She lcbraoka ptUvaltU LO('AL NEWS. frort Wttlitfluy't !: y. We learn thnt thn frrmiinp; of th B. t M. Riilnad is c-unrile'e to within 75 roi!s of Plattsmoutb and 2,000 cn btruo'.ioniit s urn enngeJ un tlits work. Om-ihu Herald. yTh Nebraska City News nv tlrore of COO hand of nh ej from Ed on county, Michigan, belonging to Ja-iin Yurann, pissed thnugh town thi even ing or. their wh to the liiue rirer. la?. CH'"lek. Dr.. Bijjelow, a noted 1 chvsioian of Boston sajs: ,rrm our past obsarvntiorn I do not believe, that cholera, should it appear in this country, willbs eo likelv to tiouble New England n it is to visit the ni iUr.ons reioim of tbo South ind West." Among ull the Uianj (liferent remedies ndveilifed tlu-re ure none that net so comilete'y hi an n tidote to this tnal irums yisn, nnd which i;ive vior and ctrenht, l)r Uobaek e Stomach Bitter and Blood Fill. The Biood I'iKs uot tlirectly on the liter, "causing 'l t0 l':?JW v ,JtJ d-leterious, nnd the !.:!-ti restore the np pc'.i'.a nod inviirnte the whole nvslem, thourouhly keeping off the terrible ecoure, cholera. j"Mr James Knox, savs the Slabs 7 i in, rfc-n Jirig in Ilt'iidri.ks precinct, on ti.e south lirut:ch of the Nemaha, related t j us I'u j foll'J 'tr. pmt.culars of a dispio ab!e ac". otnsiiittcJ on h;s .r luines. Un t':i liv ni-ht 1 it taveral peiSin visited Lis furm, uiid tukinp a hpan t.f mures kurtved t h r:'i r in a tits itcd t.uls clone to the ski:i ; tdi'iTid- a yearling colt and cut it t:il cC up clote ; took a pony nwny itnd fitlier killed it or bid it in the bru h ; 57" Wo nhoiihl f"W more mih. erihers to the IJailt Herald on Salt Creek. Our mail fHciliien are uch that ERROKS O? VoCTH. 4 irnun wh.. atffir'd w ymti from Ve- es Iirbilijy, I'lematore tiers, and all the off ct of papers can bf f-coifd every other dav ;! l.-tm.i. :t, Kid . to hi who u ! it. ti.e ie.ei and tlmi 20-then?c tahlry cn weil (rrd i !'l J ' 'r : "! '"' iy to pntroniz the only pappr that i labor- injj Tor i; n I vanm-nt fp vr more munpii. S ;id o wl.icb he w -ml 8 ! u-i-i:c' iheierti ti 'v k'.tc, c n; J ) ;! : i-j pcir-t. . : Cil.ijc Ji'. m Av i if) I5ii8m) No 4ilVI:rM.. ;.i ('fit ! Jlt nrp'-aru that Dr. F. K-nn. r, of Nebraska City. wn. lately appointed A. sentor for Th collection dimriet of Ne braska. but nfier be bud Mtti ndi-I 'I: BrownvilU conventimi. A. Jhni"ii thought better of it, and upt-on ted h man whom he cou'd us' . S. Ilol'iday of Brownville. A commfrcial reeord nhould he published corrected weeklv wivirip the market pr ce of certain political a-, pirants. CThe "conervitive" paper of Ne bra-ka are particularly severe upon Gen. Thayer; in fact, their whole force of vituperttion iit directed a-iinet liini The reagon is obvioon. tl- tifight ih ir parly in le mulh. There is a atudied -t fort on the part of every eonservative. rebel pper in the country to detract frorn iho merit, in n military point of view, of every officer who done efTecrunl aervice npainut reb-ils in the buttle field, nnd who continues to do likewise in the political field. Go ahead the 'boys in blue" expect it. Fiorn Moncluj't Vuily. (TS?"Go nnd hear the jo'nt debate to ntprht between Marquett aod Morion. We predict that Marquctt will u-e all thi-aruiiiL-iit that will be beard nnd that M.irton Mill have a trreut deal to cay nbouw the nigjii-r." Bear '1 bis in mind, and see if wo are not corr ct. (J.5?"The cainpnign wan commenced in earnest lat Saturday evepmg bt Rot-k upset a barrel of new s irhum and lei BuilTs. Speeches were made by lions. J. t'.io tujlasses rui upon the KrouudjiE. Do. -in. . B. Da U and A. L. Spr Rue pinned the molubves pan to tlie ound t E-fj. The-: placed the mutters before with i icit xo; uvertuined ubout thirty j the people in an ar;iiin'iil.'ii i ve ehape. fel of a bay tick; carried oil' four bul- j and it w.