har. Karnes and Nicholas S. Ryan,
were brought before Justice O'Neil for
examination. A. L Sprague, K-q ,
ppeared as prosecutor, and W. Put
enger, Gay lord J. Clarke and De
Forest Pcrier appeared for the prison
The counsel fur the prisoners waived
n examina ion in the case of George-
Karnes, and he was committed to jti
to await trial at the next term of the
District CiAirt. In the case of Jonathan
Karnes and Ryan they proceeded in
in eximimtion. The testimony
mainsl them not 0610? sunicient to
.-how any complicity whatever, they
ere ducharged.
The Local Editor as a Legisla
tor. A New Haven local editor has
been sent to the Connecticut Leisla
ure. whereat an exchange dL-courses
is follows :
ire snouia lue to iodic upon mm
when he lakes his seat there for the firi
i:::e. There would be a iiirIiciou-
iileasure in yelling copy !' at him.
vVouidn't he start though? . Ten to one
ne would grab his hat and hurry away
after an item.
If a member should request him to
notice what he was saying, he would
ay be cou dn t notice it short of th
usual rates, twenty cents a line. I
would be some lime bt-fore he could
keep his seat when a fire bell rong.
He would nod rnmlf going to the po
iice stations o! a morning, and hinging
around the Court House. If at any
'line a lobby man should flip a roil ot
money imp hishar.d, he would whisper.
certainly I understand a hrst-rate
The propensity te take notice of what
'e may ob.-erve on iho streets will not
be easily overcome, and we can im.iir
me th d fficulties it will lead to., fie
v 1 1 get confused, perhaps, in making
a speech. He has ihe heading of it.
but in his embarrassment he pull out
his note book iiiftvri. He begin:
"Mr. Speaker ("ahem!" I rise I
mean to sy, I get up torgets, con
sults notes, and read a horse ran
away this morning on Sate Street
no. no, I don't man that "turns ihe
leaves nervoli-lvl I fhould say, the
burglary committed last night.-for -in
genuity and boldness I don't want to
say that, either his confusion increas
es, but he takes another squint at his
notes, and beg'ns again. Mr Speaker,
here are chords in ihe human breai
thai are touched by ihe simplest inci-
dt nt; and when we see a bi.y cut the
eadmcr string connecting a oimd man
wnh-his canine friend, and then lead
he blind man over two wheelbarrows.
a baby wagon and a hay rake Mr
SpeaL-er, 1 don't mean that he is
swe,atin terribly by this lirne, and
nearly wild, hut he reads on. 1 don i
mean to say raising his voice that so
racy a bit of scandal has not reached
us in a lonsr time, yet owing to ihe fan
that the parties are highly connected,
we suppress ihe "
He will probably break down about
there, and have to give it up for that
time. But the local is persevering.
usually, and ihe lime may come when
he will distinguish himself in legisla
tive oratory.
v I 'i Omaha. Jan. 25:h.
The follovvmg bills have passed, the
A bill for an aci to locate a Territo
rial road from Plat. sinouth to Blue river,
in Seward Ouun y.
.Majors miived that the piinted mat
ter i loit has been, or may hereafter
be sent unto the Cjiief Clerk by ihe
Secretary of the Territory, through any
agency, ihe same not having been so-
ic ted ot him by the Chief CIrk, he
returned by the Serjeant at Arms, in
forming him that the Council have made
the necessary arrangements to procure
ihe locideii'al printing ordered and
needed by tUis body. Carried. ,
Omaha, Jan 26.
IIouje The bill to authorize county
commissioners to employ attorneys, in
certain casejs. was taken up. Bill read
third time, l y suspen.-un of rules, and
pased. i
The bill ia provide for the payment
of bounty to soldiers of Nebraska in
the war for the suppression of the re
bellion was taken up and referred.
Bill to amend sec. 33, chap. 17 of
Itev. Stat, mken up.
The object cf this amendment if to
siriue out ihe word "whiie" in the
ehction law. B.U made the speciil
order for Tuesday next at 11 a. in.
lid! to amend the acts relative to
courts was taken op. The amendment
provi es foi- two terms annual in Platte
rounty. Bill laid over till Thursday
The bill to amend chap. 2, Sec 2
of Rev. Stat, was taken up.
Child moved to postpone till Thurs
day next. The oHect of the bill wa
to reduce ihe c itiiicd representation of
Otoj from , two member.-, to one mem
b-r,nnd an interest with Nemaha, Rich
ardson and Pa wnee in choice of auo.h
Duly and Kelley took part in
wim di-ci-sion for ihe measure, and
Child, llafvey and Graves as warmly
opposed it.?
