Uht gjcbrashit raid. LOCAL NEWS- rram XTtdnttdayt Dai'y. It Is raining ltke fun. and too muddy to hunt up local items. CSTA. L. Sprasue, Esq., is r.movinz Grocrv estalilishmpnt tn fir-t Hnnr west of tho Sheridan House. r tti,. i f . ri- Ihe Press corrects its statement about ordering off the inniatM of "hotcN'Mr.f .!.,. J 3 v ,""iU1UD in that city, by substituting the word 'brothels" for hotela. CTSome fellow we should juJge from the ntvlo that it is Hayward'tf victim "s endeavoring to pattern after A. Ward s style of writing, in the Omaha Hi, aid. QfThe ics which blocked tho Old Ma Jdy a few days 6inco has nearly all disappeared, aid we learn that the steainor .Sun Set has been able to move up to the Omaha landing. r7"AnMlser row oecured last night, in which 'l.lnjj," "gouging" and "wool ju'.iing'" was indulged in quite freely. There were no arrests made and conse qu'.'ntly no money "loaned" to tho city. r-, in an item ve-ieruav, tr.rouirn a mistake, we said the pig sold by Mr. UV.ker was six months old, nd weighed ;.0 pourds It should have real six "weeks" instead of six months old. are r.-gu'..ir nuisance. A produce wa- fSaon Mun St. was completely 'cleaned OUl" y luum lu-uaj. u.i:r .si 1 . ti a,j rr,i. - ! Lome "a sadder but Wiser man,' w.th the etrrcotyped mottcf of "quick sales r.-I :ii.'iii promts conswm.y rcvoum-j in his miad. His susrgptioiis are excellent, and we h pe the farmers, not only of Cass county I b it the entire Territory, will act apon t'.fm. f.vcry farmer knows that a change c,f seca that is seed pracureil from a Tirmer climate is absolutely necessary t ) keep the product up to a firt class ar- t -ic r,om TUuriiay t Vailj. rt?"The ferry boat at this place Ins torn ice bound for several days, but is mw cr.iSfinj nmn. f .TA. C. MavQeld, Ksr,., arrived from 1..... 1.., witt, 1. nf.tnPii 1. which ho proposes rut in 1 c -.'.tie yard, at Eiht Mile Orove. fv"SMn fr-"ra un-Ier! Our police f.,re. has been incro: e by the appniut Ti.rnt of Jo. J thnson, Rob't. Collins r.nd V. Mlckelwait ns fpcclal p!icemrin. Ilwdic3 v.i'.l haye to walk straight now, v- t':iy will Cod thems'.ves iu the Lock u5 on 1 bort notice v?Thj Oaia'ia HeraLl complains of r . 'iii.il papers in Nebraska stealing t Ji t r'nls from it. All we have to say n tU(t ai7 radical paper guilty of stealing eii t ila's from that source should be thor c 1 li'.v expo'ed. (Jive them 'fit--," Dr. We will help you. Hut while ynu "re nv it it just caution your local. about r'viDg proper credit for Plattsmouth Kia.s, nnl we w'.ll help you in that. f.-7-A D. Sinith. of Plattsmcuth, oC.ts a I'.'.va'd of $j0 for the ncovery .f a It :i'."t biigy and lia'nfjM, which were hi -i'.c 1 from l.ini last Wednesday. W.j 3nd tho above in the Omaha Ac and havo seen a similar notico in otli'-r papers Mr. Smith did think hi horse and buggy wero Ft. lion, but m. ( time during tbe day afrer it was mproscd to have been stolen, he found the said borso, buggy and harness in his pisture, lodged against a stump. The !;Arse had got loose from where it was hitched down town and started home. C'Jflt is the record of loc.il affairs, through a newspaper, that thoroughly ana truthfully ndvertises the town and cjuniry ia which it is published. Our iL'ss being to advertise Nebraska, and c.! ciaily this portion of it, we therefore a'k our fiiends ia this country to assist lis 1j furnishing us all local