'- n t Kisl li ft 'Is ili It 1 She cbraoha tcvaUl. LOCAL NEWS. From Wtdnetdny't iJai'y. ?"'.'5iiiip'n, Jiliirp & Cn.. propose Martin;; .1 line of d-liverv wnyrors in tho firing, ti ti 'liver ! '.! i:i nn pirt of ci'y, trie 01 ctririre. enterprise wti 't.-ll." J"Tin!9 of our patrons who nre in d.ji'tcil to tn will confer a fnvor by mak iii p:i writ a soon as possible. W d?-ire t'j start the new year with renewed , viir, an 1 no other one thin2 will assist ui o ninth 114 11 few greenbacks. w"Th3 drying kiln of Messrs. Pronj; e-r & Hinton, si'mited in the northwest p irt of Mn, took fire early this mornin; abiut 7 o'clnc'c. It was soon discovered and the bui diii and most of 'ho lumtier wii.oh it contained was caved. A" m . K. Davis TNq., of this city, lin been appointed Deputy Asensor of Intern il ILevarim for this suh district, iu 1 lin entered upon the duties of ihi; :!ice. Mr. Davij will make nn escellent o'M;r, if he i-j a!, out a radical. L iT 11115 scamp threw a stone through the win 1 x of Citv Ilili lust nijht dur ing ihj d -ui j', which barely ini.-aed one of the ch wnl-liers an. I (-truck the opposite w ill ju-t a!'(ve a IaJy's head Tho po lie; in ide a rush, but were unable to ns Crciin who JorivS tl:d cowardly act. Asid from a!' this wo understand the ball pass 'J clT p'.c is intlr, alihouh but few were in attendance. CJ".. C. M .vfuM and A. R Taylor are duio, ii heavy Lu-ineaS in t.ek. They 1 1 1 v oft hand at the present time ah iut 5 J he-id of t..l: fed Citile, suitable for :mv -.istt-rn market, beides etuck c it:l-, f it 11 nd Mock hi''s in anv niinb'-rs. 1!ii;cI:ts of this M'.v, H i , X"!irak City, and ntlicr piace, wimid d well to examine their b.-.f kit tie. Mr. M i Held p resented us yesterday with 1 bampie pijj from thtur lot whirh cannot be bent in NoSr.i-i. I- is tii-j rjtiirik brutJ, and will keep f.it tin ies than r.ntbin;;. A cJi:uiic.il Wonder! The S.-1 cm 1 lie A 111 ei ican, in vpKiikii of the- Wile ox & (iilhs iSnwii: .V.ichineJ suj : "Ono cannot but .ljinlre tin? benu ty and accuracy i,f its miiVPi.n-nts r.nd ibi int;r nLs-enc of ;!! r.r:-e. even wh n running at the rate of C,l;-.'-J stitches nn 1 up-.viiriis prr n.inute, this ulunt nn. t j-n ve a ;:re it re coii.iuen l.it; jn to it Ai. oilier merit a the good workm ir.shi,.. l!:e parts nre made interchaGgtahlc, so that in the event of accident to (he ma e!i.:i", any part can bf TP !ac d at a tii Cing cost. I: i4 hid ed a u-.ec! atrc.il won drr a fc: id l.ec 'ssii v.' N. Oi r, Jq . arrived in th city this morni u'. Ha will start east naic in a fvw d i s. CV"-''V,i- II- Wheeler and lady ar rived ut (!'.e:r home in th:s citv last even ing, h'sving been spend;::g soai3 time in M:c::g tn with their friends. C i "- '1-' Western Sr ie. Company has put ou Cj -iche between O.na'ua an lBi't. Johns, th-! pres-.Ts; terminus of tiie Chi cago & No i th West.-m Raa-J. '(n7"Fiom thrt A'-;.:.'.'i'j.-Ji we le.irr. that II J.diu T.iJT.', M. C. elect to the 4Jth r.r.Mi. I, in irr.ing v ia for V Islington yes'.erd iy tne North Western llj.-t J. f v"ij t.- II! .s Retaur.ir.t and get your Fi'c.-Ii (Jysters -' l r. - r ti i ii f reoeivoj from Chicago. They are 'A 1.," and Mr. Irish knows bow to get them up in good style if you prefer .iting them therij. Ci"W J. IL-sser, Es ., lefc us to-dv a s imple broum mad? of t'.e U .va: f R.