? J 3 rrf-yf "If any man attempts to haul dinctt. the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." 3 VOL. 2. PLATTM()UIHJ N. T., WKDAL:DAV, JANUAkY 2, ISGy. AO 39 j. 1 THE HERALD is runLi.-iito DAILY AND VEEKLY WEEKLY EVERY V. LONE-DAI" BY (II. D- 1 1 AT 1 1 A WAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Tr-y-GTi.e rorner Jlaia stmt 6i:d Levee, second '. ry. Term: Vrrli!v, .$2.50 per annum; t'ailv, 1 pT month. f'atf S of lifrrrtisiwr. s-7 t?n ! - -e r" .e-) one insertion, n - - e'l'titr m lines $1 ro 1.' 0 10 (( :" ( 2D ro i: no C'l (M 5.".iiO L'i no Tim co ;'. CO Prof. i 1 p-r acr'im SIX IllollltlS tl.r c months t ; v n.or.;b i tlir e u: i:i!:s tr-nit'.' Ob t.atf clu' in Cne-ol-inia 1 CO '( ::S ni'i-t lie paiiiforin tuva.:. -M.sr.-I t ai.-l id a - ,' a it Vic-i ,,f J. 1. W..k ... I:ta: wi.i give ati- t'l f.. l AT' mil N I Y A T L A Vv , ' A T7 V.V-rr. XELHA VA f m: i:i ill C : -1. ATiOHNKY AT LAW AN' I) Solicitor, in Chancery. vtiih T. M. Mar.-nott, nt I'n- C "irt- H. 71 LIVINGSTON, II. D. Physician and Surgeon, T- if ...it-nal serv.c-s to luo ci:iz"ub i Frank Wlii: -' Ii u-c c.rniT tt ft Ii.c:so, I' tUni'.xi'ti, rstl.raaka. VILLITT PCTTEIIGEPv ATTOIINKY AT LAW, ILATTSMOl'TII - - NEBRASKA. -;, -I' a t t rn . ; : . '. c ..i.i . u" (U'!i. Ni !-n riai-Jl-ii P. II. DO II ZINC-TON, if r rsMoirrii, - j . lit'.'- ! r.. F ?. T' Ci N' ' U. . A. Lo I--. : tt. .1 f I '.: u.l 'I .,' -i.cy. 1 r-ii It 1 .1 . ! ! ,l I'iitVk i; ll tv. N" .(-: r. r t .1. II .i N .'t-r . k, V. r. It; A l., a r v.-!- 1!,,: . T '. i;. I.. i ii -t.)n, i::-i:i nrli, N' l'.: A'.:. :it. 1 a'.vii.'j I:- r. ;lv.-.iv. Nfw iimikii'ii, ; 1-lV.t M . Ac v.. 1 fir. . n. v. : ; r. I". S. In. .1 i!, N ' 11 ! r ii i; 15 "" a "v I HI V" I I t ii , ( i.i , :.!. Ho:. IV . Y . f N Y. ling a'.e. 'U;irlf..rJ Emned Out, HUT NOT DISCOURAGED. ! T:r -parr'l C l: r ii I v. If t ii. ail tD STATES J1AH.. SLUHASKA. r.'ST OlTiri Wj-ljlLVt rr." roAi.s i.r ' n i- I i' : t ii ' ; 1-07 .fir : - : - I'. f . -.i Ju ? I. 1-67. t- J-u:v 0 : PcpisnMi-JT. ? ii. n-!.i cr 3:, 1 t;3 s 1 n: riic " i t'lli '" l r.i ' t". t run ry v. !. I'lu't- I i I-7' i-i tt e 1 er i orv r 1 Ly I !. -i li.i.lc- ft . f Ni i..,ia, r.. I;. rtM .:c t,: :u. ci (.-1 t- in.- J 1 1 1 avirr ! t-y Miii'i 2? fW Urs icill iX':..in" .-ar-fnUy fie Jattruv 14130 Fr m IMfm. l y H.-.-.-l-i'-.. to Latr.le, 15 ci.ir. a .1 c . ' are a tr.-tk L av ur. .a -. i-i Nr .1 a m; A-r.Vf . '. l.iii.j'- I y 12 w, L' it' I. ..-.! -y at 2 p it; Airivea: He '-aa b 7 p m. 14-S."1 l"r. tn l'Uf.m u;'t by G'eod-iV, P r.tli Penl. Inn .fa.v. An and (ro Jic.) .-all Cr-k,K. c t'l'-el l.ar.e -le . -a: ) 'ii.v Ml.''. .-al-ti.i C ntr. v.l e ( i'.'c ) o.ive liralica ( no t'?trr.) "d ' a'u. 'Jti-'t.) Beati i , 1-Ht ihi i-t.ind b.rs. liiv: iTm.' a v tk lo tali t'nfk. and I'll.'? a vek l'.e re-M le. ll avr l'i itt-m.inh Vocday, H .dutshv ani Fi uiav ai a i m; Ar.nc ai .-ait Crie' l y 5 pm; L-ae -air Cre k Tae-dy, Tuursday and Sat n iUy at S a id; Ar' ire al IMatt-innnth by p m: I t ave M.II I'r.ek Jlnn.!Yl jpir; Arrite at He ii-ic v.dce.lay by 1 in; L.ave I e. i f Wcdi i it n 1 p m; Ar-ive at .-a t Ctetk Friday oy 3 P m. 14i32 F.tin I li;tr-TOHt' . by Lighl Juie orov, m v. .,i, j u ir lu.lii ana m, umc Leave rl i'ismri:t!i SYcdic sday at 6 a m; Ai r.e a W-ir. Wat.- by VI in; Leave We- pitij Wan r W.riu-aay at 1 p Jri Ar.ive at Piatt ia.:utu cy p m. 1403 Frcns Fumort, ly Jalr 1:''ct Charles, (j.eei.w.Hxi. We-t I'oii. I, and lick Cre.-ii, to sci.ih Folk of Eiklijiu, uiiltsaiid bac. 1 1. -e ,t vrek. 1 i.li'.-rs io P:;t- i!i!aae? an 1 propOt, a fcued n'.e t f d' i a; tiir. s and ar i ivia. 14tS4 From Erowa-v to Graiit.S'i miles and back, once a w eek. l eave I!i. wsvil Wr Inesdiy at S a in; A: rive al liranl by 5 P in: Lave Urani Tbn.-d y at -5 a ic; Ariive at l;ro1rnvll:e cy 6 p m 14C5 Fm ri f'0u.ni:e to Talile Rit, C3 miles arid back, once a w-'fk. l eave i riwi.s.i le .: a b y at 7 a rn; A rive at Tan ltiek I y b p ni; Leave Tai l.- !to k Tu-d iv at 7 a m; A rrie al Iiiowcviiie by 6 p m. I14CC From Saint John (low.) by De ?otV4 Fon i,t:.. ile, teln a.t'.a.) to t.ach.san, CO mi.tsaLd brtok , oni e a e- k . 1.. ave Saint J jhu Moo '. y at 7 m; Arrive t UQCbaiinn next dy ot 5 p m ; L--V iiuchaaaa "e-!etiay at 7 a Bi; A. :Iv at Sai.it Jri.i next day bj 5 p ui 1I4.'j7 Fr m Pobc tu K.emoDt, lnO miles and back. one' a wi-.-W Leve r .era M'jnjuv t C a m; Arriv at Krunon. WedneKilny by 12 m; L-ave Fre.n-'Ut WiMln-dnv 'tt I u mi Airive it I'oaca iriday by 7 p in. H40S From PiaMfmr.iiiii to Columbui, 1C0 milei and l..ii-k, if a w-e . L.av Hj:itl-rii'.ut i Morclay t6l m; A 1 1 ive at Ci.IuimI'u Wi-iioe-d.y by li in; I,e.iv C'i:unibnt rtfd vlj t n m; Arnve at H.