She SUbrajsHa gcrald. PLATTJMOUTH, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, 18GG Drldee Across Platte. A correspondent in to-day's paper mentions, among other subjects upon which we need legislation at the com ing cession, the building of a bridge across the Platte River There i not a man in Nebraska who has not deplored the disadrantages of having to cross this stream, and all agree that it has been the cause of more sectional feeling than any other one thing in the Territory. If a good durable bridge could be constructed across it, this "nerth and south Platte" feeling would be measurably dune surround us; we need to have our whole country advertised. These and many more things we need, and con Id secure through a judi cious concert of action. Will vre have it? 15 conncsroxDEXcE. Mr. Editor: As the election now over, would it not be well to ex amine the condition of our Territorial affairs, , and ascertain whether there are any measures which our Legisla ture could pass that would be of bene fit to The Territory, or future State. I am of opiaion,that there are several such measures, and my object in writ ing ibis communication is to bring those measures before the public, and invite discussion of their Altcriiey General of the State, and re tubed to receive votes of men not reg istered in 1S65; ihat half a dozen of the two hundred forty judges, and per haps twenty of the seven hundred special policemen were not men of good moral character; and that the Radicals have a better chance than the Conservatives for being appointed on the Police force. It is difficult to see how official mis conduct tan be made out of this, and especially as it is notorious that the elections for the past two years were more orderly than ever bt-fore. Tlie October Elections Kr.IVas by'tOpiiiiun of tlie Cause of ttie Defeat or ine i-resiaem- Post Offis, Cohfederit X Roads (wich is in the Stait uv Kentucky.) Oct. 14. 1866. I wuz called in haste to Washington merits and h De present at a Cabinet nieetin .... . . . . , called to consider the cause uv the on ascertain the opinion of the people, in .. . , . K . . 1T .r t r paralled looseain uv the Nashnel Union uru mat lueir irFrcseuiau;3 j0hnSon Dimekratic party in the vnri be prepared to act in accordance with ous States with held elections on the ih wishes of their Constituents. I 9th uy October lust There wuz Sew ,;il m.raL mon,;nn cr,, f th m.. ard. Wells, McCulloch and Rauda , : ... , , present, but we missed Raymond an' ures that, in my opinion, demand the fceecher lhey hevinj ! ouderstand attention or our legislature. played off onto us. 1st. A Registry Law. The President wuz gloomy. 2d. A new apportionment of Coun- uedu.t anticipated tne cieleat. "No! Nor "Do yoo want laws to prevent yoo from marryin niggers?" "Yef! Ye." "Dj yoo want to be marched up to the polls, by those who tell yoo how to vete beside a nigger?" "No! NoP "Then vote the Domokratic ticket." and they all replied "We will! we will! and they did. and in that instance Oioe and Douglas bath acted in bad faith with the party, so nl leat it is charged. But now, as the self-elected leaders of the party have assumed the responsibility of turning the party ovur to Andy John son Si Co.. they have no right to com plain if Democrats stay away from the polls and permit others to do the voting. Andrew and his satellite? are howl- You see, yoor Eelency, the Demo- ing like a set of Cayote wolves be- crane mind isn't hefty enough to com- cause Congress unjustly refuses repre- II 11 hisselt through all ihe Northern Slates there entboosiasin specifd that hevin showed anav with, and the best interests of our whole people would be subserved oilmen and Representatives thereby. The Pla'.te is a natural bar- 3d. To devise some plan for Bridg- rier between the two sections, and it is ing the Platte River, a measure of necessity to our general Believing these measures to be of welfare that something be dene to en great importance, and if properly acted able the traveller to cross it at all times upon, of being beneficial to the whole with "certainty, celerity and safety,' Territory, I hope that they will be con- It is renerally supposed that a bridge gidered dispassionately," laying' aside it. "Why look at it," sed he he, near the mouth of the Platte river will sectional feeling, and without reference offer the people uv the North peace cost a fabulous sum of money; but -we t0 party politics. at convinced that the popular idea Nov. 4.1S66. J. E. D. anon this