G- V. COUKTKIG:ir. E. A. GHAVfcS. Courtright Grates, Mannfac.urcrs of and Dealers tn Saddles and Harness, Bridles, Collars, Willi's, MPUUS, &c See which 2 will tell reasonable- REPAIRING &. TRIMMING done on thirt notice and at reaa irib'e rates: Souih Side Wain Slrccl, cne door west t f Hie TUtte Valley IIous. PLAT TSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA. Oct 27 'CO nr P. II. WHEELER, K. C. LEWIS 5). II. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, n A TTSMOUTI, v. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceels re- fe ted t current rate ul hxolianpi. I aim paia in i -prn low and Scbrdf k.i 101 iii-ii reiiienU. 1 itles . d inv-.Lt:p:ild. Money loar.'-a ou Keal Estate if cur. tied. Land Warrants locate. CLAIM AGENTS. Agent forcollection cf claim airninst Governmen t.i Hold er, their idow and xuinci Lei'. Anent I I the purchase and sale of Lamia and Cliy prui'cr- ly, Leading ul Tenements. ki.ferexces: JTnn. S. II. Klhert, Denver Ciiy. C. T. ers. Konritze lirrs. , Omaha, J'eb. " Jic'ann it Jl'tcaif, NY biasta City. ' j. F. Filley. Sr. Lime. Mis-ouri. tr. Dlo Lewiri, liotton, Massachusetts. II V Pitmars. Chicago, Illinois. II JI MiiPi'.l. Cinrinnsii. Ohio. TooJe A ilatina, l'lattsinomh. Nerftvka. J, li iiii b, Tbree Kivera. Michigan. Hon F Fellows, IMoomflt-ld, Wjconsi-j-IIcji: T M Mriciet:, Platti-mouth, Sebr:ika. L. .H7cf, A'ti. ney at Law, liud'.ilo. New Yurie. Carter, Haswy k- Curl.Des lioiDes, Iowa. B .8 dwtf JEWELRY STOEE Tie subscriber hsfinp purchased the Red Stole en 2d s'.ieel. lately c cenpitd ly Sarpy and othem, would respectfully inform the ci'Uens of PlatifUinuth and -.icloiiy, tbat be has retiltcd ihe store aud opened a laice mock cf AND, FANCY ARTICLES For Ladie", Gents, Children, and t'ae rest of mankind. nd ii prepared lv uo all ain-n i WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would b hii py to serve I,U old and a many new c-.iKtorner as may give him thel pitronwge, assuring them of Iheir oik w II done, at moderate prices and on short time Th" stock, embracing every va ie'y of Ecodi u-oall kept at a first Cass Jewelry frl re. will be sold at low price., ar.d warranted cf best workinaUbbip and material. 113 hai also a small rtoct of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to f.m- nd Bold at the lowest flnre. Ilavinp pt rmar enlly !o cat'd in thi-! citv. I rei-pectiu ly Miliait a rh.tr.. of pa troti:ii;ev anil cor li illy invite nil to ca 1 and xm ne the Htoc' on hand, ad We Would be p ' asei! to terve yru. and da not a?k yoa io l'iy uIlU3 we cud nuke it for your interest to patrctlze U-. dec27tf E. II. EATON7. HOS. . TOOItE, T. K. HiNJi, i. B. CLiEK Tootle, Harnia h Clark, BANKERS, Toalers la Gold Dut. Oold nntl Silver Coin Exeliaisse, fJ. and oilier Stoc2is. DEPOSITS ItECEIVKD, end special attention given to Collections PL ATTS MOUTH, N. T. rpO dXwtf J?k. SSL 3 jFSI -ST AND CuNFECTIONE R Y. Frank Goff, Proprietor. T kaep constantiy on hand DREAD, CAKUS, PIUS, CRACKERS, and all kind of fancy artic in my line. Cake- for partie s or private faniilies made oa shoit notice. 