matters ia tl.iir different 1 ycr.li.ics. It will take jrj but a few minutes to cither write a few lines or 6top at the Herald office wi.cri you are in town and give us the rii'.n points cf your local news. We are able tj giTa a tolerably full history of vhat is doitg nnd what ought tobodi-'-Tg in town, but necessarially need help t j do the some by the country. You can ret conceive the vast nmount of good to the country you ir.ight da by devotir.g a f jw minutes in each week to writing up a Listorv of vour local aCairs. J'on Friiiny't Laily. HT. K. Ilanna, Esq., anived at -3tuela3t evening from a tr:p Jjwn the ivor. CTProf. J. G. Miller leaves for the t't on Mjnday next, to ba absent sis WK'is or two months. Chost in the mud some half dozen croisin,: on Mi.n ttreet. Wa under taj the City Council propose offering a reward for their resovcry, or information of their whereabouts. 3TJacob Cetis, Eq., h9 commenced the ni inafcture cf brooms ia this city. Ha makes a No, 1 broom, equal in shape la the best eastern m mufacture, and a far more durable article. Get your brooms of Mr. Belts, and thus encourage norae manufacture. C57Strange things occur sometimes, tut the strangfet of all is tba action ol f our Mayor. No lner sea than ves t:rJay he app.ointed 11 special police. LH r ight John Carrol was arrested by 09 of ihe. new appointees for disorJeriy Oaauct, and wr. brought bofor bis J,130r this morning for ex lojiaaticn ; when, strange to relate, he refused to hear the cis. We cmnot nnderatond why he efiould refuse to perform ho plain a duty, and epocial!y one which involvra the pe.-ic3 and good Order of the city The Only reason we ha.- he:ir.l nsio-nP,? j became the council, at its mooting last I night, reused to a'.Iow his Ilonnr the c,,ntr;,ct Pr5ce f"r Putting down strer cr""inZ. Whether thia a?tion of tho innnc" was just or unjust, it doe not in ar)T manner lessen the dutic of the Miy- I ...... 3 From Salurday't Daily U. .MayBeld Eq . offers to sell stock hoes in any number, fr um nnn tn uiib numireu (Ti?"J. N. Wise, Esq., of the Book S'ore, has our thanks for St. Louis papers coj tainin the President's Message. (T"Elder Dunlin proposes, no pre I renting ProvideTec, to srivo his course of lcturns, on The Immortality of the Soul next week, in the Brick School ITouse, in Plattsmouth. Meetings at 7 p. m. Seat? free. (Ti?"Pa.ss county produces oome as fine hn2s as can be found in Nebraska, or anv where else. Hon. J. E. Doom raised one lot of pis. six in number, which were killed last week at the age of eight and a half months, and weighed respectively 303 pound, 201 pounds, 2.52 pounds. 5 pounds, 272 pounds and 258 round 58 pounds, matin- ;n nil i.-sr r.Ann.h .CaTThe Democrat is busr inst nr,r ,n advocating Train in fact it bs Tr n the brain. That is all riirht : ,t nas omg hobbv that wjj, furn;sh ter for it w;th0ut disex3urarin-tho PrPr. tion of Platte brid2e. the gfttlement of the SilIt Creek COun, ry n(J 0.her mattwa of interest lint if th-it hnt n..l.i v. ' v m vuii si-tently confine itself to tho truth, or a semblance thereof, we should like it just a well. In speaking ab ut Mr. Train baing "petitioned - (jke on petition) to come to this city, it eays we stated that J a "e received the invitation '-from individ u wli; ot no account. e expect , 1 tna dor of th.it sheet, if he has either honor or decency about him, to refer to issue of