Child's ruction o pirtpone till Thurs
day next w as tl.eti lu.-t. Li raves m vei
to r commit the bill. On the discus
sion Duly stated lhal Oioe now if giv
en one member will have a surplus of
oil) voie ;o apply on the floating mem
her, and liat Nemaha and Richardson
have a surplus of G03 v.aes over enough
t give them t.vo members; and h
claims that, this tL).J votes of tli"e two
. ouuties are at lt-a-l as minh entitled
to representation a tne oiv suroiu
votes of C:oe county; and his propost
lion is to Ihrow the two surplus votes
together, and let ihe member repre
sent ;he entire surplusage, instead of
as now allowing ttie 519 votes of Otoe
U th'io-e one member, and the 603
surplus vote of Nemaha and Richard
son go without representation.
Graves' motion to recummil was lost
by 1 1 ayes to 2d nay.
jn me que-u n ot passing the ap
portionmeni Harvey, Daily, Kelley
Gray, Graves and others entered into
a warm discussion of the question.
I tie vo'e was taken on the passage
of the bil! with the following resuh :
Aves fAhtiuit. Uu ler. t-iur c. tole
Daily, Ci Lins. Ornw, Dewesse, Dor
' Fro-t. Fuller, Gray
H.irdenberih, Hay wood. Hoile, Kelley
Patmlee, Ross. Siuefer, all:ths
Waldter, Warrick and Wiles 24
Nays Anderson. Baker, Child
Crawford. Cumin. Duggan. Graves
Harvey, Jlicklin, Liuck and Trumble
11. J
A Sliarp Point well Put.
An exi.hance says: "One f Pres
wlent Johnson's olj-"tions to ihe Dis
trict of Colombia Suffrage bill 13 that
the people ot lb District is opposed lo
it, ana 'ongress thould respect the
will of the people. It that is good log
ic to hurl at Cotigres it is good logic
to cast in the tetth of the President
by does he not 'respect the will of
:he pepl-?' They have condemned
his 'poliuv,' vet he persists in it !"
A Mr. Butt., cf New York
has entirely "taken the salt'' out of Dr
Windship. He writes that he can lift
two thousand seven bund, ed and iwen
ly-seven ibs. two ounces He says: "
have eaten plain, simple food few
kinds at ri meal, avoided knick-knack
pork and condim-nts. I have used
mostly vegetable food, and milk when
that would answer, but I found it nec
essary a portion of the lime to intro
duce soho animal food into my diet.
regard beefsteak as containing the best
mujcle-mit king principle, because it is
muscle,, aiid more readily distributed as
such throughout the system.
Sjowid Is. We learned last night
that the recent snow storm had prevail
ed over il;e central pan of our State to
such a degree, t.iul trains over the Chi
cago &. N.orth western Railroad will
not possibly be able lo get through with
out some delay. We hope the delay
may be of short duration. Advices
from Clinton, on ihe Mississippi river,
received ve.-lerd.iy afternoon by tele
uracil, report :he eiorm at that point to
have beeis quae tevtre. A onpareil.
A New Ferry License We are
informed ihat ihe County Commission
ers, at the last session, held on Monday.
Jn. 7'h i anted a licen-e loD. La boo.
T. K Bradley, John Torbott. and oth
ers to keep a ferry at thi place and
giving them exclusive Landing pnvi
leges for ihree miles above and three
miles below the mouth of Souih Table
Creek, and have employed Messrs
Minor & Shambaugh. and Calhoun &
Crox'on to def-.-nd their ac ion sgainst
contending parties, and have paid 8100
retainery i.i.der an agreement to pay
them S1.000 for .he service. Press.
-S Marshal Snowden, rendered
to W K Pollard, the horses stolen by
he McDowell Bros, fiom Kansas.
The expenses were paid; and on. re
quest of the plaintiff, the prisoners were
! discharged. Omaha Herald,
IfiDIAK APOLIS, J Oli. 24. Gov. Mor
ton fmviirg been elected Senator has
ent his message to the Legislature to
d;sy, resigning.
Lieut. Gov. Conrad Baker was inau
gurated to fill the balance of the gu
bernatorial term.
rEw York, Jan. 24. Schenck gave
notice he should report a Bjuoiv
bill, and ask its iif:nedite passage.
Bidweli, frt.m ihe committee on Ag
riculture, reported a joint resolution to
extend ihe Agricultural College bill lo
Tennessee. Leblond wanted to know
why there should be an exception in
favor of Tennessee.
Some debate springing up. Cooper,
of Tennessee, replied to a former re
mark of Kelley, of Penn , who had
ca'led ihe President a usurper, giving
Kelley the lie. Kelley replied that
Cooper had been a member ot the Pres
ident's household, and knew all the se.
crets of usurpa ion Cooper admitted
having been a confidential friend of the
President, of winch he was proud, but
had never received a dollar of the Pres
ideni'rf money, and said, when the gen
tleman from Pennsylvania sH he had
been the paid a-jent of the President,
he lied again ! Sensation
Donnelley moved to amend the res
olution so that no person be employed
in said Codege wh i had h-dd either a
military or civil office under ihe Con
federacy. Adopted.