-o o:n Corn, of whic'i ho has a quantity that he proposes inak.ng intj Lrooms. This ar ticle is much finer und tougher, and con- equently lnu.'h moae dunb'.o than the ordinary broom corn. If you want a first rate' room, or a few dozen of thttn, llesser can supply you. C"U'e give our support, sanction and encouragement to anv movement calcu lated to benefit the human race Omaha UtralJ. Nj person wauld have ever dreamed of us'i a thing, much less thojghs so while awako, if you had not said s-i in so many words. If the Herald is sincere in this statement, and does not backslide, it may yet stand on the same footing with tho Chicago 'l'tnts. x y g"The Council D'-offs Sonpartil comes to us u. id T the control of Messrs. Mav. nard & Cii irman. Mr. Miyntrd was formerly connected with the .i.npareil, and Mr. Chapm in is well known to the poople of this locality as a man of ener gy and ability, and a writer of c-'nsider able foree. Mr. Car "", the retiring edi tor, coinr.i::i ;e i in the .Vmjmreil oSce as an apprintice, and through h:n energy and a'iil.t? rose to the position of editor and propri.-t'ir C?"f-. L. I!-lbrook, Esq., of Saunders Ounty. is in the city. 5 We saw a lead of venison for sale on tbu street to d it, which was brought from Cedar Creek. We learn that 15 deer were killed oa Salt Creek in cne day last week. .-"" Li res there a man with goul so dead" that he will not have a turkey for h:s Christmas tlinher when ha can get each nice, fai ones at Win. Ilerold's, cor ner cf Main and Second streets. CS"IIon. E. Estabrooit, is t.nif in Chi go g-ming up a ftim book for Nehras It will mike about four hundred Pages, and will embrace all subject per ttr.inS to forms under aur statutes. " 1 tcnnv.il n..nisni: KeUi d. I hit the Secretary is herehv was a fine affair. The hall wh SiU-d with j instructed to have the same published in peopic, ana tne tnbles loaded with th nne thin-s which r.attsmouth Festivalj nre proverbial for. The receinta amount. tfj to about $300. iTTho nero suCTrage lill for the Di-trict of Columbia, as it came from theSenat", has passed the House by a vote of 117 to 40. It is expected tho President will veto it, but it is absolutely certain that it wiil bo passed over his veto. ErSTSt. Louis papers of last Thursdav announce thed-ath on the previous dav of Mr. Paschall, the editor-in-chief of the MiH.soMri liepubdcan, the papr with which he has been connected in 60ine ca pacity, except for a short interval, eii ce lie was known throughout the entire west and northwest through his connections with that paper. 2f The mngio of success galvanizes rebels into patriots, speculation into en terprise, and impudence into genius, and uniJer its rnng.cal influence vice is mita ken for virtue, iind ignorance sometimes passes for knowladge, offced as a stock text, from which would like to hear ser mon from all the pulpits in the countrv, thus "Do not drink, do not smoke, do not murder, do not lie, do not cheat, d. not steal, do not gamble, be just, bu gen erous, fear rot, love your fellow men as well as (Jod, love truth, love virtue, use Koback'n Bitters and be happy. C3"In behalf jf his readers, we thank our neighbor over the way for copying fro rn old files of the Herald; as it will be far more interesting to them than the trash they ordinarily s-e. Ru5 in our own name we call on him onco more to prove his asserti m that we slid "nil Mis- souriar.s were bushwhacker," and that he men who invited Mr. Train to Pl itts were "of no account." Wo believe if a man is ungentlerr.anly in conducting a newspaper, he will be so in every other ponition you 11 ay chance to find hiia. CJ a Fair held in Glenwood last Tuesday the receipts wire ;03, and net pinlits $2,l. LUTA meeting will be held in G'.