Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 26, 1866, Image 2

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    5Ehc iTrbrnsfcit herald
Member of Congrf.
lr ViUgate in CongrtM.
F.or V, rriiurial A u(7:to,:
for Tsrri'oriul Trtonurtr.
Fr Te.rito 'ml I.ibrmi-m.
. S. KNOX.
Coumy Ticket.
Ccvncll.nan or Hc.uttor for Cas Cuutj.
JArJ. i r ur,-in.i: "' Smati-r for Ct-.a, ncuaUt;
ijli-.e, i' iiiudtrx nn-l .iV.crif tv-i.'i?.
llj'iSi. of H'lJimtH'tttlce.
A. 15. FCLLEU,
Uliri'IM.ICA.'V VTtiOX
Ve, the republican Union party of KeTi! in
Ci-nv'tit o:i Jnil1tl. Iiori by 'ir qa il t- diy inlorne
n ! -.-.t th. Om-titu''oul Ainci.itiu ut i-.-d ly
t!i Hi) !i Co .cro-H, ifl snhMitted n" rat i.SLi.uon to
tlid a. .-, at :ii..i -I lie UiOou, to-wit :
Jjl T lie- :iOi ti-..p"CiK an amendment to
tbe C ntliiu i. ii i.: tii- t'.iil.d t:.fs
Hi it ennfd ly fie! :.o l tlous of Rir
;uiMiV'-i of tin! I'hI'hI Mu'.r of wro-ik-a in On
gre't a- mot",!. (f'C' fiinU ..' '."(V u- - co;i '
riif.) 'but tl,e follow i; B ait c e be pioij..aJ to
th Leri'at re.' of th rVer il Hh:m t i iimoid
Ki 'lit to :l, Conn ' Pulion if the l'u;ted Sia;r, wi icli
ba ru.ifi d by I tree f -art', of b.uiI L'V 1 itm .
dull be raid m pail of 'lie Coi.a i:uIso:i, namely :
frrriox I. All rer.-oas bom ov nitai a it.d in Hip
I Lifil s;atf and 'itiirt In tiie juriwli riion :h ie.f
eie.i -:i 'f tiie Uui ed State- au-1 of iln- H'. e
h-n in liiev 1 .-s do. N Stile sli i I make or enfor.e
aiy 'aw wui..!i '.il abrila the o ivii. gen or tin-
ni'inl'k" of t iiK-9 i of tl.e I'niu J SirUe.s; ri r nil
any Sia il" any I'fr 'a of li'e. lib' rt.r i rpinp
crtv, Wi'ii ut d I pr-' : - - f I.-. vr, fijr deny to any
rvui urUhin in jarii iicticn tin ftjual jintectiitu
cf t it I nit.
tec. 2. rpr,-rT.ta.Te .i.i!l be ap-jurtio ne
a.. ti'iT.:! pt:tt? accin-iiiui? t- tliir rfpc ii'iiu!-' cj. luting tb wt.olc r'iruer of t'tiou
!n cacli &'. xpludi!'ir In-Hin not lnxe'l. fiui
U -u tlio rtjbl 1 1 v t ; at any -lcctifii for li e il.oicc
f iIbui h f r Pi' idcut an'l Vic rroi'Vnt of the
Unitrl Stat-'. ri'p'v.tttiVf iu Con j rt t I lis Xe
eu'.iye and Ji:i';i: al clficsra of a tuf, r ibe in', in
brrj of th b M-!;ilurM ther"of, i ileni-'l to ut-y of
t!.e ni1 laUti;ut.-i of attch rft.ite, bene ivruij-
m:f rr of f . HtiJ i-iilz-Ki of the l.'nite'I States,
r In any wv ubri 'ttd, except f rrt!uiptioit i i
r'bi.iiou or nther I'lim . Hi 6 '- of rr ..! t' i- n
t irr- t le rt'lucl in th iirn; ( ic.'.ii h
th. Hn of ur tnnle e t.'zinn rhnlt Lt'tr to thr
to W '-' o" ;;j :i citizem twenty-one yea. of
ag i' 'tcA sin:.
Skc. 8 No person Miill be S -aatir cr
aDtative in C'.ii:'i m. or i-in'tur of Pre iibi.t er
bol l (my C'il or mi it try, unJ-r h I'n'i' H
Sii!, ur uai i' ;iy -tit, who ha; b.K reviuu:jr
tskn an ( i h. as a nior.i icr oi Cj .(!ie-. or h an
un.-ei of .h L":ii:o I St t!3s, or a a tcinbor of aoy
tuit L'-'Billtare. or at aa t-xtcu; voi' ial f!i
ct'tf ii Staie, to iipi irt the '"0111 ution of tiie
Ua to i ?!', 'oiJt A tr enqnyl iu insurre.-lion
re'iptlwii tj tiust te H'lum. or gic?n ai l r cm
f.irl t t e eneniet Viertif. Hut c. Di:r tuny by a
cte of tiro-tbiid cf eacb Houe, iet::ove cUiU a
h0 4" Tbo validity of Ibe puliie it-bt of the
Ur.itsl tita!j, o:!th'ir!zM by liw, iur-tti Jiu 'di-t't -iii-urie'l
for payiuut f p"iiiou Had b.iauiic fnr
1 TT-rri in mu! ;r-?.n iniirr ctin or rcl-fliion.
th'tli not os q'tfMtioiied . bur. iirtth'r tbt L'uar't
Jrt'Ate? u-rv rinv S;at' u m;1 a'urT.n '. P iv any r
or ..b ,;ntn) Incnrre-i in aitl nf iisur- e tiii or re.