tho Herald containing the above, ..nJ to ni3 readers the rrnv.se bin ' guaga we did use. Were this the oriiv tiroa ho has willfully misquoted us, we sjou.u uji. iuhcs 11, ur me people ot UiW Reality arc acquainted with tho f ,cts " i-"' " niii 08 rcmcmureo tn.it on a former oceasMOii we were 11c cuscd of savin 1 that "all Missouiians were rebels and bushwhackers," ;.nd that this c:nb di:u nt of Srutli the J.hm- era! utter. y faded to find anvthi:r in our co'i.unis to substantiate its miserable attempt to iao us in a false light, not- witlntiindiug "his Honor," tho editor, l'i::nb!rd over a file of the Iltltun for for some time les than two day to find something (if the kind. Will ha give our language where wa said those invit ing Mr. Train ?o Pia:tsmou:h were "of no account ?" If he cannot d) s wi 1 he bo man enough to acknowledge that bo has wilif u'.ly misrepresented us. om X'owltiy't Daily. SSThe 'Cj is blocked just below the mo'jth of Platte, but people aro still crossing in skiff at this point. CiTSnow fj'il cn Friday an during ths day of Saturday to thi depth of about three ir.ches, and leihs are qaite num erous to-day. Czfll. Newtnan, Esq., returned from the west yoterday, ";iih a large quantity of furs, the most of which was procured iu the rcg-on of th Blue river. -57 Sea advertisement of "Flour" in nnothor column. Messrs. Iiwlivvi rit Sieh aro m ik'ng Hour that fully equals St. j Louis brands, and aro paying the highest market prioo for good wheat. ty'lt ''l be seen by an advertisement in another column that Dr. Kobacls of Cincinnati, O., (whose Stomach Bitters and Scandinavian Remedies have ae.hiev ed a world wide reputation, solely bv virtuo of thr-ir intrinsic rnd unequaled merits) has so'd out his entire business to the enterprising tirmof Prince, Walton & Co., who will continue the business at tha old stand, Nos. 56, 58, CO and 02 East Third street Cincinnati, (). Would not accept any other a a gilt. Yours is a machine that needs only to be seen to be appreciated; and once up preciated, it docs not. I find, take an in teliient mind long to decide upon its superiority to all others for family use. My wife would not nccept one of another patent a? a gift, if she must receive it on condition of giving up yours. Letter from the Key. Oliver Crane, Car" oruiale, Pa., Nov. 27, 1SC5 to Wilcox & (Jibbs S. M. Cc. 3?" We witnessed, this morning, the successful performance of a surgical operation by Dr. Liviugston, of thi city upon the twin children of Ci. W. B ise, Esq , of Salt Creek. Tho operation eon sistea in cutting the tendons of the ankle and the foot for the cure of what is called talipes equino-varus, or that character of club foot in which the heel is drawn up and the patif-nt walks on the outer and dorsal portion of the foat. The opera tion was performed in a short pace of time, and with but litt'e pain to the pa tients. A shoe made; for the purpose was fitted to the foot, supplied - with screws and laees to hold it in its proper position. Tho names of the patients are Harry and Ilarri, aed thrpa years. " .fVo.ji Ta-nJ:iy' Dully. C""Tha ladies of the M. . E. Church Mite Society will gire their next enter tainmcat at tha resdenca of M. L. White ca to-morrow (Wednesday) evening. fcs?"The N. W. Railroad will be open to St. Johns, 20 miles from Counoil Bluffs, this week. FTh Rev. Geo. C. Betfs will open his school on Munday