-ltsmuutli V id iy by I p m. 14439 Frnm D.kotaCity to Yar-cton, f llnkrta Tcrri t.iry.) 72 niil'. nl hrk, nnre a week. L-ive l ik ti- C 'y .M'in.Iiv at 6 a in; Arriv- ' Yaic ! re xt d V !iy 6 o in; 1 turf Yai CToii W. iliie d iy at ft a in; Arnvp at Hak ;t i City ntxt day by 6 pm. liHO From Pi- Foto, by A iz mia, to D.catur, in ami Virk. nre a we'k li dde'S t t:tt diiaoc ? aal propoao a fchcil- ole of dei'riurti nod arrival. Mill F nm fi So.!i to llote Crtek, 13 luilri and ba.'k. onre a w--4 j: ill I tj io .t ne d.sl.'ince an.l prupu-e a sched ule 'f epailurt..- a:ij arrivals. Hi 12 Fri:-i Pei at'ir, ( j Lnp:in Valley, We-t Toint, .it t'h -rlcs ard J I'app i. to Fremont, mi lc and b.ick, once a w-. liidd.r to t it- di-ta.ice and propose a sclied ule ttf departures aad airivaU. 11141 I rum Ilrowa-vi'Ie to Ki.ckprrt, (Misson-i.) i:iic anil tj' k, ciic a wex. Iiiil'l r t-i Mat. ili.tai.re an.t p-.ipo6 a celled u.e of djiarturrt ud anival-. Hill From Pakota City, by Wen Point, to Colum- b:w, tuiieri itnd back, -no a weei . liiiMer. t i t-iA' i!,t ir.ee and p epose m flcheci tile of deparia es and arrivals. llllj f rom Piiwnrt; Ciiy, by Frierr-'s MiMn, to S n- ca, (Kau-a- ) iiri!t-i ar.il back, ooc a veek Bi'iilttiM to htate d .siaic e and pr pose a scbeJ u e of di.ar'iir. s and arilvain. 1 MIC FrMn West l'.iint to Iljck Cretk, 10 mile and b l.-k. '-:m: a wrk 1 eavc V.V-t l'oint Wednesdiy at Sam; An:vi at llora f ek i.y 12 u; L- ivc li.ick C're-k vw.lneday at 1 p m; Arr.ve at V. :,l Point by 4 p m HJ47 From F rinorf, by Ja: pn and 5.iict Char?, to t l-.ii t. ..4 iii:!.-s an.) '-aek, once a week. E.-av- Frm-ut -atu-.l..y nt 9 a m; Arriv nt Wr-: 1'i.int b r. p in; I,i ave V l'..int Friday at 8 am; Jriive at Fruaonl by 6 p ra 14118 From F.iiitanol'e, l y 1.g?.n an.l Wfft Point to fie trill o'i ir.iie- an-1 liack, tiv ce a week. LfMYe Foi.(an.-:ij 1 ueoday a-ij Tburday at 6 a m; Arrive at T)- Win hy C p m; J eave lit '.Vi t .M ii.J.ir and Wednesday at G a m; Ariive at Font ine!ie by C p ra. 1-141J Fn.i.i Prmrnu?. by Kk TTTnCily and IJ-1! Crek t i l'outaliel.e, 27 mile and back, twica n we 1c Leave lr;mros. Monday a:ij Vi'eJueeJay at S a ii; ; Arrive al F 'ntanoMe by 6 p m; Leave f o.it art -.la 'l'iia lay an 1 TharaJay at 9 a ni; Arr.re at Primrose by G p m. 114;-J F o!i Fnrt K-.irti. y to Valley f S miles an I liaek, f vi e a we k. Li.:ive Fur: Keavii -y :om!ay and Woilneday at S :i rr : Ainv.-t Va:!o City hy 12 ro; L'-ive VnIKy City 5!ndy a:.d iredneslay at 1 p i i; 4r.iv; at Fjrt Kt-nrr.ey Ly 4 p ci. IN'STIIUCTIOXS, C'-iif't'thij cr-H1 itit'ixi to l.e hxettrporateft in tAe n..;.'. tj .: IU -artme.it mat ct vi .. tfj.tr. 'vi mirnt-i J'f :il.i"e.l to each Intcrme l'a'e oi'.i er w?:n not it Ic-rwi.-e p ciGel, for opening ai d x ii i ni it: i!"e i:i-iis. N- p ty v. i 1 1.- m-!fle 'or t- i;.fi not p-firrn d ; an-! f.ir -: .-ti .f fiiJii on. - ion . not - ti-fart-irily e pi tiu i.., tb'e t'a.. - f e cy of I'm trip in y b i!.. lulled Fora.ii a-toftrb t.ii: l ti.n-as to break c.muec- i;..u wnn ii. i a ii n v i.. -.ii- i.nii ni urn.-i'-uny ex i-.i-.-l, ot r f nrtii or t.ie c .nip ii-;atij-i oi th.- trip i soi led t J f.rf.-il:r... 1 i- v- ii b" i!'ip..d. n'ltess the rlelinq iC'iry hi-pr.-in. ti7 -:nl j-:i:i-f,cc -iy x;i'ait:ed by certificate of p'.-l :.ia-t' r oi the at.'i iav ts . f oil:er c edibie p r--o'i .".. fa: it. to :tr-ive in c.-ntru't time; f(,r ne. ul c io- lo t ik- rf-e mail tn-ia, or ilelivcr it into, a p t . fii -..; f 'r -TifT-rii .4 it to be wet, injure ', deitruy e'l. roi-b il. or io-i. 1 b- Pi :t:ia-ter G n-r:l m-y a' rul tho routract far r-p i.ir-1 raiinre to 1 i:q narvaljT lo couf act; f r v.oiaTinv' lb ' po-t ofl:ce law, or d-oh- yinr tlio in-Tri c'io"-n) ibe de;-.tii:nent; lor r-fu-iin: tods rl .- r... a ( hi ri r . hen eij -o-it-.l I y ibe ilrpui tmeiit io .1 r : for a--i'jniTi f lie rout 1 a. 1 w.thou' the a .",iof lliel'ii'iiiiri-r iio-fti!; or fo- t-an-p irtin pe nit or picitsg c tiVi.ym mailable mat er out of fi" III ill- Tlv Posfiia-1 "r Ceneral m iy o- 1-r an lnc-eae nf vi t ie 01 a n.-ite I.y " ll-'w.-ig ihrrfir a .re ?-.fn inc ea-e 011 lb- ci! rart lay lie may cbanye veiled ul of li.'i ar'rr ai.d arrival, ii ail ra-e-i, auil pr t ca'ar'y to make l.eui co-if.i-1:1 to conn c. i with raiir-.ail-. w.tli 'ft ini r- ae of pay, p ovi e-1 tbe rnu r in;- time In' Lot ab i lt:.'.l. II- m.iy al.