Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 02, 1867, Image 2

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She cbr;v$ha pficratel
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thk sct i:ais.
We Je.-ire tipoa iliis occ.iiorj the
rl se of i'i-j year lcGG and the con. pie
lion of vo!ii,::e one cf the Daily IIeu-
T . t;i return our thanks to those who
hiive so colly iiooi by us during thu
pa:l year in our efforts to put forth a
paper thai would be a credit to the lo-
taliiv and rtilett the enterprise o our
rnipna. A littla more than a
than a ypar
induce the
ago, we set out trying to
people of Plattsmouth to g.e support
to a frnall daily, promising thc-ni Uiai
we would do all in our power U give
them their money's worth. We found
nearly all anxious to have a daily pa- Thursday after the first Monday in Jan
per published in the place, but they nary, which comes on the lO.h. Let
were almost as unanimous in ue be
lijf thai it could not be made a penna
nenl thing. It appeared to be the gen-
eral btlief that it could not be kept up
nure than two or three months, but we
thoii 'ht diUerent. Accordingly, cuthe
second dayf January, LSGG, we issu
ed the first number of the Daily Her
ald, since which time, it has been a
constant visitor to its patrons, not miss
ing a single day except Sundays and ihe
l.nliihivs. We have at limes found a
dull and heavy task to furnish our read
with interesting matter, but have never
fullered in our endeavors to do so
We propose starting out cn the new
year with increased hope and renewed
vitror, and once more thank cur pal
r.irn fur the rast and ask ot them a
ro,.ti:.uatioa of iheir coi.fidence and
rality. We have now every reason
t'jbelisve that the year 1S67 will wit
nes greater progress in this locality,
and in all Nebraska, than any year
tn sofi'piripiit nf ihr Terri'orv.
' . . , , , , i , ,i a i c;
T hre 13 scarcelv a djubt that the busi
' i
iaess of our city vi
t'l fl.n .1
I 1 UD IliUl L LltUll
doubled durin? the comir.c year. We
do not advance the idea because '"the
wish is father lo the thought, nut ue
cause w2 think facts warrant ihe belief
Wre k now the immigration will be large.
and that among the new comers there
will be many who control no inconsider-
able amount of capi at. And then,
there is every probability that work
will be commenced on the 13. & M It.
Ilailroad at this point during ihe com-
t - r ivhii'h n'.-tis will five a
Ji,!3 i. , ........ c
rrcater impetus to all brunches of bus
i:,ess than can be estimated. Our pro-
gress during the past year, with all the
.iron rent anaihv in business, is a cuar-
antee of what we may expect when
things brighten with the future that
awaits u. Our city ha kept steadily
on in iIvj march oi
f improvement. There
has been no wi'd-ercitemeat, but every
thin" has boen kept steadily along in
the track that leads to permanent great
tics. Churches, residences, stores,
warehouses, etc., have been built, side- to any country in which they live. We
walks have been constructed, streets hear the cry, "ho ! for Nebraska," coin
graded, bridges built, and in fact, all ing from all parts of ihe east; and we
kitids of improvements have been for- think we are safe in saying that, from
warded during the past year with great-
er rapidity than ever before. In the
- country the advance has beeu Btill
trrcater than ia town. New farms
have been opened, old cues repaired
and extended, fine farm houses built,
stock improved by the introduction of
better blood, end for the first lime in
the history of Nebraska, our farmers
have the gratifying knowledge that
their products are sough' fjr in the
markets of the east at figures advanced
above those cilered for the products cf
any other locality. We have had, dur
ing the past year, three new mail routes
es'al 'iskfcd between Pia tsmouth and
the settlements west of us; one running
to Weep'ng Water Falls, by way of
E ghtMiia Grove, one to Ashland, the
County Seat of Saunders Cjunty, thence
up Salt Creek through Lancaster, the
County Seat of Lancaster County, to
Beatrice in Gage County; and ihe oth
er through Ashland to Columbus, on
the north side of Platta and on the U.
V. llailrcad. These thing all show
the growing importance of the town
and country, and are so many argu
ments in favor of commencing the new
year with a renewed determination to
"press forward to the victory that is sure
to be curs if we have the courage lo
battle against apparent obstacles, and
not be disheartened al temporary ad
versities. We believe that enterprise
and perseverance will overcome all ob
stacles; and we have the best of evi
dence that the people of Nebraska, and
particularly of this portion of it, have a
good stock of those necessary ccrnodi
ties. Trusting and believing that the
year 15G7 will be an eventful year in
the history of our progress, we w sh all
mankind, and especially the patrons of
the Herali, a Happy New Year.
The IJ. & M. It, It. Co. is not in the
habit cf mulling so nudi noi e as soma
others, but ihey are leivii:.';; lo tak
hold c;f bus nesi in a s-l.ape that tuutl
eonvincs aiy one that they know ex
actly what they want to d j and are de
leniiintd to do it. Tbis company in
connection with the Chicago and Bur
lington eompany, h:ve let the contract
for briJisi ihe Mississippi, and the
H. &. M. It. Co. nre taking the neces-
- f Tl .