subject s erronious. We a ought to hev bin entboosiasin enoug evolved tu hev carried em without trouble. The fault he remarked cood ent hev bin his policy. mere wuz suthin so grand, go sublimely simple in it, that it wuz incomprehensible to him why the people hedn t to once adopied have conversed with practical men upon this subject men who know whereof they speak and they say a good substantial and durable bridge can be built for a sum not exceeding S50.000. If this is the case, we should I Salt Lake City : not let mother year pass by without having it completed. Let us hear from some practical men upon the subject. on the ample condishen uv sayin noth ing more about the war, or the mutua trouble wich they found themselves into and rushin into the arms uv their Southern brethren and takin uv them back jest ez they went out. How, oh how cood they be so b ind ez torefoose these olive branches? Randall replied that he coodent no THE YCIIDICT. To-day (Nov. 6th) the story will be told. The States of Delaware, Illinois. Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ne vada, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and only Christian Church, at Salt Missouri, New Jersey, and New York, Lake, and Superintendent of its Sab ASSASSINATION AT SALT LAKE. Dr. Robinson cruelly Murdered a Panic among the Gentiles. Yejterdav. the Rev. N. McLeod. received the following teleeram from way understand it. but he hed sum WW I'..-. 1-lt moned a I'osluiaster to attend, wicn ne Ka t Like. Oct 2n. 1 Rfifi. I hed anpiuted on the solemn asshoor Rev. Norman McLeod: Dr. Hob- ance thet he cood carry enough Repub inson was cruelly assassinated last licans over to our new party to defeat nicrht. Sunnospd cause, suit with ehv the Union member in that district for Warm Sonns. The Gsntiles are wich he notist by the papers wuz elec panic-stricken. Remain where you teed by a larger majority than he hed are. until vou receive letters. ever reseeved, and he wuz in watin. fSitrnern P. T-'. CONNER. "Brins ia the wretch," shouted tli9 Dr Robinson, aged 23, was a young President, and the guard brunghimin man of active temper and excellent A mizabie lookin objick be wuz habits.' He was a member of the first bath School. No doubt exists as to the cause of his assassination. The Mormons are Ez soon ez he saw the stern eve uv the President fixed onto him. he sunk to his knees and lifted up his hands im ploiinly, without sayin a word. "My liege," replied the wreched man. "I know not. Faithfully 1 la- own, for, it ever a human being was entitled to respect, if ever a man hold their elections; and what think you will be their verdict. It will be, to Congress, "we'l done, good and faith ful servants ; " and to "My Policy," depart from me. ve cursed." There is not a cnan in the land who doubts worked k'nd,y for a"; il was Dr R?b' , - ,, , inson. Yet the Mormon assassins that this will be, substantially, the ver- slruck h((n ljfe,ess t0 (he eanlr diet of the people of these twelve But clearly the assassination of Dr. Stales, as told at the ballot-box to-day. Robinson thould not be permitted to The voice of the people of the United erid Wlln a sensationnl teleeram. or a o. . .I fi . . . newspaper article. Steps, the most States is all-powerful, and even his Ac- , 1 , . . V, . . . ' forma 1 and imposing, should be taken cidency, A. Johnson, will hardly dare to brio? the sad crime to the attention to go contrary to their expressed wish, of Government, with a view lo the full ". from the Union party, and they resolved to tolerate no religion but their bored, but the people wood come Into the house hoidin their noses ana set holdin uv em so long ez I wuzpeekin, wich wuzn't conducive to displays uv oratory. The papers wood publish rny own utterances six months Lefore, wich confused me somewhat, and the ablish nists wood read at me yor speeches wich I coodu I akkount for. I seLnored for yoo futhin like a dozen votes, but they wuz them as stipulated for places under me, and I hed hard work to get especially when told in such thunder tones as it will be to-night. protection of American cittzen in Salt Lake Leavenworth Ex. harm than remoove BOARD OF TRADE. What has become of it? We member that soma time last spring a re- were sich ez did us more good. And besides " "Eauff!" sed Johnson, him." And the poor fellow wuz bundled out Secretary Welles knowd what wuz the matter. It cum uv takm Gram THE LEGISLATURES. The Omaha Republican says: From the bes.1 information which is yet attainable, and we believe it is nj i t i dune, ir not entire v rei'aoie. tne roi- -r. j jo- t - lowing will be the composition of the nd t arrj gut alongon the excursion. aF IraHA rwrr nit an i nna thit lima I 0 . It. i 1 i "'s-"'"- gtale arjd Territorial Legislatures " autracteu in attention uv tne peo we have not heard one word from it. elected at the October election. It Pe- Hed there bin nobody but the What is the reason? Has it accom- shows SDlendid Republican nmiorilies. President and the Cabinet along there plished all for our local interests that and also that Nebraska is thoroughly woodn't hev bin nobody to huri ah for, 1 i : .1 . 