1 hire a Crai clasa CROCKER MACHINE In operation, and enn furnish Butt r crackers. Soda crackers, or any other variety ou bh rt notice, and in any quantity. I a;u also prepare J to furnish TVarm 3Iea!s or Cold Lunch at all hours Segars, Tebacco, Eto conjtaat'y kept on hand. GIVE ME A CALL. mar2 dtf FRAN'S GOFf GET T II E- BES T ! WIDJ3STJ2IlS Unabridged Dictionary. SE W JLLVS TP. A TED EDITIOX. Thoronchiy rer!sd ami much efclartred. Over S,(,OQ Fine EaFravinr. Is a weil-riib in!i eit balile nn".i!f for rerv intelligent fnit!v. It contain 10 COO WOKl3 ad MK1N1NU3 not fo".d in other Uictionaries. It is n w believed to be by far Ihe most complete, Hrfulatid foitisfiictory Dictionary of the I n (jnfre ever put i?he I, as it is by far tba largest tingle Vol Mjic e r imued in any Im puhPe In one vol of 1 ,1-40 liojal 3naro Pge. Published t.v O 4 C. -MtUKIA'l, Spiingfieid, Mass. XULO Ml' ALL 00 KS tL L LUS. STUPPY c BBHH, Ko. 16 Scrth Fifth Street, ET.JOSErU, - - - MI330CIU. D-alers in PIAK03, OEGAKS, KEL0DE0IT . Violin", Guitur, F! ite, Acco' dei ns, Flulin;i, No rio Hooka and Sheet lric. Uecuine Italian and fi eo"' Via. ii rte f)i;ii tin1. ia5 sttSib. TOOTLE, HANNA &CO., MAIN" STREET, - L A II G Qil 5 A West of Wholesale and H A R D ASD Clothing of every description. WINES AMD UQUORS OF ALL KINDS Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, KAILS, m WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required by 4 ETIIORANTS FREIGHTERS, - MIXERS .SSclPARHERS And everybody else can be Call and examine -AT FIEE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Ilanna &. Co. Piattsmouth, "April 10, 'Go, W. D. GAGE. X?. R. DAVIS. CI i Y BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER STORE. We ar. t eV.i'. g P. ots, ."!: ana "Leather, ar sJnreun M iia l;ett, one d;.or Vt--t of tt.e I e ValiHJr ilUe, CH EAPER thamhe CHEAPEST Ve arc in'.nuf.i'-tnriojr wirk f in the Terv Le't of tock,ajd w.ll accoiuruoii.it e ail who ni:iy give us a call. Repairing done nt nil limes. GAGE & DAVIS. Ang. 20, 'CC C&trtf Boot & Shoo Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SOU, at their old ttttnd, NORTn SIDE CF MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, X. T. We keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes ai.se SHOP MADE WORK, which we ill sell at th lowest cash prices. Repairing done at suh rt no tice. ESyAll Work Warranted. J. THROC KJIOUTON. A. rHROCKMOETOST. Oct 3 'OG f WAGONS! J. E. PORTER" & CO are agents in this city lor the sale of the celebrated ' South Bend V7agoas,'J Hade br Scud haker Bros They bavo on hand a ud assortment, wl.icb will be replenished a fant ae seeded. They piopoie to avll ut the very lowest imrs. Piattsmouth, Miirvh 23. tf FURNITUKE, C O F F I 1ST S , AND Cabinet - Work ! h. 13 ox: Civ llavicp rnlaCed hi Shop n:!il Sah-s-rooms won d re-p. cifnry r- rcind th peo; le iu Ibii vicii.ity that he tan furnish them wtti the very best l-uiu'tu e Chair., or o her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I fhHll ke p con.