Jtn. 7ih in the bu lding now used for services of the Church. S7Mil! & Co., of Des Moines, low, hare purchased tho interest of P. W. Palmer in tho Rrgister. Palmer and Dix On will continue Oa the editorial taff. "People desiring to visit the rich Valley of Salt Creek will bear in mind that neither heat, cold, rain, snow, floods or wintry winds prevent "Purinele's Overland" from m iking regular trips. leaving Plattsmouth everv Mindnv. Wedne-day and Friday mornings. C2?"Thi) N-braska City P, ess COM- plains of the injustics done that city by "IIol ands Directory of Kansas and " braska;' and says the Directory, as sucn is unreliable anJ totally worthier. .... . WI a. . I ..o .....o uufc een a copy, ana conse- qu-ntiy cannot speak definitely in regard .1 . to it. C27"e have received several new ex changes of late, among others the Fro mont Weekly Time.-, published at Ham burg, Iowa, and the Plattn Valley Jour nil, published at Colunbus, Nebraska lictn papers have the ring of loyalty, a!- though tho Journal does not, wo should . . . 1 judge from its tine, intend diving very erp into politics, but will be devoted more especially to local affairs. C'Romember the Festival and Fair on Christmas Eve. by the ladies of the First Prcsbvtrrian Chur-h. More thin a wagon load of all the tnco things im aginable are already prepared. C57"The Sunday School Festival of St. cuke's Church will be held in City Hall, on Christmas cay, and the ladies of the irish intend having Supper, Tableaux and a host of OOd things on Dec. 31st nd Jan. 1st. r-,-, ., . . . . ; ivememner ine tealiral, ft air ami SnriDPr. hv thiS;tPr.i r.f Tl..f.. r' " . ...... I IjOUgO i0. 1,1 U. J. t to be held )tl the f , n , . I cvriiui- in wiu u.il nisi. 1 rre proceed?. are to be devoted towards liquidating; the indebtedness of the Lodge for the new II ill building, and we hope to see a gen cral iirn out of our citizens. The object is a worthv one, nnd tbuuld receive en coiiragement. HARRIED. November 29;h, at the residence of the bride's fa'hrr, at Eight Ml - Grove, bv Jihti Richardson, Esq., Mr. Jajif.s W Bartlf.t and .Iis3 Sarah E Jetfers, nil J' I nr. V !t.K of 41, 1 r ..in... 11 11 a me ic.'iu'iitn ui the bride's father, ( nss countv Nebraska, by E.der 1. K. Duncan, Mr. . L. IT. L, Clair, of M lis Co., Iowa, and SiraiiC. Dr'nso.v. Miss Esti-ay Police Tken up bv th - Mihsrnb 'r at his piTn!fp. in Orrt OB'-IU Pr.vinct Ca ac..t:nrv,N I'. , ; tn 17th tly of rw. emiM", ISO 5, O' o yti'in;? :-e-, white witit rel pp. k-. a-nl ci nn:rt e i -il ahiint ihf h:..l ;.i-d nt :k; (be ti'., of tl.ee rn are either c-c't-p. .l r fo t n ofT. dec 13 w5J J. P IIC I L. EKUOitS OP TCCTH. 4 Ket.tlaman who su!T. red for ycara fmm Very u D-liilijy, Pieniat.no U'cay, anil all the eff cts ..f y.iulliful iuili.-cteto-n, will, l. r the Si.kt-cf Miffirin humanity, tei.d tieo to all who ni-eJ it. the ieei t t.tid di ccii .ib for r. akii p Hi:- niuj -e rtnudy l.y wt.ich he was cured 6'utfrtrs w ibidir lo profit by the dverti;.fr"s e pei it nee, can do"o by nd'Iresii.g in prrf-.c; c. i,flilei:ce- John 15 Ou iks, 8epIGw:Jni No. 42 Cedar St., New Yo:k- Mitt ifT-s Sale- Jo';n W. Clak ) apainst y Otis . P r-rn ) A. ttce i. h re' y eiven that ty virlne of a ren ditioni ;x:ona. in th- ah'.ve -nt t p-d cause, is-n'd out of at.d utnler the seal i f t'i.' Cle H of the Ois'i ict t'ourt ot the 2A Judcial l:Miici, in and lor Cif comity. N T. Knd lo in- do-.cte !, I will off' r for -a r.t ptl'dic auction, to ihe biyh't and bi'st hiitK'r, ,t Ihe front do i t H e t:ouit-lloae, in riattHniou.il, Cass county. Neb a-ka ttn iio.y, on the 3tk Jy of December. A. D. lSOG a the lioiir of 1 ..'cl ek p n. of mid day. all rieht title and inie et of tho :.l.ove i md dt-rftiiKitt itis l Pa .on., 'ii a .'1 to Ihe fo... ii.K desrrilied n'al es rttr, to wi;; the wo-t b 'f tf the noit-i- a.