-f not without its elf ct. Some, tei; tore ilowii the ftiicen, iid did ev- : Democrats who were present ackuow! oral oiher aers of most mal.cious tins eded the force of their argument?, c'lief- Thof th-?: loo a covo:lt and ; and faid boldly ihaiihey were for the carrifd it Jjwn a fio.d, tiiik.iiig it its , Con-iit.onal Amendment, no matter they went for tho purpose, Mr. K. ttouks, I w' at action the D . uiocraiic party took of dicoyir. him out of the l.ou-e. lie A.-otb. r tbitig, i hat u.sis:e.l in elucidat Jid tut fallow because lie had been ; 'he U.ff-rencc be. ween the two par wamed by p. friend of an :titnii.a on j "en wa-. the f.ict Mine Democrats thj p-irt of 8 ir.e of ln.s n.-i-hb irs to ur who wer pre-enr showed a deposition, to MiiJ fuathcr, onen to It-tun him- Al ur dstu, b the invctin,;, whth is the be.t trin-' lifteiu or twoniv llOt3 the i.artv, of evidence that therr cause is weak, and h goirsg f or or ord-'rlne jr io Is. the tjr question to be -olv-d is wlo-re thev can b had no as to en ibl ih- pur ch-isi-r to 1'iake the greatest .r.S If th"V e:in b- bad ii ir home for about the s.' in rlV that Woo d baVi to r..- t at h jjre.irirr d sfane.H. it i- cr'ainlv an indiiciii-nr. Lt nur daler in Groce lie. L'qoors, e.c. rea-on upon this ub eet. anil when thev want anvthin,; in the I go Wf-theimr & Eppstein. in St. Joseph, and we doubt nt thev can 'ike it more profitable than to 8 n-l r go f irth 't en,f. je261m UNION PACIFIC .r2rLHrH-,J-,j KAIL EOAD1 open t()ki:aiim;v! FOR FREIGHTS PASbE..GERS eurpjsei to be six or cil.t iu uutubcr left". fT Workmen are engaged in laying tho 1 n talked of ptni.'t crossings. iJTlf bjm'jast, froth and Un tlillar ielures were nru aonts, bo ;v "sn :ip)Us Detnocrutie) would ?wim." jyLet every lover of free povern taent in Cass cjyaty I e present on Men. Uy tveniug, Oet. 1st, t bear the joiut d?batp between Minjujtt and Marion. yKratik While is engaged in jerk i.r.o:!;?r hotue absjut town ta day. lis d -s that bmines i up on short notice. la first rate mjIo. gT"Mj- John Tall., candidate for Lliubtr of Congrefe, arrived in to wn this nfteraaoii o t. hi way to Salt Creek, at whi.-h po lit ho speaks to-night. The Mj r."ports tliin' in goai shape north of FUtte. ylt is a curious fact that we have a party, known us he euppei j jhtison party, tased upon opposition to the Constitu tional Ainend:u-n:. Jet not an orj;an nor h tpeakvr in the party dare attack a nin p;lo provifion in that Amendment. V e ti'l know what their buais ol oppositioa is, yet they do not make it publ e. i'hey tried acting upon jirint-ijL- wh n they Kd.tpte J the Chicago pi-tifurm : but have .sound " that way of doing. from fvnitj lutlj. gryA lare pi.'ture of Gen Kobt. E. Lo, was railed for and won by M. Bach, I'sq., last evening. .tws. Ja.t fo. T vAnathor new definition has been a Med to the dir;i.i:urya use in th city, to wit : Econciiv Filling a news paper with family portraits of the editor (on wood --metal engravings coj too much) in ord-.