LOCAL NEWS- JVm Wednesday' Daly. JThe nrrest of Surratt is 1yond question, nml it is expected he will nrrive ia this country some time daring the present month. ("EiJer J M. Seay will preach at the Court Houe on Saturday night at 6 1-2 o'clock, and Sundaj at 10 1 2 o'clock. 7"'vVe learn from the Republican that Co!. K 1. Tnj!or and G. R. Smith, Esq , hare etarti d n a journey east. .'fhvy will visit Washington before thrj return. J"The prt-scni survey of the railro id from St Jo'3 to the i wa Stale line is to L abandoned and the road built along the river bottom. Thin will be a vast benrti. tu th- dCV-rem river towns on the NabrisWa bid:. CWe leurn from the Pre that Tax. 15.-f.r-, E-q , of Tii I hot Hull, has been ur r )iru-ii School Examiner for Otoe ooun'.v. Mr. Umn i professor of Math cmatiiM at Talbot Il iil, tnd is the father of -;. 0. Ilettt of this city. vVVc are sorry to learn that our towinm-in, li. Newman, thinks of leaving this part of tha country, n.9 he is one of our most enter j. rising and wide awake busir.es- men Ilo is now ofTrr:nr his immense :oi''.i of Ciotlrn, Gents' Fur nishing Good.4, Boots, Shoes, &.a , at cost. Thoss winliinp; bargains will do well to call and nee him. Tl.u.tday' Daily. C"Tho Omaha Tost OSco has been removed to the UrpuMicnn block G. Hays, Esq., has for sale, chenr. b-vuc of the finest residence lots in PUttsmouth. It is robable that work will be commenced on the Rail Road from th's point west next pring, and person wishing to secure good locations will save one hundred per cent by pur chasing this winter. j2?"The Weekly Piess ha? been en larked to thrity two columns, instead of twenty eiht a-t heretofore. We are glad to note the prosperity of our neighbors, and hope we shall soon be able to in crease th? size of our own sheet. The iiowsonppr is thd retlux of the spirit oT the community in which it is published, and the citizens of every town should feel aju-t prida in the prosperity of their home organs. pyriie O-naha H rnlJ :s wonderfully f xorcised just n.iw aboat the I. & M. Ii. 11, T.. Land grant, and would like verj much to injure the company in some way if possible. It thinks it detrimental to the inter. sa of Nebraska that this com-j-nny shotld have any show for securing their grant. It complains that too much land is allowed them from which to se lect. Would i i.ot be well to compare j the tvrogrnnts tl.9 Ii. Sc M. I n. K. and t"ie L'niua P ie fic and sea which is mot ciitrimentul to Nebraska? Within the 1 raits of the C. L M. R R. R. grant ll.iinestaedj of lu) acres c in be taken, l.inJeui b? pre-empted at 51,23 per acre in tract of 1G) acres. Within th limits of the U. P. R. II. grant, only SO acres cm be trilcm as a Ii-imestcad, and only 0 acres can be pre empted arrd at tiro d ..'irs and fifty r-uts per acre. Which v. ill fxcludc the ni'st settlers? Wlush i the most dctrimenttil to the interests cf Nebraska? Wo opino that this is n.t the real question with the Herald. The rri'n th::ii i-i to throw soino obstacle in the w;iy of tho li. &, M. H. Road. ?"A M isonio supper is to bo fve at the Seymour Ilou.e, Nebraska City, cj tha evening of the 27th iast jr""IIouston Nuckoilj died ai Sidney, I jwa, a short timo since. His remains vre titken to Rockport, Mo., for inter ment. cThe river is still open atthis point. Ihe ferry boat has been laid up for iTral d