ary steps to tu;KI a roaa irom ua.-
linrton to Carthage, a ditiance
mi'es.this year, then a direct connec
tion through the Great Western road
wnn me east, uesiues mis ui
Council cf LJurlingion has decided to
place Mnrkei S pjare in charge of the
13. &, M. It. It. Co. for the purpose of
erecting a Union It. 11. Depot. These
u,,u8 wc""-' ,cJ
"'Pany 13 dplaymg in pushing tne
r ,Ur,,, ,r! lUi n'i!ii ir.t- that
Qf Nelraska convenes cn the first
every member bear this in mind, and
e on hand in good season. Itemem-
ber the trick of lasi winter, when the
Democracy sent letters to the ltepubli-
can members in the interior giving
Vroncr information relative to the time
of meeting', and thus bringing things to
A ucau
Ed. Herald: At present the prob
abilities are that Nebraska will not bs
admitted as a State, although there is
a nosubilitv that it may. Should our
present application fail, your correspon
dent, D, suggests that it might be well
for the legislature to frame another
constitution, ana it congress reiuses
our present application there is no doubt
.1 l v, ,i
. .
provide for calling a constitutional con
vention. There is no question that the
will cf the people will be belter ex
pressed through the action of a consti
tutional convention, eircted for the
purpose of framing a constitution, than
" u
a legislature uot eiecteu ior tnai
1 '
purpose. ii-
The advertising which Nebraska has
received, in various ways during the
last yearPhas had the effect to set peo
pie to thinking about this country; and
aa a natural consequence, ihe more they
think about il and the more they learn
cf it, the stronger grows ihe desire to
emigrate. The excursionist; over the
Pacific Ittti'road have generally report-
td verv truthfully in regard to our
country; the wheat crop has done wen
ders in the way of convincing people
that we had the best soil in the known
world; and the constant sending of the
Territorial papers lo frieuds and ac
quaintances east has served lo show
them our everyday life. These, and
many other things, have turned an irn
mense tide of thought towards Nebras
ka, and that too of th- right kind of men
intelligent, reading, industrious, bus
iness men. Men wh3 will be a credi
present indications, the population of
Nebraska will be doubled during the
next eighteen months.
Mr. Editor. At it appears loler
able certain that Congress will not ad
mil us as a State under ihe resent
Constitution permit tne lo suggest that
the coming Legislature shall adopt a
new Constitution, which shall remove
the objections urged against the pres
ent one.
It strikes me that this course will be
fully as acceptable to the people a3 to
call a Convention for the purposs of
framing a Constitution.
If the Legislatuae should adopt a
Constitution, our Senators and Repre
sentatives could take their seats in Con
gress by the 1st oC April next.
Which Way? In a late number cf
the Golden City Transcript, we notice
that G. W., its reverend editor, pitches
into the President's Message. This
show's which way ihe wind bljws, and
the tendency to which all things thither
wards are lend'ng. Another Radical
paper thus throws its banner to the
breeze. We should have thought from
the weight of influence which the Gov
ernor controls over the Transcript, that
it would at least have been quiet on
Natioaal topics if il could not support
the Administration. Policy we should
thick would dictate quietude on the
National issues. Denvtr Gazelle.
Thj above shows exactly how much
"principle" thf-re is in the course of the
Administration papers. Thsy would
support A. Johnson's policy because
somebody else who was supposed to
control a small amount of patronage
did, and are surprised that others do
not. I hey will learn directly that ihe
American peopld are acting upon some
thing more substantial than policy
they are acting from j rinciIe.
'Jl'Iie I.tgeinl ;1 tvanJ.i lads.
The popular i.amd t)t ili e Saint who
pre.-ides ovt-r and toy gifts of
that welcome f jason, is derived from
Sainl Nicholas The leend-ot his ap-
reajaiice is an Italian oik
to ihi. a shoe i,akt r
uained GiraKii,
whoh'td ia 1' rrari, was sj miserably
poor, that his 1 ib-jr from day to day
fcarely kept his family from starvation;
and he was unalle to give even a small
dowry to his p:evy daughters. It was
not thought prupt-r to marry without a
dowry; and thus the young girls,
ihounh each l.nd an admirer, were com
pelled to rema.n .-it.ghi. Their father;
however, went every nurning to the
shrine to pray to his patron saint. St.
Nicholas, that he would work a miracle
to reheve him from his distress.
One of hi nearest neighbors, a rich
merchant, who chanced one day to hear
his simple petition, ridiculed the idea of
his expecting the Saint to take care of
his daughters, and recommended him
to choose a patron saint who would be
able to do something for him. "Mine,''
ho said, "is ihe Jew liuonajuto; he
lends 'me money at two per cent a
month, and if you know how to manage
you may mak' four w ith it. He is not
so deaf as Saiat Nicholas."
The poor man was shocked at this
impious speech, and assured the mer
chant -that his religious faith could nev
er be shaken. lin went every day to
church, notwithstanding the other's
It was now Christmas day, when the
meichant and the Jew settled up their
yearly nccounts; Duonajuto found he
owed his friend three hundred ducal,
and wishing 1 1 give him an agreeable
surprise, he ordered one of the ducks
he had fattened to be killed and roast
ed, and then '-villi his own hand intro
duced three hundred golden peices into
the inside, and sewed them up, then
sent the duck to the merchant as a
Christmas presen.
'1 he merchant's wife, who shared the
ctmmon prejudices against the Jews,
declared she would not touch the duck,
and the rich man resolved to sell it.