1 . 1 l 1 : can be done? or have the officers elect- BUU ,rrf votau, uevoieu 10 principles. . TERRITORIAL. Rep. Council 7 House 26 ed concluded that there is nothing needed? In times when business is dull is the very time whn something should be done to make it lively. Let the Pres ident of the Board of Trade call a msetingof that body, and we doubt not Senate they will find enough that needs doing, and enough that they can do if they will. We need, must and will have, more trade. Not that wa are doing less than other towns; but when the people of a city set quietly down and rest sat- Cop. 6 Joint ballot STATE. House Joint ballot 33 8 30 33 and the sublime trooths wich the Pres- dent'kin only jerk, wood hev impressed the people more than they did. Seward was confident that the elec tion wood hev bin all right cood it hev 13 hin pos poned ninety days, while Mc CulIoch at'.ribooted it to the limited 29 knoledge the masses hed uv Injeanny bankin. 51 1 was Tt Wested to give my views, 9 wich I did. "My lords, ' sed I, "none uv you 24 hev got the ijee. We was beet be cause we leu the landmarks thats prehend them fine arguments as to con stitushnality, ct setry, and when a speeker deals in 'em they suspect his Democrisy au.l fight shy of him. But nigger they kin all understand. It is soothin to the Democratic mind to be sentation to the Southern States, while at the same time he meanly puts in his desk and retains a law authorizing u to representation. What is Ihe differ ence between them? Congress refuses Southern members becaues they are con'iuyooally told that there is seme- not Radicals, and Andy and his back body lower down in the skale they ers refuse our members because they desire a inferior race, and, therefore, are Radicals. hev bin pullin the nigger down toward Is it to be expected that the free em for years. Did yoo not notis that white men of Nebraska, who had ju-t whenever we went in on the nigger adopted a Constitution which suited we succeeded in awakeiiin an eutboo- them, and sought admission as a State siasm, wich, when we neglected or se- under it shall stultify themselves by lected other issues we failed lo get? endorsing the administration of a Pres- lts based upon philosophical trooths. idem who has no more respect for The poorer and meaner a man is the them or their political rights, than to more anxiouf he is to hev it understood pocket them and their Constitution, that there's somebody still poorer and and afterwards to chuckle over the meaner than him. Hence yoo notis "cuteness of the trick? that them individooais who see a 5 cent Let our public men learn to adhere perce so seldom as not to know its na- to principle, if they expect to be sus- clier, and who keep the flag of distress tained by an honest constiueney. wavin from the seat of their pants; who ef niggers was sellin at a cent apeece coodent raise enough to buy the toe nail of one. is the most ardent friends of slavery? Yours, II. D. JOHNSON. MOSES A PARALLEL.- The radical Unionists are enjoying a "That pitiful man wicb jest left the parallel ran by some wit on the prai ries between our Johnson 'Moses' and the Moses of scripture, to the effect that : Moses led his people through , the sea; Johnson led his into il. Moses asked Pharaoh to let the peo ple go; Johnson was asked by Congress the offises themselves, and was disgust- to let the people go, but wouldn't. ed accordingly. Moses cast down ind broke the ta- "I don t know as there is any yoose Lies of the law; so has Johnson. in lalkin. The Congressmen elected Moses erected a serpent in the wild continyoo in offis, my liege, erness nnd ihe people lived; Johnson presence was not to blame for the re suit in his dt estrick. He tried to earn his bread, but what cood he do? The Ablishnists knowed he was bought w ith a price, and laflVdnt him the Dernoc- risy, 6ich as voted, wed hev got any how. Them