-t qiaiter, i d I I'L sout h-f ..ft qoarrr of h nrtt-eat Hj.rtKi-.tf .e'-iinti no twouiy 2 t) I . t..wn no. 'Iiir .ten (1J), north of racve no niuet9), east ol th-' 6T p. m , in Samide: county. Keli.a ka Tenito.y Given under my band the 1-tn dav f Nocmber, .A. l. IsOu. A B. XAYLOit. f-h-rilf of Cms- countv. V. T. Hy I. W. F-AIUUhLli, H. ot. 3c: t Ar.-old, .Atty's for r.l'U'. nil w4 Shrriir'M Sale. AVxander 11. Auuslri ngl Hfra:nt Scion M. Johnson. ) N i.t re is I err. y given that by virtue of j v n ili'ioni rXlHirns in the .hove entit'ed cau-e. i--iie.l on i of di! under th- fel ol the C erk uf the I'i tnct t'or.rt ot tbe 2.1 Judic al Di-lial. in ai fo (. s-s ouutv, Ji T., and to me ! recud, I will . ff r fo sale at t uhlic auc.i .n.to th- biirlo l a..d brst b:.dr at the Ir. in door of the ' oii't-'o.x-e.in I'l.ilC-in.iui li CaS coun'y, N. biaska Territory, on the 13 Joy of December. A. D. 1SG6, at the hour or 2 uVlc-ck p m., of atd day. a:l rigfi , title . nd inteiesl of the above naui.d deien aui Ion JI. Johitfoo, in and to the f liowiDtt deerit.ed teal e lata, to wit: be we-t half of li e West b.nf .1 tto- north eat ipiart. r and the ea't h ilf i f til notih-we t quarti rand t ie n rth-east quarte of tile . .u U we t ii iatt rai.d the arest haif of the nuri h-Wehtqnait-i of tho -outh east quarte1 o M-clioii no. tiii'ty f.-ur (34), in t wash p no. tin (le). nor.h ot raiifte no. tae.ve tl- eat f t'e 6th p ni., iu t'aa. couotv, Ntbta.ka i en itory, witii a:l the tenements tbereir tiivef nnde- n;y h'icd this 12'b iliv if November, A. D. ISiiti. A. B T. YLtlt. the iff of Cas. c .ui.ty, M.-T. Br .. W. KsiliflKLl. Dpii y Mason i t--veiisn, Atty'a f .rl'lrC. novll ! .Dress-Maker. MES. L. B- JOSES, Of Ntbiaska City, ou d re pect!ul!y inform the la.Ii.'s of P!att--uioulh that the haa taeu op htr rts idt uce in this place far ti e l'ttr o of rXlNU. FITTING and MAKING if rtq'iireJ, Ladies nl Childrens' Dresses, Cl.aks, liaiue. etc. JfACOlSE bTITCUIXG done al.o. Al otk will b executed with nea'ue-, aud Will lecejve proit'pt attention elie will eudeavor lo give ili-f..ctn.t', and therelo e solicits t ie patr u.agr cf the ladies -.f this rl-.ice aid vxtni y. It? ideme, co tier A iue and 4th atret t, in Adamt hiic. Dnv;la;n rWi:i.IaI.S n all pi iif. Any pe sous wtshii ft to purchase l'artu-pro,.ery, ot It' Mdeuc-ea ia tuwu, w.ll find tbeiu for uic at Ail pnes. l!y JI. rKR!0ICX, r.- jl ::-;m: .'.T A. L. SPRAGUB dealer la Groceries, Provisions, PRODUCE, &C. OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE A II kind of Prrdnre taken in exchange fLrg03ds. I keep the very besot Kj.m1i, and u buai to '" them c ieap nr house i n the city. bOvlSdwtf KXIJS A STOCKING SUBSTAN TIA LL V COMPLE TV. K fiHing the Keel anJ Narrowing off the Toe a tt it sets VP ITS orvir.PA' A'AV'A .vr.svZA', f. m t 'ooph, forming a corj I un ti it. full canacitv f lYIDEXS axd s Altitun's, by varying the num- I Dtr nr lin .A. mm 9 