i-lli t.t a.iir-t tin I'nit il Stntea. or tiny cl-iim fnr
t'.e tot o1' sm-irjij'(i:ini of tttiy n'ure ; o:t Mii'h
drt'l-i. o ligulnj and c!aiai eUall ba h ;!J iil'g it
an 1 void.
t't-C. .1 1 hfi C'-'ti""." fchi'l have powr tj t n-f-ir.e
I t api ropi.te Ua lalat.on, tb provifti-'tis of
this ::Vc!t.
s;ai.r of tl. i i',o-,eof Hprtf-ntiitic.
President of thfl rjeota jrtt tempore.
bat loyalty thull d'rvct aud con!rjI
tbe dc-11 inia or lh:H N.i it u.
HtHolce.l. That the t!.Hera rf Ur- L"ii ion who bty
ar.i th. N" ition f om da-t ci.'tton by ; iced trai orj.
tba.'l. in !lii fiitti. in tiiL- pa-t. I.wcur ! eiriy
ro oper ti n au't unfa.t irinir eu;p.i .t. ami tint w
arr i -a-;ol to to f ct 1I1 it th pe pi of i!-i
Kepal'i ni n -r f'u' y d s -hnr-o tl. i-t of t rati
ludi' ah iili Ih-'y 1 w to tbd L'mou fottif? and tail
crs who e ?el f- aoi : ii 'i:ic pttriotlMn ;m,i blood tuTc
pre-onr-! -:o! i utm:i il lioir r ; 01 tli'a oont ino t.
I a IaK CT a O 7 iOTI(D K
If-.tlr-is h.-rr-by given that on TL'KsDAY. fhe 9:i
May of fln j'vr t.rxt. at ihe n-ual place hvkln g
Et.c!io:ts ( r as near the e p'aciitnide) in the
-" al I'lci'i'ii of I'iia C'j'tnty, Nebr.if'ki, all Klen
lion il! lo bod f r .Mrmh-r of Cniir
aud DfVga'e to t ngrea ; oa Territorinl Tr.
nrcr, oiij Te rl'ori.ii Aiioitor atrl tote Tcri-H
Librarian; oue Veolr of 'he Council f-r 0,4,
County, and ou' J int Mmbr of tbe 1 ouiic: for ibe
couctlof Ci". l.aur'H?tci , S ine. S.iTi,..-r hi
ritnrd; Tour ( 4) Membtoa of tbe Uou-euf Kepie
aan'ativ for Ci c u ty ; one t'ontity Coumiia Min
er lor th- Hur l i3 di lm:rict 'Mr. rieaaar.') ; one
. rm-r, tlir-' (i) J ti. ol Kleoiton au t twoClek
f fe.iec'-iou f r e trh reoiiiCtand o::e Hoad Miper
vlaor for each road l-iitt-ict.
Wbiuti Kite iou will be opened at Hire (&) o'clock
in the morning w.ll conti me o,.ea tnnit a'.z (6)
v't.ork in toe ft- rnoon of the tame day.
J or... r vf taa
Tbl Siddiy of Buptcauer, A. 131.
. p:7,ISli Comity Crli.
Wu ft-k vv?ry i ri t ! ' iyp cr,
Aeil-iKe.iiiintj Is -l.ra-'Ka , uf
whatever poliucul Lit f, will you caM
your vnte in utain a ''policy which is
utterly ruinous to the North? It is not
a mere pariy question, but it ia one in
which nil are alike interested It i
the policy of Andrew Johnson, we re
fr to. The policy will deprive the
Xorth not th" Riput.iic;.n party alone,
hut the people of the Northern States
ti twenty-three in unbars of Con
iji-e.-s and the snme number cf Elec
toral vo'es. and give them to the late
lave holding Suites. The pulicy which
makes 56 voters in the South equal to
100 voters in the Noith. This is no,
coiifined to party. It act directly upon
the pecple, whether Democrat cr Re
publican. Are you, Democrat?, will
ing to give up n portion of your rights,
and agree that any man, because he
lives in a State where negroes were
Tint leli ves the 'Coristituti-jnal
Amendment rarrios with it negro suf
frage? Lock wood and Rread and
Butter Paddack are trying to mislead
men by maling such statements. Lock
wcod had the hardihood to insnlt the
intelligence of the people of this ciiy
by making t!ie assertion here in the
Ci pperhead Convention on the 12th.