as didn't vote i.or do uoth- in, was the upper class, wich expected tines he may have accidentally brought a lot of them into his nostrils, where Kiey hatched, producing frightful pains, treat swelling of the face, iuflamation of. the eyes, and other unpleasant symptoms. At ihe first he did not know what the cause of all this was, ui. til after a few days the maggots began to crawl out from his mouth and nose. He went to Omaha and placed liiuiselt under Dr. Roeder's care, arid in conse quence of his suitable treatment about forty more were discharged all alive and about half an inch long; after which his sufferings greatly abated, and he went cn his way home rejoic ing. The maggots which have since undergone n metamophosis can be seen now in the state of larvae at Dr. Roe der's office. Omaha I'olksblatt Xov. 1st. PS" A man newly married, being about to leave home, said to his wife: 'Now, Julia, you may do anything you please while 1 am away, except ride Jowler, the house dog." "Ride Jow ler! what do you mean ?"' "Never mind-, only I warn you not to ride Jow. ler." When tne husband came home Julia had a black eye and an arm in a sling. "Why. Julia, what's the mat ter?'' Well, you told me not to ride Jowler, nnd I thought it must be. very nice, or you wouldn't have told me not to do it, so I got on his back and he threw me down stairs." SJohn Olston, a rebel soldier, supposed to have been killed at Mur freesboro. turned up at Nashville, ltt week, and found his wife re wedded to a Union soldier, and rejoicing in a Yankee baby. Instead of "digging his fingers into the wet earth," as Enoch Arden did, John olfered to settle for two cows. This was refused, John ihreatenrd, and was placed under bonds of S250. First Annual Statement OF TDK NOIU H-WJ2STEKN Insurance Company, OF DECORA 11, 10W A, ron riiE tear endinc joki:30i1i, ISoG. Total numl'er of Ho11ri- Ih.uciI to Jl 1079 Number i f f oliiles i-xjilri'tl nnd rauril- ml to du e si Knmber f l'olu-ln in'orc t Whole amount uf I'loprrl; li.aured to dut? Amount of Property on wtiKli Innur ttnee tiaa rXj.lrel and brt-n cao- Total amount of Property at rik Totvl amount of l'n iniunn rer-irr to date CASH ITEMS: l,l0,W 1CH ti.ofio.euiH, S.M.'. mi l,(V,ll,fc 5.i,si:,cc Cari Premium no hand Cash I'ri minim tu h.inl of A'titt Note of unearned rrt'liiiuui I'eraoual Proorty Total aernmulatloot Frcurcd Capital t tlli.W 5.US-I ttt l.OtO Hit tlvrrtii-fincntis. WmiiKAt. One, James P. If oh e who wa'charir- cd witli iniixler, jml lu liaf jut been c. nvi.-iwl of rritory IT thii fall jist precisely as long as yoo do, to a erected a serpent in New Orleans and lli: d.iv. and bv that time they'll hev it all the neoDle died. ' ' -uuty aui n imw n iirc, cJ kt . vri. . u I i t- t i. ihenrr, I, ah is mmdkbs, Uovernor of tin tu. nuu lorn may cunij"c iu uui Mioses Slew an Xevpuan: JOlinsoil T.r v uf n. btaka. do .!r the .bo., r.w-r.i r "ilWS himself Two nundnd KoiUrs for the apprehension aud ile- ' , , . , . liyery of d Jauicf 1. Howe to Urn Sheriff of raid muses ikiu xiiron ior n poKeMUiiu; i ca-n c unty. Johnson has h:s spokesman. Aaron favor, but I think not. The break commensl in Maine, and i. increased as it progressed. We're cone in. The Said Howe 1 about fire fret ten Incbm Mull, rath- li.rhl .i.mnl.v;,.n lii'l. )! t. l ...... I t.....- I Ablishnists larf in glee, and the nigger made and showed a c If . Johnson's red Mita or vorea on li Is head Dear the hair, I. air n uu wniei ruior iiKiii CO oreu wore woeil na shows all his ivories. We shel hold our places two years, and then farewell to our greainess. 'I pi'y yoo, my lord, but I can't help yoo. Ez for myself, I kin save enufT out of my post offis to start a small grocery at the expiration of my term, and then farewe.l politics. In that plensent callin I'll float down the stream of Time until death closes the polls and ends the ttrupgle. I hev sed." man made and showed a iiien"jrerie. Moses ate quails in t!:e wilderness left IkkIi uliifkfri and moUHtach"; would refcli aoont na hundre'l a d aixty p hiu Ih; had uu wh' U J, ... ., .1 m uyiit tc7 will. a lli, inu mill, ohnson entertained "quails at the boot, with a hole in the ousiie of u,e left bJO i. While HoUe. I 10 ,,"'Bon3r tireof. I hare hereto net my hand . t T I 1 tiui iu. :icrf. hi mo lerrnoij lit u. iUOSes santT B sonrz OI iriumrm: J Oilll- nere alllxea, tin, uy or .lotrmker. A. u - ... I 1 HltK C- r KI.V0 n. IhA ' ' I " w- . t . . . t-t I I sun siiikLa KJ Ll lux: UiUCI CIUC V L HIS mouth. Br Governor, n -.t. .i- i. A. S. I