i.- rw'vv' !Ubra$to. (Situ gUlv'js. H E L M B O L D. TOOTLE, HANM & CO., Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! wmw C. B. STAUDE. Glenwood, Iowa, Witt. HERALD Pu mo.l into hi nw brick binding on the -terof Uin sueet and Lcvve. wh9i he U laily re ceivln to-ge additions to hi airtady cxttnuve Mock of GROCER I 13 S AND H- I TJ O 32. JS lie offers the very be-t of bartons to customers, ami teqnejts a call turn those who want anything in bis line to te1 the advantage in w''h I other. .. Bemcniber the BRICK CORNER, nd give bim a ea" If yon wish to buy coeap. no3 . W.D.GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CI l Y BOOT AND SHOE ASI LEATHER STORE. We are telling Boots, Shoes andLeather, at our store on Maio etieet, one door wet t of the Platte Valley Pouse, CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST Wt tr manufacturing work from tbe very brat of took B au will accomraouKte n who ca:i. . lie pairing done at all limes GAGE & DAVIS. Aug. SO, W dStwtf COST AND AUCTION JI will sell my STOCK, OF. GOODS AT COST, ATJTION SALES w!U commence October 1, 1S6S. L. BiLLIXOS. Plattimoutb, Fept- It, 1SC. GST IE TV" JEWELRY STORE W. H. ANDERSON, Plattsmouth, N. T STAUDE & ANDERSON, Removed to New Three Story Brick Building, East Room, C orner ot Main and Third St's, Plattsmouth, W. 1 , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY G00DS.GR0CERIES, HARDWARE CUTXEISY, QIIEEXSWARK, . i Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, BLANKETS, HATS AND CAPS. And a variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND FANCY. ARTICLES, Also keep constantly on band a large supply of Q W 1ROJV, NAILS, PLOWS JIJYD CVLTIVA-Y tors. r Q C5 FLUID EXTRACT or- IO TJOECTJ MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTlrl. LARGEST CM'iilbV Sta West of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in. G-B-OGEFaES; H A R D W A R E, ASD- A large supply of TORS. OUTFITTING GOODS, O O Such as w I'lour. ISacon, JLard, Meal, Beans, Dried Fruits, Also At the Cape of Osed Hope THE HOTTENTOTS Have loaf used B U O H U For a variety of Diseases. Tt was borrowed fr0m those rude practitioners by the English arid Dutch Phv sictans, on wh so rueom- mendation it was employed iu Europe, aud has Ruw come into icemeral . Ul eiren chufly in Gravel. Chronic Catarrh ef 1 lie BlaU.ier, Morbid Irriia.ion of the dUSdsr aae Uretnra, for female W eakness and DEBILITY. Xf A large stock of Wooden Ware, Buckets and Tubs, Wash Boards, Butter Bowls Butter Firkins, Water Kegs, Half Bushels, Meal Seives, 8 Building' material, Window Glass, Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils, Farmers Utensils Shovels and Spades, Forks, Hay Rakes Double Shovel and Two-horse JMoline Plows. The subscriber bavin? purchased the R"d Stoie on f d street, lately occupied by barpy and others, would respectfully in form tlu) citizens of Plaltsinuulb aa. iclniiy, that be baa refitted the store and opened a large block of OT 3E3 "V7" IE! Hj 11. "ST AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladle. GenN, Children, and the rest of mankiad, Bd is prepared to da all kind .f WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY HEP AIRING la the best manner, and would be harpy to serve his old and a many new customers as may (rive him tbei. patronage, assuring them ot their woik well done, at moderate price-, and on ehort tioe. The Stuck, embracing every va iety of Roodi uua!l kept at a flrt c!bm Jewelry bt re, will be so t at low prices, add wrranteil of bmt workmauhip and material, lie has a sj a small ft oca of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replnnUhed from time to time, and old at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo cated in thin city. 1 respectiu ly Holicit a share of pa tronaee. anj cariiilly invite ail to ca.l and exam ne tbe stock on band, as we Would be p'eased to ere you. and do nm a.k you o buy unla.s we c n make it for your interest to patronize n. dec27tr E. H. E ATOK. JOSEPH SCIIIiATER. 