Now we as-k any man whose mind is
not perfectly clear upon this point, t
take the document, which can be found
on the second page, first column of the
IIekax.!), and read it carefully for him
self. It only says that the votin pop
ulation shall be the basis of repreien
ta'.jon in Congress, and leaves the
question of who shall be voters entire
!y with the States themselves. If the
Southern Stales want the negroes to
vote, they are at perfect liberty to have
them do so; and if they do not want
them to rote, nil tho Amendment asks
formerly owned as prperiy, shall have 0f them is that ihey be not counted in the
double the voice i.i national alnurs thai basis of representation. This provis
you do? Will you vote to sustain auch acts upon the North the same as
a policy? Do you -ay you d. not so ,,.,on the South, and declares that each
undrrst iiid it ? D you say you un- person shall vote for himself only not
der.-tood it only as a question as to fcr those who are disfranchised. We
A-hether the Southern States shall be uVfy any man, whether Democrat,
i-.nnediale'iy nJmi'.ted to represeniatitui sold - out Republican or ex-rebel, to
in Consrest? If this i youT under- prove that the Constitutional Amend-
triiFit:-s Ptn:)t:. t
A larj-e reward will shod be rift red
(not in the shape o vote) ftr reha l-l-information
concerning the whereabouts
of one A. S. Paddock, ho was last
seen in the vicinity of Nebraska City,
in company wiiha gectiemen frmii Put
in-I3iy, Ohio. " They aj pearnl 10 be
in great of souivthiu, and were
endeavoring to hastily and as secretly
as possible make their way "tward.
the southern and western portions of
Nebraska." Their numerous friends
throughout the Territory fear some ac
cident has befallen them. Mnj.TatlV
has written and publL-htd a letter in
the hope it may meet the i-ye of the
wanderers; Maj. Ralcome has tele
graphed "touarda" th section vl
country where they were hi.-t -.ecu ;
Senator Thayer, Col. Irish and Col.
Mason are all engaged in scouring the
country in the hope of getting some
clue to their whereabouts. We are
inclined to the belief that they are n
mjr ; and we think an odor will come
frmn "ihe southern and western por
tions of the Territory' from and after
the 9 h of October w hich will be coo
vincinjT of that fact.
standing cf it, you are certainly in the
dark. Why is it that they of the Sjuih
are in such a great hurry all a: once to
b represented in Congress ! Did not
theystny away for five years of their
own accord ? And would it he such n
very hardship and injustice fur
them to wait un'il their tlilT- rent Sir.l-'
Legislatures could meet ar;J pass tbe
Constitutional Amendment ? Ah! but
there's the rub." They want fo come
back in the full pomp of power and
glory. They want to be abl to say to
the northern soldiery "you had th ad
vantage when you whipped us on the
fi-dd : wh: has it now?" Yes, who
witild have it? Why, one rebel goer
nlla would be euoal to two Union sol
diers! Yes. or two Copperheads, either!!
Do you ask why or how ihry would b
equal? is the' simplest limn:
in the world. The voters in the South
would vote for themselves and then for
the negroes; or in other words, they are
to entitled the tame representation for
the four millions negroes who live th -re
that four millions of white voters in the
North h.ive--not four millions of lie
pullic'ttiS in the North, but four millions
mM)t carries with it negro suffrage.
The only possible way it could be tor
tured into uriy such construction would
bo on the ptiri'.-iple that the Southern
Sta'es would ive them the franchise
rather than not have the power which
that increased representation would uf
ford them. Let thoughtful men mark
well the 'dwiiia()2ura who a-sert any
such doctrines, and let them be called
upon for the proof of their assertion.
We print bei v some ertracls from
the New Yoik lhrald a Johnson pa
per, which are decid. dly rich. Tney :
Plattsmouth, Sept. 2'2i, lSGG
Pursuant to pullished call, th Con
vention assembled at the Court House
in Plaitsmouth, at 3 oYI- ck p m.
Oil motion. Hon. S. Maxweil was
called to the chair, and II. D. II itha
way chosen Secretary.
On uioti t, Messrs. J. 1'. Doom, D.
Cole and U. W. Courtnht were ap
pointed a commi'tee on credentials.
On moti'in, Messrs. Htlhaway, Aus
tin ana Hoover were appointed a com
miltee on resolutions.
The committee on credentials repor
ted the following names of persons
present muled lo seats in this Con-
vtr; South Rend, D.itn-1 Sweeney
Suit Cie,-k. C. SluflVr.
On motion, convention adjourned.'
' S. MAXWELL, Ch'ii.
H. D. Hathaway, S. c'y.
show conclusively what the fate of 'My s vennon
l'oiicv" is. io be. ana what a Joh)iso,i PlulismovthL.. H. lilach. S. Max-
- - j - - v-
nuner reailv thiuks about the Cons i;u- well. A. L,. bpuiL'ue, .1. Ioom, 1 1.
(-uiaaa-iii aawafi - l7
inocra'.s or
of voters, wliether
publicnns. Are you. son of the Em-
yuu w!iu are supporters of "-My Policy"
in Nebraska :
Fiom ihe eUctions winch liave oc
curred since tint Coii-ttiutional Amend
mem was adopted by Congress for lhe
retonstruclion of tbe Soutiiern States,
Wd are satisfi.-d that that amendment
- n hecome Hie oasis of oouifitrn resto
ration thai il will carry and it curried
bit all t e .Vorthti u Stele tlediotis yet to
cunie, and that with A w Jersey leading
ojj it v:ul Le ruttjied Ly t.'icni all and
The third section of the Constiiu-
lonal Amendment proposed by the
39ih Congress, says:
No shall b a Senamr or
Representative in Congress, r elector
of President, or hold any office, civil
or military, under the United States,
or any Siate, who having previously
taken an oath. a a member of C on
grrss. or a an n(ficr f the United
State., or as a member of any State
Legislature, or an executive or judi
cial officer of any Stat-, to support the
Constitution of the United States, shall
have engaged in insurrection or rebel
lion Bcainst the same, or given aid or
comfort to the enemies thereof. Rut
Congress may by a vote of two-thirds
of each House, remove sucri disability.