AD POCK. Anuses was angry 'wun tne people; i il si e.eretary of Wi-hraska so is Johnson. In Moses's time there were plagues by reason of hang. ng onto slavery and A-Vl I 8AUIEI!S. HovS lr 3t The Conference ended with thi., iiiaintaininir the stluve power; so there for tney was all too mucu awected to are in Johnson s. say anything. Seward murmured Moes esteemed rerroach rrreater .... ... i . sutnin wood nil be right in GU than the riches of Egypt, for he had aays ;nai mere waz no denyin that respect unto the recompense of reward BE NTIST. Dr. J. Cliarlrs. SURGICAL A.f) M11C1IAMCAI. DEMIST, .SucceFor to Dr. Stickle,, Total C pi tat $'2i,:iel,is Lonfes a.Iiuiti-il and due Loasi-a adjusted and not doe n .uo Louies report Knl awaitiujf prjofa (eMin:ael) 00 All other rUlim against the Com pany none The giratrst sinount allowed to be iu-ureil lu any one ri.k or I'loi k Mil ject to oue fire $3,0.0,00 STATIC OK IOWA. ss Win leth-ik ounty i John T. Clark, ng duly iwo-n' doth t'epose and ay that the above Kthleyient la tri e and cornet lo the b''ft of his Vnowli-lge and tflief, and that he Is President of kuid t'oiiikny. 'so. T. Clark. Subscribed and sworn to before tin! this 14tu day of July, 1-00, at D corah, Iowa ClIAttLlT A.l.kS, Notary Public. Xotaria! S-al. CerUficate of Aiilliority (To expire on lb 1st of Janua-y, l-7 ) lXSraN('E IEItrtTMKNT, 1 Orrrlc-n or Tr. w bitohisx. ArniT a, V Osiill. N. b.. Sept , X7, lx.fl WllKKCtl, E. J. Mathas, t.q.. Artnt for the North Wetern lu"iiranre Company' loea ed at lti m theState of Iowa, has n led in this Ollioe a .pr of the Art of Incorporation of raid Company, and a tt inent uiiiliT oath, sbowiuK its roinhiioD, ai is quired ! the Firth H ctlon of a Law f t the Terrliu ry or Jfrhrk, entithd 'At Ad In Helatlon to lu-fiirano- t'oliiiat ies." approved Febrir Iftih, iv.t; and Whereas, said Company has furni.lied Ihe uii dersicneil SHli-fm-tory eridenie that it i pos-e e.l i f One H Jiidred ThmKfid I -lla'a. of Act C'pl til ii.veslod i-i M- C4S of at least par alne, or I'l Mnndaor Mortifnires on Real K-la'e worth d obla Ihe am'tintfor slmh the awe la in .rtitSKed ; ami Whereas, 'd Company has filed in this Oflicn a written lnr.triimetit. under th SkhI of Ihe Conumiif fik-Ded by the I'M sident and Kixretury thereof, an- thoi iziHK the alil t J. ain 10 a nnsmne s- r Tice of process fir and In behalf ofaaid Ooinpany. consenting h:it MTvire (if proeess upon him hsll lie tken and held to he as valid as If s-rved uin the Company, acronlinn to the Law-of this Ten itory or any other Stat , and waivini; all claim, of errors by reason of neh service; and Wherea. E. J. Mslhsa has furni-hed BBtieractory evidence that he l th authojized AKeiit of said Company . THhKkroKK. lie it Inoirn. by thft I'rf'ntt, Tl at ill iursiiani- of tlie aforesaid Act, I, JiHS (ill LFIIK. Auditoi- of the Territory of Nebraka, -it htrrthy oeriv, that E.J. Mathis, K- , ,lias full au thority lo ad as an Afeni ror ine s n.i .iorm " e...-iM Isurance Company, at I'lattrmouth, in tlieTerrit.rv of 'ellraka, ami to do an I per'orm all acts fr and in behall olaid t;..inpany authorised by his appoint mnt as surh An-nt, and by the Laws of this leril- t.iry, until the 1I dy of January. A. U . im.i In itf II hruuf.l have siil.M-tihrd mr naiim amlcau.ed the Sent ol tlm Auditors "m o 10 im Mtlixcl, thi.i -'Till day of Kpteniher. A !.. ,iawfsitltm,fc.LIL IMI. Itllilirnnu. Sral ff Amlitnr'a OfTic. Irrriiorml Auditor, oct U,IM:i. w3 UNION PACIFIC any attention to him. I went Lome, leevin them all in leers. Petroleum V. Nasbt. P. M. (wich is Postmaster.) OUK DLFtAT." reproach, and had ropect unto the reconinenflp of the pa rdjii-LriAers. Moses was the meekest man; John- ton is the umllesi ' individual. Moses sent his spies to spy out the W sav our defeiii i Nehrn.L:, ; ,a,ld. a,ld ,hey t rought hat k an evil i-.-..-..J-l f 1 ..J.l i. i epun; so uiu j ounsun. anu iney orougnt back increased radical majorities. XVloses didu t nrtiio; Iim people into the promised land so didn't Johnson. the people was happy, but no one paid Johnson esteems his -policy" far above &7hVr vices to all who in iy leuire the performance ol ental orerations, or the treatment of Diseases ol tbe Mouth ITJ" Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Kiirous Oxide Ga pleasant to inhale, and perfr, tly l.armleNs. N. B. The Preservation of tbe Natural Teeth made a tpeeial ity. nov56in WILLCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine. "It seam is stronger a 'id l.