-r to save type setting. Q"iT"Let every tua.i iu Cass countv ho j offesid to turning this Government cvir into the hands of unrepentant rrb fl,b present at th- ('BAND RALLY at Eld! T MILE GROVEThursdm Oc-. 4th. AVe hape also to i.ei- rt l:irg- attendanec cf those who oo think that the rebels ould rule (or those who nre aeti" c as though thev thought un), but Mich h nre willing to listen to facts aud ncknowl Jj their error hen they are convinced". their only hope of success in Keep ing arguments from the people. A ma jority of he Democrats who were pre sent (and there were a goodly number of ihem) were ci fii, nn.l appealed anxious lo ascertain jacis in regard to the Amend m en l quention. If a few unruly arid bo.slerous men think to gain party strength by interfering with tho quiei of public meetings, they are reeKoumg 'without their host,' ns that th ng has "play.d out." l'rom 7y Ihiily. 3Di"i Democracy of Cass coun ty hear anything drap" t the School House last uiglit, (5?" ov. S iun lers, Senator Thu-er, and others will be present nnd address the people at the Grove on the 4;h. r"A large stock of Fal1 and Winter clothing just received at Newman s Ciothing Emporium, wiiich will be sold at the bottom of the market Go quick, iu order to get the best selections. 23?" A team of horses belongiug to S Cole, Eq., got loose ye.sterd.17 evening and icuttered things generally. They ran among a lot of plows near Forgy's black. smith shop, and one of them broke a leg and otherwise injured himself. g3?"Wagon9 will be in readiness at the Court House, at 9 1-2 o'clock on Thursday morning, to convey all who wish to go to Eight Mile Grove. Let us have general turn out, with innsic and banners. Tha Flattsmouih Brass Band 13 instruments has been engaged for the occassion. "3?"iote it down, that Andrew Jack son Foppleton, who stands a bead and shoulders above Morton in the Demo cratic partv, said, in a speech at Omaha a few evenings since, that iht Democratic ;; ly jtwd lo the lel oath ! "That's What's the ni itter." The cars bejrin to protrude, noth withstanding the cioak of National Union." Are you, voter, in favor of repealing the test oath and al lowing red handed murdei ers in Congress? Co mmeriCiog Monday. Argai-t 20th, 18C6. the Un ion Vsviflc Kail UiaJ wiil iuarawcii(er aDd eight I'taias BET. 0MHA KEARNEY. Trains will 'evr Oina'ia PAILT (.Vunda ekcel ed), connecting t Ktrarnvy wilb Uoll day's Overland MAIL and EXPRESS COACHES fo Dcnvrr, S'l't l.akt, Virgini.1 City and all poiut in ('vlorttJ'', L'ttth. Ji"lto "ltd Montana. The UN ON I'aCIKIC EaIL 111 Al is anip'y tii'p.'il with fl le.Hls ciiache. f eipht cars id -liKiur, t ilo -r.(in ly all I nsints lliat mav off. r. I'a- kt my rely n ciuse coniiecimia eisl anil e-t aii'l -hipper' nr.- .-.n d thi' ul! freig'.t will rcM-ivt dispnich ami leci.rn':y baiolUd. SA ML. B. KK'b, Genl upt. W. SNYDE'a. Gen'l V ei8'lit St li.ket As'l. Ondiia. Anp. 16, 166 aujf?0dtw8ui. JEWELRY STORE The cr.l"r li.ivinu purchased. the H'd Plme on 2.1 llle,, l.iJely occupit.i I'y ;ii ry '! .alien., would'.y tlie citiz-m of riatt.