7 ATC y HAEER and. JEWELER, MAIS STREST, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA A pood asoitmen of Watches, Clo liold Peon. J welry, Silver Ware, Fane- -oo s Violins and Vi ol ia Trimmings always on band. A U work com touted to his cure will be warranted. April 10, tecs. &XlXc d63 Anderson feb27 LJ I For Prolapsus and Bearing Down, or Prolapses I Uteri, Diseases of the 1'roatate Cland, Retention, er I incontinence of Urine, and all uUeat.es equirins; tbe CD CD aid or a diuretic arisins from a loss ef tone iu tke pa ts concerned la its cvacjation. It is also recommended in cases ef Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and Drvyer. Clothing of every description. WINES AND LIQUORS OF ALU KINDS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, NAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required by. kuh;kaits, freighters, mixers &;farme!!s And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. CIIAS. VOGT k CO, Cor. Main and 5ih its., NEBRASKA CITY, NECaASXA, Dealers io leather im ni SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER. Saddlers' Hardware Fimlitigs and Tools WAG OAS, rLOWS, o. COrders Promptly attended to. 1Y 15 .lIcUECIMi.. Dealer In Hardware, Cutlery WOjY, A'.llLS, STOVES .LVD TLYJK1RL', AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also. Apriit fi.r theS.ile of the Olc lir.ii.-d HAUtiM COOK o(l'A'S X1 KUASlII, iUUVh lU'o SA H. -at Tnr- To cure these diseases we mntt bring; into astiaa the muscles whirh sre eneage.l in their earioas func tions, lo neglect them, bewever slieht mar be tka attack, is sare to attect the bodily health and sasaial power. PEOOF BBICK. Tootle, Hanna 8c Co. Plattsmouth, April 10. 65 Conducted on tbe tatia of Actual Business, bv an experienced Accountant and superior Penman, whose LONG CONNECTION with the tnnst popular Coome'Ciul Colleges o' the Union en.-ures th rout;hneiis and reputaiion to erery jraouaie, ao.i cnnimai.as tne best positions. SPECIAL' ATTENTION Giren to all strl. s of renrnansliip, en which we haTe been awarded the first Premiums fir macj years at TinuutMiiierAirf the College is always open to Y'xl'ors, snd eiren lars containing full particulars, will be sent t. any iq'j s j,uiii i.-ii-, rri's i, St. Joseph, Mo address marl WO OI, WORTH Sc CO.,'; BOOKSELLERS, STATIONRES, Binders &Taper dealers, SA1JYT JOSEPH, JUO., 39 (m - FRESH LIME ! Good No. 1 Lime always on band and for sale by be wholesale and retail ia amounts to suit puicbaa. ers.ty J. BaTTS. ; irr3 dw6m . C. H. KING Carpenter ard Toiner CONTRACTOR and Bw.TTDER, WK? do work la b.-a line with eatness an. dispate, Ofos short notice BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, v Pure Wines and Liquors, for BETedicinal use. Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physician Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of "the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black Plattsmouth, May lit, 1865, if Our Flesh and Blood ave supported from ths soarces. rERSOSS AT X VERY PERIOD Of LI J From Infancy lo Old Age, and in erery Ute of health, are HabU ta be iiil.lMt, . . i I. ' - - - SIGN OF THE BIO PADLOCK, MAIN STUIIKT, Blow lhe,fcrjmour II. une, uti oj .o. t ., NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. ori25 W. S. HARDING CO.", i-oir orricK bcii.dimi KEimASKA.CITV, N. T WD0LEAI.B AND KKTAIL lHAl.RR I" SCHOOL BOOKS AND The Causes in many instance unknown. 1865. JS05. AiMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hanu the LARGEST STOCK of The patient has, however, an admirable rm.4j HELM HOLD' Fluid Extract of Buchu. E. T DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in - Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaued AND STAMPED WAKE. We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' und Freighters OUTFITTIJN G- GOOD S Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens, Camp Kettles, &.c. He also keep lliain l'urnps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Mil1" &c. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, Sept. 15, 1565. . -:HELMB OLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody the fal strength of the ingredients of which they are named. They are left to tbe inflection of all. A read; and conclusive test of their properties will be a compari son with thote set forth in the united Stales Disi ea- satory These remedies are prepared by j.T. Us la bold, a druggist of sixteen years' exprieoee ia this city, and we believe ihera to be reliable; in fact, we have never known an article lacking merit to meet with a permanent enccesH, and Mr. llelmhold'a success is certainly prima faci evidence. His Drug and Chemical Warehouse, in the tity of New Turk. I cot excelled, if equaled, by any in the country, aid we would advise our readers, whei Visiting that eity to give him a call, and judge for themselves. QUE UNS WARE, IIARDWAKE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. ... " t LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention lo bus mess to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock i Plaittsmouth, April 10, 186 i. tf STATIONERY A l'. i Ag'iits for sli tbe j.i !i.