-tai.i'y on hand a large a(f ruieal of E.ixtrnt II or.t , and am al-o prepared to mauo'actu anvthiue in my line on short notice. A large a-stvtnjetit f Keai y-made Colli o It pt at al! ttuies. Cii'l and examine my ttock and prices JelO diw tf II. bOfcCK. c. n. KIITG Carpenter arcl Joiner CONTRACTOR and Bu."T-T)EIl, Will do work in h a I re with E eatness an ciispate, upuo saoit t,ot:c roto Black, Puttery Co- Jfer yor.r La'd Ot IT aci Labri'aters. - PLATi&Muuxn. E S T W -SEk 4- St. Louis. Retail Dealer? ia W A R E, - a Large Stock of supplied at this establishment. our extensive stock. TIII - Wholesale deal r in Boots . Shoes, ASD K.U.13 3E3 S3 ,3 ! NO. 72 FELIX STREET, .S'7'. JOSEPH, Missouri. I con ait y "in ncei;t of all the Virims Biyles from the uiuiirai'u.crs. C.sh paid f.r Hi. :., I'clts, etc. n,.v7d'.vly CIIAS. VOGT & CO , Cor. Mam and 5th sts., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER IRON, SADDLE St SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tool, "GOS, PLOWS, &c. C"0rders Promptly a, ded to . IS- .lIclIECIIAIV, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROJV, jWULS, stoves AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- A'sn. Acent fni'thefale of the C-Mirafd MAG EE COOK &TOI ES, AM' LRAyCJl, iliVOAH Jb CO'.n -iA H'ai. SIGN OP TII33 BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below the Sejmour little, on oppctite side, NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. Oct 25 'I'he place to re'. Periumery af all kinds is at X VLCti, BVTTBHY W.'al atio:m ::a:m Asjs es . WASHINGTON, D- C- F. M. DORRINGTON. SCO AUEST:J PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, a prepared to present and proswnie c'aims befora Congress, Court of Claims and the Dept . am nta. Fa tenls. lVnion, B'lunts, and Bounty Lands se emed. :S'Chnrjjeii mlerat... and in proonrtion to the simunt ofthe c iui. F. 31. 1JORUINOTOV April 10, '65. THOMAS C.-CSENSEAW, . rAUitzu or axo dealeb is Saddles and Harness, BRIIH.ES, COLLARS, CURR1E Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, cj'-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! HERALD !Ia moved into hi n?v brick hiUdine on the t - tierof Main sfeetkid Levne. wlie.e he is laily re-i-fivii.p laige adJ.tijna to his already extensive -iocs 01 G-HOOBRISS AND Li l XT Q 2iL 3- lie offers the very best of bargains to customers. and leuutsts a call Ir ni those who want anytlmi iu his In.'- 1 1 tcsl the adviiut.igis in prices with tuo&e t I thers. Keiueiiiher the BRICK CORNER, and give him a call if yon wish to buy cheap, not 2 Apothecaries Hall. REED,WRITi;GER& Co No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB Dealers in DHUGS& MEDKNES, I'aints Oils, Putly Glass Patent Mpiiicin!i ofallkinis, tartitlei. Sta tionery, a"d ev ry:hiD kept iu rat-class Drup -l"o, at tastetn prici-K. U"e m re pr -pa' ed to Q II all orders, and warrant inrfitilj tn liel.