Now. what is there wrong about tin
clause? Is there a loyal man who
would ask less than this? Does Mor
ton, the copperhend candidate for Con
gress, say that this clause is unjust?
Let us see what "My Policy" and its
supporters say in relation to this matter.
They say that if a man is pardoned he
is loyai ; and A. Johnson says . that
whenever 'oyal meu (or such at he
has seen fit lo pardon) are sent to Con
gres they r;ii.-&7 be admitted to seats.
Under tin- rule Jrff Daiis could be in
ttie United Siatrs Senate at its next
se.-sion. AH thai is necessary is fur
Johnson to grant him a pardon and for
the Legislature of his S atn to elect
htm. We ask in the name of common
honesty, is. this a safe policy lo rest the
destinies of this nation upon? A pol
icy winch does not allow one particle
of power to the legislative department
of the government, but makes th" Ex
ecutive an ab-clute dictator. Th en
dTseme:H of this policy would brir.o
every lending relel back into Congress
or, at least, woul I deprive the law
making power or the loyal people of the
country from taking any steps to pre
vent their coining. D ies one suppose
Courtri 'l.t, Isaac Wilrs. Wm Stadel-
niiuiii, M. D id re, W. D. Port:r, M
L. White.
. Rode Bluffs John Stafford, D. Cole, hf s0, we would ci e the n to Mavor
Johnson would not pardon the-e Uad-
ing rebels in order to make them loynl;
era'd Isle, willing that these men of become part and pared of the supreme
the South should have double the voice U-tw of ihe land. Nor have we any tear
I nere is ooth-
youhave in this, the govern.nent of ihe. consequmces. There is noil
, T, ,. in, after ail, so very cbicctional m th
vour choice If you are you will vode , . , T, ,
1 33 aintnimeni nothino- wlncli Presidei
io sus-.nin ihe policy ct Andrew Jonn Johnson himself lias not, at one time
mm. If vu are not. you will vole to or another, recommended to om
tisiuin the Congress of the United
Sia es. You must determine on the
'Jth of October. Think well before
you determine.
IlaYe taken as sudden a Ihghi "to
wards the western and southern por
tions of the Territory'' as did the mon
strous Morion last summer when David
was alter mm. iney cam to xe-
braska Ciiy. wliere S nator Titayer
and Col. Irish challenged them to a
Southern State vr to Congress, and
nothing upon which there shuuld have
beeu a disagreemeni between the
President and Consresj.
This amendment is the re-
cot struc.ion plan and platform of Con
gress, and there is no god itason. we
Hy, why it should not have been adopt
ed alsj by the President, inasmuch as
he stands committed in soon shape to
all its provisions. If carried in
these lomin-; October and November
elections as we predict it will be, from
Ma.-sachusttts and New l ork west-
waid we trust that the Admini-tra
joint discussion before the people, and tmn. ia deference lo the will of the
people, will come hack lo it. ny not
Sureiy this amendment engrafted upon
ihe Coiisiitu'ion will be amply sufficient
for the n&toralion of the Union, inter
nal titace. sectional harmony and ihe
security of the Government, and the
freasuty tor many generations to
come, against all dis'.uttin"; factions of
either section. Parson Iirownlow, in
agreeing in the invitation to proceed
with them to the points already adver
tised. To this these redoubtalle he
roes of ihn bread and-butter brigade
paid no attention. Another and an-
o hr invitation was sunt. Lockwcod,
said he would reply as soon as he could
The Copp -rhead party is acting up
on ihe principle that party power is ol
greater importance than the restoration
cf the States. They do not.nnd dare
not, attempt to show wherein the Con
etiiutioi al Amendment prcpo.-ed by
Congress it unjust Not a copperhead
paper ia Nelrsaka has ever dared to as-
t. ..
aeri mat it was opposeu to tne princi
ples embodied in ihat Amendment, yet
we find them rrrayed against its rati-
flci'.ion; ntid why? Simply because it
do-js not plac-3 the power of the govern
nif?nt in 'Iieir hands. Naw let us takt
a scnitl- viw of this matter, and see
who ii opposing the restoration of the
State?. Let the States ratify tl is
ArnT.Jiiier.t ar,d ihey can ail be reprp
fented i:i the halli of Congress at the
r.txl session of that toby. Now it there
is nothing unjast in this amenduiet t,
why don't these copperheads, who are
o fierce for souiheru msrnbers to be
admitted, favor its ra ifijation ? Sensi
ble people cannot arrive at any other
conclusi-m linn that their desire for
party power is greattr than liieir do-eir-
for th-r res-tr-ra.iori of the Slates,
confer wiih Paddock No reply being lending off wi'h the State of Tennes
received, and Senator Thayer not see for the ratifica ion, has shown that
wishinu them to e.-caoe so easily, he a S' thing ""y !oiie y a bad
' . v .- i - - "
seui .iiio iici iron invi'.nii; mc i criiuiv il- ry, , i . i y i
b Tennetsee shou.u thus lead off tor this
ed Secretary to a joint discoa-ion at amendment is a very remarkable and
Nebraska City on Thursday evening sigt ficant fact that New Jersey should
To this he received no an-wer, although
his invitation. ;as had been all th
others was handed direct to ihe chal
lenged party. Paddock and Look wow
ft und the thing was getting loo warm
for them ; and, not daring to meet trie
issues before the people, they quietly
hitched upth-ir bread-and-butter horse
and hurriedly left "towards the south
ern and western portions cf the Terri
lory." We learn that Messrs. Thayer
and Irish propose following them and
renewing the challenge at every print
where they stop long enough to get a
letter to them ; and if they do not ac
cept, the challengers propose making
next follow is ulnn'si as strange; but
from good or bad designs, thus started
the amendment will surely go through
I he l'resifleni quarrel and rupture
wrh Congress was un unfortunate mis
take. Fmm recent tv;nts. South and
North, ii i- ilear that ii will j.rove a
Jatal blunder torus administration, un
less he abandons it as ihe l-sue before
the people. '!! old contest in Eng
land betwee King und Parliament are
full of instruction on ihis subject.