iys, but footmen are crossed in s'.i ill. j5"The AVirs says that Hawke &. D;I 1 )n, at Nebraska City, are miking ex taaiva preparations for packing pork the coming season. II- D. S im?on, known by many of our citizens as tho "organizer" at Rock Blu3 the man who came across a ciuple of loyal Denoc ats down there that refused to be "organized" by him is now trying to make politiciil speeches ia f:ivor of Gen. Jackson's election to th-2 Proi Jency, in Oton county. That is tha Idoiility in which he will be appre ciatiJ CnTThe St. Joseph Iltrald says: W. luttle an experienced contractor, was ia th:s city yesterday, malting arraD;e nttj to commence work on the Platte -our,try Railroad extension on the 17th iC9t.; he has taken a contract for thirty m lts and will need a Jarge force of la borers. rc.i Saturdays Jjail-j 3The coach of the Western Stag C3mpsny have discontinued on this side of the river, and the stock bus all be-n 'nrtoved to the other eide. W cannot ,ay th. we are sorry : because we hud o faith that tr than to break down the K. & N. and thus leave us without any pub "c conveyance. We learn that learn that Mr jee:er, of the Iv. & N. Co., is now en vleJ in re stocking the line, and will hure fjur Lorse coaches running eniic. IIe should receive the hearty ''Picrt Df evorybedy in Nebraska, fur he is the only contractor that has ever ' - 1 A A . X ... meu cc.mn.oaa.. tne travel o thu ,de (f"At the annual election of officers ofKerS:on- Chapter, No. 2, R. A. M., at Nebraska City, the following officers were electt-d for the ensjing venr: Corop. Jan. V. M.-ore. M. E. II. P. D. P. Rolfe, King. R. II. Dickey, Scribe. Chas. A. Place. Capt. Host. B. J. Newsom, Prin'L Soj'oer. Robt. Lorton, R. A. Capt. Edward She-Men, M. 3d Vail. Chas. W. Seymour, " 2d " John M. Burk, 1st D. Whitinger, Trea. Geo. Bragg, Sec'ry. S. S. Preston, Guard. L. C. Davenport, Steward. Win. Bullentine, Hill, Goodlet and Sibley, Trus. -ST;;r.. t ---.-I : v. pH.0 townrdi the river last eveninar arined with . . . . a pair or sRtitpj each, we (that is the I in . r i i - - .i pirw u, u-; n.uiu no resist, me Jesiiewe hnd to ngain resume, for in 1. . . . I. n - r . L 1. " ,1 I uuui, in'; ri'ui is ui uur i" u f li : ll u i . V - A f - : 1 'i M H"t " pmr o' r-kntfR and "allied forth, deterrain ed to "sink or swim snrvira or norih. in the attempt to once more Stand erect .in n so small a foundation as a rair of TOCKers ' B lOUna a DeaUllIUl nOlU of ice near the rocky point below town. where we pusd an hour a pleasantl as we could wih ; and found that ne th er our right foot nor left had "forgot its cunning." We advise everybody nd e ncciallv the ladies, to "eo a skating." It beats all vour parlor amusements, and heAiJea it id better than Roback'e Bitters for your health. Fiom Mondo y't Vaily. 5?"Mr. Johnson, Druggist at Salt Creek, is in this cirv. The town of Ah I'nd is progressing rapidly, and will give a Sd support to a drug store 1 S t BUII I ("nil lufrtn tha ffPnl amnnlll I aent of the K. & N. Singe Co., left for j . . . , - J I Nebraska City this morning. He inform us that the proprietor of the line is now cnnged in putting on new Stock below here (Tp-Wo learn that Dr. DoneUn has sold his Druz Store to a man from St. Louis, who proposes to "branch oat" in 'he business. Wo have not learned th name f the purchaser, but presume our render will