-ui .ath and vicluOy. taut be has icSiltrd ih.) itu.c and upeucil a lar-"u tio-'li of 3" WESIjR'Y AND FANCY ARTICLES For Indie., Gnt, Thi'd'n. and the r("vt of mankind and is prrparnl t da all kind f WAT II CLOCK t.ND JEWELIf.Y REPAIRING In the hel manner, and wo til J l.: ti j py Imnvri i ul.i and a- injy new c si"iiiev a-may ijiv.- h m ih.-i pn', afiiiu; thtfii f ih.'ir oik u-ti hair, al m-alrt'ile p ic.'-.a"! on fli-.rt time ih- nick, emti''aci.i e e:'.v vi i'y nt ir i d-n-u id k pt t n lirj.1 c k Jrw-iiy rt re will h l f i-i pr cc, and wiranie.! af t mikiu iio-iiip ii n ha- ami a rui hi toi a ol FAMILY GROCERIES which wilt be froai tim to tim and ol I at the l wesi figures. Having prim i. em.y lo cal d In thi city. 1 respeciiiiily folk-it a share of pa i.omiRc, aol corlitlly inviti ait to call and rum n Hit- at.K- on lu.i'l. a we would te p'-aed in aerre you a--d do not a-k yoa o b'.y unli:- we c.u m.ltJ it r v.iur luterent to patronize a-. deciTif K. n. E4TON". Wm. M uWIiiiaim & Co., One door west of Dondaus Drugstore. Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS II ATS. rAIS. BOOTS. SHOES. TH USA'S, 1' A USES, and a general atotk of OUTFITTING GOODS Por the Plaioa; also, a larpe lot of R UBB ER CL O TI1LYG R E VOL I ERS JUfD A'OTIOXS. We tx.uzht low and will ell cheap for cash. Cal. and i xamiue our stock before jou buy any where el. el jyl JS Win. a rAUKLMAKrl t'o. FARM AND TIMBER LAND FOIt SALE. I ba cn rhe be t fa-ms ili Neb tat, aim, a g toi body ut liiotH-r and a quantity of u. iu. proved prai ri" land, wi.ic 1 I ofTr 1. Th re .re Btro l I -lrv iicn'o m ale', t O'k n.t timtier on 'ha placy and i 1 j 'I IkI'.o Mock Unn. tr la-tlit:. li' ucb sr., ad .r.. O. W, f', A ,n lov'm 1' a t mouth, K. T. O K. It I'H. Cll IT -V H ' iiXTOj, i ..V ''f .i.i Jf'r. Att triiey 'it I. a- IRISH, CALHOUN & Cil OX f ON. The aSove nm d ee.n'-n : in.a as K-iai 'b'-msr.Tri In L.'Mi.e -s f lie pu p e . f r e in u aoi c l.econ ' c irn una u-t -h- '! ('.uvernnirot. : ..i. t axv nio.- of 1. ,li i.h. a d r i" . t - 1 o I-.. t ' h rlhi u i iih.-r efu n ro..irre-, a ' t.!i . IVfJ."" t- ..r ..ov rimie . r t:i.rr ihe C.iu at Ci:iini. Mh Iki-h wifl ev i.i- pe ..: .! ' eaurn to lle ruill-K at Wahilij;'o'i. 5" iflic ' at Nali.e k 1 Cl,oi.r of Main an : F fill (tree. a. NEW M A N TAIiE NOTICE. Bout iy Increased. P.vsions due Sol diers u d their heirs. F. V. DoTinjitnn h a thi-. d y rpce y d from th II. lir'lil"M, Ih" haw to full uh ne blank foe tl codoeiioo or additional K u t e and it:c.ea-d Pan -sioi a and i .eady 10 pro-'Cute all .-u-ti claims a "ay li 'tlil lisl il i.i hi- cue. Cal aud . x.illllu. Fiiat ti..imed i flr-t -ivd F. M. DfllKOTON riattHDiouth. Auk- 1" 1S- Willccx k Gibbs' NOISELESS SKWINO MACHINE. Tlie YlJt .tlacliine in IJ- Oomr and " thi ail. lit aod 'a-an-i'u "n.irii' whether you wi-h to puichae or not . It w i.i cli.u o. and p'e you. tj-PltlfK Fit 'M V t"n. The-tiH-l tu.l hy o.l- M chine la new aud cr : b- TteiJ tut Limp StiU-li' "K a hen I ful, elaa i.' aid durable aain wh;ch t o airouR Iha a pie e talf an iuch lourf cut from it cju i t be. pulle.i ep.m" F. P. TODD, Agent forVVILLOOX & OIBH. Wil KEI.K t WILSON, GROVE,. & BKK't and FLOUF.XCE. Office at B. NKtVXlAN"- Cl'tbing Euip ,r.uin, Plattsmoutii, Neb. Aiiff.7th,'6G:w!id !m Admiiiit! atoi' M at Noti"e ia he ehy ft veil, th t Ihe- will be 'd si puslie i.ucii .n. on Tt'E- l V. Ihe 16 h tl of Octo tier ISOO. at the limcli ofsopytt aik r, ..t .iii Cnek i'.nil ( as county, Ncb.aska, the foiiowiii): per-ou il propyl 'y, to wit: 600 head of tin- he'p, 3 work ma res, 1 ial!ioii. 3 yea rs old, 3 four year old mules. 