A. Roberts, Howard Allen, Samuel
Chandler, R. J Clinkenbeid.
Eight M He Grove IJ. Au-iin, A. C.
Mc Ma ken.
Salt CrceliJ. A. McKimmon-, C.
Louisville J. T A. Hoovt r,2 votes.
H'ccping Water A. Carniuhaei, 2
Monroe, of New Orleans a rebel of
the very worst hi ri p who was par
doned in order iha he might be al
lowed to officiate as Mayor. Congress
asks, by this Amendment, ihav these
leading rebels be not allowed in Con
cress until that body, by a two thirds
vote, ha!l conclude they nre repentant
or the' peace of the government will
On motion, the report itas received I not be endangered by admitting them.
and adopted.
The committee on resolutions re
ported the following, which were
adopttd wi houl a dissenting voice
Resolved, That we, the delegates of
the Republican Lnion voters of Cass
county, in convention assembled, do
her by endorse and re-atiirui the pl.ti
form of principles adopted by the Ter
ntoriiorial and Slate convention held
at Brownville on the G;hini
Rejoiced, That no person shall be
Which pmu do you favor?
To I lie Ele ctors uf .ebraLa
In order to avoid difficulty and run-
fusion in conducting the approaching
election, the undersigned r.-pf ctfuily
recommend to the voters and election
boards of the Territory, that but one
ballot box and one set of officers be.
t inpoiyed al each poll. The first sec
tion of the schedule to the Sta'.e Con
stitution is as follow.-.'
Thai no irirnriveiiirnrp mnu aruii
nominated by this conven'.ion who docs frBiI1 change of lerntorn.l govern-
not iuuy anu uueqimociuv Al'"' ient to a State rrovernment. it is de-
himself in favor of the Constitutional
Amendment propo-ed by the 3'Jth
Congress for adoption by the State
Legii-l itures of the United Males, and
who likewi.-e promises in his accept
ance of siid nomination lo vote for
dared that all rights, suits, action-
prosecutions, judgements and recog
nizances, claims and contracts, both as
respects persons and bodies corporate,
shall continue and be enforced as if
no change had taken place, and all
and support said Uonsti-uiiouai Amend- , f , n rei,iaill :-. f..r..e
ment whenever ihe occasion requires U(lll aired, amended, or appealed by
him so to do. ,he Legislature; Provided, Wherever
Unsolved, That we hereby pledge lhe wrd Xenitorv -hall occur, it shall
ourselves, cohecively aud individually, be construed to mVan State, whenevr
to give a hearty support to whoever n may be n-.cei.iaryt in order that such
may ue tne nominees vi tins iunni- aws mav collonfl l0 x State Eov-
joii-yj.v-i icuto:ci.
As Ai.dy Johnson desires to siand
upon his record, and n?ki when he de
parted from the course he f jimeily
pursued, we present the following ex
IMC s from iho record:
' ' In my opinion, evil-doers should be
punished. Treason is the htglies.:
ci i in-' know n in the catalogue cf crimes
Hint for him that is guilty of il toi
him ihat i willing to lift hi impious
liat d against the authority of lhe nation
1 would say death is too ea-y a pun
ishment. My notion is that theason
MUST BE PC N I s II EI) A N D I M CO V t K t - II 1 l .
thfir social power broken, that ii?e
may be made to feel the Jpenally i !
their crime. You. my friends, hac
iraiiors in your very midst, and trea.-on
needs rebuke and punishment here a
well as elsewhere.
Hence I say this: Tin halter to iit-
lilt LI. A bllts 1 WOULD 1IANU. 1 hold,
too, thai wealthy traitors should be
made to remunerate those mV n who
have sufferred as a consequence of
iheirerime, Unrni ineji who have l ist
their property, who have been driven
from their homes, beggars and wan
derers among strangers. Let us com
mence the work. We have put down
these traitors in arm-, lei us put them
down in law. in public judgement und
iu the morals of the world.' Speech
in Washington, Jlpril '3d, 1SG-3.
"The American peopl; must be
taught, if ihey do nol already feel. thai
punished; that the Government will
not always bear with enemi- s ; thai
n i strong, not only to respect tin to
punish. When we turn lo the criminal
code and examine the caialogiie of
cr.mes, we find there arson laid down
a a crime with its nppropi nite penally;
we find there theft and robbery and
mttder given as crimes ; and there, too,
we find itie lat and highest of ciimes,
treason. With other and inferior of
fences the pecple are familiar. J'at
in our peaceful history treason has boni
almost unUnown. The people must
understand ihat it is the iilackiist
of crimes, and will be sureiy j. unished.