Knit3 ,he W.de Sir.ale Flat Web. The Double Flat Web. The Plain Ribbed Flat Web, and the Fancy Riblfd Flat Web, Wiih Selveges. IVo other Machine in the world c:na do any one t-j KftlTS 01 these things. Shawls Hoods, Nubias, Jackets, Rreakfast Cape, Sacks, Skirls, Undershirts. Drawers, Boy's Suits, Children's Cloaks, Snow Shoes, Leggiris, Gloves, Mittens, nd a great variety of Fancy Fabrics I KniU a yard or plain work in ten mino'es, a pair of I '"I'lfie m hair an unor. ro r tun n. o. (jrowfiK, iiarutartnrers, Mer tnaiiM, sr., n m me innii money makiuz anil labor savin,, in ention of the ai-. Fn.m 10U to 15 per c.'nt pr..flt on ivery artie'e it prortoce Women a. e .-artiinif fr.m SIS !.' iht week, k niillnir l.irt- " 1 "'l"p uncy worstr.i arucies. Kvery MMCliinf arrHnttil to work as represented. nr circulars, ad. ;ri-s with stamp .4 cfi3 3LiGCt No. 11 North 5ih St., St. Louis, Mo jKGeneral Aeenis for the West and Southwest. novlS LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. Vf BRADLEY'S CHLEBiiA TUD PA TEST DTJPLBX ELLIPTIC (OK DOl'BLE SPUING) I 25. 2? - Til.' W.m.'flll 11 viluirvflmli.r.1 frttr. ttn.l nr-,.r I., any la.:y w r.., h- Duulex Kli.p ,c - k ir. wiil Ot experirlicvil p:il lirulai ly In a'.l cr .1 (I iMi.'fflblii'-, Oueran Carriaife. Kadr ail Ca; s.Uh urch 1'fvrs Arm Chair., f.ir IVoni'tti nl anil MitiiKe I'rjts. ' '"" "Rir' C"Q ' '"dld w,lra u u.? to occupy Ma-lln !) ( , n-i in uillf quality n c iuoliuc, not fuutj'l in atiy iuir'e Sfrrin(. Siri. . Lar!y h ivintf i.l yet tt'e p!e-ieuro, mfvrt and g.rat ronvi'uit-'tcrt f Wt-ai iny il.e Otii-lfX Kl'iptic lee' sp-i::sc &ki. t for a unjf e iay will i eve' att-r- (1 w.llinirly !i.Teue fffli tnnir nn. For t.hil rt'o. .Mi--.-.es anl Youn Laui'- they are superior t' alt otlic' a. They will ft betiil or he ; liLf the Sincle Spring. b:it will piee. vi. t:n-ir p,Tf.'rt -n.l :rcefnl i.-tH.e w! . H.reeiT fmr orlinarv si irtu wili liive been thrown ai!e !s utli:s. Tlie lloi a e c.e .l witli 1I an.l twixteii t!i'el. "anil Ihe bottom rod i-e tit nq'y d.'ti.t- rprios lot iwic (or d..ui. ,) ivrrd ; prever.ttLitf ii.tm fron Wi-attsi; oat ft h u Ir iirv iii; l n -t' :os, st irs, ate. Tu t)ut)l -x t.li.tic is a ifrrm favorl'a i:h all la- dis and l. u . wrts lip rr"itiirn-ndi d the Kinhion Mae.izi'ieo us ta tt in art! ttkirl cf the Ftiihivit- j'e World I oinjoyti.e fol!owtu3 it et itn.ible i.dvaiitace ia Cr no! i tie, viz; noperioron ihty, oeifect iiiHOiiracltne. tviisli -bi.pe rnd linish. li xib l.tv, d-'riii'iity. Cotn- f.o t and n- i o:uv. ci.o'.ure f .r J V. Bt ad'y's llu- piex Kl itic. o Pi ub.e .-priD S-kiit a:.d b;-sire to m t tfi p u-iin- articlt?. A L 1 1 i.i N To guard a';. tn t nnpositi n b pir tic- 01 H to no'ire tliat skirts otToretl aa "O'tp'ex' have il.e rd in st.nno, viz: "J W. Bra-rev'a Duplex r.lhpiic btcel f-iirtn,'-," upon Ihe waistOand none oth-rs are cenuino Abo notice that ever. Hoop wnl admit a pin beit'R pissed through the cen re. thus revealii:.. the two (or donbo-) .prints br.iided ((father to-rcin, whi h Is the stcrrt ol their tiexilid ity and strength, and a cuuioioatioti not lo be found iu-aoy oihor .