-rn wood to-n:g!;t to organize a literary society, says tha t) pinion. CT"Sowini Mu-hini Thread nnd Neuh ?, and Macliind Oil, fcr sab by F. P Todd, at Newman's. CiTTho Sisters of Rebecca, Platte Lodge No. 7, I. O. O F. have tho thanks of the printers for a beautiful cake. C.o?"The weather for several dnys has bet n warm, with occassional rain. A lew more days of tho s itno kind v. i 1 1 open the river. CV"A tear.i attnehed to a sleigh, be longirg to Li-hop Clarksou's father, ran aw iy on the streets of Nebra-ka City a few days since, and threw Mr. Clarasn out. He was not t-ei iou.-dy injured. CTiT The Glenwcod Opinion has one e.-.liiu, n devoted to "2d onigomery CouUiy j Ne.vs,' under the charge of Cap'. P. G. ' J.ode,of Rod Oak Junction. The Capt. Lets up an interesting coiumn, giv.ng the local news of that county. f!5?"A meetin-of Railroad men, inter ested in the R. & M. R R. R. extension, was held in Carlingtou Yesterday. One of the principal obj-cts of the meeting, it is su;'-poe-f, was to take steps towards pusl iii t Ii o road through as quick as possible. 5TMr Wm. A. West, of Dry Run, Fa., says. "U'e have had one of the Wi.lcox & Gilbs Sewing Machine in ii.-o over v? yer.r, and it has not been a diy cut of running order in that time. We would not exchange it with our neigh bors for the Wheeler & Wilson, or Gro ver & R iker, though I have nothing to eay disparaging'y of them." F. cm. i.on'Uty'iDoily. G37"Rfinters requiro a holiday ocs&s sionally, conseq-iently there will be no paper issued from this offio to-morrow. ?"Reinember tho Festival to night, given by the ladies of the Pteabvterian Church. Go and get your Christmas toys. There will bo any amount of them there, tha finest ever brought to the city. 3?"Chas. Woleott, Fsq., informs us that he keps egc from freezing, ani b.-n them fresh as when Etst laid anv time during the winter, by. simply pack ing them in fre-h, dry ashes. Let our farmers try it, nnd see if they do not find it a cheap, easy and successful nianuer of preserving eggs. f3?"Those who send copies of the Her ald to their friends in the east after thy h;,ve read them, have no idea of tho ben efit to Nebraska they are doing. There are many items in a newspaper which nppear commonplace to the people hern, but which are greedily devoured by peo pie in tho eat. We know of quito a colony coming to Plattsmouth next sFrin f-nJ the only information they have hai in regard to the country has been derived from a single copy of the Herald sent regularly by one of our subscribers here They are corning, for t-onie of the party have already forward ed orders to purchase land, and the land has been bought Send away your pa pers, nnd subscriba for them expressly to be sent, if you wish to induce emigra tion. C3T At a meeting of Platte Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F., held on the 22d inst., the following resolutions were unnnimousi v adopted : lioohed, That Platte Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F., hereby tender a cordial vote of thanks to the Ladies of Rebecca far tho kind and efficient services rendered the Order on Thursday Eve., IS: h inst., at thir Festival and Supptr. ' tho citv papers Attest P. P Gass, Se. At a meeting of Platte Lodge No. 7, I. 0. (). F., held on tho 