LOCAL N 10WS- The Union Tilumnhaiii! DEMOCRAlT PUVED'! JOHNS OPT SCOOPED? Cass County Redeemed. OH.13IA for JIIRQFETT. Let the Union Bird Scream! We have but few returns, but enough to know that the day is ours by a tri umphant majority. riattsmojih precinct gives 40 ma jority for Manjutu nnl 33 majority for the b:!jnce of the ticket against 20 Democratic last election. Oreapolis gives 11 Union majority against 2 Democratic in June. Omaha gives M;ir pott 12 majority, againxt a heavy Dm ;cra'.ic mtjority heretofore. The victory is comphte. y"Our weekly pnpr-r it riretty well filled with election ni.itter, rrhich may not be particularly interesting now ; but otir reader will he:ir with us for the good it mv have done in the daily. Fr-tm Wfilnft'liry't Din'i'. (57"As we predlcfed, Mirquett h.d nil the argument an. I Morton all the "ni'j- gor" in their spcechoi at this place. -iTemi will he in realines it the Court House at half ptst nin? o'clock to morrow morning to convey nil who denir? to'go to Eight Mile Grove free of ch:ir:e. Sinn. IIcadaokk, can he cured. How many hundreds, nay th usnnds of the hum in family allow tliem-n-l ves Jo mifF.'r with Nervo us ani Sick !I ?:i jiche t!i;'n the great sovereign rvmoJy, Eo' ack's Wood Pilld can be obtain? of any re rpectable druggist. l-"The Dem.icracv h ivo imported Mr. Woolvrjrth to do halt lc f-sr th em in this county. He r-lieva! lilmsolf at Mt. riaasnnt last nighf, nnl was hindlod without gloves y (Jen. Livingston. Tho9 who were present ?ny that Liv ingston completely used up thi imported k nstitutional lawyer. It is to be ho; d th.it a iargu r,um ler of tha fair sex w;il 1 present at the Orove to morro-.v. They have done much toward Having this goveinm-jnt from destruction, and they should now assist, by their countenanue, in the ef fort t rcstoro th-j t:trn to on eual footing. An invitation is extended to all. gjf During Morton's jpceciies at Oma ha, a Democrat who h id become thor oughly nauseated wi h h;s cotistsnt repe tition of "nigger" "eho- bhins,'" "gizzard footed," and a few mre of the phrases whioh make up tho principle part of his peocb, cried cut: "Oh! talk about something else talk about the weather-" Tho rebuke was cutting, aud only ex pressed the feelings of many sensible Democrats whore he has spoke. jyif anybody thinks Jan. R. Porter, the Demo-copper-johnson candidate for councilman from this county, is not a uonstitutional lawyer, all tby have to do to be convinced is to nsk Mr. Woolworth. Porter made a speech at Mt. Pleasant last night, in which he acted the part o' an expounder of constitutional law, and taught Woolworth many things which he haJ never dreaded of. Woolworth twisted, squirmcl, winced, and looked at his watch during tha whole of Mr. Porters able exposition, very much in the same way that Democrats did at the speech of the "Maryland man" two years g at Nebraska City. Trim Thu-tday't luil'j. 5?" See advertisement of Wm. S. Thatcher. (.So and eee him, and get your self cured without taking any medicine. It is the greatest thing of the age. jyMr. A. D. Richardson, the noted correspondent of the New York Tribune, is seriously ill at Omaha. We learn from the Republican. 