The House then proceeded to the
consideration of Stevens' Reconstruction
toI. Kymond nnide a speech ot a
progressive character, opposing the
pending mea-ure, favoring the Con
gressionat policy of the Constitutional
Amendment, advocating further guar
antees among others, providing that
ny future attemp at seces-ion shall
entail a fur. eiture of rights on any State
attempting He said the Constitution
hoold be con.-trued with reference to
progrrSsion and the wants of the Na
non. A mea-ure of restoration that
wou'd have sufficed eighteen months
ago will not answer now. Something
stronger is needed. ;
' Stevens indicated his intention to ca!
up the bth lo -morrow: and. in view of
the conflicting opinions on the Repub
lican side of the House, moved to lay it
on the table.
Washington, Jan. 25. Chandler
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
has not tendered his resignation, but il
ia probable he will.
The bill ainendiug the acts organiz
ing Territories conferring suffrage
without regard to race or color, has be
come a law, without the President's
A reporter at some democratic meet
ing. has been summoned lo l-stify be
fore the impeachment committee as to
he correctness of bis report of John
'ton s speech at the Southern Hotel.
W ashington, Jan. 2G House.
Niblack asked Stevens whether he
propo-eu to have a vote on the recon
struction bill taken to-morrow.
t. .. rrphi-d thai he intended to
have il disposed of in some manner lo
morrow. Adjourned.
liucAGO. Jan -). i ne Kansas-
Senate yesterday deteated the bill call
ing a C-ms' convention.
The Indiana teenate elected Will
Cumback, President, vice Lieut. Gov
Maker, who becomes Governor.
The Maryland Legislature repealed
the acl requiring one Senator to be a
resident of ihe eastt rn shore, and it i
expected iha: Sw-um will be elected.
The Kentucky Legislature makes no
progress in its Senatorial election.
Four hundred negroes have been
registered for the Georgetown citv
election, District f Columbia, which
occurs the 1st of February.
Washington, Jan. 22. The May
or of Georgetown gave notice to a!
male inhabitants, white and biack above
the age of 21 lo appear before him and
the Board of Aldermen at the lim
named for the preparation of a list of
voters under the provisions of nn art of
Congress, regulating the elective fran
chise in the District of Columbia.
Frelinghuysen was to day elected
Senator from New Jersey.
Washington specials of the
23 I, say that for the first time ihi win
ter the Democrats have been ga.vanized
into signs of life by Bouiwell's bill to
prevent rebel lawyers from practising
in the courts. The debate was closed
and the previous question seconded be
fore three o'clock on ihe 22d, by a hun
dred and four to forty, when filibuster
ing bpgan and las ed all night, with
unusual scenes of arrests of members.
fines, whisky, mirth, etc.
RsS Dr. Franklin's celebrated re
ceipt for cheap sleigh-ridiog runs as
follows: Sit iu the hall, in your night
clothes, with both doors open, so that
you can get a good draft; put your feet
in a pail full of ice water; hold an icicle
in one hand and ring the tea bell with
the other. He says you can't tell the
difference with your eyes shut, and it's
a great deal cheaper.
5FSnaiIs, one of ihe principal Par
isian delicacies, are said lo have sup-
mted frogs in that market They
ore sent in great numbers from the
surroiii.ding ountry lo Paris Burgun
dy and Champagne alone ' supplying
100,000 snails datly.
JgcSA very important bill is pending
betore the House Judiciary committee.
declaring valid all Presidential procla
mations convening courts martial and
military commissions for the trial of
civilian;) prior to March 1. 1S65.
sSyThe House Military commit'ee
have agreed to report the bill transfer
ring ihe Indian bureau from the Inte
rior to the War Department. :
jsF" The river between St. Loois
and Cairo is said to be free from ice
'.earners finding no difficulty in pass'
ing between the two places.
3tUw IMlwrtfecmciit!
Samnel L. Cannon I
v f
Sallia J. Cannon I
Pitiiion for Divorce.
t-"l'i J. Cun-n, ot Ihe S:"e of Ml-woart, will
take notice S an L Cu .oi. f tlie c udiv 1
Cs. and Tcrrnorv nr N, ti 1 on the 2il 'lay of
Jinuaiy, d 1S67. Die h-s fell. h o or Kill in Cb in
crry, ia the D,i ict Court if tde -ilja-'i.-iai District
of .Netra-ka. i I ami (ur Ca c mnty. Kanst tier. in-
aid Saliia J. Ca- uoli dcfe'.tUiil, urto. K fmtb that
the, dvrrD'lani. tjr f.l-e ami f eat r. pr.-eeiita
tiou-, tuduc.d him t marry Iter, the-said d. f f-iiar.t.