22J inst., the fol lowing resolutions were adopted. Les;h:J, That Platte Lodge No. 7, I O O. F.. hereby tender a cordial vote of thanks to Mr. John XV. Shannon, for the pantleroanly, kind and efficient service rendered theOrder on Thu-t-d iv F.ve.,18 '.. inst , at their Festival and Supper. Resulted, That the Secretary beherebv instructed to furnish Mr. Shannon with a copy of this resolution, end have the J same published in the city papers. . a . uflsp, See U-&-mil!'iJ- r a TiTiTrii Ol the 'IS inst.. at the residence of thm 1 : j . 1 t . . , ,, nriue n, oy UUOga liarsnall, Mr. Jonv -iia. i.w3ainiii VLaai.N", ail of this citv ' t3 10 those Wishing 10b-W0rk done. tennis ... H..t .u .: t9 lime ttuti the IIrrald ofhco is the place. We are prepared to execute work in the neatest style and on short notice. FRESH OYSTERS, Direct from Chicago, can be had at Irish's Restaurant for the small sum of' $1. per can. dec21dtf TO RENT. Twncinrrfrnmh,,,.. n:.T-..i - . i.tjiu u.iiinr Dtn rieii v inrrrm inr two lamiueH, gooa Cistern and well- . r . -' For terms apply to I. II. Wreeler & Co DEDICATION NOTICE. The M. E. Church, at Eisrht Mile Grove, wul he dedicated to the servirv nf Almighty God, cn Sabbath, Dec. 30th loG. Rev's. R. T. Lemon and XV. C S!ai7ghler,of Omaha, II. T. Davi, of Nebraska C'ty, nnd other distinguished clergymen will be there and participate tn the service Preaching at 10 a m. 2 nnd 7 p. m. Persons from a distr.noe will be freely entertained by th; citizens. Ben'j. ArsTiN Pres. of Coard of Trustees. SUBSCRIPTIONS tCeiVPCl at the News Depot, for ar.V of the Magazines, Periodicals and News I'npe-s or the dav, at the Publishers J '" uuiisiiers TrioAa t"1'" Tv.Xnw IS the lin l-J fUlSCrilc. Oct (! r I r villi v A XI A c.liiili WTTIT fir ........... -wvj-.jwii.vFi READY MADE CLOTHES, Oil A SUIT M ADE TO ORDER, GO TO S. II. WALK. ER. OLD POST OFFICE. July 10 d tf m FOR SALE A small dwelling house and lot, in a pleasant location. Cheap for cmh. Enquire nt this office or of J. XV. M arsball at t h P. O. Nov. 1G dtf D- H- Wheeler at hcrte ag 'n I take pleasure in informing my old bnsir.ess patrons that I ora at home again find established in the General Agency business as of old. Thankful for past favors, I now solicit the pat. ronnge of m; old, and all new friends to to give me a call. I will endeavor to give satisfaction to all. A'l business intrusted to my caro will rrceiv ny prompt and personal atten tion. Give me a call at the old office in 'he Court House. D. II. Wheeler, of firm of D II. Wheeler ,fc Co. Plattsmoutl Neb. Oct. 13th 185G DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST' Wi'l do nil wo k In hi line nn short notice. jr3-t-!tce -vitti Dr. T.iv:r,-T?!an. J..!y B. ERRORS OF YOUTH. per tt iDian who st.ffervd for years from Verv os D.liilijy, I'remat ire lcay, and ail the off cts of ynutiif'il imii-c etu n, wili, for the j-Leof M:IT-rin lf!7n-nitT, n-iid fiee to all who n.ed it. the receipt and di.tc:ini.b f,-r n akii jr Ihe mn.ple rtnuily by w: ich he wi s cu e l i' .ir-r'-ra wi.-hulp lo pr.,fit by the xdierti -r's expeuence, can do so by ad lressiB in perfcai confi.ier.ee. John I Oonux, epliw3m Xo. 42 Calit St., Ntw Yo k IWi:iI.B.I.C-S at . all price ii.' oai iri.-ni:,g to pnrcna'e r lirn-prnperrv, or iv-iaeiire-i .n iciv, w.ll nu prie s. ty ein for auie ai 1 V K. M lORR'yciOS, MuiaiiianHtiwvfMvinBnMnunui Ala ESTATE D. K. Wheefer c Co , Real Estate Agents, PLATTSMOUTH. N. T., Offtff fur Fal) the fallowing R-4l Estate Pi-c T'p R Acre 22 12 II fill 81 li 11 So 32 12 12 fen 32 12 1-2 Su H 11 13 16n "3 11 11 lit) ai ii 11 bu ! 