-v-li. apr. 10 bo W. MICKELWalT, K. J. snaitP LUMBER - YARD. Iflickclwait & Sharp Dealrr? In Pine Lun.b-r, T.atli, Phinele. Doors, Fash Minds, Pickets, an.i every variety of CottyuwooJ, tva:nut ami uje Lumoer. Vi'l ke-p c-instaa'ly rn hand Cord wood, hot! Cotton and 0;ik. Al! oiders promptlv lillcd. Jt3 Office on I.e-e tilrvet, south cf C. L. CooperV F-i'ii and iit in lctot. FLAT TSMOUl II, N. T. :;ifenbr Eth 1CJ. Cm BILLCOX&?IBBS SEWING E, if! Tlie Clitimpioti tlof 1SG first pre K J seasons. iniunis in two " It3 f wm is Jytronser and less' liable t rip than the Lock Stitch." "Junes' Rfj-ort af Vie Grand Trial."" Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. CORKXLL & CO., Gen'l Agents,' 133 Lake St . Chicago. p. P TOD D, Lora! Atom, P. ait -U-Cmli, Ji b nuvl" w ly DEN T 1ST. S UR C, 1 CM L A A O M E CJIA M CA L I)I..TIST, lSurc."sur to Dr. Stick 1"', OORee r.n ITarmy atreet, r.bove 12 h. Om.ihi Neb. wiieie be ret-p-ctfinly teu it r his PrnfeaiiCal ser vire ti all who m.iy ie v''re 'he pet fonn.iiice o ental operations, or the ireitm lit of Diu.-ase. ol the Month 53" Teeth extrr.cte.l w itlu.ut pnin by the ne of Ki mud itxide Lias pleasKUt to i:.li We, and perfcily i arnilr-. N. I. The TitfeiTiliin the .Natural To. th mule h i i-eria' i'y. nov53m KLE1VSEU fc WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WAILli PAPER, WINDOW -SHADES. Confectioneries. Motions, Toys. Coal Oil Lamps. Te,rf alv aB(;r.ts for ihe Buchtnan Woolen Mills, of St Josepii, Mo., and have now oil hand a gO"d assortment of FAKCY CASSIJtZBES, CLOTIS, JEAKS, FLAXXELS, rfc, h'.ch we ve res'-d on commission, and are preirtd to exchange for OOL OR CASH, at very reaonthla junre, 3 Give ns a call, one .loor east of tie Uf bald oCice, Piattsmouth Nrbra ka. ilny iu, .9:5 tf JOSEPH SOU LATER, WATC71IAKEB and JEWELER, MAIS STREEr, PLXTTSMOUTIl. - - NF.EItASKA A p.) d assoitnit r. (.f Watches C o -. old Peia. J wciry. i!ver War', Fstic '-o Violins and Vt oiit. T li.io'.ii.gs imvi on hand. All work com mitted to bis care wi.l b arraotd- ' April 10, If'. ( M ET1 f.1 1865. JSG5 A3IISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QU E ENS WARE, 1 1 A W D W A 11 E, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, .Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stork. Piautarnouih, April 10, lSt i.--tf Jl'aT rceivcd, ocusrs- .'atncd I eac e nt A..11SOX, WiVt.V S n O to AMlsON , DU VhY CO S to j.ur .a.e your A X endless variety olLa tto o Pa A U A CO'-. 50 CAths Molt'.-y'a Cove Oysters for s I- at A. D. &. C0'&. 1 K j I I lt.lt :1j 1 n let' 1 VI C.odsnt G Isoii hALK at AMI-OX, DoVKY & GO'S. aCo.Tee 1 Te , t-ui.r, t.oldi o byiup, St tr lioiiio-a slkt.e, K-w Yor Candiea, etc , etc. lat-o lot ol Chev.irg atd Si! okii gToliirco or :1 sale a t i CO'6. OiLOlL or aMe by A. D. & CO. r BOXES .nar Candies for sale by A, D i CO. F yoa Vf ant to ui chate goods tt a I aii a:n, poto A 1. &. CO 1 BAli COFFtr just received by A. D. A Co. VLarirc lot ol Choice Tea at A. D. A CO'S. E.' T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Reiail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japanrti