1 last priiio' mule colt, 1 jack. o years old, 3 yoke 3 year old cattle, 6 cows, 2 yearlinn calves, 3 spring calves, ANo, lo' of Africa! ifHl Implement, itou-el'Oid Fniuitute, liny, ' ai'i & : , c. P LA T I'SMO U Til. on Siiurda y the 2iltU lay of October, ifertfi. a lot of II .u-eho"d Kuruiiine, 'nela.dtna Stoveii. I(eh ine Tah'es.-t.uid-, Cli.i ri Jt.j .,&c. Al one s.i.a l Iron sal ; Lum be , & . TtKMs: Jah on day of ale. J. V. WISE. Ad"i r e-tate of f. A, Saipy. d- ed. PlitiUtnou'li, Se t IS K65. ept 2.i. ii3. BAKEB Y, GaOCJERIES & PROVISIONS. MATH'S S:NS. (Mice '-(ira to J. Pared Sohp.) Pl.ATTM lUTn, Neb. Ke"p on-tantly on h ind a gojd supy of iitUuAO, i'ii:s, CAKES and everything in the line. Also groceries cf- ruorisioys of all kinds. Wasted : Country Produce Bu'ter, E;g, c. S3" Give us a c!l. ept 25. 1306. LoitM.n .M.Uk and TiiiiM) StkhetsPhttsmoutif, N. T 3L,ilIGrI3ST Of TKITTIXG CLOflliNG HOUSE IN THE WEST! Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods; K8 :.(, i a, I5oo!, Shoe. Trunks. ,T ilHc, AIo a a'-','-' 'ul of KU3BER CLOTH.c;; AND REVOLVERS Or all de cripnoi.s always on hand. 3Call a'ld rxiini'ie my extensive slock atd the New Masonic Brick Building. 33. Newman. PbUtamouth, April 10th, 1806. Simpson, Sharp tfe Co., Wholesale and Retail 1 MARRIED. At the residence ol the bride's mother. in ibis city, on 'he '16 b ult., Iy the Rev J. (J. Miller. lie? 11. II. Skagoi nnd Miss Amy, (J. V. Lvcan. In this citv, S-pt. 30:h, hy Jude M;ir brill. Mr. Gewrgs IIakdwick ond Mi K iA E. PtlVtR. rfrort AtrtinJtiSf'm i.'a.iy Tl (irnve, E-q., i now reidv to attenj to eutonnra in bin new brick hop, one door vret of th Court Iloue. s?The Ere tried loyalijits of the Sooth ure poing over A. Johnson's trnclt to pick up the Constitution and the thirty iz tlur he dropped ou the route. "(i to Ei-ht i.ile Grove on Thuri day the -S hofOctober. The Plattsmouth Brass Bund hs been engaged for th O.'CAaUin. C"The only reason why Andrew Jnhn- 3n didn't reto the AtUntrt Telegraph Cable was thai he would Lave been obliged to take water, hich is wholly incompatible with "Mv Policy !' "Tbe two "stool pigeons" to trca ion Paddock and Lockwood pushed tbroowh our city to d;iy, on a 'flying" iit to Norrh Platte. We look for Thaytratd Irish, tl.o ra reeking an fciiRwer to their invitatioc to debate, to Dli-D- I" this eity on the 2o:h int Minn Ll v Randall, nged 17 years. To the Farmers of Cass Co- Wheat wanted at Coopers WnrehouHe, Plattsmouth, for which I will pay the highest market price in cash. Call aod tee us. w 2. J. S. Tewksbcht. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership, in theL'Terv bui ne-", heretofore existing between th" un designed, under the name and alyle f Shannon & Orr, is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having anv account whatever with the firm are re oneted to con e forward irrmediatelr and settle. John Shannon. II N. Orr. The. business will herenfter be cna dnctid by the undersigned, at the old stand, where thebe.t of nccnntmodstions are offered. John VV. Shannon: sept 15 w 3. FURNITURE, CO FF i nsr s 9 AND Cabinet - Work ! H- BOECK Hivirg 'nlaieed bis hop and Sal'ti rooms won d respectliiliy r m nd Ibe people in this vicinity that he tan furui-b them w th tb very best ruiu ture. Chair-., or o her Cabieet-wtirk. at the mo.i iea.m- bie rate I t-h !1 ke p coD-tantiy on nana a ia e n, T'nirDi ol Eaxtrm Wort and ni nlo,l oii auuiaclu aiivihtue in tny linaon hori notice A laige aia-.' meiit .f Kcji y nia.le Ci fnoa aept at ! tiuie. h'i and tnuiue my toc ann firtcea jelOddw tf U. BO.CK o to lilac, Paitery A Co. 