10 U 8.J 3 II 11 Ni 13 12 11 4U 12 12 H Ho io 18 tn t-r M 4.1 12 12 12 Rn '22 12 12 JW) 13 lu J4 so Id 10 13 hi 10 10 1U bo 3 II H go 21 12 12 ItiO 2S II 12 ICO Kat tialf nor-h'-ast qa3rfr Wnt lialf njrhnt quarter Souiii lint f u-nhriHT ijbMrt r N'oirii ha!f touthettitC quarter Norihe&st q lurier Wft half H(jhi4t qnarter Nor?!! h-.lf iat!ijuit qurer Vt'cst L4!f D:thNt qu irer North we-1 qaa.ru r O'sribwe-t qr V e t h iT sii.u h ww. q nito-tu-l iixi.t tcatht-t uuitrr is "J e l q'urter uttte.uit quart ta.nt luilf oitliw-'-t qu.trtr Ntxtti hulf v-o ir het.t qiH tr N oi th half oti hwi-Mt q 4i ier eM hjlr o rth w?-t qurtt-r No tbrat qiMi ff r t'l-tltvi li d half ,titbv?t qmit'r I otsin the city of Plattsmouth Lit fcinck 6 as ass 6ti S2 12 169 4 el 4 8 THOMPSONS ADDITION Esrt half of bloci.s I. 4. 7, 3 and 10. touih I. a I of U -ck S .. . L t- 6 and 7 in block 5. Vet half section 82, lowti'bip II, rane 14. lna arrs- under lence, 112 .tory frame booe. rid w It and i-prinf, and good manui- vacr. plenty of tim ber for are-wood. I"ilce (3,750. Lot Bl ck Lit Bl. ck 6 82 1 ti 3 9 Si 6 t 8 3-i W Id vi) 'J 123 1 12 4 6 8i The north half of 3 47 Tl,,,.--, -p- - - pSMay 1A OT1CCS. Tttk-n n- t ih sobacntr at his rnl e r- in 1rfliioliii P. rcioct. Cats cud- ly. m. T.. -1 mi 4 1 S mil.' noith-wst of Platis lOiiili. nnih3l Jsy of lt-eeniier, lSUrt, onr iwo year o d heirerof rojo c I'o-, Willi rtd pd while pot. ro msikn or lirniuN p'i-iTail. JACOB HUAS. Dec 3, 1?GC l!'w5 Iskenupby th aiir'ber, l;virij throe miliw of R.cW b'fTt fi.iir yei liny; (It.e whit- Tt-ariill;, b'll!, DOIutl i left "jir. lino year lug Me-, win Us nj teJ on for q-ini ter liiti'l quart -r wluf, en p la lett i'ar. line red yaning l.sif'f-r, eriiji i,t 4 li tar. line dark brown yta-1 inz l.eif. r. line bark N otl.er rna-k- or branJs prrc-ivao.e. ii ID Wi' J B. II0L1' ES. Taken lip br lb subMritier. two mile -oulh w r Pla-t n nth, two heifers, one id rp.-il i .i r . lie oilier a, paie r-'a, narns brolfn off. eic! ' be two yeaa old. dtc 19 w5 Wm C. WOQDEl'fT. Taken up by the autocr'tip r. at big rr-iriea in vvPi"K w"!er ,''1e'i"ct' c '" 'r. t., ab,.u . reHDda half tnil" iK.h ms' of Keeil'- niill, m tho lth day of Nofmi'r, lpr.t;, two 3 e.r oi. 1 rotiD, with 1 .Uni njtca hiiu ijhi.i iat-f and ha a cri 1 on rigai tar. ro oiner warn or ins- - r o - M Weeping Water, Jiov. 4. 5w I Taken nn by I.i-wis Kioir, l;TlB 1 1 ! m!ln wd I r "'" a- county. . . i .i.wo v ork .teer. I I J " I ...nT.i.AH ti ' f . or r.uni n 1 il - no. t . . 11 I r,l out or 1 r .a-. manaed on llt horn J J 1' ; iba l droop, DraDOe I m 'tit horn with w, no off e't ear . ' KWI3 KING. K k. .1 LI I 1 II. .1 .. K m 1. .,n t tm anluflrik.. ' I !!... n I Cas county, N T.. on the tj:h dy of Noymher. A. . n.I-C5 one pale rd bleer, two years old no arks 1 ,i brands pe.ceivale. CHsrtLESSWAV Liberty, Nov. 7ib, 18(j6. dec5s Taken m fcy the n-5cr ber, at his resl.lnre in Vi Plea-ant J'retinn. Cu.-s cour.tv. N T . on the (iih !: of Koyember, 1ni;. one mare Colt, i-uni o- il ta i. one year 011, U.11K o;iy, wun white fput in forehead. No mki or brauda rjerccivabie. lecl2 WM. D. JOS 6 3. Taken up by Jh-i sc!scribr at his DreiniKes t-i Ore. 001.111 rreemci. I as muuty, ., on the l"ti dny of November. 1 Slid, 0: e ye 11 llPfr steer, while with ei spet-ks, aaU c. nsiderali.e red al..ut tlie he.