ELM H O L D. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! 1865. Jdoo. - aw AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of CHAS. VOGT & CO. C. B. STAUDE. W. II. ANDERSON, Plattsmouth, N. T Glen wood, Iowa, Cor. Mam and 5th 6ts., II ERA I, D FLUID EXTRACT STAUDE & ANDERSON, Baa moved into his n?w brick b-ii!dinjf on the -nerof Main street and Levee, wheie he is laily re ceiving Urge additlMia to bin already extensive stock of ' - ... NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Removed to New Three Story Brick fiuilding,. Kast Room, Third St's, Plattsmouth, N.T , Dealers in Corner of Main and H G- R O O E R I B S AND Li I XT O "JEL: 13 -OF- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in He offers tbe Terr best of bargains to customers, and requests a call irom those who want anything in bis line to test tbe advantages in prices with those I others. Kemtmber the . . BRICK CORNER, and (rive blm a call if you wUb. to buy cheap. bov2 , W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. ChY BOOT AND SHOE . , , AND LEATHER STORE. We are selling Boots," Shoes ana "Leather, ar store on Main street, one door West of the Is Valiey Pouse, CM EAPER ihanthe CHEAPEST We are manufacturing- work from tbe very best of stock ,anu will accommodate all who may give as a can. Repairing done nt all times GAGE & DAVIS. Aug. 20, 66 d&wtf . QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. COST AND AUCTION I will sell my STOCK OF GOODS AT COST. AUTION SALES will commence October 1, 1S66." L. BiLLIJfOS. Plattrmonta, Sept- 11, 1S66. , NEW JEWELRY STORE The snbsenber havinp purchased the Red Stole on 2d street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizens of Plattsmouth and lUln.lw K 1.. . .- ... . - ..,....,,, w uo uo3 rcuuea me store ana opened large block of AND ' v FANCY ARTICLES For Ladier, Gents, Children, and the rest of mankind. i-'bhu w uu ail aaviHUS l'I WATCH, CLOCK AND . JEWELRY REPAIRING 7, , 1 manner, ana would be happy to serve his i . . ""UT new snstomers ax may irive him ..ronge, assuring them of their woik well niwerut price, and on short time. The toclc, embracing every variety of Roods usuall keut ,;,,,,, rurt, win ne solii nt lo pne-s and- warranted of beat workmanship an j j u UH .iwj h vutau siock of FAMILY GROCERIES rt,;)i will V. T : i . - . i .7 i i"euii,uea iroin time to tlm an ,r uKre. iiavmjt permanently lo- - renpecuuiiy solicit a share of pa. ;IJ curuwiiy invne all to call and examine tbe stock nn haml i . . ... , . I n i ' u i . iff; c '8 AeU lO Serve yon, ,d do not ark you to buy nnlsss we c n make it for Vnn r nlerul . : . m aecl!u E. n. EiTON JOSEPH SCHLATEE. "WATC 7 lilAKES t and JEWELER mai.1 Street, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA A good asgoitment of Watches, Clock-, Cold Pens. jrweiry, auyer Ware, Fane fcoo s Violins and Vi- vii inuiiniDta always on hand. All work com uinvcu iu tare win i warranted. April 10, 1SC5. BEYAET'S Platttsmouth, April 10, 186 . tf TCST received, 60eae ICanned Teae e- A ge as.ortmeat of men's and boys' clothing fJIa;ai ALISON, JJOVEY 4 O'S. a. for ale by A. 1. & CO- QO to AMISON , DOVEY CO'S to pur .ase your gUELLED COKN for sale by AD.CO. NendrarletyoTr. co JACON and Lard .'or sale by A. D. A CO. r A CASES Moltby's Cove Oysters for sale at A HEAVY INVOICE of all imla of Family Grc i)J A. D. & CO'S. XA ceries siiOd utliUDg Cood jrusl eceived by ;A. 1). A CO. . j i aij.B;is iL Lat'les I rtts Goodsat X A.U.ACO'S. , LL kinds of Fat ming Imtilt menu for sale by ... 1Y A. U. CO. IOR gALK at AMISON. DoVEY A CO'S, sCoffee 1 Te a, Suirar, Golden Syrup, Sugar Hon llo-e Large lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by lasses. New York Candies, etc , etc. i. A O. & CO. A large lot of Chewirg and Smokil" g Tobacco or a N endless variety (f llardwure and Cutlery for tale at - .ACQ'S. 2. tale at A. D. A CO'S. COAL OIL or sale by QSH. Doors, Shingles, Glais, and Nail of every A. D. ft CO. O description for tale by A-1. CO. Kft B0ZE3 alar Candles for sale by . . T .. . , n . 'ill . n A LL kinds of Country Produce taken In exchanc. -A for goods br I.D.ACO. IF you want to t urchate goods at a barrain.goto I , , " "T" I T , , B A D A CO r0 enumerate all the articles We have forfa'e 1. would fill one xideor thi IIkhild, andotheie 2 BAGS COFFEK just received by have as good a right to advertise as O f . .'A. D. A Co. " AMIU'N, DOV'EY A CO. - 1 . 