and Him id sal ia J. wa guilty cf rxtr- ire
cmelty towarda naid Ci tnidatn .lit, a. d al.-u Ihat the
aid Sallia J. Cannon Is and ra at the lim" ot aaid
niarruize. vhy-icaily iiicoini't?Dt to peiforra the
in.rrinre rWa'ioa; ai.d piaymir that the -aid mar i
age Ci.titr.tcc mt'-reJ into l'cl-.fn thi said Sav:u-1
L. Cannon and the id ivalu J Caunon be drclar.d
null and void, an.i that th- M il Samuel L. Cammn
b itivorred tr m th- said (1, (. D-Unt. and that the
faid talli J. Cannon it required to a.-i ear and an-sWi-r
said p-ii ioa on or before ihe thirj inlay af
tr the Wib day of Jant.ary. A D 1S67 (nhiih will be
OQ tlie IS.h d;ir of Fbru trv. A U 1S57).
Dated this 9 h day of Jana-ry. IsriT
By W. POTTEKGKll, hit Solicitor. jau9 1
IiCffal Police.
Ia the Ditict Court. 81 Judicial Di-trict, Xebroska
Territory , in and tor Ca.-s touuty .
Calvin ltusell, 1
aefiiist I la Chancery.
The aokmwn heir et ffe- ;
p eu Rasstll, ileceased. J
T the hei.8 oi Su-pheu KnIt, dcc-'ase'l :
You are hereby nnttflcd that on th' 24h day
D' cenihr, A. D ls60, Ihe compUinaut, Cal in Una
sell, di d lile In th- uffio- of he Cl'rk of the '.'d Judi
ciil U ttiit-t Court, in faid connt.v of t'a-, on the
Chancery i.k- th- re" f hi bill or complaint, the oh.
jrCtand prayi-r of wtiicti la to forec.ose a certain
ni"rt(tt i.erin date the 0th duy of MJrch, 1-5!,
xecuted by Sfpheu Riisell, the defendant, to said
cotnpla naut ui.on certain real eataie, aituate.l in
C'a-n counl, Nebraska, to wit: Ihe -a8t half of the
a..ulh-et quarter of nettilln Ave (."!. in towuxhip
lereD (11), north of ranpe thirle-n (13) eat of 6;h
H. M ., Containing SO acie; To secure the payment
of a cf-rtatn pr.iiniSM.ry nute m i'le by ttepb.-n Ku-i
fell, for value received, deliverel to the said Calvin
hns-rll, for one hnndrcd and e'Shty-five and :ia-I00
dollars, payable two yarg afier date with i-i eret
fioro d.ite at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and
for ihe ale of aid uit.rTpHjr-d premine, arid for the
pnyuieot if said snm of l5 33-l(Kt with intero.t
the e n from thPoih day of March, IsOU. at ten per
c m per annum, and to foreclo e all equity of re-
deiiipil-.n of y..u in anil to sai.l pienii.ei. Vou are
;h- relb. e heii-by notifl d to appear, p;ead anr-wer or
d-mur . the aid bill of emlaint on o before the
lltn d-iy of Kehrua y 1S0T, or the coinplaiiidnt will
lake dec ce agaiut you as prayed
ej:icitra for Complainant
Ordered that the above b- publiahed in the Ke
brack Ucrald ut w. paper, for four cot s- cutive eeka
Jy2 4 H(iter in Chancery
Sheriff's Sale.
James M. Arjntiott, and by reviver Kov. 1st, 1S60,
v iu. j. Atm-troi.g, et a;,
Il.irvey ii. Hills. '
K'.tice is hrevy K'ven that hy virtue of an e.iocn
tiou fn the above entitled cau-e, ist-u-d out of aud un
d-r the sea. f the Cleik -f the O sl.ict Court of th
2d Judicial Dtrirt. in and lor Otoe roun y, X. T .,
and to me direet"d. I will off r for Nile at publ c auc
lion, to the highest and b -I bidder, iu front i f the
C-urt-House, iu tuecily of P.attsmou'.h, Cass county,
. T , on
Saturday, the 9A day of February,
A. D. lbfci. uvtwe-n the n-mrs or I ana 2 o ciock p
mor MiiJdiV. all right. ti:e aid interest of the
above narnvd defendaiit, llaivey IllHt in and to
the following aeciibed r-al estate, to wit: 1 be north
eat q'irtr-r of section 2S. in tow ship 11. north of
raoue 13 east of the tJtb p m. in 'a oonty, Ne
braska Teirnorr, and con aitiing 100 acre-
(iivea uudtr iny huiid this Till dv of Januarv, A
D 1SC7. A B. TATLOK. Sheriff
of Cass county, Nebraska.