see it in our advertising columns soon. Good health is paramount to weaith. If the system is in bad order purge out the viio humors and distemp ers wit!i Roback'g Blood Pill, and get the internal organs performing their rejr ubir functions and once in crder, keep them s with Roback's Stomach Bitters. CiTWe learn that Hon. J. W. Chni- tn.m, formerly of this city, and late mem her of the Council from thij county, i tibout purchasing apart of the Council Bluffs ioni,arul. Good for you, John, We hone soon to welcome vou to the edi- torial fra'ernity. ("J. Sterling Morton passed through town this morning, on his way home from Omiiha. lie is reported in the itepublt- cwt to have said, while in Omaha, that the Chicago Times is a neophite in the matter of negro suffrage it falls short of the requirements of the occassion. No no, snys M irton, no impartial suffrage and there'-y exclude a million or more of Democratic votfs, but universal suffrage, and then it does not make any difference whether an elector knows A from a har row or not. A pretty enndid admission as to where the strength of Democracy lies, but an evidence of more political shrewdness than they are entitled to cre el i. fr. Fron Tue mlit y't Daily. gsT The- Tri-Weekly Pre.-s has been enlarged to a seven column sheet, the size of our Weekly edition. JTBetwen thirty and foriy Saloon keepers were indicted by the Grand Jury of Otoe county for not taking out the re quisite license. Q)"A small Surry'' oecured In one of the saloons last i.ight. in which a l irge chandelier was the only thing that was "bruised." 10. 0. P. FESTIVAL. Families will be conveyed to the Ma sonic and Odd Fallows Hall, free of charge. Gentlemen are requested to leave orders at Mr. J jhn Shannon's ta- Lble. ("Supper Tickets for the I. O. O. F Festival are for sale at Tootle, Ilanna & Co.'s, Telegraph Office, B. Newman's, Staddleman's, Herold's Brick Store, Throckmorton's, J. Schlater'n, and on the evening of the Fesiira! at the door of Masonic and Odd Fellows Hall. C3TMesrs. Mitchell L Hays of thi city have purchased the right of this county of II all's Patent Washing Muchine, and are now engnged in the manufacture of them. We have seen them tried, and can say freely that they will do as clean work as any micnine in use, with less wear on clothes. Go and aee them, if you wish a machine and every familv bhoula have one. QAt the annual election of officers for Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6, A. F & A. M., held last evening, the following offi cers were chosen fo' the ensuiug year : Bro. E. T. Duke, W. M. J N. Wise,S W. J. W. Shannon. J. W. T. K. Hanna; Treas. W. II. Ao'Jerson, See. F. S. White, Stew'd & Tjler. ' C. A. Miller, Chnplain. They wi'.l be inttalled on Thursday evening, 27ih inst. DEDICATION NOTICE I T,J0 M. E Charchf at Eieht Mile Grove, will be dedicated to the servioa of I Almighty God, on Sabbath, Dc. 30th IR55- Rev's. B. T. Lemon and V. B. Slaughter, of Omaha, II. T. Davie, of Nebraska C'ty, and other distinguished clerirvmen will be there and narticinatp , r in the service .Preach.ng at 10 a m., 2 and 7 p. m. Persons from a distr.r.oa will bo freely entertained by the citizens. Ben'j. Acst.n Pres. of B lard of Trustees. iTDr.- JlcCIukey, Dentist, who di vides his time between this place and Glenwood, will be here agaiD on the 25th Persons requiring his services will govern themselves accordingly. 