-o Oriler un inc ea-e of .pre.i ali- v:i. witbm llie re-1 ict .vi- of lie law. a j'ro ftfa irn-rea-e -f ptv for the dd: t.r al - ii-i'k o- cnri i. i s. if 1 y. "I be c oitr -cror may. however, in ti cvr. nf ijrrtrtw of x-sil. re:tnqni-b tbe contr. t, bv .'ivin.' p-oinnt notice I ibe d-pi. t in.'ni iIm Ii- p. ler-doinir o to eairyinp ilift rde-iLt-'ttfct llif r.i tmiii.r lo-neral may alM il;e cot t ir.ie or rori . :1 th K,-rv:r ?. io wool-or in Cart, in ot-ii-r to piac-: ou t ! e r..':lis a irrealer ib u'r of ier ic" or whenever thi-pnl. I.c int-re-,t, in bis ju Ire intni. -1: til i-i'iir- .tijrii ili.-c inii 111 1 ce or crta ! toeul f. r any otb i-c m-p; b-all.mins as a full iu ileuitiitv t font a-to' 1 n-no nib's ext-a p y on ma amount of -i v.re dispi-nsil with. an4 a irn rrzil romp ..nni.n f-r t:.e amount of service lettiu-danJ contir-u d Pa in. -nfs will I.- ma le f r tfie Fervire by collee-ion-i I r-ri or draft- oil 1 o-llna-tir or oliierwi-e, sifter ill- exi.'r.iH .n of er "h .pi i ler ay . iu Nov- m l.er, I'ttrnrv. May an.l August. 'I be ih-iacee-i a-e -riven accoininc; 10 the in f in:it en; t ut m iu. r aeil pav will be alb.wrd ii..n il t-ey be cr-ater ihan alverti-e.l if -he prints to be npplii"! Ce rorr.-n'y -late I. JSiilJer inn t iti- fi m Ik' i trlc.-i.ix f.'n jiuinl 1 c (1 1 Ti are ri ';.ei-lea o nh-, as isr a praeticsnie. e.c p' i:.ie ' form of proH.-al furni-hej by tri- depart in. or. to wri: u.e in full the sum of Iht.r bids, and to ret no c .pirn of ti-m. l a b bd m'lat e gua ar.t-ed by two re-pon.-ible p-r.-::s The but 'hon'd bee:id f 111 'scr lte'l "Mail Pro ;o-;.i- r -rrrtiry of e:ra-ka."' add. e-e.l " -e-:on.l A--i-i.ict P atma-t-r 'ieneral. Co' tra' t ffloe." n I iiYbv nunl. n..l ny nr o an airen'; and pilm tern w ;i n. t e:n l-.e pioiKWiK t-r letiera of any kian) In th ir n"arte ly leinrns. Tl-e eon tr irf are to b exc-'ute anj Telarr..! o ibed-pa ur.eut bv o before tlie 1-t of J-iiy, 1SC7 ; rut tlie eer ice ina-l t e b..cuti on tbat nay, 'r on the n x? n:iil d iy ibe eafir, whetoer ihi: Cuut:Ar In be tXrcute'l or not. Traio,f.-r- of contract, or of mter 18'. in r. Bir-nl', are forbidden by law. nd conse quently cannot be allowed lioirle-- will th-iefore l-k- notice lhat thrv will b- requcel to perfonn t -e-vice ace-pled to t iieui through the whole tana l,b - contr ct. Section eiehteen of an act of C01 Kress approved Van h 3, 1S1.'. p.ovi.les t at contrails for 1'ie t ans. p-r:aiiiior 1 h-mail b al . be I t. ' In every cas-, to ibe Iow-.t l id i-r tenderinir toiflk'ienl cua.aniee- foi faill ful iierfoimane , without older reie.uce 10 li e in .de of such irac-i oit-tioii iban may be tiec-ary to provi n for the due celei itj, c- rtnuty. and sreur ity of s-uch transport .ton." I n.-r th a law. l id-, that p.oisue to tran-po t the niil with "cele.ity vrtaiiitv. and itpeiiritv." havion been dat l 'ed to lie the oolv lecal lid-, are coii-iruid as pr. viiiiog f.r the entire in il. h wever la.ee. and H'lu'ete ra.y lf i!k mod- of conveyance nece ay to ini-uie it- ce!e ny eertamtv auil secur-ty;"and no ethe- will be con-i.leied I nvi'i in the cae of railr .ad and .inmb'a: m fi. hid naming ' fiariiculiir i. or courfyanct ure iririo mei tra. A motiinciioii of a bit 111 any of 11a e-nenlial fertes .n tan'am .unt to a lie b at. and c.iuoot be i-teiv- il, fo s to intei fere w th a rovuar com petition. alter ibe H-t bom etioriec ivin bids. .Vakii.)? a new b.d with K'uaraotee and Ctriidcate. ia ibe oulj wav to nn il ly a previous bid. IVlaii-tirui re to I c.n ernl not tn certify to the r-ufTirieiiCy of jru irantoie or sur tie with nit kn w L-K that I bey si e t-:ftni or t.r.l:K-ieiit ei-pou.-ibi.it.v; ii (i,- frjurd f hi iiurf..i'f."i hy .-om.Afe. a i it riVi'f o'M of their dttli or irffire, u!Je-tini them to immediate rt luteal Ail b dders, Uartitn uivl sit etiet are dt-iiicily notille.l tt.at on a ritiiure t enter iato or pcrf 1111 ihe contracts for the service p a u-id far in trae aicep id bid-, their legal liabiti-ti-.-s i;i be 1:1 ivc d ai; nu-t them Pi e-enl Cont. ai toi -, and p rsora knewn at the di pa: tm-r.t, uin-L equally with cti.e . pti.cure tmr- j aritora miu ci-out..r .-t me,. ,iui,r ot. ?..t-t.- lialiy in the f. irns kb .ve pie-cribe:! Tba c.