-i i and neck; the tu or lho eT are tuber coMinl r f,. -non. ii 15 dj J. 1 AKtJ.vL. I lakenup by tutuncriDer. at bis rei.leope in i". - ". "--" ."m j, 1., am. 01 ia t 1. 11 kv.n. p.aii . .1 . . . .. I ""? wf" I'lait-nioutn, on the 8a diy of U-cem uei i.uo, one u:i a orown neiier, supp.-wd to be 2 ears old, has a w bile -itar in 'orehead. nn nnli ..r brand. CEO. bUOWH A K S dec 12 15CC 13w5 T.ik 'n un by the snb;riber. livinc in Mi Pie rrecinci, one two y -nr oia rej ou.i, while un.ler ihe belly, rather mu.iII in fix. No other mark or iir.-inu perce.viul j. JOU GLO. llANaCN dec 19 5 LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W- BRADLEY'S CELL BR A TED PA TEST DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oil DOUBLE SPF.IXO) S2L X The Womleifu! Kl xiii!i;v and irreat llomfor! anl Plea-cr-to any lady w-.nnir the Danlex Klliniic .Kir. win ot- txrtr.rme'i p.i I ll l.lr iy In all err i-d fi-moii-, opera. t.arriai:', Kaiir .ad Cii' a.Ch n ch . e.w rtrm t natr., i.ir i-rimi.'n me ana liniise Tret. m ine oKiitinu ue ie ueu rien -n use in ocrni-y a Mu-lin Ue-s. an invs uMe quality ii eiini.Iinc, not "'V J bne, .., I"!"' .'''?'.'" "f ''it Dm-i.-x Kn;t,c I . v ni in if St l, t f.n- a .intr'. .1.1 v niil . I . .. ........ ... I w.ira. w.muiriy ui-poise wun tlieir us-. For ( hi!- "r,'n- Mi--',es aul Young La.ii.-s they are superior to a!l nlhen- . ... j ... vK .... ... firkin. nHi nic r nifrie api tiia, b-it will nri-neit ineir nerfict nn-1 c,a.vri si.r wiien 1 1. ree r r I ur on'.inarv s;iim si i i..v l.n i., . ,. , .. - - --- tiiiMwii rt.-i ie n u--elv!. ine i:o.; are oV'-reil with double and Iwi-u-d th'ejd. au.l the butfuni rods a-e not only d.'ii' le fprinif I ill twi.-j (or doelile) .ivered ; prevei.l-ii' them from weal ing out hvu ni-nfjT.nx nurn -t'"ii.. s: ir, 6cc. Th Dupb x t.iiiitie is a erea' favort'a iih all la- lie and j univer-H!! reronimi-nd. d liv the Ka!iirm Mieizines aa the Htm ,ard Siirt of the FuxMon. able iL'! I ii i njoy the fiill"-in; ire.-tirnab advant.ire in Cr'noline, viz: superi..- qn-litv, pe'feet ruaniir jci nre. -iviish -hape mi. I Bn'.h. K X'l) lily, d ir il.'iirv. r .m- fii-t and tc.moniv, ei-qiiire fur J VV. Biad ey'a Ou- pieT r.n pi t. n i'. imi e .-prieg Skirt u:,d b-.- s-.r'- to et the e oio- article. e'Al I 'N To i-iiarl aifHiri! imnositi-.n be nai tiew nl. ii t noMre thai i-kiri offered a -'Onp'ex ' luive Hie r-d ink stimp, viz; -J w. Bra l ev's Iuilei biliptic Mcei rl.i-, upon the vrai.-t and none th-ra'e renmne. AVo nutiee liiMt ever. Uop wi ii a unit a pin lei- f: pi e.i thrm-ch t m ci' re. K r t a!.- in all Stor. n he e nt-c!a si; irt a-a st.l.! ttr onchou-. trr United :t tie and .-i-ewheee. jlnou.urture I by the Sule l)ni" of the I'u'ent, r.- i iiitaoi.r.i rt- r.Mti, 97 Ckambera t- "9 &. SI K-ade st.. T novl9 dw:iu WES, MONTGOMERY, CETLON WILLIAM Montgomery & Willams TOBACCOHISTS, Post Office Building. riailsmouih.JY. T. We l.eep constant'y on hand a good aortm'"nt rf GIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES ETC., ETC.. ETC., GIVES rs A CALL, The latch ot'in al Jy-'4. way h:in ps oat Dress-Maker. MRS- L. B- JOSES, "f A.brnsiia Citv, von'd re pectfuliy lnfiim the la.Ii.