'a for jour Lard 01 VI and Lubricator W. MICKBLWalT, H. J. iHABP. LUMBER - YARD. Irlickclwalt &. Sharp Dealer In Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Oiajrs, Sanri, Blinds, Picket. anl very variety of Cottonwood, Walnut and Oak Lumber. Will kp onbtantly on band Cord wood, both C0U01 and Ojk. Aliotdera promptif filled. J3" office on I.eve- Street, aouth of C. L. CooperS Feed and Oram Pencil, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. Ifovember 8th, 1665. firn Win- II- I'Cmkc, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OF POSTOFFICE, Plattsmouth; Nebraska. 1 -e27 1S63 tf ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up hy the -ubf-criber on hi premise) h Louisville l'r-ci net, Cs county, on the 8ih day of ept , Ib'KJ, one Mole of a bay col ir, having the p pearauce of a wo iked animal, "i,ie a euppOrai to be eiiilil or nine year old. The owori tin pro cure said ni:::al by making pplicati..n at uiy rsi-di-nce. JOHN INIIKLDKR. PlalUmoulh, N.T., Sept. 8. 18SS cp -l(l,4. TAX NOTICE- PAINTIITG. McELWAl N & FAI.ES. ArJ now ptepared to do all kind of wo k in their ,ioe. Such llof K. .SIliN, OKN A !tN TAL am! CKltlAI.K al'iting. .iiiliD(i, GlaUioa. Grai. iof u: d Paper Hi.uciuK. -h p on Mam rlreet, opposite the Phitts Valley H-ok. Vork d ine with dispatch, and eati fartion puaran t ied oivr uc a call. Ap. il 5!3, rldm. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON D- C F. M DORRlNGTONr 6D8 AGENT: PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, I prepared to present and rronecu'e ciairrn before Co:i(irei., Court of Claim and the Dept .m-n-.. p. tents Pension-, B ount es, and Bounly Land se emed. IlfClnrKU moderate, and In fro.-ortio'i te the am u "t cfthe claim J. If. DORUINGTOV A pril 1 0, '66. HARNESS MI OP. Tha underitaed bavioc purchased he e?tah'Ih mcr.t formerly owned by it. K Vurphy, ia prepared to accsnwi.aale customer with arylhing in he 'in., such as H A RNSSS, SADDLtS. BKiOLE COLLAR-. WH.'I'S r-UKs, and rv.rjihii,g elt that may b call'd for. Kepairing dona on short notice, and at re- c , tie ruin. Aprl6:w O W COLBTRIOHT. 'fht pla to ret PeTfnrrery a' all ktt'd ia at J. BLACK, t'CTTEBY A CO.'S. Ornci Ciilsctor or IsTtuXAL Kivfxvb, Di 1 lrit o I lie Territory ( Nelira NEBKiSKa ClT-, September 27ih, 1866 ) Anauii 1-Ut for 1SC6. Notice is hi r by KiV' n, thst the Annual List of Taxe- assessed iu acc. rtlaoce won ine provision (. the Ac or Cotisr-t.s, appr ised June .ii) n, ISb4. aa an eo.led by ihe Acl of Ma ch Srd, 1S!5. for th- yeats eliding I'eceoiber 3 St, lsoi ai d Slay lt, l50ti,l.ave laren teturlieci to nte by llie A or of tbi Ln-trr;, and std laxea are nw due aud py able, and liayniei.t thereof s hereby denini mjt. anil ibt 1 wiii in pen-on or depu;y attend it th- oltice of 11. .