By G. W. Fairfic'd, Deputy, jan'J Iw
Sheriff' Sale.
James J. Monro--,
Samuel II, Elbert, I'.oVtt M. Clarke f
and Joseph MiCuae. J
Ifottrc i lieitl.y (riven thut t y virtue of an exe
cutio i in Ibe above cu.iile-l ca'-e. iN-oied out o- anil
uiidi-r the -eal .f the Clerk of the Ui-nict Conrt
the 2d Judirial Oiiticr. w:ihm aud for Cam countr,
N. T., ai d to nie c inced, I will offer fur Kale at pub
lie an tion to the hirflieM ai d b-s' I idJ.-r. at th'
fiontdiorof the Couri-Ilouse a tte city cf l'lalta
mouth, ou
. Saturday, ihe 23t daij of February t
A D. IsOT, between the houm of land 2 o'clock p
nt of s;.! dy, all ritrht, title and li t'-rest of the
a-ove n:tm"d p aintifl" Jiincj J. Monroe, in and t
i he fo'i.-wli'g d.-crihed r.-al -s'ate, t. wit: Ths.uih
ra I quarter of nt-ction :l'l and th s-iutliwi-i-t q.iarte.
of sect on i9. all in 'owiitlnp 11, nrt of n.ce 12,
at or 6t i p in, in Cs i-nunly, N. T . and c-n'aiii-Iriir
320 cre t.ivea nnder my hand tliia 7th of
January, A I. l5o7 A B rVLO!l -h tifT
of C-s couuty, Nebraska.
Bv G W Fa Itfino Deputy.
W. Po.tengar, Att'y for I). ft. jil9 iw
Sstray 3Totices.
Taken up by 'he umler:ffne, -oe mile esKt of Mt
eiedi-ant. C -as county. Nebraska, one fleer c-lf.wiih
pnle red Fpot.. and crop and .ill In light -ar, ano
crop in t'.;e left ear. LL'TII til AN OL1VEK. 2d, is07. Siv
Tak-n o. bv the subscriber al hi rosl-lenre in
Or-apolis Y ecioct. Ca- c..- ly. K. T., nh-mt 4 12
miles noith-wnt nf I'latta .ouib. onihcai day of
Drceraqr, l;0o, on two year o d ueiterof a roau
c .lo-, with red ard white tpotx No marks or
l.r.nds perceivable. JACOB IlDltN
Dec a, mi 13" 5
lakeoupby the Fubscriber. livjoj three miles
west of Rock BlnfJ.-, four yearling-:
One wh it- yeai lini, bull, notch in left ear.
tue year inn sfer, white and ted on f ore quarters
hind quart r white, cr. p in iett ear.
Or e red yr-ariing beifc-r, crop in e.i h ear.
One dark brow, yea linz heif'-r, line bark. No
other mt k or brands prrceivab:e.
dec ia WO- J B. IIOLMKS
Taken np by the subferrber. two miles snath west
of Piatt mouth, two heifeis. one a deep red, no
mar-., the other a pale r d, hirns broken off; each
gu-.-p-ifed to be two yeaai old.
die 19 5' Wat C. WOODRUFF.
Taken up hy thr- -n' fcriber, at his reiidence in
L tiiiyiiie Prer-inct. (ux cooniy, N. T., about l."
mile- wet of P a-1 uiouib. on the 8-1 dty of Ueceai
ber 186G one d: k nr.iw n heifer, supposed to he 2
ear old, has a white -tar in forehead, no marks or
brand'. titu. tllOWMiSX
dec 12 1S65 9w5
Taken up by the f ul-rriber, livlif In Mt. Pleasant
Precinct, one two year old red boi'. white un'e- the
llly, rathe- rmail in sii". No other marks or
b ib perce.vjols. JOHN GLO. HANSON.
dec U w5
T. K. Hi.151,
1. CLaKK
Tootle, Hanna & Clark,
Dealers in
Gold Dul Gold and Silver
Coin, Kxtliaiipre, (J Si.
and other Stocks.
and special attention giren to Collections
woo r, WORTH & CO ,
Binders & Paperdealexs,
oc35 6tn
The partner-kip h-'eiof oe exi.tinif tm.'er Ihe name
e Simpson, Sharp & Co , ia th rl.i dissolved by
mutual consent, N J SI s'i letirii -g from sahl ftra.
We havs ?t 1 day aoc.aie l with u l'i bos!ne?
Fdw'd Hutte y. un.ler tne name nal nyle ol Simp
Mr, MickWwait 4 Co
Piatt mior.tfi, S. T , Ju. 14 h, 1SC7. 21 8r
C. Partnership.
The uadersU-n.-d basthi- day --o- iattd vti:h Irm
Mr. N. J. Sharp, and will ra ry on li e Clothing
uuiae at the old s'and. undrr il e firm of B. Niw-
mm Co- Tb nkfi! tor p i-t patronace, a continu
ance of i he same is h i ed fr.