5rIf there is a man in Cass county whodesires to keep suffrage an open question, lie will probi.biy vote the cop perhead ticket. All those who desire to tee that question placed beyond the reach of parties, should vote to susttiin th Conditional Amendment. . ine pcorie or u.ass county are bating a grand time at Eight Mile rove to-day. Platt-mouth is nearly dej-opu lated inconsequence. The speaking will be continued this evening. Let those who could not go in the day time, be sr an be on bnd to nght. ;7"l)iscusiin is a rery good way to j a-riv fit truth. . Thn ,tw, J. Sterling! Mjt: on' pnpr, in its i-ue of vtor 'i-iy, j :iJvi-t it party men to dco'id politiol j dif cub-isn". I'roLnlily Morton hn fill ; the necessity of thi thinf, from the manner in which ho lint been usnd up. rTb-1 .Vrs innnunce.1', with nppiir ent guto, that M rton ws listened to in tliis city trillion! any dislurbtua occur ins. It wns a Republican andipnee "Hut's what's the matter" Republicans are not in the habit of disturbing meet ings. C5"Mers. Livingston, Doom, IIol hrook anil Fuller, were at Weeping Water Falls Inst night, where they addressed thf? largest assemblage ever convened in that locality Their arguments were convincing, and many Democrats came to them after the meeting and said thev were in favor of the doctrines they ad vocated. From I'rUjny't iMit'j. i7"A vote for the Republican ticket is a rote for settling the qustion of negro suffrage by leaving it to the States hemselves. "Let every man who believes the vote of a northern soldier should count aa much at tho vo'o of a keeper of a rebel prison pn, turn out on Tuesday next and vote to sustain the Constitu tional Amendment. Cf5?"The ne V Episcopal church edifice in this city is fast approaching comple tion. The walls aro fi nished, the raf ters and -heoting board o.i, and it will be entirely euclosed in a few days. It will be a beautiful building, in a sightly place, and will add much to the nppearanc? of ur city. r?"We understand that J. S. Higbee, the "Auction man," sold out a few cop perheadjpeakers at Rock Bluffs last night, by oonvincmg them that ha knew some thing about the war, and knew how to tell it. Mr. Higbee and others will ad dress the citizens of Rock Bluffs to-mor row"(S:vturd:iv) evening. Turn out, if you want to hear something rich. I IrSr" large number of people were in attendance at tho tirove ytsteruay, and they had a good time generally. Speeches wera m ide by (Jul. O. P. Mason, (ien. Thayer, Oen. Livingston, W. Pot. tender, A. L. Sprague and others iia son pke in his usual earnest and telling tj le, dealing such sledge hammer blows Kginst"My Policy" as made it cxtreme iv uncomfortable for the supporters of A. Johuson. Gen. Thiyer did not ar rive until a late hour, being detained at tin Platte river ; but he made it "count" wh n he did commence. From Suttird,!' Daily "P.jrter it C. have been extremely anxious to hold joint discussions, but wre alvs careful to want them at our appointment. They were unwi'ling to make arrangemoats and advertise joint discussions, but would occassionally come around and ask tho ptivilede of speak ing at our meetings. They have been granted that privilege every time it was a.ked, although some of cur own speak ers have been compelled to give way to accjuimodate them. Did Mr. Porter get enough at Louisville last night ? fi O'.n Jivri'.ltty'i Lail'j. "hose who were present say that Marquett warped Morton even worse at Nebraska City than he did here. Hur rah for Marquett. x?"Col. O. P. Mason, Gen. Livingston, and others speak at Rock Bluffs to-night. Pottenger, Sprague, Chapman, and others speak at Union School Ilousa to-night. j?"Call and see the magni5cent Cah sium Picture at Thomas' Gallery, taken by Mr. Reno. This is something new or our western country. Those want. ing Photographs should call soon, as this fine weuther won't last many days. ("Mirquett arrived at home late last r.ight, having spoken in all the towns in the southern part of Nebraska since leaving here Morton did not accompa ny him beyond Nebraska City. We in cline to the belief that Morton has about erough of Kits Kounty Kussca." gyMaj. Taffe arrived here late on Saturday evening, and made a short speech at the School House. A goodly nnmber wore