When Giraldi passed on his way from
church, his neighbor, as usual, banter
ed him on his devotion, showed him
the Christmis gift his patron had sent
him, and taur ted him with the stolidity
of Saint Nicholas, who could not even
s-nd him a piece of bread. Finally,
he offered the duck for a dollar, and to
wait for payment, as he knew Giraldi
to be perfectly honest. The shoemaker
carried the duck home, and when he
carved it for his Christmas dinner, and
the three hui.i'red ducats fell out, his
firt exclamation was "Praise to Saint
When he recovered from his surprise,
he would have taken the money back,
but his wife persuaded him that, as he
bought the duck, it was rightfully his
own. He therefore divided the sum
between the suitors for his two eldest
The merchant, after some days, dis
covered his los- of the three hundred
Uncut. OtiJ yenl tt !i5 sliociuiiir to
demand the money which was refused
The cause came before the Magistrate,
who was a pious man. npcl heard with
indignation how ciutdiy the poor man
Itad been ridiculed nbcm hi rehgimi.
His sentence was, that (iiraldi should
keep the money, and that ihe merchant
and the Jew should pay besides, a firie.
for their usurious dealings, cf one bun
dred and fifty ducats, to be givin as a
dowry to the shoemaker s youngest
The meaning of this legend is, that
a beuificent Providence watch over
and takes care of th poor, who are
honest, religious and truthful. The
tradition runs, that since that time St
Nicholas pay:? a visit every Chris'nia:
eve to all whom h thinks worthy of
his favors. He is known altogether by
the name Santa Claus.
EPS" The Postmaster General has
decided to discontinue all Post Offices
in Southern States, where late Post
masters fail to make returns of the
money and stamps in their hands at the
beginning of :he war. Very few old
ofhees in the Southern States have yei
been re-opened, and except where spe
cial application is made, no more will
be for some tune to come.
Washington, Dec. 2G, Letters
from Richmond declare that the legis
lature voted lirianimi usly against t he
Constitutional 'Amendment, &i-d that
the people of Virgmid are equally
New Vokk, Dec. 31. The Herald
Washington special says that a state
ment comes from a trustworthy source
that instructions Lave been sent to
Minuter Campbell at New Orleans,
and ere this he is en route for Chihua
hua to join President J uarez.
Lieut Gen. Sherman arrived last
The Tribune's Washington special
says thai Stevens is preparing import
ant measures which will be introduced
immediately cn the reassembling of
They look for radical changes in the
Executive and .ludiciul quarters.
Mr. Hoeprr i.iUnds to press hi
bank bill immediately upon tke open
ing of Congreis after holidays. It will
strenuously oppose any increase of
S300.C00.000 cajital in the national
banking law. A strong pressure has
been brought to bear upon the commit
tee from the Northwest to secure a
moderate incr. ase, but Hooper, backed
by ihe cummiiiee, strenuously oppose,
and will endeavor lo defeat it in the
House. " The 'Northwestern member!
allege that Ma.-sachusetts Iras SG0.000,
000 invested in National Banks, while
the entire Northwest has not much over
ftj" A maa ivas asked what in-
j duced him to make a law student of his
! son. "Oh. he was always a Ivm? hi-
j tle cuss, and I thought I would humor
his leading propensity.
ALL li:03JT IT-
The following questions frcm a gentle
man in Mississippi will serve to show
that Nebraska is attracting attenticn in
all parts of the country. We learn
that a large number of persons intend
emigration from Mississippi to Nebras
ka early in the spring, and these were
asked f a resident acquaintance here
in order that they might obtain as mu ch
correct information as possible before
starting. We have asked of him the
privilege cf publishing them and an
swering them for the reason that thou
sands of others, in different parts of the !
States, are anxious to obtain the same
information sought by this man. He
asks :
1. What Railroad facilities, present
and prospective, at Flaitsmouth and ad
jacent country?
2. How often do boats pass up and
3. What is the freight on corn,
wheat, potatoes and pork to St. Louis,
or Columbus, Ky., and market price
of same now?
4. Is Piattsmouth situated immedi
ate'' on the river, and what kind of
river bottom is it in regard te elevation,
timber and soil, and how wide is the
5. What is the population in number
and kind?
G. How does town property sell with
or without improrement?
7. What is farm land selling at in
cash in the adjaceut country say from
two to 15 miles.
8. Is the priarie land productive as
the wood land?
9. What kind of limber in the coun
10, Is there much maple sugar made,
and the price?
11. What kind and quality of water
away from the streams?
12. Can lands or town property be
bought on time in part?
13. Can graiu, potatoes and pork be
bought in quantity in first hands during
the winter, and what the probable cost
of preparing and hauling oats, wheat,
corn, rye and pork?
14 Can plenty of timber be had for
wood and posts convenient to prairies?
15. What is the cost and conven
ience of timber for building?
1G. What the cheapest fence?
16. Da anv kin J of ttock do well
there in winter without shelter?
IS. How many months do they have
to be fed, und what kind of range or
pasture m summei ?
19. What mom 33 is navigation sus
pended from cold?
20. Steamboat passage frcm Plaits
mouth to St. Loui:.?
21. Do persons coming up in winter
suffer inu.-h inconvenience from cold?
22. How much does it rain in win
23. At what time and how long are
the roads muddy or in bad order for
To the above questions we mke an
swer as nearly correct as we art able to
as follows:
1. We have a railroad within three
uiles of Piattsmouth, on the opposite
side of the river, which is completed to
within three miles of Council Bluff.
The Chicago and North Western Road
is completed to within fifteen miles of
Council Bluffs on the east. Both the
above roads will be completed within
four weeks, when we will be directly
connected with Chicago. The C. 11. Sc
St. Joe. Road, (the one mentioned on
the opposite side of the river) is being
rapidly pushed through to St. Joseph
and will be completed inside cf twelve
months, giving us direct communica
tion with St. Louis and the South. The
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad
is now contracted ta within eighty miles
of thjs city, snd will prolably be pushed
through to this city next season. Ii
will be irrimediatsly pushed through
from here west to connect with ihe Pa
cific road, thus giving us a direct line
east and west. Besides these roads,
the Atchison Road wi!l be buili on this
side of the river within a few years,
making ibis city its northern terminus.