-s of riattrmnnlh that she has taken up her res et ce n ihi- pinre for the iiui itn of ('Tl -nm . . . . . . . . . - . U 1 i I.M.. t I I II IS ti and M A K I N li if reqitireJ, Ladies -nl rhildren Hreea. Cluks. Pa-r,u. ete. MACIfXE bTITCIIIXC done Vjo? il' o'k w;i b- executed with neatoe-", and w I receive prompt attention She will ende .vnr to ei e sat ii-f irtiun, an J thereto: e foliciti t-.e patronage or I the ladies of this place ar d vicinliy. tt-idenco. co-oer Vine and 4th street, in IiIkihi1 b. ick- nnv'2H'lif in Win. S. Thatcher, accessor to II. Knapp Ballon, DERMIP rHIC PHYSICIAN ! And SURGEON- Cnfr ail clac.- of cuii-Me d:iense srithort medi.-ine- Aliiupii which are Itroucliiiis. A-tt ms. I'htl iie. u- nt. us. limit. .m. Jieumlia Paralyses, L. . o' llannir, dines -e of 1 0 Kve Cnei-r. '1'oinot b. t e. of - nla. rtiaiw-t" Ty.n..1v.u. Ane. 4e.. 4e. Special.- lie cures private uUea.ses in all f.rma in s tew dav. Omce at f tat'e Ya'l-y Hons. BAKERY, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS MATHIS &. SONS, (succf fSiort to J. Tarcrl A Sons.) PLATTSMOUTn, Keh. ' Keep constantly on band a good t npplj of FRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES and everything in the line. Also GROCERIES cj- PROVISIO.XS of all kinds. Waxtbo : Conntry Produre, P utter, F-c, is. d Give as a ca'l. . I-ept 25. IS68. 'phe plac to g A cheap Lamp and Lamp Chnaey Art BLACK. BUTTER V VO 'K. Simpson, I Wholesale and Retail a, Receiving, Forwardin.and Commission Merchants. PLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA. Dealers in FAXCYf.AXD STAPLE GROCERIES, PRODUCE, riiUY ISLUJiS, ST. LV LIS WIXDOW-BLIXDS, GLASS, PISE LUMBER, SIIIXGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. AUn, Agents for tbe'celebrattd SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK Quaker Boy and ionigan Wagons; cfcO. We inziti all to Call and juris dwOns B N E LOUIHER 31AIN AND iillllD OUTFITTING CLOTHING HO USE! IN THE WEST I Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods. Elats Caps,' "Roots, Shoes, Also b targe lot of RUBBER ICLOTHJN 3 Of airdescriptions always on hand. JCQ" Call'jaad examine .TSTew Masonic rintt smooth, April 10th, 1855. teW'jiy Picture Gallery rrP Kcrlli 5e Main Ft , f l'j'"" " ISBS?, "t-XTTSMriUTII, - -'-iffljll Picimes takers cf all !Kinds, Ambrotvpfs, Photcwrnph?, fJpm Pictures, ic. A jrooj assortmont of Capos Frames, AHmiiiib, &c-, constantly kept on hanj. made to order, of any plze WM. R. TEXICK, PEN ICK cv ah Wh:!c;al? Patent Medicines, Chemicals, d'lass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liq jors, Coal Oil and Lamps, iSta ionery, S:c. NCS. 3Sc 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- -W are the Northwestern Wlmleia'a fem's for Dr. 1 Jayce t tftn, and Dr. J.C. A jrr Ik Co.. and cu iumuh tbcirmcuicu In auy q'Ukniitirsk iatiily"' Sharp tfc Co., 02 FLOUR, DOORS, SASI1, MOWER 'AND REAPER, Wood's Mowers, Set ut, and Examine our Stock. Simpson, Sharp & Co. W MAN, STREETS, I LATTSMOUTII N. T Trunks, Valises, &c., &c. AND REVOLVERS my extensive soc's ai the Brick Building. sTv Gilt anJ liosewood Molding, or Frames WM. Lonxc- LOVING, Dealers Ij The undersigned c-ffers f.