-rt.Ccat-rf niifiicieiicy must l e - Sued by a pntniate, or by a j idi:eof a court of refold; nooiber will beadin.t rd. The ceinfiea'e mu-t a'so Lave allixed to :t a b've-cent revcn'ie ttam.., cancelled, rut req'nred by lmw. ALEX W ilANPAI.l.. deee Pvtimniier GrnsraL A X TI - A S A 5I X A TI O X I'OLtCY. In a receni It-ciure delivered in Uruok iyn, by Fred Douglass, the policy of the entire abolitien of the office of Vice President of the Urjii-d t-tatrs was urged with a good deal of force, Mr. Dugla-s said : I am fcr the Abolition of the Vice Presidency. There in no need of any extra, ready nt.ide President kept in the cold wailing to ronie in. No inore fieed of elcung a Vice President than there is of eleciir g a second liusd nid for otir dauj;h'-is in case the first hus h.uid dies. I would ahtdh the Vne Presidency and renKjve so thin a veil as assassination L-lween a man and ihe tfiiiptitiv p'ace of Pisident tf the United Siates. A Vice President is a standing menace lot fie life of the. Prcs iileul. 1 believe your president will ?it more safe at.d secure when the shadow of the Vice President erases to fall upon hiia iu the Pretiden.ial rhair." 11. AIX TALK. Gov. Fletcher appears determined 10 restore order in AIi;oun, ar.d then make the disorderly sj'irit "pay the fid dler," as will be seen Ly the foUoiving proclamation issued on the 12:h iiist. To tlie citizen j of laifayette and Jackson countiea : Having- Lecdine sa; islird that the ordinary process of taw aiinot Le enforctd in your counties, and that a sufficient poe will not re spond t j the cttil of an officer lor lhat purpose, 1 have, by auihoruy ot the Act of the General Assembly of the 1-1 th of March. 18GG. entitled "An act to pro vide for the enforcement of the civil law.' vC. , called iu o active service twem y-fuur companies of cav:ilry and ten companies ot infantry, tcr duiy iu i lie coutnies of Lafayette and Jackson, which counties will be required to rai;e by taxation, th amount necessary to pay said T.trce. Whenever I tun s-itid- fied that the r'-oule of the coun!ie named will enforco th law ai'imst all meti who vi da;- ii, fis they had ourht to do, and shall by their supp -rt ot civ il authority, g!ve the uual legal protec tion to the law-aLid i.-i:j, and teacn evil doers a prepe r f-nr ot the punishment of the 1 iw, ihe troops ordered there will be wii.'.dra ivn, In testit:i my wiiereof, I hava here unto set my han ! and caused t bi af-lix-;d ihe rr-reat seal of the Stat-? of ?.Iis soiii i. Dt ne at the. City of JeilVrson .in-; 12 h day of D. c 'int er, in the yt ar cf cur Lord, one thousand eight huu dred and sixiy-six. of the indep-fir.lenct of the United Siirci the ninety first, and ct th? Siaie of A.lis-ouri, the forty seventh. THOMAS C. FLETCIIEll. Uy the Governor, Francis R. dman, Sec'v of State. E) i: at 1 1 or iiiAJ. ;ex. JJIITIS. We find the following in rdaiijn to ihe death of this dintigu:hed tnau in the Republican, of the "(3th. Our readers will be pained Id learn that Major General S. K (,'ini dud very Mit-deiily iliis nioruin; in i.'ountil 15iuif, ot an upopieciic ti.. Gen. J was tine ot the Goveriiiiir-nl Comuiis-i-ioners tor the examination of the U ion Pacific Hailroad as n progressed, and hid been in Omaha and cut ouihe road for the purpose of making the ex rtninauon of the last seciija of tniry- five miles comi it led. He and his us-sociaie- on the Board v l.ivd per'oiinetl lh.it duty ui.il returned lo ihe city on Mof.day. l eeterdaj', at o P. AI., Lien C dm. d wnh the proprietor ot the lie lublitan. m till was then, in excellent tie ihh ana spirits-. I Ins morning lit wi nt over u the iliuiTs, or. the way to Kansas with his as-ociaies to visit the Ka-t-ru Uivision in discharge of their . (filial duties. This morning at 10 o'chek, a telegram announced hi. death. P. S A dispatch from Major Breni to J. II. Lacey, K?q , givs tli follow ing particulars of ihe deaih of Gen. (': iluociL liLiim. Dec. 2(iih. 1566 We lound lhr General dead when we arrived. The Commi.-ioners. Col. Nun at. d my-elf will accompany ihe bodj home to morrow. Dr. White de cided it congestion of ihe brain. Was first discovered to be unwell by Dr. While, half a mile this side of the riv er. He did not complain or speak a uord. .MOIIIiIStY AIlIIiCxiTED. i On ihe lG h of December, John Mor rissey. Member of Congress I i t from one of the Districts of New Y i i. Cny, together wall Mes.-is. John A. Morri-, Win. C. Fri. ce. C. II Murray. Z. E. Simmons, W. L. Sim:mus, JacoS Bouch, D L. U-ed, Benj. Wood, Jacob B. Larnrett. John McGee, A. Nathan, Win. WarJ. Wm. Craft, E. W. Hulz. and Oscar Clark, was ai rested by ihe hentf cf New York, on a charge tf keeping and maintaining divers swind ling shops in llie form of lottery and policy concerns. The arrests were in idcJ on affidavit of Nel.