Let ii be engraven on every heari that
treason is a crime, and ihnt trai'ors
shall suffer us penalty. While we are
appalled, overwhelmed al lhe fall of
one man in our nnd.-t at the hand of a
traitor, shall we allow men, I care not
ly what weapons, to attempt the life of
ihe State with impunity? While we
strain our minds lo comprehend the
enormity of this assassination, shall
we allow the nation to be assassinated'
Speech io the Illinois Ddrgaiin i, lf'i
.tpril, 1S6'3, three days after the Presi
denfs murder.
'J lie time has come when toe peo
ple: should be taught to undersuind the
length and breadth, the depth and
heigth i.f in ason. Treason
is a crime, not a mere political u it c r
ence, not a mere contest of two j urties,
in which one succeeds and thu other
has simibv failed. If ihev had site
cueeded, the life of the nation would
be reft from it the L'nion wc ;;M have
been destroyed. Sorely the: (Jousti'o
tion sufficiently defines trt a . l-j. It
c tisis s in levying war t."i
United Suites iitiJ in giving the!,
mies aid and comfort. With int., d li
union it requires the exe:cie of :.o
great acumen lo ascertain who nr-
traitors. Il iequireg no great ptrtp
tion to ascertain who have levied war
against the United States; nor dots it
require any great stretch of reasoning
io a-certain who has given aid to the
enemies of the United Slates ; and
when the Government of the United
States doet ascertain who are ihe con
scious and intelligent traitors, the ten
Jlddress to Loyal Soult erners, jlpril,
a de'.-i.dci.. ytqi.n the 1 .h.ral (,,v
ernment, or does ho Hand uut as a
separate G...-!-M,in ,, ? Lvl -M: (,,.
Louisiana, for w' i,-h v.. pa d l.j,(i(.i0
WO, wn- a I em., ,iy ;.,r a iiuin'
b'l of year-. V .-. a 1 Jt j,
a lu l l u- d r th- j in-do-iuri
of il; L i :t. d S .. t.
Louis'ii in into t hi " f 1 1 i a s
Mippoao we h i 1 1 1 0- d t
he not si.i
the pio'.tcti.n of
Dot now. it she ha-
- a Slite.
a -..'in 1 1 her.
t i in in.. .! uc.,1- r
I'nit. .1 Sin'e-'
the r-.iwer to wiiii
draw I'n lii the I n. n.tii r.- slu n t pi
back to th' ccniiii .:i in which she u.i
befei e w e admit te 1 her i:r.o the Ui.. :.
In wi.r.t ; o-iiU'ii ,J -i
sei: : u n t;.
at first Tei rrorn
tlotl W I II II, S t Wi-i-r ,. t 0
c'afC her
e I,. i h W' I
CC l C t:,rr C.JIU cr.
:i w rli u, s G ver .Mio-i.t
ihey r. ,!
i in cond, iir. '
-- l- f'i. I'-C'l.
ffl to
ie'.ter. Il i,
i the sum . f
tons in.ral
pn-s b it.k into tii '1'. Ti r
Sjeech in lhe ,S :i ..-.
EJOrVS 'io TlSs; l;y.i iios
r ;
ii i: i: ll II-.;' .i i r. i ..i ;; '1 3
lhe 1 rc-s -i.'ent. T. Her..!!
i Ins l l.'.e r .: , t t
vulual.iti ;it ic.isi. ii, , n
in- imn-s. v.mcli .-aow tl,,. ul ,ft c-.f
ne cpii.itin, and i;,,- ir 'ni.'n.l
jiresitirc i f th.- ' I -.'a.,- ,:,
CHUSS8 contr; ilii'g it. Wc ntjaid t.'.o
contest betwt en t:i- P.-i".iJi.t .'ir.d Cor.
Cress as viitually d t : !-d ly Miioj-.
We bow la the j.i ..! i', p,.
pie of tho niighiy N.-rih. nod we u-,it
that ih l'lesbhit will s't :: l.i c;ur-j
accci ,!;.; ly."
- - - - ; I,
Cuu-Aeo, -j :. -J..- Th- j'. l'.i.col
HoTi'.-t n. -w c. i. r. -pers
'i ui tin. ii I I
Wctd. P.aym. i. !
ii.T.-.tic Regu-in-j ii !
that th I) ii i,l hi
, e t tV
1 .1 ,
i-c'.v 1 otlt;
ell 'I 1.1, 1 leW
r.,... Dem
iioi. -I ihal't'e
t s ba e shew;;
bad faith tv,.;,i tl.o I . i i .4 1 1 '; h
form, a n i t!;.; i
V l.ave i j inlia;. ,! ii.
e v s I.O'a I tq-,uj4 y.
un i 1' hi i
Hi i it
:' I III -
e- n
l.a- I
ii.i. i il h.ii
1 Ii-.- Ti 'lies
! I y n in, k
it. ll-r
;n gave
I v i t i i s
The Wo; I.i and
mot; J that i.'.ey rt,n't w ml
,!a i: oi'm. Iv.j i..ciiji! rem
vvn a fi :-: t.p 1. ;. .-,- fi :n
Cl'iit.c I i l ; : 1 o n.o'.'tl
viritia ly c n.f'.'.i . 1 1 .at h-swmdl-'d.