1 - A Large lot of Choice Tea at . - ryHK laigest Outfiiting House north of St. Jostpt A. D. A CO'S. A- Is AMISON, DOVEY fc CO'S., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Conducted on the ba.-ls of Actual Business", by an experienced Accountant and superior Penman, whose LONG CONNECTION with the most popular Commercial Colleges o the; . luuiuufiiiimi sua rerini;iiton to every SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to all atyln of Penmanship, on which we have llVB aW.riii-.t Ih. Ai I . i . . . . . - ium;iu mi uiai;y jear at various State Fairs. The College is always open to v'si'ors, and clrcn- tin mintlinlll. fnll n..li..il... 111 , . --a .i.iiii.m.i,, pui uv eai LO HOT address. THO'd J. liKX AKT, Pres't, mrI St. Joseph, Mo Residence fop sale- Wa-wik sell very tow for cat h a goo frame 118 tory residence, all of pine, situated In Plattninontli quire of Marshall, at tha Post-ofBce, or o " : . I), a. VTHBELB& A, CO. "" Plattsmoata, S. T, January iota tf WOOLWORTII & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONRES, Binders &Paperdealeis, SA VVT JOSEPH, JUO., oc25 6m FRESH LI31E ! Good No, 1 Lime always on band and for sale by be wholesale and retail a amount to t-uit purchas ers, ty J.BETT8. mara dwCm C. ' H. KING i ' Carp enter " a uTd Joinerx CONTKACTOB and B JrT.DEB, WWl do wsrk ia has line with a Mtaess aa dispate, apea short aotios. ; BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal use, , Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. BUtcJi. Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1865, tf E. T. DUKE fe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE- We keep constantly on hand Emigrants and Freighters OTJTFITTHSTG GOOD S Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens Vamp lveiues, ac also Keep Lham I'umps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit , ; Cans and Jars, Lanterns,' Coffee Mil1" tc. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with t. T 1 il a . . o ueauiess ana uespaicn. ire agents ior tne sale, or Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA LEATHER AND IRON, SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware FiiMliugs and Tools, WAGOiNS, PLOWS, &c. ESTOrders Promptly attended to. E. II McrriECHAIV, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROjY, auls, stoves JIXD TIXIV.1RE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Also, Ajrent for the Sale of the Celebrated MAGES COOK &TOVES, ASO BKAXCII, t-ftCOAi) e SIGN OP THE BIG PADLOCK MAIN STREET, Below theJSeymour House, on opposite tide, NbBRASKA CITY, NEB. T oct35 POST OFFICE BUILDING NEBRASKAfcCITY, N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS VK SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Al'O Agcnta for all the principal MA GA ZIXES and XEWSPA PER S For which Subscriptions are received at Publishers' rrices. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB- Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Puttv and Glass Patent Medicines of all kinds. Tuilft articles, eta tioDery, and evtrytlsiu kept in a first-class liug tore, ai tHPiein prices. We are prvpared to fill all orders, and warrant our gou to be frch. apr.lO 63 L. FKOsT & Co,, WHOLESALE G E O C 3 HS, Opposite the Post OfBce, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. THOMAS C. CRESSHAW, FACaEB OF AD DEALEB IH Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1E Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, cj-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. Tailoring. The undersigned has afrain opsned a 7ATL08 SHOP at bis Old Stand , north of the bow bridge on .Sc-cond street, where he is prepared to do aU work nl am lino on reasonaoia terms. JOHN WABL, Angnst 14, 1866. Hannibal & St. Joe R. R. 51 Packet Line. On of the Companr Steamers leaves daily from every point on the Missouri River above St. Joseph, am arrives at t. jos'ph in time to connect with the express train oa the Hannibal A ?t. Joseph Railroad for Uannibal, at wbich place connection is made the same evening with one of the Keokuk Packets, which arrives in time to connect with next morning trains out of 8t. Louis for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis ville, Terre