-i.irt. For aK" in all storea wh -re Crst c'ass skirt i are so:d throttciioir. tl e United States and 1 1-ewhere Manufacture bv Ihe Sole Owners of the Patent, WK-TS. lt't.AII.KY t'AUV, 97 Chamb -ra X- 79 & &1 K-ade sts., .' Y n..v!9 dw3tu HEAL BSTilTE D. H. Vhecfer & Co, Real Estate Agents, PLATTSMOUTH. N. T., 1 I a fill IV I Off r for fale the following Real E-tate Sec T'p B Acres Fa-t half northeast quarter ' 11 12 It SO West half nonhel quaitor 23 VI 11 So outh ha f nortlieiiat quart r Hi 12 12 So V .ir'i half so!he.isl quarter Zl VS VI Bt Northeast quarter IS 11 13 1 GO Sou'bwest q'i:.rter 2 11 11 i0 Wr.t h if aoti b ast quarter 32 II 11 to orih half southfa-t qu irt.-r li 10 M bd Wei.: ha.r u.-ith.-a t qu irter II 11 8b r.i,t!ivrtqn,iri r .ilie t qr 13 12 13 40 V r I h i f sou hires' qii i'ter 12 12 l' eo tast ha f fonthea-t quaiter 4 10 13 f-0 " t q'tarter southeast quarter 4 ! 4 40 .-..iiTh half i.oithwest qoartei' 12 tl 12 80 Northwrst qu irtei '22 12 12 lbO l ast h ,11 outhw t qu irter 13 10 14 80 -North l. ilt so i. he i-t qu.' ter 10 10 13 80 No.lh half sou b West qiailer 10 10 13 8 ' est half n Hliwe-t quarti r 8 II II eO No tliea-i qua. itr 21 12 12 loo lii.di id d half kou'.hnesc quarter 28 II 12 100 I ots in the city of Plattsmouth I,ot Bl ck J. t Block L t Block 6 21 13 54 6 23 8 26 9 23 3 8s 6 36 3i 8 60 10 57 10 9' B 92 9 lit 1 12 4 12 4 -9 6 SS 8 169 The north half of 8 47 THOMPSON'S ADDITION. End half . f hl-c 1. 4 7, 8 and 10. tsoutb l a I of bl ck 3 Lots C and 7 in bl k.Ic 5. 1"b; ph.ee to Bel rerfumerv a' all fclrda at BLACK. BUTTERY t CO.'S. l-stiay IVoIice. Taken cp by fi-e aob-criber. at his r remises in Weeiiinif Water Pie inct. Ca County, N. T., about . neaada half inib a bo :m -at ot Ka-,V mill, on lh- 1 ib dav of N"oveiubr. letiti, inn 3 year old H-rs m.e re I, Willi bal l f c ', and the o'.h r a rtrd r..n. with I iiil bsrk nd bald lace, and haa a C p elf i.fc'ht tar. 2o O'her lu.irai tr brands perceivable. J. Jl. KlilAX. Weeping Wate-, So S4. 6w T. .Tl MAISQl'ETT. r'IO.NtEV AT LAW sn ciicitor ia Chancery. I AT .OUT?, - - NEHK.lKA Simpson, Sharp ife Co., Wholesale a Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, -k-22.3. S"te230L"fc0i,T -agents, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealers in FAXCYRAXD STAPLE GROCERIES, PRODUCE, l iiu. i3iuia, 51. IiUUIS VLXDOV-BLI.DS, GLASS, PIE LUMBER, SIIIXGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. AUo, Agtnli for thecelebratej SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK MOWER AND REAPER, Quaker Boy and Wood's Mowers, JL c ln. e: 23. Wagons; cJtoCJ. Va invite all to Call and Set us, and Examine our Stock. Simpson, Sharp 5 Co jutli dwGia B N E Ooisner Main and Tiiiiid Sthkkts, Plattsmouth N. T OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE! IN THE WEST! y Dealer ia GentsJ Furnishing Goods. S3atx Caps, Rools, Shoes, Wso a jarge lot of RUBBER CLOTHJN'Q Of all descriptions always on hanJ. E3T' Calland examine low Masonic Brick Building. Plattsmouth, April 10th, 1865. S3 jy Picture Gallery. M Pictures taken of all Blinds. W.rotvpcs, Photojrrnpb?, Gem Pictures, &c. A good assortment of Cases Frame, Album; Ac.; constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewoo 1 Molding, or Frrunef made to order, of any size WJC. R. ENICK, PKNICK & eh Wh desalt n ww Patent Medicines, Chemicals, (Jlass, Paints, Oils, Pure "Wines ancj L'q -ors, Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. IN OS- 3 &. .1 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. i''e r the N rthtr. rtern Wh :e:e srr.t Ut I r. P. Jkjne A Sor, ind.Dr. J, C. ATer t.C., fcoa can f ira:b thtrir mtoicites