These are the roads in which Piatts
mouth is directly interested. The Un
ion Pacific Jtoad is already completed
300 miles west fro-n Omaha, and the
Iowa &. Missouri State line Road is
being built towards Nebraska City, ly
ing 30 miles eouth of this place.
2- Boats pass up and down almost
every day during summer season, and
sometimes four or Jive in a day.
3. Freights are from 25 lo 50 cents
per hundred to St. Louis. The pres
ent market price of corn is from 35 ct's
to 40 ct'?; wheat 8l .35; potatoes 81.25
per bushel (very scarce this season);
pork 87.00 per hundred.
Piattsmouth is situated immediate!)'
on u;e j.msouri lUfer, two nines ue
Iow the confluence of the Platte and
.l.r- T1 . . : I . I ' I
Missouri. There is but little bottom
land on the Nebraska side, anywhere
in ihe Territory; but there is a broad
expanse of bottom land on the opposite
side from 3 to 1C miles wide, what
wouUi be called low bottom, partially
timbered with eoltonwood, linn, (or
basswood), sycamore, elm, hackberry
wa'nut. I urr-oak, and several other va
rieties, but principally Cottonwood. The
sod cannot be surpassed, unless il is by
our rilling prank's.
5. The population of Piattsmouth is
between 2,000 and 3,000, all white,
and as fine a lot of people as can be
found anywhere in the world.
9. Town lots, without improvements,
can be had at from S-50 to 82,000,
owir::r to location. Improved property
can be bad as above with cost cf im
7. Farm land can be had at from
Government price to 830 per acre;
owing to location &c.
8. The prairie land of Nebraska
cannot be surpassed, in point of pro
ductiveness, by any part cf the world,
as ihe last ten years bear witmess.
9. The timber in the country, away
trorn the large rivers is mosiiy oak.
walnut, hickory and ash.
10. No maple sugar.
1 1 . The water is limestone and fresh
No such thing as bad water known in
12 Lands and town property can
be had on time, in part or in whole, by
giving proper securities.
13. Ihe products named, except po
tatoes, can be had in quantities in first
hands, and prepared and hauled at
reasonable rates, owing to the labor
1-1. Timber can be had convenient
to a large proportion cf ihe prairie
land, although soma portions are re
mote from that necessary anscle.
Cottonwood timber, however, can be
cultivated successfully on the prairies,
and there are already large groves of
it in various puts of Nebraska.
15. Cottonvvoud lumber for building
can be had convenient at 825 to 830
per thousand feet.
. 16. The cheapest fence is the "Herd
Law ;" but where a visible fence, ii
desired either wire or boards is gen
erally used on the prairies.
17. All kinds cf sto'-k will do reas
onably well without shelter, but do bet
ter wi b; sheds made of prairie grass
(which, by ihe way, is the very best of
hay, and can be had everywhere for
the cost of cutting) or straw is used
generally for the protection of stock,
unless w here there is a large herd, and
then they are left without shelter.
IS. Stock generally have to be fed
from four and t half to five months.
The pasture in the summer is Ihe broad
and expansive pritiries, which aru cov
ered with rich and luxuriant grasses
equal u the clover fields of the old
19. Navigation is generally suspend
ed from about the first of December lo
the first of March, though sometimes
not so long.
20 Siecmboat passage to St. Louis,
about 825.
21 As a general thing persons can
travel without suffering from cold il
warmly clad. The winds are ihe worsi
22. No rain of consequence in win-
23. The roads are seldom, muddy.
The soil is sufficiently sandy to prevent
mud. It may rain all day and night,
and by 10 o'clock ihe next morning
the soil will be sufficiently dry to plow,
and tht reads will hardly show a sign
of mud.
We have endeavored to answer the
above questions in as brief and truth
lul a manner as possible, and believe
there is sufficient good in this country
to largely overbalance the bad qualities.
There are many other things of which
we would like to write and propose to
at different limes in future. Let ail
who desire to emigrate to a good coun
try cctne and see fur themselves.
ifSF" Keith Johnson, a Scotch gen
tleman, travelling in the Holy Land,
says he has discovered, in a village,
now called Tell Hum, ancient Caper
naum, the synagogue in which Christ
preached on one occasion. Tnis is the
only edifice now existing which was
visited by the Savior. Mr. Johnson
state lhat the synagogue is in a very
good state of preservation, considering
that it is more than one thousand, eight
hundred and sixty years old.
EST" The following is the "nub" of
a yarn which is told about a big, whiskey-guzzling
fellow, who came home
drunk one nscht. and sat down by the
fire to warm his feet, which were reg
ular "worm-killers." Says ihe le
gend :
. After dozing some tin . he awoke
chilly; the embers were ntirely hid
from view; and seing his feet, he mis
took them for his liule boy, when, with
a majestic side wave of his hand, he
said: "Stand aside, my little son, and
let your poor father warm himself!"
Need Men get Makbied. Among
the many new inventions, says the St.
Joe Herald, is a button that is fastened
to rloth without thread. It consists of
a button with a wire, to be inserted into
cloth like a corkscrew, and then pressed
down Cat, so as to form a ring to hold
the button to its place. As this inven
tion wiil enable men to keep the buttons 1
on their shirts, it obviates the necessity
of wives not altogether, but to a very
great extent.