Hante, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and to al! other Eaatern, Northern and Southern Cities. The above mentioned lines of elegant Packet are concede! h all travelers to be the best on the western waters. IHKULUH TICKtTS For sale to St. I.onii ind ill Kit.,n KArft.... Southern cities via trie above lines at Denver City, OIUU3, I I.IIBU1UU 111, LlVUrVIl t. 11 J at all other principal ticket office, in the west. sr-.veais aod State-rooms rrc! R. FOK1). Sup't R. R. p. L.t gt. Joseph. IL Q. I'CRGL'sON, Sec'y R. R. P. L-, St. Joseph J. D. SIMPSON. Agent, p25 Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Om and DH'ELLIMiS at all price. Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property or littiueDces in town, w;u nud them fcr sale at' all prices. Uy tnrT. Kjjll Etat Aazsr DRYGOODS.GROOERIES, HARDWARE CUTI,ER1Y, QIJEFSWARE, i Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, BLANKETS, HATS AND CAPS O Q ! H X EC And a rariety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES- H Also keep constantly on band a large supply of IROJS NAILS, PLOWS J1JVD CULTIVA- TORS. X A large supply of OUTFITTING GO O D S ,Q O B U CHU, Such as Flour. Bacon, Lard, Meal, Beans, Uricd Fruits, AlSO A large stock of , Wooden Warp, Buckets and Tubs, Wash Boards, Butier BouU Butter Firkins, Water Kegs, Half Bushels, Meal Seives, Building material, Window Glass, Sah and Doors, Paints and Oils, Fanner? Utensils Shovels and Spades, Forks, Hay Ruke Double Shovel and Two-horse Moline Plows. SBti5txi.c3.o efcj Anderson feb27 TOOTLE, II ANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOUTH. L A U G ES T ,r w vMh4 WW,e4 Went of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in II A R D "W A R E, -A WD- Clothing of every description. WtWES AND UQUOftS OF Ml KtKDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And erery article required by EMIGRANTS,; FREIGHTERS, MIXERS FARMERS. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. ... Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT THE- FIRE PEOOF BEICK. Tootle, Hauna & Co. Plattsmouth, April 10 '65 At Uia Cane of C e 1 1! p THE HOT T j: V T O TS llsve '.oug tis 1 13 TJ C II IT For a variety of OUeASes. tt h horrrwr-l frnn llu.e rule prnrtitinrt rs ty tli Ku-'lieli a.ni Dultli i'liyci iiu, uu wh -i rreoiu men'laliori it Wiis cni' " i '1 in Kun j c, jlJ haj uw i-oiiiu iiitu (rrnif rn ii-t. it i pivi-n rhi-rty in iri, riirnnlc ('atarrh U 'lie iilad.li-r, Mi.rl.i.l l .i.H i.,n ul tlie i'N.4Jr lil t'r'.-tl.r.i, fur I cu.a.r i( . kni k auj UE1JILITY, For Pr.laru 0'1 B.nrin Down, or p.vUpm L'tii, ItMhtri 4ff (he i'riM( (iluu'l, iOtrMiuu, r ili:iitiutrue if I" t Inr, u atl hI I ilifcaf t(tiitin(f th ii:J ut a liiuieiic aiihiii fiom a uf ton m pa tn co: icr in d ia it.- r uciM -d. It i tU rcromm i d U in cc of Dyspe Bia, Chronic Rhenmatliia, Cutaneous AfTnctiont anj Diiis. To cur tin'- w niiit 1-rfric into netloa ! nii!M.li s lii h rr i i Knl in tln ir vnii na fui.o tiooH. '! in I Hi in. Iii-wv.i-r -lilit iiimj bu (lav .itlavk, in suit.- in alle'-t Hit- lioJilj lualih ntiU tututal w cm. Our Flesh and Blood tt fi'i'porte'l fr- in Ih 'sr sourc.-s. rEKiOXS A T EYEUY J'SHKilJ IF I.lfB, From In fa nc 3- to Old Ae, and in ovry ft,te of lu illh, a c ;al.l U U subsets uf Llirde diadSS'-S. The Causes in many insianctt vnl itou-n. Til'.' riulicnt hah, huwtvcr. an sdinir ahli- r m-4f sa HELM BOLD' Fluid Exract of Buchu. PUIaJejJiia Evening Bulletin EdUurial, llELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. His Solid and Fluid Exlracts embody Its fal strength of the luKrodlmts of which they arenaia'C. Th'y are left to the in-.-ttiun f all. A res.dy an4 conclulve tt of thir jiroiH-rtlts will be a compari son with tlio( st for-.b in the vmied t-'atts .D1S1 sa satory These remcdiss are prrpir' tl I.jr H.T. Helm bold, a druggist of sixtven years' exp -rlt-nre in 'this city, and we believe them to hi- rplialile; in fa. t, ws have never knowo au articln larkinK merit : roesl with a rer"ian' ot succcsi, and Mr. iUlialxitd's sueeosa is crtainly prima faci evldi-ore. His Irun ani Chemical Warthon-e, in the city i,f Srw l rk, I not excelled, tf equxled, ty any in the country, an - we would advise oar routers, whe n visiting that city to give him a call, and judge for themselves. . HELMBOLD'S? EXTRACT OF nUCEIl.