-on B Odrli, who alleged thai he had been gouged out of S3-5.000 by ihese exiabiishuienis. The culprits were held to bail ia the fura cf S3;000 each. A UTTIaS: TOO FAST. Two or ihre days ago the Washing ton correspondent of the New Vol k Worll announced that a majority of tlie Judres of ihe Supreme Court had de cided ili.ii the "iron dad" oath estab lished by Conyre- for ihe proiecti ui of ihal body against the possible adum-ion nf rebels, was unconstitutional, ; and therefore void. All Copperheaddom and all Rebeldom rejoiced indecently al thi uniiouncpiiieri'; wh ch proves to have be n a little premature. This is the only raw material out of which ihe sia'.emeni itiuld have been manufactured: Ai the commencement of ihe present term of the Supreme Couii, wver.- from ihe Ilebel Slates -were permitted io come in and practice atier taking the customary oath to support the Federal Con.-iiuui on The opinion of a ma- jorny of the Judges that ihey could not deprive a man of his right previously acqt.ired to practice in that court in r.e half of his clients if he would lake an oath to support the Constitution and laws. But thi- opinion m no manner afTecis the right of Congress to pre scribe the rules which shall trovern the admission of member? to lhat body and will leave the iron-clad or.ih in full force and effect, as il ought to be Regain: A Second (.race Darling. On Tuesday last, while the wind was blowing a gale from the south.-ea.-i. three men started off in a frail kifT from the shore al the lower end of tlie inner harbor of Newport, to rescue a she"ep which had by some tneans got adriftt but owing to the gale they were neither able to reach the sheep or re turn lo ihe shore, and were fast being swept off" into rough water, where their skilT must inevitably have swamped. In this situation they were discovered by Mis Ida Lewis, dptirrhter of Cap tain Hosea Lewis, ueeper of Lime Uock L ght. who at once took the light hou-e boat and put off" to their relief. She- rt ached th men. took ihem from tlie skiff", which she look in tow, ai.d afterward went in f;tiest of and saved the sheep and landed ih whoie safely on terra firm. This is not the first aci of this description perfotuud Ly ihis. young lady. f25c" The fi)lowifirr from the Mobi'e Reiifei is-highly amusing: "G-?n. Sherman has been sent on an extraordinary mission to Mexico. Lv-eiyhi-dy is a-kiog what he is gomsr t do there. There need be but lui'e mystery about this bu-iness. The United Stales man to drh'e "not only the French troops, but Maximi'iian himself, out of Mexico, and lend all the support they can give to the Govern ment ot Juarez! This may be very impudt-ni on the part of America, and very fatal to the pro-pects of Mexico, but there n in our day nobody strorm or reckless enough to give a decided 'No' to American dictation." London Times. JVoe IS A. Who. ten years ngo. could have ex perted to live to read such an admission in an Eneli-h paper? The worst of n i-s that it is true as truth itself. The Yankee Nation bullies the world and nobody "is strong enoueh or reckless enouai' to resent it. Wei!, who cures out here? John Boll and Jean Crap ean have nobody to ihank for it but them -elves. They had a chance -once, but lai-ked either the sense or the cour age (peihaps both) to avail themselves of ii. As men and nations make their beds, so ihey must be content lo lie on the in. IXUIAXS OX TIIC ICAlIlAC:i:. Information has heen received at De- piruiient H;a(J(iu:iriers thai a severe battle bad occurred on the 21st, near Ft. Phil. Kearney, on ihe route to Mon tana, in which a detatchment of troop from Ft. rhil. Kearney, con-issiu of SI men and three-officers were att ack ed by 3.000 hostile Indians. The fight was of unpref edenled severity and des peration. AH the officers utid men en gaged were killed. The Indian loss is reported to hive greatly exceeded the number of troops engaged, as it must have, from the desperate charac ler of the fight. Brevei Lt. Col. W. J. Fetterman, of the IS h Infantry, in command f ihe deiaichment. and Capt. F. ll. Brawn and Lt. G. W. Gruumiond. of ihe same regiment, were the officers killed. Sufficient reinforcements have fine forward to insure, the safely of ihe posts along thai line. Omaha Herald. JSS?" Th New Bedford .Mernury tells the following story: When the company of Seneca Indians reeenily cave a conceri in Barnstable, Hon-non-d-iah. ihe chief made a speech in ihe Coon room, where ihe musical cor.cert was given. In th room is suspended ihe effiiiy of a codfish, nnd in his sp . ech the chief, who is a lawyer, pointed to it and calltd it ihe "emblem of justice Afier ihe concert some one remarked in Hon nnn-dfaii that lie Iiatl misap prehended the symbol; that it wa only a codfi-h. "And yet said the c'iief. "it is an emblem of justice. Does ii not wear ihe scales?"' "r5F President Johnson presented