in attendance, considering the time notice was given 1 ho Maj. says the fires of liberty burn bright through out the Territory, and that victory is certain if we all do our duty. Let us do it in Cass. rJr The steamer Brn Johnson was sunk near Brownville while on her wa down the river. She had on board 240 sacks of wheat for Simpson, Sharp & Co , of this city, and some, we do not know the amount, from Sharp A Palmer, of Iowa. We understand tho boat and eargo was a total loss. PT5?"See to it that every Union Repub lican is nt the pells before 6 o'clock to morrow. The copperhead orators threaten another war, and probably the peaee and welfare of the nation is at stake Devote one entire day to your coun try, and teach demagogues that there is a ruler in Israel. From Tufadiy' DiUy. j s'Wm. Irish, Esq., has our thanks for a beautiful cake, of hi own manu facture. Mr. Irish knows bow to "do upJ' all kird of plain and fancy cooking, in the very best style. His restaurant one door west of Stadelmann's clothing House, is becoming deservedly popular, from the fact that be 6ervs up hig dish es in a style that will tempt the appetite of an epicure. iTThe election is passing off quietly with indications of a pretty full Tote. Result will bo given to-morrow JV?".J. M. Woolworth has been going about through this county stating that he had fifteen cents, and that when lie passed the houses of certain individuals, naming some of the best men in Cass county, for instance Hon. Samuel Max well and Capt. Isaac Wiles he held it tight, for ht knows they steal' We take great pleasure in informing Mr. Wool worth that he is lenked upon by many of our good men as cither a consumato knave or a blundering ass for attempting to make political capital at the expense of tha honesty of men who are as well and favorably known in this oounty as are those named by him as men whoso hon esty could not be trusted. That kind of talk may he good copperhead urgument, but it sh)ws a lack of principle. s?"We had the pleasure of visiting this morning, that part of the C'ty of Plattsrnuth known ns Young L Hav's addition. It is located on the beautiful sloping ground immediately west of the original entry, and is the most desirable part of tho city for residences. The lots are muoh larger than those in the busi ness part of town being only bight in a block instead of twel?e and each lot has either a street or alley on three sides of it. We suggest to those desiring to seoure good looations that now is the time to get them. If yoa wait you may be compelled to pay higher figures than at present, and you cannot lose much by purchasing now. Young Jb Hay's addition will be the most valuable part of Piatt?, month excepting the present business portion, perhaps in the event of this becoming a large place, (as we confiden tially expect it will). Therefore, we say, now is the best time to buy. Mr. Hays is offering to sell at reasonable figures, and a prettier place for residences cannot be found. Secure a lot, and build on it when you can MARRIED GILMOUR TOWNER In this city. Oct. 2nd, I860 at the residence of II. J. Stre:ght, Esq., by Judge Marshall, Mr. William Gilmouh, jr., son of the Hon. William Gi'.mour, sen., and Miss Lccy E Towxer, daughter of Judge A. Towner, all of Cass Co., N. T. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A (rer.Haman who atifft-rfd for rears from Nervoua Debility, Prematura U.tay, and all the elT-cts of youthful indiMiction, will, forihe sake of sifferintf humanity, tend free to all who n-ed it. tlie receipt and .direction for irakir.fr the tample umcdy by which he was cured .Sufferer wisb.dg to profit by ihe edverti.