January 24ib, 1SC7. Itr D NEWMAN.
Two blocks n jrthwot of Eriik School-House.
Private room furn'sed if desired. Either
hoard o- with lodgings at restionable raUs.
jan S d tf.
Burned Out,
T. W. Fhrynck ia strain at the old stand pr parrd
to wait npoo his former cut mers, and the public
veuerally. If yo u wa'i' anyihii'g n rtiam of Kami
lure or Chairs, vive him a call. 3rd otreet n'ar
slain, Piaitsmouib, N. T. msyl.'ltf.
D. J3L. Wheeler 8c Co,
Real Estate Agents,
Offe-r for sale the following Real E-tnle.
Sec T'p It Acres
Ka,t half northast quarter 22 12 II
We-t half nonhwet-t quarter 12 11
Mouth ha f n'-rfbeast quart-r 'SI 12 12 s"
Votrh half southeast quarter SI 12 12 r-d
Northeaat quarter 18 11 I I ltvl
Sou' bwe-t quarter 82 11 11
West hilf eoot hi-ast quarter 82 II 11. s'
North half southeast guirVr 14 10 14 8'l
West half nnttbea-t quarter .1 II II 8"
Vrthwe-t quart, r o uiliwe-t qr 11 12 IS 40
We.t half sou'h west qu liter li 12 1' f 1
ta-t baif ontheat quarter 4 10 b't S'
Snu'hwe-t quarter quarter 4 lo 13 4
?out h half not thwel quarfe, li 12 !2 S.i
Northwest quartet '21 12 12 ICO
East h ilf outhw-vt qtnrter ; Id 14 H
North hnlf souheaM qna ter I I 10 13 8-)
Noith half sou hwest q tarter 10 10 13 bo
VVet half u rthwe-t quarter i 1 1 1 1 &-I
Northeast quarter 21 12 12 1-t
Cndividi.d half southwest qairter 23 II 12 16
Lots in the city of Plattsmouth
Lot Bl ck Lot Block Let Block
6 21 12 .'4 5
8 2S 9 "-j S "j
6 :W 8 . , 3S el few
10 57 10 PO M 52
9 123 1. 12 4 12
4 s! 6 li-) ' 3 ICS
The north half of 8 47
East half f block, 1. 4 7, 6 and 10.
s-ou'h ha f of block 3
Lots 6 and 7 in block 5.
W'e.t half sertion 82, township II. rantre 14. loO
i re under lence, 112 rtory frame I.oue e."..i w li
aud prit:p, and g-ad runtiin miter, p et ty of lull.
ij-r f.r flie-wood. Piice $J.ToO.
Heal Estate
ru TTmrorTir, xejibaska.
rr--" k be c r--i;
T.ot 8. In l'hck 13C, Inc'ud.pff an excellent sto'v
sr.d a half rriilet re. i eiiriy n vr, also a wed. imt
h..nses, etc. A vtry de. 1. alle p r. porty and ill be
sold t a hatR;tin.
Lot 14 in block 137, wi-h a lirire .to'e-room and
war- houe thereon choice loculiun for busin s,au I
ofTerel ery low.
Lot 6 in LIcck -17, gcod rtt-idene, well and out
build tifti.
Iit 1J in blnck t'2. a roi-d two-U.ry residence,
brick la', we I . bam it.d o'her ontbaiidinvs.
A rare chaise tor a good I' VeMinftit.
Lot 11 In block 173. Imi !ir; with two room, aud
cellar. Uood chance for a nu.iil rai-itul.
Lot 10 in b'ock 27, Ftod residence, with all th.
necess try ontbtii IdinRs.
We-t hilf of M- ii. n 35, town 12, ranee 13, bureth
er with 'M acres of t inner- One hu- d'ed aer-s na
iler cultivation. KiL'bt miies irorn l'latti'ruou:bliiear
I'l.itte river.
An improved faim f elrh'y acres, good house,
well, etc , with fiv e scits o good limber,
Kighty acres of lan-l.patliy imj roved, two and a
hair mite, from Ibe city.
160 arres of prt y lnprrived I ir.d, wl h 40 acres of
youue timber, situated 4 niiies south of town.
ao to PlaeV, Butte
and Lubricators
y it Co.', for your Lard Oi
Empire Meat Market.
The u ndersistied Is now prepared to farnuh tbv
citizens of thi, place with the best
J also ketp
and will pay the highest marhet price for all klcJs
Plattsmouth, Hay 18, d4m
dealer In"
Groceries, Provisions,
All kind of Prcdace taken In exchange for foods.
I keep the very be, ol r.,ds, ai.d am booi.d to
ell tbem a, e cap as ar y hucn in il.c ci y.