Ristori wiih a copy of his message, with I his autograph attached, as a souvenir. XOJIIXATIOXS. The following nominations hnv been innde t the Senate : John A. Dix, of N-w York. Mini-ter Plenipoiennary to France; A S. Williams, of Michi gan. Minister Resident at San Salvador; John Seys. of Ohio. M mister Resident at Liberia; II. S. Peck. f Ohio. Min ister Ile-ident at II iy ti; John MrGinnis Jr.. of Illinois, Mini-ter Resident io S ockolm; A. (J. Lawrence, of Rhode Island, Minister Resident to Costa Ri oi; Wicltham II irman, of Loui-iana, Assisiant Secretaty of Leeaiion to Par i-; H. Ewing. of Kansas, Miui-ter Res i lent ai ihe H-iue; J B Campbell, of Pennsylvania, Minister Resident at Bo y;ota. f.?3"To what city in Europe is a man going when he marries ? Answer by a happy pair. He's go ii;g to Lnuvain. Youni Lady Oh ! it's Nice. Old Maid It's Hamburg. Solid Dutchman Bologna. Impudent Fellow To Brest. Bridget To Dublin, sure. Practical Parent He's going to Havre. Snarling Old Ba'.chelor He's going io R "uen. Paddy from the Cove Be jabers, he's going to Cork ! m mm WEEPIXW WATKK-WIICXCE ITS X1MC. The Rev. F. Alley, pastor of the Congregational Churches of Weeping W ater and Avoca. in a communiraiion published in ihe Home Missionary. (or January, eives the legendary signifi cance of the name, as follow : "There is an Indian legend which tells of the unhappy collision of two hos tile tribes, away from home, not one of ei:her being left alive to tell the tale of blood. Not appearing at the time ex pected, soon the women and children stil led in search of them, and found, in their stead, the bloody field and ghastly remains of thft recent stalwart frames Great was their sorrow, bitter their anguish, ar.d so freely flowed their tears that they formed a stream which. s'ratiGie to reive, has continued flowing io ihis day. fitly known as tha 'Weep ing. Water " SlaAVEISY IX TIIC S3UTH. An advertisement recently posted in A nriii Arundsl county. Maryland, ah'ords an instruct ive commentary upon the reactionary poliry of Gov. Swann ai.d President Johnson. It run thus: "Pualic Sale. The unersicned Will sell at the Court House door, in the city cf Annapoli. at 12 o'clock. M.. on Saturday S:h of December, 1SG6. a neero man named Richard Harris, for s x inon'hs. convicied at the October term. lSGG. of the Anne Arundel Conn iy Circuit Conn, for larceny and sen tenced by the Court to Le Sold as a slav. Terms cf ale, cash. Wm. Brvax, Sheriff. Anne Arundel County" This advertisement show? that slave ry is not at an end in Maryland, not withstanding the emancipation amend merit, the Free State Constitution of Maryland, and the civil rights bill. The case has been made ihe subject of investigation bv a special committee of ihe House of Representatives. Chica go Republican. m Prospect of Admission. The Press says, a private letter received by a een'Ieman in this city, frni a gentleman in Washington, whose position cives him unusual facil ities for finding out such things, say ihe President will not now veto the bill for the admission of ebraska and as a majority. of votes of both Hou-es of Conrjresa can Le obtained; heconndent ly believes we will b admitted. s- as. M ar viand. Ti.e Baltimore Judges of election have mide a sworn state incut that they are convinced ihat a la rge majority of th votes cast for th.? rebel candiaies were cast by per son di-franchised by the Constitution of Maryland, and that Messrs. Thomas and Stewart, Republican nominees for Congress, received a large majoiity of the legal votes, and should be declared elected. psxiT"Jude Chapman, of the Su preine Court, now in session at Boston, has set aside the verdict jjiven for the plaintuT in the case of Nathan Hu'ch ins. against the city of Boston, to re cover damages for injuries received by a fall on an icy sidewalk. The Judge ruled, that the mere fact that the side walk was slippery from ice or snow did not give sufficient grounds for damages. unless it was proven that it resulted from something in its construction or shape which specially formed tlie ac cumulation cf the ice or snow, and which defect it was the duty of the pub lic authorities ciiher to remedy or re pair. p-vD5" A fair devo ee lamented to her ! c .nfefsor her love for gaming. "Ah ? Madam, replied the reverend gen'.le j man, "it i a grevious tin; in the fir-i : place. consider the loss of time.' 