-sa liable to rip i" use or wear than tv.e I'ck Mitch " '-Judy'' Rejmri" at the "(ln.n l Trial "J Send fer the "Repori"" and samples of Work eon- tainiag bttth kinds o' stitches, an tbe same piece of foods. Agents wanted. F- P. TODD, Local A Kent, Plattsmouth, Xeb. L. Cornell & Co Gen'l Agts, nov7wl 133 Like street, Chics go. G- W! COURTRKiilT. E. A. GKA VES. Courtright Graves, Manufaeurers of and Dealers in Saddles and Harness, Bridles, Collars, WHIPS, SPUIW, &c &c n biub wv will sell rramnuble. REPAIRING &. TRIMMING done on f-hort notice and at reasonable ra'ei; iSbA Side Jllain Street, one door west of the Platte Valley House, NEBRASKA. Oct 27 'C6 dtf RAIL EOAD! OPES TO KEARNEY! -FOR- FR ElfhT PAScEr.GERS i to be ascnoea to local causes in a great mea.-ure. 1 litre is a swilled de termination in other river counties tc beat Otoe, and it was made manifest on latt Tuesday. Why were there from 200 to 300 denocratic votes not out in Douglas 50 to 60 in Sarpy 30 to SO in Cass 30 to 40 in Nemaha? ' statesman Friemd Ajax: A great deal has has been taid about the recent "Con servative defeat in Nebraska; among others, you have spoken as above quoted II.4IIMJM-S inni OF ADVEIt- TISIti. P. T. Barnum, the showman, one of the most successful business men in the country, delivered a lecture last week in Chicago, on the subject of Money- Making, and in the course of the lec From this, it is evident that lure gave his opinions of advertisintr you blame Democrats of Douglas, for as follows: not attending the polls and votin? for ..a x. , IUC WU3CIIUIOC winch. I i . . , , i :..;M k, Kuo" rucie mat tue peonie want, ana -"W1S . VUU IU VJL' ,L -ir I . no,.. n:.e.r,, IrnH n... tUC" UU,C"ISI! iOUr U VcrilSemrlil ..Hread and-Hutifir HrioarfJ' ,n I brings people to see your article, and out at the beck of your Plattsmouth Convention, and vote to suit you? Ine error was on the part of the old erritorial Central Committee, who made a call fur a Convention, but not turn ,u l, il..- i mew iucjt uciuiuc waiKiny nuvertlse- ments for you. A farmer sows his .eed and awaits his return, and so ad vertisements wi'I bring in their returns in due time. Advpniin;j is like 1 : : j .1 - rn.on,, Ti.. ... . vl . jL . ' c " r,J ' "S 13 uaprreroui tninrr- . " JOU . I I . yA- 1,. 4k t-.j.j 4- "'"si Keep nammenne on mat ""V ""t""J .-icyi-mcnuw w Tepre- .: J U )c j", PT. ATTeMMTTTII j I nan siiivj biiijvii ii. it you uun i auver- i " v s The Chairman ws of Ome r.nnr ,,se. yoor-pooaa it is likely the sheriff ,i ..... k.. ..- L. " will do it for you by and bv. Do it in COL. TAYLOU REMOVED. wat ailed us wuz the anshent land The teleeranh announces that a Mr. marks. Wat hed we to go into this riAmn T. n . n . 1, Lnn n n : I canvass with? Flp in rL- risv? . Jrl ant. I nrirl it' a hiva n rirKt in nro.ii.n. . V. . I A RimormtPmfpnt nf fnrtlnn AfTJrc in for that was sauelched at Philadelnhia. the Dlan of abandonment of tha nA "ucn B. wav lh.nt the. PeoP'e cannot fail nv.prpfti Col F. It. Tavlnr. ih nrppni Wat then? Why. the offises- Offises time-honored nartv. organized in fm i . . i j f - r ' ---i. . . " i s J ' c .ww. isneo, tney neea not expect any great incumbent. in the abstract are good That little Douglas was represented at Plaits- increase in their business. The samel We predicted durinrr the late can one I hold in Kentucky I coodent te mouth, it is true, but the Delegates did Comwricint; Monday, A"KJ-t 2lh, lff,6. the Un ion Pacific Rail Road will lUnHnasriib-rr and KiiK'' Trains BET, OMAHA & KEARNEY Trains will 'ev- Omaha IMII.V (.S'midayg earspl H),eotinei'tinfr at Kearni-y with Holla day's Over MAIL and EXPRESS COAL, ,. for Di-nvi-r. Sat .nlv, Virginia City, and al in Volvrmlo, I'tah. Idaho utid Mimtuna. The t'NIO.V TACIFIC KAIL KP.I' einip"d with 6 elasa cnrl,f, frrlB eiiKinrx, lo do iinnnp ly all l'Uinrs ll.s Passer ucrs may rely on clo eoiinrrfi went, and shiii-r are asarrd that all rrci jve dliii h a nd lie carefully liaul sami. it tikh). rit-n'K !lll W. SNYDER. Geu l KieiKbt k Tickrt As'f ' Oroana. AuS. 16, I860 auj!20,fci8ni. f STUPPY 8c EjIBHR,' No. 10 North Fifth ffirr et, ST.JOSKrif, - - . Mimorni. Dealers In) PIANOS, 0EOANS, fMELODEON , Violins, Guitar'. Fluti-s, Acf'erdeon, Flutinas, Mu sic Books and fllr.u Rlcic. V Grnainn Italian and Gerniua Violin btiingi alwaysoa band, ma) w6m. they rule holds good with communities that "ass that, notwithstanding Mr. Taylor indoost to part with on no account, but not reflect the will of the Democrats of I I 1 F Tl 11- I T.rn r. n I r . n Mnv.. . "I