4 go-! Iwo storv brick store bni Idi ua- 22.hy CO feet
wlt good cellar; for furthei particulars inquire of the ,
jaweiVTB sua or cchoioi visktoss
1867. 1867. 1867.
o? tub
Omaha Republican,
This rP s univer-hKy rer, rtifird iu the
lacndhr ilraii of Ihe Rf
puhlicau Parly,
Best, Most Enterprising, and Most
Widely Circulated Ne wspaper
in Nebraska-
The PepuVi:-r.n Tarty of .V',ra-Ua e t.:ititutrs
three ft hs of it v. ti l i n 1 fjay f ur ntths of its
n- ff p.-r tei irp I . pLl.'ioti Of this i;irir:r
don inatit pn tbf litprm.tCAK 'h' oniy Hopubn.
tan journal published l the C.ipttal h tha ic.'-t-ti:red
i.rjjsn. In II. U wide field It ha no rival at. J.
no Ci .-r, in ia Itien-e or c-ircnls'iou.
iler ait r be K k p v v i.wi X .u.-cr.bc u; -.a Its ban
ner the principle of I.ihl For All,
And w liOe ftithlitiir tbil jrieat battle I';!. if (7.
will lo the end, it promise heremter to furnish ail
wli i r,Iv m ls k 1 1 ; . r t evi n a ti-'trf on t mwe u
tmctii'c nfWMjirj). i than mr i'jure.
In the ( ,i;;ie-s of If, Stale Corre.pond-nre, ih
Conip:e" nf-i ot i:s f,iciil itnt il Rtpoct;
I u lt. Slat i. lie I Kx in hit if t e -r gle. of the I ra !.-,
Ai iiult'ire. Maimf .rrjr, s, dr.. of .he s ;ir... m.J ,n
every rtepa: tnn t.t r.f l....-al ui .1 (leu. r .il I u'. lugeu r,
the i: tpt .- ai.i' - i ii. v. i thou t a
The r,, r of Hie III rj i.k a is d--im.-te I
I l i p-,i-.- no t am. or t xi'. ti-o t" m nrit mi I!,e o-, i.m
i r -h ItKl t-Bili As uk li;e ii,ot i.-.juiur mi 1 ii.Il jeii
IMt iou. an J the too-1 a'.'i ui' ti vu I cw-l-aj or w t
cf Chic eu.
Ot' it WIKUI.Y
Will now te a c ,ntp!etr tep-,t..iy . fill t' " n I
Geneial, ' e tpr., 1,lnc and .mi-n r ' I X,-w t nb i-h-ed
In nor I'bi'v. an well as nil it U.Icinal and ! Ire-,
ed l.i'eiarc V mi t r, ..n l in re u u to tin. . ff ri to
make tha r-k y th- I'ri.te of v e-t m J . l-.i . l-ni,
e k tHe uuii. d Ujri- ot ail uiir frii'i.i to o'u'alu
for u,
Two Thousand New Subscribers.
z ma ra
One Yenr
Six M'tntli-....
Thrco M.intn,.
Onr ......
Six Muntti, ....
Ad li W,
, 1
lief ui.l.c.
i. in I. co i f (;.
'i III.K?k, iiiiialia.
cr.LKUll 1 t ill) I' a 77; .V V
c r. i-i n r.i; si-imnc)
I X 2L "I?
Tb, W
I'l.-a-n r
H; in Wn
ml. fn" I
to ln.v l;i
b tt.
1 i .ility m il ct" Com f..-t m l
'v - noir ill- Int. I. H ij.'i,
. t red pxi ri ii I m v i- ur rn il-.
i Cii.'-a... , l:.!r".l! ..i.Cliili-
f. r I'l II ten ,,! l II m.e l ie,-.,
f.- .1- d v ;.. u -u ii-1- to . . ' .ii v a
a in t..i , ':i.
I'eWH. A l in t ha. "
HP t f e Mill! I ..II
mal; -ur ;i- e.i
a-1 1 n li-e-r. i'.
found In :i '' , -; : i j
i I !y ell-1 em V. '. i - nt r - a .lk 'or
. it. i. I ll. 1 1 e rii-l ity ti ci .ii'.Iiljc, lo.!
e t-j i ii' Vtirr.
A r.aily h n is: i
p. i H t o v. i. i. "
.- p.i' : t-Ki
: e jo--. tlie i.le i.ili-', i...ii f-'t
I'-1 if tfiiniri tie ll.t- I. l
t fur a nng .lay. will t.e i
i. tia .-.!:iiH'ly '
-p.-.'l- e an 11 t I'e r 1 ' Y
( !,il. Mi-es alio x out. Lali. a tuey ur-
ilir lo
ii.I utl.c.