Id vy q"r.'ni., juH' : and Retail sra t JjOUR, DOORS, SASH, W MAN, Trunks Valise, &c. &c. AND REVOLVERS my extensive slock al the WM. LOVINCi. LOVING, Dealers Ij im rfpi rfn U7 CETLOS WILU-Ut. Montgomery c Willams TOBACCONISTS, Pat OJJice Building, Plattsmouth. Y. T. We ke-p constant'y on hand a good assortment f GIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES. ETC., ETC.. ETC., OWES US A CALL! The latch itrln al. way ban gs oot. Jy24. Probate IVolicc. Satnurl H. Boaz, Gu:ir lian of the minor chl drea ot Ftankl a W. Flanasia, de'd li. The rext of kin and all whom it may concern : You are hertby infjrni' d that on the8'ih tlyof October, A D. lSO'fl, saiJ Guardian aiel his petition iu the I'robnte Court of Cass county. N. T., t lie ul jct and prayi r of oai.l pitition i to ot tain tu oidei from Said Court for the ale of the followi" B Real Ette. to wit.' The south east quart, r of tl o orth east quarter of section 19, township 10, rineo 14 east of the jth p. m . , iu Cass county, X. T. The Court will bear said petition on the iSih day of De cember, 1SC6, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time al persons interested can appear ani how csue wh said prayer should not be cnintetl, if any they have Givn unjor my hand th in 30th dtv of Ociobc-r.A . D. IM',6. JOHN W. MARSHA!.!,. deco 4w Probate Judge-. Gstray IVolicc. Taken op by I.i wis King-, living 11-2 mile west of Kenosha. Cass co"nty, N. T., two work fleers, suppo ed to be f. ur years old; onr has a swallow fork out of Wtr. branded on left horn J J P ; Ihe other is white with red specks, pars red, rlpht horn droop, branded on left horn with V.', crop oil left car. 1 KW13 KING. November 22.1, lS5f. dtc5 Estr.iy Notice. Taken tip by ihe subscriber. In l.iberiT Precioct. Cass coiinty, N T., on the 8th day of November, A. P. I1-C6. one pa!e red Stoer. two years old no marks or brands perceivable. Cil KLEai S '.VAN.' Liberty, .or. Tin, isto deco Win. EX. Lcnikc, HD3HCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OF POSTOFFICE, Plattsinout'i, Nebraska. iec27 1S65 tf Win. S. Thatcher, Successor to H Knapp Ballou, DERiMIPTHIC PHYSICIAN AM) s,ukg i : o n Cures all classes of curuble disease without medirine" Airorp which are Uronchitis, Asthma, Phthisic, tiout. Rhenuiatism, Neuralgia Paraivscs, Loss of ll.'ariotr, ciisea -e of the Kye. Cancr, Tumors, bcrol uls, Diat.etis. l)yspepla. Ajuo, 4c. Ac. M-KCiAt..- lie cuie private discuata ia all fjrms in a few days. Office at I'latle Vall-y House. JOSEPH scn LATER, W ATC ? MAKEB and JEWELER, stAraSTitrti, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA A toi.d assottment tf Watches. Co - fold Tens, I wtlry, Sjiver War.', Fur.c ' -oo 's Violins and VI oiin Tiiinniir.p a'.wr.s on hand. A'.l work cotu milted to his cure wi.l be warrunteil. April 10, IMiS. ROBACK'S BITTERS V RO BACK'S STOMACH BITTERS ! CUUK DYSPEPSIA, .s .fc nnd re the bpst Tonic in the worbl. ROBACK'S BLOOD PILLS CUIIK SICK HEADACHE, Cosliveness, nnd all li BCHses of t lie bowels. 3 .vX .a. ROBACK'S HZi O OjD PURIFIER! SCROFULA and nil disease arising from impure Mood. V r-V r "NT .a. i ARE SOLD BY ALL Druggists mid Healers fji Patent Tied ic in ess jE verywh ere PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Saccestor to Dr. C. W. Roback,) EOLI PROPRIETORS, Ko. 66. 68, 60 & 63 East ""Mrd St, CINCINNATI. O WZ3. HONTGOMKKV. VJ S: k 1 1 ' f n