-er ex ler ience, can do so by nd'lreesig, in perfect confidence. I C on, eplSwSm No. 42 Cedar St., New York- (5f"!n going for or ordering goods, the great question to be solved is where they can be had so as to enablo the pur chaser to make the greatest profit If thev can he had neir home for about the same money that would have to be paid at a greater distance, it is certainly an inducement. Let our dealers in Groce ries, Liquors, c.c, reason upon this sub iect. and when they want anything in the Vine, go to Westheiuicr & Eppstein, in St. Josech. and we doubt not they can make it more profitable than to send or go r ? i further entt. jonn- . o 9m To the Farmers of Cass Co Wheat wantsd at Coopers Warehouse, Plattsmouth, for which I will pay the highest market prico in cash. Call and see us. J. S. Tkwksbcry. DISSOLUTION. The copartnershisy, in the Livery busi ness, heretofore existing between the un dersigned, under th name and style ef Shannon & Orr, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having any acoount whatever with the firm are re quested to con eforward immediately and settle. - Joijn Shannon. II. N. Obk. The business will hereafter be con ducted by the undersigned, at the old stand, where the best of accommodations are offered. John W. Shannon: sept 15 w 3. SETTLEUP. All persons indebted to me by account or otherwise, nre requested to call and settle forthwith. All accounts unnaid will, after a reasonable length of time. be placed in the handa of an officer for collection sepSdtf Geo. Boeck. CITY MEAT MARKET, AND Empire Meat Market. The tl ndcrnigned is new prepan-d to furnith taa eiliaens of thia pace with the best FRKSII BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, ASD BACON I also keep EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, PDTA TOES, AND VEGETABLES, and will pay tha highest marhet price for all kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE. WM. F. MORRISON, Plattcmouth, May 15, dim. . Wm- Bl. L.cmke, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OF POSTOFFICE, Plattsmoutri, Nebraska. I 27 15C5 tf 1 1 A KX ESS SfSOP. Tl.e ur.rtcriiai'd liivinp parcliain-J he ejUMi-h-mcnt ff-rmrrlj owuei ly M. It. Murphy, i reHre(f to -:TimMjH!ft cuatoiDt-r with aryrliioK in be ti:ie, m. liasIlAIiNK.SADKI.ES, KttU'l.Ss. COI.I.AK. WIIM'S Stfl'ltS, anJ everj'tliiug cUe that may be calt-l for. J3" ni-iiring June on Bliort notice, and nt r"-ll:tbl- rt. Ai.r!6:w G W COLT.TKnHT K A CHAVES O. H. lllftl. CllII VS & CUOXTON. Lute Sup't Indian Afitirt. Atlvrtiryn U Litm IRISH, CALH0U17 & CSOXTON. The nhoro numfil sentlmt?a liave associated Ihftnicl vet in businen fjr the pn pose cf .ro.-e. til ing and coilTtinK all claims azaiust the iixnrral Government, or agaii)t any tribe of ItKlljris, end are rtp;ireil lo .ro.ul' auch claim., either ref Coogrexs.or a-iv of t lie Departments of tiovernment cr rore the Court of Claims, Mr. Ihi-b will devote his peisonal attention to tl e bninMS at Wellington. OlBce at Xebrpika U' tj, coiner of Main ami Fifth ftrecta. Willcox h Gibb O NOISELESS SEWING MACHINE. The Tlvnt Tffacliine in Ue. Come and fe" th'n ilnit and nrautifu! Machine, whether you wih to purchase or not. 1 1 will churio and pietse yon. 0PK1CK FROM fc0O to $175. "The Stitch mide by this Machine is na ami nerulvir. 1 be TiciMt- f-l l.nnp atitrh f. rioit)h' a ben t iful, elastic -lid durable lo-nui which is so stronjt tint: a pieca not haif an inch 1oq cut from it cannot be palled apart" I P. TODD, Agent for WILLCOX 4 G1BBJ, WTIKELER Si WILSOK, GROVKu k BAEKR and FLORENCE. Office at B. NEWMAN'S Clothing Emporium, Plattsmouth, Neb. Aiig.7ih,'6ri:wid'ra Administrator's Sale, Notice is hereby given, that there will be sold at public auction, on 'I'l'ES D AY. the 16th ilm of Octo ber. I'.6, at the Ranch of Sarpy l Walker, at Salt Creek Ford. Cass cojuty, Nebraska, , the following personal property, to-wit : 600 head of (inn sheep, 3 work mares, 1 stallion, 3 years old, 3 four year old mules. 