I . k . T" l . L . I t anu oiaer lormer ivepuoucans were V01" u t"141 ueisust; uc wuuiy. i o suow mat suco- is me case, i wm state tnai in umana, where operates with individuals. Where the man who is willing to allow his business to lag behind that of his neighbors for want of energy. We surnoriin'T the Johnson ticket, thev there ain't enough uv em. would all be turned out of office after "My liege, on my return from the the elections were over. We believed Philadelphia Convention I tarried then, as now. that A. J. had gone over awhile in lierks County, wich is in have manvihimrs which nead attending neck and heels, to ;he ultra-Conner- 1 ennsylvania ami is distinguished for J "O I . . . . . " I .U :.L L .1 T- I I r -l j . t . t ,ht M ni va innv-A r.. k - heads, and that no conservative lie- lue uuuuiiuiiy wim wicn tney vote ve- wno lauea to ratity your numbuir sup- ' , ... I publican would be permitted to hold mokrisy. They learned down there port of a Republican administration. to read it, and continue it until must try the article advertised. Some advertisements need only lobe read once to attract attention. Some are afraid that if thty do this they win De called a fiumbug The peak 1 inn vol.. k... CI unu K""v lo e caiiea mis ana I -" " ..w.c vet ji, r wui o i;.. . u u v. u 1 r . .nun MUH A. , ii'otuiuusu II. 11 wouiu oe lOOIISn bi .c inuuary perhRp5 for a physician to tret out meeting, You may blame Conservative roters offiice under him ests. No one man feels like dointr it. Wr h nn rpron in maiipr but an organization representing the j It is a family fight and "none of our Tarious interests and branches of bus- funeral." Morton and other extrem ists have been at the bottom of this re mor'n six weeks ago that the war was bu: have no right to catechise Demo coach and four and parade the streets to advertise himself. It might be a humbug, but it would be no cheat An Englishman had an advertisement of his blacking painted on the walls of over, and therefore yoo coodent stir em crats in the prirnisis. It is bad enough ?L ' , Tln, V V up on draft,. The taxes they hed got for Otoe county to sell her birthright; the,d.s. ,nf P1- S.omV.raTeI used to, and that didn't move em. and she ha. no right to insist that Douglas seeing this felt provoked at this des- so the speaker wus emptyin skool hous shall sneeze when she takes snuff. t ij t. istsnaveoeen . a a a . . J moval to make room for a Copperhead es hy talkui uv the results uv a glori- You charge that there is 'a settled wUC.0, um oumpuau friend of ,heir9 io Nebraska, but Kan ous wr, wicn they all oppoed. and determination to beat Otoe." and I in nothing. I sas has stepped in and carried olT the Prasin our mutual friend Seward, wich fer that Douglas is a guilty party io Lu ui i Does anyone say they do not see prize. cd they are "out in the cold " tney hed alluz hated ez a ablihnist your estimation. Now, my dear Aiax. Lu-. - lr lf I awri I I ..1 1 , - " - ' IU19 1VIV U 1 haw or what can be acconmlished ? tiepuoncan. i - ui ucc.u ei mat ne nea j.nea wnere is your memory ot tacts? I - - tne uimoLriiv iv 117 i . n . ..,..,!., 1 ,. - 1 .1 - - - - j muj xuuuci 1 uuu i juu iciueiiiucr. lUcii Bl me ecration and wrote to the London Timet about it. Their complaint was published widely throughout the coun try and it proved to be the fortune of man, by advertising in this way his blacking." 80 much the more need for of action J more need for a cnnciri Tlir n.i TiMnnr iMnnnr.t in k j , ' . . . .. " ' . - ixa.eiiOTsi uiuchikoid from , ..... ----- -----.- Vi ""UDUtiM AQere a,nl out I April convention of Democrats, Doug I the Nostbils akd AIoutii or a Ma That which looks dark to The Bslt.more dispatches of the 29h one thing left to us. and that w I. L nt nf friendshin fn, n,no LaJL a1 "J"a.,H" ""T" r...IT lt, tilt. trirlhpfn!ln.-;nr tha rp.nlrs nf Utr.nrr.! .LP,J TITI-.J u . " . j V " . 1 V . -A mnark.dt! case came lately UQ lu uuiuer, - jr iuki. wuy was eu ner entire vote, ana tnatother coun- der the observation nf Dr. Rnpd.r. A ana a comparison of ideas and plans is pX. ""-'."": '"V V V .Z 1 ",auB l"e ceni"i P?ger ties nonb ot the riaue, (Kiver counties German from Cumin- county wi generally beneficial. , ' VmUnh..r. , i ':,,: "ZZZm?' ",e." 22 J?. la lhe lender .of .volei brough . l O out four weeks We need trade from Iowa: we need frrPa, rrv and Iil won.' T, norrh, ,n .,7' ,k "TIZ n r.Z ! f 'V . !nill! . lDe Uaoai Z a Glared he had worms in his IB 1 -' O ovuc IU. a. J1 LIU IV 3 IU UCI HSI uaiS lUr IvUIlfrreil t I l.r't nnn PArr.a.n l. A L Jl L- r more trade from the settler, west of make the distinguished Governor feel County myself", following one uv them ber that Otoe insolently refused th Lnrl .h.t -h, Af,. k-h ,,."f new fancied Dimckrats who hed set em tender. savin-T that she did nm;. n,n.k..j ' . -j .t. i jl .i ... , . , . . , . . aiu uuie suite, anu euoweu all asleep la Ik.n ufi to em they didn't the Representative? to the Docter in a glass 11 maggots, unoerstand. Muuntio the rostrum. I I allude to thi nnt m iii.tiftr r,l: . . ... . 