AND STAMPED WAKE Wp keep constantly on hand duirirants and FreiIiiors OUTFITTING GOODS Sucli as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lids, Oven-, Cum" Kettles, Ac. We also keep Chain Pu ps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Collee 31ii " tS:c. JOE wOR.I ! Tin Roofing, Cuttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of JStoav art's celebrated Combination coal or w ood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Street PLATTSMOUTIi. NEBRASKA BLACK, JJUTTEItY &. CO., Wboleaale aod Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal use, Dye AVoods, Pye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Warmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black. PJftUsmouth, Hay 1st, 1S65, tf Main Street, tm 1C fr If TA V l-S in this Market. Lii'k as.u-t:nciil tf me-.'i! aid boj cT. . 1. " lor .ale by A. h i Ct. HLLl.tU COi:. lor in c by A I. A CO. 1" ACoX and Lard !or u.ile by A. I). A CO. 4 1IF.AVV :nVi)XE of nil ii.(!s of F;.Miilyir J. rtries Jd ulLt i.y Gotd j lei tceve.1 I'f A 1). a C. t LL kiLda of Fa -la.i.f; luiplenunia loi .ile l v A. 1. & CO. I.art,.) it o! "iv. j Uji.se Plow 'or s.tl l y A 1. it. CO. N ei.die.-s vari.Iy i f l!ai uV?:ir - or.) C .t!'.v f.-t 1 . f'iif at A. I). &. Cu'.S iaII, Doors, Miliii'l", (J :a8, au.l H :r ' ;T . v. t v i ? di sci i, lion lur bv A I. A I II. I.I. kin ih i f Count: y Pi o uco taken in ejt-1. 1 for poods br A II. A' o ' I nO euu'inrue ul Ibo mti,.. tve luo I" ,r 1 Wou d ti l me nd'or tii IUk.ilo. ai d oibc lave an good a rii.hi to ndv,-. ti-. j.s AMI-OX, i'OVl.Y & '. rj'III. la gi .st Ou'.fitiii;).- 1'ntisc u ntil i f St. Jo... p i ij AJJlsox i loi l r i ii .., i ail'-ii.e ut h, i j.- j. jjUULLNUTON AND .MISSOUKI RIVER RAILROAD. 18GG EASTWAlil) I60G Sliort nnd Quick Routf! to CHCAGO AND THE EAST. In connrt tl-oi ith Hip !-" XT.-irw- V;illiy su 1 Cli icao, liuri,ut u aul QuiLi'y U.iii'ou.ls. Three trains leaf Otiumwa dulycn ariiva) cf ilea Jloiats ValleT Iran... BUY YOUH. TICKTT.j VIA OTTUMWA and BURLINGTON, i ii it sun a r I'LATTSMOUI'II, OMA.IA, COl'NCIL r.T.UFFS, NKIiKASKA CI IY, DKS Mi (INKS, KNOX VILLI' ' ALi:.', JIONHOK, 1 LLLA, USK LOOSA, LIUIYVM.LK, OTTL'.MWA. Bapgage checked from OnumwaJ tr Chicago and the Ea?t. r.ishenpt-rs have rbi-i-.. of h 1 1 lli- i it 1 ioe. b-sii- V-i: Norlli, hits' ut it Si'iitl', ai.l ill li .t,l t ri't, io t II I' 1 1 iu-1 p il in ints t nil oy nil i uiue: . t 1 1 e li un.KM t.cii'i olii.'e ol On. coup it y. Ilsl.ll;. Wi.l tin. I ttiid rone iuii'l:, - if- . rjd ure in Us coiiii' ti"ti C K. I'! IK I.N. s', Sii... int. mlcit. L. CAlil'EIl, (ivllerai l-!'i;Mli l 1. is n,,,., Atn C HAHDIfvG GO., rosr oi ricn clii.uinu NEBRASKA CITV, - - Ii. T 0 WIIOLK PALTC AND RETAIL UKALhRH IS SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Al'o Ag. ' l? for all the g. Ii.'.