1 lust spring's mule colt, 1 jack. 5 years old, 3 yoke 3 year old cattle, 6 cows, 2 yearling calves, 3 spring calves, AUo, a lot of Agricultural Implements, Household Furniture. It.iy, ! sin & , Ac. Al.i, at PLATTSMOUTH. on Saturday the 20th day of October, lSl'.f., a lot ef II oust hold Furniture, ncludin a stoves, beddintf , Tables.Stnnd-t, Chair 4c, ic. Also, oue sint'l Iron .Safe, I. um ber, Slc. Tebms : Cash un day of sale. J. N. WISE. Adm r estate of P, A. S.irl y, dr'd. Plattsmouth, Sept. 13, 1565. ept 20,ditaw. BAKEBJ, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. MATHIS 8c SONS, (ucc sssora to J. 1'nrcel k Sods.) Plattsuoctii, Nch. Ke"p constantly on h ind a gosd supply of FRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES and everything in the line. Also GROCERIES if- PROVISIONS of ail kinds. Wasted : Country Produce, Butter, T.gg, " XlT" Give us a call. or. 25, 1806. TAX x'OT2C2i. Office Collector or Istkhkal Rkvextb, Dis- trist ot the Territory of hras. Keuhask City, Sepitniber 27th, 110 U.S. ) An cut I Li it for lSiiC. aotice ik hereby zivn, tnat tuc Annua! List of Taxes assessed m accordance with the p rovii-ioiis of the Act of t:onprf., approred June 30th, 1 5ti4, as ameoiieu oy tne Art or Alarcn ;Jru, lfio, for th" years ending December 3'.st, lstio and Way 1st, IV.i',, have be n returned to nie Dy the Assessor of this L strict and that siid taxex are now due and payable, and payment thereof is hereby demanded, and that I will in pen-on or deputy attend at the oftice of B. Ppttrlnck, County Clerk, in i'lattsmoath tasj county in :tid I'istrict. on ttie 9th and 101 h days of October, lboo lor ine purpose ot receirinu saia tuxes. All p 'rsons who s-hall neslret t payjthe amount of their taxes hereby d-:u:i.H- d, ou or before the day last above named; will le liable to piy 'hereon a penalty of ten per centum additional and a fee ol twenty cents for stirvj i.g a !- ial demand and no tice, together with fiiur cents a mile traveliiiR fees actually and necessarily traveled to make service cor .a Otlice h iuis from 9 c'clock a. m., to !i o'clock p. m JOiEPII E. L AMAeTER, Collector. By II. C. Hnocc. Deputy Collector. Sept. 27, 1S6, w2 Residence Tor sale Via wi. sell very low for carh a goo! frama 1 1-9 lory resilience, all or pine, situated In I'latinoutb nquire of Marshall, at the Pot-offie, or o D. H. WHBKLKR It CO. IMattsmt.utb, X. T, Janaary loth tf r t to Black, Battery LI and Lubricators. h Ca.'s for ysur Lard Ol L, C. Huntington 8c Co. AVholt'ale and retail dealers in Leather and Findings, Wast end Pioneer Block, Farnham SI., OMAHA, NED. Would call attention of uiauulactureis and dealers to their iart; aid cuwp.eie assurtuicut, couaiBtiug ol vuiy ari:cie niediu. o ibe Shoemaker and Harnessmaker. Th y wuuld tull the especial attention of owners of tuiiu to then large stuck ctjai,Mj Jlachknc Stitched Lea t her Ileltin Of all sisea. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, WOOL AND FURS. jI 3inir SEMINARY For General Education, rLA TTS.MO UTII. The English department under the superir.tender.ee of Mr. Sherlock, late Inspector of Public Schools la Canada The. Mnsical department i-conjucted by Mrs. Sher lock, pupil of celebrated masters in Kogland. The course ot instruction include, th- Tariou branches usatlly taught in first class schools, Itook Keepinc by donble and sincle entry, French liable, (I'm no Forte, Guitar and mgine,) c. The term comn-ences from tbe entrance n Vie pupil i payment in advance. Mr. and Mrg. Sherlock return thanks for the liber