-purlo.k, Countv Cle k un .umhuhi .Mi..uuiy in said lust let t.n the 9 baud lOtu d.ys of October, lstiti fo the iiuroose ol receiving aid taxes. All n rsous wh xha 1 ne?l '-' Pyt aronu t of their taxes her-liy deta in h d, on or htfore ti.e diy lat above named: vrnl te name to ! thereon ajajoalt. or ten ,e cictum noinonai ua a lee i twenty cents for se v. t g a special aeniaml ar.d n tire, to -i er Willi fun centa a mi!- traveling fee a. toaily and necessarily traveled to make service eof.ll Uttjce hjurs from 9 c-Vh-ck a. m., to 5 'clock p. m JO-EPU E L aVastLR, caiecior. By II. C. Bnor. Deputy Collector. Sept. 7, 1566, w2 WES. M0NTG0MEBV. CVLON WILLIAMS. Montgomery 8c "Willams TOBACCONISTS, Post Office BuilJimz, Platlsmouih. -V. T. We keep constancy en hand a (nod assortment of GIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES ETC., ETC.. ETC.y t3 QITBS rS A CALL! The latch-stiln- a! wys Dangs oofc - 17.' stlit Heceiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealers in FANCY AXD STAPLE GROCERIES, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, ST. LOUIS FLOUR, DOORS, SASH, WINDOW -BLINDS, GLASS, PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Alio, Stents for tbsceUbrated SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK MOWER Quaker Boy and Wood's Mionisan "X7Cr s AND REAPER, Mowers, " CO ja.lldwa 1V tnii all to Call and Set us, and Examine our Slock. Simpson, Sharp & Co. W. L. IHOKAS' Picture (liillery Li3 Knrih Fide Main ft . . -r - ieVfR?. PLArrsMoirrn, I . r "'I AkWT.'- i i mm - . N.T. ATt .Ai Fist mes taken of all Kinds- Xmbrotvnes. Photoffranhs. Gem Pictures, &c. A good assortment of Cases Frames Albmnul &e-, contantlv kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames made to order, of any size WK. R. PEN1CK, WM. L0VINQ. PENICK & LOVING, th Wholesale Dealers ia Patent Medicines, Chemicals, (lass, Paints, (lils, Pure "Wines and Liquors, Coa Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- 3 &. S SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- J-W. are the NerthireteTn Wboletale Agrrl for Dr. D. Jajne A Hop, atd Pr. J. C. Ayr Co., aid cao furcith tht-lr mcdlciies la any qnantitle. jan2t ly OR BOBACK'S BLOOD PILLS BLOOD PILLS AND Blood Purifier! BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD i BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. roa Scrofula, Stjrfiili.i, Shin Dis ease, Oil Sores, Sttlt Jihetttn, Dyspejtsla or Jtutiyestioii; SICK HEADACHE Liver Comjtlaints, liheiunitiisnt, x ever ami lyae, Ar. .ln thoity's lire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS- Erysipelas, Tumors, Hrnptiowt, V......'..... .... sumption, etc. q q q q (5 q q ? ? 07TK rasrsoa writes, her diuiUU'r i'.u,Vl"J Of Fita of nine years t:uidiiij;. and Kt. lt'4S amice ot two jc:irs. , ANoTHEIt writes, hia i-on cured niter hin flesh had almost wasted away. The doctor pronoiineeid the i-a-ie itwtii:i'. ANOTllKIt wa ctiro.l of i-ovoi ini l A k u j lif ter tryins every ttte.lifin in liirt rc-iu'lt. A.uiiitK w:i9 oiiie.i 01 tever rsore niun bad existed foui-toon yours. ANO i ll KK of ItliPiinintmm or ciglit yenrs. . Cnsa iniii'.iiiornlile of ryHixi'Siii mot I.i vol Compliant could lie itiiMiiinnt..T, it, wliiuh tl; t'urinor nud I'll I woru lilie ti cunrin. THE BLOOD FILLS Are tlie most sv.'Uve nn.l t!iot.mi;li pills liu.t have evor beem itiii.i.lm-o.l. Tlny n. t so rlr rectly upon the Ijver, exciting Unit organ ta licit nn extent ns tlmt Ihe sonO'in .1 