-p:-.! MA CAZIM: -! an,l .V.' ll'.S''.l I'l'.llS, For which EubaCrl, tlr.i" are rccivJ a' I'a' '.. I. en 1'u.c, Tj. PHOfiT &. Co., VI10LF.S.ILE Gr H O C B H S Opposite tho Poit OiTic, NKHIlASIv.V CITV, X. BRYANT'S ronrlncl e! on th- b:t U i-f c?u:l H'-f;i,c bv n experi triced Ac f-nrit-ii l nnd y-,r T'rt.n. iti, w I, LONCJ CONNV.CTION With Ih' mn-t p i: tilir C'irnrn-ci:l f 'f.'cii o' the Cii'on en-ui cs I L ';' i; h - ;i ! it-,, to c v i y gradLate, uul f'.'iiniii t tlin L, t i , SPKCIAL ATTENTION i vrn to nil -tylh of fVnnittn'i '. ;. 'n wiiirli wo f.ivn -n awn i (! f hf fl i t Jf iu : u :n : t . lu.tt y ji-jia At viwioii- Miit Fairs Th' Coll-u- i;i h -whjh rittt to v'i'r.r, ftcI rirrii Mm c iildiiiini- fail pt f hiIhm, iti Im- m-n' I i Hiy 'Ulrrs. TliU'ff J. Ii: V LVT, r t, marl M. J-t Vu o. n. in-it. cai re ' ft cmixiom. Lit c Suji't Indian. Aiir. A ruryn ul I. me IRISH, CALKCtJIi &CK0XTCN. Tie itlmvr iK.ro-il r jt 'iX u hive -s .i,it"l ihM-p' v n in Li 'it ft !h ii jw.-f r x : l It if Hi '.if C ''J'TlHiU lil '1h ilitr l.i ' ij - I 'lit- I :( 1 (uvcri,fiif ut, or aprirt ni.v t. -f -t j! . - urt " j.;ir-i t i-mi : . J, ( ,ai,i i 1 1 ti r I . ; l'on'rc , ' r t ol t li r . '.tut.- lot ' s'iV' riijtij i r i c;Tr Hi Con 1-1 r 'i.itji, Mn Ihi H Hi!' Im j.t ii.uA ut tnl an it t p at -i-l,jttj.''nri. Xf "f?j": ut t SrctkJ Citj, tOTLcr uf yn ant l.t.ii btf-Kit-. ' v il Packet Line. On it the C'nwnr Pf.nn-'i leave .1 1 1 ly trm ev..' y i .ilut n i.'h- Mi-" on .".n . I ...v.- f-1 J n. i h, Jini an i iri at ft. .!. - I li ii t ic t r.-r. ' t i' ri i lii pjijir-s tiKin '.a !' e i'Hnii'li,l h -I J -i-th liMilf- .-1 for H.irm.l'Ul, at h rli .i;ri- ..;jf'r ion i ma-.i-tin, atlie eTeii'Hir n. "" ' I I1 li" U'-k I'a W-i-.m !.m U an ivt j ifi t iiM- I" ' iimi-i.i w ii, t.'-. t in or in. ir.ni.i out of r-t. l.'-oi for ( U'c.luin':. ln-'i .i, i.:-, f.-.n a vill-, Tcr.V ll.illte. W.-hil I n C-'v, I..il.i... e, I'bilwd. 'j.!ii, m-w York, !: t .r., d to a!: ''! Kai-'cn, North' rn a'.d .oi.,'' -' C.'. '--. 1' " a' ovn lilt -lltl'Ted lili'-K ol l l.-fl.t Til -h' I. luc r lir-i. I-; a :1 travelers I J I'' 1 1 " lil"'' ' - '' H i u u at-.-i , . Tin: 'i.i.'i t: i.y i - For fate to St I.oui i I I i in, "rtt err. ai.'l Ti-'iith-rn cite- i t'-e ul".,: Iir.t-. a' lii-r..-r 1'ity. 'in Int. C. in. il 1. 1' I''i-t -"i. ui:i. " H-k-t 'ity and at kll nih r pi in- i.lt c k t !!i.' - i t' - n it!. M4F'Ivh' a'.d i I a I i op'i.s f '- '. " R. FOHll. HT.,'t It It. ) I. , n .lot i.:i II. . iCi:(jLMN, het-'y 1! Ii 1 L. , : t J-.i't'h J. D. Sl.MI'SON, Ai.itt, P'ti-ri ootli, I. el. rank a. TAIiK iotici;. Bounty Increased. P.nsioxs due Sol' diers ard tfuir airs. F. M TJorrinp'on I, tlilp ihijr received from t? lfiar' rue ni, ili- 1 tv in full km":: rew liiniiks f -r tr codeciion ol ad'l!t'o: .iI rluniiiir-. and incrensfl IVn- ioi . and i i ad v io i.roeciite a. I such Ci:ui. at may I'' ti'tmtt-'l t-i hi eaie. Cl aud iai:iii.c. Fii .t claimed ia rt iv 1. . M . DOUlilXGTO:. Piatt.mouth, Aoj-. 10, lcl. It joa want Pat'-ul M'd'cine" at old n'!0" f L LLAC Ji, liLTTLUY A tO.'S. Win. Ifi. Lcinke, KEECH-Hr TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OF POSTOFFICL, Piattsmouth, Nebraska, (cCT 1M