5To those wishing job-work done, w., vuum nay toa now is me lime ana ii . i. . - . i , I thn ITirniin AiTlon ia tha rloAo W ra I prepared to execute worK in the neatest I . . I ijie anu on snori notice, P?-Th S.in.K.v ,-.,..,.! nf ?! ,l.,. m. . ... . ... . TT U. T n VtJU.VIl Villi Ur lieill 111 lliV IIHII.I I J 11 I . . . , . - . I - ..11 . .iirii ill 1 1 .1 v . unn 1 11 n ihiiipa or rna Paneh intend havi ing Sopper, Tableaux 11 ni d a host of rood things on Dec. 31st t l.i U onn. 181. - I U'J in. inu. so I ; K'raembpr the k e.tiral, (I air and I C 1 1 trr a. a 1 rvt . . I rr " Liiue Nd. iI O. O-F. to be held n the theJDlh inst. Ihe proceed re to be devoted toward liquidating the indebtedness of the Lodge for the new Hall building, and we hope to see a gen f ral nirn out of our citizens. The obiect is worlhv tone. and 8hould rcceiV8 en Gp'Remeraher the Festival and Fair -. , t;- v .u . i r i- w... ..j ...u vfi me First Presbvterinn Chun-h. More than a wagon load of all the nice things im- sgioable are already prepared. TO RENT. 'T f u . rr!" . - -T P- I ..... ..... . -.1... t.Vi Vl.tb. .X Ulll. T t 11 rP ton furn I aa rr,n, n,ta,n n m.11. For terms apply to I). II. Wheeler & Co. SUBSCRIPTIONS Received at the News Depot, for anv .f the Magazines, Periodicals and News l're-8 of the day, at the Publishers ! rices. s the tune lo subscribe. IJCt. 0. ' I C?"IF YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT OF READY MADE CLOTHES, OR A SUIT MADE TO ORDER, GO TO S. II. WALK ER, OLD POST OFFICE. July lGd tf FOR SALE A small dwelling house and lot, in a pleasant location. Cheap for cash. Enquire at this office or of J. W. Marshall at th P. O. Nov. 10 dtf D-H- Wheeler at home ag in I take pleasure in informing my old business patrons that I am at home ngain and established in the General Agency business as of old. Thankful for past favors, I nowsolicit the pat- ronage of m7 old, and all new friends to to give me a call. I will endeavor to give satisfaction to all. A 1 business intrusted to my care will roceiv ir.y prompt and personal atten tion. Give me a call at the old office in he Court House. D. II. Wheeler, of firm of D. II. Wheeler & Co. Plattsmoutl Neb. Oct. 13th 18C6' Da. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST. Wi I do 1 wo k in lii line nil short n itice. 5rt5"OtBce with Dr. Livingston. Juiy 6. WANTED 400 or 500 bushels of Oats, to be stored somewhere on Wecp- injr Water. ' For particulars enquire of Nov. 8 d tf J. G. MILLER. FOR SALE- A houso suitable for removing. En- quire at this office. ov. 6 d tr. P05T QFFICE ARRANGEMENTS. 1 II E MAILS WILL CL IPE AS rUOW9: EA-TKIt ...Mil will clo at - 9 a. m. 6LTH-KN'at - - 9 a.m. KOhvrilfcttX and WESTERN at - 1 p. ni. MAIL ARB DUE AS FOLLOWS' Vioni ti e K a S T at . . 10 a.m. XOK' H and WEST at - 1 a. ni " SOUTH at - 3 p. m. POiST-OrriCE UODRI. Open from T a. tu. to H p. in. '"Wlien c.il ine fo- frail please eiTe ynnr nonut tf.AiHi. I itii'n tl. No ofyour II.. x. ataT-Wh-n ral ia for tanio give the number or ta.nps or amount T u wi-h to liv. J. n. ftl A 11-11 A I I.. i'.p-tmn-r riattsmouth Lodge No- 6. A- F. & A-M. Reit.il ireomniantciitionp 1-t sod 3 I Mondays of each ipoiiili. at 6 1 3 o'clock, p. m. E T. DCKE, W. M. J.O. HOWE Src Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R A-M. Itecui .r cci.vicat'.iDs 2.1 and 4th Wednesdays of ei-h lueuth, at 6 1 2 o'clock p m. j. u. u(.' i, tl. r. J. t! ri'MMIXS, fee . I. 0. 