A correspondent, in a letter to
a London paper, suvs : "On the side
wall of a building in Leicester, I lately
read the inscription, newly put up
Near this spot lie the remains of Rich
ard 111, the last of liirt Plantnireneis.'
But long after he ft li on IJ.iswc-rth
field, in 1 1S5, even dawn to very re
cent date, scions 'of the right stem of
great P!alagnet' were in existence
among us, in humble circumstances,
illustrating the decadence of families.
One was a butcher at Halesowen an
other kept a turnpike rate, and anoth
er was sext.m at St. George s Hanover
I.iC"l IVotice.
Ia ILe Il-ttict Curt. 3.1 Jutlicial lii-trict, Nck,lii
Teitilory, iu aiiJ fur Cas tounty.
Cilvin K'15-.-i!, 1
ag in.vt (In Ctui.ce!y.
Tlie unknown hei of 57e- ;
p- en H'l-ft-'l, 'Viewed. J
Tii ili' hfirs of St.-jilicn i; u ,.1 1, drc jimcI :
You arc b' ic! y c.i:Beil lU it on lb - 21b l.iy
! cein! r, A l. l-0i', i!n oum'l iinarit, C'atv :ti lint-i-ell,
il: (1 ll:e 1" tii cllin' cf he C!'-ik l tic -.d JuJ:
ri 1 1 l)itiiv i Ci . rt. in t-fli-l C'liinly or l, ,.u il.e
Clu.ncery t.i'1 lb te f l.ii biil il complaint, o!-
j- CtilU'l I'MV-T rf ttiliO I is to fuiii:.u'a r.t;iill
oi 'itji' l.e irin,' j lb illi day of Mjnb, 1-5',
xc-uu-J I y St' i bcu i:ell. lb.- J.-f. u,li.c, lo .i d
c-fiiiyla. naut uj.oii ri-itaiii r'-al et-l.i-, Ni'i.i:M ;i.
Ca-s, Nebraska, to wit: 'I'be t J,a!f of ti e
k .u: U-tH!.t ni..rur of n'liiOn flv Iu tuwt;-l;ii
k'V, d (11), ninth .f r unify tl.iro.n ( la;, ej-t . f i b
1. M ., Col.taiouii: HO acres To mm: lie ayiii,-:,l
of a c ' pr in.o:y tn.le mi l'- by fct. i'b. n Itu--.-eii,
for vatu.: rec.-ivi.l, dvliVcrei tu t!,e i-.od Calvm
lltiH-ell, for LLP biiinlr d an 1 e uhty fiv .- and :;:J-l'"i
il di.ii, i aybio tiv yi- ir nf!-r i!at'- with i i i-ii-t
fioin lt ut tbe r;U- f ti-n i r n ut r anui.iii.iind
lor tbe ulr if said im i!f:.f .1 P'l ini es, and fo, the
. li.rut of ..4i.'im r.f 1-C o.J lull. i:b intxet
tbe e u fn ui tbe j b d..y of Manb, 1 .:, at ten i-r
lit p-r ai'iiam, and to loree'o e all f-.inity of ie
den)jl!.y(i of you iu an 1 to tail jo em i-e. Vou are
tb' n fo-e bt' ly nut ill d to upce ir, pleid ntuwii or
d iiiiir to tl.e i".ud biil o' c-'mi 1 lint on oi 1 ifoie tbe
llt.i day of K'kroaiy, 1S0T, or the complainant will
luk1. d-c te atfainft vou a pr.iv'.d
il AltQl'Kli' 4 ClIATMAX,
oti.;itoiH for t'onipbiinant.
Oid.'rwl ill nt Uip at'ove b- mbli-h'd in t!.e Nr
t rat-ka IK-rnld in vv .-paper, for lour cm cut e ks
jv2 4f l'.egbt'.T lu I bane -ry.
Bstray Xfofcices.
Taken up by the und' rs!j;n'd, one milt east of Sit.
I'lea.-ant, Oais county. Nbra.-k.i, one Mo r c ilf.wiib
pal.-red spotf, and crop and silt in lipM '', a nil
crop in tbe I.Ti ear LUlllKItAN Lil.lVtll.
January lid, is67. iv
Taken up by the under.-ign' il, iu I'l
Pncinct, t ai-s county, N. T. on tbe llthiiit-t., oue
white cow, Riippu-ed to be fly: yeara old, marked.
rnp olT rir;bt tar, bnuail red t-pot on left hip.
Dec. lOlli, lf'JO, A. li.ToDU.
Takfn up bv tbe FuK-cnlcr .it Mr rtA rm-p iu
Orenpnlis l'reoiurt, Ca c Mr ly, N. T., about 4 1 -'
miles tioith-vri'st of l'l ut lomb, on the Hi day of
Decemqrr, lsil6, one two year oid lieiti-r of a ro,m
t,!n', with red nrd white not. .N mark or
brand perr-ivable. JACOH IIOHS.
Dec 8, I?oti r -5
l.ikenupby th MiWrber. living thra n:'.
it of Hock lib Us, tour yearlinjif;
line w!i it- yen liDf,- bub, uotcb i i ft 'ir.
tine year iiif t',. r, white and led on f on: 'pia' ler..
bind quart' r- !iit", cr. p :u !e:t ear.
O. e'red yeaning bei;'' r. crop in e.i b ear.
One dai k bio.v , yta lin,' l.eif. r, line back. No
other tia:k" or bra mis pi rt iyao.e.
uVc 1: w l J n. HOI. .VIS.