al support they I aye received, and thsll by unremit ting atten'ion t J their pupils endeavor b- merit lta continuance. Thtrc aia only vacanciet for few more pupiia. janl 8tn N E CouisEit Main and Tiiiuu Sthkkts, I'lttsmoutii, N. T. OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE Dealer Gents' Furnishing Goods. Elats Capsi, ISoofs, Shoes, 'Also a targe lot of RUBBER CLOTHJNq Of all descriptions always on hand. Jf3C and examine TTew Masonic Plattsmouth, April 10th, 1866. Simpson, Sharp & Co., Wholesale m m m m Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, j3l.o.c3L S3"fceci 233.13 oixl; Agents, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealers in FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, PRODUCE, t PROVISIONS, ST. LOUIS WINDOW-BLINDS, GLASS, PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. .Un, Agents for the'eeubrated SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK MOWER AND REAPER, Quaker Bov and Wood's Mowers, xyjl. icliisaii. Wagons; cS30. W in tilt all to Cull and Sea u$, mnd Examint our Slock. Juelt is 3 If 4 W.L.THOMAS' Picture Gallery i teZ&Lt&il PLATTSMOUTH, Pictures taken of all HIinds. Ambrotypes, Photornphs, Gem Pictures, Ac A good assortment of Cases Frames, Albums, &c-, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames made to order, of any size WM. R. FENICK, PENICK & th Wholesale Patent Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Oil and Lamps, htahonery, &c. NOS- 3 &. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- -W arejtha Northwestern Wholctale Afritls fr Pr. D J:.jce A Scr, sr.d Dr. J. C. yer Co. and cac fumnh theirmcdicit.es in ary q'jintitir. ly W M A N W15ST! in 3 Trunks, Valises, &c, Scc. AND REVOLVERS myextensive stock atx tha Bxicls Building. and Retail FLOUR, ' DOORS, SASH, Simpson, Sharp & Co. North Side Main ft , K.T. ;H7i WM. LOYIXO. LOVING, . Dealers in g ffiQ IB IK 9 Medicines, Pure Wines and Liquors, Coal MfT-J M f 5 t? x4 isf t BUT OllACK S STOMACH MTTKIIS. after ve.ir ol' oKt .,'iice an.i tn.tl, bnv 'roeii to in- the remedv exUins lor m!1 eniiif luiMts wticru :i tonic mwl -tiiniil.iin me minimi. Tlu-y ner J : t t to Mrciillicu ti.e .ik, iuipart rigor to the strong, mid in nil respects restore olmttero.l aid l.roken-;on constitutions. No retite-'ly 1 1 Im-cm received witli as much f.-Tot :is Uu- BACK'S Si Oil All! lilTTEKS. Ill C!lUMo VER 30,000 buttles hop; .o. by cum ilriiir-hutisc in tlict j'nwt i piir. It it tuitte l In- our tno-t Icnriiol p!iviei:nn tliiit tr. 'HOHALK'S S l'O.M At ll HIT TKIW eotiiluiie the pmpeitu't of a gentle laxntio, nu efficient Ht)ti-lituvus agent, nnil lli lt stomnciiie l.nown to Si 1 the world. RUUACK S IUTrKltS t-lioul l lie) used liy convalesoents to strengthen Uie prostrntion which nlwnys follows cttt di lease. In tho H.IOl'H dittricts of tho IVost ant South then ha., for 11 Ions time, lt.cn much needed un nrtiele of STOMAri! lil lTKKS, vhicli, if tiiken in piojM-r qimntities, mid nt the proper tupe, iuo a sure preveiilive ol" i'.iliom 1-Vi, Fever mid Ague, Liver Coti laint, I'ys- l''"Tr,9 pepsin. Indigestion, Jniiinltce, Ki-lnej " r ' Complaint, nnd nil dise.ise.t of siui:l:ir p nature; will nre bx-tter ns a preventive f for Lslious derangement, roijnlalinj; K KD strenRthenin the sy.-tetn. nnd u.tt in tone to ttie iligestMo ro'oit, Hini any otlier knoun irtnedv. Now tint the war is over, there nil! In- IliMtsnnd. seekitiir home in the S.itli. No jt-r-soti nho value-) his bl'eslioiiM i;o tlu ie witrinul Itnviiijr constantly nt hand Die MTT1CHS, ns a :itcjji!Hid nuamsl epi demic nnd tnuladies eneti'lere.l by nii avtma nnd polluted water. Trnxclcr ntul all residents of the raulc ner-lHt. torn c Ol'NTIES ofllie WV.