0- F. tl ifte C.d-e. No. 7, meets every faturrtny evening at Curt Honae I al. Itr. tl.eis n Hher Lodges are rcp..-ct fill ly ii vit.d to vilt tb' Ixxlge. UvordArof A. L. tl'KAijCE, X.Q. I'.V UA-9. Rec. ?ec'y. I. 0. G. T. H.-Ku!iirineetiui:s every F-i.lay vcoiog. Traveling- 1 elupiaii. reHecuu.iy i-ivnea. P.A.W. Al. . ilAl-.u v.v, n. v. l. WES MONTGOMEr, W. S. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. RetfuUr meetings first Tues lay - r . very rnooth at 1 . - Kev. UfcO. C. H TTd. R R. LlvioTOX, Clerk. Chaiim.n. Win S. Thatcher, Successor to H- Knapp Ballon, DEflMtPytrHJC PKVStCIAM ASD SURGEOX- Cures all elapses of curable disease without medicine' A in one wtitch ate HioDClillis. A-ltitna. I'hthbic U- ut. U .rum.iisiii, Xeuralsia Paralysep, l of Hearing, disea e ol the tye Canc-r, Tuinu. s, fcemf ua, Diaiietn Iyppep.i.t. Ane, Ac, c M"sci al.- 11c ouiea piiviitc Uicusta ia ail forais ia a few .lays. Office tr j'l.it'e Va!l-y tJoo'. ERROKS or YOUTH. : A geotlaman who suffered for year from NO ua Debilijy, Premature IKcar, and all the eff ct& of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering' huraanity, send tiee to all who Deed It. the receipt and direciii.uk for ir iking the aimple ttmtlr by which be wat cured .Sufferers wibhidg to profit by he advertiser's experience, can do no by addressing. I la perfect confidence. JullA B O i its, sepl5w3m No. 42 Cedar St., New Yoik- Estray Notices. Taken np by the aiibi-crlber, at his premises in Weepinif Water Pie -inct, Caw county, N. T., about one and a half mil- north east or IteedV mill, on the lith day of November, leoO, two 3-year ld Meers. one red, with bal1 fxcw, and the otb r a ll ronn, Willi lined buck nd bxld lace, and has a crop off right ear. io other marks or biarids pa. ceivitble. J. M. KAMA.V. Weeping Water, No. 24. 6w , Taken np by f.ewi Kin?, livlaj 1 1-2 miles wt of Kt-uost.a, i us county, S. 'J'., two work rteca, suppo-td to be ( ur years old; otif has a kwaIinT7 fi k oat of left ear. branded on lt-lt horn J J P tha other ia white with red peck. eirs red, nirlit hun dro .p, branded on lelt horn with w, ci op off left etr. I U13 Ki.N O. November 23d, l6ii. decO Xaken up b ,lle .ubscriber. in Liber y Precinct I Cas county, N T., on the 8.h dn.T of Nor-mlier, A. U. 1-66 -one pale red Steer, two year, old no. i.arka brand pe.ceiva'.ie. cuikles a wa.n. I Libi.riy, ov. 7ih, 1SG6 dec6 Liberty , tov. 7ih, 1SC6 Taken n y the sir.fcriber, at hi residence in Jit. I Pleasant 1'reiiiicr, Ca.a county, NT, .n the 6ih di-y lea-aii ' Nov le yea o m! 1 "- "'V'JA"""-""'1' 'n:,d . J ca ' vnj , ww ibi. wuho r yofc ,u lUrCUCHJ. V.' . . V . .. 1. I- .rt... I - "i- 3 -.1 . ,.o y.- decliS WM. D. JOSgi. Taken np by th- subscriber at his premise' in Or-. 1?Pr,'c"K't cu ncnntj.N f .on tue nth .iy I noiemlie', 1!j6S, o eye. .ling utter, wtine ih I k4, aid n-ideri..e red about the he.id ni d I riL.ii.it. .ui r. n.idriall.a rril about II. w hw. .rf -..rf I neck; the tip of ihe e ni are either capped or fro- if i lie e ra i dec 12 W5J ' I To lr. n n . Ker tha 11 K r. Vow I 1,1. tA I Oivauoli Precinct. Cas cu. iv. N. T.. 11 bout 41 2 l,,tbw,t f Piatw -louih, onihi-di day of e,;o , with ird ard white pots. .No umru cr uraiiua pirceiTable- JACOB 11 LlKN Dec 8, 195 Taken up by the ubscriber. living three mil. wet of Rock Uliifr-t, four yearlings: Oi.e wtnl- yeailmi. but , nutcn in l'Mt ear. One year ik stier, wh.tu and led on fore Quarters uinn uuarl.r.