-r ra!e 40arr-if laf.d. f ora which the tnnh-r lm h.tn c :l Ir .ni 4 Ii ID yer, tualed 1 1-2 miles icnlh of t ma on lbs Missouri tiv r. Il wi.l be d n n b.i.ly or In tr i ;t to suit purchasers. SAML'tL MAXWELL. V Q.li, 4 A. Ii. SPRAGTJB fiei'er la Groceries, Provisions, PRODUCE, &C, OPPOSITE THE TOST-OFFICE- All k'nJ of Produce taken In exchange f..r soods. I keep the very bes of kids, aid am bouid to sell thein as c i.ap i. a y hi-us- In ileciiy. BOV1DUW.I KNITTING iMGIIINE KSIIS A STOCKISG SUBSTAX 77.1 L L Y COMPLETE. nitUcg the Ueel and Narmu ii j u.T li e Toe at It i-oe a!oii IT RKTSt VP 77"? OWX KNITS AS Y SJZK fn-in two 'hoik, form Inn a cord. up to it full eiu.acitv ! WIDEXS AXD KAIIUOWS, by varying the num ber of b.o .s. and Ktiits the Wide Single Flat Wel. The Double Fiat Web. The Plain Ribbed Flat Web, and the Fancy Ribbed Flat Web, Willi Selveges. fiiii-r .tiarniiic in mc vcrll c:ni ! :iny one of 1 Iivs c things. IT KM IS Shaw Is, Hood?, Nubias, Jackets, "Breakfast Caper, Sacks, Skirts, Undershirt. Drawers, Hoy's Suits, Children's Cloaks, Snow Shoes, Leggins, Glove?, Mittens, At.d rt great variety of Fancy Fabrics. KciN a yard ef plain wart in ten inina-.e, pair of 'ock complete in hair an hour. Ko.' Faii'ilieg, Woo! u.uwets. 'Atl.leaes. Mr- clMitt. & ., it is the in ) inoav ma1- in r and IV or aviiijt 1'i.eiition of the a -. Fr .in 100 t ISO per Cut pr.-fit on every Ht-'ic'e il pro 'ac Women hia eari.iu.it fr--m $! ! 25 f--t wek, kuiitiog hob.ery and pi .pie himi r.incy worsted :irfi(-;e. r-very iHChine fcarr .r.ied t Wi rk as represeutea. For circulars, ad.ir 'ts wi.h Muuu No. 11 North 5ih St.. St. Louis. Mo. IJt-General Arrenis for tl'.ft We.-tnnd outr.vei. liovlS OR. ROBACK'S BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. BLOOD FILLS BLOOD PILLS BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD AND Blood Purifier! are tj:v i : q u.v rii: 13 roH ct iii.vo Scrofula, Siihilis, Shin Dis ease, ttttl stores, fa ft liheum, Dysjtejtsiaor liitliyestion, SICK HEADACHE TAcer Compel inf.-:, Illiciimatisin, A ever a ml siytte, sr. An thony's 1'ire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Erysipelas, Tumors, Eruptions, 1 its, Scrofulous Con sumption, etc. q q q q q q q ? ? (VSE r-ron rite, her tLuixUler enroll of Kits of nine veais' stiiiidm, uiwl M. VltUf dance of two veins. ANOTII Klt'writes, his son trns cured after his flesh Iim.1 nliiioKt unwto.l iiativ. The iloi-t.-.r (rii.iuiiiiro.l the 11-0 inenrnMe. AN'll'ilKK wii-i I'liinl . 1-en-r an. I A rue af ter ti vinir e-i-- riieiiu-nie t it hi rem-lt. A.V'ntKK iv:is i-iireil of eer Sore which liad existed Viiirioiu veiirs. A no I'll Kit til UIii-iiiii:ii.iii of eiulit yours, fni-.s ittiiiiuierMl.Ie nl l io.ui mid l.iver Cnmiihiiiit -' 1 i lie ri ti-n 1 1 !- f, in ulnrli Hi I'urilier an'd l'illa worlt like is clmi-iii. THE BLOOD FILLS Ar Hie innfit i-tiv iui.I t!tirtiTi .:1M t4ml li:ivpvnr Ihii iih rli.'C'l. i lny t j- k rectly upon ti.o T-vvr, ,xo;Tin' ilmt nrait to th li mi xtfnt ni tJint IMh i-i--iu t c-t ti. ti ra l:ipe itito it fornuT t-oti'iitimi, u Im-h ih (or tO l lH CUM Wltll lllij'l' H Mit;lle Thfy are realty a BLOOD AND LIVER PILL. Ami in conj iiio-io:i Willi the BLOOD PURIFIER! Will cure all the nfvrmpnt:omM iliii:i4, an l. of themselves. wi r !.tve itn l euro Headache, CostivenGSS, Colio Pains, Cholera Morbus, Indigestion, Pain in the Bowels, Dizziness, &c, &c. t- JDIl. lion A CK'S Stomach Bitters! Wionlil ne.l by convaleTiit s!r fifrtliea the pr-trat:oii u b-cli aliravj follows acuta disease. Try ihee me.lieint-s, ami von -jrill never r rret it. Ask your nr::lilr.i ho have uM them, and ilTev wi'.l cav tliev nre OOOO MEDICINES, siiil y.iii should try them bw re gonij; lor a ph iui:ui. PRINCE, WALTON & CO., iSucce,or lo Dr. C. W. !!rtw.k,) 60I.E PBOPltlETORS, Wos. 56, 58, 60 & 62 E. Third St., CINCINXATI, O. ' Are So!d by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicinea EVERYWHERE. 1 1, i- I i I j 1 f. ' 1 1 ft