Ta'.cn no by th" unb criber. nt h! rr'rr.iM 5 in
Wceuinjr Winer T e met, L'.ic .ui.iy, N. T.. al nt
(r.eauda fl.ilf mile nor:li ,a.-t i-r l.-d ' nii.1,1"
tb" 1Mb !av of November,, lw a year old
Steers, i ne il l. W ith bald f:.c , and tbe o:b r a r, !
r.ein, w i ll 1 :!"! bark : r.d bald tare, and ha-, a it. p
tr rifbt ear. N o o' her marks or brand 1 n ' ; v. (.!'.
Wrcpins Wi.ior, Xov. 21.
Taken up I y lb" rul-n riber. two ni!!. :;uilli wi t
id Piatt iu ut h , two bcilei. one ad i p ml. in
mark', ti e ether a pale r d, hj. n.i bro' ii o.T, cai .'i
tuppo!'e.l to be tvr j yea.ii ol I-
U c 1'J w5 C. WO. Vl'.VlV.
Tr:ke uj by I.ewi Kin:', livinir 1 1-2 uric w-t
of Xi uosl.a. a-s county, N. T , lu woik u-.-i.
uppo l d to be ! ur y..l- '!,!; .,11, h i n fwilb.wr
fjrk out i t ielt ear. loandid on 1,-n liorn J J 1' ; thu
otlur is wbiti wnb nil p-:k. ?n I' d. r ubt tiom
liro 'P, braudtd ou it'll bum wi.b V,ci.,ndr et't ear
i iHiu u:.o.
November 12.1, li'Cn. dc 5
TiVcn tip t-y I t sub'CT, in l.ibi r y Pn .-ii i !
"a county, S T , n tbe fy b d ,v of .'ov nil er, A.
I), !-C3 one pate i nl fitter, two ' ai n d no i a' k i
or eitiv.'.ic t' 11 .1 Itl. K S V, AN.
I.ii.i rty, Nov. lib, lol 0 Ueiii
Taken ui- bv ti c n -.rr:bor, t bi- ici '. -? in M:.
I'lc l-ant l'recinr:. Ca.x county, N T , ..n t be Ctli day
of NoV' nib. r, one inaie Colt, -tip d li I
oae - ir nl I, d uk bay, Willi wbr.e p..t lo ! iftbead.
Ni in -1 1 ks or Li iu ia peiC''ivabie.
,ieLi-j w. v. jo.n;:
Tikeo up by tti .- ub-crib'T ut bis ie:ui-e in On
niioiis 11. . -njt-t, ( .t s cuo'y, N I'., u tv ITih .lay
of N..'embit , IMili, o: e ye ,i iini? htee', ubnewi'i
'ed ilei k. a'.d c. n-icler.ili.e red about l.'ji b-id i.Ij.1
n. .e: tl.etio.of ihe e .rn aie eilbi r c.oi in d
I .-i dec 12 WviJ
j. i'An;n..
Taken up by tb ? tnh.-criber. at b jj i.--id u '.: in
I. uivi:.e I'rrriuct, Ciikh cmimy, N. T., al.ooi l 'i
mile, we-tot t-muutb, on t'ie "l diy .f K.ii'li
ber lifii! ,,ue d i k hrow n be.:er, Miipi.d t lev!
eari o.d, has a bite -t .r in .iln-ad. t.o in .rt:-' ur
i.r.u.N. (ii-U. CHOWilA.NN.
d,c 12 ISCii l3.o
T. k. n up by II. n sub- liber, livinR in alt. Iie.iau-.
I'lecinct, ore two Vrar old n d bull, lii'e uu er ihe
l.eliy, rather mill in t.T.: No otl.-r iiiik-or
b.aiiiia pmceivabl JOHN GKU. iiANS'jN.
die U wi
('iiardiaii Sale of SZeal
Cy o iter of tbe l'r bat- Court of Casi C-uuty,
Neb.a-ka Hint iv, cn
S-.iturdoy, Ihe 19 day of Dcccnbti ,
A. D. 1S:7. between the hour of 1 and 3 uVlork p m
of slid day ut ihe d .or ol the Comt-llnuie in the
city of l'lHitMiiouih, in the fcaid county of C'al. will
ie hold at jiuU ie vi ndue, to it'e I, it'll si aii.l 1 tt bid
d. r I. r carb, tbe I dlowi g ieji eia., a t. o piol-cr
ty cf the e-taer til FraUkliu W. Hua;an, ileiiai
ed, to-Wit: I b: s'nll-eat q uartrr ,f the north 'St
qnaiter ef iw.tlou 'J. ti.wi.hbip 1'. ranga 14 ca.-t
tiih p ni, in Ca4 t-ounty, Nebra-k.
PA.Ml'LI. 11. l;"tZ, Ouar.iiari
of Infant h-lr of Vi ai.kui. W . l lai.itrau, d I 'd.
Wo hv put Into our Mi!l lati-lr several iinjjortarit
improvements, and are tow (. rtpjrl t
JET X o ia. 37 .
Wheat and Corn.
Plattsmcuth, Dec. 10th, 1SC6. 4w
f. " '.-.a dea'er in "
Groceries, Provisions,
A 1! k'nd of Prcduce taken in exchange f. rg.))d.
I keep the verj bea of p.... d.s( ar.d am to
I 'll tiern a c i rap as air hers- in tbt ciiy.
r"h plare (o jjt rbesp I.ampi and I.mnp Chue
1 i at SLACK, bL'ITtl Y '-V.'tf.
(bucc 'iior to J. I'arr. 1 L s..mji.i
Pi.AtrfMut rir, Ni:o.