en not m lapse into its former I'oioi.tiini, u Im-li m ! u I to de the CK.10 with h purgitite pill. Tliey aru n BLOOD AND LIVER PILL; nnd in conjunction with the BLOOD PURIFIER! Will cure all the iirorementiouivl iline.iMes, an. I. of themselves, mil tt-lieve ami cure Headache, Costiveness, Colio rams, Cholera Morbus, Indigestion, Pain in the Bowels, Dizziness, fee, dec , jill. lioBACK'S Stomach Bitters! Clinulil be useil by convitle'eiits to !r ngthea the prostration tvhiuh alunya follows acuta disense. Try these me.lieines, and you will never ra eret it. Ak your neihimri tho liavo used thrni. nii't thev will fay thev nre GOOD MEDICINES, ami vou should try them ba- ore going tor a uysiuinn. PRINCE. WALTON & CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Kolck.) SOLE PROPRIETORS, Nos. 66, 68, 60 & 62 E. Third St., CIlVCIIVJVA.Ti, o. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. c. r. OVGEU, Is prepared to Ho nil kind of -nrk In li i- line, sncii a ll ll'SK, S10N. ORNAMKNTAL u l CAilKlAOK PAINTING, Uildirft. Glume ami Paper ilnuKii.a. Shi r at the old Biand. ln-tweeu V hi. t.. I hurcn and School Houe, where I have ihe best ot Converg ences for Carriaen. W'aon and Siijii Fa'ntiuff. biva me a call i' yon want good work at low prices. Flattsmoutb, Apiil 9ih. C n DWELLIXUS at nil price. Anv re-son wihhire to ri'.rchae Farm-property, mt Re'idences iu tuwn, will flndliniu fur aai aA all prices, toy m. ja. iiupin.iyiv.i, nn7. lino. KnTE Anvr NEW Boot & Shoe Shop. The suhi-criber wouhl re-nectfully call the atten tion of the citiieni-or 1'lwtii.mouth and tbepnbH at iKe to the fact thus he ha located one door eat of Oonelan's t'rtijj ftore, wnere ne intends keeping in hand and m.kii a on ihe t-horten notice, evei y uriiclein bis line. Hi Mock beinK 6!ectrd by biu elf. and having si.ent the most of bis life in :ti bukiness, he frels confident that he can give satisfs lion. Give him a call. April I a 6 J. THOCKMORTOW. Tailoring The nnd.rrigned has (rln opnfd a TAILOR SHOP at bi Old Siaod. north of the new hud.' on Second streot. where he is prrpsred to do all wvrk nl his line on reasonabl terms. John waul. August U, lSj Ilaivd for sale. Th northwet fracionel o,nat tr Section 4, Twn ship II, north . f Rane. 13 estt, itu'ed but a fsw miles f'orn f latismontb, co itainluK Ii.O a-res. Addreas. JAM: S MrAKTUUR. angSfe r:tm t. 1 euir, lio , 416 Main .treat. jgURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. 18C6 EASTWARD 18G6 Short and Quick Route id CHCAGO AND THE EAST. In eon ne lion with the Des Moines Valley and O'dicago, Ltarliugton and Quiocy Railroads. Three trains leave Ottumwa daily on arrival af D -s Moines Valley trains. BDT VOL'S TICKETS VIA 0TTUMV7A and EUELINQTON, I0R SALE AT PLATTSMOUTH, 0MA3A, COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DKS MOINES, KSOXVILLE, ALBIA, MONROE, l'ELLA. OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE. OTTU3IWA. Btggage checked from OttuirivvaJ la Chicarjo and the Hal. P.iBeer hive choice of all the grett line l.-4-ing iiorth, m and S'.u'l., and will find t.ckwi ta ail p. mcrpal pciots rlat by all tou'.esat tt aOttumwa ticnei oflice of thi company. - PisMnecs wul fU4 tbui route Q'tick, Eif tid Sure in in conricctioBs. - , C. E.PEEKI58, Enprrtatiai!. L. C'AErER, Gt-n'-ra! rriiht ai 1 l'3s.ei;.- Agi I :i ' I " .f 1 i 4