I lo VI 1,1 II .1 l l-llll (.1 X,. lit. M,,.,. fl
b'lt w ill "e-ei tr.'ir p -K i .. .- I I ,',,.
whe-i n.r- r r f ii r ur tii.-iiv ,ilit ,:i b'rn
llliov. :i te fy ll-. !i - - 'I!.- l'v.-t i r-fe
with don bl - l. lol la ii-.d IS' 1, nn I l'ie b .tt- nt r-"',
iv nut iii,'v d-.i'ti- -(.-in,:, int mi-.- i-.i .tm.iiie)
rnv-r-d; t-n-l erititi loetn fu.n w. ,i out -ali-u'.o't il .- r. .luiii. ,' I., ti -.
Th- t'lipl- x K-.ii.oj.- ia a ' f iv in-, tth all l
die" a II. I ! till V. r-m i'; i ri .iliili!. - - f - .4 I v t lie I- rf-l I ori i -i' s i tb hi i n- ur it :; t if T'.a riiAi.m.
ubtt Hi; it !
loinj-.vthe f. ll- wint? I' e'-finnl-'e Mlvsiiinjes in
C r no! in e, i. s ( e r.... ,i , i ii v , e r-- i in i'.ii'ji 1 'oe,
tvhh -I s pe i.n I fi n -h. ft y th l.t; . d ii le if V. r .1, .
f-o nod ii'n otui , ei.i i:ie f .r J V. I; :olev' Ii-i-plex
Kli ptii . o ll.-ob.e fprtl'if M.iil ai d l- l i
set the g ll'line a. t.i le.
C A C I I iN To guard a.'lri'l lm ).,'! 1 n b- par li -
UUl lo In- ii thai slcir'a nlTer.-d as '!) I;. M ' l.aie
lie rd ink t..ini, v;: - J V. H . le.-- !iii ..x
tlliptic btrf I Spring-,' tiio, the vr-Li. .and i
oth-r-are reunine Al-o ii.ti'-e i,hI iter, H. P
will uoin:i a piu lii'S pi ed llirntb t'oi err,
thr revraliig t I.e. t m ( r d-in l.,e ) . ii r l.r , if.--l
toge'ber I'n n li. Wlit tl l t lie- er..-t ol Hint fie, I, I
Ity and Mrei :lli. a ud a; ill 1 1 . -t l.- b- f-j Hid
lu any oih'-r ekn t.
f or naie in ail .- nr. w h e flr-t r u-i Vtrti ar,
sold iliroiitr'.oii' tf-, I tii'od :ititie and '-i-'Wfi-re
Maru acfiire-l l-v fi- .-o.e llwo.-i-. i f n, I'ienf
vot.-, if iii r. x a- i-1 it r,
fl7 Cl ambi-is 7J . -1 l'.-,d t"., K. T.
novU ilfiiim
Knittogt tb, llotl and Narr'. -ji g off Tlbst, a,
foes aio-.k
KSITS AS Y SIZt', fn m two 'oors, formin-r a eorj,
up r. ir. full capacitv !
WIDENS A SO SA UUon S, i,y varying the t.uu.
her of Iim) s, an 1
Kfjita tlie Wnle? Single V'.m Web,
The Dout.le Klai U'eh,
The nam IfilbetJ Flat Web,
and the
Fancy ItiLb-tJ FJai Web,
With SeIvet;?H.
io other ITIachiuc in the
lvorhl ran do any one
of these thi ;:.
J5ieakfd?t Capef,
linv's Sui's,
Cliildreii's Cloa
Snow Shoee,
And a fjrent variety cf Fancy Fabrict
Knits a yn! " r ' j-- w o It in ten minutes, a pair of
socks ei-m;l-te in t a'f an h-ur.
ro Fan 1 1 lea. Wool Urowers, Var ufieiun-rs, 'r
chanfs. &c, it is the most ftionev mak .ng and lat-or
saving I'l-entinn of the Z -. Ironi 100 to Ii0 pef
cent pr--fit on every art te'e il i.roilao- Wytum n
i-anniig fr. m fell to 25 p-r k. k u'.ttl 0j hoiotry
and staple n, fj nry orrtl. d arm ! .
Kvery Vsct.ine watr-t.ted u. wotk as rej-reienteJ.
Foi cir.-ular!, a t Ir -ss w iih stamp
Cltiirls. cfi3 Lcet
No. 11 Nunh 5:h St., St. Louis Mo.
XjfSfGeneral Afjenisfor the Wetland
SouthweM. novlS
From h- nn.lrr.iael. Sm 2t'i UG1. on, HT
H ot- h COLT. 1 mew hs e .1 . Mark iraln end al ,
imi 1 star in f r-he-.d a lit'le ss hue otiouehitl
loot. A liberal itwaiil w ll l faid for "aid
jtt'l Wyoming. Ot C , Ka