Korp coiiflitntly rn baE l t p.' 1 mi; ; ' j- of
riiLsir iutr. M),
and fverythinn in tl.e line. Io
aiioci:i:u:s ruovisiu.z
of n !1 kind..
WANrrn: Country I'ru.lur, Putti r, ' ic.
f (i ive us a c.iil.
I -opt i-6.
t. 31. jiaesqi'f-tt.
attosm:v at law
F ciicitor in Chancery.
LAT'' jMirill,' - - NKIUUSKA.
Mmn mmu
KM IS A srach'iM; srit.ST.W
tim.ia com ri. r.n:.
ti'V'.ux tl.u ikel an ! N.iri.minj; otr the Ti e Ri U
nl. n.:
srrs vp its "ir.v 11.7. v
KSl'IS AS V SHI.', In 111 l ri 1. forming a .-.jt,I,
lit. To II loll e:i on it V !
UZ'K-V.1 Jl .V.l.'.'iH V, I v v.irybii; th- nuin
her of ..o,.f , and
Knits the Wide Single I'lrt YLk,
The J),Mt!:l,) Wth.
The Plain Kil l ed Flat Web,
ai d the
Fancy UiU.ed Flnt b,
' With Sidveges.
io olhr iTIriflihic in flic
ivorld can !o :uiy one
Shaw Is,
Hontl s.
Ihc:kfaM Cip'",
Ii.y's Sui'j,
(liii'.l ri'li's Chut Us,
Sn nv Shoes,
And a variety of F.itiry Fabrics.
Knit a yard r.r p'.i'.o vn k in trn ininu-.e, a pair of
h.K-ks .-..Htptrtt In t-a'f 'in Inair.
rn Kin lin-", W...I liiow. '-, '.l r n f , .-i u i n M r-f1;.:'.!-..
.V '., Il i. ti" f o ' n. oie1'' ma in.: anl ' .'"i r
s.n il tl l'i . eli! I'll 1 I 1 1 .1 - '. I r in lli-' !' per
r -i t pr- I' t on . vc: v a c ' -: ,1 I I - "'n "V". ' n - n h ' r
. .in.. ii fr in Ik 15 1-. .: p v i. k. kui:li.. 1.' " ry
and t pb nnd f in v v oft. I an..'-.
Kvery Mxc! in" wan. i.t ' ! "ik at i. ie-i ntcd.
Ki r c.r u iai !, a l r -h w ..b Mam
CiX'lS. tf3 L.oot
No. 11 Nunh j h St., St. L. u;-, Mu.
fGeneial AirnNf.r th.: WV-l :m. I
S.tU'llWe:!. l. H
Cl'LLIili l run r. 7 : V 7'
Cr. not'iii.c r pi isti)
3 X XFJ-
l l i Woiid'-rf-il I I 'x itiility and t"" ii : in ' ' k- I
Pe;i-ure to any l.ry e r.n: th -.1 'i-.b-x rl ip'.o
skirt will I... i xi i-r-. in i d pin t,' i I n y it all ere, ,. d
A - in!; ir, 0 im h i ( ' . 1 1 ;a ' 11 .i I r. .i- I i ' i i - ,t ' h 'i i Ii
P..WH A i in 4'b:iir, f .I 1'ron.i n i i I. on-e I r-
:.!, tl.e Skirt i in be fold, d v. h. ii Mil.-.' loonniy a
!.'eall "p'ic hi ia iiyi.ud r..r. v.i, i ! i i 'v h a k or
XI U . 111 II' l h. llll III v 1 il : I tr .,11 . 1 j y .!! c I . U ;. ! . I. r , II . 'I
b und in iit'V s'u;.''' S i i 1 jr 1. 1 1 1 .
A li-ivii.j rt j n d Ibe p'e'i-iirr, nod
(rn at r..nv. ui. '.re il uoeiv lie I'm b x 1 'ii ti.
M... I Sp . in t H. i t f. .r a hin e day . i :i l . v.-- ii t
w ,lliu(;iy !lp !' w 1' h tl r u. . r ... I .1-.'r-n.
M i'-i s un.l Voui. I.a li a Ho y i.r.' .oi; c lar t i
all uthr: 4.
T,..r wilt not b.-nd i.r i'c l.-kr ihe Smfi' 1 1 r.f (',
bit 'l!l p..'i.v: II, 'ii pelt- t rt:d !-":,-('. I Mi ape
W heri tl.lee . r fiur ... I, mi'. Mllt will
IbKiwn a-i ie l,. II-. 'II.- I". I a l-" '"- l
with !. 1.1 und tv i t. d II. 'end. and the 1 olroi.i n..'
a'- lo.i i.n'v l"il'.i' t"rii.i.' l.nt iwi-e I'.r . i
r .v r .1 ; j i e Veil 1 1 : i" Iroi i w iai iu- u t h a
'IM,'!; ri: il. i ii - '.' oi -. i - i i'-. A-.
1 1.- 1 1 a J I -x l.!ti,.iie i" a ,-r. al f..v.,ri' i b all 1 .-
I -4 H lid 1- u u . v.-l Y I . I f on l'i ' I 'I'd Ly I 'i r I I. t. l-.'i
fr'. at .ri-i ' - tb ,V ni li il tkirtf th ai.'.i'-n-
)ic s;,ni!