- wnite, cr. p la let ear. One red yanini: heifi-r, croo in ea h ear. One ddi k brodj vra, linz l.eif. r. line lack. No other na:k or brands ptrct-ivabie. iic 13 W5 J B. HOLMES. I -turn up uy me MinKriucr. iwo ini.eR soma we: i oi i-in inouin, two neiie.s, one aueepied. n. niara.., the other a pale r d. hjrua broken off: each u,ipo.e.l to De two yeaas old. dtc ia wo WM C. WOODRUFF, Taken up by the rulicriber,.at hi residence L uihvme Precinct, Cava county, N. T., about j mile we-t of Piai l-aioulh. on the 8d diy of Utrce li ber I8C6, one da. k brown he.ier, auppotd to be 2 I .... .... i . . ... - i . i. , . . "V. on j t in a. n . . l - l .uauhi.l'i; dec 12 1606 19w5 T.iki-n up by Ihe ubicrjber. tiring in Bit. Plearan! Precinct, one twoy-arold ri-d bull, white um.e- the belly, rather mll in m-. No other marks or biands peiceivaule. JilliN UtO. UaNS'JN. dec 19 Probate Notice. Siiuuol II. B..az, Guardian of the minor children of 1 1 aukl n W . t laua in, die d The next of kin and an whom it mar concern : You are ber. by luf-inn- d that on the 8 Un M'yf Octobe'. A D iscc. said cua.di.D tiie.i h.. the ol jecc and pmyrr or aaid pt-tition i" to tain aj o net from suia comt for the rale of the foilowi K Kel Estate to wit.- The south, east Quart r of tl e ortli east quarter of section 19. townxhin 10. ramrr- 14 iast of ti.e 6tli p. ni., id Casu e uotr. N. T. The Court will htar Paul opiiiiou ou the h d..v of De cember, 1S66, at o'clock p. m., at hich time al erHniis lutwrcsteu can niiunr an I pdow cause wh said prayer Pl.oald not I t KrantcJ. if any ihry have Civ n under tuy hand ihm 3 ith d.v r O bi,A. t. 166. JUUN W. MAItSMAI.L, dec-5 4w 1'roLate Jud.-e. 'Unquestionably the best sus tain ea woric oi tne Jtmd in the world." HABPEIVS: New Monthly Magazine Critical polices uf the Press. It is the foremost Miig.izine of thf) day. The fl e- aidi never had a mi.re dtiiM'ul ciuiHUion. nor toe mi ill n a more fiitt-rpri miC lrieuo. than llarp.ra auax.i.o Jletluxlmt ProteMnt t (Baitimo e ) Hie most io:uiur iljiuliy lu thewoild. Aew l'oi k Obxfrrtr We m t ii f r in teims of ru osy to the h it'll ton.. tri-4 varied excel ences cif II .rt r'a illiiitiiZi e i j r.iri'a wi'h a luouthiv ciiCul:.tioo of adout IT ,(10,) ooies in wbope pMft-s are to he louu't h me of tlie choicest li.'lit an.l Rrnrrn.. t.'a.iiu of theiijy. We -peak of thin w K a- an n ilinie i.t the cm ure oi he Am-ri- an people ; and th? poi.uli.rily it ha ac quired - merit. d K ith Dututirr couiaii.a 'ul!v 144 i (. ot r.ailioir mailer, api.roprtair y llulr;.l' il witu kroou wo..! chip an it ci.raiiii.es it. itst-if ihe racv monthly and thtf rao.e iilulopot.lricrtl qiinrieily. hlrnded wftb the bept lenturep ot tlie d.lilf J a oal. It ha-i irreat pon-er id th' iliaeniin.iti..'