6si : Tbe most of the iud-es. clerks and ejaculated- man', vn,. i., .kT.. '7. t' A i 8,y'e'. "u meen, this city and Columbus;, we special policemen are Radical,; that "Mew and Brethren, do too want I charze of ill will is baseless and w,X ? . . .-.L8:- .!.-.,! one of the police commissioners has to marrt a N.coer r out a Maw of foundation, so far a. IU 'hYd . I I W been intoxicated once in three years; "No! no!" thev answered. strai?htnin DOUrra i rnnm H-r.,nf- . i c ff a , le" '? that a few of the judge, neglected to up to wuns, ' when ,he DemocraVic pirty h been o ng h ib ierVed .h.Tm. c ve ed use boxes for rejected ballots; that .11 1 "Do yoo want niggers for sons-in- organized, this county has been on wi-h ,hf .12. J'.Z I 'ZTL I'a VI hand, with, I believe but one exception, removing tbe tallow from the intes- .us; we need the trade of every Ranch-( Tery cneaP- man.between her and TWr- . The points they ha ve made, or at .... ' tempted to make, are the following: uissu. iua4. sci iuo uu tu9 route oe need the service increased to tri week Jy between Salt Creek Ford and Beat rice; we need thousands of settlers on the broad and fertile prairies which the judges followed an opinion of the J lawt" Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON. at their old stand, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - N. T. We keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes Al.tO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will aell at tbe lowest casb price. Repairing done at short no tice. ffS-All Work Warranted. J. THROCKMORTON. A. THROCKMOItTOV. Oct 25 '66 f Win. S. Thatcher, Succei"r to H- Knapp Ballon, DRMIPiTHlCPHVSICtAN SURGEON. Cures all cla'ses of rurablr iliseaae without modlrlrta- Anionic winch are IironeMlis, A.IIiiiih. 1'bttiisir. O nt, Klii-ninatism, Neuralgia I'sralysrs, ss ut IIi'arinK. diaeate of the Kje Cane rr, Tuinurs, S:rof ula, Diatx-t'-s, lypfHla. Af ue, Ac., Ac. hpr.ciaL : lie rurts uri sate diseast In all forms in a frw days. Olticr at flatte Vall-y Honn. PAINTING-. FURNITURE, oo fit i nsr s A HO Cabinet - Work ! H. BOECK Harina: enlarited his Shop and Sales-rooms sron d respectrullr remind tbe IHrople in tbl vicinltr that be can fnrnish tbem with the Terv best fuiuiiurr. Chain, or o'her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. 1 shall lie- p constantly on hand a large Aiwiera rrorar, ana am also preparra JJcELWAIN & FALES. Are now prepared to do all kinds nf work la their line. Hnrh as HfUK, ANUS, OKN AMENTA Uand' CAKIIIAGE l'aintiD(r (iildinK, Olaitlnn, OraitiiDK and l'apr HanKiol. (hop on Main alrm-t, oppofclu the Phitta Valle IIOIIM!. Work done with dispatch, aod eati 'actioo tuaraa tied. Oie us a call. April S3, 16m. Rational Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D C F. M. DORRINOTON. SUB AUtNTJ PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and procttt claims brf're CoiiRress, Court of Claims and the Iepe iojunta. Pa Untap yension, Bonnt es, and Bounty Lands se. cared. V"CharKes moderau-, and In proportion la tbe am Hint of the claim. V. U. DORR1XOTO.V. April 10, '65. TAKE IVOTICi:. - u. ir. i f rrvrK, ana am aiso prepares I r,. n icf to manafactur anythins: in my lir.aoo short nolica. I JiOUtlfV Increased. PeVSlOnB OUI O0 A larje assoriment tI Keaoy niade Coffins kept at I I v..VAV. al'timea. Ca'l and examine my stock and prices dieTS aid their htWS. jelO dw tf H. BOtCK. I, AINU FOR SAaLE. The northwest ractiona! Quarter Seoiioa A Town. ship II, nonh of Ranee 18 east, sitaatcd but a few m litis l mm fiatttmoutla, containing UHt acres. AQareaa, JAHtb McARTUTR. ug:8.w3a St. louts, SI')., 410 Main ttie 1. F. M. Dorrington h s this d iy rere yrd (rum th Department, tli" Uv in full wiib ne blanks fur il, colleciiim of ad'li'ional Bon. .ties and increased Peu xioca, and i a ready to prosecute all such claim as may be eiitrnsted to his care. Cal aud nuiloe. FiiW claimed U first serred. F. M. DOhRIXGION. rrSttsmaiith, A((. V, 166.