I , rjov He filli-aiur i' advii n I -ic-i lo
C r ii "1 1 ue, i : . ti.. j ii ii ni v, ni f. rt maiiut.i-t '; e,
ivlihh -bap- mid fin ,, fl i lil ty, .b.r .l.'l.i y . cm
f .. I and er.i ,in-.'. is b.r J W.l'.i.ol. I'l-
pb x Kll I'i'f. n r li ui. - ..rii-g rkirt. and t. s :r: ti
t-et tbe j -imin.. arti-!-.
CAT 1 ln I' . coat. I k .ln-t blip Mi- n 1- pa ti-v
nl u to nn'ii - t'.ni -icri-i daH I j v ' l ava
He r.d ink -'n ip, v r. "J V. biad -'a 1 i. ; : x
pilipi i'i i'. 1. 1 1 .v;'t in-," u.iin tl." w;,i ti at d ii ."e
olti.raie .'-Ii' in-. :- lloti-e lb-it itufi Ho p
will n a p u i . i ir pn i i t'lr, .!. f.a r. n re,
ttiu.n rev..iiii. !l.-t'Ao(.r d .ub.' ) i ii f I.r .. i d
t.'eiber t" rei i, ivlii ii I- 1 1 h. c r. t ol in. ir tl-
ity and hiri'Uh'ib, aud a c aiioioali oil Lot lob - f'.'i'ol
in any i!h-r .-U irt.
F..r hal- in all H! )i ' b,e br-t r,. tUlrt a-a
ro'.d lhr"U,iioii! Il t l'i il.' l :. t ie ami I ew b-re.
.M jnufaC'iii; . bv tin- - - of ti e Pan u",
11 1 - IS, I !!A.1.KV d I AKV,
0T Chat..b -ra .t- 79 t fl K-ale nil, N. T.
iiovl9 ttaHiu
'TJnqucstlon'tbly the best sus
tained work of the kind in tho
New Monthly Magazine
CrilKal Noiicts t th. Press
It is the f rmnioHt M.,''iz"nf of t!, rlav. 1 he fl ri
ftidc nrvtT haiJ a r.u-rv -;;ptlful r iipi u'n n. n r U-.m
mnli n & rn'ire iritr p ; i tr fm n l. ilin ll.irp'-r't
Xffzm. M1h Jiet Prtlr4nitt Bal f i tn n
ihn nitir-t pofuli.r Mjith:y iu Hv uro'M. Vf9
York (t'tHert rr.
We in it rt f r la t'rm ft fWn'y f" ihr fon
an4 vanr'l exl 'vuer tf lir.n -r l.iit c
j-mrna: wt'.h a inoriih'v oirC'Jl txino -f :i!j;Mt 11".JO0
cn.i ia wfiiisr p.tjr'n nre to t-e foul sum? -f I'
chou lii-'M and gti.t-ia. rf-alif.uf the We
fV;:k f i!u w ik a- ti -v.(i'!(r' t,f tiirt ml tire f !
the A in- ri- an i ; rid th i .iUi ly ic Its i'-4'iirt-d
m-nt d K;; ri Dtiiu'-r c-utaii 'uliy 1 4 I
of r n i.;r, a;prpriir y ilni-itral'
with no"U wf,il c i'i nr. : it (fUijt-r in it-lf
rAt-y ni'jiilhly iiikI Ih? moic j hiiovpli tral iUarlrrlv
blcii.'i villi tbe ht t--tfir- of th daily j uruul
Il ha ve'it r'.u'er it V.-' di-iMiiD ti i ' f
ur hli'i at'ir. Trwiurr'j Out-it to A mrr 'u it
Lit) oture. 1,'pndax .
Th volut.K t l-.aiitl c"nkt.tut of thuu lv- a U
lrury uf mi-ce'l tue U4 rea'Uii nrU asiiDwt be
frufid iu tne io roiiJi-a-Ri in any ' thr p"h li'-a'i iu.
that haj, vuinv Uhdrr oi.r noii.-i;. ffititon t' iT.
Tb PuMthrt ha v I v T- if 1 a fyptprn (if milling
hy whirS Ihiy rufti;y i!. ' MAOA.15K id VVnii
vT promptly t !!,(. win jt for to rtfie Uvr
jjc iodicai- : ir- t! f r. : th" filr'' of J'uh cminu.
The iofie on r' ?t-A:z p n tl-l cr.ui &
ynr, which iiiut te la. 1 at ti.e gurnet iheti, j.o-l-cilicu.
IIarp"r'a Magazine. t:e y ar - 14 00
An Kxtra C .y cf e.t'" r tbe Mlju ue r.r Weekly
will lie up;-!.ei ir'am I..r e-.e-y i i .1. ol t.veruh.
xriueia at 4 huaili, in vt.t r iuii'.ai:c ; or b:t
Coiiie for I tl.
bark Numberj can be ftij prd at snr lima.
A Ci uu Ie'e.-t, t...-.r , .,U. 1 h i :.v-th'ee Vr.l
ume in aeat cl.ah b'L.lmc, i l I ' - y,
freicbt it ea;aue of i-.i .n.u r..r i.'. 1 er vuiui.e.
Sinirle v luui--, t.y i:j ii..'J, J W. Cloth Ca
ae. f.-r bin.! i m:. c- . ' y n a i-'i'.i'-l .
,Si.l",ci.i.t. tc: I i'r. ui liim-h S'ir'h Atneri
ran I'r.n iu. . i ni'.st he ae.'wni..c;'l w :li H ecu
ad'Ii'lona' u ; rei'.". I'nii I 'al''' f A4
die UAIiPKH Jt UKUI ilKi'.-t,
Do-U fiaiiklia irc, St Vol.
; ' 5 t