-t an.! Sonllt, an I the valley of the Mississippi 1111.I ifn rilmtartes, slionbl plcvitie tlieiose-lvt with tlio HlTTKlts. There is proUibly 110 one fli sense wih lii-h tiianUind nto nllticled whic h it the source ol so many nttnients at dypeptia, or ns it is more rommonly cnlled Sour Stomach, anil there is no more certain remedy than Itohnck's Stomach Itinera. They nre never knou to fail. INfJ CHOI.KKA has nhtays tinieti ilremiel by the public, niuf people hare, resorted to nil manner of medicines to nrrest the progress, lint witl) little sitei'ess. A sure pure and prevent. ve is to be found 111 thu tto of Pr. IJOItACK'S SCANDINA VIAN II KM K I 'IKS. Keep the I,omi!s open with the 1'ills, nml invigorate the fystem hy free use of the Sli.iinieli Hitters, or, if the blood lie thin, use Ihe Purifier. I'CII nil invaluable remedy should kept in every family. Keep the system in full visor and iio!hin:r is o he loured from diseasp or cholera. TI1R OlP KK1.1AHI.K. Io not U: .leceived by purchasing any of tho quack nostrums tinder the various names ef liitiers. Purchase none other but Dr. KOHACK'S GTYIMArMT lM'rriT?; l,i,., nre erotl- pounded of the purest drug, nml in W which the Rillieted can rely. ARE TEIN0E, WALTON & COMPANY,' (Snccessors to C. W, BoLack,) SOLE PROPRIETORS, tfos. 86. 88. 0 anil OS Knst TTiird Sim, CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. WE8. MONTGOMERY, CYI.OJi WILLIAMS. Montgomery c Wiilams TOBACCONISTS, Post Office Building, Plattsmouth, JV. T. Wo keep constantly on hand a good assortment nf CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES. ETC., ETC.. ETC., CJ- GIVES VS A CALL! The latck-fctiin al. wy- hsn g out yit4. Ci. F. GYR. JE JSl. X Ir "3? BR. Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, sneh as HOLTSK, SIGN. OBNAMKNTAL and CAKKIAOK PAINTING, Gilding, GlnzinR ami Pper IfenemK. Shi p at the old stand, between the K. K. Chursli and School House, where I have the het of conveni ence for CarriaE", Wsirnn and Sign Fn'pUajz. Ofr me a call i' you want good work at low prices. O F. UYtiEK. Plattsmouth, April 9th. Cm DWELLI.(i at all price. Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property or Residences in town, will find them for sale at' alt prices. By K. M BORR12OTON, mrT. ltsiLSirrs tr PAIHTIlS. McELWAIN & PALES. Are now prepared to do all kind of wok in Ibr ir line. Such as HOIHE, A'lGN, OKKA MENTAL and CAKHIAGE I'ainting. GildinK, (ilaiziu, Gruir.is; and Paper Hamrin;. Fhop on Main street, opposite the Plattfl Vall7 House. Work done with d'fpatch, and sail fa:lioi uaraa t icd. Give us a call. April 2.J, oOra. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON D C F. M DORRINGTON. StTB AGENT: PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and prosecute ejaims bef r: Conirrcs", Court of Claims aud the Reps itiients. Pa tents, Pension-, Boant es, sod lioutity Lands ss cured. t'-ff Charges moderat.-, and in proportion t the imwit of the claim. F. I. DOHIllNGTO V April 10, '5. T'h. plMt to set PerfnnnerT af all k:nd i st BLACK. BVTIKRY CO.'S. take" STTicK. Bounty Increased. Pinsitxs due Sol diers ar d their heir?. F. M. Dorrimrton h!s this dy rtce v d fn.ri tha Department, the Law in fu'l with new biat.ki t -r ti e colleilon of additional Bym t es;i:.J ii crensed Pec sioi.s. and is ready to prosecute il tuiit claims as mny be entrusted to Lis care. Cal sl! exKinlne Fiist claimed is fir.t served F. M. I'CnEI.'.GTON. Plattsmouth, Ac-. 10, IsC-i. Buiued Out, BUT HOT DISCCUIIAGED. T. W. thryoek issiainat the old ft.ir,d prepared to wait upon his former custi m?rs, and th p-!Mi g-ni'rally, If yi-j wan: anjr:l,ir g n rhspc cf Fhiui tare er chairs, siva biai a clil. 2.1 tf -et n'-ar Jlain,PwU3Au:b, N. T. r x.xl.i ? B 0 B A T E K