-; ! MA GAZIXES and A'J ll .S PA VEU , Tor which Sublcrl.lona are receiv l at rilillrt.ers l'nces. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REKI) c CO., Cor. M'tin nnd 5t!i St. NEBRASKA CITY, ' Dealers in NEB. HELMBOLD'S KXTRACT .OF BUCHU.! JraT rteeived. 60 casoe e 'e auned i rae e- t A "Ottment of Dti'i and boys' elotbim AJrSON, UuVtl 4 O'S. XI. fortaleby A. D.aCO. JjOtoAMlsON , DOVLV COS to pur -a.e you. HELLED COBN for sa.e by A D CO N endless variety ol La moo Sa. I) ACOS and Lard tor aale by . V.- A UCU'-. -L A. P. AO. r I CAbU iloltby's Cove Oysters for aale at A HE AVT INVOICE of all ainda of FanilyGro OU A. it. at CO'B. . XA. ceries anod uinting Good j.-ut eoeived by : . 1A.D. ACO. GE . i taitaiLS in Laciea Lrtts Coodsat A. U. A CO'3. A LL kinds of Farming Implemenu for sale by - Xi. A. D. tt CO. 1?OH fr?ALK at AM1SON, DoVfcT A GO'S. aCoffee : . . Te a, bugar, tioiden byrop, Sugar iloa iio-e a Large lot of Two Horse Flows for saie by asses. New Ifork Candies, etc , etc. A A U. k CO. A large lot of Chewing and Smoking Tobcco or N endless Variety cf Hardware and Cutlery for sale at . CU'8. Jr. sale at A. D. A CO S COIL OIL or sale by C8H. oors, SUicgles, Glass, and Nails of eveiv A. D. ACQ. O description for sale by A.D. CO. ' Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale or ate w art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, betweei Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTH. NlitJltAbKA .": BOXES a.ar Candles for sale by OU A, D. CO. IF yon want to urchase goods at a bargain, go to A. 1. A CO 25 BAU3 COFrtr. Just received by 1. D. CO. A Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. A CO'3. DRUGS & MEDIolKES, Paints Oils, Putty aiul Glass- rafbt Meilxiiir. nfwll k!tid. T ;trii !, tiooery.an.1 evfryihmg k.-i t In a trf cl.i- liru. otoi-e, at i.art'-ru pric'M. r We re i.r -t.HieJ to f 11 a!l or lt. an.! ourgocds to be freh. srr. 10 '6t L. PR 0T & Co., WHOLEtALfi CtHOOSHS, Opposite the Post OEc., NKBRA.KA CITY, i. T. THbrAS(CEESSHAW' . JACKtE CF AiO VtALLH t.V Saddles and HanicSaS, nit idles, collars, ciuiue Combs, Spur, Lushes, Whip, ) c. Miiu Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - Is'. T. Tailoring. The nnderlrtiAd has SHOP at his Old A':ou, no- tli of the new Midge a .Second street, where hn fs nrinlrM Iu di. at) w..rk nt bis line on reasonable te.ius. JOllS vTill, Au(ut 14, 18C6. Hannibal Ac St. Joe IC Packet Line. R. A kinrts of Country Produce taken in exchange XJl for goods bv Jl.D. A CO. '"0 euameraie all the articles we have far sa'e X would Clone side of the Uiuui. .nd nthaia have aa good a right to advertise as AMIpON, COVET A CO. 'IHh laigeet Outfitting House north of Et. Joseph Alf illbuN, KOVfcY 4 CO 8., riatumoutb, ebrsska. One of the Company Et'am'rs leaves dailv froe every point on the Mb.ourt Xtver above r!t. J.jsej.b, and ariives at tt. Jos'i b In time to connect with the express train on tl e llaonil.al A "t. Joseph Itailruad for Hannil,al, at vh'.cb place connection ismaietbe same eveniuv with one of the Ke jkuic I'acket,wlilck arrives in time to connect wih next inorr.inir trains out of St. Louis for Cn cinoml, I Ditiini.oM, I.oms- Viiie, 'Ierre llmite, Miiu Wu tity, Unt.cre. Philadelphia, New York, Iw-lon, ai d to al! o'hr Kastern. Northern aod bouthrrn C'aies. Hie abore mentioned lines ot eleeunt Pnck-tt are cmc'dtvl bv all travelers to be the bet on the We-tern waters. 1 lli:)L(JH TU'Kl.Tj For eae to ft. Louie, and all bMeiD. Northern and Southern cities via the lve lines at Denver City, uin-na, Council isiuns, i :hi mouiti, elirn-ka t itv, and at all other prinrlp il t cket ifflce. 1q the tvssl. s Meals and State-ioouis fref! "Ik R. F0KI, Sup'l R it. P. L , r-t. Jofph. II. Q. ft'KCit'-iO.V, Sec'y K. R P. L., Et. Josr E. C. LEWIS. Apent. apZ5 . riatUmoutb, NcbrsskA. -LA1VDFOR SALE. Th nortbwt raciior.a! qa-ter "eti.m 4. Tewe bip II, noith i r h-tner IS es.t, :tu i'id til few miles fiom Plausutoutb, Cj ummr Io0 a re. Address, JA o MeARTurB. g?5 w3m I f u't. v ' . i'f Miii