. or a love ol pure literature Trubuer'tr Ouide to American LiUiat'ire London. The volumes hound con'tiiute of thcmwlves a li brary of mi-Ctf lane u ren-li'ia- aueh as aunot le found ia the panie comt.ait in Hny ther puhliCHMon that has come uoiler ..nnoileo. ISoslol. Courier. SVESC I PRIONS : 186 7. Tbn Publi-hers hve iiefectela syptern rf mniline l y a hich they cpd pnpp y thn Magazimk Ji d Wkp.k V promptly to thope u In. rr ter to rec- ive ihel pei iodic.il ilinct 3 from th-4'fljce of 1'ub iiaiiun. Ihe IKistai'f on Harix r s .vaptu f is 24 ents a year, which uiu:t be paid ut the tubscribeer' po-t thee. TERMS : Harper's MaK' ziue. re year - $4 00 Ad r.xtra :. iiv ut e.thrr 'he Ma-KZine nr Weekly will be si.p. l r.1 irrHii for eery cluh of Five pub pcii'.e s ut 4 (ii-mh, in ono iein.tu.nce ; or bix Cepi- for id id liHCk Numbers can be puppl ed ut any time A Complete ret. no-v rouiuriRinir I'll in-three Vol umrK in ueat elo h t. indit.ii, will i'e p -i.t l-y eXfrei4. freight at xpen-e of purch.n r.for i ttt ir volume. Miic'e v.-liiines ly ni.il p"Maid. jj cioih ca se", fm l'indiu( M cent. 'iy mail, no ipni.l. piinseriptio... .ent tr. in l.n ih o. ih Amen an Proviucei must be i.ccouipin el w ill 21c .'uts additiunul, to prepay Cni'e d late uuje Ad- lie JIAKKMiX BUOIHKKS i.oill I' anklio fquare. Ncw Yoik. Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at tbeir old anrt. NORTH SIDK OF MAIN STRKET, PT.ATTSMOUTII, - - - - N. T. We keep constantly on liand a large assortment of Eastern BojIs & Sin ei SHOP MADE WORK, which we ill sell at th lowed ea--b p.icei. Repairing done at soh rt no tice. S5-AII Work Warran!cl J. " HROCKHORTON. A. rilROCKMORTO Oct 25 '66 f W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. ChY BOOT AND SHOE AND w .-o -W-a. - a-W afX T 9 We are selllrj. Boots, .Slioes ana ' Leather, ar store on Mio stiect, one duor west o.'ine Is 'ajiey Puuse, CH EAPER than the CHEAPEST I f ."'wriitcrommXV call. Repairing done at all times. GAGE & DAVIS. Aug. e, r ' wtf Th ol3 to aet cber Lamps and Lamp ChinuMf is. M BI'AnC. BCTTXR T 4 WS. Simpson, Sharp fe Co., Wholesale & $ . a. Receiving, Forwarding'and Commission Merchants, -A.ia.ca. S"te,EtH3.l3ocvt Agents, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dtahrsin FAXCY7AXD STAPLE GROCERIES. PRODUCE. PROVISION'S, ST. LOUIS VLXDOW-BLI.DS, GLASS, JLE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. AUo, -4 gents for t b eb rated SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK Quaker Boy and MIoMsan We iniile all to Call and Sea jnclg dw6ra B N E Corner aMain and Third Streets, I'lattsmouth N. T ! OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE! IN THE WEST! Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hals Caps, IJooN, Shoes, Alto n large lot of RUBBER CLOTH IN 3 AND REVOLVERS Of alldpscrip'ions always on hand. "CcW and examine my extensive stock at the ITew Masonic Brick Building. Plattsmouth, April 10th, 1856. W. L. M Picture North PHTTSMOUTH, - Pictures taken of all Kinds. . nnAf-.nh (l0m Pirtnrps. Sec. A ffood a.ortmnt of Cases Frames, r... .nt:intlv kect on hand. mnde to order, of any pize WM. R. PKNICK, PENICK cc sh Wholesale Patent Medicines, Glass, Paints, Oils, v'l IT Oil and Lamps, NOS- S&. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- Ij-trt are the Jforthwestern Wholera'e perts fcr Dr. V. Jayce & Sop, scd.Pr. J. C. Aver A Co., and eao luralso their mecleiaes la any quantities. Jsoll 'y and Retail 4 FLOUR, DOORS, SASH, MOWER AND REAPER Wood's Mowers, x s xx js ; cfcO. us, and Examine our Slock. Simpson, Sharp & Co. W MAN, Trunks. Valises, dec, &c. HE5. N&7JCXX.VS.n 1H0K.1S' Gallery Sice Main it , Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames WM. LOVING. LOVING, Dealers is Pure Wines and Liqjore, Coal a'. Stationery, &c. CETXON W1LUAM. Montgomery &. Willams TOBACCONISTS, Post Office Building. Plattsmouth. JV1 T. We keep constant'? on band a jood asiortment f GIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPEC. ETC., ETC.. ETC., t3" GIVES CS A CALL! The latch strin al. Ways han gs oat. Jy24. ("lotrt PlacV, Futtery Co.'s for vour Laitt Ot . and Lubricators S. IDLE!, B. A rKIXKMAM. S. ADLRR Jir. r.n.. EEOTIFIERS DISTILLERS. Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and HnmPftle WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. KO. 14, EAST SIOE MARKET SQUARE, St. Joseph, Itlo. ocS3 ly W. MICfLWAlT, . J. IHAtP, LUMBER - YARD. iTOickclvrait &, Sharp Dealers in Pine Lumber, Latb. Shingles, D.Kirs, ?ash, Blinds, Pickels. and rvery variety of Cottonwood. Walnut and Oak Lumber. Will ke-p constantly on hand Cord wood, bot Cotton and Oak. Al! oidera promptly filled. TO- Office on Levee Street, south of C. L. Coo. sr"! Feed and oraia DeDOt, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. November 8th. ISC5. Cm WAG ONS ! J. It TORTER & CO Ire agents in this city lor the sa!o of the celebrate ' South Bend Wagons," Made br Stud' balter Bros They have on hand food assortment, which will be replenished a fastis needed. They propose to aell al tli Very lowest lenres. Platurnonth, March 2..tf FURNITURE, COFFINS, AND Cabinet - Work ! IT. BOECK flavlnir enlarged his Shop and ?al-s-rooms woo d reppectfully rctmnd lh peiile in tin. vicinity thht he can furnish tlietu v tb tii a verv best rumituia Chair.4, or o'her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall k p coB-tHtitlr on hand a larpa aS''nient of Eastern Work, and am also prepar-d to manutactu-a anythior in my line on thort notira. A large aM.i-iniiTH i.t Keany niade Coffins kept at al! tini-s. C.i'l and Lxamina my st-jck at,d prictn jell) tw tf II. BOhCK. OD Pit. SUGAR-COATED, PURELY VEGETABLE. Free from Jlercury O B a W (fl o Q in AKD ALL MINERAL PO.SON, And are, undoubted-, the best remedy ezta'ut SICK AND NERVOUS IIEAIUC1IE ! m r W " J ""l UI TllillO S of a special affinity for the) mucous membrnue of the bowels. thereby removing the causes. Aa a 2 LIVER PILL o o td a K p w o o u a they can hnve no rival, being com posed of the most Powerful Vegetable Extracts which have a direct action on the SPLEEN AND LIVER, the happy efleot of which can be seen after one or two doses. They Remove the Iiile, Assist Digestion, Care Costiveness, In fact, they arr, as their name us a UUICUIITP, illO BLOOD PILL "The Life-Giving Principle." They warch out iiineuse mxl strike at il verv root, leaving- tlio system in the ('.ill vicnr of Id-hIiIi ; are I'KKrK.CTI.V IIAItMI.KSS Ut INFANT.". K I'KKSCiXS Of Til K MOST KKIJCA11C CUNSTirU TIOSS, and are a SATEE. SUKEK AND BETTER Purgative Pill o than has ever before been nvnilMe to mankind, and, tieing thi.-kly GAK-CtATKI. reep,.,-i;iilj' adupu ed asa HK.MKl'V KOK CH 1 1.UKKN. and orsof.s wlio Imve a ilir-.i.l of swallowing a tn!l. Thev are. inr- M queationahly, one of our most satisfactory CATHARTIC'S., snouhl Ire irith . a. vw viiVUIs y PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. P.oUick,) BOLE rKOPRI ET0R5, If OB. 66. 53, 60 & 62 East Third St. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines everywhere:. WK3. MONTGOMERY. ivV FOR yt