Th-. inanl'i' 1 f I) m h:
fall' 11 in .lo'.iri Moil y.
says H-.'ii:uuu w::. i.. n:;: at,
and i i;:t t'.ir if. ! iri.
aid rc: i- s ,!i ,; ;h )
',1'YJM'. ) V-.te-s I 1 Ne.v YoS
ago. . no t'.at ll.-y d. n t w i,,t I .inl.1 opt
recruits, nioch I s.-, to in a!.e bankrupt
recrtn's. The leaders A their cclumii,
Jin M jrii-ey. Hen. woad. Turner,
i' Wood and J iiiipi Drooli br,
critjiiiJiif s for Coiq-rcss in their tevti
al d : ti ict, v.nt! it U doubtful if tli-y
allow I", ivtn oni lo run at nil. Tlf
Ti;'.; 's tv.y-i li.e i) ;,;;.'cias. iri5iea-i t,i
pat::oricaiiy s'lr-f min.r i-) Pi esjdr ii' ,
as ihey pr itni- i lo .1 iho plat
form mail. ill t .r, I :no now mj.l a
hold p-n-h f'.r ..'.. r on t!.' ir own a.
coLii.t, and il. y wi'li..,'. n;;! c-o'-l
net to s ct d
I i a I t. K"
il it 1 : , ....
I r.t r p I :i I,., If 5
1. i .- " !, 1
i o m.' a i
tfi ,V,'i o (ui
i' i.l
,.d i ;
r -. j :
-1 ;--:.. I i
l: i i i m r
'. i :.J i' ,'iit r k-a II-.ij W
i.) 1 .1.4 k :..II . 11 ,1j
,1 , n
'. J HI.
I 14 1,1
; v
a tj r- -r?
On motion, the convention proceeded This provision would seem to b am
to lhe selection of a candid ite for pie in the premises, and to fully war
The Memphis 1rgu. said in lSGl :
"We. would like to see Andrew
Johnson's lying tongue turn from hit
foul mouth and hi miserable carcass
thrown out to poison mad dogs, or
i - i i
speeches lo lhe same a.diences that """B .uP'in a ns ' Hainan
luieru r,ju v,ll 1 lull UUtilllU".
they do. after they have closed. Poor
Pad ! He should learn a lesson from
the State of Maine, where four ut of
th-i five candidates on the Copperhead
ticket were renegade Republicans, and
The same paper says in 1S63:
"The iron firmness, the undismayed
soul, of a single man Andrew John
son i all thai s ands l tween u and
the fatal vortex of anarchy and result
ant rfesnri! im. ivhii h ha i r-rr n ! r,l,.-
were beaten by ihe largest majority lhe i,re9 and fon,, e f 7
ever given in the State.
before us. Let rally up to ihe side
Councilman or Senator for Cass coun
ty, which resulted in the choice of
Lawson Shelden.
On motion, th-t conven i n proceeded
to select a candidate for Joint Council
man for Cass, Lancaster, Saline. Sew
ard and Saunders cjuiitiJs, which re
suited iu the choice of J. E. Doom.
Mr. Doom called for, said he
heartily and fully endorsed the reso- PaP?r-
lutions adopted by this oiiventmn. and
also the platform adopted by ihe Rrowu
vi le convention; not only in le ter, but in
spirit; and pledged himself 10 faithfully
carry out the principles therein con
tii ned.
The Convention then proceed- d to
rant dispensing with a separate board
and bail'.t box for the State and Terri
torial tickets
We therefore earnestly recommend
ihi- plan to the electors of Nebraska
as one which is equally fair loall polit
ical" interests; and also one which is
calculated lo prevent mi.-apprherisions
and errors.
U th tickets, with their appropriate
heads, ihoold be on the same slip of
Chairman Republican Central Com
Chairm in Democratic Central Com.
From lhe New York Herald.
Whatever may have been the real
seiect four candid ites for Members of j causes however, operating to bring
the House of Representative.-, which about the extraordinary res ilts of ihis
I . Chdpio. Isaac ,iles. A. B Fu ler RaCY and cONSKRYATIVKS
On motion, the convention proceed- We apprehend that, as in ail our polu
ed to seler-t a ranrfidaie for Cotintv ' al contests of the past of a national
"In the work of peconstruction
1 say thai the trniiur I.a
ceased to be a citizen, and in joining
the rebellion lias bec-uns a pul die en
emv. He forfeited ins right io
ment. Speech at Yashvi!le, June 9i,
math:.; .o:ss.
( r-.i'. to J. Pare IAS .,.)
I'l.ATi-..: rrti, Ne.
Ke';, cj;,.-la;,t:' un h,. t 3 K-'' ll1il- a f
J oil ii so 11 on Ilie Tlicory of He
Construct ion. i
53" The woru of re building that of t,iat. mn, determined to save cr per
part of the Smithsonian Institute at ,st w,t the Kepuhlic
Washington wa destroyed by fi.e, is
progressing slowly. The laige north I Jf-iSThe rebels ask the immediate
ern ttwers have been rebuilt with fire- lfulfilment of their bond wi-h Andrew
proof floors, and n wrought iron roof, J Johnson since the Phi adelphia Con
100 feel lom? and 00 wide, covered I vention. Tfi Ri -hin i d Times of the
with slaifng, will soon be erected on 22d, preemiorily demands the uncon-
the mai:i build ng-. It is intended ihat diiional release of tin "pure, unselfii-h
m m .1 t.afff . I . . . . . -
J r'jcu p U' me nje, uvyno.'i l lMy the whole fdnlce, when completed, ncble, Ghri-nan hero, sta'esman and
rfrc': aM'ir.' ' ; hall fire-procf. soldier," JefTerton Davij
Commissioner for the 3J district, winch
resulted in the choice of A. Carrni
On motion, a County Central Com
mittee was appointed by the Chair,
consisting of one member front each
precinct, as follows: Platt-miouth, II.