'That's j what I do," said she; "I always be j grudge, the time thai is lost in shuffling ' and dealing." In ihe Chicago pork markets, considerable excitement is reported. The Journal of that city say. : "Prices have advanced 50 to 75 cents since yesterday. Nt arly 8 000 pounds of pork were Sold to-day at a ran'o of from SIS 50 to 819 00 per barrel. Lard and green meats are also lend. ng upward." Bridge at Tecumseh. We learn from Andrew Cook E-q., of Johnson County, that a new Liidee ncro s the Nemaha has been completed nt Tecum seh, which cost eighteen hundred dol lars. This is a great envenieuce to that section of country. I'ress. f&S" At a school in Connecticut a pupil owed hi teacher S-0, and as a receipt fur S20, or over, requires a two cent stamp, ihe man gave the I oy a re ce pi for S19.99, and gave him back one penny, thus saring one cent. . m . . A Deep Coal Mike. It is an nounced that the deepest coal mine in the world is situated nt M rit wearmouth England. The workings are 1.900 feet below the surface, and extend lor two miles under ground. At the bjt lum of the shafi the heat ranges from 80 to 90 degrees Fnhrenheit. 2s" Smoc h bore mu.-kets are still supplied to Sepoy troops in India, it be ing against their religious viewsto u?e animal grease, which is required to lu bricate rifle cartridges. T-S"" Brigham Young and his asso ciate leaders have been stirred to es pecial wrath" by the recent arrival in the territory of a son of Joseph Smith, ihe founder of Mormoni-m. and an ns sociate leader in the aileged original and pure Mormon fahh, whus? name is Gillen. They have gone into the territory with a view lo set up an inle pendent standard; but such is the iron rule of Young and company, and the want of proiec.ion to ;ree speech and other equal rights by thrj Federal Gov errment, lhat it is doubtful whether ey can make much beau way just now. Poisonous Gasseb from Oil Lamps. Many persons who ue kerosene or coal i i i - t on lamps are in tne iiaoit wnen gomi? tj bed or leaving a room for a lime, cf turning ihe wick down low, in order lo ave a trifle of i! e consumption of oil. The consequence is lhat the air of the room soon becomes vi lated by iho un- consumed oil vapors by the ga3 pro duetd Ly comLus'.ion, and also by ihe minute particles of smoke ar;d soot that are thrown off". Air thus poisoned is deadly in Us effects, and iLe wondr is, that more persons are not immediately and fatally injured by breathing il. Ir ri ation and infhmation of the throat and lungs, headache, dizziness and nausea are amorjr it effect-. FfSr" The President i continuing ihe work of pardoning Jeff". Divis'cab met. G. E. Meu.mmger, Secretary o'. the rebel Treasury has received hi papers. His pardon was recommended by Hon. Wm. H Seward. Hon. Henry Star.sbury, Dav.d Dudly Field, of New York; Gen. Gersh'o it Moti.ex Govern ors Parker. Brown and A!d?n. of New- Jersey; whom one of the Preisdent's papers, without naming them, style ihe leading representatives and men of the Northern States. Robbed. Jas. W. Bond, contractor on the C. B. & Si. Joseph R. R , va robbed ou last Friday night, about fif teen miles above here, at a farm house, where fie was stopping over night. Mr. B. had a large amount of money whir-h he had received from ihe rail road company, and. intended, on his ar rival to pay io his hands. Notwith standing his loss, Mr. B. has made sal is'actory arrangements with those to whom he is indebted. Ac its. Arr "Enamoured Individual. Gent. (to ladies who wiih lo know the way to a certain point.) Certainly, Miss, wiih pleasure! You go as far as the lovely house with such blue eyes! I beg your patdo i. Around the corner you will see. a magnificent form I mean che-tnut tree! I an afraid I am not good al giving directions! I will walk as far as the end of the road, and then I can show you ! 2" There is a region in Oxford county. Me., where the soil is so poor lhat a sincle grasshopper might look over ten acres of it and weep. Official returns from the Neva da State election give Blaisdeil, Repub lican candidate for Governor, 1,200 majority; and Ashley, for Congress, S50. JP5FThe Richmond Enquner is re sponsible for the siatemeni that there is an old gentleman in Pocahontas county w lio lias on hrs h nds the blood of 21C0 deer, 1700 of which he shot with ihe same gun. He has also been the death of many bears, panthers and other wild beasts. f'j A comic paper has printed a caricature representing the other plan- j ets looking w7hh jealous eyes upon ihis woild, Lecaose it has got a cable, ' whiU they have none. Chicago, Dec. 27. The Tribune's Washington special snys that gent'e men direct from the military headquar lers nt Cliarlesion and Raleigh throw much additional nnd stanling evidence upon iho negro whipping question, and it appears that at all the