D. Hathaway. Chairman; R-ck Bluffs,
Geo. L Sciboii; Liberty. N G. Doug-:
Avoca, Amos Teffi ; Weeping Water,!
E. L. Reed; Mt. Pleasant, S. M
Kirkpatrick; Eight .Mile Grove, Saml.
Richardson; Louisville, J. T. A. Hoo-1 elections of October and November.
character, the result in Maine indicates
ihe general drift of ihe dections coming
ajier u throughout the J orlhern Stales.
The pro-pect now of a Conservative
majority in the next Congress is very
doub'ful; ihe prospect of another Rad-j
ical Congress 13 better than it has ap
peared at any time since December
last In short, this Maine election of
1S6G wi'l pmbablv mark another new
chapter in our political history, and
perhaps auether re-organ:zation cf f ar-ti-
and another reconstruction of party
platform's for the Presidential election.
beginri'ng with iho rlos-j of ths coining
"Uui, sir, there is another question
liiat suggests itself in this connection.
Kansas, during the last Congress, np
plied for admission into the Union.
She assumed to Ue a State, and the dif
fi' uhy m her way v as a prevision in
her -Jonstituuon and tin; manner of its
ndopiion. We did not let Kansas in.
We did question h'r being a State;
but on account of th' manner of form
ing her Constitution and its provisions
we kept Kansas out. What is Kansas
now ? Is d)e a Sta'.e or is she a Ter
ntorj? Does she revert back to her
Territorial conauion of punnage? Or.
having been a State, and . having ap
plied for admission and ben refused,
is she standing out a State? You holl
her as a Territory; you hold hrr as a
province. You pretence the made of
electing Iht rr:e ubers of her Lgis!a
ture, and pay them out cf your own
treasury. Yes, she is a province con
trolled by Federal authority, and her
laws are m ide iu conformity with the
ads of Congress. Is she not a Ter
ritory? I think that he is.
Suppo.-e the State of California withdraw-
from thu Union. We admit ed
her. She was territory acquired by
the United State, by our blood and
treasure. Now suppose she withdraw.-1
from ihe Confederacy; doe she pass
back into a territorial condition, remain
and every hing !n the li-.e.
of all kn.d-.
Wanted :; I i ,.
' us a c I'i.
C'A A'i V
11 Ilu'.t';?, V A'.-
. 0 ,t i.1 is.,.
To City and Town ship Hoards if Ed
veal ion :
Ity app' irr i.t tU- c- ,;.- CVr.V Owe-. i'ltti
tiioiitl,. fi . '., ou will I. f.rn:!.ti Wi-i,al. bhm.
ry olank - f ,r 1 oi.r ,.!, 1. , .- I. ,,i It j,.,. i, i,,c i,.iir
U.unkf f ' '1 ccii- r ! p i-1- ; .'-, bla .k c :rt brtu-i
or F.t'-ctioti ai.d blab I, . d. f -,4f ,w h .n I
1) t--1 r 11-t oli. ;e-. I'i;j'e ';, J J our ;,'. ., tba
iii.U-st pr ictiCi-ila luoi.i ,.t,
P. i IT k LOCK,
f 1 1 2: Z .v. C0.11.ty Clerk.
iMont;oinciy Cc Villaras
Pott Office Bui! lint, Pluttvmoth..Y. T.
V'o Up j, - n-U:,t'y n :.l a joeJ uf-crun'-'.t of
etc:, etc., etc.,
VfOIVn.) Ci A CALL ! Tl.e :-!ch..inin it.
Wny'a La:i y out. J"I4.
A(IisBi:2i-tr:iioi'! ulc.
Nr t. e i ' t cTtty e v-T Cn: tfcw !.! hoai -l at
iixil'l. j n'l'-t , , -, on " '.'.'.-' 0 tY. i!,e ' :i .'at of Or io-
or, l-'jO, nirj llu..,, of s.uiy St V. lk-r, ! sa.
C'tt t 11I. I sn 1'icaT, Neoinaitt, tt,e f i.iifn'J
icr-ori:iI pr k, ! '-y, to-w:: ;
000 head cf sheep,
3 wcr'c inares,
1 iidiion. 3 years old,
8 foor year o: i m
1 lis, spring's rnul ; cc!t,
1 jack, iy yi;;rs 11,
3 yoke 3 year oid ca'.'.le,
6 coivs,
2 yearling ca!v.j-
3 spring calve?,
Alao. to of A; Tie i t'i'il Irr ,,ti ioul. nuito!J
Fa, o.t e. It it, -, , ir.' A , at
PLATTSMOUTH, on Saturday
t:e 1
be-. It -.
1 thM :
th d:.y f:
s.T", a lot of llftuvrho'd
b - ' .iL. Tale,St r!,
a.j 1 iron aa:e, l.nn.-
i . D if.' V of i ll.-
j. w:r.
A 1 .1 r - I rf f. A, S.irvy. de:'(l
r'S't l,1-'. ' -ra.?1'..