coumry towr.s the whipping of negroes was being car ried on most extensively, the real mo tives being to guard against their voting in the future, their being a law in NerihCaro!:ni J j rjvicg those publicly whipped cf the right to vote. The practice was carried upon such a scaia at Raleigh that crowds gathered each day al the Court House to see the ne groes whipped, and besides this, the sale of freedrnen for light offenses is go ing forward rapidly in all parts cf the Stale, and seme planters in the ensiern portion nre boasting that ihe old order of things are practically restored for hem, ns they now own their gangs and have them in good subjec ion. Johnsorj's setting aiido ihe Gen. Sickles order preventing whipping and sales there, is regarded as virtually re turning blacks to tlavavry. Charleston, Dec. 20. Westhcrly, Stale Senator, entrusted with r.n in formal communication to the Preaideui of the United States, has returned from Washington, where he had a long and highly gratifying interview with the executive, upon th'J question of res'.oration, and kindred topics, in which the President gave it as his deliberate opinion, that the Southern States, ihrt ugh the Legislatures, should reject the proposed constitutional amendment, but in such terms as not to give offence, to those who are urging it upon the Souih, such action as he believes would be sustained by ihe Supreme Court of the United States. At least ho hnd reason to hope ir. woulJ. Washington, Dec. 2G. It is cs ccriained from offic'ul source tl.at Mnnister Campb. II lias been instructed lo remain at New Orleans for the pres ent; in order to await further instruc tions. J'om Laramie, Dec. 20 A terri ble massacre occurred on the 22d. near Ft. Phil. Kearney, Lrevet Col. Fetter man, Capt Brown and Lt. Grummond, of t.'.e IS h Infantry, wiih 90 enlisted men 'if the 2d cavalry an I lS.h Infar".- ry, were st.rr.-.undcU Ly Indians, ci;d every tlTicr and man k lied. Qi-EnEc Dc. 27. A boat con-a n iug eleven persons attempted to cross the riv.r to a po'rit on the I me vf t! 8 cf.nr.1 struck a field of ice end up.-ct. Thrc-.- pT:on-i Lelonging to the crcv were drowned, the balance escaped by clinging to the floating ic.;. A lady kepi aff;til by tlie u;c of her crinoline, the men drowned leave widows and nine children unprotected. Was-iingtox, Dec. 27. Tlie .'u prcnie Court affirmed ihe judgement of the l:tt Louisiana Court ot New Or leans un Opeiousas a.ji Great Western Ri i : way. Gen Gran: has been confined to bed by a slight mdisp osi'ion, but will attend to duties in a day or so. The Ci ngressional Coinrntttse wiil not rrjeeed to Charlei'on lo investigate the ailt'dged murders of Union Soldiers ns there is no foundation in iho facts for the charge. New OaLF..is5, Dw-c. 27. Mexican news of the 2 Is, says ihe Emperor in a circular says he accepted ihe throne bing assured that such was the nation al will. The civil war he rays, nevertheless continued and compelled him to incur great expense. Subsequently the Em peror Napoleon announced lhat ha would discontinue the aid hi had ad vanced and he was therefore obliged to withdraw the troops thai occupied a m mber of cities and thus abandoned t nco jraged them lo increase their tf fon to overthrow his government. Then came actiia of thj United Stat as towards securing the Republican form of government and alla.-irn made to the manifesto to subject the Natior.ai Congress, previously issued. To morrow witnes-cs wlnse Lames have Lrr'n furnished l yiha Lieut. Gov ernor, Mayor, and priva e ci ize; s. wiil be examined by the Riot Iuvesttgatir.ir Committee. Washington, Dec. 27. Judge Greene of the United Stales Supreme Court, is preparing an opinion cf the court in the Garlaud case, which will decide against the constitutionality cf the test oath as applied to the Attorney. The Interior Department has re ceived the news of the death at Coun cil Bluff, of Samuel R. Curtis, Pacific Railroad Co rim, sooner Lt. Gen. Sherman will report in per son at Washington tbe rciuk of his viiit to Mexico. JPSF A movement is on foot in Eng land, headed by a no less personage lhan Countess de Noaiiles, lo aboli. h ihe usa of shoes, so far a3 children are concerned; or. in other words, to hive them co barefoo', out cf dt ors a we'l as in the house, wearing only a strip" of leather on the sole of ihe foot to pre vent injury. The advantages cf this plan are gravely set for;h and advoca ted in the Medical Gazdle, and see-in j quite Apparent; but then; i doubt if ihe ' custom wili be adopted to any great ex i tent, at least in armoi-ra'.ic funilics. v 7 "TT"